'I TEE NJBW AGS. POBTLAn), OBSGOIT Portland Nto Agr KiUbllined 1IM A. D. OrlOn, Manir The Portland Hat Works Manufacturer! ol Office, Room 317, Commonwealth Building To iniars thoughtfully provided a supply of er's business In a number of hotels sonic Impostors, ponnles so that a number were busily and restaurants In this city and are Therefore be It resolved, That wo .... -..... in nlili mill trlvlncr flnrilncr nthnr klnrin nf nmntnvmpnt. HOW Ctlll thn nttnntlnn nf (tin nithlln more attention to the penny than Yoilp correqnondont visited on last and ,tho craft to the8 expelled and FINE SOFT AND STIFF HATS it.. .j j iM iT f Af our corresponaeni viBiiea on huh. RI,rioug mn,nni) nmi noi, nnf thnv ,... , . .. . ... niojr uuu cj uvuy n. ni iaH .. auniiay .!, nethei a. M. b. Sunday ir'..u ni.":; ri. j.r ..: r. . .".? v' " '"". wunpe nnnc. At ..- .. m:il.i a 10 o'clock the audience was called to v"i .nTJn. .-J n nnH nin. b. PUDHBlied and driven out of every daily: l'mtamas Cleaned and Bleached. order and the announcement made ira BUbllcatlon all local newa muit that tha time hnd arrived for the ox- ?.'.:""" .v." ""!,' :i?r,Z7 Resolved further, that a copy of mckuipotIat.rthan.Thurdar morning of ,,".,,-" ".,,., n;nn-, Elich mcrnhor "u "l !??" " "lul""."?. theso resolutions bo published In the ex. r "r - ; , , - 10 iuucii cuituruii iu iuu auuuuy nnnA.R mats il.u.oi .- o. . .. ii.t...i .... ..,. ,a x 41 AIUC1 Ol,, lA'U PtTtllHI Rllll JIllTtl. Resolved further, that a copy of nrnch: a Washington Ht. Portland, Or. Pnbacrlptlon price, on year, payable In ad- J.UU. Vane,t.o Local New on thl 1'agc by C. A. WITTER. City Editor oi tno oraor was in possession on Bcnoo,t Th,8 ,9 a dlBgraco to the dollar which they presented to tho cy ot chlcaKo secretary and then In a poetical effu sion Inform Pd thn nmllenr.n how thov Some of the colored papors In Chl- camo Into possession of tho samo. cago seem to bo very much surprised Many and varied wore tho modes and about tho truth being told, and tho Who llavo Won Fame, and Who papers. MEMIimiS THE COLORED RACE THE HOUSE THAT 6IVES YOU k SQUIRE DEAL ROBERT A. PRESTON PRESCRIPTION DRUOQIST lor. 23J and Thurman 8t. I'hone Main 1610 PORTLAND. 0KE0.0N A. R. ZKLI.AK i MMOMMMMMNMNMmMMNMM PORTLAND LOCALS i Have Achieved Success nnd Recog nition by Eugene Fields, of Chi cago . Hon. Kdwnrd H. Morris of Chicago who Is tho foremost colored mnn In America wns several times olectcd a member of tho legislature of tho mnthmin nnnd. Hnwlnt? hnttonn on. samo nnnenrlnK in papers that are begging, cooking, giving entertain- published outside of tho city of Chl ments, washing, caulking, etc., wore cago. Whether or not theso many somo of tho moro common methods things como undor tho notice of tho whilst one sister in verso rolatod that Chicago papers no ono knows, but one of tho brothers had given her n nevertheless theso thlngB exist and dlmo and claimed n kiss in payment nro true. Mrs, Mario Penny 1b Buffering with pf tho same. She announced that If Mr, Flllmoro of Washington, D. C. rlintitnntlnm. lie Wanted it 110 mtlSt' COmO nnd ,,n l InlnmolmMn thn Vlrn Inoiir. tnko It then and there or tho account nnco Company Is In the city Thero stato of Illinois, Ib recognized to bo MrB. Corn Scott Is confined to tho. would bo cancolod and called fair." ls no doubt thnt tho company will on. ,of tho mo8t brilliant nnd bucccss- houBo with a aovoro attack of neu- Tho brother lacked tho courngo to mako n Brcnt BUCCe88, but boforo ?ul lawyers at tho Chicago bar. Ho ralgla. como forward and claim his dues, ey d0 nny business in Chicago they naB won ll 'nrE number of lnw-suits Tho essays wero a BurprlBo from n must get rid of somo certain Individ- ln tno B"lrcmo court of Illinois in Remember tho apron soclnl at tho pootlcal standpoint both In quantity Ma ttmt nro jn tho company bo- a,8 ,n ,lho supromo court of tho A. M. E. ZIon church Fob. 28th nnd whilst nearly all wero filled with wit causo tno colored pcoplo In Chlcngo United States. Ho Is n great orator, March lBt. and humor. During tho evening light know them too well and havo no ox-Grand Master of tho Grand United refreshments wore served nnd Just faitn or respect for them. Order of Odd Follows In tho United MrB. R. Vernon nnd her two sons before tho evening closed tho prizes ,'.,.. States, and a few years ago ho rep- aro ablo to bo out again after aovcral wero awarded. Mrs. M. E. Fullllovo A meeting of a numbor of colored resented the order of Odd Fellows In weok'B Illness. being nwarded tho prlzo for tho best people wob hold in Chicago last woolc tho United Stntes in England and composition wniist mibb ora imoadcs lu lUKU II110 cuuHiuuruwuu mu huoju- no was recoived witn distinguished N. I,. MUEU.KU Zellar & Mueller FURNITURE A Full Line of Stoves & Ranges SEE US, WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT Phone East 4457 535 Williams Ave., Portland, Ore Arthur Harris, chief cook of tho was awarded tho flrBt prlzo for tho steamer Ruth cut his hand Boveroly best pnpor on tho penny anuMIss Mc- whllo cutting up a quarter of beef. Davott tho second. Ero tho cxclto- ment hnd died down from tho suc- Mrs. Anna Smith, tho gonial cessful "Exporlenco Soclnl" tho ing some plnn to organize a club for tho purposo of collecting soruo exhibits to Bend to tho Jamestown ex position, but nothing definite wns ac complished, and tho mcoting ad- honor iu England nnd other foreign countries. He is n 33rd degreo an cient and Accepted Scottish Rite Ma son, Ho lms boon offored sovornl councllslilps nnd ministerships by the boarding houBO mistress la quite members of tho Household nnnounco journca. ii iookb iiko tno coioreu national government but ho lms nl caused primarily, by an ulcerated that in tho near futuro they will peppio in inicngo win not nnvo nny ways declined them. tooth. bold a "Hatchot Social." No other oxnioiia 10 mo jamesiown oxposi- explanation is forthcoming but tho "on Sim Ready of tho Hotol Portland mourners promise mat it win do n has taken an enforced vacntlon record breaking ovont. caused by a return of his old troublo i ncuto rheumatism. NEGRO OUTRUNS FAST MEN. Mr. Bird, who shot and killed MrB. JoBcphlno Morris in Chicago thrco or four months ago wns convicted In Prof. V. E. U. DuDoIb of Atlantn, Ga., Is tho lending colored educator In America. Ho believes in tho high er education of tho colored peoplo and ho bolloves nnd advocates that Centennial Market & Grocery J. J. MLUM Headquarters for " GOOD THINGS TO EAT " Groceries, Meats, Fish, Poultry ALWAYS THE BEST School Supplies, Shoes, Gloves, Notions I'liono Main 2791 522-524 N. Twenty-Fourth Street SENN & NITSEHKE I'HONE KA8T 307.1 SCULPTORS AND CARVERS In Marble, Ktone, Granito and Wood. Architectural, Plaster ami Stair Orna ments. MoiiinncntH, Statues, Huslc, Tombstones. Postal orders promptly attended to. Sculpt tiro Work n spe cialty, Olllco and Studio. Union Ave., cor. Irving. PORTLAND, OREGON l'HONE MAIN 1H93 Martin-Marks Coffee Co. HIGH GRADE COFFEES TEAS, ETC. Tho excellence o' Monte Cristo Java and Mocha CollVe stands in high favor. 252 Third Street PORTLAND, OREGON tho criminal court on tho chnrgo of tho colored pcoplo of tho United King D. Brock who Ib engaged at Wins 000-Yard Special for Pennsyl- UT'.. f ",1 i''-i vanln. lora ib uuiu iu uu ui uih jiuhi. uguia after a sovcro attack of lagrippo. manslaughter and Bent to tho peni tentiary. Tho killing of Mrs. Joseph ine Morris by Mr. Bird wns regarded as tho most cowardly and brutal murder thut has over been commlt- Mr. Blr States should havo tho samo cduca tlonnl, civil, nnd political rlghtB that nro accorded to tho whito raco. He Is tho founder of tho great Nlagra movement, Henry O. Turnor who wns born In tho United States but Is now rcstd Frederick A. Kribs Correspondence Solicited 328-330 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Denier in Washington, Idaho & Oregon TIMBER & MINERAL LANDS Portland. Oregon Now York, Feb. 9. J. B. Taylor. tho colored runner of tho University ,i in hn ntv nt nhi Mr. Crnddock ono of tho employ- of Pennsylvania, won tho principal wnB nujy defonded by Lawyer K. H. oes of tho rullman Pnlaco Car Co. ovoni, n Bpecini raco ni oou yarns, oi Morris. Lawyer Morris' address to ing In Paris. Franco, has won fnmo has taken n trip to tho springs seek- tho Indoor meet hold by tho Pastime the jury was forcible, brilliant nnd tho United Stntes and Europe n" ing relief on account of rheumatism. Aotte Otab at MadlBon Square oloqucnt. . Rnn "JdT cognized T b" Mrs. Bollo Craig whoso death was tllreo Sf tho fas SS'iS "now York' A committee of tho National Do- ono l Itabort artists in tho world. huluu in nur iiihl wuuk i iuhuu wiiu " vii innu iiitw ii ivuu ui u in j i ----- -"" " : - -"- - i ....... ....- . FORTL,AIND FUEL eOMFAINY Succctton to PIONEER, C. R. DAVIS and PIIOCNIX TUEL CO. PHONE CAST 26 287 E. MORRISON ST. burled on Monday last from Flnloy's six Inchos over Barry Hlllmnn, Jr., Stnto Employment Agency undor tho """'' undortnklng pnrlors. Interment nt of tho Now York Athlotlc Club. Ell authority of tho stnto on Wnbasli gvornniont Lono Flro a largo numbor of hcr.R. Parsons, of Ynlo nnd tho Now vo., thnt tho mnnagomont of that w.n,L01 ,,,1' frlonds nttondlng. Vn.l. A,l.lil. m..u UMH i .i. t nfnnn la .llapilnilntif Itio" ritrnlnaf .nl i. !... ' i. ...." .. nrnl nonnln rtnlln n nnnilmr nf nr.1. 1 OlflU WHS Purchased for tllO art uio ui iuu luuui uiKiiiusuiiuii, uuu : ."--i -."- ...... . . .,, . ,,, ,,., , r,,., On tho 12th Inst. Joaonh Colo wns Charles Bacon, of tho Irlsh-Amorlcnn ?roa porsons navo nppiicu tnoro ana y-""- " "-'"?' .V ,'",r .T"'V,V?.,. arrcBtod In Vnncouvor, Wash., by Athlotlc Club, flnlBhcd In tho order nvo ucon lurnoa nwny, witn n "- - "" - " ""l".i i. 'Vi.- nnmnn 'i-iirt rimA wfin -w miniiin nt.i hliiluiiiuhl liiiil iiiiii it wiiiii 1111 ihihi. - ,-,-.-- .-..v v..w... . v..- COAL Rock Spring. Diamond, Richmond, Roslyn, New Cat tle, New Cattle Nut, Franklin, Carbon Hill, Coke. Don wns purclmBod by tho Froncli WnnniLP. P.V A.r n-b P A.k G.....J r-l. nnd now hangs on tho'c j cj- c j a.i. 6 jit . ' ' w, uxonlmrir. Another work "aw rut J"CH , Mwca rwnois. of his "Tho Two Disciples at tho Officer Sccrist nnd tnkon to Tncoma whero ho was lodRod In tho county. H seconds. Jail charged with assault to commit murdor ton dnys ago. All of our oldor citizens will bo pleased to hear that Hon. John F. Copies who was stricken with paraly sis tho first of last Octobor has so far rccoverod as to bo ablo to visit his offlco. Whilst tho Judgo has re gained tho ubo of his lego ho still Buffers from an Impediment In his speech. GALLANT NKGKO SAVED ROOSEVELT. llnnu vitpnnl tlinrn nnvwlmrn An.l In 1'CnnByiVnilin aCadOIIiy OI lino nrtH n very short time whlto poraous have J1!"1",0 "nrrls prlzo for tho best ox npplled thoro nnd hnvo boon nccom- u,b,t Bhown In tho Chicago art Instl- moilntnri. . tuto. I I Edmonln I.mvln. Ihn rnlnrml notiln. w ii m..n. un, xt.i in. tw.,1, ' . ?ov, ?.,.'.nrIl!a ..S. Donoo.n . ?f tho tress, haB for ninny yoars remained w. II. Glvcns, Who Made Ills Mark Btnto of Illinois It Ib roportod has ap- abroad. Sho was born In tho stnto at Santiago, I)lcn In Hclllagham. pointed ono, Jnmos H. Porter of Chi- 0f Now York. Sho has galnod an In- BolllnKham. Wash. Fob 0 Tho cngo to rPrc.80nt tjio colored pcoplo tornntlonnl roputalon as a Bculptor. death TlTl . Oivens, Tenth Uu5d 3g?MWW ,? JSfo'thT Qov r"r. fl"tnox(h,b,t'? Wftr HC,0n States Cavalry, colored, who died In DoCOn has done thnt Gov Donoen n'"ao, ,n n?,ton' " ,n 18C,G' or this city a fow days ago, recalls an ?. 2d? if ent iffiJtnkl ThS S?i BtntUV: Thi .FTlw?mnn' w,aB Interesting story Involving President SSd nSnta of omS and ?? thn ?,oml,,otoI "rIp to h?r dopnrturo for RooBovoltr , , ' ini i Cnlcn.KO nnd r ,tno Romo. Upon her arrival In tho Etcr- OlvonB enlisted in tho Regular ,"k '"'."" '" "V '"""'' ' ;, ni uiy nor wont gavo bo mucii ovid- L8flD. and served contln- V"" "'.. .."'"?."'?','I """.J,.,", onco ol gonuino talent Hint sno wnH JumpInK Jck Mii!mtlii MlnlriK Co. HlrnyDog Mniihattnii MIiiIiik ('. Indlnti Cump Mimlmttnti Mlnlne Co. roU'Liku-it MnnimtiAii Mlnln rurimro Creek Huu Urn Dillon (lnliinnt Mlnlim Co. KiiKlu'n Nritt Kitlrvlow llnliiK Co. Mtir:.'w iinimicinu miiiiiir rn. Hllvcr l'lck KxIimiiIoii Mlnlnir Co. n Co ih Kxtunalon Conpvr Co. C. A. STOCKTON, Broker Nevada Gold and Copper Mines Phone Main 0144 228 Lumber Exchange Army In 1809, nnd sorvod contln- Tho Vnlentlno party given Wodi nnnrinv nml Tlmrailiiv nvnnlnirn liv Mt. Olivet Baptist church was well uously for 30 'years. For gallantry 8hav,07number of vow nron ilneia ?rl!?i nttondod. An excellent nrocrnm wns diBnlavod In tho Indian war on tho .1? JY" ? : """ V0.?10 Ir.(,mJnonl cr, CI prosontod on each ovonlng nnd nn excellent ropnBt served. Tho Cualno undor tho superlntondonco of Mt Frnzler wns as usual ono of tho fea tures of tho entortnlnmont. A nent Nelson A sum wns netted for tho church. bofrlondod by Harriet Hos- dlsplayod In tho Indian war on tho "?"X " 'l "3,'" romitatlo b nro JRSr' u,l"lt,ow0 u"Bnnmn nna "'78' plains In tho '70b ho wns ndvancod n?,oVJ ro ronclT Bnm ?of ihnn hnvn Two, of th?,J?ncBJL. BpeclmoiiH of hor intimmi.i.nfriraiDn...n.i ..j hi. aoovo roproncn. Homo or thorn nnvo WOrk nro "Tho Marrlnuo of iiin- to tho rank of First Sorgennt, nnd hla troop nlso rccelvod letters of com mendation' from Lloutonant-Qonoral MIIob. boon mombors of tho legislature i of wathn" ownod In Now York, nnd tho tho stato of Illinois who will shed luster nnd grnndour upon nny posi tion that tho governor of tho stnto Li18.!?. tl.blLtI? .?""U"!l0.:.i!I of Illinois mlghr select then, to rep " ni uiwuiDu win, uuu uiiuim niiuwiiu rnRnnt thn rnlnrnd nnnnln nt hlo Why Ib It that so many of our pco- his mettle. At tho first volloy of tin Lnfo 1,1 1 ?n 81,1 n" iiu win imiuru uuu uccuui in iiubuhiiih .iMiiuau hui nn uu ui mu uoiumiHHimi- ., i,nntlnir nrnimil In thn mlilnli'lil VA1 'JW Jlr..n.0.t.(u""!,oti.t.0 nJ': 55 "RS!1? ?fG.!.v.on8.!lr.00"oro "'- nnd "selecting such SdftlduataSfji1 i. ."..L .?W.B "",tw"B.. " ? "'""?. K Y'..J.aJt,?I . I'orter to represent them In any. ,,?'';:'.,'""..'' UVUIJT lllliuru llljlliua UU UB U WIIUIU nuujm ui llIU rUKIUIUIlk HUlIUrUII UVOU ,,,. Tim rnlnrn.l nnnnln nt Ihn i. . . T. V . :"."."".! ". "" iiTi Yii. ' ' ,, i :, Jiepuuuc oi jiuoria, uui declined tnn portrait bust of Abrnhnm Lincoln, which ib in mm joso, (Jul. Tho Hon. John Q. Jones, who Is n prominent lawyer at the Clilcngo bar was elected a member of tho loglfil'i tiiro of tho stato of Illinois in H'OO from tho Chicago district. In 1882 ho wns appointed by Jnnimj A. Gar Ho U tho nutlior of StntO Of Illinois Will remidlUtO thO nimnlntmnnl wholo mnttor by not Bonding nny ox- tho book ontltiod 'V'ome footatopH of hlblt or col ectlng nny exhibits nt tho ProgroBB of tho Coloied Itace." llliuuia lur IHU In Ifl n nnrnril nml HlnMirnlilii.l nil In tho stnto of Jamestown exposition, I Prof. W, T. Vernon roglatrnr of tho United Stntes treasury nt Washing' freo mason, and wnn tho llrst colored mason In tho United States to luivo tho Mystic Shrlno Degrno conferred upon him, nnd Is now tho Sov, t'lrand Cnnimnndor of tho United Supremo Council of Scottish I'.lto Mi:iona of ono of tho Weekly Market Loiter or Pally Market Quotation KnrnUlicil on Application Kreo of Charnu Pottland, Oregon Iknnnld l7lillat wn Ar ntt Antiilnmn Wnit.t lnin linln.v nnl lnffc nn trn llt n JIVUIII.-) H UIIRI V W UUI l.ltlMUill ..v, k..W.U UU.,. I.WI tUV UUU UUIII" nny ono for trying to hotter their missioned officer to maintain ordor In condition wo must lenrn that very tho ranks. fow omployorB nro willing to hlro In- By this tlmo tho Rough Rldors oxporlonccd workmon, pny thorn tho had almost roached tho Spanish highest wages and allow thorn to works, which they hnd ordors to keep tho positions In which thoy nro storm as soon ns support canio. Ow not ablo to mnko Rood. Lot us mini- Ing to tho swiftness with which tho uy oursoivcs uoioro wo nccont n no- cnvairy ennrgo was mado. tho other ton. n. n.. wnn in niiirncn innt i, sltlon thon wo will succoed. i forces wero slow In coming up, nnd and spoko nt tho Qulnn chapol A. M. I tho demoralized Tenth Cnvnlrv wnrt i. ni....,i. i.. ti,in it.. mi. i.. It has been assorted by Borne nnr- tho onl; p0 ner, enough to bo oi cr'owdod nnd tho poo'plo oxpocted to th MVn,i0di?tnil,c'V . rnur mln.lnl nnanno H.nt ll.o. XT... ttnV aBSlBtanCO. TllO WllllOSt COnftl- tinnn o '..n onnnnl. K., l. ..,. AIT. A. II. KOll'jrtB IK Ago Is purtlal In giving Items of a Blon Prevailed In tho ranks of tho nil very, much disappointed. HIb J,'. " in ,ni2i?i "r i Ulla c ' social nnturo. Wo deslro'to correct neKro troops, nnd not nn offlcor wns speech fell like a wet blanket on thn ',". J"w,yo,C Ly l,f,''i ,im','8 nny erroneous Impression that may bo soon. Tho cnvulry wore think- audience, and ovorybody wns dlsap- 2n-K ?- i 0, "."' or"to,r- , "C exist In thnt direction. Tho columns "S of retreating when they noticed pointed and dissatisfied. All through ',"B "JItll01,3l "T nl?dl ,n c,ork of of this papor are alwayt-open for tho Tenth Cavalry, with W. II. Glv- Prof. Vernon's speech In ovory wny tnx,2 iM c?uril ,n C,llc"K?1 , Ih. nnhllnnllnn t !, nf ...ll 008 at ttlClr hCIld. COmllllT to BlinilOrt. nnH mnnnn l. ,. .l.t 1. . .. .1 MTS. KttnnlO JnCKHOIl CODIlIll Of nature r anything that will tend to , u ' oellovod that had It not been President Roosovolt. Whon a man JI,t1I,"HIiri,,a, Pn" hnH nrob'l,l,r ,nt- elevate or build up our peoplo. Wo fo" tho cool nervo displayed by Glv- thnt Is omployod by'tho federal gov- If.l"?.,,0" uam0ii,nn8n 'I. r'nM'. IT, Office Phone, S96't Stable, BlacK 1972 -"T"i i i i i i i 11 qmSBk C. 0. PICK TRANSFER & STORAGE COMPANY. Safes, Pianos. Furniture moved, stored or packed for shipping. Com modious brick warehouse, with separate Iron rooms, Front and Clay. Express and Baggage hauled. never navo nor never win expect to ";-" o " ". uij mim ornmeni cannot seo nis way clonr to "", "" ; tu I . :. V .. oV , permit our paper to bo used to vent of tne.1.re?nJent10i Roufth ,R,rter8' driver a speech without attempting Ji'Tm ,thlBP m rV Mho ia llttlo potty nnlmosltles or personal rom th Colonel down, would havo to npologlzo for somo porson or to il IS. f J11" o2P C "P . V',iAu spite. Ab It Is not possible for tho been wiped out. defond tho nresont national ndmlnis- M: c.nurch. Sho Is a lady of high PORTLAND, OREGON What od his position NMNNM I Nt CM mmm CMKA60 LETTEI have no need or use for them. .: " uvivim fciiu iin.nu it iiiiliuiiui iiuiiiiiiia- .. . rnnnrtnr in im nmiuioni . .un..i v, Letters of commendation from iraiin i. i.n.i i.t .. i.. pciiomriy nccomnilBlunont' pleased to havo Items of Interest sent Colonel Roosevelt, General Corbln nnd Prof. Vernon hnd better not M Victoria Overall now of Knn bo as to roach this offlco not lator and general Miles wore found among horenftor attempt to appear boforo ""J8 , i wns ,'?rn..,,n ,tll(1 c,,v' than Thursday nopn It Intended for S!e doad man's effects. Whon his nv audience of colored peoplo In of .7 cnF bilt nJ,OV0(1 w,th )?r pi,r" tho current Issue. 1 30 years' service was comploted ho this country and dollvor a speech un- cntH ,,Pm,UW1' 0'.'" ov?r 25"jars was retired on hnlf nnv. hut nniutnrt ,,, i.7 ."I-. V ."' iT-. ."SZ.-Ji, " ngo. Miss Ovorhnll crnduatod with I Is this a nollcoman realBn-'nga,n' and waa mndo Second Lieu- wn0n ho has tho manhood to sneak d,l8.t,n'Ll,1lnodtho"or8 nt tno 0'nnn. lX&it iSSffl Stt of Troop. B, J Tenth Volunteer ou r.?hthoanaf,mTt?rd SoZui ?eb J Jl bool M f Overnll has is truo7 on coser investlgat on wo Sh i ni. ,ho. v. u l" """ersiana mm coiorea peoplo or ,," i;rri ,11,i""i", ' ;;'", ;"i,"i nnd that It was only a member of ,P.5iUi,i,Jn.e"' wh,ere he 8aw .,nuch ac: ChIcao at least are not asleep. It y,'Jie8t elocutionists In tho United an organization that had been cloth- Vj T " Xa f. .u b rau,auo ana bo uujipous thut whenever a colored ' n .,-. on.n..ni r. ed with a special's commission In or- "n? Idr,Dpa!hMWa8 CikufQL by man Beta ,nto mco thcse dlya h'8 m la n'5 ? innnn'n A," der to trv and nrn tort thn mnAMnim apoplexy. The President and War mouth is closed about tho wrongs KOn' ,s one tho lending and prom- Srhs SifSffdwSB &zflm injuBtfcoaVSJo S.t taiSR SP oYvSlSi JUS" r'S this element he was severely handled . A"ngton. Telegram oy -me gang- ana only Dy tno timely arrival of a regular officer waa he saved from serious bodily harm. On the failure of the municipal court to punish tha offender the special officer decided that it he was not to be sup ported in his efforts to keep peace by sign ere he received more serious in-" ST" 8Uad 00 TWyevcBUi with 42 Delegates being present. Tho stands, high In tho estimation of the ?i.riP .Chlc0' following resolutions were unanl- I'eoplo all over tho country. Ho has imously adopted: removed lately to tho City of Chl- Chlcago, Fob. 11, 1907. Whereas, The Masonic Fraternity cngo where he Is now ongnged In tho among colored men In the United practice of his profession ns a law States Is being greatly imposed upon yer. and misrepresented by somo color- ' Miss Ida Overall of Kansas City, men, who have been regularly ex- Mo,, occupies a very high place pelted from the masonic fraternity, among the great educators of tho namely John A Bell of Grand Rapids race. Her work In the school room Mich., H. W. Knight and William portrays the success to which our Ago, published at Portland, Ore., for sovernl years, and on all occasions ho The Most Worshipful St. John's h"8 ,,oen tho advocato and champion Grand Lodgo of A. F. & A. Masons fr tno advancement and tho defonso of the state of Illinois and Masonic of hla race. Jurisdiction, met in special session Mr. W. M. Farmer of Chlcngo, 111.,1 on last Monday. A constitutional wno naB been for sovernl years a number of lorieeii hnlnir rnnrnanntni successful and nromlnpnt lnwvor nt fVfm A 7abm A ma Im .ah W A. - . A riLv as. n c s u hu t livvy ii was openea in aue ana ammo form tno w. ivouis oar, ib a man tnni mm&m i Juries. via you Hiieoa me experience bo-' rr If A Malnm hna hnn hn ihn cial given last Tuesday by House- BIck list 'for' several days hold of Ruth No. 844. If not you WCK "8t ror Myeni daTB missed a rare treat. The ball was Mr. and Mrs. George Mead and Mr. filled to overflowing as Is always the and MrB. Littleton Jones went to Mil case when the announcement is made waukee, Wis., last week. attne Household of Ruth are In . ,,. mm . WoK thir r,riinS fn!f. .J i .M. Iaaa avo., is a splendid placefoV penon. Qray of Chicago, and Daniel Brown rnco has attained and she takes high Soothe lar ta ttolr crow. ThJ t0 "toP at when they come Ptoh2 ?' Alabama who have each one of place among tho grand and noble anoiner star in tneir crown, ine ., tnem been expelled for unmasonlc women among our women as a teach- audlence commenced to gather early ' conduct from the masonic fraternity er and scholar. Sho has won high niL1 the afalr was to be of an la- p. C. Long, head waiter at the and have no legitimate standing fnmo as an educator all ovor tho formal nature the committee had Wlndemere hotel at High Park is whatever. In the masonic order and land. Miss Ida Overall was tho Hrst posted up large placards announcng regarded as the best headwaltor In Whereas. It is a fact that cannot colored lady to graduate from tho Inl JV prUe.7.0u, "lube K,v?n th0 Chicago. be truthfully denied that each ono of Omaha. Neb., high school. hr r int.M J !<n "n The Keystone hotel of 3025 State these Individuals are now traveling Dr. George C. Hall of Chicago. Is .ni1 .' a? itn,DB8. about th0 street Is now being well natronl.i er tho country attempting to or- a distinguished physicians Ho hnB iffffiVhrt.t"; "Sr rheDOmanagement "fPMf. FrJi ganUe Masonic lodges and bargain performed some1 very remarkable tiniM rinnirtud n Lk i?St ul the proprietor. - and sale of Masonic degrees. They surgical operations all over the coun- SL..K -f- 'iSV TSe n. rw , "" , Mt having not the slighest power or au- try and is recognized as authority on ?,"f i J? glTeB .Mgt oftn? .The coIored nien in Chicago are thorlty to do any masonic work surgery. He is a member of tho ame, also the committee bad giving up and abandoning the wait- whatever and are nothing but ma- Cook County Medical Board. LOOK Before investing in Farms, Acreage, or any clan of Real Estate, calif and examine our list WE MAKE LOANS ON APPROVED SECURITIES Portland Realty and Trust Company 106 Second Street Portland, Oregon j i j- WiM 4to J'X2)iA