tVWT THE OTEW AGE, PORTIiAlO), OK1QGON THE W. G. M'PHERSON COMPANY Heating, Ventilating WARM AIR "NOTHING BUT THE BEST" 47 DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR "The Purest of Pure Foods" Tacoma Warehouse and Sperry Mills TACOMA, U. S. A. THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT BEST BY EVERY TEST For Streets, Driveways and Crosswalks. WARREN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 716 Oregonian Building, Portland, Oregon HENRY WEINHARD'S BREWERY Manufacturers and Bottlers of the Well Known Brands of Lager Beer " EXPORT " "KAISERBLUME" "COLUMBIA" IN KEGS AND BOTTLES Trade and Families Supplied Brewery:and Office BURNSIDE & 13th STS. DAVID It. IlKKUIICIt, HIDNKY Ot.AHK, l'rt'ililont. Ciulilur. Union National Bank Incorporated 1890 CAPITAL $100,000 Pays Interest on Time Deposits THE OLD BANK CORNER Grand Forkt, NORTH DAKOTA O. C. IICINTZ, Manner. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. STRUCTURAL. STEEL, AIND IROIN Steel Bridges, Upset Rods and Bolts, Cast Iron Colums and all Architectural Iron. Sidewalk Doors and Lights. All Kinds of Castings. EAST END BURNSIDE STREET BRIDGE, PORTLAND, OR r 'I I SPOKANE ,...,. i B i i, i . FirSt NltlOnal Bank Of ROOk Springs HOCK Hl'lUNDS, WYOMING CAPITAL and SURPLUS, $100,000 I1VERY ON.IIVHNTO MUSINHSS The Model Dry Goods Store of the Model Western City VISIT SPOKANE. When you do, visit THE CRESCENT, its model store, and one of the most interesting show places in what Elbert Hubbard has called the model city of America. Visitors will find her a Bureau of Information where reliable information of all kinds regarding the city may be obtained. Also fre Parcel Check Rooms, Public Telephones and comfortable waiting rooms with lava tories for women. Spokane Agents for North Star Blankets, the kind used on all Pullman coaches. and Drying Engineers FURNACES First Street PORTLAND, OREGON V 1 JmKM ssa Thonc Cast 57 Watson Drug Co. Wholesale and Retail The most complete slock of Drugs and Patent Medlcinei to be found In the Inland Empire. Prices Clur.ntd a, low as the lowest. Our Prescription Department merits your confidence. 421 Riverside AVO. Marlso Block I popu &!j)?nc I Blast furnnco pis Is to bo utilized In Rutuin for jwwer purposes. Ln So cloto des Aclerles do Doncbs In substi tuting u number of lnrgo gas engines for steam engines. At n mild red bent, gppd steel enn bo drawn out under the hammer to a flno point; nt n bright red heat it will crumble under tho hammer, and at a whlto beat It will fall to pieces. An Ingenious beacon is located at Arnlsh Hock, Htornowny bay, In tlio Hebrides, Scotland. It is n cone of cast iron plates, surmounted by an ar rangement of prisms nnd n mirror which reflect tho light frojn tho light house on Lewis Island, 500 feet distant across tho channel. At a roccnsfconfercnco held at tho ministry of commerce, St Petersburg, It was decided that agricultural ma chinery required by peasant emigrants to Siberia nnd other Dortlons of tha Russian emplro would havo to be or dered nbroad tills year, as tho Russian factories would bo unable tq deliver in time. Next year nn attempt will be made to Introduco Russian machinery among the settlers. An Instance Illustrating tho exact methods now followed In nil branches of science Is furnished by tho recent upsetting of nil the resultH of the 0( detlc Survey of Algeria based uikhi tliu Btatlon of Volrol, which hnd been cho sen as tho point of origin of co-ordinates. It has Imh.ii found that, owing tq somo subterranean peculiarity af fecting tlio direction of the plumb-line, there Is a strong deviation from tho vertical at Volrol, and as n result, a new starting-point for the trlangulatlon must bo chosen and new calculations mnde. The discovery was mado by compnrlng the astronomical latitude of tho new qbscrvntory about three miles from Volrol with its geodetic latitude as calculated from tlio Volrol data. "Welwltsehla Mlrabllls," n plant which Is described ns one of tho won ders of tho vegetable kingdom, HltH- trntes the adaptations which sometime? render life jwsslblo ntnld condition1) that seed to forbid Its existence. Tlio plant gets Its name frc;n Its discoverer, Welwltsch, who found It In tho sandy deserts of Southwestern Africa. Its short conical trunk Is burled in sand, l nnd Its only leaves are the two cotyle dons, or seed-leaves, which persist dur ing tho life of tho plant, and In old sjicclmens nttaln a length of from six to nine feet. The trunk measures three or fn.ur feet In diameter at tlio crown. Tho plant derives water for Its growth partly from tho dense night fogs, but principally through a very long root which taps fcubterranean water-sources. The terrible earthquake In Chile, fol lowing so soon after that In California, enormously Increased opular Interest lu the science of selsmejogy. Among the Interesting facts brought Into prom inence by tlio many discussions to which these disasters have led lu tho scientific Journals, Is the dear distinc tion that seemo to exist between earth quakes Ilko those that destroyed San Francisco nnd Valparaiso and tho shocks that damaged Charleston in 1SS0. Tlio Charleston disaster la thought, nt least by segue geologists, to havo been duo to overloading of tho earth's crust by accumulation of do- (toslts on tho ocean lloor near the const Tho New Madrid earthquakes of 1S11 1U were ascribed to a similar cause, re sulting from depositions made by tho Mississippi River. Hut the California!) and South American earthquakes are believed to havo been due to the nioun-taln-bulldlng forces which are still In operation along the western edgo of North and South America. Story of Mcxiea la ltrtnlil, Tlio social settlement worker had Ikh'ii telling tho Htory of to a cIiihh of small children in u mission school. "Now, children," bIio Bald, "you shall tell mo tho Htory. Who found tlio baby lying In tlio river?" "A beautiful lady," enmo tlio prompt reply, "To whom did tliq princess give llttlo Moses to bo taken earo of V" "Ilia mother," shouted the delightful class. "What did Moses' mother do with him when ho grew a little older?" nsk ed tho teacher. For nn, Instant there was Then n small girl was seized with u sudden Inspiration and replied: "I know. Sho put him Into pants." Harper's Magazine. l'lrt Word Knock, Jnmes I. of KiiBlnud, nnd VI., of Scotlnud, was ns every ono knows, do- llclent In vigor and steadiness. Having1 heard of u famous preacher who was very witty In his sermons and peculiar-1 ly so In his choice of texts he ordered this clergyman tov preach before him. With nil suitable gravity tho learned divine pave out his text lu the follow Ing words: "Jnmes Urst nnd sixth, In the latter part of tho verse, 'Ho that waverth Is llko n wave of the sea driv en with tho wind and tossed.' " "Ods-chlckens I he's nt me alrendy," exclaimed tho king -Scrap book. Tke Jraloua Wife. "I don't see why she Isn't happy with hi in. lie's certainly very attentive to ior" That's Just'lt. Sho argues that be,P,ctuPB tUe oHw day ho aald, 'Look couldu't bo so uttentlve to her If ue ' Plent now- Be natural.' "Phlla hadn't a lot of experience with souie , de,ph,a rresa one else." Catholic Standard audi Time. DOQ8 TRAINED TO RE8CUE. Employed on the Mfe-SnrlnB Corp of I'nrla Police Force. Tho training of tho young Newfound lands that arc periodically added to the police staff Is ono of the sights of Paris. It takes place In tut headquar ters of the agents plongcurs, a Binnll building on tho quayside not far from tho Cathedral of Notre Dame. Dogs nnd men enter Into the exorcise with zest nnd there Is usually a crowd of on lookers. Only dummy figures nro used, but tho "rescue" Is nevertheless n real istic affair. Tho big dogs know perfectly well what tho exercise means and they wait with comic enthusiasm until the dum my Is thrown Into the wnter and an agent plongeur rushes out on hearing the splash nnd outcry of the spectators. Whllo the men nro busy with lines nnd life buoys the dog plunges Into tho wnter, swims to tho dummy, wntches with rare Intelligence for nn opportun ity to get nn advantageous hold cud then it cither swims ashore or waits for Its master, who brings to tho rescue long poles, cork twits and tho like. Tho moro experienced dogs, however, will enslly effect n rescuo from first to last without humnn assistance, and It is nn Inspiring sight to watch them looking for n foothold on the slippery sides of tho river bank and pulling the heavy dummy Into n plnco of safety. It takes about four months to train tho dogs etllclently. They nro nlso , euargeu wmi mo protection or incir masters when attacked by the desper ate rulllans who sleep under the arches of the bridge In summer. Thus In Paris tho police dogs aro n proved success. 4..,.tt.,.,..n..n..n...H..t......i.,,..,i...,. BUSINESS WAS HIS HABIT. J, S T"t"H"l"H"t"H"l"l"l"H'll"l''Htl Only n single cabbage remained of tho wagon load of produce with which the huckster had started In. It. wns n good head, nnd the keen-witted huck ster wns nllve to tho chance of Helling It, although tlio hour wns Into. As ho glanced from sldo to side of tho Btrcet, seeking n purchaser, nays n writer In tho Now York Hun, ho was hailed from u doorway by a housewife's cry: "What nro you Belling?" "Wiion, II1II l" snid thu vender to his dorso; and to tho prospective customer he cnllcd, "Only ono cabbage left, miss us!" "la It a good one?" sho asked, from tho curb. "Suro; fis good ns nny over came from Jersey." "How much do you wnnt for It?" "U'h worth n dime, Indy, but I wont to sell out, so you can have It for n nickel." After pulling off somo of tho leaves to innko sure tlio head was fresji nnd sound, tho wouinn handed tho huckster n nickel. Tho coin was transferred to his pocket, nl ready well-tilled, and tho cnbhngo was placed In tho woman's nrms. As sho turned to go, another womnn who had como up during the bargain ing said to tho merchant: "(lot any cnblmgt'?" "Yes, ma'am; one head left" "How much Is It?" "Ten centH." "Is It n good head?" "Finest kind of Long Island cab bage." The womnn who had Just Iwught tha last head of cabbage wns astonished by his calm assertion thnt lie had ono left when sho knew tlio Ixittoiu of his cart wns bnre. Sho wnlted to seo how ho would satisfy tho second woman. When tho Inst comer said, "I'll tnko It," tlio huckster turned calmly to tho owner of the cnbbugo. took It from her nrms nnd handed It to tho new custom er. At tho fmuto time ho took her dlmo from her fingers. As tlio first womnn stood with mouth open, too nstonlshed to protest, tho so ond walked nwny. Then tho womnn do prlved of her cabbngo fouud volco to say, Indignantly: That was my cabbage I How " Tho huckster Interrupted her with: "Yes, ma'am, I know It. Hero's tho dlmo I got you for It. You're n nickel in." "nut I didn't want to soil It." "Didn't wnnt to sell It !" ho exclaim ed, In n sorrowful tone. "Sure you did, when you could mnko n proilt like that. Nover miss n clinnco to mnko money, lady. That's tho way to get rich. "Hero's your' dime," nnd ns tho wom an, still dazed, took tho dime, ho said, "Git up. Hill I" Youth's Companion. Modem Tcractncaa, Recently n city editor In Ottumwa, lown, was Informed by phono at a late hour that n prominent citizen had died suddenly. Calling one of tbo renorto- rial stnff, tho city editor Instructed M,n hurriedly, nnd tho young man shot 0ut of tho ofllce on doublo quick. Somo twenty, minutes later ho returned, nnd n8 be hastened to the corner where his typewriter tood, the city editor asked hliin "Well, what about It?" , "Oh, nothing," said tho young man, as no oegan making tno icoya rattle. "only as Mr. Blank was walking along t.e Btrcet, no says, "I'm going to die,' and he leaned up against the fence and made good." Judge. , Contradictory, "That photographer you recommend ed does Indulge In some of the moat nonsensical talk," said Peckham. "How ao?" asked his friend. "Well, when ho was taking my wlfe'a The family tree of the grafter Is ai ga, trft, ST. PAUL MINN: i Alfred J. Krank (Successor to BCHNKLL St KHANK.) DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OP BARBERS' FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES FINE CUTLERY RAZOR WORK A SPECIALTY. 142 0. Sixth St., Opp. Ryan Motel. St. Paul, Minnesota Aguilas and Seal of Minnesota Cigars ' ARE SOLD ON ALL TRAINS Kubles 6, Stock Co. MAKERS ST. PAUL - - MINNESOTA EL FIRMA and DUKEOFPARMA CIGARS You Will Like Them HART & MURPHY, M& ST. PAUL Established 1B83 Incorporated 1900 GRIGGS, COOPER & GO, Manufacturers, Importers and Wholesale Grocero 242-264 East Third Street ST. PAUL MINN. 1 OMAHA NEBRASKA tav If THE ONLY WAY Have your Baggage checked from hotel and Residences over any railroad to any place in United States by Omaha Transfer Co. Office 208 So. 14th St. When Coming into!Omaha give your checks to our uniformed agents on trains or at depot and receive cheapest and best service New cabs to all parts ofceity. ! MINNEAPOLIS MINN. 1 ft NORTH STAR WOOLEN MILL CO. Manufacturers ot Blankets, Flannels and Blanketings Minneapolis, Minn. A, Hacksaw. C, A. Backdahl A. Backdahl &, Co. DRUQQlaTB. Opposite Milwaukee Depot. Prescriptions are fully compounded, lis Washington aye. nue South, Mlnnactpolla, MlnnaaotH Vimar CYGNIS $3.50 SHOE Manufactured by North Star Shoe Co. MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA MINNEAPOLIS OMNIBUS AND CARRIAGE MATT1SON & FOYE, Propri.tort 237 Hennepin Ave. MINNEAPOLIS. J I LIVINGSTON I UNION MEAT MARKET, A. O.HASELER, Prop. CHOICEST FRESH IHD IT MEATS Game and Fish In Season. Livingston, - - - - - Montana. F. B. TOLHURST Taxidermist for the Tourist OPPOSITE DEPOT, Livingston, Montana. GEO.W.HUSTED Prescriptions, Drugs, Patent Medicines, Cl ears, Toilet Articles, Finest Soda Fountain on tho N. P. Railway. Opposite the Depot Thin card entitles you to r trip through the hatlontl l'ark, providing you patronise "THE SOLO" And can mnko Mtlifsctury arrangements with tho transportation companies. The only first-class place of the kind in Livingston. Dottle Goods a specialty FRANK BUSS, Proprietor 117 W. Park-St. LIVINGSTON, Mont. : amaha rVicnnAciA I viTiniii iiLuiinjiVl i m . ii : COUNCIL BLUFFS S. T. McATEE Fancy Groceries, Bakery Goods and Meats m Supplies for Dining and Private Cars Given Special Attention o j 230-32 Main St. 22941 Pearl St. T!phonJ9J Council Bluffs Iowa For Medicinal Purposes Wo rccoruniaud our Black Buffalo Pure Rye Whiskey Unexcelled in Quality and Excellence The Pederson Mercantile Co. Wholesale Liquor Importers and holt-tale Liquor Dealers Moorehcad, Minnesota Northwestern Agents Anheuier-nusch Ilrew. lug Association's Celebrated "liuduelier" llcer SKELLY & LITTLEHALES Dealers In Groceries, Flour, Feed, Hay, Grain, Coal, Wood and Build ing Materials VA-m FeMrteeRth St Nertk Pkm Pacific Ml Corstr Flaidcre PwtUwl, OregM UNE Nicollet House Block MINNESOTA " , "TV ,My&te!&!$. nmisJs.Li tLkthjm,. ... tJ vu, w j&sukia. Jkt. ,rJe nitauritttr MaSHSUtttfe, J ..,- 11.