C-lrter; iw r?-issvv THE NEW AGE, POBTJLAIO), OREGON' . r y i Ifllfflfttlh WlMIt &It0 A BRIEF RECORD OF THE COL- best In Illinois, Iowa or Minnesota, plan of the colored churches, thuMho CANDTROM RAIFDV TUa VU lW..f,,a f. f .,.,. v $1 JJ 14 1 UUU XV V III XVIJF ORED 80LDIER8. It Is a country of the most wonderful peoplo will never rcallzo ono-hnlf n 3AINU5IKUIM DAKLKY Ifte Yale market & QtOCCrf KiUbllslieJ 1190 At D, Qrlffln, Manager Offlcc, Hoom 317, Commonwealth Hiilldlng To Insure publication nil local news must reach ui not later than Thursday morning ot each week, Bubicrlntlon prlco, one year, payablo In ad vance, i.uu. Local News on tills Pago by C. A. WITTER. City Editor LUXURY BUT 8ITY. A NECE8- The Popularity of the Piano Is In creasing Every Year, PORTLAND LOCALS wmiiiiM Mr. I'mil .Strain the koiiIuI pro prietor of the Chicago Clothing Co. in (lie AiiiHWorlli IttilldliiK, Third and Oak MtrcctM, Is n firm nnd true friend of our people. Cnll nnd got acquaint ed with him. tf Mr. T. B. Hnll left last Sunday for Tonopah, Nov. Mrs. Goo, W. Kinney wns tnkon to tho Good Samaritan hospital last week, suffering with pneumonia. Mr. nnd Mrs. .Tcsslo Thompson, formerly of this city, Intcly of Seattle WaBh., have returned nnd contcmplnto residing hero ngaln. Mrs. J. Mnnloy wns tho recipient of tho sad noVB of tho death of her sis ter, who passed nwny on tho 19th Inst, nt Kalamnzoo, Michigan. Mr. II. M. Grays, of No. 8-10 Union Ave, N.,' is spending a short varatlon from his work nt tho mines In North ern California, with his family. Mr. Snm George, tho gcnlnl rfnd pop ular porter of .las. Ftillllovo's tonsorlnl parlors, rcturnod last week after a month's absenco nt Tonopnh, Nov. Mr. .las. Manley, of 393 Front street, left Monday evening to visit friends In San Francisco and Oakland, Cnl. Slio expects to ho gono sovornl wcoks. " Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Pcrrlng, Intcly of Tuscon, Arizona, aro recent arrivals In our city, nnd being favorably Im pressed nro contemplating purchnBlng a residence nnd remaining hero, Tho reason why Mr. M. Halston was going around with his bond In the clouds tins been found to bo duo to tho fact that his wlfo presented him last week with a bouncing dnughter. Mother and child nro doing well. Rov. Geo. K. .Inckson, pastor of tho A, M. K. Zlon church, 13th nnd Main HtreotH, .left Tuesday evening for Cali fornia to sottlo up somo buslnoss af fairs. Ho expects to bo absent a week or ten dnys. Ilov. .1. H. Harbour will fill his pulpit until his return, eacli Sunday evening nt 8 p. in. For the 8crap Book. uy w. P. Daunoy. tho twentieth." In tho Colonial Wars, beginning early In the 17th century, tho Negro NOT A distinguished himself as a protector of homes nnd nlso as a soldier. ( Crispus Attucks, a Negro, was tho first American killed In a conflict with English soldiers, March G, 1770. Peter Salem, a Negro, conspicuous In many bnttlcs, particularly at Dptf Iter Hill, Juno 17, 1775, where ho killed tho English commander, Major PItcalrn. Salem Poor, a Negro, In tho snnio battle earned tho titlo of hero nnd gnlncd a monument. In tho Hovolutlonnrv War thou sands of Negroes woro cngnged and woro uilldrcn are being raised, enn received honorable mention. Over nfford to bo without this valuable ad- G.000 fought valiantly. J""ot. In tho War of 1812 tho Negroes Another reason why tho plnno has wero commended both ns soldlors and bocomo a popular household llxturo Bailors, particularly at tho battlo of i Is tho easy manner In which thoy Now Orlonns. under Gen. .Inckson, and can bo acquired. One does not hnvo possibilities, and. ns the United States cent on tho dollar: therefore, bo It has been the wonder of the nineteenth "Resolved, Thnt we denounce and century, Canada will bo tho marvel of stlgmatlzo nil these associations nnd companies Hint nro now using tho col ored entireties Tor selling stock to tho colored people ns unrellnblo and" worthless concerns, nnd wo therefore . wnrn the people about them. "Itcsolved further, That tho thanks of this club are now extended to tho editors of the papers that aro nub No. 776 WHUmt Avenue Fresh Bread and Cakes Daily PIES AND CANNED GOODS TELEPHONE EAST 93 Not ninny years ago tho possession Ushed outside of tho city of Chlcngo of such a tiling hb a piano or organ was considered extravagance, and few Indeed outsldo tho rich enjoyed these luxuries. With march of progress nnd extension of education largei duo to our public school system, the plnno hns bocomo not a luxury but n neces for giving publicity to tho matter." Prominent Colored Men arid Women of Today. Miss Ella Wilson, of Mass., gradunted from T. J. COFER & SONS Grocery & Meat Market 735 Williams Avenue Phone Woodlawn 149 KIl. lt.8TOCKI.KN, Proprietor Staple and Fancy Groceries TEAS AND COFFEES A SPECIALTY" Phone Kast MS 205 Ornml Ave, Smith l'OKTI.ANI), OltlXION: Worcester, the High slty, nnd no home, however humble, School of Worcester, Mnss., a number or years ago with distinguished hon ors, nnd Is now a most experienced teacher In tli0 public Bchools of thnt Tho I.ndlos' Aid Socloty of tho Iloth el A. M, E. church, which holds week ly meetings nt tho homos of tho mom bors, hold an cnjoynblo session Thurs day nt tho homo of Mrs. A. D. Grinin. Although a young Bocloty, It Is rapidly Increasing In membership nnd bids fair to bo a great help to tho church. Tho Jnpnnei-o employed by tho Groat Northorn Itnllwny as section hnnds hnvlng failed to "mako good," tho compnny hns decided to omploy Afro-Americans nnd hnvo sent to Mis souri to securo 700 men nnd will pinco thorn nt work Immediately upon tholr nrrlvnl nt Kvorott, Wash. On Monday ovenlJtr a numbor of tho on tho lnltes under Perry nnd McDon ough. In tho Civil Wni over 200,000 en listed. Notnbly brave. Many great heroes, both on Innd nnd son. Tho first blood shed In tho Chll Wnr was that of Nicholas Diddle, a colored man, (15 yenrs 'old, who on torcd Washington with tho Washing ton Artillery nt Pottsvllle. Pa. Tho storming of Port Hudson nnd Fort Wngnor by Negro soldiers rank among the most heroic and despornto chnrges In history. Sergeant W. II. Cnrncy, nt Fort Wngner, though desperately wounded, held nlnft tho ling and when homo to tho hospttn) vhlspen'tt. "Boys, the old flag novor touched the ground." Rohort Smnlls, great Negro pilot, captured a Confederate vessel, "Tho Plalntcr," In 1802. Since thnt great conflict Negro sol diers took part In mnny bloody con flicts with Indians nnd during the Spnnlsh.Amorlcnn Wnr covered thorn selves with glory nt l.a Junslmn. El Cnnoy. San Juan Hill und In tho Phil ippines. Tho colored regiments nt present in tho service, famous throughout tho world, nro the 9th nnd 10th cavnlary and tho 21th nnd 2!th Infnntry. Mnny of tholr membors hnvo been retired nftor long yenrs of honorable mention or promotion. Sorpennt Geo. Berry, 10th cavnlary, retired Nov. 1, 1898. after thirty years of sorvlco, planted tho United States ting under heavy lira on tho top of Snn .Tumi 11111 When the Rough Rldcrn needed food, Sergeant Mingo Saunders, a vet oran of 2(5 years' honorable service, and his comrades, guvo up tholr rations. to. hoard his savings for years In or- city. She is ouo of the most popular nnd highly educated teachers that llinrrt u ttl Mm CJ.n.n tt MnttanMiiiuiiKu ... . """ . ... ... wiuiu i ... iPouMuim. m, u. j, hrclner sno nns iieen a leacnor in Worcester for 12 years nnd Is highly thought of MILLER, BUCK & CO. GROCERS Phono Woodlawn 406 Williams Ave. & Fargo dor to buy a plnno now-n-dnys. All , by tho peoplo nil over the stnto of that Is necessary Is to mako un your i Massachusetts, nnd wherever she Is mind to curtnll oxpeiiBes n few dollars known. She Is n pleasing nnd enter- a montli ami the instrument Is paid for without missing tho money. Tho old nnd rcllablo house of Slier man, Clay & Co., with branch stores In every Important town nnd city on tho Pnclflc Coast, carry tho largest nnd most complcto Btock of pianos of any denier In tho West. They aro Pa clflu Coast ngents for tho famous Stclnwny plnno; also mnny other standard makes such as tho Knnbc, Everett, Mason & Hamlin, Hnrdmnn, A. B. Chase, Fischer, Packnrd, Con over, Ludwlg, Kingsbury, Estcy, Em orson, Sterling, Wellington, Hunting ton nnd MendelsRohn. Also Estey, Packard and Chicago Cottage Organs, Plnno Players and Victor Talking Mn-chines. tnlnlng cnnvcrsntlonnllst and a lady of culture and refinement. Mr. Geo. W. Gough, of Ann Arbor, Mich., has resided In Ann Arbor for n number of years, He Is one of tho leading colored men of thnt city, nnd Is highly spoken of by tho peoplo nil over the Stnto or Mlchlgnn. Ho Is n prominent 33rd degrco Ancient nnd Accepted Scottish Rlto Mason, and Is Grand Captain Gcnornl of tho Grand Encnmpment of Colored Knight Temp Inrs of the United States. Ho Is n great Masonic Jurist nnd his opinions nro recognized to be good Masonic mi. thorlty, and he Is consulted on many very Importnnt MnBonic matters. Captain Win, T. Grnnt. 33rd, of Now prlcnns, l.n., Is ono of tho lending colored Masons In tho South. Ho Is tho Grnnd Mnster of the Most Wor shipful St. Andrews Grnnd Lodge of F. & A. Mnsons of tho Stnto of oulslnnn, Ho Is n prominent Scot tish Rlto Mason and a Shrlner. Hn Tho New Ago Is on sale nt I.ovy,it!,B -n .mnn U.mt. ls .!llB",y nPPrcclnlpil v..km Htnii.i. mm Tiii-tv.y..v.mii. Ji ' ami Honored oy uio peopio or mo It. ltochull riMIMMMK ! OUR CHIC ERDNER & HOCHULI Chicago Market Pealcrs In Kronh nnd Cured Moat-., AH Kinds of Hauiagca. 187 Third Htrrct, Hour Yamhill. Phono Main 41.1, Portland, Orvgou. E. B. COLWELL Wlioli'Hilc and ri'tnll GROCER PHONE MAIN 403 281, 283 and 285 Third SL CORNER JtrrERSON PORTLAND, OREGON 'B9999999&imt1&tm CHICAGO LETTER I a. S be KMCM CENTRAL CANADA THE MECCA. A Country Rich In Material Resources Invites the Homeseeker. nlifc n nt Rimy I.n semblod at hor rosjdenco to colehrnto hor 17th blrthdny, nnd old-fnsliloned candy p.illliig wns tho principal fen turo of tho ovonlng, accompanied with othor gam.oB, music nnd songs. A plcns nnt overling wna spent nnd It was mid night ero tho Jollv company Initio ndlou wishing tho hostess many happy returns of tho dny. On tho 21st Inst. Mrs. Geo. Klsor gnvo a buffot luncheon In honor of Mrs. Jns. Mnnloy, prior to hor dopar turo for Cnllfornin. Tho apnclous par lors woro olegantly decorated and tho guests woro entortnlned by classical nnd popular sontlmontnl phonographic Hoioctians. p.ncn guost was presented with n handsomo carnation as a sou venir favor. Thoso present were: Mrs. J. Mnnloy, Mrs. K. Duffoy. Mrs. Redd. Mrs. Wilkinson, Mrs. L. n. JoJQune, Mrs. R. P. Roots. Mrs. C. A. Rltter, Mrs. J. Hnnser. Mrs. Smith of Galveston, Texas, and Mrs. Geo. Klsor. Tho Congressional Investigation of tho Brownsvlllo Incident drags slowly along. So far tho ovldence would seem to estnbllsh the fact that tho soldiers woro not tho ones to "blnmo In the matter and that tho President was nt least hasty In tho steps that ho took In the mntter, hut wo very much doubt If tho gallant fight or Senator Foraker in tho mnttor will result In righting tho wrong to nny great extent, as thoso In authority will fear tho prece dent sot if the President's action should not bo upheld. Somo other solution of tho matter will most likely result. Tho newly organized lodgo of tho I. B. P. Order of Elks havo cause to bo satisfied with tho patronage accord, ed them at their first public entertain ment, which was given nt the large, handsomo. now Murlark hall, on tho 22nd Inst. Whilst thoso who attended bear testimony that tho committees In charge left nothing undone to make tho affair one of tho grandest ever given in Portland. Excellent music, jiuiiio ana Tho nvorngo American hns little or no conception of tho greatness of Can ada nnd hor wonderful natural re sources. Tho popular Idea Is that this vast domnlii Is n cold, barren wilder ness, largely given over to trappers and persons engaged In tho fur trndo. True this wns n fact until tho advent of tho groat railway systems which now span tho northorn half of tho North Amorlcnn continent, nnd In Its wnko camo tho settlor nnd tho homo seeker, i Tho Canada of today, thoroforo, does not materially dlffor, In nil tho essentials of greatness, from tho United Stntes. It does dlffor, how ovor, In a vory Importnnt particular, and that Is In tho superiority of Its soil nnd cllmnto for. growth of grains. For C000 yenrs wheat has boon tho chief foodstuff of mankind. Mnn hns for nil these centuries striven In vnln for somo othor natural product and sclenco hns endeavored without suc cess to discover somo makeshift, but todny as In tho centuries ngo, whent still remains tho "stnff of life." Canada Is tho great wheat producing roglon of tho world. It ls no longer an experiment; It Is n country of mag. nlflcent yields nnd In a right district Is a country of suro crops. Tho II. E. Bnrnum Land Co., n plo neor concern with offices In Chlcngo, Minneapolis, Winnipeg nnd Portlnnd, havatlono a grent work In direction by liberal distribution of somo very fine descriptive mntter concerning West ern Cannda. Tho following Is nn oxtrnct from ono of tho booklets: "Wostern Cannda whoro wo opornto Is no longor n country of tho futtiro; It Is a country of tho present. Its agricultural possibilities hnvo been proven for over twonty years. Tho country whoro wo aro oporatlng has been tosted by tho homesteaders, and what wo say Is absolutely truo. Settlors aro pouring Into tho coun try ns thoy never hnvo bofore, not only from tho United States, but from the Old Countries. Ono million acres havo already been sold this year. Every train going In tho West Is run ning soveral sections. Tho homesteads within forty or fifty miles of nn es tablished railroad aro already taken. It ls not a question of getting cheap land but of getting land nt all. Tho cllmato Is no more sevoro than that of Minnesota. It Is ns healthy as any climate on tho Continent. Fuel can be obtained in abundance where wo nro operating. There nro forests with in a reasonable distance which supply wood nt very low prices, and wo nro neRr tho coal district. As to crops, In tho canvass of twen ty settlers In our district, tho lowest yield of wheat wo havo found ls thirty bushels to tho acre, and tho highest, fifty-one bushels. Oats, barley and flax yield as good, If not better, than In tho verv best soil in nnv of tho American States. One crop has paid for many poor man's farm. Tho school system in Canada is equal to that of tho United States about the same svstem Is practised and there Is no difficulty In thero be. Taxes aro low; Chicago. Chicago, Fob. 21, 1007. Special to the Portland Now Ago: Mr. B. G. Johnson, ono of tho promi nent colored men of Chlcngo, hns oc cupied tho position of United StntoB Instructor of Customs for 18 yenrs. Tho Qulnn Chapel Sunday School Is among tho Inrgest colored Sunday Schools In Chlcngo. It hns ovor GOO members, Mr. Smith Is tho superin tendent, nnd Mrs. Townsend and Mrs. Susmi Jeffreys aro among somo of the lending nnd actlvo workers in tho Qulnn Chapel Sunday School, Will Bomcbody plenso toll what Rev. A. .1. Cary, of this city, has ovor dono or could do thnt ho Is to bo called by somo of tho colored papers In Chl cngo a leador among his rnco. Will tho Chicago Consorvntor plcaso an swer thnt question for tho benefit of tho Chlcngo colorod peoplo bora and olsowhero. Mr. J. h. Pnrks. of 31GG Stnto street. In tho city of Chlcngo, Is ono of tho Stnto of Loulslnnn. Ho Is nlso tho Deputy for the Daughters of Sphinx nnd tho Order of Eastern Stnr, for tho Stato of Louisiana. Prof. William E. Holmes, of Mncon, On., Is ouo among tho leading colored men of tho Stnto of Georgia, Ho Is honored and respected by tho peoplo till over tho country. Ho Is a mnn of energy, nblllty and Found judgment. Ho Is tho president of tho Central City Collego at Macon, (In.. which Is ono of tho largest nnd best educational Institutions for tho colored people In tho South. Ho Is the editor of-tho Baptist Truth, a weekly nowspnper published at Macon, Gn. Prof, Holmes received tho degreo of Mnster of ArtB In 1889 nt tho University of Chlcngo. Mrs. J. C. Oswell, of Worcester, Mass., Is a very Intelligent and pro gressive Indy nnd Is ono among tho lending colored Indies of thnt city. She hns been for mnny yenrs Identified with a numbor of enterprises for tho advancement nnd progress of tho rncc. Mi's. M. C. Hngnn, of Cambridge Mnss., belongs to thnt young clnss of enterprising nnd progressive colored D. C. BURNS THE a ROC BR i TI2UI2PMONI3 GIG 210 Third St., Portland, Oregon. F. A. TAYLOR Staple and Fancy Groceries Fruit", Confri-tltm, Ulgarii, Tobaccos and Fan cy Cofteos, Tea and Hplcca at I-oMcat Prices 417 Union Ave. Krco Delivery Phono Eat 440 P. A. EDDY North Portland's Leading Grocer Agent for Chase & Sanborn's. Teas and Coffees Regular delivery by Three Wagons, 10::i(l a. in., 2:!10 p. m. Special deliver ies, 0 a. in., r Phone Main 1710. 752-754 Savicr St., Corner Twenty-third Portland, Oregon AUOUST STORZ . Pcalor In Htnplo mill I'unoy Clrouorloai Vegetable!, I'rulti and Dairy l'roduco Phono Knat rV 409 Wllllami Ave. 1'OUTI.AND, OltlXlON C. S. NELSON Dealer In Staple and Fancy Groceries and Provisions 154 N. Fourteenth St., Cor. Irving y J-c--. - - w VtWliA) loading undertakers In this city, nnd J womon who nro occupying n prom thoroughly undorstnnds his business nnd Is n credit to tho colored ruco. Mr.; Adam M. Bockloy, of 3(51.1 Denrborn streot. will deliver nn nil dress on "Rnco Unity" beforo tho Nn tlonnl Dofenso Lcngtio at Ann Arbor, Mich., July B, 1907. Mr. Clifton R. Wooldrldgo, who hns Incut plnco among our race of peoplo. Mrs, Hogan hns won nn ndmlrahln placo In tho esttmntlnn of tho peoplo nil ovor tho country. Bho Is a zealous workor nnd In church, nnd secret nnd benevolent societies ns woll. Sho Is tho Most Worthy Elrst VIco Supromo Grnnd Matron of the Supremo Grnnd been a pollco officer In tho City of .Court or Daughters or Sphinx or North Chicago for mnny yenrs. desorves tho nmI So,ltn America, and Supromo thanks nnd hns tho tunnies of tho poo John' Ment Market J. D. MKW1KNH, Prop. Fresh Meats, Beef, Pork, Mutton, Bacon and Horns Corned Ilccf and I'lrkled Pork a Specialty Phono Main 19.M 43J K. Sixth Direct 1'OltTI.ANI), OUKCION T h Union Meat Co. All DlnliiK Car and l-'lrit CUm Hoteliam) Keataurauta buy tho UNION MfAT COMPANY'S rRCSM AND CURED MEATS Tho lie it In (he MarkoU 1'ntronlto Home In d'"" PORTLAND, OREGON GEO. HOCKENYOS Dealer In Staple and Fancy Groceries Ogxti and Tobacco, Fruits and Confectionery PROMPT DELIVERY 05 nuflocll St. Phone East 4899 Plo 111 Chlcngo for tho uroat nnd. snlon did pollco work ihnt ho has dono In tho city of Chlcngo. Mr. Wooldrldgo trnvola out of tho chlofs oIHco nnd Is ono among tho most competent, gen tlomnnly nnd ofllclont pollco officers In this city. Ho hns succeeded by his zonlous nnd cxcollont Judgmont nnd great nnd sple,ndld work In tho Inst two years of driving out of Chlcngo a largo numbor of fraudulent Insurnnco companies nnd bogus concorns, ho lias lind convicted and sent to tho Stnto FINK & LEWIS Pcalcra In Staple and Taney Groceries DRESSED POULTRY, ETC. Phnn fait 382 314 Mlniulppl Avenue PORTLAND, ORE. women wo hnvo. Sho Is nn oxcollent writer and pleasing lecturer. Mrs, Ponltentlnrv nt .Tnllnt. nnd nthnra imvn Davis Is probably moro publicly known left tho city and stato. A fow moro,,,,nn ""' o,,10r colored womnn In tho oxcollent officers llko Offlcor C. n. country. Sho Is tho president of tho Wooldrldgo, nil thoso thnt aro ongngod ' Chillis Whoatloy Club of Chlcngo. nnd In fnko and frnudulont schemes would , ,lnH ,l0"n tor novornl years n Nntlonnl urgmiizor or mo .Nauonni peiioraiion of Colored Womon. Mrs. Jcnnlo C, Wnters, of Worcos. tor, Mass., Is ono nmong tho promt nont colorod womon of thnt cltv, nnd Grnnd Roynl Secretnry of tho Supremo Grnnd Chapter of tho Order of Host em Star of tho United Stntes nnd Cnnnda. Mrs.-Elizabeth l.lndsny Davis, of Chlcngo, III., was born In Peoria, III., but has lived In Chlcngo for mnnv years. Sho grndunted n number of years ngo with distinguished honors from tho Hleh School nnd from tlin princoton university, sim is bovomi staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits. Produce IIWIIIIl Will UI IIIU IIIIMl lirilllllllL KIIIMIMI o3J TLiSD?8 17"'" K)ll0,'"' "t-YMPlC. GEO. W. IIOCIISTEDLER Dealer In find tho city of Chicago an unhealthy and undeslrablo plnco for them to ro main in. Tho Fredorlck Douglas Momorlnl Association of Chlcngo. that was or.8 nillng n position of honor and 'trust ganlzed n Chlcngo several ycnrB aco.'wlth ono of. tho Inrgo mnnufnctiirlng nnd hold such a largo and splendid meeting, nt tho tlmo that It was or ganized, nnd tho meoting wns attend ed by n largo numbor of distinguished persons, both white nnd colored, at tho Auditorium. Tho Fredorlck Doug Ins Association hold n meeting on last Monday and elected tho following offi cers: Hon. John G. Jones, presldont: Mr. Edward E. Wilson, first vlco-presl. dent: Dr. W. E. Mnckoy, second vice president; Mrs. Ellznboth L. Davis, third vice-president; Mr. W. W. John son, fourth vico-prosldent; Hon. E. II. Morris, treasurer; Mr. B. G. Johnson, secretary: executive committee: Roy. Jordan Chavls, W. M. Farmer, James A. Scott, F. A. Donlson, Mrs. C. A. West, Rov. D. J. Donohoo. Rev. N. J. McCracken. C. J. Waring. W. II. Curd. Tho object and purpose of this asso- establishments In thnt city. Mrs. Waters Is an educated, zealous worker for tho wolfaro of tho raco, nnd Is n splendid writer, nnd on sovornl occa sions has contributed sovornl oxcollent nrllcles to somo of tho leading maga zines In tho country. Miss Koto R. Gnrdner, of 1037 Stnto street, Is president of tho Christian Workers' Club ami Is doing a great work for tho churches and tho peoplo In Chicago. Chicago has sovoral vory competent nnd reliable colored men, who nro head waltors In somo of tho lnrgo ho. tels and reBtnurants In this city. Thoy aro men who aro strictly up-to-dato In tholr business, and ono nmong thorn wo tnko plonstiro to refer to Is Mr Frank C. Long, of tho Wlndomero Hotel, who Is head waiter thoro, nnd CIGARS AND TOIIACCO Phone East 374 460-462 E. Burnslde St. A Flour Whose Best Endorsement Is the Fact that the Number of People Who Use It Multiplies Every Year OLSEN BROTHERS GROCERS Free delivery Phone Eait 653 417 Union Ave. North Portland, Ore R. C. WALWORTH Staple and Fancy. Groceries Phone fAST 3407. 136 Rimell St. PORTLAND, OR. n; JOHN E. MALLEY DKAI.KH IN elation Is to pay our annual respects also Mr. W. C. CnHov, head waiter at f t thn mnmni rW tlm l(n " .1 t 1. it -v . to tho .memory of tho lato Frederick Douglas. courteous rnmmlttppH. aounaance or refreshments, all tended to hold tho vast throne enthtiRed until the clock struck 3, ero tho strains of ,lng plenty schools ome, Swpet Home" from th nr- personal property, for a reasonable chestra cauf"1 the affolr to he spoken pmount, ls exempt from taxes, and tho of as Fomoililng past, hut to be long r-nllnary taxes will run from $2.50 to remembered as ono of the grandest i $5.00 per quarter section. socjai successes of tho season. If the People ore apt to take a mop and Interest displayed by the members of i think the country Is too far North In mo organization continues unabated we predict a bright and successful future for the organization. Tho Cnlumot Club met last Thurs day evening. Mr. Robert Campboll of fered tho following resolutions, which werp adopted: "Whereas, Thero aro soveral fako and fraudulent organizations among the colored peoplo lit the City of Chi cngo, and thnt tho managers of them havo been for somo tlmo collecting and soliciting money from tho peoplo nnd selling to tho peoplo of Chicago and elsewhere stock In worthless and fraudulent companies and associations that is not worth ono cent on tho dol lar: and, "Whereas, It Is a fact well known to a largo number of tho people In Chi cago that tho money that Is Invested In some of these fako and fraudulent associations and societies, esno- dally somo whom havo been offering tho wilderness, but a trip through tho country will show you farms, housei. I and barns that will compare with tho Btock i0T Ba,e- through tho agency and 1M. tno uei Prndo Hotel, and Mr. J. M. Wells, hend waiter at tho Kohlsant itestaurant, SO Washington street. A grnnd concert will bo given for tho benefit of Rethesda nnptlst church. H232 Stato streot. for tho benefit of tho church, Mr. Kemper Hnrreld, vlo- nniHi.; Mr. H. rcmanunl Johnson, plan 1st: Mrs. Hnttlo Clavbrooko, soprano; Miss Maymo Morrison, contralto. This roncort is under tho direction of Miss Rlnnr-ho Wright, nnd will bo given on tho 28th of this montli. John Schald, dealer In hardware. (In ware, sheet Iron work, guttering, spouting and roofing. General Jobbing a specialty. 149 Russell street. Royal Market, nalr & Werth pronrl- etors, fresh and curd meats, fish, poultry and Jtsme. 43. Union avonue north, corner Tillamook. Phone East Staple & Fancy Groceries Teas and Coffees a Specialty 492 Washington, Neir 15th Phone Main 2167 POKTUM, 0IEG0N RAINIER MARKET C. III.UM, Proprietor Dealer in Fresh, Gyred and Smoked Meats, Hans, bacon, Lard, sausages, Etc. Also Fish aid Clams, KAMJ'-Y TltADK A BI'KCIAWY Cor. Rerentcentli and Barter bl. 1'lioue Main 103 Portland, Oregoa H. R. LYNES Dealer In STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Notions and Fruit Free Delivery. IS4 Ruull Strut r houo tut UiO P0RTUN, OREGON THE LIGHT THAT'S BRIGHT C Electric light is pre-eminently the light of happy content. It dispells gloom, dinginess and discourage ment. Light homes make light hearts. C Electric light is practical lighta light that is at once clean, convenient and eco nomical. At the prevailing rates for current on meter basis it is well within the means of all, and when used sensibly economically electric light is as cheap as it is good. CIS YOUR HOUSE WIRED? , PHONE MAIN 6688 rW OUR REPRESENTATIVE. He will prove these state ments with facts and figures PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT & POWER GO. FIRST AND ALDER STRRETS !3fr?wr!- a.