THE NEW AGE, PORTIiAND, OREGON i; ,K V , $ ortlanh Nt Age Kitabllihed 1190 A. D. Orlffln, Manager :: Office, Room 317, Commonwealth Building To Iniure publlcRtion nil local newa tnuit reach ui not later thau Thursday morning ol each week. Pubicrlptlon price, one year, payable In ad' Yanoe, a.oo. Local News on this Page by C. A. R1TTDR. City Editor Mrs. Llzzlo Frazlor, of 4471 Ever ett street, Is Indisposed. Mrs. Palmer, of Park and Evorott strcctB, Is slowly convalescing. Harry Hooper, ono of tho pioneer railroad men, Is Buffering from an attack of la grippe. When you need groceries go to J. 13. Simmons, 4G3 Gllsan street, who will treat you right. Mr. Wm. Pry, who Is omploycd nt LUt's dressmaking parlors, la suf fering with n sprained ankle. J. It. HlnuHoiiN curries n line, fresh lino of Btnplo groceries. Qlvo him a cnll. 403 Cllsan street. Mr. Wm. Duncan, ono of our popu lar rnllroad omployccB, Is confined to tho hotiBO with n threatened attack of pneumonia. Tin tinf fiitrjif thn vniincr nnnnln'ft meeting t tho a! M. E. Zlon church nnnh s..t..lnv nvmilnir at 7 o'clock, undor tho leadership of Mrs. Lulu Easton. Mr. W. M. Galo, ono of tho pros perotiB nnd Influential citizens of Kalnlor, Oro., Is tho guest of his long time friend, Mr. Davo Thornton, of this city. Mr. W. W. Wheclor, hond wnltcr of tho Ifotol Portland, accompanied by his wlfo, la spending n short vaca tion In vlBltlng various parts of our slBtor Btato. Mr. T. D. Hall hns resigned his position In tho boot polishing parlors of tho Hotel Portland, and hns been succeeded by Mr. Q. N. White, who formerly hold tho wuno. do to J. II. HlnuuoiiN, 40.1 flllwin Afreet, for choice groceries cigars nnd confectioneries. Everybody treated nllko, regardless of tho amount of tho purchase For flrst-claBS meals and old-fnBh-ionod homo cooking call nt Mrs. Smith's, on Ankony strcot, between Third and Fourth streots, whoro you will got tho boBt in tho city for your money. Mrs. Corrino Dnrbor will soon lenvo for Donvor, Col., for tho bono flt of hor health, having bcon ordored by hor physician to llvo In n hlghor altitude on account of pulmonary troubles. An npron social win bo glvon nt tho A. M. E. Zlon church, Thirteenth nnd Mnln street, on Fob. 28 and March 1, undor tho direction of tho following committee. Mesdnmcs IC Gray, L. Easton nnd D. M. Nowinan. Experlonco social at Trndcs Union hall, Tuesday ovenng, Fob. 12, by Household of Huth. Do not fall to attend nnd enjoy tho flow of wit nnd wisdom ns well no heart to heart confessions of "How I Mndo a Dol lar." After nn illness of sevornl weoks Mrs. Bollo Crnlg dlod tho first of this weok. Tho disposition of tho re mains nwnlt advices from hor hus band, who is in Colorndo, ho having boon communicated with by Julius Sovore, who Is her brothor-ln-law. As tho result of trying to protect n couplo of womon of his rnco from insult by a numbor of drunken whlto rowdies, Samuel S. Phillips was shot nnd killed by Wm, Jones In San Francisco, Cal. Mr. Phillips was woll known to our citizens, having resided horo for a numbor of years, Tho management of tho Hill houso, 'ono of tho most exclusive boarding houses of tho Northwest, decided to make a change In tho culinary department nnd hnvo dis charged tho whlto cooks and Installed a colored crow. Mr. Pendloton Smith, for a number of years chief cook on ono of the private cars, Is in command, ably seconded by Heywood Massy. We learn that there aro In tho neighborhood of 30 vacancies in tho police department, with no applicants for the same. If this state of affairs should continue, It might be possible that some one of our Afro-American citizens might bo acceptable to the powers that be, under the present ad mlnlstratloH, as their policy seems to bo that no job shall go to a negro that a whlto man can bo induced to accept. Miss Mamie Leo. the waitress of the Vestibule cafe who was so badly cut about the face and neck, has so, mr recuverea irora ner wounas as to be able to leave the hospital and return to her home. Ab yet the po lice have not been able to positively fix the Identity of her assailant and It bids fair to take its place with the numerous unsolved crimes that have baffled the police and detectives of our city. EAST SIDE BOOMING. Mall & Von norstel, tho rello'olol and progre' ile real pf' to nreuf8. with offices rt 101 Second street and 392 East Burnside street, report busl-l ness very good In their particular, line. They have made a number of Important deals during the past I month and state that there are sev- PORTL .A N HDLi CALS I Mrs. T. D. Hall Is qulto 111. ri Hl,?ileli?"- . "1! of the city, they, however, mnko a specialty of EaBt Sldo nronerty. Their fnlth In this pnrtlcultir section of tho ictty la jtiBtlflcd, ns Bhown by the re- ' mnwUntiln rriffVi r i 1 ilntrnlniimntlt seen on every hand. Tho Enst Side looks good and tho spring will see n grent upward move ment in realty values there. WILL G. BTKKL COMMENDS FOHAKKIt. Portland, Ore., Dec. 28, 1906. Hon. J. 13. Foraker, Washington, D. C. Dear Sir: Your noblo actions In defenso of tho colored soldlerB so outrageously treated by tho Presi dent, aro such as to appeal Btrongly to my BenBo of JiiBtlco, and I cannot forbear expressing to you my deop appreciation. I was born In Monroo county, O.hlo, where, for thirty yenrs preced ing tho Rebellion my father, William Stool, managed tho Underground railroad, and It nlwnys remained with him ns tho most cherished recollection of his llfo, that no slavo over fell Into his hands and was nftorward recaptured. There was born In mo nn untiring hatred of ty ranny and Injustice, whether nt tho I hands of tho President of tho United I Status or of an obscuro citizen. I Formerly 1 was an intenso admirer of Mr. HooBOvelt, but tho old halo hns gradually molted away, leaving on his pedestnl of glory n shrowd politician, who, llko n spoiled child, InslstB on having his own wny, rc gurdleBB of consequences. Ho is n keen Judge of tho public mind, nnd every act is planned to Batlafy It. Thero Is but ono thing on earth he prizes more than tho plaudits of tho I multitude, and that 1b Ills own swoct I will whqn crossed. Under Btich con 'dltlons Ho will defy tho Lord God Al mighty, nnd Bet hiniBeif up as tho only gonulno Supremo Being. Strnngo ns it may seem, tltoro nro thousands of men In this enlightened ago and country, who profor mm to tho orlg Inal, nnd It matters not what ho does, will shout his glory to tho echo. By his heartless appeal to Ignorant hatred, It will soon bo apparent that ho hns fanned Into flnmo a smoulder ing rnco war, that will mean tho sac rifice of many Innocent, lives. Vory slncoroly, WILL Q. STEEL. BUSINESS'LOOALS Our stock Is complete. Give us a trial. Geo. Hockcnyos. Christmas candles to suit tho most fastidious. Geo. Hockcnyos. J. Wallgrcon, dealer In Btnplo and fancy groceries, G34 Thurman Btreot Tolophono Pacific Oil. Jost Bros. Saloon, 340 Williams ave nue, fine wines, liquors and cigars. Family trado a specialty. A good placo to get your soft or stiff hats renovated Is 2496 Alder Btreot, betweou Second and Third. " M. J. GUI Co., wholcsnlo nnd retnll meat dealers, G12 Mississippi avenue, Portland, Oregon. Phono East CCC. Always ask for the famous General Arthur eigar. EBberg-Ounit Cigar ., general agents, Portland, Or. Alblna Club (Gcorgo Ross), cholco wines, liquors nnd cigars, 134 RusbcII otroot, Portland, Oro. Phono East 4380. Ryan & John, dealers In cholco gro ceries, meat, fish and poultry, phone Main 622, 61 North Park street, cor ner Davis. Evorott Market, (E. L. Peck, Prop.), Cholco Meats and Poultry, 413 Evorott Street, corner Tenth, Portland, Oro. Phono Main 1540. C. Andorson, stnplo and fancy gro ceries, Twenty-first and Thurman streets, 'Phono Hood 57. Fresh roasted coffeo a specialty. Try tho Pacific Laundry Co. for good work and prompt service Main ofllco First nnd Arthur streets, Port land, Ore. Telephono C49. John Schnld, dealer In hardware, tin ware, sheet Iron work, guttering, spouting and roofing. General jobbing a specialty. 149 Russoll street. Royal Market, Balr & Werth propri etors, froBh and cured moats, fish, poultry and game. 439 Union avenuo north, corner Tillamook. Phone 'East 167. Tho Oak Cafe. Choicest lino of wines, liquors and cigars. P. W. Pick, proprietor. Oregon Phone Pacific 2118, corner Fourth and Oak streets, Portland, Ore. L. N. Nees, boot and shoemaker. Fine repairing a specialty. Give him a call when you need anything in this line, 322ft Williams av., Portland, Oregon. Mnrttn Mnrka Cntttf Co.. 2152 Third Qtront Tntanhnnn Mnln 1R93. Monte Crlsto Java and Mocha Coffeo always pleases, ir you want a gooa, ncn drinking coffeo, Insist on getting Monte Crlsto Java ana laocna. TJoH Prnnt Hhnn Store. J. F. John son, Proprietor. Fine dress shoes; wfti-uinemnn'fl and loetrers' shoes at 13.00. 13.50, $4.00 and $5.00 per pair. Repairing neatly done. 85 North Sixth street, between Everett and Flanders, nnrr iinnr to tho Union House. Port land, Oregon. Phono Main 4062. NOB HILL MARKET A. 8CIIOLZ, Proprietor, Fresh, Cured and Smoked Meats Sauaago aadiPoultry Tel. Naki Ml Ck. 21st ud IrvlaJ Streets McGUIHE TAYLOR Staple and Fancy Groceries 35 Grand Avenue Phone Ea 2629 PORTLAND, Oft. SANDSTROM BAKERY No. 776 Williams Avenue Fresh Bread and Cakes Daily PIES m CANNED GOODS TEltPHONE EAST 93 T. J. COPER & SONS Grocery &. Meat Market 735 VYIKams Avenue Phone Woodlawn 149 MILLER, BUCK & CO. GROCERS Phono Woodlawn 406 Williams Ave. & Fargo 0. J. Erdncr H. llochull ERDNER & HOCHULI Chicago Market Dealers In Frculi and Cured Meat. All Kinds nf HiuifARcs. l Third Street, near Yamhill. I'lionu Main 4ia. l'ortland, Orvgon. D. C. BURNS THE OROCER TELEPHONE 61G 210 Third St, Portland, Oregon. P. A. TAYLOR Staple and Fancy Groceries Fruit, Confection, Clgara, Tobaccoi and Fan cy Coffees, Teas and Ujilcca at Lowcit l'rlcca 417 Union Ave, KnVs Delivery Phono Kat 440 AUQUST STORZ Dealer In 1 Stnplo and Panay Orooorlua Vi'KUtablvi, Fruits and Dairy Produce I'liouo Kait 6'JS 4C9 Wllllama Ave POltTLAND, OrtKQON C. S. NELSON Dealer In Staple and Fancy Groceries and Provisions 154 N. Fourteenth St, Cor. Irving John's Meat JVluricwt J. D. MKItQKN'S, Prop. rrcsh Meats, Beef, Pork, Mutton, Baceti and Hams Corned Decf and Pickled Tork a Specialty Phone Main WM N. Sixth Street POKTLAND, OnKQON The Union Meat Co. All Dining Can and First Clan Hotels and Restaurants buy the UNION MEAT COMPANY'S rRCSM AND CURED MEATS The Dest In tho Market. Patrontzo Home In jury. PORTLAND, OREGON GEO. HOCKENYOS Dealer In Staple and fancy Groceries Clfirj and Tobaccos, Frnlli and Coofectlontry PROMPT DELIVERY 95 Russell St Phone East 4899 FINK & LEWIS Dealers In Staple and Fancy Groceries DRESSED POULTRY, ETC Phone Cast 382 SI4 Mississippi Avcmra PORTLAND, ORE. GEO. W. H0CHSTEDLER Dealer In Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits, Produce CIGAKS AND TOBACCO Phone East 374 460-462 E. Burnside Si. OLSEN BROTHERS GROCERS Free delivery Phone East 6S3 417 Union Ave. North Portland, Ore R. C. WALWORTH Staple and Fancy Groceries Phon EAST 3407. 136 RusscH St. PORTLAND, OR. JOHN E. MALLEY DKALEK IN Staple & Fancy Groceries Teas and Coffees a Specialty 492 WuWMtei, Near I5ta rbeac Mail 2K7 PHTUNf, HEC9N RAINIER MARKET C. BLUM, Proprietor Dtalir li Frisk. Cirri iii mM lltats. Haas, Imm, Ltri, Saasafts, Etc. Als Flsl ail Clan. FAMILY TRADE A SPECIALTY Cor. BeYenteenth and Barler 8ti. Phone Main 1633 PMttea. Ortn H. R. LYNE8 Dealer In STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Nttlras u4 FrtJt Free Delivery. 1S4 lafttll Street rboneZutMtO NITUlif, NECfN We Cater Specially to the Small Buyer UNIVERSAL SUPPLY HOUSE Delicatessen and Groceries Home Cooking a Specialty. Try Our Home Made Plea Phone East 5921 U9 E. Burnildt St., Km Union Am. WILLIAMS & SWANK STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES Trcsh Trull and Vegetables, Teas and Coffees Telephone Kast lMtt Ol Larnbcc Street POKTi.AND, OltEOON HALL PHARMACY CO. Telephone East 873 Union Avenue and Tillamook Street PORTLAND OREGON SCHWIND & BAUER Shoe Repairing Machine nnil Itnml. Only Goodyear Mnchlno In Our City, Shuea made to Order. Shorn failed for and Delivered. Telephone Pacific 2228. 269 Yamhill Street POItTI.A.ND. OIlKdON M. E. PUGH Fancy & Staple Groceries Phone East 440 "447 Union Avenue, North PORTLAND OREGON O. H. COBB KMlmalcs (liven nn All Clasne of Plumbing and Heating Work rhone KftKt 2.U7 IteMdeneu Kast 2010 247 Holiday Ave. PORTLAND, ORE ARTHUR LAW furnliher and Matter "HI3 MAKI3S 8HIRT8 480 Wellington St., Oppoalto IIcIIIr's Theater PORTLAND, OREGON AMBLER & WAITERS The Real Estate Brokers CorvaJKs, Oregon Fine Farms, Stock Ranches and City Property for Sale or Rent Independent Phone 225. Send for List J. A. EASTES Staple & Fancy Groceries Choice Teas, Coffees & Spices Dry Goods and Notions ALL THE LEADING BRANDS OF FLOUR GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY 432, 434, 436, Union Avenue North Corntr of Tillamook St. Phone East 660 E. B. COLWELL . Wholetalo and retail GROCER PIIONK MAIN 403 281, 283 and 285 Third St. CORNER JCrrtRSON PORTLAND, OREGON PICTURES ITcAHED PHONE EAST 354? nRMTURE REPAIRED RES. PHONE EAST 2112 H. C. SCHR0EDER The Alblna HOUSE FURNISHER HOUSES FURNISHED COMPLETE CASH OR INSTALLMENTS UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING 244, 246, 248 Russell St., PORTLAND THE AVENUE CLUB AND The Avenue Oyster House P. F. HALL, Prop. Krctli Oyitera open dally, Pint, quart!, gal loin. Delivered any place. The Beat of WIms, Liquor and Cigars Tlie beat ol Meati, Finn, Oyitert and Oaine. Often Day and Night U3 Wllllatni Avenue UH Wllllami Avenue Phono Kaat 4619 POltTLAN'D OKKQON E8TABL18HKD 18SS Multnomah Trunk & Bag COMPANY Manufacturer! of SUIT CUES T Q 1 1 y V 4J TELESCOTU Htl Brim PrMailr AH4ed To Telephone Cast 24 121-131 C. Water St. PORTLAND, ORE The Portland Hat Works Manufacturers of FINE SOFT AND STIFF HATS Hats Dyed, Cleaned and Worked. Our ape clalty: Panamas Cleaned and lllcachcd, 2I9K Alder Ht., lct. Becond and Third, liraucli: 422 Washington Ht. Portland, Or. THE HOUSE THAT GIVES YOU A SQUARE DEAL A. II. ZKLLAll K.L.3IUKLLKH Zellar & Mueller FURNITURE A Full Line of Stoves & Ranges SEE US, WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT Phone East 4457 535 Williams Ave, Portland, Ore Centennial Market & Grocery J. J. MLUM Huiulciunrtors for " GOOD THINGS TO EAT " Groceries, Meals, Fish, Poultry ALWAYS THE BEST School Supplies, Shoes, Gloves, Notions Phone Mnln 2TUI 522-524 N. Twenty-Fourth Street ErodorinkA Ifriho 1Vn'"ri" Washington. Idaho & Oregon I I UUUl lull fll 111 IUU Correspondence Solicited 328-330 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PORTLAND FUEL COMPANY Succestor to PIONCtR, C. R. DAVIS and PHOENIX rUEL CO. PHONE EAST 26 287 E. MORRISON ST. COAL Rock Springs, Diamond, Richmond, Roslyn, New Cas tle, New Castle Nut, Franklin, Carbon Hill, Coke. WOOD 4-Foot Fir, 4-Foot Oak, 4-Foot Ash, Sawed Oak, Sawed Fir, Sawed Ask, Sawed Knots. Jumiilne Jack Manliattan MlnlnirCo. Hlrav Doir Mnnhallan Mlnlnir Co. v - -- ----- v- --- -- ---".;.-;-, iniiiau i.anip .Mannaiian .Mininp 10. AiYuU'Llku-lt Manliattan Mlnlnir Pumaco Crvck Houth a A. STOCKTON, Broker Nevada Gold and Copper Mines Phon Main 6144 Weekly Market Letter or Dally Market quotation! Fnrnliheil on Application Free ol Charge v H WlP r;nimi.iM C. 0. PICK TRANSFER & STORAGE COMPANY. Safes, Pianos. Furniture moved, stored or packed for shipping. Com modious brick warehouse, with separate Iron rooms, Front and Clay. Express and Baggage hauled. Office Phone, 596; Stable, Black &VTrvrirvvwTvvvwi LOOK Before investing in Farms, Acreage, or any class of Real Estate, callgand examine our list. WE MAKE LOANS ON Portland Realty and Trust Company 106 Second Street Portland, ROBERT A. PRESTON PRESCRIPTION DRUdaiST Cor. 23d and Thurman Bin. Phone Main 1610 PORTLAND, OHBOON SENN & NITSEHKE PltONK KAST 30T.I SCULPTORS . AND CARVERS In Marble, Stonu, Grnnltu nnd Wood. Architectural. l'lnMur mid StalF Ornu lnents. Motimticiita, StattU'H, Ihuta, Tombstones. 1'oHlal onlerfl promptly nttonduil to. Sculpture. Work n spe clulty, Olllco and Studio. Union Ave, cor. Irving. PORTLAND, OREGON PIIONK MAIN 1RW Martin-Marks Coffee Co. HIGH GRADE COFFEES TEAS, ETC. Tho excellence o' Monte Crinto Java and Mocha Coll'cu Btuiula in high favor. 252 Third Street PORTLAND. OREGON TIMBER & MINERAL LANDS Portland, Oregon Lou Dillon (lolilflcd Mining Co. Kuuli' Nmt Knlrvlnw Mlnlnir Cn. Mini .i . '.-- .....-" " ... "." .. rairvicw iiaimionu Mininu 1.0. Co. Nllvor Pick Kitvnilou JllnlliR Co. Kxtcntlon Copper Co. 228 Lumber Exchange Portland, Oregon 5 M . 4 . " ". . t -i K -V Li-Ml mmm 1972 PORTLAND, OREGON APPROVED SECURITIES Oregon J kAAAAAAAAAAA, i HatiUtABfi5 wrwiTX - -3tfagf aHttq-fcrsc