THE NEW AGE, POKTUVND, OREGON Siii&sTitSiiSit&AiiSSHSi ?4&AA7ii8'tiigi i TOPICS OF THE TIMES Bays n woman: "I cnro not who dccn tlio thinking ho long (in I am penult ted to do the talking." Lincoln StciTens Ih looking for n model city. It Ih ii pleitHuro to refer him to thu New Jeni-mlem. Ih married lovo nn Illusion? Not no Ityig iih tlio grocer nml the butcher undorHtnnd tlint everybody Is pros porous. King Leopold thinks ho Is a much nbiibud man. Ho ought to bo thankful that there Is no International whip-ping-post Sir Thomas Upton speaks In high pralso of tho American hotels. This may bo accepted as a sure sign that ho Ih coming back. A New York man who 1 1 veil on JW cento n day left a fortune of $L'00,000. Ills hulrs will doubtless agree thut he Ih better off dead. The man who cut off IiIh right hand beeouso It offended him, It Is needless to say, was a Illlilc reader who accept cd nil statements literally. A Clnclnnntl church congregation has decided to pay thu pastor's wife a monthly salary. Hereafter there ought to ho no buttons missing from his clotlies. Ono of the dramatists threatens to write a play around the fuel fnmlno In tlio Northwest. It Ih a mtfo cues that tho villain will have u beard and bo bald-headed. Kvcn the heroine who by waving her red petticoat saved tlio fast express from destruction has had to give up her pass. Thuu do tho slim of tho un just fall upon tho Just - ' Tho Chine, It Is said, mako It a point of honor to pay nil their debts on tho first day of January. That'H tint day wo begin Inventing now ex cuses for not paying ours. A Fronch professor says ho Is fol lowing up clews that will reveal to him tliu mystery of the creatlou of plant life. Ho followed up a strong scent when ho chased down tho onion. "Don't cheer, boys," plaintively ex claims tho New York World, "poor 'thru' Is dying I" Still, let us not mourn. It was too feeblo nnd deform Ml to have withstood tho buffo tings of this rudo world. Some statistician has found that bur glars stole from tho various banks In this country during tho past year a to tal of $I,K!7. He, of course, refers only to tho thieves who, broke In from thu outsldn to do their stealing. Although said to be "richer than Rockefeller," Mr. We erlmusor bihmiis to bo permitted to pursue tho even tenor of his wny, principally because ho rvfrlnns from lecturing his fellow men on Imhv to bo happy though strug gling for ii living, "Veterans of Industry." A pretty phrase and prettily employed. It Is what tho Danes call tho old people of good record who are forced to apply to tho authorities for help. No shame at taches to such application; no Ignoble deH'iidenco, corroidvo of self-respect, attends tho llfo which follows. Huch a person enters the homo as a sort of government pensioner. Dreadful sturles are told about tho Czar N'lcholas suffering nervous pros tration, hut tliero Is not a syllablo of wcll-autlicutlcatcil evidence that the iiumenuts ass.issliiatlous of the Russian terrorists have aiiiellornted lu any way the condition of the Russian Hple. The only effect seems to ho the adop tion of sterner and still sterner re pressive measures. Assassination Is homcthlug that people seem to get hab ituated to so that they do not mind It. In tho library of tho Navy De-tart meat Is a vast quantity of valuable documents waiting for the man who shall write the hlatory of tho American nuvy. Here are many unpublished let tors of ottlcers uud secretaries und all maimer f technical Information about the growth of thu battleship and tho development of naval ordnance. Cap tain Mahan, the greatest authority In the world on naval history, hus said that ho U too old to begin the work. Perhaps It will not be tx'guii, jtorhaps till that material will lie untouched, until iiiiio ono of our ymmg readers Is grown up and competent to do Jus tice to the subject. Nevr In tlio liUtory of ciluentlon wiik tlu're mioli u frenzy umonn tMuoa torn to mid eournea of titmly In the ul llo c1iih)Ib iih todny, That tins liml tho nut lira I .fTect of physical niul men till Injury to childhood which It U now the deslro to overcome. Kducutora Intve found thitt little Inxlloa and little bratiiH suivuinli to the Htmln the theo rists lme put upon them nnd the inih lie Hhool KynmMlum In the result. Children Instinctively resort to the kind of physical eiercUo best united to them If they are allowed to play e.ut lu the (len air, Till Is the very best iKidlly trnluliiK they can linve. If the modern educators would not require bo much home ttudy of tho children the latter would not need pto'lcul culture during school hours. Rut this nppcara to bo entirely overlooked In present day systems. Tragically appropriate as the climax to a year of appalling rallrond mortal ity was mo cauisiropno or uoc. m, Teacher Johnny, what Is tlio fufuro 1000, wherein more than fifty passon- t(,118c, or ..,1l. drIlkBy. johniij- (prompt- gcrs were killed. The explanation was .. i,,'B jmnij the usual one, with which the traveling . TeIlc,iepwm;Pt cnI1 you tc Ino ,v, KSteA"Jy..''o multiplication table stops at 127 The night was foggy nnd there.. ...... ... . ' -; was n mistnko In the signals. Ilfiicc the collision. Tho much praised block syftem lends Itself too readily to mis taken signals, with their grim sequel of lives sacrificed. Safeguards that do not safeguard are coming to be n pret ty costly and gruesome farce. "Oper ating efficiency" Is n braggart word with tho American railroad mnguatc, and It Is true that, mh factories for con centrated profits, our railroad systems have reached a wonderful perfection, e(unlled only by their achievements ns u universal Juggernaut, says Mils way's. With grain rotting on the ground In tho Northwest for Inck of shipping facilities, with half a dozen States freezing for coal while cars for the carrying of that commodity arc tangled In oxtrlcnblo confusion, with high railroad officials bawling out ex planations that explain nothing, and excuses that a schoolboy could excel for Inventiveness, with tiro slaughter of helpless passengers going on day after day, tho present methods of operation aH devised and controlled by the "mas ter minds" of railroading are matter, not for glorification, but for mourning and repentance. Didn't It Bound as though tho father wero speaking through the son? To nn eagor Sunday school class In Clove land John I). Kockefellcr, Jr., paid: "You should thank flotl that you havo to struggle along for your dally bread and thus nvold tho temptations and re sponsibilities that the possesion of wealth creates or produces." If the young nnd wlso Mr. Kockefellcr thinks poverty Is such a blessing why, In tho nnniu of all the saints at once, dotsn't ho try to get rid of tho more than Just proKrtlon of tho world's money which ho possesses? If wealth Is such n eurso why Ii ho training himself to add to thu Inordinately largo holdings of his family? Tho troublo with young Mr. Kockefellcr Is that he Is trying to npo his father nnd with long drawn fuco nnd sanctimonious deprecation durldo tho possession of wealth whllo bend ing nil his energies to add to his gold en store. How docs thu young Mr, Kockefoller know It Is more blessed to b poor than rich? If he Imagines! tho squalor of tho garret Is preferable-'luxury. to tho luxury of a mnuslon why doesn't he try It for a whllo? If lid can rind mora Joy In gnn,wlug tough flank steak than porterhouse smothered with mush' rooms, wliy doesn't he order flank t.teak from his butcher? Of nil tho mushy 'who never wore n pair of ImotH twice, talk nbout the sorrows of riches nnd insisted on exquisite, cameos as decora tlio Joys of poverty the Rockefellers ' tlous, hut ho forbade women to wear deal out the mushiest. Poverty Is not a ;k.hh attached to their shoes. High crime and It's a long ways from being priests wero coquettish ulso lu this man it blessing. Wo are all that Is, If wo 'nor. Alelhlndes Invented n hoot that nre worm mo riowiier to blow ns up with striving to eseapo from Its .piiint clutches mid lay up n competence for old ago and for our children. Wo tiro striving to earn n little more nml tao n little more to-day than wo did yes terday. Wo wnnt our children to Ih) bettor dressed than wo wero In our iKiyhnod days. And up and down this sad old earth there Isn't u normal man or woman who would not gladly for salfo tho Rockefeller theory of Joy In poverty for tho temptations nnd re- spoiisimiities mat tlio possession of great wealth produces. Tho Tuurlt of Nut lire. There Is n cleanliness" which Is too clean, and Is then bareness. This Is recognized by the nrtlst-phllosophers In Japan whoso aim Is to make tho homo llfo sweet nnd beautiful. Artistic ninn ners In Jnpan begun with tho etl (juotte of tea-ilrluklii)', round which has developed a domcHtle ritual. It ex pert devotee aro called ten-mnsterH. Some of tho tea-mnster havo been very (rent artlHta and the founder of dchool of pnlntlnf. Ono of these was Ulklu. A story, told of him lu the lit tlo "Hook of Tea," written by a Jap aueeo author, Okakuni'ICakuzo, Illus trate tho tca-manter' Idea of cleault lies. Ulklu wns watching his Hon Shoau ns ho nwept and watered tho garden pntli. "Not clean enough," aald Hlklu, when Stionu had tlnlslied his task, and bado him try again. After a weary hour tlio son turned to Hlklu. "Fattier, there Is nothing inoro to bo done. Tho steps have been washed for tlio third time, the stono lanterns and tlio tree are well sprinkled with wa ter, moss and lichens are shining with n freh verdure; not a twig, not a leaf have 1 left on tho ground." "Hoy," chlded the teu-umster, "that Is not the way a garden path should bo awept" Baying this, Hlklu stepped Into tho garden, shook a tree and frcuttered over tho garden gold and crimson leave, scrap of tho brocade of autumn. What Hlklu demanded was not cleanliness alone, but the beautiful and tho nat ural also, Cth Heifer thau Time, "Hnvo you a few momenta to HparoT" "Young man," said tho capitalist, se verely, "my time Is worth $ 100 an hour, but I'll give you ten, minutes," "If it's all the Mime to you," thought fully replied the visitor, "I Mlovo I would rather tako It In cash." rhila delphla Ledger. Tlio good Ulo yount; rvsolutlona. vdiH.clull' good WIT Of THE YOUNGSTERS. l ',,. , . imi. hie Is unlucky. Teacher Now, Johnny, ynu may give me tho definition of "exercise." John ny Exercise Is work what n fellow likes to do because It Isn't work. "They say that I have cut a tooth," Said the Imhc with mournful glco; "Hut If they'd only tell the truth, They'll say the tooth cut me." Teacher Why, Freddie, this excuso doesn't look like your father's writing. Freddie Well, thu next one will look more like It, I guess. Ho says my pen maushlp Is Improving. Small Tommy after being severely chastised by his mother for disobeying her ran to his father and said between sobs: "1'apa, how il-dld you c-come lo ui-marry such u w-woumu as m-mnmma Is?" Mntninn If you had two pennies, Willie, and I wns to give you three more, how much would you have? Wil lie Make It dollars, iniuiimn. What's the use of being stingy with mnkc-be llevo money? A little fellow, nge -I, accompanied his father to Lincoln I 'ark one day. where ho saw a diminutive monkey with whoe playful antics he was great ly pleased. "What did you seo, dear?" asked his mother upon his return home. "A funny little hoy with n tall," replied the small observer. "What's tho mutter, pet?" asked n mother of her .1-year-old daughter, who was crying. ".S-somlln' duendful h happened," sobbed the little one. "Well, what wan It, darling?" iiierled urn mother, anxiously. "My d-dolly dot away f-fwom me an' b-hwokod n d-dlsh In zu p-pnntwy," she sobbed. JEWELS IN BOOT LEATHER. IUnioiiit-Srt Dniirltiw Piiimm Wilt Moon lit Fnalilonitlile Unite It Is said that a mniuifneturlng Jew eler In New York hits Invented n device for setting gems In boot leather; t tin t diamond-net dancing pumps will soon ho tho rage; that diamond-toed boots will eventually bo so common ns not to attract attention In Ilrondwny or lu Ctli avenue. Hero Is merely a return to nnclcnt The "campagus," the most or (Hilary footgear of tho Roman empe rors, was often enriched with pearls nnd diamonds. Itoiiinii women had shoe wlthmles of solid gold, shoes that spar- uji wth precious stones. Ilellogulmliis, became the fashion, but wo believe It was gemless. Let us go through tho centuries, rimrleinagno woro shoes adorned with gems and richly ornamented foot cover ings wero worn by the nobility of I'll rope, both by lords und nohlu dnmca lu tho twelfth and thirteenth centu ries. In thu time of Charles I, of i:ug laud the extravagance was shoe strings edged with gold. I.ouls XIV. wore at his wedding boots adorned with Hours i n ,i drnm lions of cold, hut how did they fit him? Tor tho shoemaker, Lestage, disdained to take tho royal measure. Toward tho close of tlio eighteenth century In Kiiglnnd shoe buckles dazzled with Jowels, A millionaire Is now n erson whoso Income Is it million. A capital of a million Is nothing. When Oeneral Jum iiahuwther took his heat nt the ball Liven In London by tho Peninsular nnd Oriental Company llcdad hi treat, his twit, hi coat, All bleezed with precious mineral. Why should not the suddenly rich, the hcroc of the American nights, more wonderful than the night of Arnbla, break out all over with diamond as iworer mortal with moaslca or tho Mhlnglc? Hoston Herald. To lie IleHllrd. One of the suburb of Chicago Is the slto of a well-known school of thcol ogy, from which go out each week-end many members of the senior class to try their voice n "supplies," A passenger on a Monday morning train was surprised nt the number of than who got off at the station. "What aro all those chaps getting oft hero?" ho nuked the brnkeman. "Them?" asked tho brakeman. "Oh, they're returned empties, for the cob lege." lllatrloulc. There was on tho stago a realistic scene In which n surglcul operation was apparently performed. "Hold on-" cried n voice from the au dience. "Aren't you going to give u soino of that chloroform?" Of course the management was dis pleased, but there Is a point at which realism palls. Philadelphia Ledger. Hereditary, "Your son la a great football player." "Yes; It I hereditary," "1 never heard that his father was a football player." "He Isn't, but ho Is a chronic kicker." Houston Post. Women ciiu uhvuis bco the jolat of s polntleu Joke. HALL PHARMACY CO. Telephone Cast 873 Union Avenue and Tillamook Street PORTLAND OREGON Nob Hill Pharmacy DK.J.J. KlbllKlt. l'rop. Drugs and Toilet Articles. Prescriptions Accurately Compounded G80 Glison Street Tel. Main 845 ELEGANT FLORAL PIECES and Cut Flowers, (.iurden Plants nnd House Plants. Voiy reasonable. CUSTAYE J. BURKHARDT, florist 112 Tweney-triirit St. Phone Main 603. Portland, Ore. A. CORRIGAN Barton, Or., Clackamas River Best Fishing and Hunting Grounds in the Northwest LOUIS SCHUMACHER FURRIER Furs Itcmoilcletl Into Latest Style. Hone, S oles, Ties, for Iob tlinu nt any other place. 185 Madison Streot W II. William A I Cleveland FASHION STABLES Hacks, Livery, Boarding Twentieth and Washington Sts. West End Exposition Bide. I'lione Mnln 13 PORTLAND, OREGON SCHWIND & BAUER Shoe Repairing Machine nml llnnil, Only (londyenr Machlno In Our City. Which mmlu in Order. HliiH'n Culled (or nml Delhured. Telephono I'dclllc'.Vit. 2f9 Yamhill Street PORTLAND. OKKOO.V Thc Portland Hat Works Manufacturer of flNE SOFT AND STIFF HATS Hat. H'ecl, Cleaned ami Worked. Ourspo dully I'anamaa Clc-ntieil anil.lllearticil, Si9'i Aider Hi., hot. Second anil Tlilnl. llranrli. t-J WashliiKlim HI. Portland, Or. ARTHUR LAW furnisher and Hatter "HB MAKES 8HIRTH" m Washington 8'.., Oppoitlo Helllg't Theater PORTLAND, OREGON THE HOUSE THAT GIVES YOU A SQUARE DEAL A. It. ZEI.I.Alt N. I.. MUKM.KII Zellar & Mueller FIIPMITIIPF vjuiii -ul. A Pull Line of Stoves & Ranges SEE US, WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT Phone East 4457 535 Williams Ave, Portland, Ore pictures framed fukhituke ku-aired PHONE EAST 3549 RES. PHONE EAST 2112 H. C. SCHR0EDER The Albina HOUSE FURNISHER HOUSES FURNISHED COMPLETE CASH OR INSTALLMENTS UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING 244, 246, 248 Russell St., PORTLAND COURTNEY MUSIC CO. Band Instrument Stringed Instruments Phonographs Cheap for Cih or Eay Payment!. Latest Popular Songs and Music 25c, Five for 91, postpaid. 10-Cent Sheet Music Postpaid. Standard Classical and Popular Sheet Music, 10c. 88 North Third St., Portland, Or. MALL & VON BORSTEL RCSIOCNT ACCNTS Real Estate and financial Agents GrRMAN ALHANCC INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Or Ntw York. Capital $1,900,000 CONFLAGRATION PROOF -All 8. K. loe paid In full, tenement after payment of 8, r. iotsesi Amcu,; 8urtlut to policy holders, over 7.00,000. AOKNTB HolUdsy I'ark Seronii Addition; Manning's Addition; York Addition; Sulll. van's Addition: W.W. McQulro's Addition; NlcbqUon Addltfon. 104 SoiuJ St., lumber Cschanfc Bide, 1'honu Main 1126 392 fast Burrwld St., 1'lioue tiut Vti THE Continental Casualty Co ot Chicago, Illinois. Paid-up Cnpltul $3oo,ooo Northwestern Dopartniont 5034 Lumber Exchange BWg, PORTLAND, OREGON Tho Urgcst company in the world doing n strictly hcaltlt and accident business. over f..iMU.ouo pain , claimt) to It. It. men nlono. Writes nil clasws of rolicies on all thotlllTorent oo cui'fttlons. includini the )orular II n month iwlicy. Call at tho otlice or phono us and wo will bo ijlad to explain tho different olaui. 1'hono Malu 430d. For fine Wines and Liquor, enll at THE WEST U. IIUIUU8, Prop. Fine wines, Liquors and Cigars I'lione l'tielllcl'SKl 233 N. fourteenth St. 1'OHTI.AND, OUK. NEW ALBINA CAFE PATTEtJON k McDOUGALL. Prop. Fine Wines & Liquors Tho Old Corner Cor. Russell Av. & Albina St. Phone East 4330 Portland, Ore. LODELL'S PLACE A. K. I.OI)i:I.I t'ropiletnr Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars WtIN HARD'S BEER Telephone I'arlflc l!sl in .Minn .MiKutcimi si. PORTIAND, OR. Pioneer Soda Works UUNDKI, IlltOS. CO. Manufacturer of SODA WATER, EXTRACTS, SYRUPS, ETC. Factory, 410 Water Street Telephone, Main 2360 1'OIITI.AKD OltF.dON Crane Bottle Co. Wholesale Dealer In BOTTLES Carry tho larg at (took of Bottles on tlio 1'acltic Const. Mall Order ship ments given prompt attention Office, 14th, and Couch Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON STAR BREWERY NORTHERN BREWERY CO. Brewers and Bottlers of HOP GOLD PORTLAND OFFICE: Corner East Third and Burnslde Streets The Judge Demands the Best" LA TOCO Key yffttX Cigxt EL PATERNO Ten-Cent Leader SIGHT DRAFT King of Five-Cent Cigars -W. S.Conrad iVMi?0,,' Distributor AsiMvvvwjoiKk Airarmsimur PEERLESS SODA CRACKERS MAZAMA BISCUITS Ask your grocer for them nnd tako no other kind if you want tho best. THE TOKE POINT OYSTER CO. 29 Second St., Portland, Or. Tttlephono MAIN 69a Sole finwers of thi Gilibntsd Toke PointOysters An Eastarn Ojrster Transplantad and grown on our bads at TOKELAND, WASHINGTON "UNEQUALED IN FLAVOR AKD FUVeHNE8a" Cannery at South Bend, Wash. Wholesale Dealers In All Varieties of Native Oysters. f o WCE, o BAKIN6 POWDER, FUV0WH0 EXTRACTS fUstlu)tfiry. FIntsrflivor. Ortmietf Sfrnjlh, fitsoivHf FHcmJ CL0SSET6DEVERS sORTLANO, OMON. S2 Sfc.. --wr--- rv PORTLAND COFFEE & SPICE GO. Importers and Manufacturers Tea, Coffee, Spices, Extracts and Baking Powder 24 ann 26 Front Street PORTLAND, OREGON Lewis & Clark Cigar Go. CIGAR MANUFACTURERS Ask for the Celebrated Lewis & Clark Cigar . I2c Sacajawea 10c UNION MADE Phone Pacific 2263 PORTLAND KING & GILMORE Telephone UNION 40C3 Real Estate Dealers Everything in the Best Properties Jersey Street ST. JOHNS, OREGON H. HEINDERSpiN Real Estate 108)1 Jersey Street, ST. JOHNS, OREGON I hnvo choice Diifllnoss nml Ilcstricnco TrnctH In nil porta of tho city. Corr Hponilenco Bollclted from non tusliicnt ownurH of property or those teekliig invcBtiiicnta liero. ABBETT All Kinds of Galvanized Iron and Tin Work a Specialty ALL WORK GUARANTEED NOT TO LEAK Agent for Quaker Mfg. Cos Steel Furnaces 449 Union Avo. North Ehop Phono Knst 0177 Kenltlenco Phono Knst 180S : JAMESTOWN, N. D. j The Seiler Co. OSCAR 'J. SEILER. Attorney-at-Law President Paid Up Capita! and Surplus $35,000 Collections Investments Real Estate Jamestown, North Dakota 11V It Alt. AND WATKII Columbia River Scenery REGULATOR LINE Tho excursion steamer "BAILEY GAT.EK I " makes round trips to CAS CADE LOCKb every Sumlav, leaving PORTLAND at 0 a. m., returning ar rives 0 p. m. Dally hervico between Portland'anil The Dalles, except Sunday, leaving Portland at 7 a. m., arriving nlwut 5 p. in., carrying freight and passengers. F pie mini accommodations tor outllts and livestock. Dock foot of Alder street Portland ; foot of Court ftreat, Tho Dalles, Tele phone Main 014. Portland. ASTQRU&COLUMBU A RIVER RIILR04D CO. Iio Sill Pnsseip Trains Dolly WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS arrwciN Portland. Astoria Seaside LeaTes union ciw. Arrlres. For MsTgert. Hlu tlalljr SibUa.m. ier, t'latskan le Daily. 11:10 a. m. nestpori.ciuton, Astoria, Warren, ton, KJnTeJ, Uear. bart Pitrkaud&a lde. Atorl A StfAthore Lxprt'M pslljr, AMori txproi 7:00 p.m. 9;(0 p. m. ;. A. STKWAHT. '. C. MAYO, CouiUl'lAgt-, 2 Alder St O. r, AKi Telephone Main 9W5. CvSSi