Abttatrwwr&&hA Xtfei9lt&& f..M,X.. .,. WWBMWtWWWWKWtWWWWWW THE mCW AGE, PORTLAND, OBBGON U. S. DISPENSATORY Describes Ihc Prlncl.-nl Ingredients Con tained In Pe-ru-na. Aro wo clnltning too much for 1'crunii whon wo clnlin It to bo nn effective romedy for chronic catarrh? Huvo wo abundant proof Hint Purtina 1h In reali ty hucIi n ciilarrh remedy? Let uh bio what tho United StateH Dinprnntory taya of tho principal Ingro-llentH of I'd run a. Take, for lrBtnnco, tho ingredient of liyrimitlH caimdcnHiH, or golden ho.il. 'lho United Stilton UlnpenMitory eays of tliiH Im r Iml remedy, that It lu largely employed in tlio treatment of depraved inuciioiiH inombrnno, chronic rhinitis Cnanal eittnrrli), iitoulc dyHpeptia (ca tarrh of tho Btoinach), chronic IntcH tinal cntirrh, catarrhal Jiitui lico (ca tiirrh of the liver), and in oIhuhhI mu couh ineinhruneH of Ihu pelvic oigiiii-. It in uIho rcvummendi'd for tho treat tnont of varloim forniH of (Hhiusoh pecu liar to women. Another ingredient of l'orunn, cory 1nlln fcrmoHa, In chiHied In thu United fcStutH DlHpencatory an a tonic. Ho ttlco Ih ciibobt clium-ri an a Ntomnchlc and as 4i tonic for tho iiiucouh nioinhraneu. Cod ron hcmI 1h another Ingredient of Poriinn, an excellent drug that him been very larjre y overlooked by tho medical profemion for tho pant fifty yearn. Tho i-ocdri uro to bo found in vary few drug Moil. Tho United StatcH Dlnpennttory wiyH of tho action of cedron that it Ih imed hh a bitter tonic anil lu the treiuiient of dysentery, ittul in luteruiittent ditiuiHoa aa a sub ulltiite for (iilnine. (Jll of cojMilha, another ingredient of I'f rutin iHCliiHned by the United Suite DlMpeiiMiitory iih a mild Htiiiiuliint and diuretic. It nets on tho Htouinch and (nteritlt al tract. It nctri an a Mliuulimt on tho Kcnito-urlnary mombrnncH. Ufeful In chronic cyHtlliH, clironlc dya cntery and diarrhea, and rouio chronic Hhoiihi'h of tho liver and kldiuiya. Send to uh for a free book of teati inon iala of what tho people think of I'eriina ac a catarrh remedy. Tho beat ovlilenco la tho teatlinony of thoao who have tried It. Itrrlprocllr. "Fellow cltlzcni," cxclnlmed the rlMrif politician. "I nra not nulmmcd to say that I got my itart In lite by Belling news papers I" "You oughtn't to be ashamed, either," shouted a man In the audience. "Tho newspapers gave you your start In poll tics." Free Catalogue and Premiums. Everyone, interested in Reeds, planta, otc, should liavon copy of tho Port land Seed company's 1007 catalogue, which la freo for the asking, by men tioning this paper and addressing them at Portland, Oregon. Telia nil about tholr Hplondld premiums. I Mothers will And Mrs. Winnow floothlng syrup tho best remedy to uno lor their clilldroa during toe looming parioa. In I.rKil form. "If I thought you were going to ploy mo false, Marie," unld the ardent young hiwycr, "by the great horn spoon I'd hold ou with n writ of ImhciiH corpual" "That will not be necessary," smiled Miss Marie. "I'm not going to run away." "So?" he whispered, moving nearer. "All right. No exeat will do just as well." OWAlin R. llUllTON.-Astnjrr-r arS Chcmtat. 1.1'iuiviiip, i.oinrniio. mmkiiiiiii nrirrnt uoiii, u liver, liul.fl ( Oiilil, HII vir,7.1il llnM, Wo Zlnoor ' lMTa i. i.ynmuo leu I'P llnlurvucot OtlN rtill i.rlrnllnt unit on u inn worn mmcuvu. luiittl llmik. In. Mn iiifi'iiv oiMKiiml llcntlon. Control iiml Dm Lttfbunatu ! rftffitaHCTiBiHMMMBiBPfcsa MUIETEAM BORAX by Softening the Water makes the Skin Glean rV-noves I'ersplratlonUdsr, Whitens the Handsi Vrcvcnti Dandruff and Makes Beautiful hair. All drillers. Maniple llorax, llratity llnnkli's Mini Houvi'iilr rirluri'i f rents nml niir ilrnliT't iihiiiu, I'atlllc Coint Horns Co., Oakland, Col. HARDSHIPS OF ARMY LIFE. Loft Thoutands of Veterans With Kid ney Troubles. Tho experience of David W. Martin, totlred merchant ofltollvar, -Mo., Is Jimt like thoUHimdri of othern. Vr. Martin Buys: "1 think I have hud kidney dlaeiBO over h I n o u tho war. During an engage ment my lioroo fell on me, attaining mi' luiclf unit In. juring tho kiilneyri. I have beon told I luul a floating kidney. I bad Intonao iNiin In the back, headacheri and dizzy Kpolla and tho action of thu bladder wiih very Irregular. About threoyearaagol tried Doan'ri Kidney PIIIh, and found Htieh great relief that I continued, and Inside a comparatively short tinio was ontlrely rid of kidney trouble." Hold by all dnilers. 60 cents a box. Vostor-Mllburn Co,. Huffalo, N. Y. KiVhI Only One "BROMO QUININE" Tlint Is I.AXATIVK IIHO.MO (hilnlno. Rlml liirly nninuil remedies smnollmes derolvo. The llrst nml original Cold Tablet Is a WHITK I'AUKAdh ulth dlnck mid reel lettering, and hears thu algnnturu ot K. W. (JHOVK. 25o. Not "Writ Tnken. "If the Senntor will pardon mo for In terrupting him," blandly npoke one of the other Senators, "he Is not sticking to bis text." "My text I" thundered tho flery states man. "This Is not a sermon, sirl This is n roar I" Whereat ho continued his roaring. Chicago Tribune. riTO f". Vitus' Danre and nit Nervous Dli'MM lllo rwrmnnsnlly curnt by Or. Kline's Urr Jirv. flosKirrr. Hnnd for I'ltKK 3trll hnttle and lrollUr.JUJt.Klln.',Iil..MlArcliHU,l,Ulla.,l,fc ChnnRn of Mrlhnil. "Investigations don't oeem to be held In tho spirit of courtesy nml forbenrnnco that onco prevailed," remarked tho old time stntesman, "No," nnswered Senator Sorghum, "tho situation Is becoming dlllkult. I'eoplo now hold investigations hecnuse they really want to find something out, Instead of merely for the sako of soothing tholr minds." Washington Star. PILES CURED IN 0 TO 14 DAYS. I'AZO OINTMKNT U gunroiitcod to euro nnjf moot Idling, blind, bleeding or protruding pile lu 0 to II days or inonoy ro(uiidod.0o. llelpril Make Illiu Oonil. "During our courtship," said Mrs. Weeds, "jioor John declared ho would die for me and ho did." "Indeed 1" exclaimed tho surprised friend. "Yes," continued tho fair widow. "I did the cook Inn myself and hu died of Indigestion." There Is more Catarrh In this section ot the country than all other diseases put together and until the last few roars wasaiipposrd to be Inoiirablo. Kor a great many ears doctors pro nounced tt a local disease, mid pruscrlbvdloea' remedies, mid by constantly lulling to curr wltlUocnl treatment, pronounced ltlncurnblo. Hclonco tins proven catarrh to bo a constttu tlonal dlsoaie, and tlioreforo roqulrrs constltu tlonnt troatiiiaut. Hall's L'atarrh Ouro, iimnu facturnd by K. i. Cheney A Co., Toloilo.Ohlo.il tho only constitutional ouro on the market. It Is taken Internally Indoseslrom 10 drop to a tOHsponntul. It acta directly on tho blood and iiiiiu ma snrfacua ot tho ystom. They oiror one hundred dollars for auv raso tt (alls to euro, bond for circulars and tcitlmonlals. Address, K. J, LMIKNKY & CO., Toledo, O Bold by lrugslsts,7Ao. Hall's family 1'llU are tho beat. Leather wnsto Is no longer wasted. Manufacturers use It In a compressed form, Instead of Iron, to mako cogwheels. 1847-1907. Sixty years ago Allcock's l'lnstcrs were first Introduced to tho p Idle, They uro to day Hi world's standard planters. This Invention litis Ihcii our of tho greatest lileHnings iiiiniriualilo a id uflbrds tliuiiutckit. elieniiest ami best iiii'iins of healing and relief for certain ailments, thu bus over been discovered. Allcock's are tlio original and genuine tiorouM plasters and aro sold by diuggUU In uv ry part of the civllUed world. Now inland Christian Kndeavorera now number 1,000. They publish a hnud buaio Quarterly. Wttl JL jf. Jfci JhC JCX BLOOD DISEASES AND SYSTEM DISORDERED Catarrh i:i not merely nti Inflammation of the tissues of the' head and throat, ns the symptoms cf rinRltiF; noises In the cant, mucous dropping back into the throat, continual hawking; nml spitting, etc., would sectn to Indi cate ; it Is u blood disease In which the entire circulation and the greater part of the .system nre Involved. Catarrh Is due to the presence of nn excess of uric ncid in tho blood. The Liver, Kidneys and Bowels frequently be come torpid and dull in their action nml instead of carrying off the refuse and waste of the body, leave it to sour and form uric acid in the system. This Is taken up by the blood and through its circulation distributed to all parts of the system. These Impurities in the blood irritate and inflame he different membranes and tissues of the body, and the contracting of n cold will start the secretions and other disgusting and disagreeable symptoms of Catnrrh. As tho blood goes to all parts of the body the ca tarrhal poison affects all parts of the system. The head has a tight, full feeling, nose continually stopped up, pains above the eyes, slight fever comes and goes, the stomach, is upset ami the entire system disordered and t h..i n.f...,. ,. ... -... nffwtcd by tills disease. It is a waste ot year,1 a uo.un'n oSSiVtwS time to try to cure Catarrh with sprays, i "m.M i-".?: J tt!2d.,v?XtuLn,r washes, inhalations, etc. Such treatment j. count near or, but no i:ooa ro- , . iniiit ,. uitiut. i then beiran h. a. a., nml does not reach the blood, and can. therefore, ftfirfliUio0ttSPrSS?5 ?, wtn.'ff mow tliim tcmponirily relies takiutr it n short wuiiowiisoured. the discomfort of the trouble. To cure The Vale of Caahmtre, Who has not beard of tho Vale of Cash mere, With Its roses tho brightest that earth ever gave, Its temples nnd grottoes and fountains as clear As the lovcllghtod eyes that hang over their wave? Ob, to se It nt sunset, when warm o'er the lako Its splendor at pnrtlng a summer eve throws, I.Ike a bride, full of blushes, when linger ing to take A last look of her mirror at night ere she goes I When the shrines through tho foliage nre gleaming half shown, Anil each hallows the hour by some rites of its own. Here the music of prayer from a minaret swells, Here tho Maglan his urn full of per fume is swinging, And here, nt tho altar, a zone of sweet bells 'Hound the waist of some fair Indian dancer is ringing. Or to see It by moonlight when mellowy shines The light o'er Its palaces, gardens nnd shrines; When the wnterfalls gleam like a quick fall of stars, And the nightingale's hymn from tho Isle of Chcnnrs Is broken by laughs and light echoes ot feet From the cool shining walks where the young peoplo meet. Or nt morn, when tho tnaglc of daylight awakes A new wonder each mlnuto as slowly It breaks, Hills, cupolas, fountains, called forth every one Out of darkness, an they wcro Just born of the sun; When the spirit of fragrance Is up with the day, From his harem of night flowers stealing nway ; And the wind, full of wantonness, wooes like n lover Tho young aspen trees till they tremble nil over; When the cast Is ns warm as the light of first hopes, And day, with Its bannor of radiance unfurled, Shines In through tho mountainous portal that opes, Sublime, from tho valley ot bliss to the world I Thomas Moore, -A Doctors Medicine Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is not a simple cough syrup. It is a strong medicine, a doctor's medicine. It cures hard cases, severe' and desperate cases, chronic cases of asthma, pleu risy, bronchitis, consumption. Ask your doctor about this. "I have aied a great deal of Avtr's cherry Pectoral for coughs ami hard colds on tho chest. It has always done mo great good. It Is certalntr a moat wonderful cough modi, clno." Mioiiabl J, riTzosnALO, Medford, N.J. A Mode br J. O. Ajtr Co., Lowatl, Mass. Also manufacturers of . .JF SARSAPAMLLA. tlPrQ Pitts. CfV'f Oj HAIRVIOOB, I You will hasten recovery by tak ing one or yer puis at ooaiimo. Dates npd melons aro almost tlio only food of many of the poor lu Jeru salem. Usunlly only ono meal a day Is taken by them. Rheumatism Is ono ot the constitutional diseases. It (manifests Itself In local aches and pnlns. lnflaracd Joints and stiff muscles, but It cannot be cured by local applications. It requires constitutional treatment, and tho best Is n courso of tho great blood puri fying and tonle medicine Hood's Sarsaparilla which neutralizes tho acidity ot tho blood and builds up tho whole system. In usual llnuld form or In chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabs. ICO doses tl. A llrmn nf thai Homelnnd. The Homeland I The Homeland 1 The land ot tho freeborn; There Is no night In the Homeland, but I nyo the fndcless morn. v I'm singing for tho Homeland, my heart Is nchlng hero; Thero's no pain In tho Homeland to which I'm drawing near. My Lord is In the Homeland, with angels lirlglit nml rnir; There's no sin lu tho Homeland, and no teiiintntlnn there. Tho music of the Homeland Is ringing In my ears, And when I think of tho Homeland ray eyes gush out with tears; For those I love In tlio Homeland nro calling me nway, To the rest and penco ot the Homeland, nnd the life beyond decay, For here's no death In tho Homeland, there's no sorrow above; Christ brings us nil to the Homeland ot Ills eternal love. Amen. CROPS NEVER FAIL I In in Uiiiier Niinkn Vntlrr. I at Him, tvhrr M.Oiw Mlxhnl.pl Vullfy liomrvtkrM r nlrrailr ,ioatril. UX).uuvacrs uiulnii.lop.il, Irrlitubo Unci till await lllo stttlrr. lUcurst and lmt ttalrrnl vallsy In tli world, Flnrii cllmatoi cliu evil fruit i ininirtnocronsoi krmn, annua suuar ihis. ti.uv, uolnvMtnl in smtur fsoinrlrs. .Now 11. It. rxtcip ion to Yslluwlnti pork onms country of at re ourevt. Athlon siurtra Jo. i, iiua, a rvcora nrraktr. Writ lor particular. I C. C. MOOItKKKAI. KHTATK COM I'ANY ht. Aiitliour unit Aslitun, Iilulio. GOOD SEEDS Each year brings us Increased orders for our seeds. Why? Because we supply only those that produce satisfactory and profitable crops. We know, after many years of experience, what sorts are best to plant on this coast. Buy P. S. Co.'s "Diamond Brand" Seeds, the best for Ihc West. Our rew 100 page Annual Catalog and Seed Planter's Guide; No. 260 free on request. PORTLAND SEED CO. Portland, Oregon Spokane. Wauh. I - JUNGLE HUNTING IN PANAMA. iWZl'?ylVSa?tiS& Catarrh T,enmnently tie Wood nutst bo Catarrh is w blood UUouso, mi tliorouBliiypiirifiednndthcsystemcleansetl ?I.V!,2r.(l,1AV,i,1.,ilr.fS ,,rLu of "1 poisons, nnd nt the same time liatter for tho blood than 8, S, B, ., ..' , ', . .7. r . ,. Koboitv thiuku iuort of 8. 8. a. KtrcnL'thotied and built up. Notlunir equals tv t Chun I do. Lapoor, Mtoh M.JCATaON, S. S. S. for this nurnese. It attack: the disease nt Its head, goes down to the very bottom of the trouble nnd r.iakes n complete nnd lasting cure. S. S. S. removes every Iwticle of the catarrhal poison from the lood, making this vital stream pure, fresh nud healthy. Then the inflamed mem branes begin to heal, the head is loosened nnd cleared, the hawkini? nud snitti tier cease, every symptom disappears, the constitution is built tip and vigorous health restored. S. S. S. nUo tones tip the stomach nud digestion nnd acts as a fine tonie to the entire system, If you are suffering with Catarrh begin the ttse of S. S. S. and write its n statement of your case aud our physicians will tend you literature about Cattirrh, aud give you special medical advice Without charge S. 0. 8. Is for sale at all first class drug stores. 7M SWifT 9rC4F0 CO., ATLANTA, C4, S.S.S. PURELY VEGETABLE (JulUe with n lllir Mnubelo la Uaaallr Nn'aturr, As there nre us yet practically no roiuU In the Interior of 1'duanit and trulls are nearly ulways tributary to the ncarvitt river, truud In nlaiout eu tlroly done by canoes, say a writer In Recreation. The native cayueo or plriiKitii of the Interior U usually made of native cedar, narrow, Hat bottom' ed and endlns In a lint, platformdlke bow and atern. This peculiar construc tion Is to enable ono to laud directly over the bow or stern when, due to the nature of tlio bank, It Is Ituposulblo to more than force the bow to solid K round. A trip up the river needs little prepa ration aa compared with a camping trip to u cold climate. A trood guide with,, his big working knife or macbeU cuu do wondors. With this lid can cut trail, clean tho camp site, make a shel ter or house, a bedstead, a niatrress or tliatch and a cover for tho ,flro all fastened together with vine rojKJS which he cuts near by, He can. cut firewood uud dress game, slice bacon or potatoes, chop out an Impromptu paddle or palanca, "cut rubber," dig roots, get out fair-sized loss and, It necessary, Inflict berlous wounds with It. As your canoe slips nulotly along the bank of some good river, the charm Is derived both front the beauty of the scene and from tho feeling of ex pectation regarding new sights nud chances at odd sorts of game. You round a bend, your eanaletero, or pad dleiuan, stops and, as you slowly b,rlng Into view tho stretch of rueltn be yond, probably he says. 'Lognrto, seuor, ulll! AIM!" aud wlion your unaccustomMl eyes dually follow his direction you t-eo a big 'gntor, light gray on the back from dried mud, and yellow below, lying like a log ou the farther mud bank. Ho sees you, you may be sure of that; In fact, ho usu ally sees everythlug that moves, and hears nud smells ns well as sees; hu Is In no hurry to slide Into the water, however, for ho sees native canoes every day and they never bother hltn. Somo people have the "blues" worst) than others. Tho kind of blues the young peoplo have seem to t worn than any other ktud. Many Afflicted Country People are coming tn us for treatment and returnliiK homo currd. We perma nently ami promptly cure Indiges tion, ltheumatlim, all Private and Wastlnir Ulsvaars, Nervous Disor ders, Dlseaios of Women and Child ren, Kcieuia, Wood, Hkln and Chronlo U.teases. No matter what your trouble may be.como to see us. Fits Caatultttloa ini Eiimlnitloo. New York Surgical and Medical Institute Ptrmtststlv lociUl al Corner ot SI ill aaJ (J),)WUotoaStj., rortUaJ, Or. AUSTIN WELL DRILLS Mail In all stylrs anil a'l tltn. II n water and oil snyMlierr. Urt drilling Tools mad, (let calif Iocs Ad irlcrs. BEALL tt CO. 321 Hawthorne Ave. Portland, Or. are expcrl-sH Fnicnt, but with proper cultl-V vatton.tlicy assure success W r from the start. Users have i.o f m doulits at plantlnc uor dlsap- am twlntmeats at harvest. Cet .am lor bltrvst, turett, best crops ai aitueatcra. famous lor over joyrars. 1 WT bl Auaasl iree on rctjucsi. D. M. reRRV CO., . Detroit! Mloh. MAKj: EVERY DAT m tuujN l- 5. 't. M Jpftt t n .mmtm W A I L is l Ji II li &y nn mAttM hnw 'bad the weather you cannot afford to be without ft TnrwF.RVS WATERPROOF nnED surr V0R SLICKER When ypu buy look lor the SrONOFTHErTSH aKkxacaaoaiwwss. An Art Anecdott. ' Edward Hosewnter, founder nnd edi tor of the Omaha Bee, had a sincere love of art. He hated pictures that In dicated scamped work, so called im pressionistic pictures that were merely rough and hurried sketches and bo called portraits that bore no likeness to their originals. A young painter showed Mr. Hosewnter ono day a por trait of a mutual friend. "That a portrait of Smith 1" tho edi tor exclaimed. "I'd never have known It" "Ob," the nrtlst exclaimed, "I didn't try for n likeness, you ktiow. I trfed for an effect an effect In grays." "I know a man In New York," said Mr. Rosewatcr, "who had his portrait painted last year. It cost him $4,000, nnd ho was very proud of It. When It canio homo ho showed It to his cook., "'Well, Mary, ho said, 'how do you llko this portrait?' " 'Sure, sir,' said the cook, 'it's love ly. It's beautiful. It's divine.' '"And, of course,' said my friend, you know who It Is? '"Oh, of courso I do, sir,' said the cook. 'Of course, of course.' As slio spoko she kept drawing nearer to the picture, studying It more and more closely. 'Of course, sir,' sho said. 'It's you or tho mistress.' "Buffalo Enquir er. . MUSCULAR AILMENTS The Old-Monk-Cure will straighten out a contracted muscle hi a Jiffy. ST. JACOBS OIL Don't play possum with pain, but 'tends strictly to business. Pries 23c anil 30a IJOO.COO OrlUI Stock. 1200,000 itpoMli with Int. Drpl. of Mlchlfin UNITED STATES HEALTH & ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Of Saginaw, Michigan. WRITE TODAY asking about our popular one dollar a month plan that pays ncclUontal doath anil arcldont and oleic indemnity, (live aao and occupation. All bimlncn on tlio I'actflo Coast paid through tho rlrst National Bank of Portland. R. L. UDRICH, Mgr. Western Office 209-210 MirqaM tldf. Parfltntf, Onion 1 FRUIT TREES, VINES, PLANTS BERKSHIRE SWINE, (Registered) SHORTHORN CATTLE, (Registered) BARRED AND WHITE ROCKS PACIfIC NURSERY CO. Catalogue Tree. Tanient, Oreton P.N.U No. 9-07 IW HEN writing to advertiser pleaae! mention tins papar. I JhSSS A MARVEL IN APPLE CULTURE If It t it The Spencer Seedless Apple Is the most remarkable discovery made in fruit culture during last century. No seeds, no c no waste; rich, red color; co mercial size; good shipper; e: cellent flavor; splendid keeper a market leader; no bloom, frost proof. WRITE TODAY For free booklet and particulars. Splendid inducements to agents. ! The SPENCER SEEDLESS APPLE Co. MAIN OFFICE 4 1 4 American National Bank Bldg,, Everett, Washington. re, I n- I m 11 Hut Cf QUAUTY" PIANO! Htrlnway Knabe Mason & Ilamlla A, II, Onus Kvoratt Packard rUenar Ooaovar Kstey Kingsbury Kmrrson Ludwlg fttavllDsj Wellington lluntlngtna Mandalssahn IANO HLATKRS Ktsabn.Angalua Kinarann Angrlas A. B.Ohaao Player Kingsbury Player ORGANS r.tt-y Packard bleaga Oottaga VICTOR Talklag Maohlars nd Kaenrds PI AMOS D HE STEINWAY PIANO has always been at the head of the list. It is the I'iano of hichest oualitv. Its renuta- tiou is world-wide. REPUTATION la invaluable. It is an asset more precious than gold. If it be a reputation truly built by years of honest toil in the creation of a work of art, it is priceless. CThe STEIN WAV ts a work opart. It is supreme wonderful as compared with other pianos, it is kingr C.The word STEINWAY is a synonym for achievement and superiority. In all the world of music it is the standard by which other pianos are measured, OTHER PIAWOS We have other pianos. Read the list and you will recognize familiar names of old, reliable, stand ard makes of pianos, We call your attention to the Stein way, at $323.00 and up. Packard $aoo. Ludwlg f37S abte fSSO. Kingsbury S32S and $30. WmlUnqton $383, $273 and $263. We also have a flnm six octave Organ, $80 Write to us for Catalogue, prices and terms. Be sure and mention that you saw our ad. in this paper. Our principal stores are located at PORTLAND, SEATTLE, TACOMA, SPOKANE, EVERETT AND BELLINGHAM Stclnway Daln Th House of Quality Sherman Kay & Go. ' r M UufcOllwCP w i ,m.