THE OTfW AGE, POBTLAUT, OREGON u Why Refer to Doctors Because wc make medicines for them. We give them the formula for Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and they prescribe it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption. They trust it. Then you can afford to trust it. Sold for over 60 years. " Ayer's Cherry reetoral It a remedy that shnulil lie In oorr homo. I hare ud a gret dl 11 f It for Imnl cousin and rolitt, unci t know wlut ptcnillil m;illclne It l. I run. lint rccnmtnnii'l It too highly." MAtlK K. Cohen, Hyde Park, Mass. A Mads by J. O. Aver Co., Lowell, Mast. Ail to msnufaotursrs of J StRSAPAMLLA (ILLS. IIAIK VIQOR. vers yor's Pills ttroatly old tho Chorry Poctoral In breaklna up a cold. One Wnr. 81 Hityinow Gimme u ticket t' 81nb town, mister. AkciU One wny? SI Hnymow Why, of courne, y' ilurrr fulp. Thoro'fi only one wuy t Slnb town. Toledo Illndc. Deafnti t Cannot tie Cured br local applications as tliey cannot reach tho dlseaivd portion of tho uar. 1 l.oio Is only ono way tu euro den. ucss, mid that In by constitu tional remedies, liOAlmss In causxl liy an in flamed condition of tho mucous lining of tho Huslachlan To lie. When this tuba Is Inllnmed ou havo a rumbling sound or Itnporiuct hour I n if, nml when Ills ontlrely closed. Deafness li tliu rasult, and unions llio Inlliimmatton cam bo taken out and this tube, to tmodtnlts luirinal coinllllou, hcnrltiK will bo destroyed forovcrt Hint casus out of ton nro caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an lullatnod condition of tbe'iiiucoiis surfaces. We will give Ono Hundred Dollars for any cau of Dcalni ss (caused by catarrh) that nan. not bo curoil by Hall's Catarrh Cure, bund for circulars, true, F. J. fillKNKY A CO., Tolodo, 0. Hold by Druggists, 7c. Hall's J-ainlTy l'llls arc tho best. The ItnthnrhlliU Hlnrt. The foiuulor of tho IlotliHchlld fam ily, Amnchol Mimes Itoth.ichlld, kept n coin nton at tn'J JiiiIimikuhho or Jew- iHlKiimrtiT Friinltfort-oii-tho-.Miilti. lie- fori) thin hIioi wns (llHplnyed n red nliluld (lietico the niitiit Itotlischlld). AiiihtIioI dealt a I no In curl(wltlen, art KontU mid old roIiI mid Hllver. Illr Hon, Mayor Anmchol, wnn horn In lTt.'t uiitl died In 1812. He, lllio liln father, cuntlniied la tho colli IiuhIiiuhh. In the cnumi of lili coin IiuhIiicsh ho met n collector, tho court haulier to tho Land Kravo of llense. TIiIh hanker wnn bo luiprcKHcd hy Mnyer'H uuhIiioh.i nhlllty Hint ho loaned lilm money for invent inent, mid It wiu In this wny that the went haukhiK Urni of ItotliHchlld wtu established. Kirier Monthly. AILING WOMEN. nothing- notnar. It was a dull morning In the police court, und the magistrate, n benedict of long standing, sat In his chair look ing Into Bpnce. A prlnotier was brought before him and the policeman made a charge. "Intoxicated, eh?" muttered tho court, nbnoiit-mlndedly. "Yes, your honor," admitted the pris oner. "Are you married?" asked the magis trate. "No," wnn the reply. "Then what exctuo do you havo?" demanded tho court, mechanically signing tho commitment paper. A titter ran over the audience nnd tho mnglitrate came to with a start, glancing apprehensively nt tho report ers. When court was adjourned, con trary to hln usual custom, he called the newspaper men before him. "Do you find anything to write this morning?" ho asked In a clearly appro- henstvo tone. "No," wns tho reply. Tho magistrate looked relieved. "That's good that Is I wean I thought thcro wnsn't anything worth writing," he said. New York Sun. TO CURE A COLD IN ONC DAY Tako I.AXATIVK JIIlOMO QU1N1NK Tahlctl Druggists rofund money If It falls to cure. E. W (JltOVK'H signature Is on each box. 25c. lie KneiT. Teacher Now, what little boy In this Sunday school can tell mo what n pyra mid Is? Tommy Tuff Why, dat's dp shape de pool balls Is set up In for do break. The Catholic Standard and Times. DlrTerrnt Shades. Tho celebrated medium rapped thrcs times on the black cabinet. "And now. kind sir," sho said. In a spooky voice, "whnt shade would you like me to tell you about?" "Why," replied tho llttlo mnn In tho audience, "I would llko you to tell me tho shndo my wlfo told me to match whon I stnrtcd down town to-day." Chicago Dally News. SALT AND SUGAR BAGS. Mr. Drown Learn Something About Their Household Uaea. "Say, mother," said Letltla Drown, "wo won't havo any moro snit bags will wo?" '"No moro Bait bas?'" nnld Mr. Brown to himself, having by chanco overheard Letltln'a remark. It took but llttlo questioning to bring out In formation on these points, and Inci dentally there was elicited other bag Information, which, to Mr. Brown, wns eveu moro Interesting. Salt hags, It seems, nro, In many Tramps In Many Xatlona. There arrived In London last even ing an aged man named Mark All who has been wandering for tho last six years. Mark All Is an engineer by trade and he set out from Fleet street on Aug. 0, 1000, with tho object of walk ing 00,000 miles In soven years. Tho Idea of tho cnterprtso was to disprove a theory, which All attributes to engi neering employers, that after a mnn has reached 45 years of age be Is ubo loss for manual labor. Some gentlemen who wero desirous nt i1lnrnvlntr thla tlionrv ntrrpod to households, when empty, watficd out pny A coo f he ,,, wnlk fl0iooo miles In seven years, earning his llv Shake Into Your Shoes Allan's Foot-Kate. A powder. It makes tight or now shoes feel easy. It Is a certain euro tot sweating, calloi Hold by all Dm sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Hold by all Druggists, rrlco Z.W. Trial i ago mailed FUKK. Lultoy, Mow York. Ists, 1'rlco 2-to. Trialpack. Address Aiion B. Olmsted, Kid- Keep the Kidneys Well and the nays Will Keep You Well. Hick, HiifforlnKi languid women nro learning the true cittiMoof bad ImcIh mul how to euro tlieui. Mm. W. G. Duvlu, of Ciroctibcuk, Tex.,fMiyB: "Ilackacheri hurt mo ho I could Imrdly Htuud. Hpollri of ill. xlnurtH and Hick head aclii'H worn frequent and tho action of tho kidneys uia Irregu lar. Soon after I 1m- gnu taking Douii'm Klduoy 11 1 Ih I KiK.sod novo nil gravel Htomu I gob well and tho troublo Iiiih not returned. My buck Ih goiMl nnd strong und my general lieultli Mtcr." Sold hy nil dealers. fiO cents u box. FoHtvr-Mllbnrii Co., Buffalo, N. Y. B jiaHHyEi1 Unkind, Mrs. Gooilsole Wo got so many Christ mas presents this year that I don't know whnt to do with them. Mrs. Chllllcon-Kenrney I don't won der. The stores nro absolutely refusing to niftko any exchanges this season. Mothers will find Mrs. Window's floothlni Syrup tho bost remedy to uso for their children luring tho to thing period. Winter of Our Discontent. Singleton Hollo, old mnn I You'n looking bluo this morning. What's- up? Wedderly (gloomily) Tho price of coal. A Wnrrlnr, Too. The wooden boards that had marked tho graves in a certain rurnl cemetery rotted off, nnd were ruked up In tho spring cleaning; consequently, on Me morial day, when the delegation from tho a. A. It. arrived with lings and appropriate floral decorations for their departed comrades, tho decorntlng com mittee found Itself somowhnt In doubt as to which grnve belonged to Cnptnln Blodgott nnd which to Ilnnnan Krlcsnn. Tho mistaken delegates heaped tholr offerings upon Ilnnnah's last resting- place, and departed. That afternoon fcrleson, tho widower, drifted, with the rest of his world, to the cemetery. When ho snw tho ting mid thn flowers nbovo Ilannnh, tho nstonlshcd Swedo fell to chuckling Joyously. "Veil," he explained, delightedly, "dose fuller bnno pooty smart, tool Ay tank dut vor alt right nnd nom gudo yoko on Hannah ho vor pooty gude fighter horselluf." nnd used us dish cloths, lint tho Brown family has given up housekeep ing nnd gone to bourdlng: It retains Its npartment, Just tho same, but takes Its menis In n neighboring good bonrd lng house. So naturally, they wouldn't bo buying any moro suit Then Mrs. Brown snld that, any how, they hndn't boon using salt bags for Homo time, becnuso lately, whllo salt Is still put up In bngs, they had been buying suit put up in wooden or In pasteboard boxes. They'd been making the'r dish cloths lately, Hho paid, out of sugar bags. Sugar, It nppenrs, onco never so put up, Is now quito commonly sold In bags. Casually, Mrs. Brown mentioned an other uso of salt bngs that wns new oven to Letltln, who knew something nbout salt bags. Mrs. Brown Bald that onco they had a Bervnnt who used to tako tho wilt bngs when thoy wero emptied nnd open them out nnd wash the mnrks out of them, nnd then for economy's Bnko hnvo them for hand kerchiefs for her llttlo brother. And yet thcro rcmnlncd tho fact, mildly bewailed by Letltla, thnt thorn would bo "no moro Bait bags" for dish cloths. Hero Mr. Brown wanted to sny to Lctty, "Well, what of it? Not housekeeping nny moro, wo Bhnn't havo nny dishes to wash and wo shan't want nny dish cloths, salt bug or sugar nag." nut no didn't Bay Uicbo things, for ho didn't want to hurt Lotltln's feelings by showing her how llttlo sho looked abend, nor did ho wnnt to nmko her feel worse by allowing her how much moro loglcnl his mind. Ho said nothing, hut Just kept these things to himself, but not without bis usual mod est consclousner.s of superiority. Ciovelnnd Plain Dealer. AM'tJctnblePrcpnMlionforAa slmllatlng the Food nndltcjl ula ling the StoJDaclis (uulDowds of Fromolcs Digcstion.Checr Pur ness nndRcst.Contalns neither Siimn.Morpliiue nor Mineral. ot "Narcotic. jmyttfeujrstHUBurnrm JbcSmutm JViiJiWi fit &!U Apcrfecl lkmcdy forConjtlpa Hon, Sour Stomach.Dlnrrhocfl Vonns ,Coivutsioits .rcwrish ne as nnil Loss or Subkp. TaxSinulo Signature of &&&&. NEW YORK. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of xtlu1 w EXACT COPY Of WRARPCR. in Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA tmi Nimus . mm voaa aor. flir. Mlllnls tells how rnbblts swim when compollcd to: 'They swim with tho head held ns high ns posslblo, whllo tho hocks of tho hind legs nppenr abovo ho elemont nt each stroke. Tho shoul ders nnd front pnrt of tho body nro burled beneath tho water, whllo tho rump nnd tall nro high nnd dry." Natural enemies o,f tho milmal world nro sometimes found living together In oxtrnordlnnry communities. Tho smno wrltor quotes this experience of mi ob server: "On ono occasion when ferrot lng I bolted u fox, n cut, n stoat mid several rnbblts nnd rnU out of tho sumo earth. Tho fox bolted ilrst, nftor giving tho ferrot a nip ucnss tho back, from tho effects of which It died nn hour Inter. Next cnino the stoat and then tho cut, both of which I eliot. Then followed tho rnbblts mid ruts promis cuously. It wns a Inrgo burrow on tho bank of n deep dry wntercourso, nnd often held a five when I ferreted it nfterwnrd." Interesting figures on tho relntlvo agility of hares mid rnbblts nro given In n recent volumo by J. a. Mlllnls. "When running nt enso," he says, "tin length of tho hare's stride Is nbout four feet ; but under conditions of fenr its lenps extend to ten mid twelve feet, whllo Bomo nuthors claim that It can Jump ten dltchos twenty to twenty-flve feet In width. Perpendicularly n bnro can Jump on to n flve-fiv)t wall, but seems to bo nonplused by ono of nbout six feet, Tho stride of tho rabbit Is about two feet; when necessary It can make leaps of six or seven fet bori rontally. About three feet Is tho high est that n rabbit can attain to even when helped by the usperltks of a stouo wall," Imtunterlul, Aunt Hepsy wns In ecstasies over tho young Indy her nephew, Ike, was going to marry. "I never saw her till lust weok," sho said, "but I fell In lovo with nor ut Ilrst sight myself. She's good, sweet, nmlablo mid us pretty ns u pic ture." "What's nor name?" asked tho listen ers. "Maria." "Maria what?" Auut Hepsy wrinkled her forehead, pursed up her lips, looked ut tho coll ing and gave it up. "I declare, I can't think of her other name." Tho general laugh thnt followed this confession nettled Aunt Hepsy. "What's tho difference about her Inst namo anyway?" she snld explosively. "It's only tempornry. She's going to change It I" Youth's Companion. The Verdict. "Did tho Jury find tho prisoner guilty?" Inquired n man concerning a burglar. ' "No, sir," responded the policeman. 'They didn't ttud'hlm at all Ho got nwny," At least two-thirds of the married men you meet are henpecked, but ttwy don't know it lug at his trade, and that ho shall not beg, sell photographs of himself or pictures post cards, mnko speeches or exhibit himself nt music halls. All tbeso conditions, ho says, lie has faith fully observed. He has been all over the three kingdoms and has visited Frnnce, Spain, Switzerland, Belgium, Holland, Italy and Germany, but failed to get Into Itussla. Ills record now Is DS.OOU miles. He proposes to take a week's rest In London, then walk to New Haven and cross to Dieppe, where ho will resumo his pedestrian exercises through Frnnce. Throughout his travels Mark All wears the union Jack on his right arm. London Chronicle. InrltlnsT. Tho following announcement to the hungry was posted tho other day in front of a restaurant conducted by a Greek In the Horseshoe section of Jer sey City: : Korncut beef and garbage : : In flu stile too-day. : The proprietor, said ho mndo tho sign all by himself. Now York Sun. Invigorate the Digestion. To Invlgornto tho digestion and stlmu Into tho torpid liver and bowels tin ro's nothing to nooil ns that old family rem edy, llrnndrcth's l'llls, wh'ch has been In tiso for over n century. Thoy clcanso the blood nnd impart now vigor to tho body. Ono or two every night for n weok will usually bo all that Is required. For Constl- pniiun or uyapcnsia, ono or two taken evory night will in a great relief. . llrnndrcth's Pills are tho Inxnllvo tpnlo pill your grnn pnrents ujku iiiiu uciiJK pureiy vcgcinuio aro nuant cd to ovcry jtystom. Sold in ovcry dm? nnd mcdlclno store, cither plain or utigur coated. Self-Hrlilent. "Don't you think," snld tho gloomy young lady, with a scientific twist, "thnt tho pleasures of tho table Induco rapid consumption?" "Suro," answered the practical young mnn, "what clso nro they put there for?" Baltlmoro American. CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON NO LIMIT TO ITS POWERS FOR EVIL Contagious Blood Poison lias brought more suffering, misery and humllai Hon Into the world than nil other diseases combined ; there Is hardly any limit to its powers for evil. It Is the blackest and vilest of all disorders, wrecking the lives of those unfortunate enough to contract It and often being transmitted to innocent offspring, n blighting legacy of euffcring nnd shame. So highly contagious Is the trouble that Innocent persons may contract it by using the same table ware, toilet articles or clothing of one In whose blood the treacherous virus has taken root. Not only Is it a powerful poison but a very deceptive one. Only those who have learned by bitter experience know by the little sore or ulcer, which usually makes its appearance first, of the suffering which is to follow. It comes in the form of ulcerated mouth and throat, unsightly copper colored epots, swollen glands in the groin, falling hair, offensive sores nnd ulcers on the body, nnd in severe cases the finger nails drop off, the bones become diseased, the nervous system is shat tered nnd the sufferer becomes na object of pity to his fellow man. Especi ally is the treacherous nature of Contagious Blood Poison, shown when the infected person endeavors to combat the poison with mercury nnd potash. These minerals will drive nwny nil outward symptoms of the troubles for a while, and the victim Is deceived into the belief that he Is cured. When, howcvcr,the treatment is leftoff hefindsthat the poison has only been driven, deeper into the blood and the disease reappears, and usually in worse form because these strong minerals have not only failed to remove the virus from the blood but have weakened the entire system because of their destructive action. S. S. S. Is she only real nnd certain cure for Contagious Blood Pol son. It is made of a combination of healing blood-purifying roots, herbs and barks, the best in Nature's great laboratory of forest nnd field. We offer a reward of $1,000 for proof that S. S. 8. contains a particle of mineral in any lorm. a. t. s. goes down to tuc very bottom of the trouble and by cleansing the blood of every particle of the virus and adding rich, healthful qualities to this vital fluid, forever cures this powerful disorder. fin MmmilfrllW rlnrn 55 fi 55. nlffltiei flirt PURELY VEGETABLE circulation that no signs of the disease are ever seen again, and offspring is protected. Write for our special book on Contagious Blood Poison, which fully ex plains the different stages of the trouble, and outlines a complete home treat ment for all suffcrcrsof this trouble. No charge is made for thi3 book, and if you wish special medical advice about case or any of its symptoms, our physicians will be glad to furnish that, too, without harge, - THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO,, ATLANTA, CAm 5 5. Se IF YOU PLEASE Kindly remember that wo buy and sell all kinds of Mining Blocks and Honda that aro on tho market. Should you want to buy or soil wrlto or wire r. J. CATTtrHtN & CO. 12S Ablncton Dulldlnt Portland, Orsion Member of Portland Block Kxclisngo RUBBER STAMPS Best In America Wa make than Wo do not Ukn orders and poddla our Rubber iitamps, Seals, Jto. W manufacture) our own goods. Our equipment Is the newest and best monoy can buy. Write today for our "ltubbcr btamp Catalogue." THE mwm-HODSON CO, Portland, Oregon short afford snmo fine Bt. Vitus' and all Nervous Dlsasm iwrmftiisntly cured hy Dr. Kline's (In at itv lUaiorrr. Hand fbr KIlKK SI trial bottle nnd II I u jwrmananlly currtl hy Dr. Kline's (In at treatise. Dr.lU JLKIlDr,L.l.,Ml Arch St., VliUa.,1' Hcrlnl of One Million Word. An advertiser in n London paper says he has Immediate uso, for a "sen sational serial," which must consist of about, .1,000.000 words. Tho longest novo), so far, Is said to bo Gcorgo Kllot's "Mlddlcmnreh," which coutalus nearly SL'0.000 words. rilfS CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. I'AZO OINTMKNT Is Kuarcntcod to euro any esse of lolilnu, blind, bleeding or protruding piles In 6 to II days or money refuudcd.SOc. FRUIT TREES, VINES, PLANTS BERKSHIRE SWINE, (Regbtered) SHORTHORN CATTLE, (Registered) BARRED AND WHITE ROCKS PACiriC NURStRY CO. Catalogue free. Tangent, Oregon i CROPS III ill l!)l' NEVER FAIL i tllitirr Knnkn Vltllt-r. Idaho, wher :A,0uu Mlmr.ilniil Wiley linmesreker nro airmail rn lleyund Ilia Capacity. Her Do you spenk nny Innguugo other than the' motlwr Tongue7 mi No. And I neror expect to bo able to talk llko mother can. The Kidneys When they are weak, torpid, or stagnant, the whole system suffers. Don't neglect them at this time, but heed tho warning ot the aching back, the bloated face, the sallow complexion, the urinary disorder, and begin treatment at onco with Hood's Sarsaparilla which contains tho best and safest curative substances. In usual liquid form or in chocolated tablets known as Saraatabi. 100 doses U. Many Afflicted Country People are coming to mo for treatment and returning home cured. We perma nently and promptly euro Indiges tion, Hheumallsm, all Private and Wasting Diseases, Nervous Disor ders, Diseases of Women and Child ren, Kciema, Wood and Skin Dis eases. No matter what your trouble may be, come to see us. Fr CiasnlUtloa sol Eiimhutioa. mw York Surgical and Medical Institute ftraiMatlr LoctUJ at Conuf of Sliti laJ (12JH)WuUataSts., ruui.0r. Thfr J no satisfaction knr trn bamo dry and comfortabl mm out in th haraatt torm vrcHJAttsmor-raUr JFYOUWKAl sAHED'eV vr: '- ::vm WATNMOOF OILttCLOTMN. lucxaftYftUtf' muummmuL iA.JlTeWHa.IOSTOM.HASl.0LlA. Tom uiuman coaMMjoMNraak .X X X t " 3Eft v 5jX K tX "sa l ( located. UU,O0tiacna umltelod, IrrUan'e Und mill itwululi. setller. Illch-si and tx-sl waterrd vullsy In Ihn world. Finest o Imntei choicest rrult lminrnscroisof iirsln, atliiirusuuar Ix-sts. U.OuO, ou) Invested In sugar factories. ow II. It. rxteir 'on to VsilowitoiiB pnrk tiprns country of vast re sources, Asliton started Jan. 1, Hue, a record brruVsr. Write for particulars. U. C. MOOIti: 11KAI. KSTATK. COMPANY Ht. Anthony nnd Aaliton, Idaho, FREE SAMPLE MhtCelkeeeWam MULE-TEAM BORAX With S2.pago Illustrated booklet, giving 1,000 uses for Iioraxln tho Home. Farm and Dairy, and a Souvenir Picture, 7xM In., 10 colors free for ta and your dealer's name. Address 1'acltlo Coast liorax Co., Oakland, C'al. iUi Jtt AUSTIN WELL DRILLS Miwle In all styles and a 1 sires. (Jet water and oil sny where, llrsl Drilling Tools made, (let cata logs sad prices. BEAU. A CO. 321 Hawthorne Ave. Portland, Or. UNITED STATES HEALTH & ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Of Saginaw, Michigan, WRITE TODAY asking about our popular one dollar montn plan mi l" and accident nnd sic go and occupation, $300,000 Capltsl Stock. 1300.000 deposited with Ins. Dtpl. of Mlchlcsa ilty. iisfni All business on month plan thst pays accidental death aim acciueni nnn sick i airo and occtitinllon. tlio raclfln Coast pnld through tho First National Bank at Portland. R. L ALORICH, Mgr. Western Offlc 209-210 HtmiM m. PortlMd, Ort(M a"''" I i Perrr Seetls are not an exnerl- Anient. but with propercnltl- Tatlon.tlicv assure success from the start. Users have no doubts nt nlnntltiir nor dlsan- polntmcnts at harvest. Ret for nlggest, surest, pest crops ai an ticaicrs. rnmous lor over jo years. IVOTnstuAuausl iree on request. D. M. PKRRV A CO., . Detroit, Mloh. DR. G. GEE WO Wonderful Hois Treatment This wondsrful Chk ne Doctor Is called Krrat because he cures jopla without nixra tlon that art. rftvsu un ta dl. II cores wl.h those wondsrful Chi nes herbs roots, buds, barks and vegetables that an ntlrnly un known to racdlral acU rnc in inia country inrnuuu mo uw, ortuose barmleas remedies. This Unions doctor knows thtactlonor over too dinerent remedies, which ha tu successfully In different diseases, lie ruaran'eeatocure catarrh, aitbmSLlun a, throat rhtumatlsm, nervous less, stomach, liver, kid neys, ta. has humlrata of testimonials. Charges moderate. Call and see him. l'a'.lenla out or the city writs for blanks and circulars. Bead stamp. CONHUI.TATION iltKK. Address The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co, 1 62 H rirst St., S. E. Cor. Morrbon Mention nanor PAftlaml. IW.m V ' ' ..- 7 P.N.U No. 6-07 WUKN wrltlna; to advertiser pleaeel ruentlun this paper. I Harvesting Dollars ii poaiible if the seed be judiciously planted. Southern Alberta, .Canada, haa demonstrated beyond a doubt that it it the greatest cereal growing country on the continent, and "Alberta Red Wheat" grown there topic both the Gold and Bronte medals at the Portland Exposition. Tho Canadian Pacific Railway Company has 3,000,000 acres of the best of land, Irrigable and non-irrigable, Just east of Cal gary, Alberta, which they are selling at from $12 to f 15 per acre for non-irrigable and f 18 to 25 per acre for irrigable. Lands sold by them three months ago at these prices are now now being held by the purchasers at 150 per acre and upwards. The harvesting of dollars invested in these lands is just aa certain as the harvesting of cereals. It you aro interested drop a card to the address below for literature fully describing the opportunity of the age. The Canadian Pacific Irrigation Colonization Company, Ltd. 54 Ninth Avenue Weal, Calgary, Albert, Canao. SALES DEPARTMENT, CANADIAN PACVIC RAILWAY, IRRIGATED LANDS Be sure te station this paper when wrJtlag. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES CeJer snere ! Matter mad feeter celer than assy ether eVe. One 19c aart nasera aCk, wee! mi cettesi lausMi wen anal at ftPjeTARSBa OT MiliB VjnavaBR79f) VarsrRwTPa PPs" trtanjs) sjsajiasBsnvpj savjsaaaasaVjvjf v