Portland new age. (Portland, Or.) 1905-1907, February 02, 1907, Image 8

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    CJ- .
w wwtiwmw fcu w iwwew,tff3gyfw.ite 4
Says Pc-ru-na Is a Good Med
. icine.
of Bun
lion. u. u. Jirooks, mayor
bury, Ohio, hIho nltornoy for Fn micro'
lunik inn Hunlniry Juilldliig and Jxxin
Co., writes:
"I imallio utmost confluence- I" tho
virtue of l'crutiii. It is n L'reat modi
cino. I havo usimI Hand I havo known
innny of my friends who linvo obtained
bcneflelnl results from Its iipo. I can
not praise Pcrunn too highly."
Thoro nro n host, of petty iiilinoiils
which uto the direct resullof the wjitlli
cr. This Ih inorotriio of tho excessive heat
of summer ami thu intetiHo cold of
w Inter, but. il Ih partly true of all am
sons of I ho ynir.
nciiier it im u coiii or a cough, en
tarrb of tlio liiml or bouol complaint,
whether tho Hut bo affected or tlio
kidneys, tlio caiiHu Ih very linblo to bo
tlio mine.
Tho weather slightly ilenuigei the
inucouH iiieiiibtani'H of thu orgiuiH and
the result Ih hoiiiu functional dlspno.
I'crunn lias become a standby In thoiiv
ondi of homes for minor ailments of this
AMt your Druggist for Tree Pcruna Al
manac for 1907.
A Most Dreadful Caio of KUncy
Trouble nnd How It Was Cured.
TboitmH X. McCullough, .1LM South
Weber St., Colorado Kprlngn, Colo.,
snys: "I-ortwuho
or (lftecn jcurs I
wiih Niifferlug fro-
intent nltiiuks of
puin in thu back
and kidneys thai
lusted for tbreo
weeks at a tliuo. 1
would bo unable to
turn in bed. Tho
urino was In a terrible condition, at
tliiien a complete Htoppago occurring. I
began wlt.li Pouu's Kidney Pills, and
mmiii felt better. Keeping on, 1 found
complete fieedoiu from kidney trouble.
Tho cure lias been permanent j I owe
my good health to Dean's Kidney Pills. "
Sold by till ilealern, r0 cent a box.
Fo-ter-Milhiirn Co., Huffalo, N. Y.
nUWAlin li. 11UIITON -Amnycr ar1 CticmlM.
U'nlvlllc, L'uliirnii.w Hixilnuii prlieil (lulil,
rilUrr, ! ait, II i (lnld, rllvur.7&! UoliI, Wo; Ztiioor
'I'lrMI. 0)nllo tel. lnllliioenvlo.- nnd
Till rlmlll vnl mi KiiiillrMlnii. Conlrnl nd Urn
i.lrt work kullLllvU. lUltirtmwl L'U)Ul ar
lluuil llu.nk.
1 ImBmmMwmm'Wmm
Mr 1
"When the blood it pure, Ircslt ntul healthy, the akin will be soft, smooth
nnd free from blemishes, but when homo acid humor takes root in the circu
lation its presence is manifested by n fikiu eruption or disensc. These
humors pet into the blood, Renemlly because of nn inactive or sluggish
condition of the members of the body whoso duty it is to collect and carry
off tho waste nnd refuse mutter of the system. This unhealthy matter is left
to sour and ferment and soon the circulation becomes charged with the acid
poison. Tho blood begins to throw off the humors and acids through tho
pores and glnuds of the bkin, producing Ewemn, Acne, Tetter, Psoriasis,
Salt Rheum and sUitt eruptions of various kinds, Eczema appenrs, usually
with n blight icdiiess of tho skin followed by pustules from which there
Hows a sticky fluid thnt dries and forms a crust, nnd the itching is intense.
It is gcncnilly on tho back, breast, face, arms and legs, though other parts
of tho body may be affected. In Tetter the skin dries, cracks and bleeds ;
tho acid in the blood dries up the natural oils of the skin, which arc inteuded
to keep it soft and pliant, causing a dry, feverish condition and giving it a
hard, leathery appearance. Acne makes its appearance on the face in the
. . . ,,.. .ml frm of pimples nnd black heads, while
yolMtf twufti mSTothlngMo Psoriasis comes in scaly patches on differ
cure, m until I tried 8. . a. I ent parts of the body One of the worst
rubM form of skin trouble is Salt Rheum;
sucKy muai oruata wouiu como on ,.i... :..,!.. i.i.t
the all la and when aoratohed off sometimes cnusiug naiUtlCSS. l'OISon IMK
cliln aud when aorutchod off iiii vuuamu imiuuias.
tho eklu wan left a rw a piece nnd
i wan
, I !
of beef. I suffered
lonir VAtri T wm
I woe nfhloted, but disease,
inorea atronv in ibo ,,
vr hen 1 used B, 8. 8, 1 found per-
." ." ". :; .-,,
ir vi
feet cum. There lia never been
uy return of the trouble.
Btookman, Jleb.
because they do not reach the blood. S, S, S. goes down into the circulation
and forces out even' particle of foreign matter and restores the blood to its
normal, pure condition, thereby permanently curing every form of skin
affection. Hook on Skin Diseases and any medical advice desired sent free
to all who write. S. S. S. is for 6alo at all first class drug stores.
No Chance for Arjramenf.
"George," said Mrs. MeSntilllop to
her Hckc lord, who was toasting his
shlnq before the Are, "I suppose you
got the credit for sweeping the suow off
- our front walk."
"I reckon 1 do, Cyutuy," responded
"And you know you don't do a lick
of It. You know I do It myself."
"Voti do, Cynthy. There can't be any
douht about that."
"Well, what sort of a man do you
think you are?"
"I'm n blamed nmnll specimen of n
man. Cynthia," said George, still ho-
renely toasting his shins. "I havo no
doubt I am meaner and more contemp
tible than you think. Lord, love you,
Cynthy, you can't get Into any argu
ment with me on that proposition. I'm
the laziest, good for nothlngcit onerlest i
man In tho neighborhood. If It wasn't
mat rvo got sucii a good wire, I'd go
and blow my worthless brains out. Sup
per ready yet, dear?" Philadelphia
PAZO OINTMENT l xuarontcoil to euro any
tmcol Idling, blind, bleeding or protruding
tiili'i In 6 to 14 days or money rcfumled.GOc.
Ilnlf n Million.
"I'm sure I don't know what ho saw
In her. Her faco Is decidedly plain."
"Vci, hut the figure she has makes
up for all that."
"Figure? She's positively scrawny;
she hain't any figure."
"You're wrong there. She has six
flgurei nnd the first ono's a five."
Philadelphia Press.
CITC HI. Vltns' nunc nnd all Nervous rjls'aaea
rllO txTtnnmully cured by Dr. Klln.'a llrrM
KirvS ftemnror. Hand fur HIIKK IStrlal bnltlx nnd
lretlo. l)r.IUJLKIIne,Ixl.,831ArclibU,l,lill.,r.
Boy Aro not nil
bo found In tho
Mttto Boy Are not all the words
used to bo found In tho dictionary,
"No, my child j new words nro coined
every dny."
"And what Is tho last word, papa?"
"I don't know, dear. Ask your
mother, sho always Iiiih tho last word."
Translated for Transatlantic Talcs
from Lo ltlru.
Mother will And Mr. Winnow! toothing
Brrup tho bust remedr to uno for their childroa
aurluK tho teething period.
Sudden Ilcrorm.
usually give your husband n
cigars for Christmas, don't
box of
"Yes. nut I'll havo to think of
something elso this year."
"Mow Is that?"
"Why, I told him I wan going to do
my ClirlHtmiiH shopping tomorrow nnd
he spnko right up mid said ho had con
cluded to glvo up smoking." Cleve
land Plain Dcnlcr.
Throughly Reliable.
If ever hero wai a reliable and pafe reme
dy it Ih that old and funnm pnroui planter
Alio ck'. It Iiiih been In u e for sixty
yi am, and Is at p 'ptilarto-diiy ai ewr. ii'id
wo doubt Ifthcre Ix n clvlllnd coniint nity
on the fiutiol'ilie )lobu wnere IIiIh uouili I
nil pain rillcwrciuin tbefoiinil, lnthee-
lieu u oi iiieingriiiiuiiiN uiiiii ineir man
ufacturu the greatcut aru li tiikin to keep
each planter up to thu highest htiunlu d of
oxo II. nee, ami ho pure ami hlniplo urn ihu
IngreillviitN tliuteeii a child eun uo them
Allnieksiire thuiirlguiiland gemil e po
oiin plimlerh iiml are Mild by IlruggUts In
cery part of tho clvllixcd world.
Germany tins b.iried out American po
tatoes and all kind of American prcucrv
cd meat.
UniKKlol rrdiml money II It (ll to cure. K. W
QltOVK'ri l!iiutiiro It on cacti box. 2c.
HIiIp I.IkIiI on lllatnrr.
Cnpt. Kldil wan burning IiIh trfnnurf.
"It's better than putting It In nuburbnn
lots," ho chuckled. "The money will
alnas be there."
Fully aware, too, that the authorities
couldn't rob him of It by taxes and apo
dal iiNiesNiuontM, he rmtUfled lilmrelf thnt
no medillcMMiio reporter wn nosing
around In tlio neighborhood nnd betook
himself ngnln to the long, low, rakish
craft thnt lay wnltin: for blm two cablea'
longtb from shore.
its lavorue point oi nttneic is tiie scalp,
Ivv are also d snirreeablo tvnes of skin
r n.t.i : , - i. . .. j
i itc iimuor producing tue irouuiei
dormant in tiie uiocni tlirougu the
w -
Winter to break out and torment the
sufferer with tho return of Spring. The best
treatment for nil skin diseases is S. S. S.
It neutralizes the acids and removes the
humors so thnt the skin instead of being
irritated nnd diseased, is nourished by a
supply of fresh, healthy blood. External
applications of salves, washes, lotions, etc.,
while Uicy soothe the itching caused by
skin affections, can never cure the trouble
Warning Note Cnlllnc the Wicked
to llepcntnnce.
tub best way
to pray for tho
poor and needy Is
with both feet.
Tho funeral ser
mon always comet
too late to servo as
a pass through tho
IHMirly gates.
Your purity doci
not depend on tho
vigor with which you nro willing to
scrub your neighbors.'
Tho Joy of sacrifice Is tho secret of
all Joy.
Life's prizes como not by lottery but
by labor.
HnrrcstH wet with tears are gathered
In triumph.
Tho hand of a child may bo as the
fingers of God.
This world Is not Chrlstlnulzed until
commerco Is converted.
Uniformity may bo the greatest of
all hindrances to unity.
He Is master of his spirit who hns
the spirit of tho Master.
lou cannot give to others tho
you do not havo yourself.
Tho mnsters make the roads, but
tho mobs keep them muddy.
You can never mnko facts until
learn to look beyond mere facts.
If your religion does nothing with
out prodding, It produces nothing.
Tho man with n chip on his shoul
der carries no kindling to tho fires of
If a man Is called to minister to the
necdH of men ho Is called to know
natures of men.
Tho only reason some men will not
go to God Is because they cannot get a
round-trip ticket.
Tho only thing thnt Justifies nny
piece of church-machinery is Its effec
tleuess In fully Having houIs.
We usually llud that tho things on
which we Ntuh our toori nro tho trou
bles wo carelessly lnld around yester
It Is easy to plunge tho bend Into
tho mud of miserable doubt and then
complain that God hns mado llfu ho
When n mnn talks of being moved
of thu Lord he needs to have a euro
lest he make n fnlsu accusation against
tho Almighty. I
Thero'H a lot of people who hope to
bo happy In heaven who know better
than to think that religion Is robbing
children of nil Joy. U
If a raw Chlnnmnn ciimo Into aomovl
of our modern ohurchoH he would emi- V
elude that wo were trying to exorcise
demons by tho aid of tho choir. X
Some church folks who would not
think of sitting down with thirteen to
table nro willing to take cIiiiiicch d Ig
noring God In their dally living.
Mitaiiiieruilca for Thirty Vcnrn lie
fore 1 1 or Hvx In DIxoio t-iI.
Tim woman who liml uiiistitrmled
for thirty years ns n iolliiuu'iii In
Si'tllli. nnil whooo wx was only illn
eoveri'il hh the result of un novlilmit
by which bIio fractured licr loc, wuh
seen by our Rorlllo cnrivxponiU'iit
Sim tells mi', our enrreHimiMU'iit toll
graiilis, thnt Him Iiiih iiIwii.xh iiiio by
tlio iinmu of Fornailo Mnckonxlo. her
father bolnc HiikIIhIi anil lior nmtlior
.Spanish. Sho wiih Iniru In rr.mce.
oiuiio to Spain In 187tl nt tho njro of
as nnil contrived to eitor tho .Madrid
police force dlHKUlseil i.h n iniin.
Sho mnrrlod thoro and protoniled
that her wlfo's child was lior own son.
Sho removed to Rovlllo, still sorvlng ns
a itollctiinan, nnd wna enunKod thoro aa
cook nnil orderly it tho governor's
pnlneo nt tho old convent of San I'ahlo,
which was liurucd lost July. Sho n-rved
seven suetvsslvo govornors nnd only
lost her situation through tho tiro, the
governor removing to a hotel.
In cottHoqueniv of tho dlncoery of
her box sho has boon discharged from
tho police without tho pension duo to
her nnd Is now n Iielplem cripple and
In gront distress Our eorrosponilont
found lior In n miserable room, t-lttlng
In a broken chair facing a largo Inmgo
of Christ, tho only tronmire sho has
loft! Sho told him that hor wlfo died
two years ago and n iiolghtHir statetl
that "Fornando" siient all sho 08
bossiHl on tho woman's funeral, lior
nlloged hoii hns never loon koii slnee
tho death of the mother.
MackeiiKlo has a witt voice, n lellned
face and delicate features and was1
neatly dressed In inula attire. Asked i
how sho eseniHMl detection so long, she
replied thnt sho always lived quietly
In her own house with her wlfo and
did her duty by her ouiplojors mi that
no one meddled with her. Sim owes
rent nnd fears eviction, lior Moved
Imago being her last resource.
Sho was speechless with gratitude
for n tnnnll gift of money nnd then'
turned In an ecstasy of thanks to the'
linage, Loudon Mall.
A Contuton Krrur.
"Flrstnlghtly thluks he's n
"What's his Iden of a critic, auy
way?" "Why, n man who condemns
thins" Detroit Fr'o Press.
e ery-
FuunUalluua of a Mrtle,
In a state pccuulury K'lln Is not to be
considered prosperity, but Its prosper
Ity will be found In rlBhteousness.
heads are worse than
Bad Blood
Is tho cause of all humors, eruptions,
boils, pimples, Gcrofulous sores, eczema
or salt rheum, ns well aa of rheuma
tism, catarrh nnd other troubles. Tho
greatest blood remedy for all theso
troubles, proved by its uncquftlcd
record of cures, is
Hood's Sarsaparilla
In usual liquid form or In chocolated
tablets known as Saraatabs. 100 doses $1.
At the crowded downtown comer the
frightened pedestrians wcro ccurrjlng out
of the way of street cars, automobiles, de
livery wagons, and policemen on horse
back. t
"Gosh I" exclaimed tho window washer,
looking down on them from his perch on
the narrow ledge of a fifteenth story win
dow. "I'm glad I ain't in that crowd I"
Chicago Tribune.
Deafness Cannot De Cured
br local applications as they cannot reach tho
diseased portion o( tho ear. 1 note In only ono
way locureitealnos, and that Is by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an 111
llamid condition ot the mucous lining ot tho
Kuatachlan Tube. hen this tuba Is fnllnmcd
you have a rumbling sound or lmporfcct hear
ing, and when It Is entirely closed, Deafness is
tho result, and unlets tho Inllnmmnttnn ran li
talon out and thlstuboio toted to Us normal
condition, hearing will bo dettroyed forotcr;
uniomtniuiui ion aro caused oy uatarrn,
which Is nothing but au lnllamcd condition oi
thu-mucpus surfaces.
Wo will give One Hundred Dollars for any
caso of Deaf nrss (caused by catarrh) that can
not bn cured by lull's Catarrh euro. Bend for
circulars, f roe,
K. J. CHKNKY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Fold by DrugRlita,7Jc.
Hall's Family Tills are tho best.
Got HU DMea Allied.
"What has kept jou out so late?"
sternly asked Mrs. Gayman.
'Ucen ssittlng up with a dying friend,
m dear," nnswercu ner aucciionnte con
sort. "That won't do this time," she rejoin
ed "Tho old year has been dead several
days, to my certain knowledge."
The Proved Remedy
lor Over SO Years.
Price 33e sad Me
pwwwwwj ' UOJ
g The Spencer
Seedless Apple
Is the Greatest Discovery since the Seedless
Being rapidly adopted by all progressive Apple
Plant now and be in on the First Market.
No seeds, no core, no waste; rich red color;
commercial size; good shipper; excellent flavor;
splendid keeper; a market leader; no bloom,
frost proof.
For booklet and particulars. Splendid induce
ments to agents.
The Spencer Seedless Apple Co.
414 American National Bank Bldg ., Evortt, 'Wash.
nino niooded flaUradonlaU. !
Tho Salvation Army bids fair to be
come nn aristocratic body. Major Mnry
Jiurrny, who supervises tho military
nnd nnvnl league of tho Salvationists,
Is a daughter of tho Into Sir John Mur
ray, K. C. It., nnd Lieut. Col. Mlnnlo
Itold, who recently married Commis
sioner Booth-Tucker, Is a daughter of
a former acting governor of Bombay.
Tho commissioner himself resigned n
Judgeship In Indln, with nil the wealth
and special position attached to It, to
devoto himself to Salvntlon Army
Lady Sarah Slndon Is a Salvationist,
nnd tlio countess downgcr of Tcnfleld
Is n member of tho nuxlllnry of tho
nrmy. Two daughters of Mr. Onslow,
late member of parliament for Guild
ford? havo togctlier stondlly risen In
tho ranks. Intimately connected with
tho work In Austrnlasln Is tho Hon.
Mrs. Bird, wife of the former prlmo
minister of Tasmania. Sho is said to
bo as nrdent ns nny Salvation Army
lass In disposing of tho "War Cry."
Tho daughter of tho late Lady Gait,
wlfo of the lieutenant governor of
Ontario, Is working In Cnuada. Ans
Italy has more extended house Indus
tries than any other country.
will give you com-
yieiu pruiecuun
and long service
bu cant afford
to buy any other
Every garment
The best dealers sell H
Kindly rcmeinlKir that no buy and tell all
kliuU of Minlim Htnekt and llouils that aro on
tlio market, bliould you want to buy or soil
write or wtro
123 Ablngton Building Portland, Oregon
Member of Portland Bloek Kxctiango
In the UpitKr Hiinlte Vallrr. Iilnlui, where
,0oo MUalMtppI V'tdlry linmrarakcri are alrraffjr
iotatnl. UO.00uacrrs unleolOii(l, Irrlitalie land
till await Him sfittlrr. lllcli-nt anil lirnt ua'rrrd
valler In the world. Plnrm ellmatoi clio cm frulli
lmmni crops of itruln, alfalfa sunar ul. t.lW,.
Ou) InvMlil In siigir faeinrlrt. Mew 11. 11. rmen
slon to Yeilowstoim park oiims country of vast re
ourcot. Aaliton itartrtl Jan. I, IW, a record
tirvaktr. Wrltn fur rartlrulam.
St. Antliunr nnd Aahtuii, IiIhIio.
Best In America
We make them
Wo do not take orders and peMIeonr Rubber
btamps. Seals, liic. We msnufsctuxe our
own arooaa. uur cnuinmoni is mo novut
Our ciuTpmont Is the newvtt
and hcit moner on bur. Write today for our
"Jtubbor btainp CataloKiio."
Portland. Oregon
No. 5-07
WHEN writing to advertisers please
mention this paper.
ff( -4(,X
i if
by Leading Horticulturists
For Lung
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cer
tainly cures coughs, colds,
bronchitis,consumptlon. And
it certainly strengthens weak
throats and weak lungs.
There con be no mistake about
this. You know it is true. And
your owndoctor will say so.
" My llttl boy had a terrible cough. I tried
ererythlng I could hear ot but In vain unUI
I tried Arer'i Cherry 1'ectnral.
tried Ayeri unerry Federal, The Ont
night he wt betttr, and he tteadlly Improred
nignt ne wt Deiipr, ami ne ttei
until he was perfectly well.'
H. J.
D1BII.I, Aiwa, 111.
Made by J. O.Ajtr Co., Lowell,
dtiaw Baui.gtumi vr
f ClDtUPlBlM.
1i01Q PILLS.
Koop the bowels regular with Ayer's
Pills and thus hasten recovery.
Catalogue Tree. Tangent, Orege
prove their worth nt harvest
time. After over fifty yean of
success, they arc pronounced
the best and surest by careful
Slantcrs everywhere. Your
eoler sells them. 1967 Set
Asflsel free on request.
D. M. rCRKY CO., Detrell, Mlek.
fRCC DOOK-lt gives 1000 uses of 20-MUIC- ,
(TEAM BORAX In the Home, rami and Dairy.
Tree on request.
SOMiilo-Tcam Ilorax for sale at all ilealor.
Paniio ami Houvotilr I'lcturu In colors, 6 cent
anil ilcalor's name. Pacific Coaat Boras Co.",
Oakland, Cat.
Two swelled
li .im tWIHI,