mhWm1i M m m mm mmM TOPICS Of THE TIMES ! W flL8? IMIffll In .Mr. Hnrrlmnn's opinion, nppnr cntly, tlicro In only ono capable rail rond ninu In thin country. If you wnnt rabbits to taste good, yon should live on dog meat n while, Bnya I'enry. Please pass the chicken. The HiiKnr trust won't oilml n little fine of n few hundred thousands so long us there Is a cranberry cx,ij to sweat en. Thorn la some talk of devoting newspaper cseclally to ilylnst ma chines. A new kind of ily paper, an It wore. If, ns ono pnper Hays, "xlilpplnjr Is n symptom of proHpurlty," a remarkably lnrgu number of people twin to .haivo boon exposed. "God save the country I" nys Mr, Bhaw. Hut won't till make CongrcM Bit up and wonder whut Hhnw thinks It la them for? Ono of the scientist says there will bo no blondes f00 yunra rom now. Hut why worry over n futur.o that la XW yenrH distant? Whllo Curtis Jett Is Herring two life sentence, Is It (wwlble that Vo will re fleet on what he would do if lie had lit two lives to llvo over? There Is In Kansas ;i man who in a milliliter, n doctor, an undertaker Jid dealer In tointiHtoucH. Wo have ivt heard why ho docmi't pr;ictlco dent istry. The news columns tell of woman 105 yearn of oko who him mad appli cation for divorce. Homo of 'ew llvo hisppy ever after mid hoiiio never get too old to regret. Thu ImttleHhlp Kiumnfl has ntood Itn trial text, mid nil Kansas will expect It to become the (leu. Fred Fuimton of tho navy tho tlrnt time any world power mil ken fares, at iih. It miiRt be a great trial to n young man to upend a long time, considering which of two girls ho has been paying Attention to In beat for him to marry, ml then to lliul that neither out will have him. With tho race question unsettled wo can Men where thu country grocers nro going to Ioho a lot of money during tho Winter. Tho cracker barrel oratora III help theiiiHclvcu to u lot of cheeso during tho debates. It Is Jimt as wo thought: Paris was not "shocked" at that play In the Mou lin Kongo after all. Tho protest was jiclltlcal In Its Inspiration. We are glad to see an old friend thus act right In the cyiM of thu world, This Ih, of course-, tho day of tho young man, but, Judging from the way railroad wrecks are charged ngalmit the mistakes of youthful telegraphers, It would seem possible that enterprising nnil ivumnnlcal ciiitaliis of Industry iniiy bo catching them too young, Mrs. Florence Mnybrlck declares tho American prison system Is far Inferior to that of England. Wo should natu rally supposo there was nothing ho ab horrent to Mrs. Mayhrlck as tho Kug HhIi prison whore she was so long ami, us she claims, so unjustly coullucd. Quito a number of valuable friend ships have been hurried by the picture postcard to u premature grave. Ah Kcuro does not make the heart grow fonder when tho Interval Is bridged Holely by the receipts of a picture with u cross on tho sky line and the words, "Wo are staying Just under this mark; you can't see the house." For porno time past vests have been Hindu of paper, also cuffs, collars, shirt bosoms, etc., but It has remained for a tlrni In Saxony to spin narrow atrip of paper and cotton Into finished fabrics of common use. Paper and cotton and paper and wool nro so com bined that serviceable outing suits, Jackets, skirts and many other articles of dress wear nro now being produced. Tho new textile, If no It may be called, Is cream colored and may bo washed repeatedly without Injuring the sur face and Is marketed for a ridiculously tcuall price. Sulllclent xylolln, ns It Is called, to produce a complete plain suit costs $2 or S3. The way tho boy goes through his present clothes would Indicate that paper clothes would not last him around the corner. Most of us, if naked how many points n star should have, would say llvo, and cite the Hag as proof; but the di rect ir of the mint has lately corrected this misapprehension In niiMvcrlug nn Impilry on tho subject. Ho calls atten tion to the fact that the stars on tho great seal of the United States and on the seal of the President nro tlve-imlnt-ed, but that the stars are six-pointed m the real of the House of Represen tative; and further to the six-pointed stars vn the obverse of the half and quarter-dollar coins and tho live-point, ed stars on tho reverse. The reverse of these wins Is a copy of the great heal with the clouds and stars omitted. 8o fur us known, the slx-ixilutcd star J comes from copying, the colonial clns iiuido after the manner of Ihigllsh her aldry, which sanctions thut star. The mm ,on ;the flag mre copied from tU Washington coat of arms. An ,edltorlal article In a rellgloua monthly calls renewed attention to the shortage bf Protestant preachers of ability, it. Is said. that .tho ministry na .a piofesslan has lost Its attractiveness for nblo men, desplto tho rapid growth of tho churches In mcinbershlp, the marked tncrcaso In tho population of the country, and tho constant demand for .thoroughly equipped persons to nil places of Importance, n denmtid unpre cedented In the history of the Christian church. Tho theory Is ndranccd that Independent and energetic students are not attracted by .tho modem plan of mli'lsterlal education which provides iree tuition, free room rent, and often cash payments) ns well to such as feci thut they .are called to preach. An en dowment ojf a million dollars for educa tion of preachers sometimes lies prac tically Idle Cor lack of students to uso tho income. The samo conditions are to Jm found lu tho schools of all Prot estant denominations. The futuro pVy slclnn or lawyer Js placed its Bhnrp can trnpnultlon. lie .usually lias much higher fees to pay, hns much smaller funds lu the way rf scholarship nld to draw up, and knows that n dlecourug ug wait Is certain after he Is admitted .to practice beforo the Jlrst patient or 4I( ut uppear. The theological student steps at onus from the (commencement jiliilform, with his diploma certifying to tbo completion of a glrtm courso vf training, during which ho lias been cnr rled along financially Into & waiting pulpit His salary and his ilfo work Iwgln when his preliminary preparation ends. And yet few able youths seek the preacher's enreer. Tho editorial writer suggests that this easy way of getting an education anil n II vol I hood dors not npKfi to tie nctlvo and enr getlc and that, ns a consequence, the ministry get only thoso who like lint MW life. Hut there nro other reasons which might bo adduced for the famine In ministers. There was n time when the preacher was tho most Important IHirsonngo In the community. Ills Influ ence was wmiinandlng. Tho church af forded the only avenuo to fame for the bright young mini. Tho Industrial work er, tho manufacturer, tho merchant, tho farmer, wcro not supposed to need edu cation. The administrator as such had not dovcloped. Ilut recent years have witnessed n compluto chnngo In condi tions. I'M ucn led men nro welcomed :tad win success In ninny lines of Ilfo, Indo pontlcnco mid wealth both awaiting tho Industrious who may have great Inllu enco and iwwor. Np longer having n mnuoM)ly of education and Information the minister Is coiiiK.'llcd to computo with great nowNpnpers, with many marr azlnrfl lu reach of tho masses, with n Hood of useful and helpful hooks, and with constantly Improving method1! of tutliiencliig thought. Ills hearers often aro as well educated as himself. Ho Is rchtrnlned by church creeds. Ho Is poorly paid. If ho Is an orator the lec ture platform Ih open tn him. There nro many reasons why tho pulpit should not be so attractive for nblo men us It was once. EIIIN SENDS OUT 8,000,000. Irlah ICmlwriilliMi lu TliU Counlrjr Una linen llitormoun. No piiko lu lilHtory reveala such n migration an that of tho Irtwli to America. Tho llKiirea uro iiHtonlnliIiiK'. From 18-10 to 18(50 not fower than '.', 000.000 croHscil tho ocvan to twttlo In tho United Statea; from 18(M) to 1880 mi nildltlounl 1,000,(XK) inmlo u friMli Htart In life In tho groat ropubllc over the kciih, and from 1880 to the pivHcut time another 1.0(M),000 wiih added to our imputation. Sliuti LSOO the nveriixo has heen fiOO.000 a deciule. Tho twelve iiKrlcultural States, rep reseutiMl hy Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, llllnolR, WIscoiihIii, MUsourl, Iow.i, Mlniu'witii, KaiisflH, NehraHka, North mid South Dakota, innitalu one-fourth of tho n.OOO.OOO. Of the jwrtlon sottliHl lu tho North Atlantic Stated hut one llfth aro on fiiriim; hut this tendency to crowd Into the townx dltmppenrs when tlio surrouiidliiKH aro iiKrlcultur al, an U Hhown hy file largo percentairo moro than f0 if those wlw have taken to farm lug In the twolvo agrlcitl tin ul Stntes iiIkivo mentioned. It Is only beemmo tho hulk of tho Irlah lu America nro not In tho midst of funning dlotrlcU that they are 1cm an agricultural people than tho other Immigrant elements adiled to the popu lation. They have fouiuT an outlet for theli energies In tho congested districts mid their wonderfully adaptive nnturvH tiavo allowed them easily -to enter ujion the Industrie of tho people among whom they were thrown. It Is lu tho Eastern Mates that tho Irish promltw to ultimately constitute n majority of tho imputation, This Is nlrendy tho case In three New England States and In many New Knglaud cltlea. In Now York City they nro hu rely behind the (lertuiius and slight ly In Chicago. Tit Tct Market. Clmncellor James It. Day was one ndvlslng it young undergraduate of Syracuso University to cultivate tact. "Hut, nlns," he said. "I fear, that ad" vlco on such n suhject must always bo wnhtiHl, On tact tho last word was spoken by llnrbey d'Aurevtlle when he said : "If tact could b liought, wily thoso nlieady iiossesswl of It would want to' buy It.'" A mother Is In Jail whllo her chil dren aro little, but Isn't It a fact that a father's sentence Is longer? If you uiuko a success of your busi ness, you must "get along" lu spite of opposition. THE IHCW AGE, POBTiAlTD, OBBGON PASTEURIZED AIRY COMPANY. Inc. rantenrlzM Milk, Cremj nutter, Ken, tolt((0 Chccte, Cliceac, flutter MlUt. QUALITY ICE CREAM Milk 4 per cent cuftrsntccd fhono Eat 6362 00 RuhcII Btrcct I'OHTLAND.OREOON rou PuiOc Hit WorkDtDcOaSboftlbtlc The Never Regret Cleaning and Pressing Parlor Clcntilnif, I'rcMlne, Dyeing and '.Hepali-ltur filcum anil KriMicli Dry C'leaulng a Hiicrlaltr Hulti I'icimetl WI1II0 Vnu Walt. 1 32 N. Slalh Sired. PORTLAND. OREGON Michigan u I Company It. CHAW, Proprietor ! Phone East 280G 154 Grand Avenue Gricson Undertaking Co. Incorporated Funeral Directors and Embalmers LADY ASSISTANT l'hone Main C133 PORTLAND 4W-m Alder Street OREGON THE BUREAU SALOON FRANK HOFFMAN, 1'roprlctor Cliolccit Imported and Domettlo Wines, Liquors and Cigars Tclcpliono Stain MOO Botitlieiul.Corner First and Morrlion PORTLAND OREQON A. It WUIctt & Co. Wholcialo ;id Retail GROCERS Special Prtcei to Restaurants Prompt Delivery Phone Eist 283 128 Grand Avenue H, Washington, I'rop. L. Wlllclmon, Manager The Alpha Fine Wines, Liquors & Cigars NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS Headquarters for llailroad and All Pro fessional lVoplo. Phone Pacific 161 101 N. Park St., POIITLAKD, OREGON A. H. Griswold bu lienor toOJtlbWOLD A I'ltKULEY TAILOR No Drnnoh Stor 131 Bixth St. PORTLAND, OREGON OUR BRAND Horse Collars Farmen, Teiuiuien it Horiemen, look to mir liili'rnt. When In uved ol Hone Collau, titty thu beat the SHARKEY COLLAR It ban ttoul tho ten ot wear aiiil tear ami rllmato tur twenty jear. Ailc your ilralrr (ur them ami luilitoa harluc tto MShar- pIsharkey & SON Portland, Oregon ( oShD tIUVii TLAJNT, OR3B. - fcca rvrnM"-" OLYMPIC. A Flour Whose Best Endorsement Is the Fact that the Number of People Who Use It Multiplies Every Year 0 rbooB for Fine Wines and Liquor, call at THE WEST O. nUUUlS, Prop. Fine wines, Liquors and Cigars l'hone l'aelllc 1W0 2,15 N.FouttcctitU 8t. roltTLAND, onE NEW ALBINA CAFE PAlTERf ON It McDOUGALL. Pnpi. Fine Wines & Liquors The Old Corner Cor. Russell Av. St. Alblna St. phonc Eaat 4386 Portland. Ore. LODELL'S PLACE A. E. I.ODKLL, Proprietor Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars WEINIIAItO'S BttR iTcleplinnoI'ai'inrllWI ill .ikiii .iuuit;uiiii si. PORTUND, OR. Pioneer Soda Works uundeIj hroh. a nn. Manufneturers ot SODA WATER, EXTRACTS, SYRUPS, ETC. Factory, 410 Water Street Telephone, Main 2000 PORTLAND OREdON , 1 Crane Bottle Co. Wholonnlo Dealers In BOTTLES fnrrv tlin Inrir t tnclc nf lVitlli nn t. icl!lc Count. Jlnil Order Bliip- iiiintH given prompt attention- Office, 14th and Couch Sts. PORTUND, OREGON STAR BREWERY NORTHERN BREWTOY CO. Bicwtn and Bottlers of HOP GOLD rORTLAND OFFICE: Corctr Eut Third and Bortulde Streets "The Judge Demands the Best" LA TOCO Kty Wat Ogsr EL PATERNO Ten-Cent Leader SIGHT DRAFT King of Five-Cent Cigars W. S. Conrad MlnnuiipoIlM 8t. Inul Distributor i1KftVn.WNa.MlN AMSHMUmU PEERLESS SODA CRACKERS MAZAMA BISCUITS Ask your grocer tor tlnin nnil tako no other kind if you want tho best. THETOXEPOIHTOYSTERCO. 29 Saoond St., Portland, Or. Tlwprtont.MAIN ftX Soli Bruwert of tbi Cilibntid Toke Point Oysters jln Kaatsrn Oyittr TramplanUd aud grown on our bedi at TOKELAND, WASHINGTON "UHKQUALKP JN FLAVOR AND rHKBHNEbH" Cannery at South Bend, Wash. Wholesale Dealers lu All Varieties of Nsthe Oysters. COFFEE,TCA4 AKINtWWDER, FUsVOWHO EXTRACTS AMuNNrty. flnttrFUvtr, OnsMr StrtMyh, AiisoniMtfrk& CL0SSET&DEYER5 mmmrukMO. elderbrau GROTro EltlCKBqN A 1IKIIU, I'ropp. Fine WineB, Liquor and Cigars . 54 Sixth Street MAIN 4102 PORTLAND, ORE. WESTERN SODA WORKS I JUCHEMICII .V. CItAMEIt, l'ropn. MnnufactuicrHof Cartioiiateil Ilever aties, Svnip-. l-xtrnu , Mineral AVatorn and Cliaiiipaeni' Cider. Kolo tlitrlb utorsof feVdinille M nernl Wilier. l'hone Pacific 171KI. Office and Factcr)'. 204 Mill Street PORTUND, OREGON I START 1907 RIGHT BegtnWIlh Electric Light IT IS CHEAPER Hake 1907 an ELECTRIC year in your HOUSEHOLD as well as In your Store, and enjoy the con veniences, the labor saving, the healthfulness, the safety, the economy and the prosperity that attends the use of ELECTRICITY. FREE LAMP RENEWALS--The Company will henceforth furnish free of charge, to meter custom ers, new Edison base lamps of 4 8, 16, 32 and SO candle power, in exchange for old lamps, here tofore furnished by the Company. Lamp renewals will be made at Nos. 147-49 Seventh St. ONLY. FREE LAMP RENEWALS mean better light, and is EQUAL TO A SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTION IN THE COST OF LIGHTING. for information call Main 6688 Portland Railway, Light & Power Company FIRST & ALDER STREETS The SAVINGS BANK of the Title Guarantee & Trust Company PAYS 4 Per Cent Yearly Interest On Savings Accounts Interest Compounded Semi-Annually Wi Also Pay 4 Per Cent Interest on Certificates of Deposit And 3 Per Cent on Daily Balances of Check Accounts Sara a Dollar Today and It Will Work for You Tobottow A Pnnk Account is the first step to ward liuppineea, proBerity and comfort Banking IIoihh, 0 a. in. to 4 p. m, ; Fntunliiya. U n ui. to 1 p. m.; Saturday evening, G. p. in. to 8 p. w. DIUKCTORS Win. M. Ladd, J. Tliorbnrn Kiwp, T. T. Burkhart, Frank M. yarrvn, Georgo II. Mil. OFFICKRS-J. Tliorbnrn Robs, Pres ident; Geonro H, Hill, Vleo President; T. T. liurkhurt, Treasurer; Johu E. Aiteliisou, Sicrotary, 240 Washington Street Coror Second PORTLAND OREGON PflRTLAND C0FFEE& SPICE CB. Importers ami Manufacturers Tea, Coffee. Spices, Extracts and Baking Powder 24 inn 26 Front Street PORTLAND, OREGON' Lewis & Clark Cigar Co. CIGAR MANUFACTURERS Ask for tho Celebrated Lewis & Clark Cigar - I2c Sacajawca 10c UNION MADE Phone Pacific 2263 PORTLAND: KING & GILMORE Tclcpliono UNION 400S Real Estate Dealers Everything in the Best Properties Jersey Street ST. JOHNS, OREGON H. HENDERSON Real Estate IC8); Jersey Street, ST. JOHNS, OREGON I Imvo cliolco yiiHtnesH mid Roaldonco Tracts In nil parts of tho city. Corr Hpondenco solicited from nou resident owners of property or thoso reeking iuvestincnts hero. ABBETT All Kinds of Galvanized Iron and Tin Work a Specialty ALL WORK GUARANTEED NOT TO LEAK ARcnt for Quaker Mfg. Co.'s Steel Furnaces 410 Union Ave. North Shop Phono Kust 0177 Ritsidcnco Phono Knst 1803- JAMESTOWN, N. D. : The Seiler Co. OSCAR J. SEILER. AttornayatLaw President Paid Up Capital and Surplus $35,000 Collections Investments Real Estate Jamestown, North Dakota HY 11AII. AM) WATKIl Columbia River Scenery REGULATOR LINE Tim excursion steamer " nAILEY GAT.ER I " makes round trips to CAK OADK I.OCKh every Suiulnv, lenvinir PORTLAND at 0 a. m., retiiiniiig ar rives fl p. m. Dally Forvlce between Portland and Tho Dnllos, except Sunday, leaving Portland at 7 a. in., arriving about 5 p. m,, carrying freight and passengers. Splendid accommodations for outfits and livestock. Dock foot of Alder street Portland ; foot of Court f troot, The Dalles, Tele phono Main 0US Portland. A STQBIA&COLUMBIi A RIVERRMLROID CO. TWO MM Mm MS Ml WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS IRIIM Portland. Utiria s Seaside Lti UNION VETVt ArriTM. For lTKri. IUIii Pallr t;CU a. m. lrr, CUlakan le Dkiir. U:1U a. m. nrttport.Clilton, Aitorlt. Uuttn. ton, FUt1, Uar (We. AftorU A Sentboro cxpreti H4UJ-. Anorl Kiproi Hllr. 7:00 p.m. :0 p. m. iC. :. A. BTF.WAIIT. J. C. UAYrt Comw'J Ant.. 'J Alder St . .0, JT.'dCl'.i., Telephuna Ula 904. f "n vrl