(1 "Jill THE NEW AGE, POBTIiAOT), OBEQON 1 J CAFE Phone Main 2318 T CON HILCERS 381 N. 17th St Portland, Oregon LEADING HOTELS LEADING HOTELS LEADING HOTELS ! I'hnnc Itnod 577 THE OLD HOME V. 1'. MEEIIAN, l'rop. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars Cor. t'cutitiditli nml Nortlmip Sin. Portland, Oregon tME ESMOND HOTEL, OSCAU ANDKHSON Manager Itatca: Kuroiean Man 60c, 76c, 11.00, 11.60, $..00 per Any Free Ilui to and from all Trains : Front and Mortlton Streets rOUTLANI) OUEOON aaw IBISM It T ...hsXiLr i . - rwi & HOTEL r COMT $1, 000,000. The Portland H. O. BOWERS, Mmnmgmf. Ammrloan Plan, $3 Par Day and Up war A HEADQUARTERS rok TOURISTS AMD COMMEROtAL TRAVELERS. Portland, Oregon Ttlejibouo 06-11 " r. 0. Box Ml The Grand Pacific Hotel C1IAB. A. BCllilAOK, 1'roprUtor. Handsomely Appointed and First Class In Every Particular. . Corner Railroad St. and tllgglns Ave. MISSOULA, MONT. The Kenyon Don Porter Salt Lake City's NEW HOTEL Salt Lake City Utah The Grandon The only Rrst-Class American Plan Ho tel in Helena. Rates from $3 to $5 BOLLINGER HOTEL European Plan Lewiston Idaho Best Hotel in Northern Idaho The Northwest EDW. O. I'ATTEUSON, Prop. OIIA8. II. UATTINQEIt, Msr. Steam Heat in Every Room Private and Public Baths Electric Light RATES $2 PER DAY AND UP Bismarck, N. D. HOTEL PEDICORD T. J. PEPICORD, Proprietor 50c, 75c, $1, $1.50 tlm with Private Bathe Both American and turopeaa Private Teleahoaca U ftaoaaa Fifst-Class GriH in Connection 209-219 Riverside Ave.,'' SPOKANr, WASH. PORTLAND. RICHARDS HOTEL AND RESTAURANT I'hone Exchange 25 360.362 Alder St. Cor. Park PORTLAND, ORE. Ik-nt furnished Iioubo in Southorn Oregon New Depot Hotel ' A. H.PKACHT, Proprietor. All Trains stop 30 Minutes For Meals. ASHLAND, OREQON The New Bannock Hotel NOIIMAN it AUMSTUONO, 1'ropi. Headquarters for Commercial Men American Plan. Rooms with Bath, Hot and Cold Running Water and 4 Telephone in Each Room. ' RATES $2.00 to $4.00 PER DAY Pocatsllo Idaho The Spalding Leading 'Hotel of the LAKE SUPERIOR REGION Enlarged and Improved American Plan, 12.50 and Up Kuroponn Pliui f 1,00 and Up Finest Cafe In Northwest DULUTH, MINN HOTEL WHITMAN UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT A Home for the Traveling Men Strictly first Class. American Plan Electric lighted. Steam heated. Good Sample Rooms in Connection. J. O BROWN, Manager. COLPAX. WASHINGTON ":lMWaM: o'LammSfitliTiammmmm- itamWtmmmmmmmX "mKJSwtBfnifSiamwwwwu m&mWffl&PaWammmmi mSmiXmyamfftawWaammm Hfiaalaa)Bl Bfi h CsB JCaaaar y - WBMmmmmmwmSr:W--'HA ywr3 mmamTLWBBam'ZlF$iJ- V &sMK mmWBammmmmmmm'iWSr.S'1' I 3tf WFzmanwwwwwwwwIi "r ::'X- 'Ki The nrtlsnn with tho beard frowmil ns he struck his flfth match cn tho leg of his overalls. "If I had lilm around I'd break his neck," ho snld. "I get mad every tlino I go by the house." "I don't bco how they live, m'self," remarked tho lean toller with tho tobacco-stained shirt, elevating hla mud dy feet to tho scat opposite. 'Thoy wouldn't live, they'd dlo or they'd bo In tho poorho.uso If tho old woman didn't get out an' hustle. She'd a worker, nil right. Takes wnshln' In tho bouse an' goes out wnshln' or scrub bin. She's on tho go tho whole time, the old woman Is. She'd flro him If sho had a lick o' sense." "Didn't ho never work?" "Not since I've kno,wn him. Never done nothln' 's fnr'g I can sco except loaf around and mnoko his pipe, but tho old woman says he inter bo n hot worker aforo ho hurt his back. Ills back I I bet you hi back's ns good us inlno Is. I've hurt my back afort now, but I think Wee my woman hustlln' nituiud while I was scttln In n rockln' chair. I'd find myself outshlo on tho back o my neck, that's whero I'd bo," "Snmo hero. I couldn't work my woman that way. Sho wouldn't stand for It Back or no bnck, I'd have to get out an' dig." "They ought to tar an feather him, that's what they ought to do. He Is to) worthless to live. If somebody'd get out an' inako up a party to do It, I'd make one of 'em. I'd rldo him on u rati until his bnck got limbered up. Give him n llttlo cxcrclso like tlint nn' I'll bet you wouldn't hear nothln' mcu-o about his back." "That's what I Why don't you do It some time? Tho old woman wouldn't make any "holler, would she?" "Would she? Well, I guess I" "She would V" "I'd hnto to bo tho Unit man to try It If sho wns nnywhero around. She's n pretty husky woman, she Is. She needs to be, nil right Say, tlint feller's got n snap. If I had his Job I wouldn't want no better." VSAAAAAiVAA Seventeen distinct languages, besides English, are spoken In India. It Is claimed that -15 per cent of lithographers dlo of tuberculosis. Tho jwtnto crop of the United King dom la worth annually over $1,000,000, 000. Itlshop Horry of tho Mothodlst Church has charge of seventeen cou ferenccH. A hundred years ago two "oaterprls Ing" inerchiintH were ducked oiico for every missing ounce. A Young Men'n Christian Associa tion building costing $300,000 Is booh to bo erected In Detroit, Mich. Itefrlgerators aro for tho first tlino coming Into general use lu France. Tho patterns being sold nro of tho stylo used In tho United States fifty years ago. Tho Iloston Y. M. C. A. Is to glvo n winter course of talks to shoe work- ore. Tho nlm Is to glvo tho workmen a wider and mora thorough kuowledgo of tho Industry. A pageant will bo held nt Itomsey, England, on Juno 18, 10 and 20 next In honor of tho oue-thousaudth annivers ary of tho founding of Itpmsey Abbey by King Edward tho Elder. Tho contention tlint Iowa soil could bo mado to produce, with good seed und proper cultivation, 100 bushels of corn to tho aero Is being proved correct at tho county farm near Des Moines. Tho Amnlgamnted Copper Company alono employs about 10,000 persous at Iiutte, Mont, In addition to about 1,500 at Great Falls, 2,000 at Anaconda, and 2,000 more at Its coal mines and lum ber camps. Billiard balls, boxes for handkor chiefs, Ink wells, combs, etc., nro now mado from skimmed milk. Milk stone or "galullth," aa It Is called, la a com bination of skimmed milk and forma line, and la made by a alniplo pro ocas, The parson's wife had sent an order for a leg of mutton and received In re ply the following note: "Dear Madam I have not killed myself this week, but con get you a leg off my brother If that will do. Your affectlonato butcher, John Smith." " Suuuy Slope, Cal., enjoys tho distinc tion of being the largest vineyard in the world. It Is situated amidst the most beautiful scenery of that favored land, two miles from San Gabriel. Of a total of 1,000 acres, 735 are devoted to grapevines, the remainder being dis tributed among orange, lemon and olive tree. Tho biggest high-pressure pump In tho world Is Installed In the Dry Dig gings placer flelds of southern Oregon, on Itogue Hlver, and Is used to onernte a battery of hydraulic monitors in the mined. This pump is tested To with stand a maximum pressure of 250 f0S "It certainly Is n pufldln'." "Pudtlln's no name for It Why, Just think 1 Threo good, square meals a duy, all the terlmcker you can smoke nn' n rockln' chnlr out on the jwrch In summer nn' up'alongslde Y the stove In winter an' not a hand's turn o' work to do. Why, If I had that I'd think I was fixed for suro. On'y thing ho ever does Is to whittle out some trinkets for tho kids with his knife. Sho buys tho papers for him, too." "Say, she's all right. If I had that kind of n woman I'd bo in luck, eh?" "Well, t,u ain't." "That's no lie." "It makes mo mad to see him. I get up nn' go to my work nn' I seo n light In tho kitchen nn' I know she's up an' got tho lire built nn' glttln' him lite breakfast. I'll bet It's a good one, too. If ho don't feel llko it ho don't git up all moriiln' nt all. Say, I feel llko plckln' up n rock an' sonktng It thrcmgli tho bedroom winder. Mnny's the tjtmo I've thought I'd llko to glvo him n llt tlo surprise llko that. In tho summer I'd watch 'em evenln's sotting out in front ; her knltttn' stockln's an' shawls to sell an' hliu rcndlu' out loud In tho paper to her. Or else she'd bo nt her tub an' lilm lenuln' bnck In his chnlr smokln' his nine as linniiy an' contented as you please, wntchln' her. When I seo that I want to tnko hojd o' the bnck rockors o' that chair an' shoot him out down tho stop nn' tell him to get to work." "Maybo ho has got somothlng tho mnttcr with him." "Him! If ho Is he don't look It. He's rollln' hog fat Ho doji't look no moro sick thnn I do nn' I'll bet you he nln't Sho told my wlfo onco ho wns Jest about tho lest man breath In'. Always kind an' cheerful an' never complain In'. Say, I'd llko to know what he's got to complain of. She's afraid she won't hnvo lilm to work fox much long er. I'd bo scared to death If I wus her." "Some men Is mighty queer, that's a fact," snld tho toller with tho tobacco Btalncd slilrt Chicago Dally Nowb, pounds to tho squnro Inch. Its capac ity Is 13,000.000 gallons a day of twenty-four hours, or 0,000 gallons n min ute. Technical World Magazine for January. There Is n "hlnck list" of hnhltual drunkards In Germany and ono Henry Schlverdtferger had tho misfortune to bo plnced on It Ho Is now off as tho following otllclnl notice, Issued by tho chief constable of Hlldeslieim, Indi cates: "Henry Schlverdtferger, master furrier, hnvlng died May 22, 1000, tho wnrnlng ngnlnst serving lilm with alco holic liquors Is now superlluous. For tho present his uiimo Is removed from the black list" Tho vlllago Inn nt Addlngton, Eng land, has been tenanted by tho mom hers of ono family slnco tho reign of Henry VII. On tho death of tho moth er of tho present hostess sho left no son, but only three daughters survive her. Tho threo sisters In turn took K)HscBslon,' nntl tho present hostess Is the Inst of them. Tho Jolly Milh.rs' Inn, nt Newnhnm, Cambridgeshire, tins been kept by a family of tho namo of Musk for tho last -100 years. It Is recorded In Cambridge annuls that Queen Elizabeth onco stopped here. A land Improvement company em ployed a novel moans to reduce tho height of a hill near Ilnltlmoro re cently. The summit of tho hill wns to 1h lowered nlno feet. Tho opera tions covered nn area 1.500 feet lone and .100 feet wldo. From n stream near by wnter was forced at SO-imuud pres sure through 8-Inch pljies to n 0-Inch reducing nowlo, and thon against tho wall of earth. This fell In cartloads every few minutes, and so thin was It, with tho wuter added, ns to bo easily conveyed through pipes to an aban doned pond which tho company wish ed to All as a part of the Improve ment plans. The old astronomical clock In tho llrst and second quadrangles at Hamp ton Court palace, London, which has gono continuously for many yenrs with out stopping, has suddenly ceased to. keep time. It stopped at 10:55 a few tveeks ago through tho sllnnlmr of a pin In the mechanism and Is now be ing thoroughly overhauled. Tho cir cumstance Is of Interest, us there is a tradition at the palace that the clock had not stopped from nuy accidental cause for over a century. Tho pres ent clock Is a restoration of the original clock, erected about 1540, when Henry VIII and Queen Catherine Howard lived at Hampton Court DoalBsr la Church. "I)ts of people," remarked the tlre somo talker, "are said to hnvo 'fallen asleep In the Lord,' who merely died and went to the other place." "Yes," said Wiseman, "tho nearest they ever got to It was to fall asleep In tho house of tho Lord." Philadel phia Press. Nnturo unadorned Is said to be adorned the most, but the bnro truth Isn't always a thing of beauty. Slany a man becomes weary from irju's i uuuju yvuio who iuukm mm r DULUTH MINN. ; :: HENRY FOLZ Lending grocery and mnr kct. Wo servo tho traveling public at reasouablo prices. 114 and 110 West Superior street. DULUTH, MINN. I GREAT FALLS : Cloths Man, Woman, Hoy in Modern Up-to-Pnto Fnshionublo Clothing ut Popular Prices. Visit Often the Popular Priced Store for Men and Women. Great Palls, - - - Montana. K. A.UEIOHK!.. I'rcuMont. W. K. HKNOIIUHCII. Vlco I'reildcnt. ' 11. W. ailUNVALl)T, boo. ATrcu THE AMERICAN BREWING & MALTING COMPANY Drawers nud Hottlcrs of extra quality lager beer. "American Family" bottled beer a specialty. Oflko: 100 Central Avenue. P. 0. llox 80. Qrcat Falls, Montana. IDAHO ADVERTISING ! Thoi. Illy tli, l'ro Lyman Kargo, Vice l'ra The Blyth & Fargo Co. T'ooattllo, Idaho Clcucni I Merchandise HTOKKB AT Cvanston, Wyo. I'ocatollo, Idaho BANKOFNAMPA,Ltd. CAPITAL STOCK $50,000.00 Katabllihed lkW. Dewey 1'alaoe llotol Did'. KIIKI) O. MOCK, 1're.l.tent P. J. CON 110 V, Vlce-l-rclilent C. H. HICKKV, Caihlar PUANK JK.NKINSON, Au'lCwblar NAMPA, IDAHO J, A. Murray, IVetUcnt, D. W. SltnJroJ. Vice I'rctlJant Wm, A. Anlhei, Caihlcr I.N. Anthca, At. Caihlcr THB FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Pocutello, lUaho. POCATELLO, IDAHO TUTTLE MERCANTILE CO., LTD. WhoUsal Grocers GOODWIN MINING CANDLES Judson Powder, Fuse and Cups AOK.NT8 KOH THK CELEBRATED OLYMP1A BEER Numpa, Idaho V. W. Church Karle 0. White C. C. Chllioa CHURCH & WHITE CO. Real Estate And Insurance poctHo Idaho A. CORRIGAN Barton, Or., Clackamas River Best Fishing and Hunting Grounds In the Northwest LOUIS SCHUMACHERS FURRIER Purs HemmlcUd Into J.ntfBt Flylc. l!oi s, iS ( CH, 'lies, f( r lets (linn nt any oilier pleco. ICG Madison Strcot W. It. Wllllnirm At Cleveland FASHION STABLES Hacks, Livery, Boarding Twentieth and Wcnhlngton sts. West End Exposition Bid. I'Iioiiu Mnln 15 PORTLAND, OREGON OUR WORK IS PUT ONE GRADE -THE BEST W nuke tfclilir cl huntalnc Uc CurUlai CRESCENT LAUNDRY CO. 5'1U MotIioh Strcrt. Wr mipiilv II it IhiicliiT itndo wllli nlrp, clean Aprotin. ny uny your nprona mm in en iny 10 'in liiiimtorctt when wo will mninly tlieiii for JiikI what ll ,( you now to uavo lliviu inuiiilvivil. Our wnuim will call, It, J. (Innliivr, l'hono Main 1900 M. (lordlier GARDNER BROS. MnmifncliirerMif tho Silk Tie Cigars UNION MADE 20 MArflson Street PORTLAND, OREGON WEEKS GRANITE CO. For First Class Work and LOWEST PRICES i in Portland Cor. Fourth und Columbia Streets One Clock South of Cky Mai DRUGS, STATIONERY IMPORTED & DOMESTIC PERFUMES Prcst-rlptiniiH, Family HcclreH. Pliona your ordeis lCnut Met). ' W. C. CHURCH, Pharmacist 677 Williams Ave., Cor. forgo NATIONAL WINE CO. Pure Wine & Liquors WE SELL DIRECT TO THE FAMILIES rifth and Stark Streets Phone Main 6499 PORTLAND, ORE. Rupert's Pharmacy I'llONC MAIN C421 Kvorytlilnit New, 1'renli and Uj)-' ToI)iito. Wo Bol.ct your tratlo. Purity pre-eminent. Pure DrupH nn iinportiint matter. Piefrrintiouii jiretiouly iirepared, 'v mvor Biij) Btiiutu. l'criimeH of tho litli't'Ht cluiriutor. Wo wuut yoiircontldoncu ' 4C0 Jcirrrton St. Oirncr Thlrltcn'h SI. Pnrllnnrl fr Opu. Uu:llui.fa Grocery rorilUlllI, Ur. Portland Fluff Rug Go. Transforming of Worn Brussels and Ingrain Carpets Into Rugs Prompt Attention and Good Service Guaranteed Phone 3052 700 Waahlngtcn St., Portland, Ore( oa Furniture (Quality We sell Quality good Fur niture that made from Natural Wood, that will give satisfaction under hard wear. The same will hold good of our carpets and stoves. That's the kind we COVELL FURNITURE CO. 114-188 Fits! All the Credit You Want Hi if, '. p