Portland new age. (Portland, Or.) 1905-1907, February 23, 1907, Image 5

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Established UM A. D. Griffin, Manager
Office, Koora 317, Commonwealth llulldlng
To lmure publication all local news must
roach us not later than Thursday morning of
each week.
Hubicrlptlon prfco, one yoar, payablo In ad
vance, 2.i)0.
Local Nohh on this l'age by
C. A. WITTER. City Editor
tWMH surauMMtt
Mr. 1'imiI Strnln the gonial pro
prietor of (lie Clilcutfo Clothing Co.
In (lie AliiHWorlh UiitldliiK. Tlilril ami
Oak Strt'clH, Is a firm nnd true frlond
of oitr people. Cull nnd get ncqunlnt
ed with him. tt
Mr. T. D. Hull contomplntoB a trip
to Altiuka In tho nenr future
Mr. nnd Mrs. Q. N. Whlto lmvo re
moved to 502 Mtirkot Btrcet.
Mrs. Emmn Turner Is agnln nblo
to bo out, nftor n Bovcro nttnclc of
In grippe.
Mrs. Corrlno Bnrber left this week
for Donvcr, Colo., where Bho goes In
Bcnrch of honlth.
Mr. Cubit Crnwford, our prosper
ous horseshoer, 1b Incnpncltatod,
cnuscd by nn Injured foot.
You nro Invited to nttend tho young
pooplo'o meeting nt tho A. M. L. Ion
church each Sunday evening nt 7
P. M.
Mrs. Jns. Mnnloy, of 393 Front
Btroot, will lenvo In n fow dnyB to
Bpond Boverni wceKB vibiuub iuu
In Cnllfornln.
. i -., Wlinntnr rnttimCll
Inst week from a very pleasant v sit
to dlfforont points of Interest In tho
Btnto oi wasuniBiou.
Mru. Betty Knox expects to lonvo
early noxt wool; for n two moiiths '
Btny in lsaBtorn wimuiiub""' ""
Bho haB largo proporty lutorcsts.
Mr. Wm. Crnwford, tho oldest son
of ono of our oldest cltlzonB, Mr.
Houbou Crawford, spoilt Boverni dayu
In tho city this week, vlBltlng his roln
tlves. B. Sulllvnn, portor on tho A. & C.
railroad. wnB qulto aovoroly injured
In a rnllwny mlshnp nbout 30 mllea
from Portland. Ho 1b laid up with1
n Bpralnod nnklo nnd aovoroly brulBOd.
110 Will 00 GUMIIUUU lu luu uuuau .w.
Boverni weeka.
Tho npron Boclnl to bo given Fob.
28 and Mnrch 1 nt tho A. M. B. Zlon
church will bo largely nttonded. An
oxcolleut program Iibb boon arranged
for each evening. Fob. 28 tho pro
gram will bo rendered by tho gontlo
mon, whilst on March 1 tho ladloa
will bo In charge
Tho caso of tho Btato vs. Mrs. Nolllo
Washington, accused of nsBtiult with
a deadly weapon on Miss Mamlo Loo
tuna .llamlaaml III tllO lllll tllcll)lll COlirt
on Saturday lont on motion of tho
prosecuting attornoy, ho finding thoro
was no ovldonco to Justify holding
lior to nppcur boforo tho grand Jury.
Wo ngrco with tho rhlof Juatico
when ho Bays that what tho negro In
this country neoda is tho olovatlng
Inlluonco or tho Christian religion,,
but think hu could lmvo gono n stop
further and Included u largo portion '
of tho whlto cltkens, with whom nl
lit fin mlualnnnru wmLr urmi 1(1 tint llO '
ilVtlU IIIIDaiUltlllj iw nwmw . -
thrown away.
After nlno years of married llfo,
Mrs. A. J. Cromwoll has decided that
marrlago la a failure and has fllei!
papers In n dlvorco suit against her
husband, Dr. A, J. Cromwoll, asking
for tho custody of tholr two chlldron
and $50 per month alimony, charging
cruolty and Inhuman treatment.. Aa
Is usual In such cases, tnero nro
charges and counter charges.
Tho city fathers hnvo decided to
ralso tho liquor Uconso from $500 to
$800 a year, In tho hopes of Increas
ing tho revenues of tho city, na fears
hud been expressed that tho receipts
would not meet tho Increased ox
pondltureB caused by tho growth of
tho city. Indirectly many think that
tho ralso In tho llcenso will 'causo a
decrcaso In tho numbor of saloons, a
condition not to bo regretted.
Mr. Arthur Harris, whoso misfor
tune wo noted In Inst week's issue,
was compolled to have ono of his fin
gers, amputated last Tuesday, blood
poisoning having sot in, whilst his
ago makes his caso moro serious. Tho
physicians hopo for beneficial ro3Ults.
Tho caso Is tho moro sad, aa his wlfq
haB been for tho past threo weokB
confined to her bed by a complication
of diseases.
Would It not be a good idea for
some of our people to tnko a small
amount of stock In the now theater
to be orected on the East Side? The
Bbaree have beon placed at the low
price of f 10 each, so as to make It n
popular enterprise and will bear 6
per cent Interest, which will make It
a good Investment, aside from the
influence it may have in the future
in settling the question that may
arise about -the rights and privileges
of our people.
The time of year Is at hand when
those of our citizens that desire to
beautify their homes will be procur
ing plants, shrubbery, etc. We would
recommend as a place where all
patrons can be assured courteous
treatment and procure goods Jit a
very reasonable figure the nlonoor
florist, Oustave J. Burkhardt, 112
-Twenty-third street. Phone M"ln
' 603. They also make a sneclaltv of
elegant floral places and cut flowers
at the lowest rates.
The A. M. K. Zlon church was well
filled on last Sunday evening, on
which occasion Mr. Joel, In an inter-
- i-rtoWI,i nmj$ yyJti
estlng mnnnor, rovlowed tho progreBS
mndo by tho Afro-Amorlcnn In tho
laBt 42 years. Ho dwelt n considera
ble length on tho fnct that tho negro
In this country had never, up to tho
present time, been renlly necorded his
full freedom, nnd expressed tho wish
that ho might live to boo tho tlmo
when n mnn's color would not bo
looked upon na Just grounds for re
fusing him rights and privileges In
this country. Ho ndvlscd tho nc
cumulntlon of wealth as tho beat way
to break down tho unreasonable
prejudice existing In this county, Bay
ing, "tho dollar 1b tho whlto man's
God nnd when wo get so thnt wo can
control flnanco to some dogrco wo will
bo bettor ofT." At tho closo of his
romarka tho pastor, Ilev. Jackson,
thanked tho speaker and nnnounced
to tho congregation that It was tho
Intention to hnvo somo subject of
vital and curront Interest presented
by some of our nblo citizens nt least
once n month, holding ub ho did that
It wns part of tho work of tho Chrls
tlon church to take hold of nil theso
Influences thnt tended to tho uplift
of tho raco.
rJvn(tli'H IUcIichI Colored Citizen
Pays Port land Visit Kiirnutc Homo
From nn Kxtendvd Visit to the
Mr. John F. Gragwcll n represen
tative citizen of Scattlo and ono of
tho richest colored men on tho Pa
cific coast spent a day In tho city this
week. Mr. Crngwell was onrouto
homo nftor nn extended visit in tho
East and South. In his pllgrltnngo
ho visited Now York city, Boston,
Philadelphia, Richmond, Vn., Wash
ington, D. C, nnd Chicago. While
in tho capital city ho had tho honor
nnd distinction of being Introduced
to President Hoosovclt by U. S. Son
ntor Samuel II. Piles-and Congress
man W. 10. Humphrey, nnd Is so far
na known tho only colored man from
tho const whom tho presldont litis re
ceived nnd glvon a porsonnl expres
sion of his vIowb on tho Brownsville
nffnlr. Mr. Crngwoll takea ti deep
Interest In tho affairs of his race,
politically, religiously, educationally
and Industrially, but In no senso Is
ho it politician or ofllco seeker, be
lieving as ho expresses It "Thnt tho
futuro of tho negro loy not In poll
tlcnl achievements, but In Industrial
In his homo city Mr. Crngwoll Is
counted as its most substantial col
orod cltlzon nnd gonornlly recog
nized na tho foromost nnd ablest nd
vncato the raco haa In thnt section of
tho country.
Mr. Crauwoll hns by reason of his
high character, Bplondld personality
and nffnblo manner won n legion of
staunch friends among both rncos
nnd if tho raco possessed moro such
mon as John F. Crngwoll tho many
voxed social, political and Industrial
pro-Moms would bo much nearer a
(Wo aro pleased to bo nblo to pro
Bont to our rondorB tho following
from tho pen of ono of tho most ac
complished nnd tnlontod women of
our city, ono whoso wholo llfo Is glvon
,. in tm iniiirt nf hor followman
and tho doing of hor Mastor's will.
(CompoBod by Mrs. M. E. Fullllovo.)
Mr. Editor: Will you permit mo
nnd allow mo Bomo apneo In your
valuable paper, to wrlto of Jesus'
Wo hnvo all rood tho story
Of tho gospol bo grand,
Our Snvlor taught tho peoplo
For rlghtoousuesa to stund.
Tho oxnmplo sot boforo ub,
When Ho wna on enrth,
That wo who follow Him
Should oxporlonco a now birth.
A soul drinking dally
From tho fountain of lovo,
Coming from our Redeemor,
Who rolgnoth nbovo.
Expects to bo strengthened,
When attending church,
By tho mnn who's appointed
To tench tho now birth.
Ho must hold up Jesus,
And through tho gospol Insplro
Thoso wh.o llston to tho sormon,
And crento a now deslro.
To drnw near to our Lord,
And consecrnto our llfo,
To bo workors for our Master,
And doos not Btlr up strlfo.
An Insult glvon publicly
la vory hard to stnnd,
And requires moro strength
Than wo havo on hand.
Do we want to henr a sermon
That will scntho and scorch ua bo,
And stir In us a demon
That will Bond us down bolow?
That will kindle all tho flro
Lying dormant In our soul,
And will weaken our body,
That should bo strong and wholo?
Wo havo studied the anatomy
Of our body, made so grand,
And have learned things essential,
That wo have at our command.
Wo havo learned that our brnln
Is tho capital of our nerves,
And the things we listen to
Sometimes shock .and make us
We bolieve that a preacher
Of the, gospel so grand
Should have all the graces
Taught at his command.
Ho must have In him abiding,
The Holy Spirit given,
And not stand in the pulpit
I And insult tho women.
A man that will do
A trick so degrading
Cnn only stir up malice,
And make his members hate him.
'Now, we havo all been taught
That religion Is love,
And he who makes us hate
Cometh not from above.
'i Wmmmfc J uiTiii
Tho love of Ood drnweth,
And doeB not drive nway
Tho listeners In tho pow
Our blessed Lord's day.
Wo aro told from perusing
'Tho hlBtory bo grand
Of tho chlldron of Israol,
And our Cod's command,
That as tho brazen serpent
Was lifted up to heal
All who gazed upon It
And mndo tho appeal.
So Jesus must bo l.lfted up
By tho man of Qod,
And drnw nil men unto Him,
So they'll not downwnrd trod.
Wo lovo to bo faithful
And attentive to our church,
And walk In paths of duty
And novcr from It lurch.
But how can wo Bit nnd listen
To n lecturo thnt wo know
Does not tend to strengthen,
Or mnko us healthy grow?
But does wenken our vitality,
And causes our heart
To bo discouraged nnd faint,
And weaken every part.
To listen to such rnntlng
Is against our God's command,
"To sit not In tho scat of tho scorn
ful," Or "with tho ungodly stnnd."
Wo know tho gosnol Is given
To hold up fallen mnn,
And not to persecute women,
Who would for righteousness
Wo know God hnB promised
Thnt whosoovor will
Mny como unto our Snvlor,
And with His ldvo bo filled.
So wo gladly rccolvo sinners,
Who hnvo n ropcntnnt heart,
And show by good living '
Thnt they hnvo mndo n stnrt,
To trnvol from earth to glory,
On tho nnrrow, upward way,
And not seek to bo lcadcrn
Boforo thoy havo learned to pray.
Wo know our tnlcnts
Aro glvon nt Jesus' will,
And tho power to uso thorn
Ho doth In us instill.
If wo chooso to tnko n high noto.
When wo Blng nt His commnnd,
Should wo bo publicly Insulted by our
Who ought to by ub stand?
So wo still work for Jesus.
I. In song, sormon nnd prnyor,
And trust no mnn to lend ub
But our Savior everywhere.
For Ills vlnoynrd Is needful,
And thoro Is plonty work to do,
And n willing, earnest worker
Ho will carry safely through.
When wo nro Insulted collectively,
Wo can nfford to stnnd,
And llston qulto respectively
I To anything thoy hand.
But when n preacher Is Bpltoful
I And personal In his talk,
Our Boir-rcspcct arises,
And wo from him wnlk.
This world Ib very wldo,
.And renpora nro fow,
And tho Messed Lord,
Will find work for ua to do.
Wo'll contlnuo to work for Jesus,
Though you mny not undorstnnd;
But wherever Ho lends,
Wo will follow His commnnd.
Having n clear consclonco
Ab wo onward trend,
Wo hnvo tried to do our duty,
And His McsBlng on ub shod.
And when nt tho Judgment
Wo shall nil stand
And recolvo our rownrd
From His dear hnnd,
Wo who hnvo boon mlsroprosontod,
And plncod In n bad light,
Shall stnnd clear In His presojico,
And ovorcomo by Ilia might.
Tho New Ago is on sale at lVjVtra.aco. Hockenyos.
Xuwh Ktnml, 500 Thlrty-sevcBth nt.,1
Chicago. Christmas candles to suit tho most
ia i i . .i n ., xt . fastidious. Oeo. Hockonyos.
(Special to tho Portland Now Age.) 1 .,. ,'
Chicago, Fob. 14. The colored J. Wallgroon, dealer In staplo and
papers that nro published outsldo of fancy groceries. C34 Thurman street,
tho city of Chicago nro now coming Tolophono Pacific Oil.
In great demand by tho peoplo that
llvo In Chicago, for It Is very apparent I Jost Bros, Saloon, 340 Williams ave
from recent developments, especially nuo, fine wines, liquors and cigars,
thnt tho only way that tho peoplo In Family trade a specialty.
Chicago and especially tho colored I
pooplo, that thoy will bo ablo to hear I A good place to get your soft or stiff
and rend tho truth about somo of th hatB renovated is 249 Alder street,
vory unrellablo and Insignificant nnd between Second and Third.
untruthful colored persons and fako I ,
organizations, Is when It Is published Red Front Shoo Storo, J. F. John
In tho columnB of tho papers outsldo son. Proprietor. Flno dress shoes;
of the city of Chicago, and In all thoso worklngmen's arfd loggers shoos nt
cases, the facts aro honestly and 13.00, $3.50, $4.00 nnd $5.00 per pair,
clearly stated and the truth told, no Repairing neatly dono. 85 North Sixth
matter who It may hurt. Tho corre- street, between Everett and Flanders,
spondent of this paper has no fcollng next door to tho Union House, Port
nor malice In any manner whatever, land, Oregon. Phono Main 40C2.
nnd nil ho desires and wishes to do is
to stato tho truth.
Relative to Mrs. Alberta M. Smith,
about whom the editor of tho Conser
vator published an article thnt was
clipped from one of the foreign
papers, which was the Now Age, pub
lished at Portland, Oregon, and the
editor of the Chicago Conservator
saw fit to comment on it.
Many of tho worthy and reputable
colored persons and somo of the lead
Ingscletle8 and associations among
the colored people havo, tlmo after
time, made and entered a protest and
complaint about the conduct of Mrs.
Alberta M. Smith. It was In the city
of Chicago only three weeks ago that
the Western Star club, of this city,
passed a series or resolutions against
hr. nnd Ijiwver John fl. .Tnnon nf
Chicago, and a former member of
inu ic'Hiniai.111 u ui mu bwiiu ui nullum,
in a speech before the court a short
time ago publicly stated that ho
'would not believe Mrs. Alberta M.
. ft tTyii.lMftfti
Smith under oath, under no sort of
clrcumstnncos or condition. And
Lawyer Thomas Pearson, a proml
nont lawyer at tho Chicago bar said
IttBt week that no credence whatover
Is to bo placed In nny statement mndo
by Mrs. Albertn M. Smith. Mr. L. W.
Washington Bald tho snnio thing. Mr.
Flolds, of tho Chicago Western Opin
ion, nnd n number of colored nersons
who stand high in tho estlmntion of
tho colored peoplo of Chicago havo
complained nbout Airs. Alberta M.
Police Oincor Michael Whlto, of
tho Harrison street station, Is rognrd
0(1 ns one of tho most competent nnd
rellnblo police officers on tho pollco
! department In Chicago. Ho has been
on tho force for forty years, and dur
ing that tlmo, not n chnrgo or com
plaint has licon mndo ngnlnst him.
Ho Is nn excellent gontlomnn, n. com
potont, Intelligent nnd rellnblo of
ficer. Ho Is n credit to tho pollco de
partment of Chicago.
Tho funeral of Mrs. Bates, tho sis
ter of Mrs. Dozlcr, was held lnst Sun
day nt tho Chupel.
Tho benefit glvon bv tho PhllllB
Whently club nt tho Pokln theater
last Wednesday evening, for tho ben
efit of rnlfllng funds for a working
girls' homo, wiib n grcnt success,
financially and socially.
Rov. S. L. M. Francis, of Hender
son. Ky.. was elected ono of tho of-
flcors of tho National Defense Lcaguo
of tho United StatcB by tho executive
committee In Chicago last week.
Tho Baptist peoplo aro having a
successful revival meeting nnd a lac go
numbor of persons nro uniting them
selves with Rev. J. F. Thomns
Rov. II. V. Stownrt, pnator of tho
Institutional A. M. E. church, Is now
considering ns to whether ho will ac
cept a cnll thnt bus been mndo to him
for tho pnstorBhlp of bohio largo
church In tho East. Rov. Stewart
haa dono a great work since ho has
boon in tho city of Chicago.
Mrs. Clara Harding, of 3 CO Thir
tieth street, has gono to Hot Springs,
Ark,, on n visit.
It Is roported that Dr. Flshor Is
going to resign from Olivet Baptist
Tho recent work of tho loglslaturo
of tho stato of Missouri In paBslng
.tho Jim Crow car law domonstrnteB
Ulio fact of tho necessity of tho col-
J orod peoplo being thoroughly orgun-
Mr. Robort Johnson dellvorod lnst
Thursday a forcible address for tho
Baptist Mission, 1139 Stato street.
A special session of tho United
Supromo Council, Ancient Accepted
Scottish Rlto Masons of tho thirty
third dogroo of tho United Status and
Canada, was held In Chicago, Feb
ruary 7, 1907, IlliiBtrlous John G.
Jonos, 33, Sov. Grund Commander In
tho East. After transacting some
buslnoss Illustrious S. II. Pruthcr,
33, offorod tho following resolutions,
which woro unanimously adopted:
."Whoroas, Wo havo learned with
doop regret of tho death of Inspector
Gonoral William W. Taylor, 33, of
Salt Lako City, who departed thla llfo
on January 11, 1907, and
"WhoronB, Wo havo alwaja rocog
nlzod In Illustrious William W. Tay
lor, 33, a man and a Mason who wbb
deeply Interested In tho rlso nnd
progress of Froomnsonry among col-
lorcd men In tho Unit d Stnt s, nnd
I thnt ho dovotod ninny years of his
llfo for tho upbuilding and tho ntl
ivancomunt of tho Masonic fraternity
nnd labored In tho Journalistic Hold.
In tho publication of tho Utah Plain-
xlcalor, a pnper that stood for tho
wolfaro, highest and best Interest
and defense of tho cnlorod peoplo
throughout this country,
"Theroforo, bo It resolved, That
whllo wo deoply lament his doparUiro,
ub Dlvlno Providence hns aeon fit to
cnll him from labor to rownrd, wo
hopo to moot him In tho land nbovo,
where there will bo no moro parting
or sorrow thoro,
"Rosolvod further. Thnt this Unit
ed Supromo Council of Thirty-third
degreo Masons, hero In spcclnl ses
sion, oxtend worda of sympathy and
consolations to Slstor L. A. Tnylor
nnd tho family."
Mill Rlnplf la onmnMn
361 Eait ScventhSt., cor. Stephen
Phone E.t 78 PORTLAND, OR.
A. BCIIOLZ, Proprietor.
Fresh, Cured and Smoked Meats
SauMge mnd Poultry
Tel. Niin 818 Cor. 21st isd Irving Streets
Staple and Fancy GfOCCriCS
35 Grand Avenue
Phone East 2629 PORTLAND, OR.
Chotro Wines, Manors and Clgarc. Family
garden In connection. Transient rooms. Un
ion bar. Wm. Moll, Prop, l'hono Main 2201.
Cor. 2:td and Thurman 8ti., Portland, Oregon.
HKNllY FAKSIIKNDF.lt, l'rop.
Choice Fresh and Cured
Meats. Fish and Poultry
l'hono Main 'Xai
Co. 14th and Gllsan, Portland, Or
Fine Wines & Liquors
Car. 23d and Washington
Nob Hill Pharmacy
Dll. J. J. FISH Kit. l'rop.
Drugs and Toilet Articles.
Prescriptions Accurately Compounded
680 Gllsan Street Tel. Main 845
nnd Cut Flowers. Harden Plants and
IIousu Plants. " i itimnnble.
112 Twcney-thlrd St. Phone Main 603. Portland, Ore.
Fine Wines & Liquors
Family Trade a Specialty
340 Williams Ave. Portland, Ore.
Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries
Mlvtrcd lo All rails of the City.
463 Gllsan St. Tel. Pacific 1 99
l'hono Main Ih'H
Dealoro in Staplo and Fancy
Teas, Colfcoa and Spices
Sixteenth and Glloan Sts.
rrco Delivery PORTLAND, ORE.
Crystal High -Class
Carbonated Beverages
Tulophono Mnln 7178 .
Ginger Alo in Kyphosis a Specialty
Family Trade Kupplicd.
249 Madison St. Portland, Oregon
The Yale Market & Grocery
EI). ll.Hrot'KI.KN', Proprietor
Staple and Fancy Groceries
attOrniKl AM'.,Houth l'()HTI,ANI),OItr.OON
Band Instruments
Stringed Instruments
Cheap for Cnih or Eaiy Payments.
Latest Popular Songs and Music
25c, Five for $1, postpaid.
10-Cent Sheet Music
Poitpald. Standard Classical and
Popular Sheet Muilc, 10c,
88 North Third St., Portland, Or.
Real Estate and Financial Agents
Of New York. Capital $1,900,000
ttlil In full, rlintimiunl utter payment ulH.
Y. tonal-: Am'!, ll.'iAn.NKl; Hurpliu to polity
liolilurn, our I7,iou,(uU,
AOKNTH llollnclny 1'nrk Fornix! AiMltlon;
.MnniiliiK'o Ailillllon; York Aililltlmi; HullL
hii'm Addition;. V, V. McUulru'n Addition J
Nk'lioUon Addition.
104 Second St., Lumber Exhange liliig,
1'lionu Muln 1 1 itj
392 Eait liurnslde St.,
I'liolio hunt I'M
North Portland's Leading Grocer
Agent for Chase & Sanborn's
Teat and Coffeei
ltcgtilur delivery by Threo Wsgons,
10:30 it, in., '-' :.'!0 p. in. Special deliver
ies, 9 a. in., 6 p. in. l'hono Main 1710.
752-754 Savier St.,
Corner Twenty-third
Portland, Oregon
Continental Casualty Co.
o( Chicago, Illinois.
Pulci-up Cupltul $3oo,ooo
Northwestern Department
503-4 Lumber Exchange Bid.,
Tlio largest company in the world
doing a strictly health and accident
htislnet-s. Over $5,000,000 paid m
claims to It. It. men alone. Writes all
cliiHcti of ollcles on all tho different oc
ctipatioiiH including the papular fl a
month policy. Call at the olllco or phono
iih and wo will bo glad to expluln tho
different plans. I'liono Muln 4308.
4 -A
We Cater Specially to the Small Buyer
Delicatessen and Groceries
Home Cooking a Specialty. Try Our
Home Made Pica
Phot Eul 5721 U9 E. Burnildt St., Hut Union Arc.
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables, Teas and Coffees
Trlciilmno Knot 1U
2.H Lnrabco Street l'OUTI.ANl), OIIKOON
Telephone Cast 873
Union Avenue and Tillamook Street
Shoe Repairing
Mnchlnonml Hiintl. Only Clooihrnr Machine
In Our City. Bhoes inailo to Order.
Hhom Cnllcd for nnd DolUcrnl.
209 Yamhill Blrout l'OUTI.AN'I). OIlKtlON
Fancy & Staple Groceries
Phone East 440
447 Union Avenue, North
lMlnmU'n Oh en on All Clnoscn of
Plumbing and Heating Work
l'hono Knnl iW lleildcncc Knst Soto
247 Holiday Ave. PORTLAND, ORE
Furnisher nnd Matter
IM Washington H', Oipolto llvllln'ii Thoator
The Real Estate Brokers
CorvnIWs, Oregon
Fine Farms, Stock Ranches and
City Property for Sale or Rent
Independent Phone 225. Send for List
Staple & Fancy Groceries
Choice Teas, Coffees & Spices
Dry Goods and Notions
432, 43), 4.16, Union Avenue North
Corner or Tillamook St. Phono Eart 660
W liolemlo nml ritull
281, 283 and 285 Third St.
The Alblna
244, 246, 248 Russell St., PORTLAND
The Avenue Oyster House
l F. HAM,, l'rop.
Fr tl Oyttum om dally, l'lnti, ijuarU, kI
loin. Delivered nny pluco.
The Best of WIiMf , liquors and Cigar
Tho beat of Mi-Mi, FUli, Oyttum ami (lamo.
Open Day and Night
UA Wllllmiu Avt-iiuu Ml WIIIIbiiu Avi-liua
I'liono Kant IM'J
Multnomah Trunk & Bag
Mntifcturer of
straps inunno iacs
Mail Orders Promptly AMd To
Telephone East 24
121-131 E. Water St. PORTLAND, ORE