Portland new age. (Portland, Or.) 1905-1907, February 16, 1907, Image 8

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Price 23c and 50c
Alberta Country Fast Coming to tho
Tlio Cnnndinn Pacific Ilniluny com
pany Ih now engaged In 11 great irriga
tion work, just uiHt of Calgary, that
will ovctitimlly bring under water
1,1500,000 aeroH of iih fino land an thero
Ih in all of Canada. Thoy liuvo Just
thrown oikui to Hollleiiii'iit llio first
block of 1 10,000 acruH, which they are
Hulling nt from $15.00 to f20.W per
cro. In connection with UiIh Irri
gated land they aro Holling nou-irlgnble
landH at from $12.00 to $1 5.00 per acre,
which cannot lw Hiirpaascd for grazing
putpoicri, and uffurd u rango where
tock may graze throughout tho entire
j cur without Hhcltcr.
Tlio fntiiiuof Western Canada, and
i:iillctilarly tlio Houlhern portion of At
borlii provlnco, Ih nwured. Calgary,
ilM inetroK)lli', a city of 120,000 Inliiih
Hunts, comorieil largely of Americana,
Ih a live, iip-to-ilnlo city. Km retail
ItimlnocH Ih in the IiuiuIh of lirlglit, pro
CIchhIvo hitHlucri men, who handle
enormous BtoekH. Thero aro iv number
of Jobbing hoiiHcri located thero, and a
home market for clock Ih afforded by a
largo packng Iioiihu. Along tlio line of
the Canadiun I'nolllo railway in South
ern Alberta, thero have been twenty
oluvatorH uHtl)llHh(Ml tho pint year, to
ho followed by tlilrly mom nuxt year,
f that there will bu no shortage for
thu iininciiuo crops producod in UiIh
In iiiilllnc down the old cnthcilrnl ot
Mi'ls n strong 1" lm been fouail con
mining cuIiih uuil watches valued at
TmltntloiiH linvn Ih'i'ii plared upon the
teiirkui mi elo-cly nwiiilillim Alio vk'
I'lii IcrH in gcni'ml np ciir.mcu ax lo lo
well calculated to dit-eivv. It In however,
(a gunural iiitpenrfliic only tlmt they
eiiiiiinro wltli Allcock'H, for thov arc. not
only lucking hi Hut bent element which
lime made. Allcock'H hi clHcli'iit. hut ar
often harmful In IhelrcllcclH. Ilcnieiuhcr
tlmt Alhock'H are thu original mid only
P'iuiIii- porous plasters tho bent axtcrnid
leiiutly known anil when purcliulng
tiliMers the only h fo way in to ulwitys
iiialid upuii Inn lug Allcock'n.
Unpin Allen.
"Lot mo IPC," minted Uncle Allen
Flunks, "In the old days, wiirn wo
couldn't charge It up to 'grip,' what wbh
It wo iinoiI lo call UiIh rocky sort of feci
luc we all have Just after lite Christmas
Elftlity-Soven Yoars Old, but Has a
Sound Dac'.
Itoboit Seollun, H7 yearn old, of 55
Garden Street, Bonera Kails, N. V.,
a lino Muniy old
gout I email, who
works In IiIh own
to Doan'ri Kidney
11 1 Ih for his Hound
hack and kldneya;
Mrs. Goetcliious,
his daughter, wiyn:
"Father had n Ho
ve ro attack of kid
ney trouhlo and lumlmgo, which oiiihchI
lilm much suffering. Uo began taking
iHmu'ri Kidney l'lllsand was noon cured.
Wo always keep thoui on hand. My
husband was cured of bad pains in tho
back by taking only part of a lmx."
Hold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
rostur-Mllburn Co., lluffalo, N. Y.
Every part of the body -in dependent on the blood for nourishment and
strength. When this life stream to flowing through tho system in a state of
purity nnd richness we nte assured of perfect nnd uninterrupted health;
l-ecnuso pure blood te nature's safe-guard against tlisease. When, however,
the body is fed on weak, impure or polluted blood, thu system is deprived of
its strength, disease genus collect, nnd the trouble is manifested in various
ways. Pustular eruptions, pimples, rashes nnd the different skin affections
show that the blood is iu a feverish nnd diseased conaniou as a result of to
much acid or the presence of some irritating humor, Sores and Ulcers are
the result of morbid, unhealthy matter iu the blood, and Rheumatism, Ca
tarrh, Scrofula, Contagious Wood Poison, etc., are all deep-seated blood
disorders that will continue to grow worse as long ns the poison remains.
These impurities nnd poisons find their way into the blood iu various ways.
Often a sluggish, inactive condition of the system, nnd torpid state of the
twenties of bodily waste, leaves the refuse and waste matters to sour and
form uric and other acids, which are taken up by the blood and distributed
throughout the circulation. Coming in contact with contagious diseases is
iitiotlier cause for the poisoning of the blood ; we also breathe the germs and
microbes of Malaria into our lungs, and when these get into the blood in
auflficicnt quantity it becomes n carrier of disease instead of health. Some
ore so unfortunate as to inherit bad Wood, perhaps the dregs of some old
constitutional disease of ancestors is hauded down to thctn and they are
constantly annoyed and troubled with it, llad blood is the source of all dis
ease, and until this vital fluid is cleansed and purified the body is sure to
tiuITer in some way. For blood troubles of any character S. S. S. is the best
remedy ever discovered. It goes down iuto the circulation nnd removes any
and all ooisous. suonlies the healthful properties it needs, and completely
slightest trace of the trouble for future outbreaks. The whole volume ol
blood is renewed nnd cleansed after a course of S. 8. 8. It is also nature's
;reatest tonic, made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, and is absolutely
lanuless to any part of the system. S. 8. 8. is for sale at all first class
skug stores, liook ou the blood and any medical advice free to all vrho writs
Tho neat of nfcrncc.
The new servant had presented her
references and tho mistress read them
over, declares a. writer In Answers,
with n doubtful eye.
"I am not quite Nntlilted with your
referciiceH, Jane," she ald.
"Nayther am I, muni," resjwndcd the
stalwart ninld, "but they'ro tho best 1
could got"
DruRKlnta rufurnl money ft It f n 1 1 to cure. K. W
(IIIOVK'H algna'.uro lion csch box. 25e.
"What's the matter with that man?"
nuked the dealer, after tho customer had
roiio out. "lie got mad when I tried to
hell him a Christmas tree."
"That's Uppcm," said one of his neigh
bors. "He's rich and proud, but stingy.
I to hangs all his Christmas presents on
his family tree." Chicago Tribune.
Deafness Cannot Oe Cured
by torsi applications as they rsnnot reach tho
ilbn.'u(l portion of tho ear. lbero Is only one
way lo euro ilea.miaa, ami that la by cuimtliu
tlotinl remedies. Jxisfucaala cauinl by an In
llmntil condition of the iinicoui lining of the
Kiittauhlan Tube. When this tube Is Inflamed
you have a rumbling sound or Imporfect bear
IiiK. and when It la ontlrolr cloacif, Deafncaa is
tlio result, and uuloaa the Inflammation can lo
taken out and tills tube re. toted to Its normal
condition, hearing will bo destroyed fororcr
iiliuicnieanutof ten aro csuicd by (.'starrh.
ivlitch Is nothltiR but au Inllamcd condition of
llin-mtirous surfaces.
WowUIkIvo Ono Hundred Dollsrs for any
cam of lii-iifiirasfcauacd by catnrrh) that rsn
not bn cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, bend for
Hold by Ilru(jKlata,76c.
Hall's family Tills are the belt.
Vnllcl Kxcnac.
Indignant Matron (In crowile.1 car)
Blr, when so many elderly women are
standing up why don't you mound offer
one of them your seat?
Heated Passenger (with dignity)- Toil
nre laboring under n mistake, madam. I
am tho Ilearded Lady.
Mothers will find Mrs. Win-How's Ooothlng
Byrup tho belt remedy to tiro for their cblldroa
durluK tho tes thing porlod.
An Export Investigates It and Make
Flattering Report.
Thero has been much adverpo criti
cism ot tho Sponccr Seed lets Applo,
notably in tho Rural Now Yorker nnd
soiuo of Its HntollitoH. Tlio opinion of
a recognized horticulturist, who has
mtuto it thorough examination of tho
applo, being allowed frco rnngo in tho
orclmrd whero tlioy nro grown, should
Ik) vuhmblo to those who nro thinking
of planting those trees, as woll ns to
Uioho who by reason of tho criticisms
luivo lcon detorred from piia'haslng.
A coiniumy was recently organized in
Cuuada to handlo tho Spencer Seediest
Applo trees, but tho. ndvorso criticisms
itlarmod tho organizers, and they re
fused to proceed further with tho nego
tiations until thoy could have tho prop
osition thoroughly examined by an ex
perienced horticulturist of reputation of
their own selection. Tills was readily
anient od to, and ns a renult tho Hon.
John Drjdcn, who for moro than twen
ty years was minister of agrlculturo for
tho province of Ontario, was selected to
oxiimino and report on this apple.
Tho Hon John Drydcn'tt nuuio is a
household word in Canndiv nnd Great
llritain, and his reputation is such ns
will carry great weight whorovor ho Is
known. Ills report is most fluttering
and un umiuulillcd oudorsoment of the
apple. A copy of it is sent freo upon
nppilciit'o't to tho fipencer Fecd'cm
Applo Company, Kvtrott, Washington,
.a " j j "
turn permanently cures wioou uiscuacs m
every kiud. The action of S. 8. S. is $o
thorough that hereditary taints are removed
and weak, diseased blood made strong and
healthy so that disease cannot remain. It
cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sores
and Ulcers, Skin Diseases, Contagious
Blood Poison, etc.. aad does not leave the
Frenchmen nrlnar Illoodteaa DuelloS
to an ISsnct Science.
Shooting at human targets merely
for the siort derived from It and ns a
test of marksmanship, In other words,
bloodless dueling or fencing with pis
tols, ban been tundc iiosslble through
the Invention by n Frenchman of a
harmless wax projectile. This new dl-1
version Is really no mora serious than
fencing with mvords nnd has that splco I
of realism In It that tends to make any
sport popular. I
The new bullet Is an Ingenious de
vice and required n grcnt deal of ex
periment before being perfected. Tho
situation was thus: A heavy projec
tile must necessarily have a wounding
force, a light one loses Its precision
nnd a soft bullet will bo changed In
flhapo and describe nu Irregular trajec
tory; therefore n harmless projectile
to bo effective must differ from nil
these. The Frenchman's product Is n
spherical ball of wax-fat, with n small
charge, and In tests twenty-four balls
were lodged. In succession In n rectnii-
glo four'by five Inches nt twenty yards.
At a slx-dny tournament held In the
Tullcrles the efficiency of tho wax bul
let was demonstrated.
The combatants wear thick screens
for masks, with heavy glass over thu
eyes, and wear thick clothing to pre
vent bruising from tho Impact of thu
balls. Tho distance Is 25 paces and tho
wcnimiiH are revolvers. Tho director
of tho combat, keeping his gaze fixed
iiKn n metronome which beats eighty
to 100 times a minute, mnkes the In
quiry ns In nn actual duel, "Are you
ready?" and when they repjy "Yes" tlio
director, timing Ids words exactly to
tho bents of the pendulum, erics, "Fire
one two three I"
At tho command "Flrol" tho adver
saries raise their wcainuis and shoot.
Tho two shots must bo made beforo
this command "Three!" Ah the par
ticipants In these trials were experts
they made a good average, hitting their
mini six or seven times out of eight
shots. Although moro than 1,000 balls
wero fired, there wan not tho slightest
Tho wax bullets can bo used in apart
ments nn well as In tho oikui nlr with
out tho Inconvenience of the lend ball
of small caliber, which will probably
lead to Itn Introduction Into tho nrmles
of tho various nations for practlco
shooting. Popular Magazine.
Nntura Turns Asannnn nana Into n
Jokn nn ICmtlmiil.
Every year sees now harnessing of
nature's forces by mnn for his uses.
Hut Mother Earth seems to have a
sense of humor and gratifies It by
turning man's devices Into menus for
his discomfiture. Tho dam of Assouan
Is tho latest humiliating lustaiico of
a tremendous achievement producing
results opiMislto to tboso planned.
That mighty engineering work wns
to bo the monument to tho llrltlsh oc
cupancy of Egypt. It was to end nil
famine In tho Nile valley. Tbero was
to bo no further dependence upon tho
chances of tlio seasons for tho enrich
cnlng overflows. Held within Assou
an's mammoth reservoirs, tho fertiliz
ing flood could bo released whonover
needed. Tho N'llo crops would bo per
fect and tho people- happy each your,
Instead of at such Intervals as tho
whim of tho river willed.
All tho nations applauded England
when tho work that was to inuke
Egypt a land of plenty was completed.
Hut nature hud not been consulted
with sufficient care. And to-day tho
Egyptians aro damning tho dam of As
souan with oriental fervor.
Outbursts of fanatics, nfgrlered be
cause somo of tho most sacred relics
of tho past have bwn submerged might
be disregarded. Hut there are more
practical reasons for the growing dis
content Water, once an occasional
boon, now Is had Hi plenty. Hut the
crops nro not what thoy wero when
tho Nllo attended to Its own overflow
lug . Grain Is scantier, and cotton, the
country's moat valunble product, Is de
teriorating, Ub once unequiilcd fiber ap
proaching every year nearer similarity
with the moro brittle, least costly
American staple.
The explanation Is simple. It was
not tho Nllo flood but tlio fertilizing
matter held In solution thnt rlcbened
tho soil. Thoso properties are pre
cipitated when the water Is held stag
nant behind the barrier nt Assouan.
England, thinking Its work finished,
finds thnt It tins only begun n more
dltHcult task. Dame Nature has bad
her Joke. New York Mall.
Her Stronsr Faith.
"Oh, Tom," exclaimed the fair young
mnld, as their auto flow along, "there's
a church Just ahead there."
"But," replied the eloping lover, "we
can't bo married there."
"(Veil, but we might stop thero awhile
and pray that wo may not bo over
taken." I'hllndelphln Press.
Function of n Helpmeet,
Th Ilsclielor So you nro to marry
ngnln. I tlioiiRht you said when your
(lrst wife tllctl that the sorrow was ao
great tou couW not bear It?
Tho Widower You misunderstood
mo; I meant I could not bear It alone.
Flleseude IMaetter.
Tho Sola Objection. "
Allet I hear your husband Is going
to have nn automobile!
I Eva That's something I wouldat
permit under any circumstances.
Mourning colors dou't become. bm.
Fllcgende IMaetter.
Some ieo)le'8 goodness Is probably
due to tho fact that they are. Barer
few est, ."
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Hss surpassed all other medicines, In merit,
ssles and cures.
Its success, crest ss It has been, hss sp
psrentlr ontr just begun.
It hss received br actual count more than
10,000 tesUmoulals In two rears.
It purines the blood, eures all blood dis
eases, all humors and all eruptions.
It strcmrthens the stomach, creates an
appetite and builds up the whole system.
It cures that tired feeling and makes the
weak strong.
In usual liquid form orln chocolated tablets
known as SarsatabB. 100 doses (1.
The .farms of the United States cover
841,000,000 acres, and employ nearly
10,500,000 people.
TITO St. Vitus' TJancs nnd all Nervous fits
lllo permanently cured by Dr. Kllna's Ureal
NervB Ileaiorer. Bend fbr FllKK aJIrlal bottU and
Ireatlic. Ur. H. lLKllne, Ld.,Jl Arcli BU, i'Mla.,l'a.
The total commcrco ot Abyssinia Is
about (0,000,000 a year.
PA7.0 OINTMENT Is gusrciiteed to euro any
rare of Idling, blind, bleeding or protruding
plica In G to 14 days or money rcfundcd.Wc.
Japanese and Germans turs the samo
average brain weight.
for Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Signature of
Nearly one-third of the 331,000 Inhab
itants of Cleveland, Ohio, were born In
Of Saginaw, Michigan.
Cifltil Stock.
las. Dtpt, of
asking about our popular one dollar a
month plan that psrs accidental death
snu accident and alck Indemnity. Ulvo
ago snd occupation. All bimlacta on
the 1'sclllc Const paid through the first
National Bank of Portland.
R. L. ALDRICH, Mgr. Wesfern Office
209-210 stirqwn BM. PortUod, OrtfN
Many Afflicted Country People
aro coming to in for treatment snd
returning homo cured. Wo perms,
nentlr and promptly cure Indlgci.
tlon, llheumalltm, all l'rlvato and
Waiting Dlieaira, Norrotii Dltor
dera, Dlicaic of Women and Child
ren, Kcicma, lllnml, Skin and
Chronic Diicskc. No matter what
your trouble may bo.como to ace ua.
Fret CoaittlUtlca ini EzimlnaUoa.
HewYorkSurgfcatand Medical Institute
FtrmiiMatlr LociU4 t Cornir of Sixth sad
(i:i4) Wuhlntton SU., rtUod, Or.
nnd consider
h PQ!k
TetMfm'A": mntwii,uu
CAsaaWUH IsUafsTTsm MrowiN KSJ
jiRssrJj f
jaaanaSB Tows
The Spencer Seedless Apple Co,
wain office r
414 American National Bank Bldg., Everett, Washington.
CoaclaslT) Iteaaaalnar,
A little elderly German who keeps
a stationer's shop amuses and Intcrcats
himself by making up stories about his
customers and telling them to his fam
ily. "Dnt young lady who has do pink
cbcokn, she be married soon, I t'lnk,"
bo announced one night
"Now, my Carl, you know nottlngs
of her whateffer, Is It not bo?" nnd his
wlfo tried to look ns If she did not
think him a wonderfully clever mnn.
"It Is llko dls," said the stationer,
solemnly. "I observe, and I know. At
first she buy paper and envelopes de
same; inter she buy twice as moro
paper, and den five ttoies ns more
pnper as envelopes. So I know she Is
become betrothed.
"And to-day," ho said, beaming with
pleasure, "to-day she buy. only ono
half-dozen envelopes nnd five times ns
more paper; and when I tell her she
get dem cheaper If she buy many, she
say to me, 'I have no need of more,
t'nnk you,' so I know do friend he
comes noon, and go comes do marriage
on quickly."
More than f 10,000,000 worth of sport
ing Bood.i wero sold In the United States
last year.
Catalogue Free. Tangent, Oregon
In I ho Uiwr Hiiakn Vwllrr, IiIiiIiii, wlirr
:8,(WJ Mlrilipl Vulli-y liumrnrvkrra nri almulr
located. 6U0.00U acr. a unleelopirt, Irrlcatie lumt
mill nwaltili aetller. lllcli-at and lrt Mft'trr.1
valley In Uio world, Klnrai a Imatet Mm ceil fruit
IniulFim-cropenf iral'i. alfalfa anrar boete. l,ou0,.
IKOInvrMeM In augur faeiorlea. Zs'rw It. It. .-xtecr
a!on lo YellowMune mrK op-iii country of VMI rr
aourcea. Aalitoii alartnl Jan. I, IMrt, a record
hrrnker. Write for luirtlculnr.
C. V. MOOIIK IlKA J. i:htatk company
Ht, Anthony anil Aehton, lilnhn.
Made In all alylea and a'l alien, del water and oil
anywlirrt'. llt.i Urtlllug Toola made, (let cala
loia and prlcca, BEAU. & CO.
321 Hawthorn Ave. Portland, Or.
Harvesting Dollars
is poislble if the socd be judiciously planted.
Southern Albortn, Canada, has demonstrated boyond a doubt
ttmt'it is tho greatest cereal growing country on tho contlnunt,
and "Alberta Rod Wheat" grown thero took both tho Gold and
Bronzo medals at tho Portland Exposition.
Tho Canadian Pacific Itnilway Company has 3,000,000 ncres
of tho best of land, irrigable and non-irrigablo, just east of Cal
gary, Alberta, which thoy nro Belling at from f 12 to $15 per aero
for non-irrigable and $18 to f'J6 por aero for irrlgnhlo.
Lands sold by them threo months ago nt these prices aro now
now being held by the purchasers at $50 per acre nnd upwards.
The harvesting of dollars invested in these lands is just as
certain as the harvesting of cereals;
If 70U are interested drop a card to the address bolow for
literature fully describing tho opportunity o( tho age.
The Canadian Pacific Irrigation Colonization Company. Ltd.
34 Ninth Avenue West, Calgary. Alberta, Canada.
Be sure to mention this paper whan writing.
The Spencer Seedless Apple is the greatest
discovery since the seedless orange. It is a
marvel in apple culture. No seeds, no core, no
waste; rich red color; commercial size; good
shipper;' excellent -flavor; splendid keeper; a
market leader; no bloom, frost proof.
For free booklet and particulars. Splendid in
ducements to agents.
The Jar of
Hammer blows, steadily ap
plied, break the hardest rock.
Coughing, day after day, jars
and tears the throat and lungs
until the healthy tissues give
way. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
stops the coughing, and, heals
the torn, membranes.
"I alwajt kep Ayor't Cherry Pectoral In
the noma. It glTta perfect teller wtaanarer
any of na hare coughe or hard colda. I tiara
med It far a great many yeara and so know
all about It." Mas. Mabt Odbrtai, Varya
bnrgi N. T.
Xada by J. C. Ayer Co.. Lowell, Xaas. I
Alio manungiurvra wi
Biliousness, constloatlon retard re
covery. Cure these with Ayer's Plllt.
HOWAltD K. ntJltTON. Assayer ar4 Chemlat,
LeadriU. Colorado. Hpcclman priceal Ould,
Copper, It. Cyanldo trata. Mnlllngenvalopeaanil
Mil prlca Hat sent on application. Control and Urn-
plro work solicited.
Inference I Carbonate Mar
Uoual uana.
hare atood the teat for orer v years.
and are still In the lead. Their abaolnte
certainty of irrowth. thelruncouimonly
large yields of delicious vegetables and
beautiful flowers, make them the moat
reliable ana me most popular every-,
where. Hold ny an dealers. lWi
: AsmssmI free on request.-
Otlroll, Mich.
Use hot water and 20 Mule Team Bora-wlp
dry and polish with old newspaper.
All dealers. Fsmplo.Potivenlr Picture In 10
colors ami booklul 6c. nml dcalors iisino. Ad;
No. 7-07
TTTHEN writing; to advertisers plaasa
mention this papar.
' 4
a a. a - a