THE NEW AGE, POBTLAND, OREGON jttHt&tJttjftiU&t&f igii&Aigiift AsJM TOPICS OF THE TIMES V-"!"- 4r)!'f4'! Every good resolution, faithfully kept, will rob the devil of a llcnrty laugh. "An Illinois Judge Iiiih ruled that n whisky Jug Ih ii ileiully venion." Full, Imlf-full or empty? At present Indications It will be n good while before It Ih Kiifu to let Cuba out of the spankery. It would bo u great luxury to bo ho big your boiih couldn't ubo all your beat nocks and cullnrB. If Japan, threatened by n money Btrliigeney, were to ease up on tho bat tleship mania, It might help some. Should Mr. Taft becoinu firmly fixed In the public eye us n presidential can didate, the public will be uuablo to boo anybody else. KclciitlHtn nay the men of tho futuro will be taller, but the man on a moder ate Biliary Keen no chaucu to keep from getting Hhorter and Hhorter. Wish tho expression, "llarrlmnn, Co lossus of UoiuIh," had occurred to us sooner. The American Monthly ltovlow of ItuvlcwH Iiiih Hllld It llrHt. There aro many different opinions ns to exactly what constitutes a jrenltw, hut all ceem to be agreed that It Isn't Bonerally Hiife to lend him' money. Carrie Nation snys too many dances nro plain hugging. Now, tho miestlon nrlscs, how many years have elapsed luco Aunt Carrie made tho discovery? Tho iter capita consumption of pig Iron Ih going to bo 051) pounds thin year. With reasonable economy most of us should be able to get uloi'tg with that amount. With each succeeding day Mrs. Huh sell Hugo becomes a greater dlsapHlnt iiient to the people, who thought she could be tempted to throw her money to tho birds. A statistician nssertH that 1 per cont. of our population owns DO per cent of our wealth. And IK) per cent of our population keeps busy trying to get tho 1 per cent to whack up. Gertrude Atherton told tho editor of tho I)ii(lon Times to "go to tho devil," and the uiigallant fellow re fuses to do It. At least, ho proposed to take Ills own time about It. When bo left his fortune to tho enro of his wife, Undo Uiissell Hugo know her well em ugh to know that she would not throw It at tho Innocent lit tle birds that chirp In tho trees ami shrubbery. Kngllsh spinsters Inquire, "Should children he allowed to read Slinks- peuro?" Wo recommend tho 'luestloii to Huston, where It Is understood that Infants pine away who aro prevented from reading "King I .ear." In order to protect Its railways from tieliiK iihxorlHMl Into tho system of the United Ktates, the Koverumeiit of Mex ico has arrniiKed U take control of tho two Kieat trunk Hues of the country with their brunches, and run them In the Interest of Mexico. It thus plans to meet tho competition of American railroad combinations with n Mexican combination. The United States lias tiecoino n very wealthy nation. Tho innrveloiis wealth of the mines utauo may well bo eu vied by many nations. ItcjHirts on the development of milling the past year liiillcate that never before In tho his tory of that Industry was the produc tion of minerals so I a rue or m profit able, it Is estimated by txHrU that durliiK UKItl there was produced In the iiclclihorluHvl of JLVKHUHXl.lXH) worth of minerals and metals, com pared with a little over $l,r0O,0O0,XX) In HK)5. This was iiImi nearly three times Kreater than the output ten years Uk'O. Tho mlviuitiiKt'H of forelRii travel and tho chanco to compuro the hchoejs of another country with Miono of their own, which Mr, AlfnM Mosely'x jri'ii croslty has bestowed upon IhiKlUh teachers, may bo enjoyed next year by n thousand American "school ma'ams" nnd schoolmasters. Dr. William H, Maxwell, the MiiK'rlntcndent of the New Yrk City schools, Is nrrmiKliiK n re turn visit. It Is plaiuutl to schvt tho teachers from nil parts of the United Ktates, and to Include In tho Itinerary not merely the schools of ICiikIhiuI and Scotland, but those of wveral Contin ental t)iintrlei. It Is hoped that New York City will pny tho expenses of mich teachers as nro selected to rep recent the metropolis, and that hcnl boards of tHlucatlon eUewhero will pay lit least half (ho expense of those whom they delcKivte. Tho grvnt, sobering Ickson of tho trugglo for tho billion dollars of tho Insurance iollcy-holden Is tho extra ordinary power and effect tf the mad ness of the money hunt. Tho cruelty of gnvd, Its might to atrophy con science, and to turn men to beasts aro old themes of tho moralists. Wo may Jeam now that, besides all this, It d velops tin niniulug faculty of reckless mining, a supcrhtimuu Ingenuity, uud, above nil, nn Influcnco that can reach Into tho leant expected .places and com pel the least suspected men to, do Its bidding. A cynic, reading Uio story of tho "System's" attempts to seize this money, might reasonably contend that there Is no honesty, no strenuous vir tue, and no conviction nor faith that theso tireless schemers cannot, at their will, debauch. Of course, tho healthy mind knows better; hut the power of tho financial giants to, swny the or gans of public opinion, to coerce editors and delude clergymen, and to make so great a part of the business world their accomplice, Is something to give tin all puuo, Is the opinion of Itldgeway's. The subtlety of the jwwer Is more ap palling than Its mere brute strength. And Its dangerous present mani festation Is Its ability to manipulate by trickery or corruption the lulluonee which create or direct public opinion from the pulpit, from the rostrum, and In print. Of all the perils that beset free government, none Is so funda mentally destructive as the peril of a press controlled In tho Interests of re action and ojteratlng by misrepresen tation. One of the moot productive, sources of revenue In Great llrltiiln Ih the In come tax. Franco nlso finds tills tax a successful method of ratalng money, and It Is not unknown In other Euro pean countries, European writers on pojltlcnl economy maintain that It In tho Ideal tax. The Inherltanco tax also Ih common nhrond. When n man dies IiIh heirs hnve to pay over to tho state n certain iiercentaKo'of their In heritance. Tlieno taxes are resorted to In America. In thirty-two of tho Stntcs Home form of Inheritance tax Ih levied either upon tho property Inherited hy collateral heirs only, cir upon thnt which icotH to direct ns well ns to dis tant heirs. It varies from one-half of one per cent to twelve per cent, according to the amount nnd nearness of ktn. In the wealthy Stated tho tax yields considerable revenue. Tho tnx on Income Is much loss common, fr It prevalln In only hIx States, nnd Is not rigidly enforced. In somo States tueru Is evidence of nu nttempt to iiinko It equitable, for Incomo derived from property otherwise taxable Is ex empt. The rlKht to raise money by levying on Inheritances nnd Incomes Is (uiu which the States niny uxerclso at discretion. They mny not rnlso money by taxes on ImiwrU; thnt right Is re served to tho national government. Tho national government has on moro than ono occnslon lovled taxeH which tho Stntes mny nlso levy. Thoro was u national Incomo tnx from 18112 t 1872, nnd In 18!) t Congress provided again for Htich a tnx, but tho Supremo Court uocinrctl Uio law unconstltutlonnl. Tlio last tltno Inheritances woro taxed by1 tho national government was riaurinu tint u-nr ultli Hniitn. In thU muntrv both the State and tho nation mny tax tho saino Inheritance, whorens In Kiik- land and Franco tho nation,,, ,, iiient alone has power to levy such c tnx. Under present civirt decisions tho wtnl n nliMin nwiif lomi nn Iiiaiiiiji tntf States nlono may levy nn Incomo tnx here. IIHtrr No I'ooil limn No Oprrn. The creolu would rather do without a few meals than miss a Kod oHra with n llnu cast, nor loes this ndiulru- bio siilrlt merely niinlv to tho middle classes. Many n charinlnv little emile lady who iiiIkIU lwilnt to a Mnrluny on her escutcheon would not hesltnto ,, hard pressed to do her own housework In order to bo nblo to blossom out at ulK'ht In her proper place, radiant nnd exquisite, In n lon'e grille at tho opera. It matters llt'le In New Orleans to what unfortunate straits adversity may liavo driven a lady, even though slio may do tyHnvrltln for Hoplu whom she meets MK'lally, there are enough nolilo uilnded people of tho ancient rcKlmu who will help her to forget tho pinch of poverty and see tlmt she re- celveH tho greatest consideration. This Inbred chivalry Is one of tho most marked and endearing traits of tho southern character, lending to tho South nn atmosphere free from our par asiticai iiuiiKyisui over mere money or Its Insignia. 0. II. Whltu In Harper's Magazine, Dlil I.epro.r knniii In tho earliest code of Hrltlsh laws now extant namely, that of Iloel Dim, A trip up tho river needs little prepn 11 famous king of Cambria (tho present ration as compared with a camping trip Wales), who died about tho year W0 A. I). we llud n canon oiiactliix In plain and unmistakable terms that any married woman whoso husband was ulllleted with leprosy was entitled not only to separation, but nlso to tho resti tution of her Kood. Tlir Correct Kind, "Hero's n pretty kettle of tlsh," said e lineman, as ho looke.1 at tho vlrw the twlstwl together by the big tire. The Intelligent winptisltor who was on the ceuo UH)kl about him. I "I should say, rather," ro n.marked, "that It was a case of current nl "J that it was a tase or current pi. Haltlmoro American. I'imiIIiik tho lima, Casey Ye're a har-nl worniker, Iloo ley, How many hods o' morther liavo you carried up that laddher tit" day? Dooley Whist, man; Ol'm foolln th boss. Ol'vo carried this same hod. ful up an' down all day, nu' ho thinks Ol'm worruKin', llr IVrtih, projHvso to her "Hid ho proiHvso to her on his K,U'S "No. but she itiveptetl him on them." Houston Post. I If n mnu abus thd authority he has, ho Is pretty apt to think ho should have more iwwer, Hut few iKHipIo apprecate tho rose un til they encounter the thoru. I $m I Tlio Vnle of Cnohnicre. Who has not heard of the Vale of Cash mere, With Its rors the brightest that earth ever gave, Its templei and grottoes and fountains ns clear As the lorcllghtcd eyes that linns over their wavo? Ob, to see It at sunset, when warm o'er the lako Its splendor at parting a summer evo throws, I.Ike a bride, full of blushes, when linger ing to take A last look of her mirror at night cro she goes 1 When Hie shrines through tho foliage arc gleaming half shown, And each hallows tho hour by somo rites of Its own. Hero the music of prayer from a minaret swells, Here tho Maglnn his urn full of per fume Is swinging, And here, at tho altar, a zone of sweet hell 'Hound tho wnlst of somo fair Indian dancer Is ringing. Or to see It by moonlight when mellowy shines Tho light o'er Its palaces, gardens and shrines; When tho waterfalls gleam like a quick fall of stars, Anil the ulghtlugalu's hymn from the Islo of Chenars Is broken by laughs and light echoes of foot From tho cool shining walks where tho young peoplo meet. Or at morn, when tho magic of daylight awakes A new wonder each minute as slowly It breaks, Hills, cupolas, fountains, called forth every ono Out of dnrknps!, ns they wero Just born of tho sun; When the spirit of fragrance Is up with tho day, From his harem of night flowers stealing nwoy ; a.i i. ...1...1 ..ii ..i. uiu iTiiiw, tun ui niiiiiuuuvnn, nuuvn like n lover I Tho young aspen trees till they tremble all over; When the east Is ns warm ns tho light of first hopes, And day, with Its banner of radiance unfurled, Shines In through the mountainous portal thnt opes, Sublime, from the valley of bliss to the world 1 Thomas Moore. A Hymn f the Ifamelnnrt, Tho Homeland I The Homeland 1 land of tho frethom The There Ih no night In the Homeland, but nvo the inrloless mom. I,m b'k'"K 'or tho Homeland, my heart a.i . ncl,,nf "e' ".- n- n ta h. lloaie.nnd to My ron, , n he nomctanil wlth an ,, .. ... iirlKlit and fair; There's no sin in tho Homeland, nnd no temptation there. Tho music of the Homeland Is ringing In my cars, And when I think of tho Homeland my eJ'(', sush out with tears; Vor tl,0Hr. ' Iove '" the Homeland aro calll"B m.e nwny' , .. . , To XtS ta T' ror tbn.u uo ,lcntl ,n ie uomeinnii. there's no sorrow nbovo; Christ brines us nil to tho Homelaud ot Ills eternal lore. iVuien. JUNQLE HUNTING IN PANAMA, Cluldo tllh it Itltr Machete U Uaiiully SvvvuHury, Ai tlinrn nn nu vi.t urnptli-nllv no roads In the Interior of L'nuaiim and trails uro nearly alwaya tributary to the nearest river, travel ih almost en tirely done by canoes, says n writer In itecrentloii. Tho native cayuco or plniKUU of the Interior Is usually made of native cedar, narrow, lint bottom ed and ending In 11 Hat, platform-like il0W lUi ht..rn. This necullnr wustrue tloii Is to enablo ono to laud directly over the bow or stern when, due to the nature of tho bank, It Is Impossible to moro than forco tho bow to sulUT , ground, to a com climate. A ifooii KMUo witli his bit; working knife or machete can do wonders. With this ho cun cut trail, clean tho camp site, make a shel ter or house, n bedstead, n matrress or thntch nnd a cover for tho tiro nil fastened together with vino rojvs which ho cuts near by. He can cut II re wood and dress game, slice bacon or Dotatoes, chon out an linnronnitu I poddlo or palunca, "cut rubber," dig . roots, got out fulr-slrtnl logs nnd, If necessary, innici serious wounus witli ' , A ?nrM cnnae "P3. lu,0Vy ?I0"B " m , , fM g, ' ,"" ,,an" U lU,rlvMl lK)th from tho l,e,'uty ot th(J Bwn mii from ,ho rt.elln , of i poctatlou regarding new sights nnd clmnces at odd sorts of gamo. You round it bend, your cunaletero, or pad dlemau, stops and, as you slowly bring Into view tho stretch of rueltu be yond, probably ho says, 'Logarto, honor, allll ..Mill" and when your unncvnstoiuwl eyes Dually follow his direction you see a big 'gator, light gray on the back from dried mud, and yellow below, lying like a log on tho fnrtlur mini linnW. Hi, sivm vnn ... ,.. h B.,rrt nt .i,nt. i i,rt h.',.,. nllv Btvs everything that moves, nmi hears nnd smells ns well as sees; ho s In no hurry to slide Into the water. ater. however, for ho sees native canoes every day nnd they never bother him, 80, t, IKle have the ; -bluj." wo?e than others. Dm kind of blues the young people ha,ve seem to bo worse thuu any other klud. HALL PHARMACY CO. Telephone East 873 Union Avenue and TIHamook Street PORTLAND OREGON Nob Hill Pharmacy lilt. J.J. FleilKit. Prop. Drugs and Toilet Articles. Prescriptions Accurately Compounded 680 Glisan Street Tel. Main 845 ELEGANT FLORAL PIECES and Cut Flowers. House Plants. Garden Plnnts nnd Vuiy reasonable. CUSTAVE J. BURKHARDT, Florist 112 Twenejr-thtrd St. Phone Main 603. Portland, Ore. A. CORRIGAN Barton, Or., Clackamas River Best Fishing and Hunting Grounds in the Northwest LOUIS SCHUMACHER FURRIER FurH Keniotloled Into l.utpet Stylo. lions, S (Hen, Ties, for lets than at any other place. 18S Madison Street V. It. Williams Al Clcvolnml FASHION STABLES Hacks, Livery, Boarding Twentieth and Washington Sta. West End Exposition Bide. I'lionu Mn I ii I) PORTLAND, OREGON SCHWIND & BAUER Shoe, Repairing Machine nnri llniul. Only (looiljpnr Mnclilno In Our I'll)'. Plincs in ml ii to Onlcr. HIioi'K Cnlk'it for nml Delivered, Tclfpliiinc I'st'lllcZttS. 2G9 Ynmlilll strict I'OltTt.ANl), OltKQOK The Portland Hat Works Manufacturer of FINE SOFT AND STIFF HATS I tr.i. rifitii Pinmwui . m,ib...i r... ...... ,"'" ;.Y':yjy:ny' "." v.?K"s "'i rinii i kiiiiiiiiih iicniiiMi nun jiji'iiciieu. 2 WU Aider Hi.. Iki. fecund nnd Third. Hrnm-li MJ wiuiiliiKUiiiHt. Portland, Or. ARTHUR UVY CurnUher and Matter "H12 MAKES SHIRTS " 48o WnililiiKlon f .., Opposite llcllln'i Theater PORTLAND, OREGON THE HOUSE THAT GIVES YOU A SQUARE DEAL A. It. KKI.I.AK X. I,. MUM.l.KIt Zellar & Mueller FURNITURE A Full Line of Stoves & Ranges SEE US, WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT Phone East 4457 535 Williams Ave., Portland, Ore PICTURES FRAMED PHONE EAST 3S49 RES. PHONE EAST 2312 MWdTURE Ktl'AlRED H. C. SCHROEDER The Alblna HOUSE FURNISHER HOUSES FURNISHED COMPLETE CASH OR INSTALLMENTS UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING 244, 246, 248 Russell St., PORTl AND COURTNEY MUSIC CO. I Band Instruments Stringed Instruments ! Phonographs Cheap for Cash or Easy Payments, Latest f opular bongs and Music 25c, Five for $1, postpaid, lU-Ccnt Sheet Music Postpaid. Standard Classical and Popular Sheet Music, 10c. 88 North Intra M., Portland, Ur. MALL & VON BORSTEL RCSWCNT AGENTS Real Estate and financial Agents GERMAN AUIANCE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Of New York. Capital $1,900,000 (,xMAnfHAT'i),N, '''0''.-A nMi y. losses ment of 8. biirnlui (n nolliv Homer, oi vr i(,ww,vw. AdKNTS-, HolUduy Park gei-onil AilJItlnn; ManuiiiK' Aililltlou; York Audition; Sulli. au'H Addltlnni V. W. MrQulro's Addition; NU'lioUon Addition. 104 Second St., lumber tichange Bldf, I'lnimi Main U3u 392 fast Burnslde St., 1'Tiune Kat 1W THIS Continental Casualty Co. of Chicago, Illinois. Paid-up Ciipltal $3oo,ooo Northwestern Department 503-4 Lumber Exchange Bldg., PORTLAND, OREGON Tim Ureest connmnv in tho world .In!..,, lrli'lK- lu:illli nml in-., limit iiU;..w Over imui . , ciuim8 to It. R. men alone. Writes hII cj-l gl t"VZ ,onti ihjUcv. Call at tho otlice or phone us ami .wo will bo glad to explain tho ditlerent plans, I'Tioue Main -189S, For Flno Wines ami Llquori, enll At THE WEST O. HUltlMS, Prop. Fine wines, Liquors and Cigars Plinno Pacific HUti S35 K. Fourteenth Ht. POKTI.AND, OllK. NEW ALBINA CAFE PATTESJON k McDOUGALL. Tropi. Fine Wines & Liquors Tho Old Corner Cor. Russell Av. & Alblna St. Phono East 4386 Portland, Ore. LODELL'S PLACE A. K. I.ODKLI,, Proprietor Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars WEINHARD'S BEER TcleplionoPnelflelOSI 4U .North Nlnultciitli St. PORTLAND, OR. Pioneer Soda Works OUNDKI. 1IHOH. ,: 00. .Manufacturers of SODA WATER, EXTRACTS, SYRUPS, ETC. Fnctory, 418 Water Street Telephone, Mnlu 23C6 rOUTLAND OKKdON Crane Bottle Co. Wlinlcaalo Dealers In BOTTLES Carry tho larg- st ttoek of llottlcs on tho I'ttclllc Coast. Mall Order bIiId tuents given prompt attention- Office, 14th and Couch Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON STAR BREWERY NORTHERN BREWERY CO. BicwHJ and Bottltri of HOP GOLD PORTLAND OFFICE: Corccr Eut Third and Burnilde StrtcU Tho Judge Demands the Best" LA TOCO Ky Vat Cigar EL PATERNO Tn-Cnt Leader SIGHT DRAFT King of Five-Cent Clean W. S. Conrad JMIiinonpolltf Distributor l. I'lllll llMMM&VVttlLUBv1 WMTTMI tMai PEERLESS SODA CRACKERS MAZAMA BISCUITS Ask your grocer for them and tako no other kind if you want the best. THETQKEPOINTOYSTERCO. 29 Second St., Portland, Or. Tuleptioiitt MAIN 603 Solo Grawsrs ot tba Celebrated Toke PointOysters An Ktstarn Ojrster Trmp)nte4 and grown on our bods at TOKELAND, WASHINGTON "UNEQUALEU IN FLAVOR AMD FUKS11NKS3" Cannery at South Bend, Wash. Wholesale Dealers in All Yurlotlea of Nativa Oysteri. o o COFFEE,TCA BAKINO POWDER. nJUOMNGBlTMCra tUftJufeiVity, flrvts.FIavor. fcta.ct$rm$h,t)tuoftiJkfrii CLOSSET&DEVEBS amsaii aaist narinii yff-au i- -fc "ls PORTLAND COFFEE & SPICE CO., Importers and Manufacturer! Tea, Coffee, Spices, Extracts and Baking Powder 24 ann 26 Front Street PORTLAND, OREGON- Lewis & Clark Cigar Co.. CIGAR MANUFACTURERS Ask for the Celebrated Lewis & Clark Cigar I2c Sacajawea 10c UNION MADE Phone Pacific 2263 PORTLAND' KIIG & GILMORE Tolcplrono UNION iW Real Estate Dealers Everything in the Best Properties Jersey Street ST. JOHNS, OREGON' H HENDERSON Real Estate I08!u jersey Street, ST. JOHNS, OREGON. I liavo choice Ilusinessand Resldcnco Tractu In nil parts of tho city. Corr sponilenco solicited from non- ieldent owners of property or tlioso eeeklng investments liere. ABBETT All Kinds of Galvanized Iron and Tin Work a Specialty ALL WORK GUARANTEED NOT TO LEAK: Agent for Quaker Mfg. Co.'s steel Furnaces 440 Union Ave. North Shop Phono Kaat 0177 ltesidenco Phono Kant 180 : JAMESTOWN, N. D. :: The Seiler Co. OSCAR J. SEILER. Attorney .at-Uw President .Paid Up Capital and Surplus $35,000 Collections Investments Real Estate Jamestown, North Dakota 11Y ItAIJ. AMI WATKIl Columbia River Scenery REGULATOR LINE The excursion steamer "BAILEY GATZKR i " makes round trips to OAS CADKl.OCKh ovory Siindnv. leaving' l'OUTI.AM) at 0 a. ni returning ar rives 0 p. m. Dally fervlco between Portland and Tho Dalles, except Sunday, leaving Portland at 7 a, in., arriving about 5 p. m , carrying Ireiglit nnd passengers. Splendid accommodations (or outfits and livestock. Dock foot of Alder street Portland ; foot of Court r treot, The Dalles. Tele phono Main 014. Portland. A STORU & COLUMBIA Two Slioll Passenger Trains Dill, WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS nrrwiiM Portland, Astoria Seaside Ltves union Diro Arrlres. For MTKn. tuin PsllT t:CUa.m. ler, CUltkunie Dally, tlilu a. m. rirort,cillton, Astorlk, Warren, ton, KlnTel, liear bsrt fkrktitla. Ide. AtorU ,t, 8emhor i-xprtu Dully, Anuria Kzpreas Dslljr. 7:(r.m. 9 MO p, m. :. A. STKWART. J, C. MAYO. Comitt'l At., 3 W AWer St O. F. it 1. A. Tlephona Mrda 904. ' .visit.