THE VW JLGX, TOYTTuAyTD, OBBOOIT Portland Nnu As A. D. dRIPHMIN, MnnaKor Offli'e, Hoom 317, Commonwealth lluilillng Knterrd nt thopotonicetrortlnil( Oregon, MMcoud-clMi mutter. SUBSCRIPTION. One Year, payable In advance $2.00 Our Candidate for President JOSEPH BENSON FORAKER Of Ohio WHOSH LAND IS IT? I EDITORIAL I Iteprcsontatlvo WilllnniH Bald ln inK vetoed tho very reasonable reso- nnd nobody could positively dlsputo discussing tho immigration bill: lutlon of the matter contained in tho or dlsprovo It, thnt ho might hnvo "I want this country kept n whlto smith bill to have a board of re-.been elected ngaln if ho hnd not de mon's country and I wnnt thin coun- B(,nt 80loct two schools to bo main- cllned becauso ho preferred privato try, as far as it can, to bo n white talncd nnd two to bo discarded. Tho Hfo and Ills practice He could al mnn'H country, not merely because governor argued that tho law was ! wayB hnvo tho satisfaction of having I bellovo tho Cnucnslan Is superior unconstitutional becauso It delegated "con elected mayor, and not tho dls to other races, but because this ls our )0WerH belonging only to tho legls- satisfaction of having boon beaten land, tho land of our traditions and jaturo nnd which It could not delo- nfter having sorved ono term, our Ideals." 'gate. Tho Inconsistency and Insln- Besides, tho mayor is thrifty. Ho What does ho moan by "a whlto cory 0r tlilH position Is shown by could novcr bo trailed by tho coins man's country"? That only whites tll0 Kovornor'B approval of tho rail- drops along tho way. To run should II vo In It? That tho oxlstonco roiu. commission bill which grants ngnln would entail qulto an expenso, of black or mulatto men should not bo tolerated at all? If so, how Is ho orH to u commission. If tho normal that much money and then fall would golng to get rlil of tho lilnckinan? Hchooi ljm ,H unconstitutional on thlg'srlovo tho mayor's economical heart. They aro hero, and through no fnult'groinil tho rnlroiui commission bill Jso ho Is dollborntlng, nnd calculating of tholr own. Doob ho mean that - thoy shall bo expatriated or externil- tinted? If so, why docH ho not como out courageously and say so? Or does ho only mean that tho whlto men Hlmll hnvo ontlro domlnnnco over tho blacks, and thnt tho hitter shall hnvo no rlghtH or llbortles, moro than If thoy were slaves or chattels? This - Is probably about what ho means, but oven In that caso ho will have to learn that this ls not In (his senso and to this extent u "white man's country." Mr. Williams says that "this Is our' tcH ,)Ut not ft yory hgl grndo of land," meaning tho Caucasians' land, ',.,.,,,,, ludeedl Ho would have a difficult task proving that. Tho right of might enabled tho Caucasians to wrest the laud from thu Indians, who1 not only could not but Hhould not hnvo held Iho laud, becauso they did not tiso It. Hut tho negroes occupy a different statuH. Thu whlto inon aro responsible for the black men's pics euro hero. Thoy hnvo boon hero now In liicreaHlug uumhorri for nearly 1100 years, most of II... time as slaves, but for 1 1 years ns free men, guaranteed equal rights by tho constitution. Thoy nro citizens engaged In nil sorts of occupations. They and their uncos-1 torn for generations back wero born hero. They hnvo boon producers, and on occasion soldiers. They hnvo helped feed thu country uud produce, Its wealth; they havo fought for It; they havo learned and worshipped In It; they hnvo had no other country,' nor can they have; so by what right, human or divine, lias this man to Bay i that this Is "our land," tho Can-' cuhIuiih' laud, alono? Mr. Williams Is no doubt a pious or a religious man, and devoutly be lieves In God us thu Creator of both lands uud creatures, Did not God make tho black man as well ns tho while man, with organs, faculties, HeiiBlbllltles, emotions, itBplrntlons, very much like tluwi of tho white' man? And did not God bring tlioBhmi,rt l)0 wholhor ho wm run nB a black man though ho did como In a I)omocrol or un Independent. Very Hlaveshlp If God Is responsible for ko,y tho umyor MBB Hot yot ,iecldod. everything, as well ns tho whlto man? CoaUjontt r0 qulto different now And where Is (ho Almighty's decree or order or wurrnnt fur one race to say; "ThlH land la nil mine; none of it, nor mi) rigiu, not oven or lire, liberty or tho pursuit of happiness, Is yours In It." No, Mr. Williams, tho portion or wm-am8 becnuso ho had llconsod Hill's -have boon vory good to Oro tho African race that without Its fault .imi,lln., umi Woro particularly blt-'gon lately whatovor fault may havo or volition found n homo horo must remain, and must bo treated as mv Ing a right liere, and must bo nblo to say, as well as you: "This Is my land." .iceiy t operations Midi ns tno I ortland (.eiicral l.lectrlo t.., Make Municipal Ownership Imper- ntivo. Tin-: i.i:;isi,atithk. Tho legislature will wind up Us Vosslon this week with nbout tho usual record of good, bad nnd lndlf- feront things dono and left uudono. What many considered the most im- portunt measure, tho railroad com- mission bill, known nB tho Chapin bill, was passed, and Is now a law. If It provcB to be as greatly beneficial a law as Its advocates claimed it would, that will bo a good plcco of work that will overbalance several H19 of commission and omission, Most people in this matter will as- sumo tho attltudo of MissourlanB; they will have to bo shown. Tho Now Ana doubts very much whether Ulc comln,88ion wlll bo worth Its C08t but ,f t doc9 not nct 80 M t0 stop railroad building and consu- convinced that could not win again, member ns a tireless, raiuuui nnu quont development no grent harm In that caso, why Incur tho expenso hlB,,ly cn,clcnt olUclal. Mr. Hol wlll bo done, and ln two or four nnd troublo of another cnm,mKn7 ( brook Jr. Is a natlvo son having boon years tho law can bo repealed, as a Ho can retlro with conslderablo credit jborn ,n tho clty of rrtlnnd ,n 1878' former railroad commission law was. and tho record of having beaten so"0 ls n srnclunto of tho Wlllamotto At this writing tho normal school nnnutlnn utianttln.l 1 1, .rnunrnnr l.nv. far nrBor and ,noro important pow- ,. .. .,.., m.i.. IIII1BI iiu ll huuu uvui iiiuiu nui iitin, j,OW0V0P( wnH not tho governor's ren- H TJl0 Smta 111 constituted him Jin, iwo Mian whom ,10 8llouI( . J)olt rogont8 t() dcc(1(J( aml th(J B0V. orn()P d(, mi ,mVQ th(J .,Bnnd t) UKo thB r0H,oi,slblllty and Incur the UamQ nld n0I)nrIty thllt woi(i , two t0WI1H ,, tho country ur0H1, thom from llec,d,nB llgnlll8t Ho Is very caro fu, iQ o(tmd mbody unIeHB ,I0 ls Hiiro of pleasing a largor number at tho Biuno time which Is good poll Some probably good tax blllB wore ' , " ,, , ; tho port of Columbia '' 1 , a very good one for I ortland . ii r,1n,iitiln rlvnr rnnnlrv mill I passed will bo and tho Columbia river country nnd s'oino other tnerltorlous laws wero pnssed. The appropriations will bo far largor than over boforo, but most of them wero necessary or unavoid able, and tho legislature Is not to liu blamed for making them. Thu now Iuwb wlll niako n great deal of m,Katon ,,, w p,La80 Ul0 lnw. yers, nnd furulHh un excuso for cre ating moro Judges mid raising tholr Halarles. As usual, tlio people will "breathe a sigh of relief" when tho loglsla luttiro adjourns, for every additional day meitiiH moro uppropiiatloiiB or expenso, but at least It can bo Bitld that tho loglBlnturo might havo dono much worse. No Hcaudal has been oven rumored, and that Ih a good deal to say theso daH. The Public "lie Damned" Is the Slo gan of the Portland Hallway Light anil Power Company. WILL TIIK MAVOlt HUN? Tho moyor Is not ready to spoak up yet, according to tho dally papors. ,o W(mt 8ny wnotl0r ho will bo a camlUmt0 KUju 0r not, or It ho f(.om w,mt they woro two yourB ago, TJ0H tho cUy wnB ,u tno Bwlrl ot n m)rnl waV0i fl0 preachors and muny nct(V0 iuul inlluontlul church mombor8f uluioat overy ono of thorn Iltenubllcuns, wero down ou Mayor m UKlllnHt hJm (llr ho hud called ,hu ronchor8 a ,,ck ot Uni-s. Hun- (lr0(l8( ,,orhnl,8 oveu thousands, of HIUIID, IU4,lllo W?VII n., , .... ......... .n . .... v tnl8 ciU88 0f votora wero In tho humor as thoy can; they nro usiug overy of- to vote- for almost anybody to bent tho administration then In power, T,icy d,(, 8( uud holpeil Oioct Lun0, but nost ot thoH tho cri,aado fovor m,v,K jong 8jnco dl0ll ,i0wn, would now vote for a good Hopubllcnn, slnco they nro Republicans, ln preferonco to I.nno, Prulmbly u good muny of thom approve his administration to n greater or loss extent, but thoro Is nothing ln It so particularly and rn'd- lcally reformatory aB to keep thom out of their party lines this spring, No mayor would now tolerato public gambling, as Indeed Judge Williams would not much longer If he had been re-elected. Former conditions ns to women in saloons will not bo tolorat- ed under any mayor. So why is Lane particularly preferable to any ono of half a dozen Republican aspirants? This is what a great many who voted for him in 190G arc asking. I Tho mayor realizes all this, and Is very likely doubtful about his ability to win again. Indeed, as ho studies tIl0 BltunUon, ha mny bo pretty well eminent u man ns Judgo Williams. Ho COtlld nlWttVB ftHSIlino l,nrf.nfinI. tho best ho could do, and to spond 'nimnnnn. nn,i wmwinpiiur if n ,, - , -... ...0 .. .. ....n Hopubllcnn might got tho nomination, ,Iind mentally looking aakanco at his preacher friends of two yenrs ngo,,)rook Jr- nnd t0 th,B fnct ,B duo hlB and as yet refuslni: to unnoituco anv decision. How could ho when ho hns not decided? It's an oven bet thnt ho will decline to run. Ho is rather wise. The City Hhould Own I(h Lighting Hystem. It Al LHOAl) UK VKLOl'.MKXT. Mr. Hnrrlmnn is going Mr. Hill ono better or at least ls going to c I"o with him in providing a 8uincont routo of ontranco ,nto p.' ased a largo tract! " I of land through University park, undor which ho will tunnol, bo nB to como Into tho city on a vory easy grndo, nnd bo that ho can hnvo mnplo terminal facilities bolow Guild's lake. A very Inrgo amount of money running Into tho millions, will bo spout on this rotito, a brldgo at Swan Island, and terminal grounds nnd ImprovomentB, which wlll give Hnrrlmnn fully ns groat facilities fori handling tho trnffic In and out of Portland as Hill wlll havo for hi north bank road. Tho Portland railway system nnd lutorurbnn linos will also hnvo u I wholo block almost In tho heart of i tho business district, bounded by ' First, Second, Pino nnd Ash Btroets, for a largo depot and switching ground. Those gront expenditures moan c about thnt nrownsvlllo affair, that tho investors in railroads nro r-r thoroughly convinced that Portland it 13 moonlight now, bo that poo ls going to becomo n groat city, and pj0 won't havo to go homo qulto In thnt rapidly. Thoy aro preparing and tho dark for n fow ovonlngs. providing for nn Immonso traffic, and tho men who hnndlo all theso mil- lions como pretty near knowing what thoy aro about whon they spond thorn. It may bo remarked also that whon railroad mon uro spending so much money hero, nnd showing in tlin alttifrnaf nml tiinal ninpHnn1 fiml " I convincing wny that thoy mean to holp dovelop Orogon aud this city, tho lawmakers ought to bo vory care- .ful what thoy do in tho wny of pass- Ing hnrasslug and restrictive laws. Tho railroads Harrlman's and been Justlfled thorotoforo. Thoy aro building ns fast ns they can; they nro promising to build moro vis fast fort possible to provldo moro cars) and locomotives; they nro spondlng millions to dovelop Oregon and take euro of its tratllo; and undor such clrcumstancos thoy ought to bo let pretty much alono. Wo hope therefore that tho now commission, while It will hnvo to niako a showing of currying out tho law and earning Its salary, will do no moro than It can help to em- barrass and annoy tho railroads that are doing so much for Oregon and for Portland. - .Seattle Owns Its Lighting Hyntcm ( and Hih Found That It Pnytf. i ' COtW'TV 8UHVEKYOK IIOLllUOOK i I'liiio noiurooK, jr., county sur- sif-it rt t nit nnmnli nnntitv la ntin ,w"' "... u w of the most efficient, accommodating nntl ,01u,nr mcMa ln tho court hoU8C' Mr IIoll,roolt ,B ft Bon of cx" Col,nty Commissioner l'hllo Hoi- brook Sr- whom tho taxpayers re- University of tho class of 1808 and linB Spoilt. OVCr 1 0 years in 1110 nCUVO practlve of tho profession of civil engineering, threo yenrs of which was ln tho reclamation scrvlco in the state of Washington. Mr. Holbrook is a vcternn of tho Spanish American war, having sorved two years ln tho Philippine cam paign with tho gallant Second Ore gon regiment. Though u young mnn Mr. Holbrook has had largo exper ience and has had much to do with s6mo of tho great projects of railroad construction nnd irrigation enter- nrlH0B throughout tho Northwest 1,,nl n "" 0II1C0 8"0l,lu ro" cclvo Ilt tho hu,u,B of tho Incumbent the sumo careful nnd consclcntlus .Borneo nnu attention ns ono tcois bound to glvo nn Individual or cor poration Is tho belief of Phllo Hol- .popuinritj. Brother Under has boon unani mously found not guilty of anything. As to tho alleged $500 said to have been recolvod from Senator Bourno, It Is stntcd that there Is no proof of this. Mr. Bourno Is not n man, oven If he did lot Brother Under havo $500, to "squeal." And tho money couldn't bo found on Brother Ruder. Governor Chamberlnln declared "l0 hmmi ornml 8C"001 m" u"' constitutional but Attornoy-Gonoral Crawford, whoso opinion Is goner- . tho Smith norinnl school bill un "' und nml rollauio, ueciuetl tnat ll wn8 coniitltutlonnl. Botwcon tho two, unddr tho clrcuniBtances, tho "con, sonornlly wlll agreo with tho nuornoy-gonorni. Tho champion cotton rnlsor of Ok lahoma Is a colored mnnnamod Al fred Smith. Ho hns not only taken all tho promltims offered In that stato for tho first and best cotton, but his product has received u bluo ribbon nt tho St. Louis World's Fair. It Is gonornlly regarded thnt State Troasuror Steol's cholco for railroad commissioner was qulto as good a ono as tho governor could hnvo niado. It Is coming to light thnt not all tho truth had been told or mndo pub- Colored mon wlll not for"got thnt Senntor Foraker had tho courago to stand up for; their rights. Tho railroads may not always do J't right, but thoy nro Oregon's best friends n..A lnt ...111 itm rtnnM i)nmnitinla 1)111 IV II III. mil HiU IUUI UUWUVIIIIU do it Mayor Lnno should dccllno to run? Xow Sonator Mulkoy, having made roCord, is considerably "spoken of." Somo think it looks llko Devlin. s'b again Bcout tho Idea. Time to bo thinking about coun cilman to elect. No present councilman la likely to uo mayor. This is also tho black man's coun- try. Vulcan Coal Company, ' wholesale , and retail dealers In house, steam and blacksmith coal. Foundry and smelter fots?'f sSHeMonnd u Wo handle all tho best grades or domestic arid SjBurnstde SU PorUand.S gon. i The Portland Hat Works I Manufacturcri ol TINE SOFT AND STIFF HATS Hats Dyoil, Cleaned and Mocked. Ouripo dally: 1'anamM Ulolned and lllcaehcd. 219J4 Alder St., bet. Pocoml and Third, llranrli: 423 WnshlngtunHt. Portland, Or. THE HOUSE THAT GIVES YOU A SQUARE DEAL A. It, ZKLLAK N. L. MUKM.KH Zellar & Mueller FURNITURE A Full Line of Stoves & Ranges SEC US, WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT Phone East 4457 535 Williams Ave., Portland, Ore 'Centennial Market & Grocery J. J. BLUM Headquarters for " GOOD THINGS TO EAT " Groceries, Meats, Fish, Poultry ALWAYS THE BEST School Supplies, Shoes, Gloves, Notions I'hono Main 27'Jl 522-524 N. Twenty-fourth Street Frederick A. Kribs Correspondence Solicited 328-330 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PORTLAND FUEL COMPANY Successors to PIONCCR, C. R. DAVIS and PHOENIX TUEL CO. PHONE EAST 26 287 E. MORRISON ST. COAL Rock Springs, Diamond, Richmond, Roslyn, New Cas tle, New Castle Nut, Franklin, Carbon Hill, Coke. WOOD 4-Foot Fir, 4-Foot Oalc, 4-Foot Ash, Sawed Oak,. Sawed Fir, Sawed Ask, Sawed Knots. Jumping Juris Mnnlisttmi Mining C titruv Dnir Mnnlmtlnn Mliilnu Co, ikIIhii Cnrnp Mmilialtan Mlnllip Co, Ai-You-I.lkc-It MnnhattMi Allnlne KuniKcu Creek youth C. A. STOCKTON, Broker Nevada Gold and Copper Mines Phone Main 0144 Weekly Market Letter or Pally Market Quotations Furnished on Application Krcu ol Cliarcu HlsB?iBirsisiWMysKIK! C. 0. PICK TRANSFER & STORAGE COMPANY. Safes, Pianos, Furniture moved; stored or packed for shipping. Com nodious brick warehouse, with separate iron rooms, Front and Clay. Express and Baggage hauled. Office Phone, 596; Stable, Black 1972 LOOK Before investing in Farms, Acreage, or any clan of Real Estate, calland examine our list WE MAKE LOANS ON Portland Realty and Trust Company 106 Second Street Portland, Oregon ROBERT A. PRESTON PRESCRIPTION DRUOaiST Cor. 2) and Thurnitn Bts. I'hone Mln lf.10 , PORTLAND, ORBOON' ( SENN & NITSEHKE PHONE EA8T 3073 SCULPTORS AND CARVERS In Marblo, Stono, Granite nnd Wood. Architectural, I'lnBter anil Stair Oriui lnents. Monumenti, Statues, Hints, Tombstones. Poatnl orders promptly attended to. Sculpture Work n spe cialty, Office and Studio. Union Ave., cor. Irving. PORTLAND, OREGON PHONE MAIN 1B93 Martin-Marks Coffee Co. HIGH. GRADE COFFEES TEAS, ETC. Tho oxcellonco of Monto Crlsto Java nnd Mocha ColIVc stands in high favor.. 252 Third Street PORTLAND, OREGON: Dealer in Washington, Idaho '& Oregon; TIMBER & MINERAL LANDS Portland, Oregon. Lou Dillon Oolitnuil MIlllDK Co. KkrIi' Nct Falrvluw Mlnlinc Co. KiMrvlcw Hit lituno Mlnlnu Co. Co. Hllver l'lrk Kxtcnslon MlnliiK Co. Kxtenilon Coivr Co. 228 Lumber Exchange Portland, Oregon. PORTLAND, OREGON: APPROVED SECURITIES tMr 1 1 "