THE ISTEW AGE, PORTTiASrD, OREGON THE W. G. M'PHERSON COMPANY r Heating, Ventilating and Drying Engineers WARM AIR FURNACES '"NOTHING BUT THE BEST" 47 Eirst Street PORTLAND, OREGON DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR "The Purest of Pure Foods" Tacoma Warehouse TACOMA, U. S. A. THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT BEST BY EVERY TEST For Streets, Driveways and Crosswalks. WARREN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 716 Oregonian Building, Portland, Oregon HENRY WEINHARD'S BREWERY Manufacturers and Bottlers of the Well Known Brands of -Lager Beer " EXPORT " " KAISERBLUME " "COLUMBIA" IN KEGS AND BOTJLES Trade and Families Supplied Breweryland Office BURNSIDE & 1 3th STS. DAVID II., HIDNKY CLAKK, I'mlilout. LMhlor. Union National Bank Incorporated 1890 CAPITAL $100,000 Pays Interest on Time Deposits THE OLD BANK CORNER Grand Fork. NORTH DAKOTA O. C. MCINTZ, Mmidgcr. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. STRUCTURAL STEEL AIND IROIN Steel Bridges, Upset Rods and Bolts, Cast Iron Colums and all Architectural Iron. Sidewalk Doors and Lights. All Kinds of Castings. EAST END BURNSIDE STREET BRIDGE, PORTLAND, OR r SPOKANE First National Bank of Rock Springs HOOK hl'KINUH, WYOMIXU CAPITAL and SURPLUS, $100,000 I1VUUY ATTIINTION CIIVHN TO HUSINHSS 1!NTRHSII!I fO US zTS TTIHHB 5P0KAN6 tapirS? The Model Dry Goods Store of the Model Western City VISIT SPOKANE. WKmi you do. THE CRESCENT. it i .1 lit moaei store, ana one or ine moil interesting snow placet in what Elbert Hubbard has called, the model city of America. Visitor will find hara Bureau of Information wkr rcliabU information of nil kinds regarding tk city may ba obUiaad. Also fraa Parcel Chock Rmsttu, Public Talapkonas and comfortable waiting rooms witk lava, tons for woman. Spokane Agents for North Star Blankets; the kind used on mil Pullman coaches. and Sperry Mi . v JssVsRBsKinslH Phone Cast 57 I.Watson Drug Co. Wholesale and Retail The moat complete stock of Drups and Patent Medicine to be found In the Inland Empire. Prices guaranteed a low as the lowett. Our Prescription Department merits your confidence. 421 Riverside Ave. Marlso Block i i I I .isass aalSBMMi I AwWrftffrutttr AHA- Annnnl Ijoaaea Dae to Inflect. If tlio power of tho mosquito hnil not been proved to us beyond n doubt, we would bi Inclined to regard the cs tlumte of 7700,000,000 nununl loss to our fnrin'iif,' lutereHta cniiBcd by In pecta, which lias been mndo by tho De partment of Agriculture as too Btnrt llnjj to bo true. Tho following table shows tho basis of tho calculation : Annual Product-). Value. Cereal ...12,000.000.000 Amount p. c. or t-os. 10 1200.000.000 Hay 630,000,000 10 08,000.000 ft... .. i.ui.UII .... Tobncco . . Truck crops Hujjnrs ... Fruits .... Farm forests Mlscellnn'us crop ... Animal prod- 000,000,000 63,000,000 206,000,000 60,000,000 136,000,000 110,000,000 10 10 20 10 20 10 00,000,000 6,300,000 63,000,000 6,000,000 87.000,000 11,000,000 68,000,000 10 ' 6,800,000 10 176,000,000 ucis . ... J , I .)U,UW,U vu Total ..$6,831,000,000 1605,100,000 Natural forests and forest prod uct 100,000,000 Product In storage 100,000,000 (Iran J total $705,100,000 Huch nn Immense sum being well worth tho saving, tho department has In Its employ a largo staff of men who aro studying tho llfo history of the pernicious Insects to find out where they a ro vulnerable. Tho work has been going on for sotno years and much progress has already been made. Tho cotton worm which formerly levied nn annual tnx of ?30, 000,000 on tho cotton crop, Is now con trolled by Nprnys; It has been proven that tho ravages of tho Russian lly which sometimes have reduced the wheat acreage In Ohio 40 cr cent and In Indiana 00 per cent besides greatly Impairing tho yield of tho remaining acreage, can bo considerably checked by planting wheat at seasons when tho lly Is not so rapacious; tho coddling 'moth Is controlled by arsenical sprays nniN .'0,000,000 worth of apples saved as a result. The orange and lemon orchards of California have been relloved of tho whlto scn!o which threatened to de stroy them," by tho Importation from Australia of tho ladybird, a natural enemy of tho scale. Many other In stances could bo given of the wisdom of watching tho Insects. Cli!rr-MUltiK. l'ho Apple Specialist, In nrmvor to nn Inquiry, gives tho following Instruc tions how to make elder and keep It sweet : "In order to mako elder tho Julco must bo extracted from the npplon. This Is dono by grinding tlio apples Into n pumleo nnd thus pressing the Julco out. Tho pumice is laid up In hoops and held In place by old sacking made by ripping gunny sacks. It Is laid up In chcexo form, one abovo tho other, and pressure applied at tho top. Tho elder works out through tho snek Ing liud Is caught In n tub. Hand el der mills aro made that are excellent for tho work, and sweet cider mny bo had at any time. Ther Is no way to keep cider sweet without nicking It off, drawing It from ono barrel to another Bevornl times, letting It run through several thicknesses of flannel to take out tho sediment. It Titust !x allowed to run very slowly so as to keep nil sedi ment In tho bottom of the barrel. When thoroughly purltled tho barrel must bo plugged tight and kept In a cool place, lly boiling and skimming the elder It will keep sweet, but has a slight cook ed taste. Wo have made thousands of barrels of elder and have tried all kinds of schemes to keep It sweet nnd luivo found nothing equal to racking off. It Is n slow process, however, and unless well done will not prove effect ual." . Four-How Corn Marker. Thu following suggestion, which seems a good one, comes from n farmer who has built and used one. Ho says: "This will make four marks at a tlmo ou ridges or In furrows. To turn at tho end of rows, pull gang polo out of bole, lay It back, fold up outside runners, and you bare Just two runners to turn, tho same aa an ordinary sled. Tut sketch will clearly Bhow the construc tion of the marker. On stumpy (round, raise the outside runners as wbaa turn ing, aud so right along. Farm Notaa. One-fourth of the dairy cows of the country do not pay for their fedt and more than half of them do not return any profit. In nlno months 4,1S4,181 doaea effs, valued at lSti5,t37, were exported from the Uulted States, double the number sent out durlug the sanio period last year. iv rTCnrnuw."..7i-'i-'i"jfiM!T.- V iKs3Z V7'BTl'ZK5TTtjtyf QD V&X3i'J s" o' CaLrtLfc-"" IIS 'fbo.fV vWfcly;S!CJirs''a-3T?""'- roua-aow siabkcb. I" '. I. 1AMAI --.. .. M m '.nn.. "M ff w Alfalfa na n Weed Kilter. Probably no other crop, without a sluglo exception, presents so many characteristics o,f value. As It Is stud ied moro nnd more, nnd as new experi ments are made with It In different capacities, Its wonderful capacities be come moro nnd moro manifest. A very eminent authority tins discovered that It Is n weed eradlcator of unfailing power. This will seem llko contradic tion to renders who hnvo been cau tioned about weeds, and which will provo more destructive to alfalfa than any combatnblo Influence. Neverthe less It Is strictly true that the plant Is tho greatest destroyer of weeds known. This comes not so much from any qual ity contained In the alfalfa plant, but from the Inability of tho weeds to en duro having their heads cut off so many times In summer close to their feet. Tho moot strenuous weed soon will succumb to this harsh treatment, whllo the nlfalfn plant will thrlvo nil tho better tho moro it Is cut. If weeds can be kept bnck from choking tho young alfalfa plants until they, tho al falfa plants, aro tall enough to bo mowed, tho question of weeds In tho particular parcel of ground Is settled. Therefore, It Is wlso to select a weedy ploco of ground for tho nlfulfn field, but beforo sowing tho seed every pre caution should bo taken to kill as many weeds as possible. This can best bo dono by simply following tho oft-ro-pcated Injunction to thoroughly pre pare tho seed bod beforo sowing tho seed. If this bo done, nnd the tract harrowed and rolled after plowing at n time when tho tiny weeds begin to show green over the Held, and again Just beforo tlmo to now, thcro will bo the cleanest Held on tho farm beforo tho year Is out There aro many weed Infected farms nnd many farmers who hnvo despaired of over getting rid of tho weeds. Alfalfa suggests tho means of riddance. C. M. Qluthcr In Agricul tural Epltomlst Turk? Which Sold for ITS. 255 m Hero Is n flno specimen of n nronze Tom Turkey, bred In Massachusetts, lie Is 3 years old, nnd sold for $173. I)rr Knrth na n Disinfectant. It Is well known that flue, dry dirt Is ono of tho best of absorbents and dis infectants. It Is also plentiful, and costs nothing but'' the labor of han dling. It makes excellent bedding, If covered over with a few Inches of straw, and It 'really keeps tho cows clean, even when used In tho stalls without straw, as It Is easily removed from tho hair with a brush. A stall bedded with dry earth can bo cleaned out In a much shorter tlmo than when tho enrth Is not used, and, as dirt ab sorbs tho liquids aud gases, qulto a saving Is effected In that manner. Its use goes beyond tho stall. As yio stn bio should bo cleaned dally, qulto a largo quantity of dry earth will bo used In tho cour of a year, nnd It will necessarily be added to the heap Itself, yet Its presence therein will doublo tho value of tho manuro by pre venting loss of fertilizing material. It Is a better absorbent than straw or corn stalks, and Is easily handled when tho mnnuro Is haulJ to the fields. Teatluv Individual Covra, A circular by tho Illinois Station em phasising tho Importnucu of studylug tho production of Individual cows con tains records for ono year of eighteen dairy herds In Illinois, Including !E!1 cows, Tho nverngo production was B 010.1)0 pounds of milk nnd 220.03 pounds of butter fat. The best herd averaged 350.17 pounds of butter fat and tho poorest 142.05 pounds. The best ten cows averaged SSS.75 pounds of butter fut and the poorest 10,100.42 pounds. It Is believed that at least one-third of the cows In tho ordinary herds are practically unprofitable. A marked Improvement was observed In herds where grading had been prac ticed. It was found possible to remove Ave cows from a herd of ten and there by Increase the profit 17.02 per head. Milk Fnt, Of 810 samples of whole milk analys ed by a Canadian station, forty-five were pronounced adulterated and eighty-five doubtful. This waa more unfavorable than the results obtained In previous years. Twenty-nine sam ples of cream examlued showed per centages of fat ranging from 12.03 to S3.B1. The author believes ths,t the following standard should be estab lished In Canada; Whipping cream not la than 25 per cent fat. and table cream not less than 17.0 per cent. ! ! ST. PAUL MINN. f Alfred J. Krank (Successor to BCIINEU, & KltANK.) DEALERS IN ALU KINDS OP BARBERS' FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES FINE CUTLERY RAZOK WORK A SPECIALTY. 142 Q. Sixth St., Opp. Ryan Hotel. St. Paul, Minnesota Aguilas and Seal of Minnesota Cigars ARE SOLD ON ALL TRAINS Kubles & Stock Co. MAKERS ST. PAUL - MINNESOTA EL FIRMA and DUKE OF PARMA ' CIGARS You Will Like Them HART & MURPHY, Makers ST. PAUL KltublllhcJ 1883 Incorporated 1900 GRIGGS, COOPER & GO. Manufacturers, Importers and Wholesale Grocero 242-264 East Third Street ST. PAUL MINN. : OMAHA NEBRASKA ! 'f OMAHA NEBRASKA! $ "THE ONLY WAYn Have your Baggage checked from hotel and Residences over any railroad to any place in United States by Omaha Transfer Co. Office 208 So. 14th St. When Coming into'Omaha give your checks to our uniformed agents on trains or at depot and receive cheapest and best service New cabs to all parts of;city. I ; ...a,.,...n ...a,., I lYllNNnAr-ULn MINN. 1 NORTH STAR WOOLEN MILL CO. Manufacturers ot Blankets, Flannels and Blanketings Minneapolis; Minn A. C. A. Backdaiii. A. Backdahl & Co. DRuaaisTH. Opposite Milwaukee Depot. Inscriptions are fully compounded, sis Washington ave nue South. Minneapolis, Minnesota Yimmr CYGNUS $3.50 SHOE Manufactured by North Star Shoe Co. MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA MINNEAPOLIS OMNIBUS AND MATTISON & 237 Hennepin Ave. MINNEAPOLIS, I LIVINGSTON- UNION MEAT MARKET, A. O.HASELER, Prop. CHOICEST FRESH AND Sill MEATS Game and Fiah In Season. Livingston, ----- Montana. F. B. TOLHURST Taxidermist for the Tourist OPPOSITE DEPOT, Livingston, Montana. GEO. W. HUSTED Prescriptions, Drugs, Patent Medicines, Ci gars, Toilet Articles, Finest Soda Fountain on the N. P. Railway. Opposite the Depot Thin card rntltles you to a trip through the National 1'ark, providing you alroiih "THE SOLO" And can mako ontlfctory arratiRemonts with tho tf aniportallou companies. The only first-class place of the kind la Livingston. Dottle Goods a specialty FRANK BUSS, Proprietor 117 W. Park St LIVINGSTON, Mont J COUNCIL BLUFFS j S. T. McATEE Fancy Groceries, Bakery . Goods and Meats . Supplies for Dining and Private J" Cars Given Special Attention j j f 230-32 Main St. 229-31. Pearl St. TeUphone J9I Council Bluffs Iowa For Medicinal Purposes We revoniDMnd our Black Buffalo Pure Rye Whiskey Unexcelled in Quality and Excellence The Pederson Mercantile Co. Wholesale I.tquor Importers and liblemlo I.tijuor Dealers Moorehead, Minnesota Northwestern Agents Anliuiuer-Iliincli Ilrow lug Association's Celebrated lluUwelser" lieer SKELLY & LITTLEHALES Dealers In Groceries, Flour, Feed, Hay, Grain, Coal, Wood and Build- H Materials NM03 FwteuUi St North riMM Pacific ill Cars Fluccrs Portland, OftgH CARRIAGE LINE FOYE, Proprietors Nicollet House Block MINNESOTA XI