THE. 3STEW .ACHC, POBTIAND, OREGQN V V LEADING HOTELS j HOTEL COMT 91,000,000. Tho Portland H. O. BO Went, Mmnmmwe. Ammrlomn Plan, S3 Pmr Day uiaf Up warm. HEADQUARTERS ron TOURIST AMD COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. Portland, Oregon. Telephone 90ll V. O. DoriSl The Grand Pacifla Hotel CHA8. ABCItKAQK, rropttator. Handsomely Appointed and First Class In Every Particular. Corner Railroad St. and Wiggins Ave. MISSOULA, jnONT. The Kenyon Don Porter Salt LaKe City's NEW HOTEL Salt Lake City Utah The Grandon The only ffrst-Cfass American Plan Ho tel in Helena. Rates from $3 to $5 I BOLLINGER HOTEL European Plan Lewiston Idaho Best Hotel In Northern Idaho The Northwest KDW. O. PATTK11BON, Prop. CUA8. il. KATTINOKH, Mf r. Steam Heat in Every Room Private and Public Baths Electric Light RATES $2 PER DAY AND UP Bismarck, N. D. HOTEL PEDICORD T. J. PEDICORD, 1'roprletor 50c, 75c, $1, $1.50 , Inm with rrivaU lata UMk Amttkm and f uropesa frKat Telephone In Robii first-Class Grill in Connection 299-219 MveraMc Av., SPOKANE, WASH. LEADING HOTELS PORTLAND. RICHARDS HOTEL AND RESTAURANT I'hone Exchange 25 360-362 Alder St. Car. Park PORTLAND, ORE. Best furnished houso in Southern Oregon New Depot Hotel A. II. PIUGIIT, Proprietor. All Trains stop 30 Minutes For Meals. ASHLAND, OREQON The New Bannock Hotel NOKMAN A AUMSTKO.VU, Propi. Headquarters For Commercial Men American Phn. Rooms with Bath. Hot and Cold Running Water and Telephone in Each Room. RATES $2X0 to $4.00 PER DAY Poeatvlio Idaho The Spalding Leading Hotel of the LAKE SUPERIOR REGION 'Enlarged and Improved American Plan, f2.R0 and Up European Plan f 1.00 und Up Finest Cafe In Northwest DULUTH, MINN HOTEL WHITMAN UNDKB MEW WA.NAUKUK.Nr A Home for the Traveling Men Strictly first Class. American Plan Electric lighted. Steam heated. Good j Bawplo Rooms in Counjctlon. J. C. BROWN, Manager. COirAX, WASHINGTON h IHI WSn K&mHk jt'iHtHBCi tir w nmmmmmmmmyi wmwm3rhMLi3mmammmm BUM - BBBBBBBBBBBBar&' w t .jjVXraa THE. WEEKLY inGO First English lottery took place. 1010 Oullloo discovered Jupiter's Satel lites. 1011 Archbishop LauJ beheaded. ISOtJ Cnpo of Good Ilopo surrendered by the Dutch to the Hrltlsh.... Vienna evacuated by the French. 1813 William Jones of Pennsylvania be came Secretary of the Xuvy. 1815-acn. Andrew .Tackson defeated British nt Battle of New Orleans. 1840 Penny Post Introduced In England by Rowland Hill. ...Chartist rUlne nt Sheffield, England. 1S41 Samuel Scott, daring Atuencnn diver, accidentally hanged himself on Wnterloo bridge, London, while giv ing exhibition. 1842 Francois Coppce, . French poet, born. 1844 Sir Hudson Lowe, governor of St. Helena during Napoleon's captivity, died. 18o4 Astor library, Now York, opened. 1801 Steamer' Star of tho West fired upon nt Charleston. . . .Jacob Thomp son of Mississippi resigned as Sec retary of tho Interior.... Philip V. Thomas of Maryland resigned as Secretary of tho Treasury. 1803 Metropolitan Underground Hall way, In London, ceremoniously open ed. 18(10 Steamer London, from England to Australia, foundered In Hay of Ills cay: 220 lost. 1808 Chlncso government appointed Iturllngame Its special envoy to nil tho treaty powers. 1871 Paris b6mbarded....Prlnco Fred erick Charles gained victory over Chanzy at Lc Mans. 1880 Upper suspension bridge nt Ni agara Falls destroyed by wind storm ....Thirty-three persons killed and scores Injured In whirlwind at Head ing, Pa. 1803 Princess Murlo of Edinburgh mar ried to Crown Princo of Houmanln. 189.' Hoynllst outbreak at Honolulu suppressed by Dolo government.... flreat street railway strike In Brook lyn. "1807 Count Muravlcff appointed Rus sian minister of foreign nfTalrH Anglo-Amcrlrnn arbitration treaty signed at Washington... .National monetary conference met nt Indian apolis. ISO!) Railroad wreck nt West Dunellen, N. J.; seventeen lles lost. 1000 Chlcngo drniuago canal opened. 1001 Twenty-nix Uvea lost In orphan asylum fire at Rochester, N. Y. 1002 Seventeen IIvph lost In Park nve nuo tunnel wreck In New York City Lewis Nixon chosen nominal leader of Tnmmnny Hall. 100-1 Chinese Emperor rat I (led commer cial treaty with the United Stilton. 1005 Flvo killed hi railroad collision rnr Itipou, N.' M. Tho upper houso of the Austrian, or CUleltlmn, rclcIiHruth has accepted with out amendment the bill etrtblHlilnj unt icrwil suffrage, which previously hud been pHSxed by the IIoubo of RepreHpnlatlvea. London papers rejxjrted that James Rryco had refused a peerage and would fa to the United States as ambassador without changing his name, and thus b the first plain citlren to represent hla country nt Washington. Just as it came from tho French "Cham ber of Deputies, tho new church and state separation act was finally passed by the Senate, 100 to 100. This was directed against those churchmen who had re fused to accept tho original separation law of 1005, and all clergy who refused under orders from tho Pope to give over possession of their residences and church properties to tho state do so on penalty of losing pensions. While the priests have disregarded the law providing for re ligious associations, the laity hwe made the necessary declarations to protect the churches and other places of worship. It is presumed that the other ecclesi astical buildings will bo rented to the bishops and priests at a nominal fiirure. just as tho clergy who have said most without making a legal declaration to hold a public meeting have had only nominal fines Imposed upon them. The French minister of finance has ordered the mints to substitute on all coin the words "liberty, equality and fra ternity" for the old device "God protect France." Minister of Education Hriand announced that the church buildings taken possession of by the state would be de voted to educational and museum pur poses, the seminary of St. Hulplce at Paris becoming part of the Luzenbourg museum, me expelled sisters of the As sumptionlsts order left Paris for Itel- glum, In the midst of a throng of sym pathizers, who shouted: "Down with the Free Masons." HOOT AT HUMAN TAKQETB. Frenchmen nrln- nioodleaa Duellna to an Kxact Science. Shooting nt human targets merely for tho swrt derived from It and as a test of marksmanship, In other words, bloodless dueling or fencing with pis- tols, has Ihjcii made irosslhlo through the Invention by a Frenchman of n harmless wax projectile. This new di version Is really no moro serious than fencing with swords and has that spice of realism In It that tends to make any sport popular. The new bullet Is an Ingenious de vice ami required n great deal of ex periment before being perfected. The situation was thus: A heavy projec tile must necessarily have a wounding force, n light one loses Its precision and a soft bullet will be changed In shapo and describe on Irregular trajec tory; therefore a harmless projectile to bo effective must differ from nil these. The Frenchman's product Is a spherical ball of wax-fat, with a small charge, and In tests tw6nty-four balls wero lodged In succession In n rectan glo four by live Inches nt twenty yards. At n six-day tournament held In tho Tullerles the efficiency of the wax bul let was demonstrated. Tho combntantH wenr thick screens for ninsks, with heavy glass over tho eyes, and wear thick clothing to pre- vent bruising from tho Impnct of tho ba8 tm, ,8 i)ncCfJ nml hQ wnnonH nr Tho illrnninr of the combat, keeping his gnzo Ilxed uon n metronome which bents eighty to 100 times a minute, mnkes the In quiry aw In nn actual duel, "Aro you ready?" and when they reply "Yen" tho director, timing his words exactly to tho beatB of the pendulum, cries, "Flro one two three i" At the command "Fire!" tho adver saries raise their wcaixms and shoot. Tho two shots must lm niiiile before tho command "Three 1" Ab tho pnr tlelpantH In these trials wero experts they made a good average, hitting their innii six or seven times out of eight shots. Although more than 1,000 balls wero fired, there was not the slightest accident. Tho wax bullets can be used In npart incuts as well as In the open nlr with out tho Inconvenience of the lend ball of small caliber, which will probably lend to Its Introduction Into tho armies of tho various nations for prnctlco shooting. Popular Magazine. BESULTS NOT AS PLANNED. 2Vatnre Turns Assouan Dam Into a Joko tin KuKlanrf. Kvory year sees now harncssluK of nnturo's forces by man for his uses. Hut Mother Karth seems to hnvo a sense of humor and gratifies It by turning man's devices Into means for hlri discomfiture. The dnm of Assouan Is tho latest humlllntlUK Instance of n tremendous achievement producing results opposlto to those planned. That mighty engineering work was to be tho monument to the Hrltlsh oc cupancy of Egypt. It wiir to end nil famlnu In the Nile valley. There was to Iki no further dependence upon tho chances of tho seasons for tho enrich enlng overllows. Held within Asnoti nu's ntnmmoth reservoirs, tho fertiliz ing flood could ho released whenever needed. Tho Nile crops would bo per fect and tho peoplo happy each year, Instead of nt such Intervals as tho whim of tho river willed. All' tho nations applauded England . when tho work that was to muko Egypt a land of plenty was comploted. Hut naturo had not been consulted with sufllcleut care. And to-day tho Egyptians aro damning the dam of As souan with oriental fervor. Outbursts of futilities, aggrieved ho cniisfl somo of tho most sacred relies of the past hnvo been submerged might bo (Unregarded. Hut there aro moro practical reasons for the growing dis content. .Wnter, ,onco an occasional boon, now Ih had In plenty. Hut tho crops nro not what' they wero when tho Nllo attended to Its own overflow ing , Grain Is scantier, nnd cotton, tho country's most valuable product, Is de teriorating, Its onco unequaled flbor np pronchlng every yenr nearer similarity with tho moro brittle, least costly American staple. Tho explanation Is simple. It was not tho Nllo flood hut tho fertilizing matter held In solution that rlchem.'d tho soil. Thoso properties nro pre cipitated when the water Is held stag nant behind tho barrier at Assouan. England, thinking Its work finish id, finds that It has only begun n moro difficult task, Dnmo Nnturo has had her Joke. New York Mall. Iter Slronar Kallh. "Oh, Tom," exclaimed the fair young maid, as their auto (lew along, "there's a church Just ahead there." "But," replied the eloping lover, "wo can't bo married there." "Well, but we might stop there awhllo nnd pray that wo may not bo over- taken." Philadelphia Press. Function of Helpmeet, Tho Bachelor So you nro to marry again. I thought yoii said when your first wife died that tho sorrow was so great you could not bear It? Tho Widower You misunderstood mo; I meant I could not bear It alone, Fllegendo Ulaetter. . lolt Objection. Alice I bear your husband Is going to have nn automobile? Evn That's something I wouldn't permit under any clrcumstaiicai. Mourning colors don't become me. Fllegendo Blaetter. Some people's goodness Is probably due to the fact 'that they nro never found out LEADING HOTELS J i THE ESMOND HOTEL OSCAR ANPEUSON Manager Kattn: f.uroican Tlan We, 76c, 11.00, $1.60, $i.00 per day Free Uui to and from all Train Front and Morrlr on Btrcets FOMXANJ) OREGON r DULUTH MINN. HENRY FOLZ Leading grocory and mar ket. Wo servo tho traveling public at reaBounblo prices. 114 and 110 West Buporlor street. DULUTH, MINN. r GREAT FALLS I Cloths Mnn, Woman, Hoy In Modern Up-to-Dnto Fushlimuulo Clothing at Popular Prices. Visit Often the Popular Priced Store for Men anil Women. Q rent Falls, - Montana. E. A.ltKlClin.. I'reaMent. W. V. HKNOIIUHUH. Vice Prcitdcnt. 11. W. OKUN WALUT, Hoc. diTreu THE AMERICAN BREWING & MALTING COMPANY Brewers nnd Bottlers of extra quality lager lieer. "American Fuuiily " bottled beer a specialty. Oflko: 109 Central Avenue. P. O. Box 80. Qrcat Falls, - Montana. r. I IDAHO ADVERTISING : Thou. Myth, I'm I.ymsn Fargo, Vice Pre The Blyth & Fargo Co. T'oi'stello, fiUho General Merchandise BTOllKS AT Evanston, Wyo. I'ocntcllo, Idaho BANKOFNAMPA,Ltd. CAPITAL STOCK $50,000.00 Eslstlfibol UW. Dewey I'sUce Hotel Mil's". ritED O. MOCK, Pre.lilent F. i. CONIIOV, Vlctfl'rcaMent C. It. Illt'KKV, Cuhlor ntANK JtNKlNBOH, Au'tCaililer NAMPA, IDAHO J. A, Murray. I'rcitJtnt. D. W. SLnlroJ, Vic PreilJ.nt Wra, A. Anthtf , . . Caihlcr I.N. Anthei, CaibUr THB FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Pocutvllo. Muho. POCATCLLO, IDAHO TUTTLE MERCANTILE CO., LID. j ' Wholesale Grocers (lOODWIN MININO CANDLES Judson Powder, Fuse and Caps AOKNTS roit THE CELEBRATED OLYMPIA BEER Numpu, Idaho D, W, Church Karle C. Wblto C. O. ChlUon CHURCH & WHITE CO. Real Estate And Insurance Pocatello. .Idaho CArE Phone Main 2318 CON HILGERS 381 N. 17th St. Portland, Orccon l'limie Hood 577 THE OLD HOME 1'. 1'. MKKIIAN, Prop. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars Cor. Eoi'iiti-cnlli mid Nortlirup 8t. Portland, Orccon A. CORRIGAN Barton, Or., Clackamas River Best Fishing and Hunting Grounds in the Northwest LOUIS SCHUMACHERS FURRIER Furs Renut'ehd into l.ntrnt Ftyie. lioi.a, .S o en, 'lies, f r lets than nt liny other pliice. 125 Madison Strcot W. It. Wllllftiiu At Cleveland " FASHION STABLES Hacks, Livery, Boarding Twentieth nnd Washington Sta. West End Exposition Bids;. I'hmiu .Main IS PORTLAND, OREGON OUR WORK IS BUT ONE GRADE -THE BEST Wt rcikf i iplllr of liunirrlnr Uct CurUlni CRESCENT LAUNDRY CO. S'I9 Morrhon Street. Wo mii)ilr tlio lluicliur timlu 1 1 It nlro, clean niitiu. tt liv Imy your iiprnna nml then pny l mo tlicni lnunilvii'd ulieu e will supply tlivin for Juki m lint It rot jon now to lmvo tlium Iniuulctvd. Our ttiigoii Mill rail. M, J, (Inrdncr. Phono Main 1900 M. Osrdner GARDNER BROS. Miimifacturcrs u( tho Silk Tie Cigars UNION MADE 20 Madison Street PORTLAND, OREGON. WEEKS GRANITE CO. For First Class Work and LOWEST PRICES in Portland Cor. rourlh and Columbia Streets One lilotk South of CHy Hal DRUGS, STATIONERY IMPORTED & DOMESTIC PERFUMES rrcsir'ptlnns, Family Iterlpes. Phone your orduiH Kust&lUl). W. C. CHURCH, Pharmacist C77 Williams Ave., Cor. Forgo NATIONAL WINE CO. Pure Wine & Liquors WE SELL DIRECT TQ THE FAMILIES riflh and Stark Streets Phone Main 64v9 PORTLAND, ORE. Rupert's Pharmacy PHONE MAIN 6421 Everything New, Fresh and Up- To-I)nto. Wti sol c t your trade. Purity pre-eiiiiiit'iit. Pure Diiich unimportant mutter. I'lifcrlptlons preilxuly prepaied. Wo mvor nul Btlmto. Perfumes of the highept cliitructor. U o want your coufldeiico 460 Jefferson SI. Corner thirteenth St. Pnt-llinel ft Opp. Uuillvanl' Grocery rOrUOnu, KJC., Portland Fluff Rug Co. Transforming of Worn Brussels and Ingrain Carpets Into Rugs Prompt Attention and Good Service Guaranteed Phone 3052 790 Wa.hlngtcn St., Portland, Ore( oa FurnitureofQuality We sell Quality goods Fur niture that ia made from Natural Wood, that will give satisfaction under hard wear. The same will hold good of our carpets and stoves. That's the kind we sell. :::::::: x COVELL FURNITURE GO, 184-166 FIRST AU the Credit You Want t 'fl?rfVlW, aHtrwaniwiaWasi iiiHiiSw i