T. CSfZCtcStcd ff&e' 4 ecAz- tlit. yr-.- v mtwt- r.,t Jt uruan VOL. XI. PORTLAJO), OBEGOK, SATUUDAY, PEBRUAItY 28, 1907. NO. 44. ' A3 T P ur . !S3u - - J-- "J -trf ;C THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF KALISPELL KAUSPEIL, MONTANA D. It. l'KEI.KIt, i'rci., K. J. I.EnKllT, V. l'rci.. H. K. WKHSTKIt. Cash., W. T. LAW80N, A. Cash. Trnnncl ARPnornl bunking tmilncrs. Drafts Issued, avallablo In all cities of the United Btalo mil KuroiOi IIuiir Kohr amt Manlln. CollcctlntiK madn on favnrnhle torm. LADD & TILTON, Bankers Portland, Oregon KitabllMicil In 1859. Triuunct a Oonoral llanklnR IluilneM. Intorost nllnwod on tlmo do waits. Collections made at nil iolnt on favorable tortnii. Letter of Credit lnnued available In Kuropc and tho Knitern Htatcs. Sight Exchange and Tclcgrnphlo Trnnafori Bold on New York, Washington, Chicago, Ht Loul, Denver. Umahn, Han Kranclsco and various points In Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana mid iirltlah Columbia. Kxohnugo sold on London, l'arls, llerlln, Frankfort and Hong Kong. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREGON. v. aikbwouth, rrosidont, It. W. BCHMKKH, Cashier Transacts a genoral banking business, States and Kuroie, Hong Kong and Manila, NORTHWEST DORMER i. . ii. aiiwi, vico-i tcfiuciii. A. M. WK1UIIT, Assistant Cashlor. Drafts Issued, available In all cities of the United Collections mado on favorablo terms. NEWS OF THE WEEK In a Condensed Form for Our Busy Readers. HUNDREDS LOST. HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS THINO AND OAK STREETS. THE PENINSULA BANK ST-JOHNS' ORE- Capital, fully paid up, $25,000.00. Surplus and undivided profit, $3,000.00. Commenced Business June' 5, 1905. OFKICEltg: J. W. rOHDNKY, President! It, T. l'LATT, Vlco President; C. A. WOOD, Cashier. I10AKD OK M11KCTON8: J. W. Kordncy, 11. T. l'lntt, P. C. Knapp, V. A. Hruwer, II, h. Powers, Thos. Cochran, M. I.. Holbrook. C. A. Wood. 'Oldest Hank In the Btato of Washington." DEXTER, HORTON & CO. BANKERS BU",1U8 'na urnrUooo A Resume of the Loss Important but Not Loss Interesting Event of tho Past Week. atltal 1200.000 isoposiis fl,O.K',UUU Aroountn of Northwet Paclllo Hanks solicited upon lorms which will grant to them the most libera! accommodations consistent with their falauccs and responsibilities. Wm. H. Ladd, President; N. II, Latimer, Managor; M. W, I'oiorson, Cashier. Heal tic, Washington. THE FIR8T NATIONAL, DANK Or PORT TOWNSEND hstabllshcd 18S2. Collections promptly made and roinlttcd. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of PORTLAND OU13QON Capital, $800,000 . Surplus, 1 ,000,000 Dupoalta, 613,000,000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK of NorthYaklma, Wash. Omullmt mntt Smrplim $180,000 OO UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY W.M I.ADD President CHAU. CAiU'KNTKIt Vlco President W. L, BTKINWEO. Cashier A. It. CMNK Assistant Cashier FIRST NATIONAL, BANK V alia Walla, Washington. (First Natlonal'llank In tho Btato.) Transacts a General Banking Business. CAPITAL flOO,CO BUIU'l.UH $100,IpOO. LKV1 ANKKNY. President A. H. HKYNOLDB. Vlco ProstdenU A. It. IIURFOHD, Cashier THE NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE TAOOMA, WASH. UNITED STA TES DEPOSITARY CmmHml 0X00,000 Svrlum $200,000 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT OFKICEItS ChmtcrThornc, Prrsldonl; Arthur Albortsnn, Vlco Preitdeut and Cashlor; .Frederick A. Klce. Aslstaut Cashier: Dollwrl A. Young, Aislitant Cashier. , JNO. C. AINBWOHT1I, Pros. JNO. B, UAKF.lt, Vlco Tres. P. C. KAUFKM AN, 2d Vlco Pros. A. (J. PltlCII AIID, Cashlor. F. P. HABKKf.U Jll., Assistant Cashier. THE FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY BANK Central Banklnf CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, 9390,000 Safe Deposit Vaults SAVINGS DIPARTMENTt Interest at tho ltato of 3 per cent por Annum, Credited Soml-AunuiiUjr TACOMA, WA8HINQTON AUFHKI) COO 1,1 DO K, Pres. A. F. JlcOI.AINK Vlco Pres A A HON KUIIN, Vice Pros. CIIAB. II. HCltlDEH, Cashier. I. C. WOODWAHD, Asst. Cashier. THE COLFAX NATIONAL BANK of Ooi fax Wash. Oapltal,. $120,000.00 TrnncactH n gunural bnnking bualnuss. Special fucllitlofl for hmuUlng Enstorn WnfliliiKton nml Idnho itoniB. VANCOUVER NATIONAL BANK Vancouver, Wash. Loading Financial Institution in Southwestern "Washington UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY CAPITAL, $50,000 SURPLUS, $50,000 ASSETS, $1,000,000 LEVI ANKKNY President; K.O. CltAWFOltD, Vlco President; W, P. CONNAWAV, Cashier DIltKOTOKB Levi Aukciiy, Harry I.add Corbctt, W. P. Craw ford, K. 0. Crawford, W. W. McCrcdlo THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Moorehead, Minnesota DAVID ASKKOAAHD, I.KW A. IIUNTOC Vice President Cahlor Interest Paid on Time Deposits JOHN I.AM I), President ESTABLISHED 1801 AIlTHUn H.C08TAIN, Asit. Cashier FIRST NATIONAL BANK of East Grand Forks, Mian. Turin Loans Negotiated. Firo nnd Cyclono lnsuranto Written. Dooa a General Hanking liusidess. Capital, 150,000 K, AltNF.b0N, Pre. 0. It. JAC0I1I Cashier 4 Por Cent Inturusst Rulcl onTlmo DupoaltH THE FIRST 1NATIOINAL, BAINK OR DULUTH, MINNESOTA. CAPITAL $800,000 SURPLUS 73H,O0O U. 8m Qovernment Oeposltary. OEOItOK PALMKR President F. U MKYlUtH 0K0. L. CLEAVKIt W. L. IIUKNI10LTH Cashier Asst. Cashier Asst. Cashier La Grando National Bank lAJ55SE Ommttml mm Surifua, $120,000 PIKCrroItS: J. Jl. Berry. A. U. Conley. F. J. Holmes. F. M. Jlyrklt, F. U Meyers, Oeo.L Cleaver, Oeo. Palmer. The Merchants INatlonal Bank Or St. Puul, Mlnnuaotu . UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital, 1,000,000.00 Surplus, flOO,000.00 TranauctMU senaral bunklnK bualntuut. Correanondence InvlUd .,. OFFiCERS-KKNNETHCLAnK, President: OEO. II. PRINCE, Vlco President; II. W. PARKER, Cashier; II. VAN VLKCK, Assistant Cashier. ' niRECTORg-Crawford Livingston, Kenneth Clark. J. H. Skinner, Louis W. Hill, Oeo. II. Prlnc), C. tl. Iligelow. It.D. Noyes, V. M. Watklns. L. P. Ordway. F. B. KelloKg, K. N. Baunders. Thomas A.Marlow. W.B. Parsons. J. M.Hannaford, Charles P. Noyes. Mayor Dnnno Jms carried 'the Chi cago Dcmocnttic primaries. Slight cnrtliqtiakes nro still felt in San Francisco occasionally. Taffc la going to Cuba in April to investigate conditions tliero. The Jnpatnoco minister nnd Secretary Hoot are working on h now treaty. A Kentucky woman lias just given birth to ilvo children. All nro doing woll. Sonator ltalley, of Texas, says all charges aro fatso and ho would llko to Bhoot accusers. Tawncy says tho nrcsont bchhIoii of congrens will apnropriato moro than one billion dollars. Fredorlck T. Gates, Kockofollor's businecs roprcHontatlvi), says tho oil king's income is about $20,000,000 per year. Trnlnmon of tho West nro demanding Increaso of wiigcB and as tho railroad companies nro inclined to icfuso. trouble may follow. An assoclotlon has been formed In Chicago for tho purpono of holding tho largwt corn oxiKsitlon next fall over attempted in tho United States. Tho Connecticut tax commissioner offotcd to soil an appointment nnd now ho Is out. Tho Alabama mil way commission has ordered a i.'-cont pticsongor rato on all railways. A Northern rnciflc train was ditched near 1'alm, Wash. Floods had wcak oncd n trcstlo. " Wisconsin railroads nro complying with tho order of tho railroad coiiuiiIh Hlon for a 2 cent pasHongor rato. Tho Great Northern announces that all blockades in tho Northwost from tho recont storms hnvo beon cleared. Sickness of a juror in tho Hermann trfnl has causod tho solectlon of n now man nnd started tho cane at tho begin ning again. Tho'Nebrnska legislature has iMtsped a 2-cent passenger rato bill. Tho gov ernor oponly fnvord tho measuro, bo It Is hkoly to bocomo law. Tho National Rel Cross Boclety has Bent 7,000 bushola of setxl wheat to famine districts of China. Tho Pa clllo Steamship company carries it freo Molting Bnow has again caused son ous washouts on tho 0. It. k N. Tho main lino is not seriously affected. Tho Pendleton-Walla Walla and Shan Iko brunches aro not yet open from formor troubles nnd what work has been dono will liavo to be built over. Tho Urltleh cabinot stands firm for greater Irish liberty. Tho church crls's In tho French cab (net has been stuvod off. BIr Stoamer Wrecked and Passengers Washed Overboard. London, Feb. 22. Tho worst disaster foi many years in tho history of tho imny cross-cimnol tratllc between Eng land and tho continent occurred during n violent galo shortly beforo (J o'clock this mornillif. when thu Itnltnrilnni mall steamer llerlln, from Harwich to Hook of Holland, having satisfactorily weathered tho hurricane, was wrecked ns sho wos entorlng port. Aiiogetiier 143 persons aro olthcr dead or clinging hopelessly to tho wreck. iiu lurriiiic Bcas uroKO upon tlio steamor with such awful suddennecB that attempts to unvo lifo appear to have been uttorly hopolcss. Lnto to night it is reported that a fow surviv ors woto clinging to tho wreck, but ns the heroic offorta all day of tho lifeboat crews had failed to reach them, llttlo liopo that thoy will bo saved remains. Tho causo has not yot been assigned for tho disaster nnd it probably never will bo known how tho steamer camo to miss tho channel. It is conjectured thnt somo dorangemout of tho emrincs or steering gear may havo rendered tho vessel uncontrollablo. Captain Pro clous has n good record of 14 years' ser vice. Tho list of pascscngors was lost, and all tho names of thoso who wore on board havo not yet beon learned, but aa fur as has been ascertained thoro wero no Ainoi leans among them. A terrltlo southwest galo was blow ing inshoro, and drove tho steamer on a sand bank close to tho northern jetty ns siio was irvimr to onior tim now waterway. Heavy sens (pilckly pound ed tho vessel to pieces,. Sho broko in two, her foro part sinking immcdl. ntoly, whllo the doomed pnssongors and crow clustered upon tho after jinrt. STATEHOOD STRIKES SNAG." has beon secured to clenr off tho mortgage, I am euro Btops will bo Farmors Aro Wearying of Oklahoma J." lo,l,mt tho nlnco ,n condition Con.uona.yCogvenon. t0 SZ&n to Guthrie, Okln., Feb. 10 Anxious to mo y tho officers of tho Frederick get busy with their plowing and fcnrlnc V0Ug,inM Momrhtl nnd Historical thoy will not receive pay for a lo" r."11'0"' Wl" M,",0 tho 8ltlint,t1 Washington, D. C, Dec. 17, 1900. Dear Mr. Wnshlngton: incro is nn oncumbrnnco of fifty PLAYGROUNDS FOR CHILDREN. Roosevelt Endorses Movement to Ac quire Them In Cities. Wnshlngton, F'ib. 22. Munlclnnl playgrounds within easy walking dis tance lor ovory boy nnd girl in tho largo cities wore ndvocntcd tonight by President Itoosovolt In a letter, and by HopreHontntlvo iloutoll, of Chicago; E. E. Itrown, United States commissioner of oducatlon; Henry S. Carlis, superin tendent of Washington playgrounds, nnd other speakers nt a ''playgrounds banquet" given under tho auspices of tho Wnshlngton Playgrounds associa tion. Mr. iloutoll explained tho ob ject of his bill now pending in congress. lno president in his Jotter expressed hop) that Mo. lioutoll's bill for play grounds In Washington will imss cor.-grcs-j, that sites may lo secured before prices becomo prohibitive, saying; "I regard this us onu of tho most import ant stepi toward making Washington tho inodol city which wo nil feel that tho capital should bo." Ho praises the work in this direction (lone by Chicago and tho High School Athletic lenguo of Now York, and cills attention to tho Inclusion of games in tho curriculum of Gormnn nnd English schools and soveral notod private schools In America. ttmo, If ever, for their attomlnnco oti tho constitutional convention, many of tho farmer delegates havo scattered to tliolr homes, Intimating thnt thoy will not return unless It is to voto for the documont ns a wliolo when It is com pleted by tho fow men in control of tho convention. Tho oxponso of tho convention to (Into abovo tho $100,000 appropriation mado by congress Is nearly $150,000. Pay of tho delegates has stopped, and ir congress docs no como to tho rcscuo with nn additional appropriation, somo of tho delegates will bo In a bad way, ns thoy cannot afford to stay longer nt tliolr own oxponso. Advices nro con. Ing In from tho stnto that cltlzons horo nnd thoro nro subscribing to funds to neitd tho delegates back to their jobs. Neighborly farmers who do not wish to see the convention entirely in the hands of tho lawyers, tho politicians and tho urban element, havo promised to tako caro of tho farm work of tho rural statesmen. Tho dally nttondanco nt tho session Is now loss than 75 per cent of tho 122 dologntos, and many of thoso still horo sit sullenly In tliolr ncnts and let tho lcadors run tilings to milt themselves. Prominent delegates from Tndlnn Ter ritory nnd somo from Oklahoma are oponly chnrged with n plot to dofoat siaienoou entirely uy drawing up a con stitution thnt will ho rojocted bv tho pooplo at tho election noxt August. Thoso Involved In tho nllegcd plot havo Lon ngnlnst making ono state out of tho two territories for nolltlcal reasons. Dis affection has now begun to porvndo tho domocrntlo members as well as thoso on tho ropubllcnn sldo, and charges of hosslsm have becomo so pnrslstont that thoro Is apprehension tho convention may break up. Our new plant on Front St., between Seven teenth and Nineteenth Sts., it the most modern Engineering Plant on the Pacific Coast Work placed with ut will be executed with efficiency and despatch. Tho troublo which caueed a euspon bIoii of all Butte papors is fur from an end. Hermann has lost nnothor point In his trial for destroying letter pross books. Four separate Investigations nro 1k Ing made of tho Brewster, Now York, railroad wreck, Tho denth list has now reached 21. An explosion In a coal mlno near Montoroy, Moxlco, caused 30 deaths. Rogistor Nolan, of Tho Dalles land oiiico, Juts boon removed. A forest firo is raging In tho 800,000 acro forts reservo in tho Wichita mountains, Oklahoma. Tho entiro tract is threatened with dovasUttlon. Street railway employes of Helena wont on strlko for an increaso of 50 cents a day. Four hours later thoy wore at wcrk with tho advance granted. An lco gorgo In tho Missouri river, near Vermillion, 8. D,, has caused tho rivor to leavo Its banks. Ono hit- died families aro homeless and furine s aro greatly alarmed. There has boon aa anti-British out break in India, A French cabinet crisis is threatened on tho church question. A Chicago grand jury may Indict Mayor Dunne for not enforcing tho law. Brownsville citizens testified nt the enate investigation that many families icji wie cuy cecause tnoy reared negro toldiors. The investigation of Senator Bailer. I of Texas, has proven that the senator I received monev from tlm Wntor.-T'lprm I Oil Company, GREAT REJOICING IN UTAH. State Legislature Congratulates Sen ate, Smoot and Sutherland. Salt Lake City, Feb. 22. Among tho actlvo Republicans nnd tho leaders of tho Mormon church thoro was great rejoicing when tho news camo from Washington that Senator. Smoot had beon sustained. By unanimous founding voto tho lower house of tho Utah legis lature adopted tho followim: joint reso lution, which was also introduced In tho semlte: "Bo It resolved by tho legislature of tho state of Utah, that, In determining that Hon. Reed Smoot is entitled to his sent, tho United States senate lias stood for constitutional rights ugaluit powerful influences and has a vol Jed u dangorous precedent. "Thoreforo, tho thanka and tho con- nu uiaiious ox mo stnto oi Ulan aro horoby extended to tho Bormto for its final action in this caso. "Personal congratulations nro sent to Senator Smoot and his colleague, Sena tor Sutherland, and to tho other sena tors who ipoke and voUhI in protection of the rights of tho stato of Utah." Smoot's Victory Assured. Washington, Feb. 10. Thoro npponrs to bo not tho slightest doubt thnt tho sonnto will voto to penult Rood Smoot to rotnin his scat whon this famous enso Is closed on Wednesday noxt. Smoot's friends clnim to hnvo 43 suro ropubllcnn votes nnd nnywhoro from six to ton democrats, Tho probabilities aro tho sonato will hold thnt It will tako a two thirds vote to oust Smoot, in which event 31 votes would savo him; but if It Is decided thnt n majority voto would vncnto his sout. ho will still havo tho necessnry 40 votes nnd somo to sjinro. Give Up Leasing of Churches, Romo, Fob. 10. Advices received by tho Vatican nro to tho effect thnt Pro mlor Clomonconu, of Franco, has ordorcd n cessation of tho negotiations begun by Minister of Educatloir Brhmil, with M. Solves, profoft of tho Solno, for tho leasing of churches. Tho vntlrnn wos not surprised to hoar of surh action, ns It expected what It cnlls n "second coup do main" aftor tho first, namely, tho expulsion of tho secretary of tho papal nuncinto at Paris. HELP A GOOD CAUSE. Committed to the Asylum. Seattle, Feb. 22. Esthor Mitchell, who since July Inst has boon confined In the county jail here, wus sent to thu state asylum for the insane at Stella coorn to-lay, Superior Juduo Fritter. who called a lunucy commission to ex- amino into tho uirl's montal condition. signed the commitment this morning. Tho killing of George Mitchell by his sister wus tho result of the reign of Holy Rollorism In Oregon. Georgo Mitchell killed Franz Edmund Creflleld, tho Holy Roller leader, in this city last May. Chamberlain a Physical Wreck. Indon, Feb. 22. An Interesting au thoritative statement concerning the health of Joseph Chamberlain is pub lished hero toduy. Although it docs not confirm the worst rumors, it shows that Mr. Chamberlain Is completely broken physically, although ho is men tally alert. Tho Fred Douglas Homestead to bo Preserved. TuBkegoo Institute AIn Fob. 1, 1907 It Is now nearly twolvo yonrs Blnco Frodorlck' Douglass, to whom tho nogro pconlo owo moro thnn to nny other man of our rnco, for tho part ho took In securing our freedom, dlod In WnBhlngton. Ilia homo nt Anacostln, In tho suburbs of Wash ington, Btlll ronmlUB, howovor, and nn effort is now being mndo to pro Borvo this houao with Its momorloa nnd traditions and mako It a perma nent momorlal to DoughiBa and tho nogro people. An association, known ns tho Fred- nnlnl Ttm .1n.. ST i s .. ' ui;n iuiiKmiia muuiuriui arid uistor icni Association, lias boon formed to. onect tins purjioao. Tho pcoplo or our rnco havo u rnro opportunity to honor tho momory of Frodorlck Douglass and to show tholr rovoronco nnd lovo for tho mnn, who during tho trying tlmcB boforo nnd after tho war, embodied In his own II fn. nu.rn than any othor man of our rnco, tho aspirations and tho causo of tho no gro peoplo, I havo boon asked by tho offlcorB of tho Momorlal ussocln tlon to assist In securing tho com paratively smnll sum of monoy amounting to $5,400 and lutorest necessary to clear off tho mortgago on tho proporty und bo secure tho property for all tlmo to tho iibsocJii tlon nnd tho nogro peoplo of tho United Stntos. Wo should mnko Co llar mil to tho nogro peoplo what Mount Vornon is to tho whlto raco. All of this can bo nccomnllshml if ovory mornhor of tho raco would con tribute, nt onco, a small sum of monoy nnd Bond It to mo by post ofllco ordor, check, or othorwlso, as Boon ns tills communication Is read. I am making this appeal by tho nu thorlty of tho onicors of tho Freder ick Douglass Momorlal and Histori cal Association, and with tho appro val and sympathy of Mr. Douglass' Immcdlato family. Now Is tho time, whon Mr. Douglass' birthday Is bo Ing celebrated and talked of In nil pnrts of tho country, for tho nice to four hundred dollars (JG100), bear ing G per cent Interest, pnyablo Boml nnnunlly ngnlnst tho Douglnsa prop erty. This proporty consists of nbout fourteon ncrcs In tho heart of Ann costln, on n hill giving n beautiful ylow of tho Potomac rivor nnd city for SOVOrnI miles. It In tlm nnlnlnn of exports thnt when tho government compioics tno now brldgo nnd tho reclamation of tho flats, this proporty Will bo Worth IS. 000 nn nrrn. lu nctunl worth Is now $1,G00 nn ncro. It Is exumnt from tnxnn !v tin nn of congress Incorporating tho Fred erick Douglass Momorlal nnd His torlcnl ABsoclntlon. Tho nsBodntlon needs at least tho C,-I00 to lift tho mortgage In tho courao of tlmo about nlno ncres of tho property could bo cut up Into building lout and Bold, nnd with tho proceeds of such snlo Cedar Hill could bo on dowod with nmplo funds to moot tho WnntS Of thO DotlL'InRn Mnttinrlnl Au- soclntlon In perpetuity. (Signed) Archlbnld II. Grlmko, Prosldont. Whltflold McKlnloy, Secretary. FranclB J. Grlmko, Trensuror. All monoy will bo acknowledged with propor receipt. Tho hcndB of ei.urchoB, Sundny schools, literary BoclotloB, nnd othor organizations nro urged to ralso and forward collec tions for tho abovo purpose 1 nll bo glad to furnish Btich nd dltlonnl Information us mny bo do sired. (Signed) BOOKER T. WASHINGTON, TtiBkegco IiiBtlttito, Ala. M. J. Gill Co., wholesnlo nnd retnll meat dcnlers, G12 Mississippi nvonue, Portland, Oregon. Phono East CCG. Alwnys aak for tho famous Oon ornl Arthur cigar. M. A. GuiiBt & Co., general ngontB, Portland, Or. Alblna Club (Georgo Robb), cholco wlnoH, liquors nnd cigars, 134 Russell Btroot, Portland, Ore. Phono EnBt 4380. Tho Anhoiisor. Honrv M. Wllllnmn proprietor, 234 Morrloon Btroot, cornor Second, Portland, Ore Telephone Main 2617. Ryan & John, doalorn in nlinf am. corlos, meat, fish nnd poultry, phono Main G22. CI North Park ntrnnt rnr. uor Davis, Eyorott Morkot. (E. I,. Peck, Prop.), Cholco Meats and Poultry, 413 Everett Streot, cornor Tenth, Portland, Ore Phono Main 1G40. 0. Anderson, stnplo and fancy gro ceries, Twfnty-flrflt nnd Tliurman streotfl. 'Phono Hood 67. Fresh roasted coffeo a specialty. Try tho Pacific Laundry Co. for good work und nromnt Borvlco. Mnin pfllco First nnd Arthur streots, Port- mini, urc. loiepnono ilia. John Rchnld, dealer In hardware, tin ware, shoot Iron work, untd-rlmr. Bpoutlng and rnnflmr. Gennrnl IoIiIiIiil- a specialty, 149 Russell street. Royal Market, Balr & Worth proprl etors, fresh and cured meats, fish, poultry and game. 439 Union avonuo north, cornor Tillamook. Phono EnBt 167. Tho Onk Cafe Choicest linn of wines, liquors and cigars. P. W. Pick, proprietor. Oregon Phono Pacific 2118. cornor Fourth nnd Oak Btreots, Portland, Ore. North 16th Street Market. A. Wur. tonborgor, proprietor, cholco poultry, fresh and Bait meats, nhono Mnln 13SG. 230 North Slxtoonth Btroot, Portland, Ore. I N. NeeB, hoot nnd shoomnker. FIno repairing a apoclalty. Glvo hlni a call whrn you neod anything In this lino, 322 ft Williams nv Portland, Oregon. Martin Marks Coffeo Co., 2G2 Third Street, Tolophono Mnln 1893, Monto Crlsto Javn nnd Mocha Coffeo always. lileaBcs. If you want a good, rich drinking coffeo, Insist nn getting Monto Crlsto Java and Mocha. Dyeing and cleaning of nil kinds of lodlOB' und gents" clothing, cropo shawls, silk, velvet nnd Inco dyed equal to new; laco curtains and. bankets clranod by a now process; mourning gnrments dyed In 18 hours. All work dono nt vory moderate prices. 101 North Third streot. THE PIONEER PAINT lranKyC tho Northwest. COMPANV. Tho p o iieer pnlnt ob tnbllshm out of Portland Is that or I E. I loach & Company, of 13G First St.. thu o 1 d o s t nnd most re liable houao of Its kind In It carries an Immonso o Stbl(ld0I8; h,J! bulldlnK nmtorlals, tetheV with nn hilsinonovwV.int.nV. T . i" "" list or specialties. Thoso who wiih monoy, wnich can bo sent In nnn,i nnvii.in., i i. n.. , 'Wl1 y-flvo cents up. Each tnlnly profit by going to F.E. each contributor will rccolvo a receipt for & Company. Romomber tho liumbor whatover ho sends. After tho money 136 First Btroot. numbor, St imi ww" sr- - ' " ft-tiy.jrvi;; ,r.rj "Vyr .