Tfitt 'fraW A.Q TQLTJTD, OBTOON ,' a i : LEADING HOTELS ! i HHaiiSii EMa&lmmW&9ELw HOTEL PORTLAND. cor $1,000,000. Tho Portland h. a. mowau. Mm Ammrloan Plan, $3 Per Omy and Um ward. HEADQUARTERS FOM TOUfUSTS AMD OOMMEROIAL TRAVELERM. Portland, Oregon, Tlibona W-U r. o. iioimi The Grand Pacific Hotel CliAH. A.B0IIUA0K, Proprietor. Handsomely Appointed and First Class In Every Particular. Corner Railroad St. and Hlgstas Ave. MISSOULA, MONT. The Kenyon Don Porter Salt Lake City's NEW HOTEL Salt Lake City Utah The Grandon The only First-Class American Plan Ho tel in Helena. Rates from $3 to $5 BOLLINGER HOTEL European Plan Lewiston Idaho Best Hotel In Northern Idaho The Northwest EDW. Q. PATTERSON, Prop. CUAS. II. KATTIKCIER, Mgr. Steam Heat in Every Room Private and Public Baths Electric Light RATES $2 PER DAY AND UP Bismarck, N. D. HOTEL PEDICORD T. J. PEDICOKD, Proprietor Rates 50c, 75c, $1,$1.50 with PrkaU Bath Both America ami European Private Telephone la Room First-Class Grill' in Connection 209-219 Riverside Ave., SPOKANE, WASH. i LEADING HOTELS I RICHARDS HOTEL AND RESTAURANT i'hone Exchange 25 360-362 Alder St. Cor. Park PORTLAND, ORE. Best furnished liouso in Southern Oregon New Depot Hotel A. II. PttACIIT, Proprietor. All Trains stop 30 Minutes For Meals. ASHLAND, OREQON The New Bannock Hotel NOIIUAN A, Pro. Headquarters for Commercial Men American Plan. Rooms with Bath, Hot and Cold Running Water and Telephone in Each Room. RATES $2.00 to $4.00 PER DAY Poccttello Idaho The Spalding Leading Hotel of the LAKE SUPERIOR REGION Enlarged and Improved American Plan, $2.50 and Up European Plan 11.00 and Up Finest Cafe in Northwest DULUTH, MINN HOTEL WHITMAN UNOKK MEW MANAUEUENr A Home for the Traveling Men Strictly first Class. American Plan Electric lighted. Steam heated. Good Sample Room in Connection. J. C BROWN, Manager. COtfAX. WASHINGTON HtiaamamaW 'aa'WSEammmmmammmmmmmmmm a 1 'mmWBKOammmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmammmVitaamS llaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaM9UB?Ttu.V!! J V vaaCaW "Toodlra." Ho had another and n better name, and In good time It cntno to light," nnd was entered In the Sunday school class book; but "Toodles" was tho name ho gave, and Toodles was the name by which ho had gono during tho greater part of his life; and Toodles Is tho only name by which bo shall bo known to tho readers of this article. "Where do you live?" asked tho teacher. "Around the corner," was his reply. It was tho only residence given for rec ord. Hut what corner ho lived nround Is not yet known; ho lived mostly "around corners," nnd hnd picked up a miscellaneous fund of Information there. Toodles liked tho Sunday school. To somo of tho boys with plenty of homo privileges, Sunday school was a com monplace blessing, If a blessing nt all; but Toodles counted It among tho lux urles of his scant life. It Is cheering to tho heart of n Sunday school teach er to have an appreciative pupil. It moro than compensates for Bomo uncon rcntlonalltlcs In tho matter of apparel and speech. There Is no place for tho recording of tho deficiencies of Toodles. Indeed, they arc forgotten. Ills was n loyalty ami enthusiasm that would have hid n multitude of infelicities, If there hnd been n multitude to hide. Tlrero wero not many; It Is hard now to bcllovo that there wero nny. Toodles became a diligent propagan dist. Ho brought moro boys Into tho Sunday school than did nny other mem ber. Thoro wns not oven a tenchor w1h had ho ninny to her credit. And Too dles' recruits, brought In from his own strntuin of society, ho regarded as un der his en re, and they looked to him as their loader and representative. Then came the earthquake nnd the Are. Tho church of eight hundred members seemed to have dlsnpiwnred In n night. Thoro was a hardly a member whoso bomo was not burned and whoso busi ness wns not destroyed. Scores of them left the city, nnd hundreds removed to other portions of tho town or to tho suburbs, or camped In tho parks nnd slept between tho graves In tho ceme teries. Tho beautiful walls of tho church stood cracked by tire carthquako and blackened by the flro. In tlmo n temporary place of meeting was found, and a Sunday service was held, n pathetic contrast to tho over flowing sc'rvlces of tho days before tho disaster. The Sunday school wns re organized on tho snmo day. A pitiful handful of children appeared, nnd tho question wns what to do. Could tho boys and girls bo found? Could enough of them bo assembled to mako n Sun dny school In tho henrt of tho burned district? Then entered Toodles. Ho had walked thlrty-nlno' blocks to get there, nnd wns lato. Hut tho school Informally rc Bolved Itself Into n session with Too dles. Thoro wns not n camp within or nbout the city which ho had not vis ited, and ho know Just who wore there. He wns nblo to glvo lists from memory of moro of tho church families than oven tho minister knew. Ho knew where tho boys were. The minister nnd tho superintendent nnd the teachers got out their note books nnd sat at tho feet of Toodles. Among tho most encouraging facta In tho reorganization of that Sunday school was tho practical assistance given by this waif. And tho minister said, "Brethren, It always pays to help a boy; you never know how soon bo will be nhle to help you. Who of us supposed when we took this little Ind off the Btreet, nnd gave him what wo could in tho Master's name, that . so soon we should And him ono of our best helpers?" They thanked God for Toodles, and took courage. Youth's Companion. Christian Contentment. Toverty Is largely a matter of fancy. The real poverty Is in tho mind In tho mind's attitude. There Is such a thins as being rich without money. That man is rich who is rlcn in Integ rity, and who has that beat of all blessings, a contented mind Christian contentment This last great boon Is gained through making tho most of our little enjoyments, through making the least of our little lacks, through doing our best at our little duties through trusting In God and doing the right To be sure, we cannot all be money rich. Borne money-rich people are very poor. Dut we can all be millionaires of character and of faith, possessing that godliness which, with contentment, Is a great gain, the real gain, the high est riches. G. D. F. Hallock, D. D. Sweat Hoar of Vrmymw, Christ is the only teacher of real prayer. He teaches by example and precept He prayed trustingly, con stantly, in intimate friendship with the Father. He teaches us to pray as He did, Solitude, Isolation and retirement are essential to prayer. Get away from the world somewhere, alone. Our Jtouseholda must be so arranged as to permit a quiet time alone each day, without Interruption or observation. In prayer there must be absolute concen tration of the nrlnd. Head the Ulble prayerfully. Here God talks to Ills children. Let the thought of earthly communion wjth the heavenly JfctiM become JubltuaL "Practice the pres ence of God." Look forward to tho hour of prayer as the most delightful season of tho day. Keep tho Qulot Hour. If you thus learn to pray In secret, your public prayers will take caro of themselves. I. Ifo n Dlaelpllne. Sooner or later wo Hnd out that life is not n holiday, but a discipline. Ear lier or later wo will discover that tho world Im not a playground. It Is qulto clear that God moans It for a school. Tho moment wo forgot that, tho nuzzlo of. life begins. Wu try to play In school. Tho Master does not mind that so much for Its own sake, for lie likes to seo Ills children happy; but In our play ing wo neglect our lessons. Wo do not seo how much there Is to learn, and we do not enre. Hut our Master enres. Ho has n perfectly ovcriwwcrlng and Inex plicable solicitude for our education; nnd bccutiM! Me loves us Ho comes Into tho school sometimes and speaks to us. Onil'a Ilculftw. In our wholo llfc-melody tho music Is broken olt hero and thero by "rests," nnd wo foolishly think wo havo come to tho end of tho tunc. God sends n tlmo of forced leisure, n tlmo of sick ness nnd disappointed plans, nnd makes a sudden pause In the choral hymn of our lives, nnd wo lament that our voices must be silent and our part miss ing In tho music which over goes up to tho ear of the Creator. Not without design does God write the music of our lives. He It ours to learn tho tuno and not bo dismayed at tho "rests." If wo look up, God will beat tho tlmo for us. Itusklu. SPIES ON THE MACHINERY. Cloek Arrangement Telia Antotnntl emllr When It Work or Ileata. Tho Introduction of modern detail cost accumulating methods, which havo dono much to systematize and cheapen manufacture, has led to tho develop ment of an Ingenious apparatus which Indicates at a distance when any ma chlno is stoped nnd tho output of nny mnchlno for n given period. .Moreover, tho dovlco makes an automatic record of nil these facts so that at tho close of tho day tho manager, by ucunnliig tliolr graphic records, can tell tho ex act output of any mnchlno and tho length of tlmo It was In operation, thereby enabling him to form an accu rnto Judgment of the reliability of dif ferent operators. Tho beauty of thU device is that tho workmau knows his ovory movement Is bemg reported In tho manager's ofllco and ho Is helpless to misrepresent conditions. Tho recorder consists of a control ling clock, which revolves a scries of tlmo charts, ono for each machine un der observation. Tho hours nnd divi sion of hours nro printed vertically on tho chart, In addition to which n series of pencils nro rigidly fixed. Tho ad justment Is such that tho mnchlno can ho mado to Indicate eyery slngla revo lution or nny multiple desired nnd each horizontal stroko of tho pencil Indi cates ono of theso units, which is mndo opposite tho corresponding hour nnd minute. When there nro no strokes It Indicates that tho inachlno is stopped. Hy slmplo mechanical arrangement nn nlr piston Ib operated, which in turn establishes ah electric connection, tho impulso of which Is transmitted to the recording mnchlno controlling It mech nnlsm. It Is suggested that his davliii could bo iiBed to great advantage In connection with 1ho engines of tteum Hhlps, ns a graphic record Is mndo of sjH'cd and tho exact moment when nny order is carried out Manufacturer. WALL PAPERS FROM CHINA. Dnllr of I'eklnsr, Now In II. 1,'JOOth Year, Printed on Hllk. We nro opt to forget, writes Miss Kuto Snnborn, In her uow book, "Old- Time Wall Papers," how much wo owe to tho Chlneso nation tho mariner's compass, gunpowder, paper, printing by movabld types (a dally paper has been published In Peking for 1,200 years printed, too, on silk), They had what we call tho golden rulo COO years before Christ was born. With six times tho population of tho United States they are tho only peoplo in the world who havo maintained a government for 8,000 years. Tho earliest papers we hear of any where wore Imported from China nnd bad Chinese or Indian pattorns, com ing first In small sheets, then in rolls. Somo of the more elaborato kinds were printed by band; others wero printed blocks. Tliese papers, used for walls, for hangings and for screens, were called "pagoda papers" and were dec orated with flowers, symbolic animals and human figures. The Dutch were among the most en terprising, Importing painted hauglngs from China and the East nbout the middle of the sixteenth century. Per haps theso originated in Persia; the word "chintz" Is of Persian orlglu and the French name for its Imitations was "Perses." About 1746 the Vompagnlo des Indes began to Import these papers directly, They were then also called "Indian papers." Aug. 21, 1874, wo find an advertisement; "For sale 20 sheets of India paper, representing the cultiva tion of tea." Such a paper, with this theme was brought to America 1R0 years ago a hand-painted Chinese wall paper, which has been ou a house ever sinco and Is to-day In a good state of preservation. Proof Poaltlve. Maude Fred proposed last night, and be was awful rattled. Clara Well, I'm not surprised. I al ways thought he had a screw loose somewhere 1 f IFinirVf. HftTFK THE ESMOND HOTEL OSCAil ANDEKBON Manager ltatei; European I'lan BOc, 75c, 11.00, $1.60, IJ.00 per day Free Hui to and from all Tralni front and Morrlron Btreets PORTLAND OIlEdON f t DULUTH MINN. HENRY FOLZ Leading grocory and mar ket. Wo servo tho traveling public nt reasonablo prices. 114 and 110 West Buporlor street DULUTH, MINN- r . GREAT FALLS ! 'm Cloths Man, Woman, Hoy in Modern Up-to-Dnto Fashionable Clothing at l'opulur Prices. Visit Often the Popular Priced Store for Men and Women. Great Falls, - - - Montana. E. A.ltKICIIRU I'rcnldertt. W. K. HKNOIIUHUH. Vice rroaldont. It. W. UUUNWALPT, Boo. it Treat THE AMERICAN BREWING & MALTING COMPANY Brewers nnd Bottlers of extra . quality lager beer. "American Family" bottled boor a specialty. Ofllco: 100 Control Avenue. 1 O. Box 80. Qreat Falls, - - - Montana. I IDAHO ADVERTISING! I Thoi. Illytb, I'ra l.yman Fargo, Vice I'isi The Blyth & Fargo Co. T'ooatello, Idaho General Merchandise 8TOUKS AT Evanston, Wyo. I'ocatcllo, Idaho BANKOFNAMPA,Ltd. CAPITAL STOCK $50,000.00 fitablUbed 1690. Dewey I'alaoe Hotel Iild'f. FHKD O. MOCK, rrcildent P. J. CONKOY, Vlce-1'rtaldent C. It. HIUKF.Y, Caihtor FRANK JKNKINKON, AM'tCaablar NAMPA, IDAHO J, A. Murrav, I'roUent. D. W. StanJrod, Vict freilJf nt Wm, A. Anthes, Caihlcr I.N, Anlhti, Ant, CathUr TUB FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Poetatllo,IUtho. POCATOLLO, ... IDAHO TUTTLE MERCANTILE GO., LTD. Wholesale Grocrs GOODWIN MININO CANDLES Judson Powder, Fuse and Caps AOF.NT8 FOR THB CELEBRATED OLYMPIA BEER Nampa, Idaho p. VY. Church Karle O, Whit O. C. Chilton CHURCH & WHITE CO. Real Estate And Insurance Pocutello Idaho r rphi : awau imwm -ii ra IJaBiHllliBlKii GATE Phone Main 231S CON HILCER3 381 N. 17th St. Portland, Oregon riinnc Hood 677 THE OLD HOME V. I". MEGHAN, Prop. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars Cor. EcM'iiti'ciilli nnd Nrtliriii Hts. Portland, Oregon A. CORRIGAN Barton, Or., Clackamas River Best Fishing and Hunting Grounds in the Northwest LOUIS SCHUMACHERS FUKE1ER Furs Itemtxtuhd into I.ntrst Stylo. lions, S o i'8, Ties, for lefs than nt any other place. 185 Madison Stroot W. It. Wllllniiu At CicToUnd FASHION STABLES Hacks, Livery, Boarding: Twentieth ana Washington Stav Went End Exposition Bid. Jl'lionu Mnlti 45 PORTLAND, OREGON OUR WORK IS KUT ONE GRADE -THE BEST Wc mikt x irtcUHr of huoilcrlor Lc Curltlot CRESCENT LAUNDRY CO. 549 MorrUon Slrctt. Worumdy tlio llutdiur Undo with nlro, clean npioiiK. Iiy tmy )(inr nprnna mid tlirn pay In lmo tlivtn lnitiiilcrvd when wu will nupply Oiem lor Junt hnl It rontn you now to havo tliem Innmlcivil, Our w ngoti will call. M. J. Onrdncr. l'liouo Main 1900 M, Onnlnci GARDNER BROS. Manufacturers o( tho Silk Tie Cigars UNION MADE 209Jit Madison Street TORTLAND, OREGON WEEKS GRANITE CO. For first Class Work and LOWEST PRICES in Portland Cor. Fourth end Columbia Streets One Dlotk South of CKy Hal DRUGS, STATIONERY IMPORTED & DOMESTIC PERFUMES Prescriptions, Family Recipes. Phone your ortlols Hast 6100. W. C. CHURCH, Pharmacist C77 Williams Ave, Cor. Forge NATIONAL WINE CO. Pure Wine & Liquors WE SELL DIRECT TO THE FAMILIES Fifth and Stark Streets Phone Main 4S499 PORTLAND, ORE. Rupert's Pharmacy HI ONE MAIN G421 l'vorytlilnjj Now, Fresli nnd Ujc To'Dnto. Wo solio t your tnulo. Purity itrC'Oinini'nt. Puru Drns nu important matter. Pri'H'riptioiiH jirot iwoly ir'iirol, Wu novor sub Btituto. Perfumes of lliu liltiliest cliaravtor. Wo want your eonfiilonco 460 Jclfrrion Si. Corner Thlrtrrntli St. Pnrllnnrl Or Opp. Uulllvunl'a Grocery TOrUUIIU, Jr. Portland Fluff Rug Co. Transforming of Worn Brussels and Ingrain Carpels Into Rugs Prompt Attention and Good Service Guaranteed Phono 3052 700 Wathlngtcn St., Portland, Orc(oa FurnituretQuality We tell Quality goods Fur niture that is made from Natural Wood, that will give satisfaction under hard wear. The same will hold good of our carpets and stoves. That's the kind we Mil. ::::::::: COVELL FURNITURE CO. 184-186 FIRST All the Credit You Want 'iifliMWMlHIl HTlVnrr fp !, wnfrarin.