thb mnr age, fobtlaot), onxooar " I K I $ .m ' , ' V FV r bros. BIL.L.IN08. Branch Banks at Butts, TrntMaot a aenerol Pay interest on Savings AccotintH start Savings Accounts with a deposit of SWIFT & COMPANY YECE1N PREMIUM HAMS, BACON And All Fresh Cuts for Hotels MAIL ORDERS Third amo Columbia 'Puoms Main 18 BONNY & WATSON CO ( SUCCRSftOMI TO ) BONNY & STEWART rUXKRAL DIRECTORS AMD KMBALMIM Udy Assistant AN Ciftl Wah way In Attendance. caulC, WaSO flAT HOOPS-IKON ORAW-LUOft MISSOULA MONT : II. K. C1IANKY, Proprietor. A. A. IIOWAUD, Managed. f lorence Steam Laundry THE GOOD ONE Established 1S90. Telephone 113 Work Done On Short Notice i 12-1 14 West rront St. MISSOULA, MONTANA M GBUD NCIFIC SILOM Missoula., Montana. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Draught Beer, Fine, 5c. Bottled Beer, 25c. a Quart. All trains Stop 15 Minutes. Opp. N. P. Depot. .mmwmmmx m asf AmBBasaW .Amm. am bbbHbmLbI bf asrVaW at bbW WmW aasal AwL t bbW gLr low V3i JkLlJ FREIGHT RATES Ljm " fl mm HOUSEHOLD GOODS Mm B to and rmont "V ir3 THE EAST IxJ V WRITE US mwTJ L Seattle, Wmmh. AmmmmmmW .!rWWtom3MmWmkmm sKaaValSlMCtfaK tSBBBBBBBBBsl9BBSSSSBBBSBms1nSBaBm BaSBBBBBBs! aaESa9riiHlsBBBBBBBBBl SsbbbbbbbbbbBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbw" ,- MISSOULA MERCANTILE CO. MISSOULA, MONTANA THIS modem establishment with its immense and varied stocks merits the patronage of all. Whether it me something to wear, to eat, to furnish your house, or any thing else, you can get it here. We want every reader of The New Age within our territory to join the mighty ranks of pleaifi and prosper ous customers already dealing with us. REMEMBER OUR MOTTO "We Sell Everything and Everything; the Very Best" saviinqs baink MONTANA Anaconda and Oardlnar Banking Uuslnens and Titno Certificates of Deposit. Wo one dollar or nioro. -So. Omaha, Nebraska PROMPT ATTENTION SEATTLE WASH ! i When in Seattle rUit HAINSOIN & CO'S Billiard Parlors The Finest in the Nortkwest 62123 Firt Avenue SEATTLE WASHINGTON WATER TANKS Fir Spruom mnoJ OmtJmr Lumkmr BoxShoohm Cmdmr Shlnglmm Grays Harbor Commercial Go Smmttl; Wmmh. Just a Word About Rolls Utile lloll and big Koll; plain Rolls and fancy HolU; Koll for breakfeiti Holla for lunch: Itnlle for supper all good sort of Holli grow lo ifoct proportion at the reliable bakerr moil people In Ml.ioula know about TEVIS & CRAWSHAW GROCERS AND BAKERS Hay, Grain, Flour, Fruits, Vegetable Confectionery, Etc-, Etc 131 Higgtni Ave. Missoula, Montana kw v V A w I ( V SBBBBBT BbBBT I'm very, very sorry," snld the young woman. "I wouldn't have had it hnppeti for nnytiitiig. If I bad had tho least suspicion that you entertained nny other feelings for mo than those of n'frlend of n chum " ' , "I know," said tho younjr man who had Just been refused. "But don't let yourself feel too bad about It. I wouldn't like to think that I bad un wittingly caused you pain." "Now you nro getting sarcastic, nu usual," said tho'yo,ung woman. "But really " "I nssuro you that I'm not," said the young man, Innocently. "Bcllovo mo " "You are, or you wouldn't say 'bc llovo me,' " persisted tho young woman. "I merely meant to say that It's nothing morothan I ought to have ex pected," said tho young man, heaving n tragic sigh. "Still I shall try to bear It" "It will cqst you qulto an effort, I nupposp." "Now you nro cruel," said tho young mnn. "And what Is more, unjust" "Unjust?" "Certainly. You don't do yourself Justice. Thoso transcendent charms " "I'm going If you nro going to tnlk like that," said tho young woman with an air of dignity, rising from her chair. "l'lenso sit down. I Just wnnt to square myself beforo I go. Besides, you aren't tho ono to mnko the t exit. I'm tho person to whom that poor prlvllego Is coming. It's my part to hid you farewell and to lcavo yo,u bathed In tears." "You won't hnvo that prlvllego then, I can tell you that" "Why this nsitorlty? . Honest, Mabel, I don't know what to maku.of this. I say that I think that I ought to go out first It isn't much, but It Is some thing. If I could louk back In aftor years nnd think of what a noblo nnd mournful flguro I mndo " "You do I don't mean noble." New York City spends $521,000 nyonr for library purposes. New York City haH ono theater for overy IVJ.OOO Inhabitant's, An KngllHh windmill nt Itelgnto Heath has been turned Into n church. An nvorngo of 342 Hobrow Immi grants nrrlvo iu Now York City eacli day. Thero nro 20,212 automobiles ownod within fifty iiiIIcm of Now York City Hall. A tax Ih now lovlod on all railway tickets sold In Japan, vurylng from 1 "out to CO cents, according to distance. An Austrian engineer named I'ola has Invented an apparatus which by means of sudden suction nnd pressure dlspulH tho fog In front of ships. Tho Barbados pigs uro kept as pots by many of tho natives, who teach them amusing tricks und permit them lo run nil over their houses. Chief Pleasant Porter, of tho Creeks, deelureH thnt tho net of Congress hand linr over Indian territory to Oklahoma was tho death knell of his nice. Ho predicts that In 100 years thero will not bo an Indian In tho United States. Tho Duko of, Orleans has announced to his friends at Copenhagen that ho Intends to start a new expedition next unrlnir In the shin Bclglca to penetrate as far as possible along tho northeast const of Greenland. Tho purposo is to Join tho Danish expedition, under My llus Erlchsen, which loft lust Juno to explore tho same coast. Monv nlctures by Velasquez may still bo resting unrecognized In South America, according to nn art critic. Tho rouch iwople, says ho, who fur nished the silver Ingots, would yearn for nrcsentineuts of tho old country lira and so early essays at Its iortrnyal by Vclasnuez may still bo sluiulierlug In i remote haciendas under tho shadow of tho Andes. Women In China havo tho prlvllego of fighting In tho wars. In tho rebel lion of 1850 women did ns much light ing as men. At Nankin, In 1853, 500, 000 women from various parts of tho country were formed Into brigades of 13,000 each, under femalo olllcers. Of these soldiers 10,000 were picked wom en, drilled and garrisoned In tho city. Indian Patriot. A German Jnvestlgntor, Welchardt. has promulgated tho theory fa tigue Is tho direct result of u jmiIkoii manufactured by the system and de veloped by bard work, and requlrlug ' rest to drive It out Welchardt exper imented with tho muscle Juice of guinea pigs which be bad previously fatigued, and his examination proved that this Juice acted as a veritable poison sim ilar to some of the well known toxins. By Inoculating other animals ho pro duced symptoms of fatigue and largo dost produced death. The Island of Zanzibar has been un der British protection since Nov. 4, 1800. It la the great storehouse and distributing center for trade of tlis t "It would bo a melancholy consoin tlon, at least You know that I'm not Klng to hnvo very much to consolo mo now nnd It's unkind to try to rob mo of a llttlo thing Ilka that" "Do you mean 'vory much' or 'very many'?" "Kr excuso me. I don't qulto catch your drift" "I mean how ninny do you think It will tnko to consolo you?" "Ho,w many what?" Tho young woman did her best to curl her lip. "If you mean how many otlier girls I can answer you with a certainty bom of experience Only ono. Thnt Is, of course, If any can. I am trying to tako this philosophically because I'vo been turned down very often before." "I don't bcllovo It." "Thank you. That's tho first kind thing you hnvo said to mo for Bcvcrnl minutes. It Is nn Insult, of course, but It might bear a flattering construction. Now, telling mo thnt you wero sorry for mo nnd that you hadn't tho least Idea that I had any other feeling than" "I tlrui't bcllovo you havo nuy feeling nt nil, of any Bort" "Thnt Is not flattering because I have been doing my level best to mnko you see that I did havo bouio other feeling." "You nlwnys havo talked In Just thnt way. You always talk ns If you didn't really mean anything." Tho young woman applied her handkerchief to her eyes. "As If I didn't mean do you sup IK)ho I didn't mean what I said to, you a minute or two ago? Do you menu that? I lore, look at me." "I I don't bcllovo thnt you did vory much not very deeply." "And Mabel, I meant It more moro than you thought, I guess. Shrill I say It over again?" "You may If yu mean It ns much ns that," said tho young woman. Chi cago Dally News. wholo east African coast, although with tho development of tho resources of tho mainland nnd Increased shipping facili ties of tho several mainland orts Its relntlvo commercial Importance Is not so great ns In former years. Two Pottawatomie County fnrmerH hnvo raised 117 and 120 bushels of corn per acre resiect!vely, tho latter being tho average yield of n field of 25 acres. In both of theso cnses.tho corn was grown on nlfnlfn ground. Tho 25 acres which produced 120 bushelH nn ncre was In alfalfa nlno years, nnd this Ih tho second crop of corn grown slnco tho breaking of tho nlfnlfa sod. Topeka Capital. For tho projected telegraph lino from Algeria to tho Nlgor It Ivor tho tele graph posts In tho Sahara will bo mo tnlllc nnd placed at distances of sixty yards, tho wires being high enough to allow tho pasfliigo of a man on camel back. At Intervnls nlong tho (100 miles of tho Algerian section six small gar risoned stations will ho established. At as central redoubt, surrounded by out--r fences, provisions will bo stored for tlireo months round a cistern. A skull, considered by a member of tho BrltlHh Arclueologlcn! Association to bo ancient British, nnd a pro-Romnn burial urn hnvo Just been duir nn In Kont street, Southwnrk. It was burlod nt a couslderablo depth. Other finds nt tho samo spot during tho present excavations Includo coins of Nero, Ti berius nnd Vespasian, nnd. nearer tbo surfuco, "abbey money" nnd coins nnd tokens of tho Stuart and commonwealth period. "From my pllo of autographs I tako ono of a statesman, well known, nnd lay It sldo by side with the autographs of r. great author and a great ecclesias tic," wrlteH a British publicist. "All three are very small, oxqulsltely neat, vory llttlo slanted, absolutely legible. Well as I know tho threo writers I doubt If I could toll which wroto which. 'I hey were Cardinal Manning, Mr. Froudo nnd Lord Hosebcry. Will ilm oxperts tell mo If, In this case, sluillnr Ity of writing bodied forth similarity' of gifts or qualities?" Culd on the Farm, The lake, wIiojo waters bright and blue The bathers did entice A merry, laughing, shouting crew Is fringed with brittle Ice. The north wind whlutles through tin reeds, Where undisturbed tho mallard feeds. The trees their russet leaves havo shed, Where once the hnmmock swayed, But from their shelter now are fled The spooning man and maid; Tho country's lout Its wonted charm, There's nothing doing on the farm. The horny-handed farmer's board Groans with good things to eat. The family can now afford A better kind of meat. Tbey have for breakfast sirloin steaks, Eggs, honey, cream and batter cakes. The worthy fanner smiles and eats And cuts bis little Jokes, And little anecdotes repeats About "them city folks." He says, "It paid to have 'em come, But now I'm glad they've gone, by gum I" Chicago Itecord-Herald. Every time a man accepts a 10-cent gift It costs him a dollar. ! TAfYlMA ) rnitK pacific liiquon and wink house. N. llHUTKH, 1'roprlctor. Tbo best of Winn, Liquors and Ctirara. Family Trade a Specialty. Tel. Kcd 1731. 1S06 raclfle Ave. IMS Commerce Ht. Tacoma, Washington M' ONTY'8 THM8T OTOHK noriin nmuiing. ns south nth Bt. lelo phone, Main 1M. TACOMA, WASHINGTON The Beat is None Too Good for You. Get It at The Trail Saloon & Cafe i RUSSELL ORMSBYV Proprietor 113 S. 12th St., Tacoma, Wash. Ivory Wood Fibre Plastar Ivory Cement Plaster F. T. CROWE & GO. 1105 AM TACOMA, WASHIN6T0N STVtCS RIGHT PRICES RIGHT Menzies & Stevens Latest Styles in HATS, MEN'S FURNISHINGS AND CLOTHINB SPECIALTIES 913 Pacific Avenue ProvWcnt Bid TACOMA, WASH. Puget Sound Electric Railway Interurban LcnvoTncomn 0:00, 7:10, 8:10, 0:15 (Ltd., no stops) 10:10, 11 :10 n in, 12:10, 1:10, 2:10, 3:10,4 :lfi (Ltd., no stops), 6:10, 0:10, 7:10, 8:10. 0:10, 11:15 p m. Lenvo Seattle !:!, 8:00, 0:00 (Ltd., no stops), 10:00, 11 :00 a m, 12 in, 1 :00, 2:00, a :00, 4:00 (Ltd., no stops). 6:00, 0:00, 7 ;00, 8:00, 0:01), 10:00, 11:15 p in. TUYALLUP DIVISION' Lcnvo Puyallup 5 :ftt), 7 :00, 8 :00, 0 :00, 11:00a in, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00. 6:00, 0:15, 7:15,8:16, 0:15 pin. I.cavol)tli and Commerce 8ts. 5:40, 7:00. 8:00, 10:00, 12:00 a in, 1 :00, 2:00, 8:00,4:00,5:00,0:15, 7:15, 8:16, 11:15 pin. (5:30 a m omitted Sundays) Tacoma Trunk Factory A good Trunk is always n good bargain. You can't Judgo from mere appearances. Wu sell Trunks that not only look well but wear well. Suit Cases und Bags of nil sixes, styles and prices Repairing done, l'hono Red 2772 031 O Street TACOMA, WASH U. R. MANNINCJ, Pruts. t U. R. MAIN1NI1NCI & CO., Inc. Real Estate Loan and Investment. City and Farm Property. Timber and Coal Land. Firtt-Class Mortgage and Investment Securities. EQUITABLE 13UIUDINQ TAG MA, WASH. THE SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN BANK Commercial Banking Savings Department Capital 15,000,000 Surplus 1360,000 Total Availablo Assets 7,500,000 A. CHILUERO, Presidont GEO. II. TAUIJKLL, MunuKor A. V HAYDEN, Cashier Tacoma Offlo No. 066 Commorco St., N7K. Cor. South 11th St. A Delightful BREAKFAST Dteh WHEAT-HEARI'fi Makes a delightful breakfast dish: with fruit added, a ! ly des. ft. Keiulrra lltlli-time to cook. A light ex. iiism fur fuel. Is f-uaranterd absolutely pure and cost loss la n any other cereal Bold by all grocers, five I'luml iacSge, Scents. THE PUGET SOUND FLOURING MILLS CO,, TACOMA, WASH. "I TAPfiMA I 444AA444444aAAAaAaVAaAaaV4AZ THE ABBEY V. 1, MOONKY. Proprietor, Telephone Jamca 2121 Wines, Liquors & Cigars Rooms In Ceantctlon TACOMA WASHINGTON' THE ANNEX MAK.TIN.ANOBL,rrop. House of Fine Liquors PhM Main 446. Cor. Eleventh and Pacific Avenue the Mcdonald cigar gq. Belli the Highest Grmlci of ...CIGARS... Manufactured by tho best factorln of New York and Tampa. Alio a complsto line of lataertcd Cigars, Cigarettes and Smokers' Articles TeL Main 765. 956 Pacific Avenuo THE DAMFINO P.T. McOLOlN, Proprietor Tolophono Main 1M ESTABLISHED DEPOKB TUB WAH Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars liOJ JefTeraon Avotiuo, Cornor Paclfle TACOMA WASHINGTON L. L. R0BERS0S. Prti. in4 Trill. til. R08ER50H. Scr. EAT T. B. C. BREAD Mailo by TACOMA BAKING COMPANY Wliolcmilo Manufacture nt llrcad, Cake. Kir. Wo nlno malcu a specialty of CJUOIJ llltKAI), Tel. James Ml. 943 Tacoma Ave, Taconu, Wuh. Phone Main 748 Paving Plant, 15th and Dock The Barber Asphalt Paving Co. ASPHALT For Roofing, Street Paving and Reser voir Lining CONTRACTORS Street Paving, Driveway, Floors and Sidewalks 203-4-5 Providence Bldg. TACOMA WASH. We make a Ppcclaltv of FINE POULTRY Pilvate Car Trade Hollcltod Commercial Market HARRY MASK, Prop. Retail Dealer in Fresh and Salt Meats 1114 C Street Telephone Main 202 TACOMA J, II. TKHNKU, Pre, and Mgr. Tel.U Tacoma Carriage and Baggage Transfer Company OFFICE 101 TENTH ST. Cirrlifit ind liaigi Wagons it All Hours Prlviti Ambulmci Pirficl In Eviry Ditill FIRST CLASS LIVERY Hand your Checks for HKKKe tc our Me entrer, who will wiuut you on all Incoming trains. TACOMA, WAR". A. T. HOHMIJU, Huoy v-l i cftucSSSS - "