I X T. 1 t a l. x -cc-- s V l v i V ' 4 ,sf- V Ptfhtatti nm k? J-Vtf Wfe lp f V .. VOL. XI. PORTLAND, OBEGO-ST, SATURDAY, MAliCH 2, 1907. NO. 45. V, )& V . ii!S- J . THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF KA US PELL KALISPELL, MONTANA D. It. PKKt.KK, Pros., V. J. I.KnKHT, V. Pres.. K. K. WEII9TEH. Cash., W. TJ. LAWSON, A. Cirnh. Transact ft Roneral tanking buslncn. Drafts ImuoJ, available In till cltlc of the United Elates tl hurope, Hong Kong and Manila. Collections made on favorable terms. LADD & TILTON, Bankers Portland, Oregon Established In 1859. Trnnnact a Oonetal lliuiklim liuslness. Interest allowcil on tltno do- posits. Collections made at all points on favorable terms. letters of Credit Issued available In uiifiiu imi iiiu j.nntviu cumu. AVn.llf lllfl rill Mklnaim U Washington, Idaho, Montana and llrltlsh Columbia. j-itniMurfc null jiuug nuiifr. hlttht Kxehnliirs mill Tnlptrrntihln Transfers unlit on Now York. 1.UU1B, iniiivcr. uinana. nnn rrancisco anil VHrious ikiiihs in urcKiin, H-chnngo sold on London, Purls, llorlln, UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK R. W. BCHMEElt, Cashier OF PORTLAND, OREGON. J. C. AINBWOllTIt, President. W. 11. AYKIl, Vlco-Proslriont. A. M. wuiuiit, Assistant Cashier. 1 rnnsacts a genoral banking business. Dralts Issued, available In all cities of the United States and Europe, Hong Kong and Manila. Collections made on favorable torms. NORTHWEST CORNER THIItO AND OAK STREETS. THE PENINSULA BANKST-JOHNSORE- Capital, fully paid up, $25,000.00. Surplus and undivided profits. $3,000.00. Commenced Business June S, 1905. OFFICERS' J. W. FORI1NEY, Presidents It. T. PI.ATT, Vlco President; C. A. WOOD, Cashier. aiOAItl) OK DIRECTORS: J. W. Forditcy, 11. T. l'latt, V. C. Kuapp, W. A. HroHur, It. I.. Powers, TIhh. Cochran, M. I.. Itollirook. C. A. Wood. CO. "Oldest Hank In tho State ot Washington." DEXTER, HORTOIN & Capital 2yxw PI. A TNJI"PI,C Surplus and undivided Deposits I7,M000 Dl(iVC(iXO prollts.lL'S.OOO Areounls of Northwest Pacific Hanks solicited uimiii terms which will grant to thorn tho most liberal acrommodailnns con!stciit with tholr ialancis and responsibilities. Wm. M. iLadd, President; N. II, Latimer, Manager; M. W. Puiorsoii, Cashlor. Heaitlo, Washington. THE HIRST (NATIONAL, BANK OR PORT TOWN8I2ND hstabllshed 1882. Collections promptly made and romltted. FIRST NATIONAL BANK rZ?Z& Capital, $800,000 JSurplutt, $1,000,000 DupoHltH, $13,000,000 FIRST NA TIONAL BANK of North Yakima,' Wash. Ommllml mnd Surplum $130,000 OO UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY W. M I.ADI) President CIIAH. CARPENTER Vlco President W. L, bl'KINWKO, ' Cashlvr A. H. CMNE Assistant Cashlor FIRST NATIONAL BANK Walla Walla, Washington. (First National Hank In tho Htato.) Transacts a General Banking: Business. CAPITAL 1100,00.). 8UHPLUS llOO.tuM. LEVI ANKKNY. President. A. II. REYNOLDS. Vice President A. It. llUKFOItt). Cashlor THE NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE TAOOMA, WASH. UNITED STATES DEPOSIT ANY CmmHml 9200,000 Supplum $200,000 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT OFFICERS Chester Thome, Prisldont; Arthur Albortson, Vlco President and Cashier; Frederick A. Rico. A-tdstanl i Inn tiler; Delbort A. Young, Assistant Cashiur. JNO. C. AINBWORTIi. Prcs. JNO. a 1IAKKR, Vlco Pres. P. C. KAUFKM AN, ltd Vlco ITes. A. U. 1'KlCllARl), Cashier. F. P. IIAHKEI.L, Jit., Assistant Cashier. THE FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY BANK General Banking CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $390,000 Safe Deposit Vaults -SAVINGS Df PARTMCNTi Intorest at tho Halo of 8 per cent per Annum, Credited Beml-Anmmlly TACOMA. WAMHINQTON ' ALFRED COOhlDUK, Pres. A. F. McOLAlNK Vlco Pres AARON KUIIN, Vice Pres CIIAS. E. HUltlllKll, Cashier. 1). 0. WOODWAItD, Asst. Cashlvr. THE COLFAX NATIONAL BANK of Coif ax Wash. Capital, $120,000,00 Trnnsncts n general banking business. Special facilities for handling Kastorn Washington nnd Idaho items. Chlnoso fa m I no sufferers nro dying by thousands. IIHI lias purchased the Astoria A Columbia lUor railroad. A number of Honatore nnd representa tives will iBlt Huwitll this Hummer. Gcncrnl Koslovpky was nssnpsi tinted after Joking about threats tnado to kill him. The National Arbitration nnd Pwire rotiKres! will meet in Now York April 14 to 17. President Iloosovolt nnd Socretnry Root huvo been anked to urgo tho peo- pio to Help tlio IJuesian fainino suffer ers. A llultimoro A Ohio express train wus wrecked near Connollsvillo, Pit., nnd two persons killed nnd clyht In jured. Tho Iowa legislature line adopted n resolution ending on congress to call a convention to amend tho constitution so that United States sonntors may bo elected by direct oto of tho people. JIUSINKSS LOUAI.a J. Wallgrcen, denier In staplo nnd fancy Kroccrles. G34 Thurman atrccL Tolophono Pacific 911. A good Dlaco to cet vour soft or stiff hats renovated is 249 Aldor street between Second and Third. M. J. 0111 Co., wholesnlo nnd retail ment dcalors, 512 Mississippi nvtmue, Portland. Oregon. Phono East CGG. Always nsk for tho fnmmin Oon oral Arthur clgnr. M. A. (luiiBt s Co., genornl ngents, Portland, Or. Tho Anhcusor, Henry M. Williams, proprietor, 234 Morrison street, comor Second, Portland, Oro. Tolophono Main 2617. MUST NOT OWN PROPERTY. Ryan & John, dcnlors 1n cholco gro ceries, meat, fish and poultry, phono Main C22, 61 North Park Btroot, cor nor Davis. VANCOUVER NATIONAL BANK Vancouver, Wash. Loading Financial Institution in Southwestern Washington UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY CAPITAL, $50,000 SURPLUS, $50,000 ASSETS, $1,000,000 LEVI ANKKNY President! K.O. CKAWFOIID, Vlco President! W. P. CONNAWAY, Cashier DlltKCTOItS LevlAnkcny, Harry I.add Corhett, W.P.Crawford, K.U.Crawford, W. W. MeCredlo THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Moorchottd, Minnesota CSTABIISIICD JOHN I.AM II, President DAVID ASKKOAAKIl, Vice President LKW A. IIUNT00N, fanler AltTHUK II.COSTAIN, Asst. Cashier Interest Puld on Time Dpo&iltM FIRST NATIONAL BANK of East Grand Forks, Minn. Farm Lonns Negotiutcd. Flro nnd Cyclono InHiirantj Written. Dooi n General Hanking UuAidous. Capltnl, W)jm K. AHNKbON, Pre.. (I. It. JACO III Cashier 4 Per Cent Interest. Ptild on Tlmu DwpoHltc THE FIRST INATIOINAL, BANK OP QUL,UTH, MINNESOTA. CAPITAL, flOO.OOO SURPLUS 73(1,000 U. S. Qovernment Depositary. UKO. L. CLtiAVKIt W. L. IIKKNIIOLTR Astt. Cashier Asst. Cashier GKOIKiK PALM Kit Preldent F. L. MEVMKS Cashier La Grande National Bank lA0SSSE Ommllml Surplus, $120,000 DIHKr-roilS: J. M. Berry. A. li. Conley, F. J. Holmes, F. M. U rklt, F. L. Meyer. Oeo. L Cleaver, Geo. Palmer. . Evorott Morkot. (E. L. Pock, Prop.), Cholco MoatB and Poultry, 413 Evorott Stroot, corner Tenth, Portland, Oro. Phono Main 1D40. 0. Andoraon, staple and fancy gro ceries, Twenty-first and Thurman otreotn. 'Phono Hood 67. Fresh roasted coffeo a specialty. Try tho Pacific Laundry Co. for good work and Dronmt service Main offlco First and Arthur streets. Port land, Ore. Telephone M9. North ICth Street Market. A. Wur. tonbergor. proprietor, cholco noultry. froah and salt meat-, phono Main 139C, 230 North SUtoonth street, Portland, ure. I N. NeoB, boot and shoemaker. Fine ropalring a specialty, (live him a call whrn you need nnvtlilntr In this lino, 322 H Williams nv., Portland,. uregon. Tho Oak Cnfo. Choicest lino of wines, liquors and cigars. P. W. Pick, proprietor. Oregon Phone Pacific 2118. corner Fourth nnd Onlc atreotB, Portland, Oro. Dyeing and cleaning of nlPkl'nds of ladles' and gents' clothing, crepe shawls, silk, velvet and loco dyed equal to new; lnco curtains and bankets cleaned by a now process; mourning garments dyed In 48 hours. All work dono at vory modornto prices. 104 North Third street. California Legislature Passes a Bill Against Orientals. Sacramento, Cal., Mar. . Tlio low er liouso of tlio legislnturo today paesed a sweeping antl-Japaneso nnd untl Chlnoso measure, Introduced by Assem blyman Drow, of Fresno. Tho bill le known its tho "nntUnlion property holding bill." It is nimod at tho Jnpaneso and Chlni-so. property owners in this stato and 1h Intended to prevent tlicm from naiulrliie nnd ownlnc nron- orty for a longer porlod than flvo years. in urging tho pacsago of tho bill Drow Htnted that slnco Junuary 1 of tills year one-third of tho property transfers in Fresno had bcou to Japan eso. Tho bill provides that any nllcn who does not become n citizen of tho United States shall acquire nnd hold tltlo to land In this lato for not more than flvo years. If within that tlmo tho alien docs not becomo a citizen, tho district attorney shall compel tho sale of his land or houses, Japnncso and Chluciiu are not specifically named, but, as they cannot becomo citizens, the bill is alined directly at thorn nnd pro eludes thorn from owning property for moro than flvo years. Tho measure also provides that no contract, imrco- rncnt or leaso of real estato for a long er porlod than one year shall 1h mndo to any alien and any leaso, agreement or tlovlso of real estate matlo to any alien for a longer period'ehall bo null and void. Tho impression is given out that If the bill reaches tho govouor ho ulll sign It. LABORATORY FOR NORTHWEST. l,ll,Wli: ;IJ. ;ltl)l!ll President Reorganizing Heads of Canal Board, CAN FIND NO PLACE FOR OLLIVER LET NO CONTRACT. Stevens Will Rotlro Early Next April After Successor Is Thoroughly Broken In. The Merchants .National Bank Of St. Puul, Mlnnuaotu UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY, Capital, $1,000,000.00 Surplus, $000,000.00 TranHnctH n uunenil bnnklns huiliij. CorruHponduncu Invlt U OFFICKttS-KKNNKTH CLAItK, President: OF.O. H. PItlNCE, Vice President: H. W. rARKKU, Cashier; II. VAN VLECK, Assistant Cashier. PIIlECTORS-Crawford Livingston, Kenneth Clark, J. II. Skinner, Louis W, HIM, deo. II, Thomas A.MarJow, W. II, Parsons, J ,M, Hanuaford. Charles P. Nojt vajr, F. li. KelloKg, E. N. Saunders, Vulcan Coal Company, wholesale and retail dealers In houso, steam nnd blacksmith coal. Foundry and smelter coke. Puget Sound steam coal In car lots, $3.G0 per ton and up. Wo handle all tho best grades of domestic and foreign houso coals. Phono Main 2776. Offlco 329 Durnsldo St., Portland, Ore gon. Dopot Loan Offlco, .loo Pornhnrdt, proprietor; flno wntch repairing, old gold and sllvor bought; bminoHs strict ly confidential; bargains In unredeem ed pledges; nionoy to loan on dia monds, watches, Jowolry. guns, pis tols, bicycles, musical Instruments nnd all nrtlclos of value 121 N. Sixth St., Portland, Oro. t-f. Agricultural Department Will Estab lish One Soon. Washington, Match 1. In tho near future tlio department of Agriculture will locato a jmro food laboratory in Bomo Northwestern city and mako it headquarters for tho examination of all food products imported Into that section from abroad, investigations nro now bulng made to detormlno whether it shall bo located at Portland or Heattlo. Senator llounie is urging tlio depart ment to locate the laboratory in Port land, hut before IIiIh can bo dono Port laud must convince tho department that Its food Imports exceed thoso of Seattle, or elso offer luhanlages in the way of quarters that cannot bo obtained at Seattlo. Tho department desires to locate the laboratory in n public build ing. It Is of tlio greatest importance to Purtlar d to nmko a creditable showing, for If tho laboratory is located thoro rather than at Seattle, it will havu a tendency to increase importations of food products at that port, whoro they can bo properly examined, rather than at other ports whoro there would neces sarily Inidolay. Mr. liournu is looking to tho chamber of commcrco to support him in Ills efforts. STICKS TO HERMANN. THE PIONKEIt PAIXT COMPANY. Tho p I o ncor paint es tnbllsum out nf Pnrllnmt is that of F. ' destroyed tho JmmlmuK Former Private Secretary Say Good Things for Defendant. Washington, Marclt 1. Tho prosecu tion in tho trial of HopresonUtllv" Hor inann consumed today in a futilo at tempt to break down tho evidence given yesterday by Klllott P. Hough, former private secretary to tho defendant, which was most favoiahlo to Hermann. Hough had been put on tho stand by tho prosecution with tho expectation that his testimony would ho damaging to tho dofendar.t, and District Attorney linker wni incensed that ho should give evidence so much in Horniauu'H favor ns his HtatemeniH yesterday timt ner mann and John A. Hcusou, who is un der indictment for alleged land frauds, woro not gocd friends; that, if ofllulal letters got into Hermann's private books it wih through his fault; and that It had been thu cuttoin of all out going commissioners previous to Hor- Miami's tiiiio to tako their prlvato let terpress copyliookB with them. Chrlst'Clan II. Mullorand Alexander K. Foitor, Mho had beou messengers In tho land ofllco under Hermann and who lettor press copylooks by Washington, Fob. 28. Tho president conferred at tho White Houso today with Secretaries Taft and Hoot regard ing tlio details of tho reorganization Echcmo for tho Panama canal work. It is understood that Colonel Unities nnd llenjnmiu Harrod, civil engineers, kith members of tho present commission, will retire, dmlml Fndlcott, tho on ly remaining member of tho old com mission, will bo retained, us tho law re quires that ono naval civil enyliucr shall bo included In Ita membership. Majors Uoethals, Galllard and Slo bert, who wore named ns mombors of tho commission, will receive salaries considerably in excess of thoso they now recelvo, natnoly, 4,000 a year. It is the intention to divide among them tho salaries now paid to Messrs. Shonla ami StoveiiH, nggrcfmting f 00,000 per annum, as long as thoy nro engaged In canal work. It Is stated that Chief Engineer Stev ens resigned with the statement that ho would remain In charge of the Isthmus until his successor arrived and was thoroughly initiated into tho now duties anil prepared to tako them over. It Is probable tho transfer can bo effected early in April. It will be necessary for tho army en gineers to make a porsonal inspection of every part of tho canal construction work before any determination can be made as to tho method ot conducting work in thu future. Tlio president's letter yesterday indicated that there might bo it recurrence to the contract plan, hut oven If that should bo tho case, tho ofllcers will find thomsolvcH ablo to mauago tho work In n supervis ory capacity, just ns they now do seve ral of tho large rlvor and hatbor projects In execution in this country. Telegrams woro rocolved at I ho White Houso today from thu South, asking tho president to narno W. J. 01 liver, whoio bid for tho construction of the canal was rejected, as a liiuinlior of the Isthmian Canal commission. Mr. Tuft Mild tonight that hodldnot bellovo tho president was considering such ap pointment. Mr. Olllver wild lie would not accept tho placo If It. woro tendered him. When he has been olllclally no tified that the bid of tlio Panama Canal Construction coniiipany has been reject ed, Mr. Olllver w ill givo out a statement for publication. HERMANN SCORES. President Decides to Let Army En gineers Dig Canal. Washington, Feb. 27. Uy nn order addressed to Chairman Shouts of tho Isthmian Canal commission today, Prosidont Koosovolt, ns far as lay in his power under oxistlng law, trans ferred to tho engineer branch of tho army the responsibility for tho furthor construction of the Panama canal, Ho also formally recorded tho nbnndon mont, for tho present nt least, of tho project of having tho canal work dono by contract on tho pcrcontngo system. Another fenturo was tho announce ment of tho resignation of John F. Stevens ns engineer in clilof of canal construction. Mr. Shonts is in Now York, whoro ho will tomorrow preside at a meeting of tho directors of tho Panama Itnilroad company, of which ho ia president, and will formally re sign that olllco Tho president Intends that thoro bhall bo an entire reorganization of tho commission with thrco army ofllcers of tlio engineer corps ns Its leading mem bers, who nro to havo charge of tho en gineering features of tho canal work. Tho chairman nnd engineer In chief of tho commission will bo Major G. W. Gocthals. His associates will be Major lul. Galllard and Major William h. Slebort, to rank In tho order named. These olllccrs are nil comparatively young, ambltioiw and energetic. Senator Joseph S. 0. Illackburn, of Kentucky, who will retire from the United States ecnato on March -I, is to bo mndo a member of tho reorganized commission. HELPED LAND THIEVES. 4RCi Our new plant on Front St., between Seven teenth and Nineteenth St., is the most modern Engineering Plant on the Pacific Coast Work placed with us will be executed with efficiency and despatch. of Its kind In tho Northwest. It carries nn immonso stock of tho best things In paints and building matorlals, together with nn unusual list of specialties. Thoso who neod anything In theso lines can cer tainly profit by going to F. E. Ilfnch & Company. Hemombor tho number, 135 First street. E. IJoach & his ireciton, tOHllIed to tho part thoy L'ompany, or had played. .Mr. .Muller received an 135 First St., (order from Hormann three weeks be tho o 1 do a t foro the latter retired to tako tho ktler nnd most re- looks, about 35 in number, from Her itable hOUSO, I :....,.. 1IIUIIJI a f'liwiiu luwtn. Not Friendly With Benton; Only Did at Oiher -ommlttlonert. Washington, Fob. 28. Two Import ant polntH for tho defense dovoloped to day In tho trial of Uepresentntlvu Her mann. Ono wns that Hermann was not on friendly terms with John A, Ilenson, tho San Prnu'ilsco real estate dealer now under indictment for alleged land frauds, the other that Hermann's predecessors In tho land ofllco had all, with ono ex ception, removed their prlvato letter press copy books from tho olllco when they retired. Mr. Worthlngton for tho defense scored his two points in tliu cross. exiim Inatlou of Klllott P. Hough, former prl vato secretary to Hermann. In answer to questions, Mr. Hough said that upon ono occasion Ilenson came to see Her manual tho laud olllco and complained bitterly nt tho action of the laud ofllco in not allowing his claim for a survey mado In California. Tho hurvoy was tindor a 50,()00 contract. Tho land ofllco hold that tho claim was fraudu lent in that tho alleged survey had nev er been mndo. Ilenson wns very uugry. and Hermann, during tho interview, became incensed. Informer About Fraudt Betrayed by Hermann. Washington, Feb. 27. Intorest In tho trial of Representative Hermann wns revived today by the introduction in evidence of letters written him In 11)01 by lloujamln T. May of Lu (I mndo, calling his attention to specific. land frauds In Oregon and a Inter lettor criticising Hermann for omitting to make nn Investigation of tho alleged frauds, and also for having mado known to interested parties tho name of tho Informer. After tholr identification by May, tho lottcra were read to tho jury. Tlio first wan from May to Hermann and In formed him that sawmill owners 'wore securing tltlo to publlu laud lu tho Itluo mountains by fraud. Their plan was to get an employe to file on a cer tain tract and, when tho claim was proved up, tho employe was to deed tho property over to them and recelvo 50 for his work. Ono firm kept a man employed to look out for the best tim ber laud and to secure It In this man ner for his firm. In tho year preceding tho writing of this letter May ch'irgcd that this firm had placed on record about CO deeds secured In this manner. May concluded his letter with the state ment that ho was a poor lalwrer and hud no ax to grind nnd only desired to keep out land grabbers, HARRIMAN EXPLAINS. , Prices Heasonahla Satisfaction Hiiuraiuetd A. NICHOLSON Successor to E. WINKI.KMAN Ladies' and Gent's Tailoring Cleaning, Prefulng and Itepalrliig Phono Parlno&Wfi ut Nineteenth Street J. J. MEYERS Fancy Groceries, Bakery Goods, Cigars and Tobaccos, Ice Cream and Confectionery Orders Delivered Promptly Phone Woodlawn 3W 780 Mississippi Ave. POIlTLANP, (MIKCJON Beatty to Continue Duties. Iloiso, Idaho, March 1, 'In answer to a telegram received from tho nttor noy general asking mo to withhold my resignation for a tlmo," said Judge J. H. IJeatty, of tho United States District court, today, "I sent a telegram stat ing that I would willingly continue the duties of my olllco until after the March term. If by that timo my successor has not been named, I shall probably urgo tho peoplo in Washington to tush matters." Tho telegram to Judge IK'ut ty arrived sorno days ufter his resigna tion had started for Washington. Volet Down dim Crow Car. Guthrie, Okln., Fob. 28. Tho con- stitution of thu porposed new slato of Oklahoma will not contain a plank pro viding for separate coaclus and waiting rooms for tho two races. JJy a veto of 10 to .'II tho convention this morning laid on tho table tho committee report urging tho "Jim Crow" measure, While tho majority of tho delegates were elected on platforms endorsing the rx'pnrato conch law, tho result was duo to tho alleged attitude, of the president on the (piectiou and tho terms of tlio oimbllng act. Tellt Interttate Commerce Commit tlon a Few Thlngt. Now York, Fob. 27. An asset tlon by K. II. Harrlman tlu.t Stuyvesant Fish was deposed from tho prcsldoney of tho Illinois Central because of misconduct as to the funds of the company wns a leading fenturo of today's session of tho Iuterstato Commerce commission, Mr. Harrlman was tho only witness of tho da), the events brought out by his tes timony making thu hearing a riicmor 'ablo ono. Other features of Mr. Hurrlmau'ri testimony follow: A continued refusal to answer ques tions relating to Individual stock tram action. Explanations of tho tripisfor nf HOO, 01)0 shares of Southern Paclllo stock to William O. Ilockefeller during tlio at tempt of James It. Keenu to secure con trol of tho road and of the delayed an nouncement of the dividends on Union Pacific and Soiitnorn Pacific. Attempt of tho government to show that tho Union Paclllo charges unfair rates, sillies competition In the vast territory traversed by itH lines and its, dividend of 10 per cent and Its expend iture of 1.10,000,000 on hottormontH camu from an unfair toll on its patrons. Fever Prostrates Crew Norfolk, Vtt Feb. 28. -. The Uittlo- ship Connecticut, proceeding from Southern wators to New York with an enidemlc of tvnhnld fovnr anioni? Iht Favors Philippine Bank Bill. crew, wus in communication with Nor- Washington, March 1. Tho house folk by wirohss teleirruiih tonUht when committee on insular affairs today do- off the Virginia capitul. A im-twige cidod to make a fuvorable report on tho from tho Connecticut niy 15 of tin Philippine agricultural bank bill as men stricken with typhoid are lu a passed by tho senato. critical condition, Miners Vote for Advance. Jliitto. Mont., Feb. 27. Tho vote of tho Miners' union on tho increase of wage f-culo resulted 2,!l 10 in favoi and 1,0)18 ugalnst, tho now ncalo of 4 to tako effect May 1 . Many miners did not oto. Too mines nf Ilulto will con tinue in operation, notwithstanding tho demand, but development work in all of tho Amalgamated properties will ease. Olllccrs of tho union are om phalic, however, that there will bo no strike. Companies will devote ull timo and energy to taking out oro nnd mak ing copper. Two-cent Fare Is Law In Indiana. Indianapolis, Feb. 27. Tho governor today signed the 2-cent railroad faro act. It Iiiih no emergency elaiuo, and goes Into effect with the publication of tho now laws about May or June. L