TnT THE UTEW AGE, PORTLAin), OKEGOR r ' s TOPICS OF THE TIMES TWWWW a4faa't"; Deformed upoHIng, mire enough. King Lronohl'H press agent seems to lmvc 11 harder Job than even Mr. Itoclc cfcller'B. Tho new British atnbusHiidor to this country wan born In Ireland. Tho Irish will not be kept down. "Why," jikUh tho Bultlmoro Sun, "slwuld grafters Keek olllee?" Why should ducks enter tho water? Most of tho RiiHsInn rlotH occur on iwmo annlvcrnary. It mlfjht help Homo If tho wero to abolish anniver saries. "Itusnln would like to help the Unit d HUiteH check Japanese iiKBrcsslons." How much money doeH Russia want to borrow? A London physician says that minis terH lire too Ion-;. TIiIh Is variety. Most fault-finders only Hay tho minis ters preach too long. I'erlmpi that man who stolo two pounds of Llinliurgur ehceso from u Montreal grocer simply found Uio temptation too HtrtJii to resist A Kroiirliiniin has Invented n phono graph that can be heard for a mile. Mothers use It to call for WIlllo to come home and split an armful of kin dllng. It will be several woekH, anyway, before tho United States and Japan go to war oer a question that could easily bo Hottled by a well-organized country debating Hoclely. i Count Iloul iih a Paris newspaper writer, at n Miilnry of $100 per, may not biivo much money, but he will have n glorious chanco to get even with the flippant JotiruallHtH of America. 'I'll" country has grown too fast and too great for Its trniiHMrtutlon facili ties. Boston (I lobe. How can wo ro oncllo this assertion with tho claim that tho rallrouds duvelop tho country? Judging from tho noise ho Imi't milk ing It Is only fair to Infer that Win ston Churchill Ih busy on n new book which may be brought out about tho time another campaign Is b tar ted In New Hampshire. Tho London Times Is endeavoring to establish Itself on a twentieth century ImihIh, but It has not as yet begun to oflVr prlws for the best definition of love- or tho most lucid solution of thu problem of Ann's age, It Is annnumvd that Mr. and Mrs. Itockefeller consider thcincelves too lHor to Imvo oysters hcrml at their table. Ict us not, however, penult ourselves to be distressed at their iov crty. They con probably afford to have u soup biuio at least oucu a day. I.niMror William Is rvMrted to have Imvoiihi an enthusiastic golfer. Now for tho llrst time In his life ho will have a chance to slnw that ho Is really great. If ho can play eighteen holes without losing his temper It will have to be admitted that (Jerumuy bus u wonderful ruler. Some of tin men who nro named as probable successors of King Leopold In tho administration of affairs In thu Congo country may nt bo very well i-uallllcd for tho business of ruling co pie, but any chaugo from tho present condition of tho Inhabitants of tho Congo district would necessarily bo for tho better. Tho establishment of parliamentary government In countries accustomed to autocracy Is not easy, Itussla Is hav ing trouble over tho problem. In Per sia the isvplo nro accusing tho lend ers of tho reform movement of seeking Hellish ends, and they have no confi dence In the proceedings of their houso of representatives. In Montenegro, where thu llrst parliament was recent ly organized, tho legislators voted lack of confidence In tho government tho other day, tho rnbluet resigned, aud parliament adjourned. Tho attempts thus fur mailo to ills regard and nullify tho Immutable laws of nature Imvo been lnughnblo lu tlmlr fantastic failure. Ctvumuulstlc nud -h clnllstlu experiments, whether iiiado by nrtltk'lal soclutles or lmjxHed by great nations uhh a jeople, as was tho enso In Uuunda In "Now France," have go;io down in wreck and disaster. In tho formal attempts to found societies on tho equality plan a curious thing al ways tiupcus lu tho end. It may bo eiiKKcstcd by thoso who have not lopked Into them thnt tho loafers nnd ttu workers do the work, according to their .Unit. Not at all; tho loafers and th. ambitious, wlw under our present crude lestem would bo Uio workers, take tc .loafing too. "My most serious problem Is how I .can glvo my children tho advantage of tho ioor man's." A iopular mngnzlno quotes a rich man as saying this. Most rich men lu th'a country Imvo thorn m'Ivoj Ihhu sous of poor men. Tho old Kuropenn lnws of primogeniture and entail being Inoperative with us, every man Btiuids on his own feet nnd de pends on his own head nud lunula for kit) fortune. Eveu Uio heir to wealth must use his own brains nnd energies to tnko caro of It, or It Boon slips away. And It Is n fact, which tho rich man quoted sccmH to have noticed, thnt not all, nor most, children of tho rich Imvo ability even to hold wealth dumped In their laptt. A few children of rich men have notably made their Inherited wealth a great blessing to themselves and mankind but they arc precious few. Call tho roll of tho men nnd women who Imvo achieved tho highest fortune or fame lu this country, and an overwhelming majority will bo found to Imvo como up from tho "lower wnlks" of life and to owe their devel opment of character to struggle nnd f-olf-denlal. It Is of thoso twin bless ings lu disguise thnt wo gain strength, skill, sympathy, pun tone. Tho child pampered In Idleness and luxury knows little of these vital things, nnd when ho meets In contest tho uncouth but toughened boy from tho farm or tho side street, ho bus poor chnncc of hold ing his own. We nro accustomed to think of tho "ndvnntnges" of the chil dren of the rich. Iiut nil tho history of human life since the world begun proves that tho real "advantages" uro on tho other side. Knrly In October llrltlsh sonp manu facturers formed a combination llko what no know In Amerlcn ns n trust. Six weeks Inter the members of tho combination announced that "tho work ing arrangement entered Into by the leading soap makers of tho United Kingdom has lieen received with sucli disfavor by the trade nnd the public ns to make It unworknble, nnd It has been decided to termlunte the nrrnnge nient." NewHpaiHjrs, tradesmen and consumers had united to defeat tho combination. One need not npjirovo tho methods of boycott resorted to by tho retailors, or tho fnvors shown by newspnperH to "Independent" sonp (link ers lu tho matter of advertising, which contributed to mnke tho allied firms dissolve their ngreeinent. Hut It may lie noted with satisfaction that tho chief (Hiwer against tho tmst was the public, nnd that the combination was undone not by legal or political measures, or by any ethical principle, hut simply by the fact thnt popular opposition mado It "unworkable." Tho people did not llko thu combination, nud they made tho mauufacturcrH feel their strong dis approval of It. Wherever organized and artificial evil shows Itself nnd Is recognized In time. Hiwmtnncous opix sltlou on tlio part of public opinion can often, If not always, break It up, al though politics, law nud mere ethics fall. Even whero tho consumer hns not tho wenpon of coniH'litlon, ns In tho case of railroad companies with unique franchises, tho peoplo enn forco atten tion to their Just demands If they will. Cartoonists nro still representing tho common jieoplo as a sorry, wizened lit tlo man. In this country ns lu Eng laud, his arm nnd voice nro mighty If ho but use them, l'lMileil tho Holdup Men, A west end man had an e.Hrlcnco recently that made his hair stand on end and had It not lccn for his (illicit wit lu devising u means of getting out of the dllllculty It might have cast him denrly. Ho Is the treasurer of n local lodge nud was returning homo from n meeting with a considerable amount of money in his possession, fortunately the greater part of which was lu cur rency. Ho got off n enr quite n distance out In the west cud and turned off u sldo street townrd his home, when ho no ticed that ho was being followed by two suspicious looking men. Quick as n Hash ho pulled an onvclopo out of his pocket, addressed It to himself, stump ed It, put tho currency Inside It nud dropped It lu tho mail box. Then he started on u brisk walk. Suddenly there came a command from behind him. "Hands up I" Up went his hands nnd tho robbers went through his pocket. Ho smiled grimly us tho holdups secured only a few dollars In silver nnd ho thought with pleasure of tho money ho had put In the mall box In Unelo Bain's enre. The rohlK'M went nwny complaining of tlw small amount they secured nud tho treasurer went home. Next day tho letter containing the money was deliv ered sufely to his ofllce. Duluth Nowa Trlbuno. Arrountliiir for tho Pearl. Three principal liypotheses Imvo been offered to account for the origin of pearls. According to ono they nrlso from accretions caused by tho pres ence of some foreign object, such ns n grain of sand, within tlw shell of tho oyster. Hut It has been shown that flue pearls are not thus produced. Another theory la that pearls are tho result of disease In the oyster. Tho third hyiothesls, siutnlued by M. Sou nit of tlw Oecunogniphlc museum of Monaco, U that tho origin of pearls Is to tw ascribed to the presence of a parasite. Tho species of parasite dif fers with tho species of oyster, but this mode of origin, M. Seurat beltoviw, Is general with all tine pearls. To restore tho luster of n "dead" pearl the outer turnlshed envelope may bo removed with acids. Thus the ef fect produced upon a tarnished pearl by causing a fowl to swallow It Is ac counted for by tho dissolvent action of tho gastric Juice, Invented Crenm Xrevaer. Only a short time ngq the woman whoso Inventlvo brain gave the Ice cream freezer to delighted humanity died at an advanced age lu Philadel phia. This was Mrs. Nancy M. John sou, aud her device was pateuted lu 1813. FASTCURIZED DAIRY COMPANY. Inc. rt-teurltcd Milk, Crcsm; flutter, Kega, Cottage Cheese, Cheese, Ilutter Milk. QUALITY ICE CKEAM Milk 4 tier cent nunrantccd I'liuuo Enst V,2 tOO ItUMcll Street 1'OllTLAND, ORE0ON rton PulAc 1U1 Work Don On St oil Notice the Never Regret Cleaning and Pressing Parlor Cleaning, Pre-'lni. Dicing nnil'ltcpalrln-;. Btentii ntnl French l)ry Cleaning a Specialty. Suita 1'reMcil Vthlle You Walt. 132 N. Slslh Street, PORTLAND, OKCGON Michigan rafl Company II, CItAW, Proprietor Phone Eatt 2806 1S4 Grand Avenue Gricson Undertaking Co. Incorporated Funeral Directors and Embalmers LADY ASSISTANT Phono Main C133 409-411 Alder Street I'OUTLAND OIlEdON THE BUREAU SALOON FltANK HOFFMAN, Proprietor Cholccit Imported and Domcitlo Wines, Liquors and Cigars Telephone Main 6800 Bouthcatt Corner Flrtt and Morrlion POItTLANl) OKEQON A. H. Willett & Co. Wholesale and Itetall OROCERS Special Pricea to Restaurants Prompt Delivery Phone East 283 123 Grand Avenue 8. WaihliiKton, Prop, h, YVIlklnion, Manager The Alpha Fine Wines, Liquors & Cigars NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS Headquarters for Railroad and AH Pro fcBHioual People. Phono Pacific 151 101 N. Pork St., PORTLAND, ORKQON A. H. Griswold Bucmior toGltlHWOI.I) A P11KOLKY TAILOR No Bruno It Store 131 Sixth St. PORTLAND, ORKGON OUR BRAND Horse Collars Fanners, Teamsters and Horsemen, look to tour Inltrest. Wbtiu In need ot Horse Collars, buy the best tho SHARKEY COLLAR It has stood the test of wear and tsar and climate for twenty ears. Asl jour dtaWr for them and Insist on harlug the "Shsr- pTsharkey & SON Portland, Oregon M& FfconB A Flour Whose Best Endorsement It the Fact that the Number of People Who Use It Multiplies Every Year lyWdlWuvlmi; For rltic Wlnca and Mquora, call at THE 'WEST O. nuitlUH, Prop. Fine wines. Liquors and Cigars Phono Pacific lwxl 235 N. Fourteenth St. POItTLANl), OttE. NEW ALBINA CAFE PATTERSON Ic McDOUfALL, Props. Fine "Wines & Liquors The Old Corner Cor. Russell Av. St Albino St. Phono East 4388 Portland, Ore. LODELL'S PLACE A. K LODKI.L, Proprietor Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars WCINHARD'S BCER Telephone) Pnclflp insi 411 North Nineteenth 8t. PORTLAND, OR. Pioneer Soda Works OUNIEh 1IKOH. fi CO. Manufacturer of SODA WATER, EXTRACTS, SYRUPS, ETC. Factory, 410 Water Street Telephone, Mnln 23C0 POIITI.ANI) OIlKdON Crane Bottle Co.. Whotenale Dealera In BOTTLES Carry tho largest stock of Rottlca on the Pacific Coast. Mnll Order flhip iiitnH given prompt attention- Office, 14th and Couch Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON STAR BREWERY NORTHERN BREWERY CO. Brewers and Bottlers of HOP GOLD FORTLAND OFFICE: Corner East Third and BurulJe Streets "The Judge Demands the Best" LA TOCO Key West Clear EL PATERNO Ten-Cnt Leader SIGHT DRAFT King of Five-Cent Cie&rt W. S. Conrad .Mlmiuiinollss St. Hnul Distributor $ 'feaxxxsaemmss Ararmstmsir PEERLESS SODA CRACKERS MAZAMA BISCUITS Ask your rocor for tliom anil tako no othor kind if you want tho beat. THETQKE POINTQYSTER CO. 29 Second St., Portland, Or. Tssltsphonu MAIN eoa Soli Growers of thi CilibntitJ Toke PointOysters An KnUrn Oyster Transplant! aud grown on our bed at TOKELAND, WASHINOTON "UNEQUALKI) IN FLAVOR AND rKK8HNK6S" Cannery at South Bend, Wash. Wholeealo Dealers In All Varietiea , of Ntitiva Oyaten. :VH O SPICED o COFFEE.TEA, AK1N6 POWDER, RJiVORIliO EXTRACTS itftitluNfiity. FIiimvor, QrnhMl Strmyh , OhmmUi frionJ CLOSSETftDEYERS POftTLANO, OMtON. c'r SSK .- Ui "Jk -X. -C- -fc . s-"-aa"V ELDERBRAU GROTTO EKICKSON A llEtlO, Plops. Fine Wine. Liquors and Cigars 54 Sixth Street MAIN 4102 PORTLAND, ORE. WESTERN SODA WORKS JUCIIEMfCH A CHAMEIl, Props. Manufacturers of Carbonated Bever ages, Svrup, Kxtrnet-, Mineral Wators and Clininpngno Cider. Sole distrib utors of fc'cdinillo Mineral Water. 1'hono Pacific 1703. Oirice and Factory, 204 Mill Street PORTLAND, OREGON START 1907 RIGHT Begin With Electric Light IT IS CHEAPER Hake 1907 an ELECTRIC year in your HOUSEHOLD as well as in your Stores and enjoy the con veniences, the labor savings the healthfulncss, the safety, the economy and the prosperity that attends the use of ELECTRICITY. FREE LAMP RENEWALS-The Company will henceforth furnish free of charge, to meter custom ers, nr.w Edison base lamps of 4 8, 16, 32 and 50 candle power, in exchange for old lamps, here tofore furnished by the Company. Lamp renewals will be made at Nos. 147-49 Seventh St. ONLY. FREE LAMP RENEWALS mean better light, and is EQUAL TO A SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTION IN THE COST OF LIGHTING. For Information call Main 6688 Portland Railway, Light & Power Company FIRST & ALDER STREETS The SAVINGS BANK of the Title Guarantee & Trust Company PAYS 4 Per Cent Yearly Interest On Savings Accounts Interest Compounded Semi-Annually Wi Also Pay 4 Per Cent Interest qo Certificates of Deposit And 3 Per Cent on Daily Balances of Check Accounts Sara a Dollar Today and II Will Work for YMToiorrow A Pank Account is the drat step to ward happiness, prosperity and comfort Hanking Hours, 0 a. m. to 4 p. m. j Saturdays, 0 a m. to 1 p. m, ; Saturday evening, 6. p. in. to 8 p. m. PIRKCTORS Wm. M. Ladd, J. Thorburn Rom, T. T. lturkhart. Frank M. Warren, George H. Hill. OFFICKRS-J. Thorburn Rosa, Pre ident; George H. Hill, Vice President; T. T. Hurkhan, Treasurer; John E. Aitchieon, fc'tcretary. 240 Washington Street Comer Second PORTLAND OREGON PORTLAND COFFEE &, SPICE CO. Importeri and Manufacturer! Tea, Coffee. Spices, Extracts and Baking Powder 24 ann 26 Front Street PORTLAND, OREGON Lewis & Clark Cigar Co. CIGAR MANUFACTURERS Ask for tho Celebrated Lewis & Clark Cigar I2c Sacajawea 10c UNION MADE Phone Pacific 2263 PORTLAND KING & GILMORE Tclcphono UNION 40C8 Real Estate Dealers Everything in the Best Properties Jersey Street ST. JOHNS. OREGON H. HENDERSON Real Estate I08S' jersey Street, ST. JOHNS, OREGON I linvo cholco RunlneiH nnd Roaidonco Tracts in nil parti of tho city. Corr Hitonrtenco solicited from non resident owiilth of propurty or thoso seokiug investment)) hero. ABBETT All Kinds of Galvanized Iron and Tin Work a Specialty ALL WORK GUARANTEED NOT TO LEAK Agent for Quaker Mfg. Co.'s Steel Furnaces 440 Union Ave. North Shop Phono East 0177 KoHldcuco Phono Kast 1803- .'J JAMESTOWN, N. D. j The Seiler Co. OSCAR J. SEILER. Attorney. t-Uw President Paid Up Capita! and Surplus $35,000' Collections Investments Real Estate Jamestown, North Dakota 1IY HAIL AND VATKIt Columbia River Scenery ?& R x rr?rTTT Airv LINE The excursion steamer "BAILEY" GATZKR I " makes round trips to GAB CADE LOCKH every Sunday, leaving PORTLAND at 0 a. m., returning ar rives G p. m. Dally service between Portland and Tho Dalles, except Sunday, leaving Portland at 7 a. in., arriving about 5 p. m., carrying freight and papsengern. Splendid accommodations for outfits and livestock. Dock foot of Alder street Portland ; foot of Court otreot, The Dalles. Tele phone Main 014. Portland. A STORU & C0LUMB1I A RMOIDCO. in siraii mm Trains iir WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS invnu Portland. Asttria i Seaside Ltsves cmiom Dirov Arrlres. ror MsTgers, lUla- PsJljr ier.UUtikanle Dally. t;0O.m. Weapon, Clifton, U:W . ra. Astortt. W srrD. tun, FUtc), (ier. bsrtl'srksndiie. slJ. . Aslorlk A 8fjhor hx press Dalljr. 7:00 p,m. AMorls, Express 9;0 p. m. Dilr. - Ctimm'l Agt., 'i Alder St O.'v. Ji J'. 'a, Tvlepbons Msia 90S. A.BTFWIRT I n l tvn U