THE NEW AGE, POBTAND, OREGON r LEADING HOTELS pfflliHllwl 0 fit 19mBH :Mm$i mWllKijMi 1 IB IfiHIIBM I I'hiii 1 1 1 1 i I i y II ffp 111 JUpJililPBMyllM ft -.. . KS-tik HOTEL oosr 9i,ooo,aao. The Portland H. O. BO WBIS, Mmnmgmf. American Plan, $3 Per Day and Upward HEADQUARTERS roit TOURISTS AMD OOMMEROIAl TRAVELERS, Portland, Oregon d Telephone MII 1', 0. IloxMl The Grand Pacific Hotel C1IAB. A.BCIIIIAOK, I'roprlotor. Handsomely Appointed and First Class In Every Particular. Corner Railroad St. and Mlgglns Ave. MISSOULA, MONT. The Grandon The only First-Class American Plan Ho tel in Helena. Rates from $3 to $5 The New Bannock Hotel NOItMAN ii AHMSTitO.VO, fiops. Headquarters for Commercial Men American Plan. Rooms with Bath. Hot and Cold Running Water and Telephone in Each Room. RATES $2.00 to $4.00 PER DAY Pocutello Idnho The Spalding Leading Hotel of the LAKE SUPERIOR REGION ' Enlarged and Improved American Plan, (2.50 and Up European Plan 1,00 and Up Finest Cafe In Northwest DULUTH, MINN HOTEL PEDICORD T. J. PEPICORD, 1'roprletor Rates 50, 75c, $1,$1 JO , Rmm with Private Baths Beth American aad turopean Private Telephone! In Room First-Class Grill ' in Connection 209.219 Riverside Ave., SPOKANE, WASH. PBHaBaPti fAhammAJam . j If LEADING HOTELS ! : , :: PORTLAND. THE ESMOND HOTEL OSCAIl A.VDKItSON' Manager llatcat Kurnrcnn linn tOc, "So, $1.00, 11.60, li.Ou por ilny free Hub to mul from all Trains Krnnt mid MorrWon Streets I'OKTLAKD OUKOON J DULUTH MINN. j HENRY FOLZ Lending grocery nnd mnr kut. Wo eervo tho traveling public nt rensonnhlo prices. 114 nnd 110 Went Superior street. DULUTH, MINN. IDAHO ADVERTISING Thos. Illylh, I'ro Lyman Fargo, Vlco l'rei The Blyth & Fargo Co. T'wntcllo, Idaho General Merchandise BTOHKB AT Evanston, Wyo. Pocatcllo, Idaho BANKOFNAMPA,-Ltd. CAPITAL STOCK $50,00000 Established 1609. Dewuy 1'alaco Hotel Illd'g. Flint) G. MOCK, President CONHOV, Vlco-l'rvaUtent C. II. IllCKl'.Y, Cashlor FRANK JKNKINSON, Ass'tCanhlor NAMPA, IDAHO J. A. Murray. Wm. A. Anthes, I'rcilJcnt. Cashier U. W. StanJrod. I.N. Anthes, Vice President Asst, Cashier TUB FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of PoClltCllO. ItltlllO. POCATGLLO, IDAHO TUTTLE MERCANTILE CO., LTD. Wholesale Grocers OOODWIN MININCI CANDLES Judson Powder, Fuse and Caps AGKNTS FOK THE CELEBRATED OLYMPIA BEER Nnmpn, Idaho D. W, Church Earlo O. White. C. C. Chllson CHURCH & WHITE CO. Real Estate And Insurance A Pocatello Idaho tlrlvltiir Pour llnrari Alirrnat. To drive four horaus nlircnst, two full sets of lines nre not absolutely no eessnry ns nn arrangement such as that shown In the accompanying Illustra tion can bo used. U I) U 1 nro the bits. A A nro ordi nnry driving lined on this middle hors cs. G C nro Btrnpa from tho limldo ring of tlio outside horses' bits fasten cd to the hame rlns of tho Inside horses. D D are straps or extra lines reaching ncross from the ordlnnry lines to the outside ring of the bits of tho outside horses. As a matter of con venience, one may attach these to the lines nt the buckle, but that plan linn (his objection, If the outstdu horses nro hnrd-mouthed It lins a tendency to pull the lines out too fur and worry tho Inside horses' mouth. This can bo entirely overcome by nMtcIng D D long er nnd nttnchlng It further toward tho hnnd of tho driver. If one Is driving r- ron nnivma rotm uonscs. unbroken or vicious horses It In n good plan to run DD out rnr enough tlmt tho driver can slip his hnmls through tho loops thus niiido mid uso them nn a pair of holders nro uscl on u hard mouthed driving lioruo. In tho second Illustration tho Insldo horses nro shown with n tlo strap fan toning them together. In driving, tlo tho hand pieces of each off rein togeth er, nlso those of tho near horses, which, If of equal length, enables tho driver to hnndlo four hordes with an much caso as two. Tlmolhr and Clorer Hftjr. Timothy hay Is tho ono most com monly grown on tho farm nnd found In tlio ninrkct, according to n Pennsyl vania bulletin. Timothy sells for n higher prlco In tho market than other hay, and Is regarded ns bolng particu larly adapted to hones. It Is deficient In protein, and for thnt reason should bo fed with n grain ration of n nitro genous nature. For horsos no hotter basis for a ration can bo found than timothy hay and oats. It Is Icbh valu ablo for cattlo nnd sheep. Clover liay Is next to timothy in common use, nnd tho two nro moro often found mixed than either Is found nlone, Tho nitro genous nnturo of tho clover nlds In supplying tho deficiency of protein In tho timothy. Clover Is mora viilunblo than timothy for cattlo nnd sheep, but is not considered so satisfactory for horses. An Antl-Klcklnir Deivlce. An arrangement which will euro tho worst kicking cow that I hnvo over seen Is shown In tho sketch. Tnko a strong strap such ns n honvy harness lino nnd bucklo It around the cow's body Just In front of tho udder. Ono must bo vory care ful In placing It first on tho kicking BTriAi' in i'lace. cow mid not bucklo It too tight. Sho will probably object nnd Jump around a little nt first, but will soon hecomo used to tho nrrnngo meiit nnd will not rnlso any moro dis turbance. A rope may be used Instead of n leather 6trap If It Is not tied too tight. Ho gentlo with tho cow mid treat her right nnd In n few weeks you can take off tho strap and she will remain quiet. In caso she begins to kick agalu, replace the strap and leave It on her for n while C. II. Parker, in Farm and Home. Suit for Dntrr Com. The carefully kept cows on the De troit dairy farm receives four ounces of salt dally, mixed with their feed. Tboy eat their food hotter, and the owner thinks they do better when they have this amount than when tho allow ance Is smaller. The cows are fed three times a day .and the salt is di vided between the three feeds. Fine table salt Is Invariably used. The cows prefer It to coarse salt Hprtn Patqr, When tho spring opens thero Is a temptation to put btoclc on tho pas tures rather early In the Benson. This should not bo done, as tramping by tho animals may do harm. A heirfry roller should be uaed over tho pasture field so as to press down nnd smooth the sur face for tho mower, if the field Is cut for hay. Very young grass or rye Is laxative, and cows will fall off In tho yield of mlllc If put on too oarly or kept on the pasture too long. Farm Brevities. Never pasture tho alfalfa the first year. A healthy flock of sheep Is a profit able flock. Mutton eaters are Increasing faster than mutton. ' ffl W n Apple .SrrdlltiK". Wo nro asked the question If tin seedling used In grafting apple exerts any inllueiice on tho tree as to hardi ness and If so what are tho best to use. The apple seedling Is tho foundation fot tho tree, as the scion depends on this nt least the tlrst two years for establishing Itneir and forming tho nu cleus of the future tree. In the past there has not been given tho attention ns thero should have been to hardiness and adaptability of tho stocks of our different fruit trees, and It has Just commenced to bo agitated by horticul turists the Inst few years, it has been the custom of many nurseries to Im port from Trance seedlings of French crab and domestic npples for grartlng on. Many of these nre known to b- ten der and hence many of the losses from trees dying out could bo traced If wo knew directly to the stocks on which tho treo had been grafted, if wo were to savo seed from such varieties as Duchess of Oldenburg, wealthy, north western greening, etc., wo would soon see n marked dirfercnco In tho hardi ness of our trees. Some of our pains Hiking nurserymen nro very carerul on thin account and buy their npplo seeds In Vermont or northern New York, where It Is washed out of the pumlco of the cider mills In sections where they hnvo had for years largo seedling or chards. Whllo the fruit was inferior, yet tho trees were hardy, nnd this Is the only requirement In n stock, ns tho quality of the treo will always bo In fluenced by tho scion. Twentieth Cen tury Fanner. Pruning the Plum Trcea, It linn been frequently noticed thnt old plum trees do not produce ns good qunllty fruit as n rule as tho younger trees nnd sometimes hecomo vory In ferior nnd unproductive. In many cases tho old trees would be benefited by se voro cutting back, and besides thnt. It wouVl be well to keep tho plum treo In bettor training than has been tho usu al practice In tho west; cutting back tho long and spreading branches, nnd compelling then) to head In short nnd closo to tho trunk. This might not bo good practice for nil varieties, nnd It would bo well to undertnko It with some en re, selecting nomo fow Individu als nnd noting tho effect of such pruu !ng upon them. Kurnl World Halter Tin. Tho necessity of innklnjc n knot In tho end of tho hnlter ercry tltno tho horso Is tied In tho stnll U done nway with by tho Inven tion of n North Dakota ranchman. Where n hundred or moro horses nro employed tho tlmo Involved In tying them In the stalls each day Is coiihUI ernble. Tho hnlter tie, ns shown In the Illustration, la cannot flur. mnde of ono pleco of metnl, through which extend two Hlots. These slotn are wider nt ono end than nt tho other, lly placing a rojK) tliroiiKh one of tho slots mid pull ing on tho snmo the ropu Is Hiiro to hecomo wedged in tho slot tighter nnd tighter. The hnlter tie Is milled nt the head of tho ntnll In advance of the horse, so thnt the latter In pulling on tho ropo will force It more tightly Into tho slot. Only n fow HecomU are re quired to slip the ropo Into the slot nnd over a small hook nt the Inner end. Whllo In this (KMltlon there In no dan ger of the horso working tho hnltor loose nnd roaming In the stable. Ciilllvntlnir Voiiiik Tree. Tho soil will dry very rnpldly nnd to n great depth If nliowed to Kot linnl nnd compact. Thero Ik hut n small apneo loft for nlr in nolld rails, and from thin fnct they hecomo hot mid dry to n Rrent depth In hummer, while If nlr Ik present, ns It Is In loosa hoIIh (b-.-lug such a poor conductor of, It will allow only a hiiiiiII portion of soli to hecomo hot, which soon cools nt nlRht nnd Is filled with n eoplotiH dew, not only retaining the moisture ul. ready hi tho soil, hut iiIho nddlng to It nt a flonsoii when mnlHturo Is esneclnllv deslrnhlo. Nowly net treea nro nlwnys Donomeu uy cultivation, becuuso nil their roots are surface roots nnd can not thrlvo In a hot, dry, compact soil, henco tlio necessity of summer surface cultivation of newly set trees. roUonlnc Cntvrorma. Recent experiments In poisoning cut worms, which hove been working on wheat and alfalfa, havo shown tho fol Iowlug mixture to bo superior to spray ing with parls green, ns formerly roc onimeuded : Thoroughly mix while dry 1 pound of parls green and 60 pounds of wheat bran; make moist, but not sloppy, by adding water In which a (juart of cheap molasses has been dissolved. I'laco this mixture In spoonful plies whero the worms are working, it nttracts tho worms from ttie wheat nnd outs. It Is also good grasshopper poison. Illrda the Farmer' Friends. Professor Cook of the national agri cultural department declares that of tho 300 different kinds of birds, but three nro the fanners' foes, tho En glish sparrow leading. Ho held that, whllo tho robin Is looked upon as a destroyer of early fruit, his diet Is but WJ 1 pound of fruit to 0 pound of In-' ects. CAFE Phone Main 23 IS COIST HILGERS 381 N. 17th St. Portland, Oregon DBUU'8 CAI'E Oliolro Wlnex, t,lciinr. biiiI (.'Ikn. Family Kanloii In eciiiiH'Ctlciii. Trniinlcnt ronm. Un ion linr. Win. Hell, l'rnp. Phono Main V.'OI, Cor. lild nnil Tliurmnii fclx., Portland, Oregon. Phono Hood 677 THE OLD HOME V. V. Mi:i:ilAX, l'rop. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars for Sou'litevlilli Hnd'N'nrtlmip His. Portland, Oregon ELDERBRAU GROTTO KltK'KBON A- UUlia, Trap. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars 54 Sixth Street MAIN 4iw PORTLAND, ORE. ANDREW SWANSON Fine "Wines & Liquors Cor. 23d and Wiuhlngton PORTLAND, OR. SERING & HILL Fine Wines & Liquors Family Trado a Spocialty 340 Williams Ave. Portland, Ore. Phone Ticlflc 2U9 Work Done On Shoit Notice The Never Regret Cleaning and Pressing Parlor Cli'iuiliiL', rrvnnltiK. IbvliiK anii:ilcinlrliiK. Ploain mul Trench llrv t'li'itiilliir n Hnoi'lnllv. conn rri'Hi'ii n no ion i an. 132 N. SUth Street, PORTLAND, OREGON C H. COBB INtlmntVH Ulvcn on All Clao (if Plumbing and Heating Work l'huno Kant 3.U7 Itenlilciico Kan I '."010 247 Holiday Ave. PORTLAND, ORE M, J. (Innlncr. l'luinu Main 1W0 M. (Innlnvr GARDNER BROS. Mnnufnrturcni of tho Cigars UNION MADE 20 Midlson Street PORTLAND, OREGON WEEKS GRANITE CO. For First Class Work and LOWEST PRICES in Portland Cor. fourth and Columbia Streets One Block South of City Hall DRUGS, STATIONERY IMPORTED & DOMESTIC PERFUMES Prescription!!, Family ItccipcH, Phone your onluiH l.atit GldU, W. C. CHURCH, Pharmacist G77 Williams Ave., Cor. Farto KSTAIIUHIIKI) 1K1 Multnomah Trunk & Bag COMPANY Manufacturer of TRUNKS SUIT CUES STRAPS TELESCOPES BAGS Mail Orders Promptly Attended To Telephone Cast 24 121-131 E.WalcrSt. PORTLAND, ORE AMBLER & WATTERS The Real Estate Brokers Corvallis, Oregon Fine Farms, Stock Ranches and City Property for Sale or Rent Independent Phone'225. Send for List DRINK Crystal High -Class Carbonated Beverages CRYSTAL BOTTLING CO. Tulcilioiii'Malli 7174 Ginger Alu in 8yphonn n Specialty Family Trade Kupplled. 249 MadisonSt. Portland, Oregon THE AVENUE CLUB and rv The Avenue Oyster Hous I'. Y. !(AJ.(,,J'rnp. Kreuli Oymctra njn dully. I'lnU, (uarli(al. loim iigmt'iumii) iia(u. The Btt of Wine, liquor and Cigars Tho bent of Mean, Klli, Oyttcn arid (Jamo. Open Day and Night UA Williams Avcnuo set Williams Avenue J'tione Kan IGl'J ' I'OiqxAND OUEOON Ericson Undertaking Co. Incorporated Funeral Directors and Embalmers LADY ASSISTANT Phono Main C133 roltTI.ANI) 400-111 Alder Strict onr.ooN Rupert's Pharmacy I'MONC MAIN 6421 KvurythiiiK Now, Fresh nnd Up-To-Datis. Wo dol r t your trade. Purity iiH'-cmliKMit. Pure I)ruj:H nn Important mutter. 1'rescriptioiiH precisely piepured. We never nub Btltute. 1'crfuuieH of the liipliopl chnrnctor. W e want your confidence 1G0 Jefferson St. Corner thirteenth St. Pnrf linr! rtr Opp. Uulllvnnt's Grocery lOriluna, Ur. WESTERN SODA WORKS JU01IKMIC1I A pltAMKIt, l'roi.n. MiinufiieturerH of Cnrhoniited Hever nires, Svrup", Kxtrnct", Mineral Water anil ( liatiiiu.'uc Cider. Sole dlBtriln utorsof fcV(liillle Mineral Witter, l'lione 1'nclllc 171)3. orricc and Ftctory, 204 Mill Street PORTLAND, OREGON OUR BRAND Horse Collars KnrinorK, Tonmn'om stnl Hnmoincn, look to oiir Intorent. Wliun In lived ul llorwi Collnm, buy thu bvnt - tlio SHARKEY COLLAR It nan kUkkI tho teat of wear and tear and rllinnto for twenty )cr. Auk iinr ilcalrr for thorn and Inilnt on IirtIiik tho "Hhnr key." , P. SHARKEY & SON Portland, Oregon Furniture i Quality Wo sell Quality goods Fur niture that is made from Natural Wood, that will give satisfaction under hard wear. The same will hold good of our carpets and stoves. That's the kind we All COVELL FURNITURE GO. 1C4-186 FIRST All the Credit You Want The SAVINGS BANK of the Title Guarantee & Trust Company PAYS 4 Per Cent Yearly Interest On Savings Accounts Interest Compounded Semi-Annually We Also Pay 4 Per Cent Interest on Certificates ot Deposit And 3 Per Cent on Daily Balances of Check Accounts Save a Dollar Today and It Will Work for You Tomorrow A Hunk Account is tlio llrst step to ward hupiiincBs, prosperity nnd commit Hanking Hours, 1) h. hi. to 1 p. in,; HatnnluyH. H it m. to 1 p, in.; .Saturday evt'iiliiKH, f. p, in, to 8 p, in, DIHKCTOHH Win. M. Ijidd, J. Tliorliiirn Hoh, T. T. llurkliart, Frunk M. Warren, George II. Hill. OITICKHS-J. Tliorhurn Hohh, Pn-H-iilent; Gcorgu H, Hill, Vlco President ; T. T. Iliirklinrl, TreaHtirer; John K. AitclilKin, Ktcrotary. 240 Washington Street Corner Second PORTLAND OREGON wawwiwi" mLj,iL'4an cv -vrvzZT.