THE IfWW AGO, POBTLAOT, OBEGON f V ; LEADING HOTELS : HOTEL PORTLAND. COST $1,000,000. The Portland H. O. mOWEHS, Mmtt Amartoan Plan, S3 Par Day ana Upward HEADQUARTERS FOH TOURISTS AMD OOMMEROIAL TRAVELERS, Portland, Or agon. Tolojihono MU P. 0. BozMl The Grand Pacific Hotel CIIAB. A. tiCHUAOK, l'ruprlttor. Handsomely Appointed and First Class In Every Particular. Corner Railroad St. and Hlggins Ave. MISSOULA, MONT. The Kenyon Don Porter Salt Lake City's NEW HOTEL Salt Lake City Utah The Grandon The only First-Class American Plan Ho tel in Helena. Rates from $3 to $5 BOLLINGER HOTEL European Plan Lewiston Idaho Best Hotel in Northern Idaho The Northwest EDW. O. PATTERSON, Prop. CUA8. II. KATTI.NaKR, Mgr. Steam Heat in Every Room Private and Public Baths Electric Light RATES $2 PER DAY AND UP Bismarck, N. D. HOTEL PEDICORD T. J. PEPICORP, Proprietor Rates 50c, 75c, $1, $1.50 R4MM wkb Prrvsit Baths Both AaMrlcan and farupean Private Tclcplicnct ii Room First-Oass Grill in Connection 209-219 Riverside Ave., SPOKANE, WASH. . LEADING HOTELS RICHARDS HOTEL AND RESTAURANT Phono Exchange 25 360-362 Alder St. ' Cor. Pork PORTLAND, ORE. Beat furnished house in Southern Oregon New Depot Hotel A. II. PHACHT, Proprietor. All Trains stop 30 Minutes For Meals. ASHLAND, OREQON The New Bannock Hotel NOUMAN A AKMHTltONO, Proj.i. Headquarters for Commercial Men American Plan. Rooms with Bath, Hot and Cold Running Water and Tclcphont in Each Room. RATES $2.00 to $100 PER DAY Pocatello Idaho The Spalding Leading Hotel of the LAKE SUPERIOR REGION Enlarged and Improved American Plan, 2.r0 and Up European Plan (1.00 und Up Finest Cafe in Northwest DULUTH, MINN HOTEL WHITMAN UNDER MEW MANAGEMENT A Home for the Traveling Men Strictly first Class. American Plan Electric lighted. Bteain heated. Good Sample Rooms in Connection. J. C BROWN, Manager. COirAX, WASHINGTON o2ffl3ii?9aw- fjl IfiZfiUfreGawmmmWk taaWtiivPr7lSStammmW:i bhiw uHTrTaaaaaai mmawSXfftPmsPMlSmmmlamP aafcLiEKS8BHH V gam amaWamWS aaaaaaaaaaamBfEKiA BaaaaaaaaasBHPWer-. jv5 .'?r)',-f-2kt aaaaaaaaik':LK naaaaaaaaaaaaaaa&Hallitwl$IS laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaK.'iL''3T' .fcH BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH&Jrii laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBB'r''' vym jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMi ItjevjwSaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB !MaPLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai . BHaakaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa J 0LD. : I Itetuenitier. I remember, I, remember The house where I .wns born, The little window where tho aun i Cnme peenlnB In at morn, lie never ctttne a wink too soon, Jor brought too long n day; Hut now I often wish the night . Had borne my breath awayl I remember, I remember The roses, red nnd white, The vlolctH nnd the lllycutis Those (lowers made of light 1 The lilacs where the robin built, And whero my brother set The Inburnum on IiIh birthday Tho tree is living yet 1 I remember, I remember Where I was used to swing, And though the ntr must rush as fresh To swallows on the wing, My spirit Hew In feathers then, That is so heavy now, And summer iiooIh could hardly cool The fever on my brow. I remember, I remember The fir-trees dark and high ; I used to think their slender tops Wero clo-.o ngalnst tho sky. It was n childish Ignorance, But now 'tis llttlo joy To know I'm farther off from heaven Thau when I wuh a boy. Thomas Hood. Two Kind of IVoplr. No; tho two kinds of people on earth I mean, Aro tho people who lift, nnd the peoplo who kan. Wherever you go, you will find the world's masses Aro always divided in Just theso two clashes. And oddly enough, you will find, too, X ween, There Is only ono lifter to twenty who lean, In which class nro you? Aro you casing' tho load Of overtaxed lifters who toil down the road? Or are you n leaner, who lets other benr Your portion of labor nud worry nuil enre? Ella Wheeler Wilcox. PECULIAR MOTOR CAR. nnllt For On I'Marnicrr Only, Who Nrrera With III Feet. Tho Illustration below shows n now typo of motor car thnt Hhould In tho near futuro liuvo ninny supporters. It Is n foreign Invention, nnd on Recount of Its peculiar construction attracts nt tcntlon Immediately. In size It Is nho,ut BTEEP.EU 11V THIS TCT. us small ns n motor car nn bo made, there being seating cnpnlcty for only ouo passenger. There U also n totnl absence of complicated steering ap paratus. Tho operating motor Is placed immediately In front of tho rider. Ono lever Is sulllclent to regulate the speed and Is placed in closo proximity to tho sent. Probably tho most peculiar feature Is tho method of steering. This la dono by means of tho feet, very much like a young boy would steer his express wagon. Tho ha nils tiro at all times free, tho rider being nblo to en Joy a smoke with pleasure. Other peculiar features aro tho size of tho wheels nnd tho height of tho fruiuo abovo the ground. Aloioal m I.le, It happened In an Allegheny board ing house yesterday. "Good homing," said the boarder with a bad cold. "What I" cried the other boarders In surprise and also In unison, as they de sisted from their burned oatmeal.. Clearing his throat and blowing his nose vigorously, the boarder with tho , bad cold explained, somewhat wearily, I that he had merely attempted to pas tho time of dny. Whereupon the other boarders apol ogized, saying: "We thought you said 'good board ing.' " Pretty Kail. I "McLush has bee arrested for drunkenness and wants you to ball him out" "Ball him out!" ejaculated Colonel Pepper, who bad heard the remark In-' distinctly. "Good gracious, la ho that full?" Exchange. Wood of ocUtr Ladlea. There should be an eight hour dny for "fashionable" women. We cannot talk scandul continuously for twelvo, as we do no.w. The excitement and the strain upon the Imagination are terrific. Letter to London Truth. ' SALT AND SUGAR BAGS. Mr. Brown Lenrn Something- Aboat Their Household Use. "Say, mother," said Lctltlu Brown, "we won't havo any moro Bait bags will wo?" '"No moro salt bags?'" Bald Mr, Brown to himself, having by chnnco overhenrd Lctltln's remark. It took hut little questioning to bring out In formation on these points, nnd Inci dentally there was elicited other hag itifonnutlon, which, to Mr. Brown, wna oven more Interesting. Suit bugs, It seems, are, In mnny households, when empty, wu.'.ieil out nud used ns dish cloths. Hut tho Brown family has given up housekeep ing nnd gone to boarding; It retains its npartment, Just the name, but tokes Its meals In n neighboring good board lng house. So naturally, they wouldn't bo buying any moro salt. Then Mrs. Brown said that, any how, they hadn't been using snlt bags for some time, because lately, whllo salt !b still put up In bags, they hnd been buying salt put up in wooden or In pasteboard boxes. They'd been making their dish cloths lately, sho Bnld, out of sugar bags. Sugar, It appears, onto never so put up, is now qultu commonly sold In bags. Casually, Mrs. Brown mentioned an other uso of salt hags that was now oven to Lotltla, who knew something nbout salt hags. Mrs. Brown said that onco they had n Borvnnt who used to tnko tho salt hngs when they wero emptied nnd oKn them out nnd wash tho marks out of them, und then for economy's sako luivo them for hand kerchiefs for her llttlo hother. And yet there remained tho fact, mildly bewailed by Lotltla, thnt thcro would bo "no moro Bait hags" for dish cloths. Hero Mr. .Brown wnuted to Bay to Letty, "Well, what of It? Not housekeeping any more, wo shan't havo any dishes to wash nnd wo slmn't want nny dish cloths, Halt hng or Biigar bag." But lie didn't Bay these things, for ho didn't want to hurt Lotltln'a feelings by showing her how llttlo alio looked nhend, nor did lie wnnt to mako her feel worse by showing her how much more logical his mind. Ho said nothing, but Just kept these things to himself, but not without Ills usual mod est consciousness of superiority. Cleveland plain Dealer. vV) Mr. Mlllnls tells how rabbits swim when compelled to : 'They swim with tho head held ns high ns possible, whllo tho hocks of tho hind legs nppoar nbovo ho clcmont nt each stroke. Tho shoul ders nnd front part of tho body aro burled beneath tho water, whllo tho rump and talj nro high and dry." Natural enemies tt tho ntilmal world nro sometimes found living together In extraordinary communities. Tho sumo writer quotes this experience of an oh 6erver; "On ono occasion when ferret ing I bolted n fox, n cat, n stoat and several rnbbitH and rats out of tho samo enrth. Tho fox bolted first, after giving tho ferret u nip ncnss tho hack, from tho effects of which It died an hour Inter. Next came tho stoat und tlleu tho cat, both of which I shot. Then followed tho rabbits and rats promis cuously. It was n largo burrow on tho bank of n deep dry watercourse, nnd often held n fo,x when I ferreted It afterward." Interesting figures on tho relatlvo agility of hares and rabbits aro given In a recent voluino by J. O. Mlllals. "When running at ease," he says, "tin length of tho hare's stride Is about four feet; but under conditions of fear Its leaps extend to ten nnd twelvo feet, whllo Borne authors claim that It can Jump teu ditches twenty to twenty-five feet In width. Porpeudlculnrly n haro con Jump on to u llvo-fiyit wall, but Eeoms to be nonplused by one of about Blx feet Tho stride of tho rabbit Is nbout two feet; when necessary It cuu mako leaps of six or seven fet hori zontally. About three feet 1b tho high est that a rabbit can attain to even when helped by the asperltlus of a stouo wall." Iium-tterlttl. Aunt Ilepsy was In ecstasies over tho young lady her nephew, Ike, was going to marry. "I never Baw her till lust week," she aald, "but I fell In love with her ut first sight myself. She's good, sweet, amlablo nud as pretty as a pic ture." "What's her immo?" asked the listen er. "Maria." ".uarla what?" Aunt Ilepsy wrinkled her forehead. pursed up her lips, looked at tho cell lug and gave It up. "I declare, I can't think of hor other name." The general laugh that followed this confession nettled Aunt Ilepsy. "What'B tho difference nbout her last name anyway?" she said explosively, "It's only temporary. She's going to change It I" Youth'a Companion. The Verdict, "Did tho Jury find the prisoner guilty?" Inquired a man concerning a burglar. , "No, sir," responded tho policeman. "They dldu't find him at all. He got away." At least two-thirds of tho married men you meet aro henpecked, but they don't know It P LEADING HOTELS j THE ESMOND HOTEL, OSCAR ANDKhSON Manager Unto: European Plan KJc, 75c, 11.00, 11.50, fi.oo por day Free llua to and from all Train Front and Mortlion Streets POItTLAND OREdON DULUTH MINN. : ? HENRY FOLZ Leading grocery nnd mar ket. Wo Borvo tho traveling public nt rcasonahlu prices. 114 nnd 110 West Superior treet. DULUTH, MINN. A GREAT FALLS ! Cloths Man, Woman, Boy in Modern Up-to-Dnto Fnnhlonahlo Clothing at 1'opular Trices. Visit Often the Popular Priced Store for Men mad Women. Q rent Falls, Montana. E. A.ltEtClirX. rrrildenl. W. V. BKMJIIUHUII. Vleo 1'reiMont. II. W. UKUN WALIM", buo. b Treat THE AMERICAN BREWING & MALTING COMPANY Brewers nnd Bottlers of extra quality lager heer. "American Family" bottled beer a specialty. Ofllco: 109 Central Avenue. P. O. Box 80. Qreat Falls, Montana. ' lUANUAUVLHIIdllNUX Tho. Illjr.h, Pro Lyman Fargo, Vice I'roi The Blyth & Fargo Co. T'oratello, Idaho General Merchandise HTOItKB AT Evanaton, Wyo. Pocatollo, Idaho BANKOFNAMPA,Ltd. CAPITAL STOCK $50,000.00 Eilabltihed lift. Dower Palace Hotel Illd'f. FltED O. MOCK, l'rei!dnt F. J. CONHOV, Vlce-Prealilent C. 11. IIICKKV, Caihler WANK JKNKIN80N, Au'tCaablar NAMPA,. IDAHO J. A. Murray. I'rciMtnt. D. W. Stunlrod. Vict I'rtildant Wro. A. Anthca, Caihler I.N. Anthca, Attt.Calblcr THG FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Pocutollo, Idaho. POCATOLLO, - IDAHO TUTTLE MERCANTILE CO., LTD. Wholesale Grocsrs GOODWIN MINING CANDLES Judson Powder, Fuse and Caps AOKNTB FOR THK CELEBRATED OLYMPIA BEER Nampa, Idaho V. W. Church Karle O. White 0. 0. Chllaon CHURCH & WHITE CO. Real Estate And Insurance Pocatello Idaho CAFE Phone Main 2318 CON HILGERS 381 N. 17th St. Portland, OrcRon Plinno Hood 677 THE OLD HOME V, P. MK1UIAN, Prop. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars Cor. Scu'iitt'i'iuli ntnl Nurtlmip Fix. Portland, Orccon A. CORRIGAN Barton, Or., Clackamas River Best Fisliinr: and Hunting Grounds in the Northwest LOUIS SCHUMACHERS FURRIER Furs llcuuxlekd into J.utrst Ftylc. Uor.s, S n es, 'lien, for lets than nt any other phi re. ISO Madison Stroot W. Al ClcTolnml FASHION STABLES Hacks, Livery, Boarding Twentieth nnd Washington Sts. Wctit End exposition Bide. Phono Main 15 PORTLAND, OREGON OUR WORK IS RUT ONE GRADE Tilt DEST Wt aik a trtclatlr of liunlcrlnc Ltcc CurUlos CRESCENT LAUNDRY CO. 549 Morrlton Street. Woaiirmljr tlio liuiclier triwlo Willi nlre.rlcnn Apron. ny Iniy your ntiroii-lim! thru pay to Iihw them lniiiuli'rrtl when wo Mill nniply tlivin lin JiiKt wluit It roKta J oil now to lutvo tlicm lnmutuiiMl, Our uogou will call. M. J. (Inntiicr. Phono Main 1VU0 M. Unrtlnei GARDNER BROS. iliiniifaotiirvrnof tho Silk Tie Cigars UNION MADE. 209 Msiilson -trtel PORTLAND, OREGON WEEKS GRANITE CO. For First Class Work and LOWEST PRICES in Portland Cor. Fourth and Columbia Streets One Ulock South of City Hal DRUGS, STATIONERY IMPORTED & DOMESTIC PERFUMES Prescriptions, Family Recipes. Phone your onleiM Kast 5101). W. C. CHURCH, Pharmacist C77 Williams Ave., Cor. forgo NATIONAL WINE CO. Pure Wine & Liquors WE SELL DIRECT TO THE FAMILIES Fifth and Stark Streets Phone ifc..i 6499 PORTLAND, ORE. Rupert's Pharmacy I'llONE MAIN 6421 Kvorythintf New, Fresh anil Up To-Dato. Wo sol.c t your trade. I'urity ttrc-euiiuent. Pure Drues un important matter. I'reterlptlous preclbuly prepared. Wo nuvor sul atiluto. l'erfuiues of llin lilnlient charuetor. u want your conildeuco 460 Jrf-rton St. Corner llilnctnlh SI. Pnrtlnnrl Clr Opp. Uulllvsnl's Grocery r OrilUiia, Vfr. Portland Fluff Rug Go. Transforming of Yorn Brussels and Ingrain Carpets Into Rugs Prompt Attention and Good Service Guaranteed Phone 3052 700 Wathingtcn St., Portland, Oretoa Furniture of Quality We sell Quality gooda Fur niture that it made from Natural Wood, that will give satisfaction under hard wear. The tame will hold good of our carpets and stoves. That's the kind we sell. : : : : COVELL FURNITURE GO. 184-186 FIRST All the Credit You Want i t jii PI -.v.-mtptm - -nc-s-iiiJMiU-,-- 4, -- 4