Portland new age. (Portland, Or.) 1905-1907, February 23, 1907, Image 8

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nerves, joints nml Ixmcs are throbbing' and twitching" with the pains of
Kiicumatisin tlic sulferer 13 apt to turn to the liniment bottle, or sonic otlict
external application, in an effort to get relief from the disease, by producing
counter-irritation on the flesh. Such treatment will quiet the pain tempo
rarily, but can have no direct curative effect on the real disease because it
does not tench the blood, where the cause is located. Rheumatism is more
than fihiu deep it is rooted and grounded in the blood and can only be
reached by constitutional treatment IT CANNOT HI ItUUDlJD AWAY.
Itheumatmiu is due to nil excess of uric acid in the blood, brought about by
the accumulation in the system if refuse matter which the natural avenues
of bodily waste, the Jlowels and Kidneys, have failed to carry off. This
leftist: matter, coming in contact with the different acids of the body, forms
uric acid which is absorbed into the blood and distributed to all parts of the
body, nnd Rheumatism gets possession of the system. The aches and pains
are only symptoms, nnd though they may be scattered or relieved for n time
by surface treatment, they will reappear at the first exposure to cold or
dampness, or after an attack of indigestion or other irregularity. Rhcutim
tism can never be permanently cured while the circulation remains saturated
with irritating, painprodiicfug uric acid poison. The disease will shift
from muscle to muscle or joint to joint, settling on the nerves, causing
inllammaliou and swelling nnd such terrible pains that the nervous system
is often shattered, the health undermined, and perhaps the patient becomes
deformed anil crippled for life. S. S. S. thoroughly cleanses the blood and
renovates the circulation by neutralizing the acids and expelling all foreign
matter from, the system. It warms ami invigorates the blood so that instead
? SL &
matism. It contains no potash, alkali or other mineral ingredient, but is
made entirely of purifying, healing extracts and juices of roots, herbs and
barks. If you are fluttering from Rheumatism do not waste valuable time
trying to rub a blood disease nway, but begin the use of S. 8. S. nnd write
tin about your case nnd our physicians will give you nny information or
advice Ueafred free of charge and will Send our special treatise on Rheumatism.
Cntalouue Tttr. Tangent, Oregon
Wild rt2imo lliitrnti'l booklet, Kiting 1,000
tin for lliiritx In lint Homo, Turin mid Ihilry,
mil ii Souvonlr Plcturo, 7x1 1 In., in color
Jrco lor f mill jour ilenh'r nntiio. AdIres
I'm lllu Coin I Jlorux Co,, Oakland, till.
Many Afflicted Country People
miM-omliiK to ii for trcntinoiu mill
irloriiliiK iiomo ciiri'il Wo poriiuw
iii'iitlv nnil promptly euro Indices
Hon ltlii'uiniiil.m, nil I'rlvnlo ami
ntlii( IHm-iki'ii, Norton liUnr
dots, ii'iios ol Women nml I'lilM
li'ii, i:rema, llliuil, Hk In mul
I'lironln liti'M' No matter luit
jour trouble limy hc.rnmo iueo im,
tit CiniulUtloa ml Eliminates.
New York SurEical and Medical Institute
IVrmirtntlr I.nalfJ it Cornrr of 5'ith inJ
( iJJ'j) Wiihlojloa 5ti 1'o.MltnJ, Or.
Of Miiiiliim, MlrliiKNli.
Culls! Sloes.
droltd with
Ini Drpt ol
mMiik iiIhhiI our iopiilnr one tloll.ir n
nioitfh nl.ni that pa at'elilniiiil death
hihI iti'i'lilciil mul lrk liiili'iiinlly lllvu
kko mul ori'iinitloii. All huliies iiii
tho 1'ni'iHi' l nasi I'Hiil tliroiiiili tlio llrst
Na'iun.il Hank of I'nrthind,
R. L. ALORICH. Mgr. Western OKice
203-210 Mirquim Kit. rortlind. Oregon
- - - -
- ---- - - - r
Muto In all l lit ami n I sires. 1 1 el water mul oil
yliiri Ileal Drilling- loula mini.-, (let tula
" "' I"1" UEALL & CO.
321 Hawthorno Ave. Portland, Or.
Tho Kind You lluvo Always Hmiilit litis borno tliu hIiiu
(tiro orciias. II. Flotclior, mul lias boon nitulo mulcr hi;
luirsoiiai siiMrvisioit lor ovur no yours. Allow no ono
i iltu'oivu ytiit lu this. Counterfeits, Imitations nnd
".luht-its-trootl" uro hut Experiments, nml entlaiiK'or tho
liealth of Children Kxiturluueo upiinst l.xperimeut.
What is CASTOR I A
Castoriu is a harmless substitute Tor Castor Oil, Pare.
Korie, Props ami Moothiiur Syrups. It Is rieasant. It
4'outalus neither Opium, JMorphiuu nor other Narcotiu
hiibstauee. Its uk Is Us gutiranteu. It destroys "Worms
nml allays Feverlshness. It cures Dlarrhtua ami "Wind
Colic. It relieves 'I'oethlnpr Troubles, cures Constipation
nml Flatulency. It lussimllates tho rood, regulates tho
Stomach and llowols, Klvlii!? healthy and natural bleep.
Tho Children's INumcca Tins Mother's Friend,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
In Use For Over 30 Years.
th( eiNTtua eewMNT. TT Muaaa iTiiiir, niw to cut.
of a weak, sour stream, constantly deposit
ing ncritl and corrosive matter in the mus
cles, nerves, joints and bones, the body is fed
and nourished by rich, health-sustaining
blood which completely and permanently
cures Rheumatism. S. S. S. is composed
of both purifying and tonic properties
Just what is needed in every case of Rheu
The llmvlliiw Olil IllUinnl.
How dear to my heart In the florco howl
ing blizzard,
Which coiiich from the north llko n wolf
on the fold,
Predicted by Foster or nomo othor wizard.
U'lio charter of nnow and tliu demon of
How sweet to ho caught In ItH grasp llko
a feather,
And find yourself wrapped round a tele
graph polo ;
Oh, how wn adore, In this wild wintry
This lillzzard that comes when you'ro
clear out of coal
This wild, whirling blizzard, tho razor
edged blizzard,
Tho loud-howling blizzard fresh from
tho North Polo.
Lincoln Journal.
Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnriorii floothtni
Syrup thn Iks t remedy tousoioriuelrchlldroa
ilurlug tho toothing porlod.
AatnuUlilntr lirniirnnrr,
Mimlcnl CiiHlomer What a flno old
specimen you havo up (hero In that gins
easel In It H KtrndlvarltiN?
New Sali'Niiuin St ruddy what? (Joih,
niistor 1 Don't jou know a lldillo when
you hco ono?
Ht. Vitus' Ineo nml nil Nervous r)lsnne
J pcrmiiiionlly rureil ny nr. liini" n ureui
rvn Hi ulnrir. Hnnn rnr t Ill.l.fJlr mi ihiiihihiiu
IroitUu. Dr. K. II.KIIne,UI.,V31 Arclit,, I'tiUiu.lU
AVroiijr .tin ii.
Wlillo Dooly wiih lutlilhiR court In
WitHliliiKlon County, (Ji'orKlit, n ivrtiiln
(iiMicriil HaiiKoii ciiiiic In nml Fat down
nt tlu sldo of tho JiiiIki', mid bt'nn to
tell lilm nboiit the viiat ainouiitri of
pruimrty ln owned.
"Stop Just n inomont, Ketiprnl," Bald
Dooly. ".Mr. Sheriff, on 1 1. In Jones, tho
rooolvor of tux rotuniH."
In n fuw inoiHi'iits tlint worthy ap
peared. ".Mr. Hooo-lvor," H.tld tlio JudRe, "come
up hero nnd niaUo nil Inventory of Hen
oral IlatiHoii'M proKrty. Ho luul nils,
tiikon mo for you." Sunday Miirq
duo. .
JVotlilntr lininur.
It was an luiposinj; bulldlnj;, but the
irnn with tho mjunro valUo did not henl
"iladam," ho nald to tho matron who
appeared, "I Khould llko to kIiow you n
copy of our book, The Quiet Life, which
Is nmkliii; niich n "
"Sir," Hbo Interrupted, "thN Is an In
st It ut Ion for tho deaf and dumb." Chl
ciibo Tribune.
Signature of
"That wiih n iH'autful thought tho
inlnlHtur Kavo tm about beliiR on tho
lookout for little unobtrusive ways we
enn help o,thern, wnRii't It?" paid Mlii
SenrB, fervently, to .Mrs. Walley, as
the two women wnlUed slowly homo
from church toKother.
Tin-in. yes, It's u heautlful tlioiiKht,"
said Mrn. Wnlley, hi u Kimrdeil nmn
tier, "hut the hint time parson preiulied
that Keiinon 'twas five yearn ii, Just
before you enine here It niatle con
siderable trouble In my family.
"Vex," continued Mm. Walley, with
nn iiiim'cIhk kiizc on the cIiiiiiiiIkk f"'"
Iiibo of the vIIIiiku trees, "Illram faw
a letter directed to, his Aunt I.etltla
lyltiB on tho slttlnj,' room table, and he
thought he wouldn't wait for me to
iiHk lilm to post It, name as I nlwayi
had to do two or three times before
he remembered.
"That Pcriion was right fresh In his
mind, nml he picked up that letter,
sealed It, .stamped It and poted It,
nil without HiiyltiK n word to me till
next day. Then he sixvke of II real
modest nnd yet pleased with himself.
"I'm koIiik to try to live up nearer
to that sermon thnu 1'vo been ilolnR.
Miiiuly,' he said to me, 'and iiinkn
tliliiKS easier for you ; lift some o' the
little burdens o' life olT'ii your shoul
'Well, Hiram,' I said, ns soon as I
could speak wlth(ut taking liN head
rlKlit off, for you know I'm hlKh-tem-
INjretl, excepting for what graee I've
got, 'I know you meant well but that
wasn't n letter to your Aunt I.etltla
yoti'vo sent off.
"'Thnt envelope had her old address
on of course you didn't mtlee that.
She'll get It, but It'll make her mad
un it hornet when she sees It and thinks
I've been cureless and forgotten tint
new place j and Insldo were three ele
gant crochet patterns I was calculat
ing to tako over to tho minister's wife
to-morrow. I put Vni In that old en
velope for safe-keeplug they'e been
there iitore'n six mouths. I was In
tending U let the minister's wife copy
them. I laid the envelope out soon as
wo got back from meeting, so I'd re
member. "Your Aunt Lotltlu despises fancy
work, so she'll throw tliein In the llto
mid then sit down mid write me.'
"So she tllil," ndded Mrs. Walley,
grimly, "and It took n good deal of
work to got her straightened out.
"On tho whole, thero wasn't any
lasting harm done, but I was oury
thinking us I sat there this morning,
I was sort of relieved to think lllram'.i
cold kc' lilm home from church to
day, all things considered."
How tliu I'lior lliiiikMvllvr IVIC Over
Mark Twain noiuo time ago told this
story at a dinner given to Tax Commit
Hloner Charles Putzol at Hie Fremiti-
Koliaft Society Clubhouse In New York:
"1 saw Mr. Ptitzel twenti ilvo years
ago In Ptitnaurs book store. I went la
there and asked for (Icorge II. Putnam,
and handed hi my card. A young man
took It In, but camo back ami said mat
Mr. Putnam was busy ami could not
see me. I had merely gen' thero on
.1 timtlul finll Mill! Xtlll'loil III loiivo. Ah
it irtviiii v.... ...... ..... ... -.- . -.
l was going uia my -j' " uunn.nn
to a lilir. fat. hitorestlng-liMiklng Iwolc.
... . 1,....,.1 1
It wns cntltloil The Imnsion of Kn
gland In tho Kourteentli (.Vuttiry by tho
Friars.' I asked tho price or It.
" 'Four dollars,' was the answer.
"'What discount do you allow pub
Ushers?' " 'Forty per cent off.'
" 'Woll,' I said, 'I iiiii .1 publlslier.'
"Ho put down tho tlgures '40 per
cent' on tho card.
"I said: 'What discount do you al
low nutliorH?'
"Ho said: 'Forty per cent.'
"U'ntl' I wilil. 'I iiiii llio nntlinr.
- i
You can nut that down. What discount ,
do you allow the clergy V
"Ho said, '20 per cent.'
"'Well,' I snld, 'I am on thq road.'
So I took 20 per cent for that.
"Ho mit down tlio ilgures ami never
Hinlled once. Hero I was working off
nil those scintillating brilliancies on
lilm. nml not even n spark of recog
nition. 1 wns utmost In despair. I
thought 1 would try hint on -o more, so
I said:
" 'You know I am also n member of
tho Human Unco. Would sou nllow
mo 10 per cent off for th.it V
"Ho set that down newr smiled
so I said:
"Thero Is my card with my address
on It. 1 havo no money with me. Send
tho bill to my homo nt Hartford.
"I picked up the book and wna going
nwny when ho mild: 'Walt a minute;
thevo Is 10 cents coming to you.'"
Publisher's Weekly.
Why llo DoviiiM liny. .
"He's n regular J.iektif -all-traded.
Why, ho built his own garage."
"Old he? 1 wasn't aware that ho
owned a car."
"Ho doesn't. Tho only car that he'd
euro to buy Is Just n foot ttx long for
the garage ho built." Cleveland Plalu
"Nut," said Nrlghtley. "If you wero
sure the fellow who beat sou In tho
saloon was a policeman, why didn't
you tako his number?"
"Well," replied l.usehiuan, "I cv
had had n number too many already."
Philadelphia Press.
Thero always" siviiis more excuse for
a man to beat a mule than to whip a
Any woman who stoops to marry sel
dom gets time to stralgliteu un ugaUk
Blood EKlinnors
Commonly caune pimple, bolls, hives, eczema
or salt rheum, or smno other form of erup
tion! but sometimes they exist In tho system.
Indicated by fcollnirs of weakness, lancuor.
loss of appetite, or general debility, without
causlntr any breaking out.
Hood's SaraBparllla oipols them.rcnovntcs.
strengthens and tones tho wholo system.
This Is tho testimony of thousands annually
Accept no substitute, but Insist on having
Hood's Sarsaparilla
In usual liquid form or in choeolnteil tablets
known aa Sarsataba. 100 doses Jl.
Ferry's 1007 Seed Annual Now Roady
for Free Dlstrlbutloi .
Ferry's great Seed Hook Is now ready
for distribution. Tills is tho book thnt
every farmer wants and waits for. It
makes no difference what oilier cata
logues uro received, fanners tiro not sat
isfied until they get Ferry's, because it
contains better mid fuller Information.
Ferry's Seed Annual, in fact, Is really
more than ii catalogue. It differs from
the usual seed cntalougo Inasmuch ns it
really helps each farmer or gardener to
chooso intelligently tho varieties best
stilted to his particular needs. Tho
wlso selection of vnrlctles results in
bigger, netter paying crops. Tlio ex
perience gained In llfty jenrsof success
ful seed growing is thus nt your com
mand. For freshness, purity nnd rollnhlllty
Ferry's Seed uro In n class by thorn
solves. Thoy uro known nil over the
land, nnd fanners everywhere have
coonlldenco in tho namo of Ferry, nnd
know for n certainty that tholr seeds
am bo rolled upon. I hoy know that
every p.ickago lias behind it tlio repu
tation of n liouco whoso business stand
ards are tho highest in tlio trade.
Just drop u poilal to 1). M. Forry &
Co., Detroit, Mich., and thoy will send
you a copy of their 1007 Seod Annual.
It's absolutely free.
Take I.AXATIVK IlltO.MO QU1NINK Talileti
DruKKlMs refund money If It fallt to euro. E, W
OKOVK'S slgnaturo It on each box. 23c
llnil Not Oiiafrvril It.
"It's such hard work to tnlk through
this telcphono!" exclaimed JIrv. High
mus. "I hndn't noticed tlmt," snld Mr. High
mus, who hnd been listening tntlontly for
fire minutes at tho other end of the wire.
"It may bo n little hard to Iicsr through,
my dear, hut It doesn't seem to havo In
terfered with tho (low of four couiersa
tlon." Of Interest to Women.
Kvcry woman naturally should lie healthy
nnd strong, but a great many women,
iiufiirtiiiiiitcly, are not, owing to tliu un
natural comiltlou of tliu lives wu bad.
Ileaila he, backache and a general tired
condition arc prevail nt nmouget the
women of today and 1 1 rulluvu these
conditions women rush to tliu druggists
for a bottl' ol some prcparalio i supp sed
to be particularly for them, nnd contain
Ing nulsidy knorts what. If they would
just get a lux of llrnmlrr-th's I'll', nnd
take them reg darlv every night Torn time
all their troublu would disappear, ns these
pills re ulato tho organs of the fomiuluo
yittem. The s mu iIuhu has tho same
ell' rt. no matter how long thoy are used.
Draudrolh's I'lllt hivo leeu hi use for
over a it-uturv and are sold lu every
drug and medicine store, plain or sugar
coaled. Itrnlliflc.
Crltlck Yes, D'Auber Is homo from
his trip to tho Itocky mountains. Ho
put In most of his tlmo making sketches
of tho mountain peaks. Ho showed mo
a lot of them.
Ascuui How wero they? Natural?
Crltlck Well, they're certainly rocky.
Philadelphia Presi.
Deafness Cannot He Cured
by local applications as they rannot retch tho
dlMMod portion ol ttioear. Irieio Isonlyotio
way locuredoameii, am) that la by comtttu
tlonal remedies. I'tmliu'i l caused by an In
rlamrd condition ol the mucous lining of tho
Kiutachlan Till. When this tuba U intlamcd
you bare a rumbling sound or Imperfect hear
ing, and when It Is entirely cloned, Deafness is
tliu result, and union tho Intlammation can to
taken out and this tubo ro. toted to Its normal
condition, hearlniof 111 be destroyed forever;
utii caea out of ten aro caused by Catarrh,
which la nothing but au luUawed condition of
Ibd-mucous surfaces.
We will give Ono Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can
not to cured by lull's Catarrh Cure, bend for
circulars, free,
K. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by Drufult'. 7to.
Hall's family 1'llU Jt tho best.
Burrows of tHa Plulocrncjr.
First Millionaire Hard Hues these
Second Millionaire Yes; our rela
tives aro waiting for ua to dio to go:
our money, and tho rest of the world
doesn't waut to wait that long. Now
York Sun.
Read the Experience of a Minnesota
Woman and Take Heart.
Tf vnur back nches. nnd von fenl sick.
- v '
languid, weak anil inlsorablo day nftor
ssw tiny noire worry.
Doan'a Kidney Pills
jfm vx& cured thousands
YT ' women in tho same
Mpja condition. Mrs! A.
H Hoiiuiin,
BPn for Doan'a Kidnoy
IHK Pills I would not be
H living now. Tliey
flft ctireti mo In 1809 and
" I've been woll slnco.
( used to luivo such pain in my hack
Unit once I fainted. Tlio kidnev secre
tions wero much disordered, and I was
so far gone tlmt I was thought to lm nt
death's door. Since Doan'e Kidney
Ptlld piidhI mo I feel ns if I had lwn
pulled back from the tomb."
bom dv nn tieaiors. ou cents a uox.
Foflter-Mllburn Co., Huffulo, N. Y.
Ceter nsora txihtr and faster color tbwi any atacr shc Oaw 10c aaciaaa
asiaf lass! ! chra starfad rasalts. Aaa stealer, arwa wW aen4 aast aaM at 1C a
6Sa assl ask casar. MONROC MHiG CO Wsa1s. atisssart wmm m " "
The Vnnkee Notion.
There never lived n more steady nnd
persistent grumbler than Keubon Hull.
Not only tho weather, the state of his
health ami his crops furnished lilm
with subjects, but the most reasonable
and lenient laws which could bo con
structed raised discontent In .ltcubcn'i
"I dtinno what they mean by tolling
folks to cart their wasto stuff over to
that dump nt tho end o' Grantham's
Woods Instend o' leaving It In the
Lnwtou sullar-hole," ho said, Indig
nantly, ono day. "Suppose tho sullar
holo does show up fro-ji tho road, what
business hns this town got to put nn In
junction on folks dumping stuff In it''
"Tho town's bought tho old Lnwton
place," said his neighbor, In tho pad lie
tono people usually employed In nil
ddesslng Mr. Hall. "And I thought
you wero ono of those that said 'twas
an eyesore. Do you want to dump nny
o' your old Junk In there, Itetib, tidy
ns you aro?"
"No. I don't wnntor," said Mr. Hall,
sullenly j "but I wanter have tho right
In case I wanter, an' I wanter know
why I haven't got It"
l'AZO OINTMKST Is guaranteed to euro any
rare of Iclilng, blind, bleeding or protruding
illc In C to II days or money rcfnudcd.uOc.
Strictly Hnalnra.
"Tho grnspln'eU man I ever knowed,"
snld Uncle Jerry Peebles, "was an old
chnp named Snooplns. Somebody told
him once that when ho brenthed ho took
lu oxygen nnd gave out carbon. Ho spent
a whole day tryln' to find out which of
them two gases coit the most If you havo
to buy 'cm. Ho wanted to know whether
ho wns makln' or losln' money when ho
breathed. Chicago Tribune.
ShiMA Into Your Shoes
Allen's Foot-Kao. A pointer. It makes tight
or now shoes fcol easy. It Is a certain euro for
sweating, callous and hot, tired, nrtilng foct.
Sold by all Druggists, l'rlro U.'o. Trial pack
ago mailed KltlX Address Allen 8. Olmsted,
LeUoy, Now York.
Omliilosi of History-.
Tho good people of Salem had Just
burned another witch.
"According to the census," they said,
"there nro too many women In Massachu
setts, anyway."
In order to make a show of being Im
partial, however, they looked nround for
Wizard Ilurbuuk, but ho had escaped to
iisAlls ""C and Karthipiako
i mill-mill iri'iiiiPi-s,v-tabllshed
iiuo. but Dr. I'lervu's
famous Electric licit
ana Trusses may t n
bo had bv addresHlmr
Djfor SJ a 1)11. HKItCK.tKO.V. 1117
NiwOrcuUr "7vs Chestnut Hi., Alameda, Cal.
Today Keep this for reforuiico.
1: -7.H4
In ilia llitfr Nunke Vllir, Itlutio, whr
:3,U Mliibalil Vulley hunmevkers ar already
iot-ated. Cou,iMi arr s umletvloiwd, Irrlsab'a Ittn.l
Hill uwnll lh (filler, lllcli-at and beat waierrtl
vallsy In the world, Finest o.lmatai rlio.cetl frull
liiiinens crops of grain, allatra suirar Umln. K.0U0,
Oolnvinteil In sugar fnciorle. ew It, It. eileip
slon In Yellowntonu wrK onens country of vast re
oiirc. AhIiIoii started Jau. I, ivud, a record
breakar. Wrliv for eurtlrulars.
HI. Anthony mid Aalituu, Idaliu.
"When you buy
you want
and long
Tnoso and many
other good points
aro combined In
You c&rft afford
to buy any other
T1 CnOiN CO .
17 1 ukjJII "m I
' 1
02b"3 In
Harvesting Dollars
la pojuiblo if the seed be judiciously planted. m
Southern Alberta, Canada, lias demonstrated beyond a doubt
that it ia the greatest cereal growing country on the continent,
and "Alberta Red Wheat" grown thero took both the Gold and
Bronze medals at the Portland Kxposition.
The Canadian Pacltlc liaihvay Company has 3,000,000 acres
of tho best of land, irrigable and non-irrigable, just east of Cal
gary, Alberta, which they are selling at from f 12 to 15 per acre
for non-irrigable and $18 to 25 per aero for irrigable.
Lands Fold by them three months ago at these prices are now
now being hold by the purchasers at 50 per acre and upwards.
The harvesting of dollars invested in these lands is just as
certain as tho harvesting of cereals.
If you are interested drop a card to the address below fai
literaturo fully describing the opportunity of tho age.
The Canadian Pacific Irrigation Colonization Company, Ltd.
54 Ninth Avenue West, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
B star la sncatlon this paper when writing.
Is It Your
Own Hair?
Do you pin your hat to your
own hair? Can't do it?
Haven't enough hair? It must
be you do not know Ayer's
Hair Vigor! Here's an Intro
duction 1 May the acquaint
ance result in a heavy growth
of rich, thick, glossy hair! And
wcknow you'll never be gray.
I think that Ayr's Hair Vigor Is th most
wonderful hslrgrnwer tlmt w eter mills. I
har itieil It for soma tlmo and I can truth
fully pit that I am greatly ileaneit with It. t
cheerfully rernmineml It a a plenitlil rrepa
ration." MisS V. IIruuk, Wajland, Mich,
Mad br J. C. Ayer Co.. Lowell, Mass.
Alio manunoiursra or
prove their worth tit harvest
time. Afteroverfiftyycarfof
success, they arc pronounced
the best and surest by careful
planters everywhere. Your
dealer sens incni. iwi accn
Aannal free on request.
I. M. TEUMY CO., VttnU, MMB.
Vontlerful Horns
Tlila wondsrfnl Chi
nera Doctor Is called
Krrat btcauso ha cuira
rraplo without opera
tion that an. a'veil up
In dlis Ila caret wl.h
tlinno wondarfut Cht
nna lierhi. roots, Inula,
harlcs and vritatalili-s
lhat art) cntlrrly un
known lo iiipillrat act.
nice In this country tlirnimn thnuno ot (lima
lmrnilimrrmfjk. Tills hiinoUiilnct'r knows
tho anion orovrrtOO ilirror nt rcnu-dl' a, which
liuuwnsucrratru'ly In dltlrront illarnias. llo
iruaran'rrslocuro catarrh, rulhmn, tunc, ihrpat
rhiuniatlim, nrrvniisuMs, atomacli, lurr.kht
nrya, clo. hai hun.lrols of tostlinonlals.
L'harws modrratn. Call nml seoliliru lv.lonta
nut or tho city wrtln f"r blanks ami ctrculan.
Hnd ataliii. I'UNHUI.TATIUN UlltU.
The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
1C2)i first St, S. C. Cor. Morrison
Jtcntlon jiapor Portland, Oregon
When Rlierman, Clay .t rnmpany, tlio
olil Pai-lilo (.'oast I'lauo Hniiko, wliloli
lias hi'on (lolnir Imalticiis at tho corner
of Kearney ami Kuttvr streets, Han Krau
rlico, for over thirty-live years, tun
rhail tho I'lano Inulneti of tho Allen
A Ollburt-ltainaker Co, It was every
vthero admitted that It was the niont
significant transaction over annouiu'eil
I'liiicoriiliiK tho muslo business of tho
l'acltlo Northwest.
linportant, because Hliorinau, Clay A
Company are so well known as a
staunch, reliable Una. They have a
ono.prlco system. Kvery I'lano Is mark
ed lu plain tlKiire. A child can bu a
I'lano from Hhermau, Clay A Company
Jut as safely as can a state senator, and
at the same price. Thoy aro I'uclllo
Coast agents for the famous Htolnway
piano; also many other standard makes
such as the Kliabo. Kverett, Maou A
Hamlin. Ilardman, A. II. Chau, Klschcr,
I'ackanl. Conover. Ludwlff, Kimribury,
Ktey, Kmeron, rlterlitiK, Wellington,
HuntliiKton and MeiideHsohn. Alio
Kstey, 1'aek aril and Clilrueo Cottaeo
Organs, I'lano 1'layers and Victor Talk
IhK Machines,
When you visit Portland, Bnokano,
Taroma, rieattle, Kverett, llulllneham
or Kan 1'raneUco, you should call and
let) the l'lanns exhlbtteil by Sherman,
Clar A Co, Their Portland store Is op
posite tho postotllce, blxth and Morri
son streets.
No. 8-07
TYTI1KN writlnir to advertisers pleas
mention this paper.
raal aasj cattaa aauaaV was) aaa ia
Wrtu far Iraa kaaUat haw U aVa.