t-WJp. THE NEW JrVGKE, FOItTI.Am, ttRECfON' THE W. G. M'PHERSON COMPANY Heating, Ventilating and Drying Engineers . WARM AIR FURNACES "NOTHING BUT THE BEST" 47 Flrtt Street PORTLAND, OREGON DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR "The Purest of Pure Foods" Tacoma Warehouse and Sperry TACOMA, U. S. A. THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT BEST BY EVERY TEST For Streets, Driveways and Crosswalks. WARREN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 716 Orcgonian Building, Portland, Oregon HENRY WEINHARD'S BREWERY Manufacturers and Bottlers of the Well Known Brands of Lager Beer " EXPORT " " KAISERBLUME " "COLUMBIA" IN KEGS AND BOTTLES Trade and families Supplied Brewery and Office BURNSIDE & 13th STS. DAVID II. ItKKOII Kit. BIDNKY CI, A It K, rnalilent. I ashler. Union National Bank Incorporated 1890 CAPITAL $100,000 Pays Interest on Time Deposits THE OLD BANK CORNER Grand Forki, NORTH DAKOTA O. E. IICINTZ, Manager. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. STRUCTURAL STEEL, AISD IROIN Steel Bridges, Upset Rods and Bolts, Cast Iron Colums and al! Architectural Iron. Sidewalk Doors and Lights. All Kinds of Castings. CAST END BURNSIDE STREET BRIDGE, PORTLAND, OR r i SPOKANE First National Bank of Rook Springs ItlKJK HI'IIINGH, WYOMING CAPITAL and SURPLUS, 5100,003 IIVIIKY ATIIIMION I1IVHN TO HUSINUSS I'NTKHSttil) TO US TTEKJIB OMESOT The Model Dry Goods Store of the Model Western City VISIT SPOKANE. When you do, vuit THE CRESCENT, it model store, and one of the most interesting show places in what Elbert Hubbard has called the model city of America. Visitors will find here a Bureau of Information wkere reliable information of all kinds regarding Ike city may be obtained. Also free Parcel Ckeck Rooms, Public Telephones and comfortable waiting rooms with Uva lories for women. Spokane Agents for North Star Blankets, the kind used on all Pullman coaches. . ' ff. ijjn Phone Cut 57 , Watson Drug Co. Wholesale and Retail The most complete stock of Drue and Patent Medicine to be found in the Inland Empire. Prices guaranteed as low as the lowest. Our Prescription Department merits your confidence. 421 Riverside Ave. Mariso Block 5P0KAN6 Greatest u Store ijye ttnek for Ilehornlnsr. Tlio Illustration shows n ruck to bo ukoiI either lor dehorning cnttlo or ringing Iiors. For sills uso threo pieces 4 foot loug lihI 4 Inchcfl by -4 Inches mortised for bottom of posts 8 Inches each side of center to nllbw the sides I nud bottom bonrds to drop Into plncc. I Four posts 4 Inches by 4 Inches nml 0 fret 4 Inches long nnd two pouts 4 Inches by 4 Inches, nnd & feet 8 Inches long nre tenoned to tho sills. Threo enp pieces '2 Inches by 4 Inches nnd 4 feet '2 Indie long nro mortised nt tlio etuis to recelvo tops of posts. The caps nre of pnk. One onk piece In front of the enp, which holds tlio stanchion, Is '2 Inches by '2 Inches, nnd 4 feet '2 Inches long. Tlio lower onk piece In front of tlio stnnchlon Is '2 Inches by 4 Inches nnd 2 feet long. The lumber Is '2 Inches thick nnd 7 feet long for sides. Ono bonrd 2 Inches by 17 Inches and 7 feet rack ron iicfionNma. lonit Is used for tlio bottom. For titniiclilonn In front uho ono bonrd '2 Inchon by 10 Inches, 5 feet 0 Incliiu Ion;;; one bonrd '2 Inches by 10 Inchon, fi feet 12 Inched lone For bnck en to uho two pieces 1! Inches by 11! Inches, I fret 4 inches long, cut "loping to tit tlio frnine. It Ih put on with hinges. The slniiclitoiiH In front nre bolted nt tlio bottom iM'tweon n 1! Inches by 4 Inch piece, nud tlio nIII, leaving n opnee up nnd down In front !i Inches wldo. Two nud n luiir feet from the tottoni of tlio ntnnchlon slope, cut n plnco for the nnlninrs neck. Tlio 1! Inches by 1! Inch onk piece Is bolted to the side of tlio enp with blocks to nllow tho top of (he Rtnnchlous to open nnd close nnd work with n lover. Tho lover, which enp bo iiiiulo of wagon tiro, Is ft feet (I Inches long. A -lncli hole Is punched In tho top of tho lever, n second holo VWi Indies from top hole, nnd tho third hole 11 Inches from second holo. The upper holo Is for nttnehment of two lion Htrnps, one on encli side, which nn fnstened to tho left hnnil stnnchlon. From the lower holo two pieces of Iron II Inches long go to tho right hand stnnchlon. When tho stnnchlon nro closed Iroro ono or two hnlMiich holes In post bnck of lever, In which to uso n. Iron pin to hold tho stanchions In place. Montreal Stnr. Water and Salt far Com, Klght gallons ' wntor n dny Is the nverngo ipiantlty reaulred for a cow, nnd tho milk given Is about 87 per cent wntor. In omo pnstures thero !s no water, tho cows beliiR supplied uWht and morning, which forces such tow to drink four gallons nt n tlmo In order to bo supplied. As the cow does not know thnt hIio must drink four callous, slip may um less, nnd she will reduce her milk supply accordingly. Kztenslvo tests nnd InvcutlgHtlons hnvo been mndo by tho experiment stn tlons to dotermlno the advisability of adding salt to tho ration of dairy cows. Ah a result of these trlnls, It Is reeomniendod thnt dnlry cows lm given at least one ounce of salt per day. Kx ceptlonnlly heavy mllkors will require more thnn this. Tho uniform results olitnlned with all cows employed In theso trials Indlcnto thnt snlt In iddl tlon to thut obtntned In their food Is absolutely essential to the continued health of n dnlry cow, while producing milk. It Is evident, moreover, that the nmount of snlt which must be sup plied directly will greatly vary In rtlf. fercut localities, It being moro at high elevations nud at places remote from tho son. Agrtculturnl Epltomlst. A Kettle Support. At butchering tlmo nnd whenever water 1 to be heated It Is n bothor to ret tho kettle or to hang It with chains. A simple hoop with threo or four legs welded on, saves tho time and trouble. Any black smith will ninko It for a few centa If you furnish an old term iioof. Cart tire for hoopa nnd legs. Order the legs the right length to hold tho kettle Just high enough. It Is easily moved then from house to barn, or to a neighbor', Farm and Home. Kaffir Cora In sfealro, Knfllr com Is being cultivated suc cessfully In the Stato of Uaxnca, Mex ico, and IU cultivation Is to be extend ed. This corn, which la a native of Kpvj't, requires only the moisture of tho dew for Its wants, nnd appeal! to tho farmer tor planting during the dry Iscusou. , air fly i v38v,tcc' K7 fir ben-r - ' lum .j Mum . r sr ubw - . n -r- Treatment nf the Soli. . We have but little more definite 'knowledge of the soil nnd the principles Involved In Its trentment than we hnd slity yenrs ngo, says the BclentlUc Amerlcnn. Fertility Is not nitrogen, Phosphorus, nud potassium alone, though tho potential vnlue of nny Held, or State, or country, from tho agricul tural stnnd)olnt, is measured by these constituent elements In Its soil; yet It has been demonstrated that soils which contain nn abundance of these elements, nnd which nro notontlnlly capable of producing crops for centuries perhaps, are not capable of producing protltablc crops without tho addition of further amounts of these constituents Tho chcnilcnl Investigator Is, therefore, com-IK-lled to tnko Into consideration other fncts than this. He must, If he would cover tho whole Held, know something of geology, of botany, of physics, or biology, of bncterlology, nnd of tho other natural sciences, becnuso chem istry nlone Is not cnpnblo of fully coin- passing, the problem; thus, tho oppor tunity for specializing In nny branch tins been very grent, nnd It Is becnuso of the brondncss of tho subject, nnd the opportunity, ns nlrendy pointed out, nnd tho necessity, nlso, for giving lintno dlnto help from the knowledgo that wo Imve that has prevented In n degree n hrond study of the fundamentals essen tial for enabling genuine progress to be made. Alfalfn a "Trine Tonic. Itnlslng 1,000 hogs a year without eer having nny sign of cholera In the herd Is tho claim put forth by M. liar ber of Illoomlngton, Neb. Ho makes n specialty of this Industry and hns 1100 ncres of nlfnlfa, whero the hogs aro rolled. "My hogs nre rnlsed In the Held from the time they nro pigs till they nre about 8 mouths old, when 1 put them on n feed of corn," snld Mr Hnrber to n representntlvo of tho Kansas Ulty Drovers' Telegram. "If fed In summer time I sonk tho corn. Hut tho nlfnlfn h the most Important feed they get, nnd Is tho ono groat thing that keeps them healthy nil tho year nround. In nil the yenrs thnt I hnvo been rnlslng nnd handling hog In this way, I never hnd n enso of hog cholcrn on my fnrm. This Js duo to tho nlfnlfn, which keeps tho hogs healthy." Imnrored llutter Churn. The old-fashioned hand butter churn, to long nssoclnted with fresh nlr nnd country life, seems destined to bo overtaken by other up to dnto churns slid which require less Inbor to oper ate. Tho old-fashioned churn was a cltnisy affair, and not n llttlo "elbow greaso" was re quired to innulpu late It. In the Il lustration Is shown one of newer hnud new cuunrr. churns, which nevertheless contnlns most of the principles of the older churns. Tho only chnngo Is In tho nppllcntlon of tho power mechanism. In this machlnn tho power Is so placed thnt llttlo effort Is required to operate It. A foot iK'dnl Is udded, nud tho linnd power In entirely different from the old method. Instead of forcing tho paddlo up from tho churn nfter every descent with tho hnuds, springs nro placed beneath the hand grips which do the forcing automatically. It would bo posslblo to opcrato this churn nnd nt tho sntno tlmo rend a book or nows pnper. Young Parmer (lolnar to Cities. A recent news telegram from York, l'u., says: "With tho return to the county commWsIonors to-day of tho last rcplstry assessor's book It was shown by tho totals that tho population of otcrs In tho county has decreased In r-lx months nearly 400. The shrinkage In tho male population Is attributed by the commissioners to tho desertion of th farms by young men, most of whom have been lured to Philadelphia and other cities under tho Impression that they can speedily mako fortunes. "In tho borough of Hed Lion sixty voters have gono to tho city within six mouths. Tho docreaso In population Is gronter than In tho boroughs. Tho total registration In tho borough! nnd town ships of tho county last spring was IK!, 802. The present registration shows 383 less." nenovntlnt; Worn Soils. Prof. W. J. Splllmau, In bulletin No. i!4& on tho renovation of wornout soils, saj s : "To build up and maintain fertility lu the soil, feed a large part of the crops, nnd return tho manure to the land. If mnnure Is not available, plow under crops grown for tho purpose. Plow deep, but do uot subsoil. Orow leguminous crops for the nitrogen they add to the soil. "Commercial fertilisers and lime may be liuportnnt means of improving the soil but tho fertiliser requirements of different soils and different crops In different seasons are so little under stood that wo are not yet In a position to make positive recommendations that are of general .application." The Decline of the Peach. The Introduction of uew varieties, budding, and the attacks of Insects, as well as diseases formerly unknown, have curtailed the usefulness of the peach tree aud confined It to certala localities. Budding or grafting the trees, whether apple, peach or pear, U uew nut a reproduction of the original variety, and may Introduce all the Im perfections as well as the advantage. of. the variety, to every portion of toe couutrr. It I ST. PAUL MINN. ftfftSttfttttttvtttttff"" Alfred J. Krank (Buccenor to 8C1IKELI & KUANK.) DEALERS IN ALL, KINDS OP BARBERS' FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES FINE CUTLERY KAZUK WORK A SPECIALTY. 142 B. Sixth St., Opp. Ryan Motel. St. Paul, Minnesota Aguilas and Seal of Minnesota Cigars ARE SOLD ON ALL TRAINS Kubles &. Stock Co. MAKERS ST. PAUL - - MINNESOTA EL FIRMA and DUKE OF PARMA . CIGARS You Will Like Them HART & MURPHY, Makers ST. PAUL E.Ubll,bed 1W1 litcorpor.t.4 1MH GRIGGS, COOPER & GO. . Manufacturers, Importers and Wholesale Grocero 242-264 East Third Street ST. PAUL ' MINN. .j - ! : OMAHA NEBRASKA ' J OMAHA NEBRASKA ; : :! "THE ONLY WAY" Have your Baggage checked from hotel and Residences over any railroad to any place in United States by Omaha Transfer Co. Office 208 So. 14th St. ' When Coming into'Omaha give your checks to our uniformed agents on trains or at depot and receive cheapest and best service New cabs to all parts ofcity. I MINNEAPOLIS MINN. : NORTH STAR WOOLEN MILL CO. Manufacturers ot Blankets, Flannels and Blanketings Minneapolis; Minn A. BACXDAHl O. A. Backdahl A. Backdahl & Co. DRUQQI8T8. Opposite Milwaukee Depot. Prescriptions are fully compounded. SU Washington aye duo 8outh. Minneapolis, Mlnneaota Wmar CYGNUS $3.50 SHOE Manufactured by North Star Shoe Co. MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA MINNEAPOLIS OMNIBUS AND CARRIAGE LINE MATTISON FOYE, Proprietors 237 Hennepin Ave. Nicollet House Block MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA I ' LIVINGSTON-" : $ UNION MEAT MARKET. A, O.H ASHLER, Prop CHOICEST FRESH AND IT MEATS Oamo and flail In Season. Livingston, ---.-- Montana. F. B. TOLHURST Taxidermist for the Tourist OPPOSITE DEPOT, Livingston, Montana. GEO.W.HUSTED Prescriptions, Drugs, Patent Medicines, Ci gars, Toilet Articles, Finest Soda Fountaia on tho N. P. Railway. Opposite the Depot Thin card entitles you to a trip through the National 1'ark, providing you truii!i "THE SOLO" And can mnke inllifuctory arrangements with the transportation companies, , The only first-class place of the kind la Livingston. Bottle Goods a specialty FRANK BUSS, Proprietor 1 17 W.. Park St LIVINGSTON, Mont r . COUNCIL BLUFFS : J S. T. McATEE 'Fancy Groceries, Bakery Goods and Meats ,j j Supplies for Dining and Private Cars Given Special Attention j j 230-32 Main St. 22941 Pearl St. Telephone 191 Council Bluffs Iowa For Medicinal Purposes Wo recoinuwnir our Black Buffalo Pure Rye Whiskey Unexcelled in Quality and Excellence The Pederson Mercantile Co. Wholesale I.tquor Importers and holetale Liquor Dealers Mooreheed, Minnesota Northwestern Asenti Anheuer.Buch Hrew. InK Aitoctstlou's Celebrated "Uuduelier" Deer SHELLY & LITTLEHALES Dealers lu Groceries, Flour, Feed, Hay, Grain, Coal, Wood and Build ing Materials I0M03 rtvfettUi St rrertk. rhMM PkMc mi cwsw nudws Pfrtlmd, Oregtq 'Mh