' -X'LU-7 uec C - .V- AXC Pflttlatti , w VOL. XI. POKTLAND, OliEGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 0, 1907. NO. 40. Lr sjuS-1 ,f u I THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF KALISPELL KAUMPELL, MONTANA I). It. I'EEI.Elt, Tret., F. J. LEnKllT, V. I'm., 11. K. WEB9TE11, Cash., W. D. LAW80N, A. Cash. Transacts nKcnornl banking buslners. Drafts ImuoiI, aratlnblo In all cities ol the United Btatos tnj Kuroe, Hong Kong ami Manila. Collections marie on fnvorablo terms. LADD & TILTON, Bankers Portland, Oregon Established In 18W. Trnnnnct ft Gotiernt nnnklnir IhnlncM. Interest nllovrett on 1 1 mo do Pomu. Collections ninilo nt nil points on fnvoniblo term. Lot torn o( Credit Issued nvnlldblo In j.muitu iiiui wiu nHniuru duiic-. Wmhl ntff ntt fhlminn Ut ashtngton, ldnho, Montana and ilrltlsh Columbia rrmnuin nnu nong Kong, hlsht Kxehnnira anil TcloirrAtihleTrnlisrcrs Hold on New York. Louis, Denver, Onmlm, Han Frnnclaco and vnrtuua iiotnts In Oregon, Kzehango sold on London, i'arls, ltarlln, UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK It. W. BCHMEKR, Cashier OF PORTLAND, OREGON. J. C. AINBWOUTH, I'roddont. W. 11. AYKU, Vice-President. a. ai. tYiuuiii', Assisiani wainier. Transacts agcnoral banking business. Drafts Issued, available In all cities o( the United Mates and Europe, Hong Kong and Manila. Collections in ado on favorable terms. NORTHWEST CORNER THIRD AND OAK STREETS. THE PENINSULA BANK ST-JOHNS' ORE- Capital, fully paid up, $25,000.00. Surplus and undivided profits, $3,000.00. Commenced Business June 5, 1005. OFFICERS! J. W. FOltDNEY, President ; It. T. PLATT, Vlco President; C. A. WOOD, Cashier. lIOAHt) OF DIltEOTOItH: J. W. Fordney, It. T. Piatt, F. C. Knapp, W. A. HreHor, 11. L. Powers, Tlios. Cochran, M. I,, llolbrook. C. A. Wood. "Oldest Hank In tho Ktato of Washington." DEXTER, HORTON & CO. Capital 200.()oo p A TVJ lT F7 IO 2. Surplus and undivided Deposits 7,M000 EArIIVIircO prollts, 1125,000 Accounts of Northwot Pacific Hanks solicited upon terms which will grant to thorn tho most llboml acconuuodailnns con-lstont with their (alanccs and responslbllltlps. Wm. M. Lnild, President; N. II, l.ntttnor, Managor; M. W. Pelcrson, Cashier, Seattle, Washington, THE I'IRHT NATIONAL, (SANK OP PORT TOWN8END Established 1Wi2. Collections promptly made and romlttcd. NEWS OF THE WEEK In a Condensed Form lor Busy Readers. Our HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of PORTLAND ORUOON Capital, $-00,000 SurpluH, f,OOQ,000 DupowltH, $13,000,000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK of NorthYaklma, Wash. Xt. M LADD President OmmUml -? Surplum 0180,000 OO UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY CIIA8. CAIIPENTEII Vice President W. L. BTEINWEO, Cashier A.II.CI.INE Assistant Cashier FIRST NATIONAL, BANK Malla Walla, Washington. (First National Ilauk In the.Utato.) Transacts a General Banking Business. CAPITAL 1100,00). 8UHPLU8 I100.UUO. LEVI ANKENY. President. A. 11. ItEY.NOLDH. Vlco President A. It. nUKKOltD. Cashier THE NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE TAOOMA, WASH. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY CmmHml $200,000 Surtlum $300,000 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT OFFICEItB ChcMcrThornc, President? Arthur Albertsnn, Vice President and Cashier; Frederick A. Itlce, Assistant Cashier; Delbert A. Young, Assistant Cashier. JNO. C. AINHWOUTII, Pros. JNO. B. IIAKElt, Vlco i'res. P. 0. KAUFHMAN, 5d Vice Pres. A. U. PltlCllAltD, Cashier. F. P. HASKELL, JK., Assistant Cashier. THE FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY BANK General Hanking CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $390,000 Sole Deposit Vaults SAVINGS DCPARTMCNTt Interest at the Itato ol 3 xr cent per Annum, Credited Bcinl-Aiinually TACOMA. WA8HINQTON AI.FUED C00I.MX1E, Pres. A. F. McCLAlNE Vlco Pres AAltOK KUI1.V, Vice Pres. CIIAS. E. HfllIIIK.lt, Cashier. D. C. WOOMVAUD, Ant. Cashier. THE COLFAX NATIONAL BANK of Colfax Wash. Oapltal, $120,000.00 Transacts n general banking bushiest. Spoclnl facilities for handling Eastern Washington nnd Idaho Items. VANCOUVER NATIONAL BANK Vancouver, Wash. Loading Financial Institution in Southwostorn Washington UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY CAPITAL, 950,000 SURPLUS, $50,000 ASSETS, $1,000,000 LEVI ANKENY President; K. 0. UHAWFOltD, Vlco President; W. P. CONNAWAY, Cashier DlltlHTOHH Lovl Aiiltuii), Harry I.add Corbett, W. P. Crawford, K.O.Crawford, W. W. McCrcdlo THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK csrWtD Mooroheud, IVIInnoHota JOHN LA.MI1, I'resldeut DAVID AHKEOAAltl), Vlco President LEW A. IIUNTOON, t'anler AIITIIUR H.COSTAIN, Asit, Cashier IntorcMt Paid on Time Depoaltti FIRST NATIONAL BANK of East Grand Forks, Minn, Farm Loans Negotiated. l?ro nnd Cyclone Insurance Written. Does a General Hanking Husidess. Capital, A0,000 E.AUNEfcON, I're. 0. K.JACOM Cashier ' 4 Per Cent InturuMt Rnltl on Time DopoMltM the" first Inatioinal, baink OP DUL,UTt1t MINNESOTA. CAPITAL, BOO.OOO SURPLUS 73H,0OO U S. Government UEO. I. Depository. GEORGE PALMEIl President F. L. MEYEKS Cashier CLEAVEIl W. U UHK.S'IIOI.TR Asst. Cashier Asst. Cashier La Grande National Bank LA00n1SSSE Oapltal ana Surplus, $120,000 ,., """vr1,0"8- J- M- totty. A. II. Conlejr, F. J. Holmes, F. M. Ilyrklt, F. I Meyers, Oeo. L The Merchants National Bank Ol St. Puul, MlnnuHota UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital, $1,000,000.00 Surplus, $800,000.00 Trnnsnotjia Konernl bnnlclnsr butslneiu. Correapondenco liivltod I'AitKEH, Cashier; II, VAN VLLCK, Assistant Cashier, A Rotume of the Lest Important but Not Leu Interesting Events of tho Past Week. Tlio Kunenp lcglHlature 1ms voted $10,000 for the Seattle fair. Thoro la u promiso of harmony be tween tho czar nnd tho dotiinu. President Itonllla, of Ilondttras, cliilniH n victory over Nlcnrnguan tl00p'3. A rich copper Htrlke litis been made In Nevada not a greut dleUmco from Tonopah. Jlurrliiinii offero to eo-oporato .with tho Kovorntnent in Buttling the railroad controversy. Thuw's lnwycrfl announco that (ho defento lu throngli. Joromo will (end tho ctiHO to the jury. Tho lions of tho nccenlunco of Swot tonhnm'ri rcnlgnatloii was received wllh rojolclng nt Kingston. Tho attorney genoral hns decided that tho n'W immigration law excludes stato aided immigrants. Four of Portland's largest sawmills nro closed on account of lnlor dilllcitt ties. Nearly tlttecn hundred men aro out. Kallroads In Nerbnskn will comply with tho U'Cct t passenger fnio law, but will not grant n 'special rate of any kind. Tho Hussinn doinna bus opened with radicals in control. Milliner pi edict moro expensive hats foi tliis season. Joromo tloflcd tito judgo in tho Thaw trial and was sternly rubuked. Grovor Cleveland objects to stato re strictions on insurance Investments. Tho Nortncrn Pacific will loe rich timber land through tho now forest re- Hence. Kngland says her navy Is equal to that of any two other nations of the world. Secretary Taft and a number of roil gresHineu nro going to Punmmi, Cuba and Porto Rico. Tho upper houso of the California legislature has voted down the pro posed woman suffrage Tho transport Thomas bin just palled from San Francisco wllh a full cargo of supplies for tho troops in tho Philip pines. lly tho oxplsioon of 1,000 pounds of dynamite In 11 ttorohousu near Mount Carmel, Pa , 40 porsons were injured. Tho proporiy loss will he $150,000. Govornor Swottonhntn's resignation lias been accepted. John F. Stevens lias been appointed temporary chairman of tho Isthmian Canal commission. Tho congress which has just adjourn ed paseed appropriation bills aggregat ing a total of 1010,048,080 The Standard Oil company is on trial In Chicago for accepting relmtes from tho Chicago & Alton railway. A Missouri Pacific train was hold up at Pittsburg, Kan,, and the paH'engerx robbed. 0'io man who resisted was shot. ARCHIE SUFFERS RELAPSE. Third Son of Prosldent Seriously III With Diphtheria. Washington, March 8. Archio Itoojcvolt, tho president's third eon, who has been suffering from dlph theiia since last Friday, had a turn for tho woiso yesterday, nnd last night, though ho had milled somowhat, his condition is serious. Dr. Alexander Lambert, of New York, in responeo to a telegram from tho president, arrived in Washington at !) o'clock and took chargoof tho case. Doctors lUxey, Kennedy and Uralsted wcie holding a consultation when Dr. Ijtinbert arrived at tho White Houso. Jutt previous to his coining, further nntl-toxin was injected into tho pa tient. Washington, Mnrch 8. At 1:30 n. in. word from Dr. Lambert, n ho was at Iho sick hoy's bedside, says thot ho ie still In a serious condition. Thoro hns been no change. Washington, Match 8. A messngo from tho White Houso nt !1 a. in. to the houso of Congressman Nicholas Long worth says Mhat, while Archio was resting easy, his condition Mas still mtlrnl. Tho message boro Dr. Lam bcrt's signature. TIED UP BY LEGAL POINTS. SAVES TIMBER LAND President Creates Reserves by Wholesale Before Too Late. NEW RESERVES IN NORTHWEST Adds Nearly 0,000,000 Acres to Na tional Forests of Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho. RAILWAYS GIVE AID Iroquois Theater Trial Blocked From Reaching Jury. Danville, II)., March 8. Tho trial of Will J. Davis, charged with man slaughter on account of tho lire in tho Irotpiois theater in Chicago in IDO.'I, is now at a standstill so far as evidence is concerned and promises to bo tied up in the courts Indefinitely on legal points. When thoso polntB hnvo been passed to tho court, moro of vital importance will be submitted. Tho defonso offers to admit the facts. Tho prosecution denies Its right to do so. Counsel representing tho stato said it would bo shown that tho theater was Incomplete when opened nnd unfinish ed at tho time of tho fire, and that Mr. Davis knowingly violated tho ordinance relating to safety In public playhouses. T1iq defenso moved that tho prosecu tion bo required to introduce tho ordi nance in question, tho theory being that, should tho court hold tho ordi nance invalid, there would have been no law for Davis to violate. Tho court set Friday for hearing the argument. JAPANESE SPIES ABOUND. Military Engineer Dios In Mexico Hundreds Smuggled In. Guadalajara, Mex., .March 8. Ono of the Jnpancto who deserted tho con struction camps of tho Mexican Central railroad died 11 few days ago at tho Santo Domingo mine, of the Amparn Mining company, In tho F.UIaii dis trict, of this ktato. His papers worn turned over to tho gonoral manngor of tho company and it was found he was a military eiiginoor hi tho employ of tho Jnpaneso government. IJoforo his death the Japanese engineor staled that he was on his way to tho United States. Of tho 1,400 Japaneso landod in tho last three months for work on tho Mex ican Central, only 250 remain. Tho others deserted and many of them aro now in tho United States. O110 of tho Interpreters of tho Japan eso workmen was eonospondent of ono of tho leading Toklo nowspapots during tho war with Huxida. Another is the sou of a high government oflleial lu Toklo. DIRECTOUS-Crawford Livingston, Kenneth Clark, J. If Bklnner, Louis W. Prince, C. II. Blgelow, Il.I). Noyes, V. M. Watklns. L. I'. Ordway. F. II. Kcllo,g, E. Thomas A.Marlow, W. It. Parsons, J .M. Hannaford. Charles I'. Noyes. Hill, Geo. II, N. Sauuders. aTM3MsWMrWsffJ sssssws9MSLstrsr mm KsWsWsfsssss9ssWksrmMyscKsrssMPsssmiU iiHVsMiN i4KfllHlBiVvv.iBslFv Kf HPVI B3jmB3EBsSSSSBSSSsW Our new plant on Front St., between Seven teenth and Nineteenth Sts., it the most modern Engineering Plant on the Pacific Coast. Work placed with us will be executed with efficiency and despatch. Tho steamer Dakota Is still on the rocks in Toklo bay. Much of tho mall has been removed, but tho baggago has been lost. Hill and IJarrimun hnvo cotno to an ngrooment regarding I'uget sound ter minals, but nothing bus been yielded at Portland. Tho Supremo court of the United States upholds tho law forbidding deso cratlon of tho Hug by using it for adver tising purposes. Henry Meldrum, former surveyor general, and Senator Fulton have !een called as witnesses In tho Hpimann trial. Tholr testimony did not help tho defenso out of tho tight box into whiho it Is getting. Muniipal ownorshin has suffoied a blow in Iho London eloectione.- Tho Interstate Commerco commission is considering plans to curb Huirimau. San Francisco authorities aro prepar ing to seize tho water plant s city property. The houso lias passed a bill providing for three-cent faiea in the District of Columbia. May Not See Canal After All New York, March 8. Speaker Can non and the tho other members of tho congressional party which Billed a few lays ago on tho Hamburg-American steamship lllucber, may not ho permit ted to visit Colon, according to infor mation iceoived hero today Tho jmr ty had planned to stop nt Colon on tho homeward trip and Inspect tho canal work. Today tho news 1111110 that tho Panama government has estahlinhed u quurantino againnt Venezuelan ports becnuso of a reported outbreak of yollow fever at La Guayra,. Tho lllucber Is scheduled to call at La Guayra and also at Puorto Cabollo. Washington, Match 5. Prior to signing tho agricultural bill, which contains Senator Fulton's nmendmont prohibiting tho creation of forest to- serves in the INortliwcstcrn states ex cept by tho authority of congress, tho president yesterday issued a proclama tion creating 32 forest resorves in the six states affected by tho Fulton amend ment. His proclamations add 4,061, 000 acres to tho icservo area of Oregon. 4, '24(1, 000 acres lu Washington and 580,000 acres in Idaho. Tho creation of these reserves prob ably marks tho end of reserve extension in the northwest for many years to comn, for tho additions now Includo most of tho desirable timlrar land of all six states, so far as known to the Forest service, lleing hastily made in order to circumvent tho restrictions of tho Fulton nmondment, tho reserves nro loosely created and no doubt contain much land that will bo found uusuitcd to forestry purposes and which will ul timately bo restored to entry. Iho latgest reservation In Oregon was an addition of 077,000 acres to tho Illtio mountain reserves in Lantern Ore gon. Other additions lu existing re serves aro: 440,000 to tho Siskiyou in Soutborn Oregon, 71,000 notes to tho Wencha reserve 014,000 acres to tho Cueeudo reserve, mostly on lt western border, and 104,000 to tho Ashland re servo In Southwtfctern Oregon. To includo the timber laud of tho Const range the pros I lent created tho Tillamook reserve, containing 105,000 acres; tho Coqtilllu roserve, embodying 140,000 acres, and tho Umpqua reserve, with an area of 801.', (100 acres. The Wallowa and Chosniininus re serves aro combined under tho namo of Imntilm, and 7811,000 aorcs aro added. In Washington tho Washington re HOivo is enlarged by the addition of LV 276,000 acres, which Includes piitulleal ly all government hind between tho present Wnshinglon nnd Ituintor re serves. This makes one contlnuouH re- servo along Iho Ciucado mountains from the Columbia river to tho International boundary. This addition embraces tho Northern Paciflu grant, but railroad lands aro not made purl of tho reserve ami no iigntoi lieu selection nccriios. A new resoivo is created to includo 857,000 acres of tho Colvlllo Indian lands; tho I'rlett river reservo Is creat ed in Stevens county to contain .110,000 ncres; tho Olympic reservo Is enlarged by 110,000 acres, and 7110,000 acres are added to the Maimer reserve. Most of tho fciest land In Idaho has nireauy neen reservcu. A raiouco re serve is created with an area of 102,000 acres; the Port Nouf Iscreatod with an area of 100,000 acres; tho Hlg Horn is enlarged by tho addition of 280,000 acres, and about 100,000 acres is added to tho Welser reservo. MANY "DEAD DUCK8." Charges are mado in Salt Lake that tho police fore, Inccluding tho chief, stood In with gamblers and thieves. Jerome is striving to send Thaw to Illinois Prepares Attack. Chicago, March 8. A special to tho Tribune from Washington lays; Ofll eial steps have been taken by tho stato i)i Illinois to attack tlio validity of 112,000,000 in Alton railroad boi.ch issued by K. 11. Harrlman and his as ociates w lion they reorganized tho Chicago A Alton Ilailroad company. Tho Interstate Commerce commlitlon has received an application from W II. Stead, utlorney gejierul of the stato of Illinois, asking for a complete trans cript of all the testimony tuken by tho Interstate Commerco commission, Removal Bill li Signed. Sacramento, Oil., March 8. -Governor Glllott this morning signed tho capital removal bill. Sacramento thus loses tho seat of government of Califor nia, which irx-H tn Ilnrkolnv. finvornrn- , ,., ., ' ' " " f ......w. ... ........v. .. i,.p, .,, ,t.i,fiiir, um uinuiie usyium wunouiinecaso over uiuett was oxpecied to veto tlio meas- that it will accvpt tho 2.ront faro law going to the Jury, ure, Sacramento Je much aroused. without resistance and revise its rates. Number of Noted Men Will Not Ap pear In Next Congren. Waohlngton, March 5. It Is nrob- able that the designation Is resented, nul "Head duck" is tno namo the sur viving congressmen apply to thoso who have fulled of rc-olection. Tho Wash ington game bag is full of "(load ducks" today. Nino members of tho senate have yielded their seats to their successors. Tlio surrendering ones aro J. Frank Aleo of Deluwaro, James H. Kerry of Arkan sas, Joeph C. S. lilaekbuin of Ken tucky, F.dward W. Carmack of Tennes see, William A. Clark, of Montana, John F. Dryden of New Jersey, Joseph H. Millard of Nebraska, Fred T. Dubois of Idaho, and Thomas M. Patterson of Colorado, In tho houso thoro woro 72 members whoso numcH will not bo called ut the next session. Invading Honduran Army. San Salvador Match 6. A stromr column of Honduran troops bus invad ed Nicaragua through tho department of Orotul. Tho headquaiters of tho Houdiimn army Is established at Pes pirn. President Honllla is in Chilateni directing affairs tbeio generally. Ho is well satisfied with the discipline and tho spirit of the troop. Chllateca, as at present fortified, Is deemed impicg nuble. Tho Kmeral opinion hero is that tho Honduran forces will eventual ly triumph over those of tho Niraia guan government. Colonist Ratos Promote tho Upbuild ing of Northwestern Statos. Low one-way colonist rates to tho Northwest aro holping largely in Bot tling up tlio states of Oregon, Washing ton and Idaho. Thcso reduced fares aro perhaps the greatest factor In In ducing immigration oulsldo of tho pub licity work of tho various chambers of commerco of theso states. Tho rail roads aro working hand lu hand with tho commercial bodice everywhere In tho Pacific Northwest to swell tho num ber of settlors In this territory Colonist rates nro not now in Western railroading, but at no timo previously hno they lioon bo offectlvo in diverting tnivol this way as at present nnd tho biggest colonist movement In tho his tory of tho Pacific Northwest is predict ed for tho four spring nnd fall months of 1007 when tlio reduced one-way fures aro in effect. Tho growth of tho westward movo mont 1c duo to tho bettor advertising and exploitation methods of commercial bodies and rail roads and to tho growing density of population in tlio East, where many nro able to find moro congonlul surroundings by moving away to a part of tlio country where thoro is moro el bow 100m, whoro climate is moro cqtui bio tho year around and whoro land In cheaper nnd less worn byicpeatod crop ping for years. TIicpo conditions contrlbuto to tho constant "trek" westward which a a significant movement in tho hlatory of tlio American continent and which dates from tho days of the' California argonauts of '40. lly pralrlo schooner and by ship tho pioneers eamo to Hcttla a vast wlldorncps. binco tho transcon tinental railroads have liecn built, tho second generation has found an cosier mode of seeking out tho great West but Iho movomont hn by no means ended and Is on In gtoater volume than over boforo. HITS ROCK OFFvEUREKA. Steamer Oakland Another Victim to Humboldt Bar. Eureka, Cal., March 6. HumlKildt bar claimed another victim today when tho steamer Oakland, lu an attempt to reach tlio inside entrance, ran on tho rocks of the south Jetty. For almost uu hour tho Oakland remained on tho rouks, nnd tho bar tug Hanger was call ed to her nsslstiiaco by tlio lifesaving crow. When the tug roio)ied tho. Cil1(!lPi1 Captain Krug6r, of tlio Oakland, 16 fusediild. A big wave washed tho Oakland from her portions position, but ulo toro off her rudder. For sev eral hours rim drifted helplessly and perlously near tlio rocks, Tlio lifeboat, commanded by Captain Hennlg, put out. At this time tho Oakland displayed distress signals and ouco moro tho tug Hunger went to her ahsistimco, towing her this time into the bay, where she V's benched In a badly leaking condi tion. Tliero are soveml huge holes In her stern. Tho Oakland went on tho roeka about 1,000 feet from tho wrecked Co rona. Several attempts have been mado to reach tho Corona by the Hum Ixildt bay llfecavlng station, but all were futile. Ono trip tho lifeboat barely escaped destruction on tho rocks on tho north jetty. DAKOTA ON ROCK8. Dig Hill Liner Strikes In Bay of Toklo and May be Lost. Yokohouia, March 5. Tho Great Northern steamship Dakota went ashoro In tho bay of Tokio last nluht. Ml passengors are safe ami tho auentH of tlio vessel aro hopeful of saving her. 'Iho Dakota struck 011 a rock off Shi- minima, a vilhtgo between Mnjima and Sunnriikl, shortly after fl o'clock. It is thought that tho SunoHakl light was mistaken for tho JogaHhima light. Tho vessol sustained much damago and sprung a heavy leak. Agonts of tho steamship, who went sent to Oiuimaru to nrrango for tho salvage, aro returning this afternoon with passengers and mails and details of tho accident The steamer Dakota is making water freely and it is feared that the floating will be difllcult. Accepts Two-cent Rati. Lincoln, Nen., M.inh 5. Governor Slioldon tonight received nlllelal notice from iho Iiurlinulon Kailroad comnHnv Seattle Striving for It. Washington, March 5, Seattlo Is making 11 hard fight to secure tho uov- eminent puro food laboratory soon to ho established in tho Nijrtliwest by tho Agricultural department. Senator Pllos has been appealod to by tho chamler of commerco and Is exerting his efforts in behalf of his homocity. Moauwhilo Senator Hotirne, supported by tho Portland chamber of commerce, is In sisting that tho laboratory be located In Portland. It is prohnhlo tho con test will not bo closed for somu little timo. On Sandi In Dover Strait. London, March 5. Tho Hod Star lino steamer Vaderland, Cuptuin Ehoff, which sailed from Antworn on Satur day for New York, is ushoro on Good win sands, Id i-