THE "STEW AGE, POBTLAiND, OBIGON yartlatA Kt Jkt A.lD.'ORIFfF'IN. Manager Ofllcc.tlloom 317, Commonwealth nuUclIng to do BO. thatlStcol or Benson havo any Buch ilon and will Inspire .no moro lynch- they find It plcaBantcr and quicker ambition, and bo they will scarcely Bngs. play politics with the commission as "What an enlightened public sen much as tho governor would; and Clment has accomplished In Atlanta then neither of tho threo will get It xan accomplish elsowhere. Tho Spring Is nearly here, .but the SANDSTROM BAKERY street car men have heard no moro about that Intimated raise of wages. THE "SOLID NINE." This Is astonishing: There hasn't If any momber of tho council Is to uccn a lynching of a colored man for Enteral tthioitofflatrotUnlOrnoiJ. cither tho whole credit or blamo for South can suppress all Its demagogic . nm,nntinn fnr mnvnr which ,. , HMd.cuMitur. "" . . ,. ,, . ,,, . ,,, no ii . ,. .,., Kct tho nm,naUon for mnyr wn,ch two or three weeks now. ut present seems very Improbable, It do. wo tmnK it would navo uecn newspapers, aan rrancisco can SUBSCRIPTION. One Year, payable In advance tJOO Ne. 776 WIHIeme Avcnya Fresh Bread and Cakes Daily PIES AND CANNED GOODS TtLEPHONt CAST 95 u. .... .v u.u ...., w. -...-.r - jg not ukoiy. to jjo any ono of tho inG Hnn rancisco aorangoguei rathor j?ood politics, however, to smother nil that crazy crow who aro mM n,no, thftt nft(jr ft councll nnd race cranks are making a moun havo let tho governor appoint, for doing , their best to plungo (tho United wo bellcvo tho people will bo very Stntes Jnto a war with Jap tired of tho commission, oven in a Our Candidate for President JOSEPH BENSON FORAKER Of Ohio c EDITORIAL yenr. Dut if not that soon, they tiro Hiiro to bo aillttle later. A comtnissioncrshlp will bo a fat of fice for any ono of a good many hun gry patriots, and any ono nppolnted this spring will Immediately begin to servo tho dear pcoplo In such a way as to aid his election next year. If tearing up railroad trackn and dyna miting onglnci would do this, Hint By a closo share tho Cuapln rail- wo,ll1 u ' policy; but wo think road commission bill has boon that Secretary Benson nnd Troasurer amended so that the .commission will tool wl" tfy to sot mon who will bo nppolnted by a board consisting not I)0 w,lllnB to do Orogon n mil- CANDIDATES FOIt JWATOIt. commlttoo had almost unanimously taIn out of a molehill reported In favor of the repeal of tho gas company's franchise voted against this report, and-would not Few mayors of served second term member of none. Portland havo -In fact wo re- 2 ItAIMtOAD .COMMISSION. Un all probability Mayor Lano will recommend such a repeal to tho leg- be .a candidate lor re-election. No lslature. Even if there had been no Four or five men at least will re other democrat will try to got tho complalntB against tho gas company joico over tho passage of a railroad nomination Jf Lane wants Jt, (and substantiated, there appears no rca- commission bill, would not Bttccood If ho did. On tho sonablo excuso for any councilman i other hand the political municipal going on record ngalnst tho repeal woods aro futJ of republicans who of old, perpetunl franchises. Such would iiko to be mnyor, and each of franchises havo passed out of date, whom thinks he could be elected Jf and should not exist any longor, and ho could got the nomination. But nobody dofends thoni, so why th it is not at all cortaln that any repub- "solid nlno" should stnnd ngalnst a llcan could be elected. While Mayor repeal of ono of theso franchises Is Lnno has not given the city an nd- inexplicable, unless of tho governor, secretary of state n .dollars' worth of harm a year In mlnBtrlt(m that wou,d ronder h,m I m,t nartlculnr nnd 8umclont rca nnd state treasurer, until tho election order to become popular with tho ..,... .,,, mnv ,.. . .,.'. Wfrn n,lf,llpml whv fpnn. . ... ....!,." ,...,! .un tl.lnt. It tl. 1-..1I, ' . ... ...... in June 1008, when tlia luombora win i"-j" Money must go In many ways, but tho Scattla 1900 exposition should not bo slighted. Councllmen that will not form a "solid nlno" should bo picked out this spring. T. J. COFER & SONS Grocery & Meat Market 735 VYiKwns Avenue Phone Woodlewn 149 MILLER, BUCK & CO. GROCERS Phone Woodlawn 406 -'Williams Ave. & Fargo and wo think If tho truth bo elected. As tho state Is over-(we Known very few of "'tho pcoplo" wholmlngly republican notwlthstanil-. want wy drnstlc antl-rallroad incas ing tho election of a democratic gov-'irc resorted to, or were bo much ornor, this was no moro than was to Htucl ou ll commission as Mr. Teal bo expected, nnd was rensouoblo on,tr,0(1 to villilQ thom out to tho part of a republican legislature, Don't scold tho legislature for spending lots of money; they could not holp It. O. J. Erdnor n. Hochuli ERDNER Jtt HOCHULI Chicago Market Dealers In Kronli afiil Cured Meat. All Kinds cf Biuunjics. 1H7 Third Btrcct, near latnhlll. l'hono Main Hi. l'ortland, Oregon, Mr. Steel Is tin old political "war horse" and is certainly as capable of picking out good mon for commls Hlonern an Governor Chamberlain is. A JUHT IIOVCOTT. That the reasonnblo and respect- ablo pcoplo of Southern cities, at There Is nothing of tho demagogue least of Atlanta, do not npprovo of about Mr. Steel, nud while ho will mob murtlor of negroes, and that, ns no doubt recommend only capable the Now Age has often clnlmcd, such men, he niny bo expected, wo hope, part of Southern criminal hoodlums, to uuo his influence In behalf of men though encouraged nud incited by who will act with circumspection, some ultra negrophoblot prominent i reason and conservatism. It would, men and nowspapors, tho decadence bo n great calamity to Oregon to. and extinction of tho Atlanta Nows havo railroad commissioners republican and a good vote-getter to chlse, tho first ono nearly hnlf a con' bent him. After all tho fault has tury old. should bo ronoalcd. It was Speaker Davoy demonstrated tho been foundwlth tho mayor's ofllclal shown, according to tho commlttco's 'nct tnat ho ,8 a republican, to somo record that would find responsive report, and tho public knows thnt PurPoso. sentiments among many voters, it this roport wns founded on sufficient may. ns well bo realized that a weak evidence, that tho gas furnished was or vulnerable republican candidate of poor quality, that tho prlco was would probably bo beaten. Under unreasonably high, that metor rend tho prcsont system tho candidate will lngs were often manifestly wrong, bo nominntod by tho republican vot- and thnt tho business was conducted crB in a primary election, nnd it is offensively to tho public. Yet thu No stato officer oarnB his salary bettor than tho attornoy genernl. D. C. BURNS THE GROCER TDLBPHONE 6IO 210 Third St., Portland, Oref on. HUtilNESS'LOUALS Our stock Is complete, trial. Geo. Hockcnyos. Olvc us a l Just shows. Tho Nowb, nt tho tlmo of now that would make a war upon thu wholesale mob murdors in At the railroads, and attempt to rogu-lnntu, and on othor occasions, was lato them so as to Injure their bust- one of tho most noisy, unreasonable iiohh, and bo antagonize nnd dlscour- und foroclous nnti-nogro nnd mob ago thom that they would glvo up inciting papers In tho south, It urgod railroad building projects thoy havo 'on tho hoodlum mob and gloried in In view. And this Is very likely to its work, und practically advocated happen unless tho comnilHMlon Is tho violent extinction of tho negro composed of reasonable, consorva- raco. This, Its then editor, John vatlvo mon, and actH with groat mod- Tomplo Graves, considered a flno ex- ""M vtattvinn MnmllAa ..It A l . ... -.... !.. - ,!.. l. .1 11.1 l II ..-. i V.....OW1...D IIUIUIIB IU mill. II1U INUOl iiuuu wu uun; iui uicw m uu tun- Burnt iuuu, no ii mr uuuiu Biiiiiciuiu 'fastidious. Geo. Hockcnyos. lurring logeiner iniorinnuy nna cnsi- reason ueiormincu 10 commit poiltl lug about for tho best nnd strongest cal liarl knrl, refused to adopt the man, und glvo him enough votes nt committee's roport. No wo don't tho primaries to nomlnnto him. (think any of this group will bo mayor Portland ought to havo a republl- nor ovon councilman again. can mayor, not that tho politics of tho chief exccutlvo of a city is a con sideration of tho first Importance but surely a city with 0,000 or 7,000 republican majority thero must bo a numbor of republicans who would mnlto n crond n mnvnr na T.nnn or ., , . , .. .the Indebtedness on tho old Douglas' j 7hl,'K,J. any othor democrnt. Noxt year thero'. . . oral Arthur cigar. i will bo a presidential ejection, as iwoll ns an election of county officers I . ' I Alblna Club (Georgo Ross), cholco ,, ,. ,, ,, . m rreuoricK uougiaB aevoicu ihb' wines, Iquors nnd c gars. 134 Russc I and If n party amounts to anything I ....... ... Brnr' Pnrinn,i nm Phnno ci iwnoio mo 10 mo causo oi nis rnco jogg riUCI). DOUGLAS MEMORIAL Tho proposition of tho Frodorick Douglns Memorial and Hlstorlcnl as- J. Wallgrccn, dealer In stnplo and fancy groceries, 034 Thurman street Tolophono Pacific 011. Jost Bros. Saloon, 340 Williams ave nue, tine wines, liquors and cigars. Family trado a specialty. A good placo to get your soft or stiff hats renovated Is 249 Mi Alder stroot, between Second and Third. " M. J. Gill Co., wholcsnlo and retail P. A. TAYLOR Staple and Fancy Groceries Frulu, UunfectloiiK, ClRan, Tobacco and Fan cy C'offcci, Tcai and H)lcci at Lowoit Trice 417 Union Aro. Frco Uclltcry 1'hone Katt 4iO AUGUST STORZ Pcalor In Stnplo nnd Pnney Orooorlo Vcgolablci, Frulu and Dairy 1'roduca I'bono Kant fi'JS 4G9 Wllllain Ave l'OUTLAND, OIIEOOK 'sedation to raise by popular Bub-1"1 dealers ; 612 Mississippi avenue, scrlptlon a sum necessary to pay off, Always nsk for tho famous Gen- M. A. Gunst homestead Is ono thnt should appeal & Co., gonoral ngonts, Portland, Or. to ovory loynl member of tho rnco. Frcdorick Douglas devoted at all it is a mattor of somo Import ant! to him probably moro than any tho stnto. Who la tho best republi can to nomlnnto? Who will bo most suro of dofcntlng Lano? Theso aro questions which republicans should bo considering, not only Individually but In groups. i I ties. Tho grnnduor of tho lifo and char acter of this grcnt raco defender enn bo exemplified In Second, Portland, Oro. Main 2517. Tolophono nnnn for Inn mnlnrllv nnrtv fr hnvn 'I mu- it.... tt ir nrini..- oration. That Mr. Steel will seek toWbltlon of Southern "Chivalry." Dut tll0 mnyor8hlp ot tho pr,ncl,ml clty of othor person do wo owo our liber- proprlePor: 234 Morrison treetcoracr iiuvu Hiivii men pui, on mo coniniiH- i" puuiuu ui Aiiuiun, ovou inoso iilon wo believe nud hope, nnd his who havo no great lovo for tho col long experience and prominence In oreil pcoplo, could not mdorso such polltU'H nnd IiiihIiicsh life In Orogon extreme raco hatred as this, and tho Hhould bo of much value to tho Btato Now was practically boycotted as a In thlH Important Horvlco. roprehonslblo nnd dangerous flro- Mr. Hoiihoii Is not bo well known brand, und It soon wont Into a bust it ml has not so wido nu acquaintance, '"-'kb dccllno, nud lias niont descrvod liut It may bo presumed that ho too ly collapsed. Regarding this Blgnifl will favor a commission of modorato ct incident tho Now York World minded, and coiiHorvntlvo men, who 8''h: n III take their salary nnd look pleas- "Tho World presents Its compll- C. S. NELSON Pealerln Staple and Fancy Groceries and Provisions 154 N. FeuHaanth St, Cor. Irvlnf John'a Mcnt JVIarkwt J. V. MF.1K1F.N8, I'rop. rrcsh Meats, Beef, Pork, Mutton, Baceit and Hems Corned Iltef and 1'lcklcd fork a Socially I'd one Main 1M 45H N. 6lxth Street l'OUTLAND, OnEQON AN INHOLKNT OCTOPUS. Ryan & John, dealers In cholco gro- no moro flttlnc corlos, meat, fish and poultry, phono mnnner thnn by tho preservation ot ner Davis. tho old homestead whoro tho "sago .. " ,,.,. , . , .. Evorott Market, (E. L. Peck, Prop.), of Anncosta" spent tho latter years Cholco Meats and Poultry. 413 Everett Street, corner Tenth, Portland, Oro. Phono Main 1540. O. Andorson, stnplo and fancy gre- The Union Most Co. All Dlnlnc Can and rint ClaM HOteUani Jltilauranti buy tho UNION MEAT COMPANY'S rRCStl AND CURCD MEATS The IK it In tha Market. I'atronlta Homo In- lury. PORTUNO. OREGOM of his eventful llfo. Tho rnco owes it to tho momory It Is Btrango that tho dally papers of its groatest loader, most profound ' : Andorson, staplo and rancy grc- i cerlon. Twrntv.flrst nnd Thurman that nro so outspokon In condemning thinker nnd eloquont chnmplon, thnt streots. 'Phono Hood 57. Fresh GEO. HOCKENYOS Dvalor In Staple and Fancy Groceries Cigar and Tobaccoj, FralU and Confcdloocry PnOMPT DELIVERY PS RusseU St. Phone East 49 horo and thoro a corporation aro so this Blmnlo dobt of cratltudo bo nald roasioa coneo a Bpeciaity. i i nut and do Oregon iib llttlo harm hm monts to tho intelligent citizens of sllont nbout that octopus, tho Gen- and thus prosorvo tho old homestead poHHlblo, and keep up an appearance Atlanta, On., and congratulates thom oral Electric and Portland Rnllway of tho immortal Douglas. of doing Hoiuetlilng so iih to got on thu Busponslon of tho Atlantn concern, why do not tno dally pap. enough vottrn noxt year to elect thom Nowb. Thoy havo gained a victory ors, with nil tho resources thoy havo It any moro land fraud cases nro Try tho Pacific Laundry Co. for good work and prompt service Main oftlco FlrBt nnd Arthur streots, Port land, Ore. Telephone G49. John Schnld. dealer In hnrdwnre, tin- to tho sumo position for ns It Is u of national importance ovor doma- nt command, tnko up tho mattor of to bo tried District Attornoy Bristol war0i Bheot ',ron work guttorlng, nice, fat, easy Job, of course thoy goglsm and mob law. Tho wholesale city lighting for instanco? How la tho man to do it, and after that apoutlng and roofing. Gonoral JobbUig will all want to hold on to It. Tho Now Ago (Iooh not bellevo that tho commission will do much If any Francisco no less than In tho South, portion of tho streot lights out? out good, ami only hopes that It may bo "The Nowb wiib practically tho And if an ordlnanco provides forj por ft domocrat Sonator rjcarln ho constituted as to do iib llttlo harm rlngloador of tho Atlanta mob that paying tho company only for burning. -Mn -...i n i .,,. utUUV vav.vivw vw vit w a fcv affect ought to bo folt In ovory part'nnich does light for tho city cost? sorvlco, if wo performed, It would, a B"cclnlty' 10 Rusaoll street, of tho country, In Now York nnd Sun What proportion of tho tlmo aro a u sross mlstreatmont to turn him Royal Market, Balr & Worth propri etors, fresh and cured meats, fish, poultry nnd game. 439 Union avenue north, corner Tillamook, Phono East 167. rnfnn Anlr AA PlinlnAOr llnA ft as possible. If tho meinbora and lynched ton innocent nogroes nnd HsbtB and not for polos atandlng In flrflt domocraUo sonntor B,nco 1884ilwlnes, llquora and clgara. P. W. Pick. their clorkB and Htenographors nnd two white mon In tho riots of Sept. dnrknoss, Is that ordlnnnco enforced proprietor. Oregon Phone Pacific llunkoya will only draw their Balarlos 22. For weoka it had boon cnrrylng when tho light bill Is presented? And mQro I Portland, Ore! ' and look plooannt, and rldo about tho o ayatomutlc campaign to inflamo if not, why not? Furthormoro,. ' ' I " Htato and othorwlHo lot tho railroada raco hatred. It advocatod tho or- how long nro tho pcoplo going to if jet pretty much nlono tho rnll-lFjne re'palring aspecalty.8 Give him pretty much nlono, except to urge ganlzatlon of nnothor Ku-Klux Klnn, submit to auch n syatom nnywny ron(j8 wj do moro for Oregon than a call when you need anything in aoiiio more cara and porhaps correct which was to Bet asldo tho law and lights only flvo, four or threo nights au the politicians and reformora Oregon.8' WH am8 " " ' a llttlo freight achodulo horo ami tho courts and inflict Biimmary pun- n.weok? Why in a great city llko could do In a lifetime I Martm Marks Coffoo Co., 252 Third thoro occasionally, tho people can Ishmont upon nogroos charged with Portland ahould peoplo havo to ilodi - Streot. Telephono Main 1893, Monto tolorato them for awhile, though crlmo. On tho dny ot tho riot tho homo in tho ovonlng through totnl auuuof . v..,0 .a . urmo java nu otu '-"'""'7' FINK & LEWIS Pealcra In Staple and Fancy Groceries DRESSED POULTRY, ETC. Phone Eatt 382 514 Mltllppl Avcmta PORTLAND, ORE. GEO. W. HOCHSTEDLER Pcalcr In Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits, Product CIGARS AND TOIJACCO Phone East 374 MMtt L lanuhJc St. OLSEN BROTHERS GROCERS a 4 Frecdelivary Phone Ea.t 633 , 417 Union Ave. North Portland, Or R. C. WALWORTH Staple and Fancy Groceries PhMia rAST 3407. 136 RuwcN St. PORTLAND, OR. good, I.. .... . . . nliHH9. If von want a. thoy will bo rather an oxponslvo lux- Nowa prlntod 'extra' nftor 'oxtra' darkness nt tho morcy of torn-up l,lu,J Ul 'ou' u '. "" drinking coffee. Insist on gettlpg Monte ury. Hut Mr. Toal and tho lumber 'with flaring headlines, tolling of al Utroets and highwaymen? Is tho ther -ood republicans havo a differ- Crlsto Java and Mocha Red Front 8hoe Store, J. F. John son, rropneior. rine areas ouwo, trust and n fow others wore dotor- logod assaults committed or attempt- public completely at tho morcy of cn opinion mined to havo a commission nnd od by negroes upon whlto womon. this arrogant, doflant company? And thought they could work a bill Tho most trivial offenses woro mag- if so, is thoro no means of roller? through that, through tho governor, nlflod Into capital crlnios, and many Aro tho pooplo going to put up with would glvo thom tho sort ot a com- of tho charges woro entirely flctl- such treatment continually and per mission they wnntod; but tho last tlous. A drunken mob did tho rest, potually? part ot tno program hub boon uiockod "Tho Fulton County Grand Jury I AB lor Birtuu c,,r , "'" cubo senator Mulkey Is said to bo tho by sensible ropubllcanB In tho logls- which inquired luto the murders i Probably hopeloss. Tho city might nnn(l8ome3t one ot the lot. The ladles Sonator Bourno will make himself workingraen's and loggers' shoes at nj . , , , ... $3.00. f3.B0, $4.00 and $5.00 per pair. solid, If ho can do bo by furnishing epJng n'eaUy done, 85 North Sixth gratification gratis to statesmen's street, between Everett and Flanders, - .inna. In Ih. TTnlnn HnnRA Port- . .. iCh UUWt V ".W wm.w ---- --, DIUUWIiUBi land, Oregon. Phone Main 4062. JOHN E. MALLCY PXAUtR IK Staple & Fancy Groceries Teas and Ctftces a Specialty 492 WaiMaitM, Near tttk Ptm Mala W7 PHTLWt, NECN In the gallery aro sorry his term Is so short. Maybe the governor wob In luck, PI E- 7M after all in being relieved of tho re sponsibility ot appointing that com- laturo. In two or at most four years commltteed by tho mob condomnod et ,n a n"mo'' boforo long to tnko "tho pooplo" will bo crying to bo rid tho Nows and hlntod nt tho indict- over tn0 HKhtlwc business, ns It of tho commission n good deal moro nent of persons responsible for tho ought to do, and handle It ns It does' than thoy ronlly cried to get ono. If paper's policy. Thon public opinion tl0 water business, but to acquire It does nothlug what uso is it? And bogan Ita work. Appreciating tho nn( maintain and operate tho street If It does much of anything It Is llko- full oxtont ot tho Injury to Atlanta car 'stem would bo a far greator ly to Injuro Orogon ton tlmos or n whicu tho riots hml caused, tho mar. nd more difficult mntter. It would mission hundred times tho amount of Its chants began to withdraw their ad- ,oom tnat 80mo loglalatloa could bo cost. Ivortlslng from tho Nowb and pcoplo enacted that would requlro the com- nr i.n,,Nn i uma .... ini niitin. utnnnmi invin. hn iimwip Pniiiio pany to better Its servico somewhat, Thoro was no escape from thnt. If opinion wna Intelligent enough to but wo can look for no great change "heaiem win una tneir opportunity, tho govornor had boon glvon tho ap- placo tho responsibility for tho mobV tor tho bettor under the present In-j Enormou8 nggregato npproprla polntment, ho would havo used it to work whoro it belonged on tho competont nnd Insolent management. U(ma for 0regon are inevitable. build up a Chamborlaln machine, for domagoglo nowspaper which had In- Thoro Is ono satisfaction for a good i .---- ho la ambltloua to go to tho United cited tho riot. As a result tho pnper many peoplo; on a pinch they can There la about aa much need ot 40 States aonato. It is not auppoaod haa boon forced to suspond publlca- walk, and unless thoy live far out noraal schools as for four. D. BREEDLOVE ""-RANER MARKET GROCERS 361 Eatt SevethS t, cor. Stephen PORTLAND, OR. There will be a frantic rush next woek to pass bills, and then tho NOB HILL MARKET A, 8C1IOLZ, Proprietor. Fresh, Cured an4 Snwked Meats Sauaage and Poultry U. Nia IIS Car. 1M ui kvht. Strcck C. BLUM, Proprietor Dulir hi Fresh. Gmt) ul SmM Mub. Haas, Imm, lui, Siiiiin, Ele. AbW IMai HI VMHaivi FAMILY TBADK A SPECIALTY Car. BaTentecnth and BatUr 8U. Pbona Main U38 fertlaa, Ores I MCGUIRE& TAYLOR Staple and fancy Groceries I 35 Grand Avcnu PImm C-U 2629 PORTLAND, OR. H. R. LYNES Dealer la STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES NtUtai u4 FnM. Fnelcyfery. Ui aaall Waal raoMKuttMl rfffTU-f, HHM iimwiiMiwiTiini!iriafiiiiiwMaaaaWia