iWDWV'Mm'PMH WWrtWMXM'Ul'W ' MtM.tilUlHWWHiKfl' THE UTEW AGKE, POBTLAND, OREGON KtUbllthed 1IM A. D. OrlBln, Manager Office, Room 317) Commonwealth Building To Insure publication all local news inuit reach ui not later than Thurwlay morulnf o ach week. Bubicrlptlon prlco, one year, payable In ad Vance, $i.oo. Local News on this l'agc hjr C. A. R1TTBR. City Editor f i moned Into one of tho dining rooms, presumably to tako nn order, when me occupant of the room closed tho door and Blashcd her threo times across the faco with a razor. Miss Leo screamed and rushed back to tho kitchen, where tho proprietor was. At tho same- tlmo her assailant ran out of the front door. From tno nature of tho wounds and the description of sev eral who saw tho person fleeing, it Is thought that it was a woman dis guised In men's clothing. Acting upon this theory, the police havo made sev eral arrests of persons whom they thought likely to bo Influenced by Jealousy into committing such a deed, but at the present tlmo tlioy havo not n strong enso ngalnBt any of the sus pects. Miss Lee was removed to tho Good Samaritan hospital, where she Is resting easy, with excellent chances of recovery, unless some un foreseen circumstances should nrlsc. It Is tho earnest hope of tho whole community that tho guilty party bo apprehended and punished. I OUR CHICAGO LETTER PORTLAND LOCALS ItMtMNMMMMMMMM Mrs. H. Morgan, of 464' Davis street, Is on tho sick list. Mrs. A. Palmer, of Park, and Everett streets, Is seriously HI. Arthur Wilson and Samuel Young, of Oakland, spent the week In our city. Mrs. Frnzlcr, of Mill and Eleventh streets, is quite HI with heart troubles. Mrs. L. 11. Loleuno. ono of our plo- Chicago, 111., Jan. 14. Announce- Phone East 2629 PORTLAND, OR. ncor citizens, Is seriously 111 at her ments nro out tnai ur. j. w.nam mc- Our stock is complete. Give us a trial. Geo. Hockenyos. N Tho Oak Cafe. Choicest line of wines, liquors and cigars. P. W. Pick, proprietor. Oregon Phono Pacific 2118, corner Fourth and Oak. streets, Portland, Ore. Dyeing and cleaning of all kinds of ladles and gents' clothing, crepe shawls, silk, velvet and lace dyed equal to new; lace curtains and bankets cleaned by a new process; mourning garments dyed In 48 hours. All work dono at very modorato prices. 104 North Third street. NOB HILL MARKET A. BCIIOLZ, Proprietor. Fresh,- Cured and Smoked Meats Sausage and Poultry Ttl. Main 818 Cor. 21st and Irving Streets McGUIRE & TAYLOR Staple and Fancy Groceries 35 Grand Avenue The Portland Hat Works Manufacturers ot PINE SOFT AND. STIFF HATS Hat Dypil, cleaned and Worked. Our spe cialty: l'linnmas Cleaned and lllcnelicd. 8494 Alder 81., hot. Bccond and Third, llranrli 4 Washington St. Portland, Or. residence, North Ninth and Gllson. Mr. Ed Rutherford on lost Tuesday was presented by his wlfo with a bouncing daughter. Mother and child nro doing well. Mr. II. Lawrcnco, an omployo of tho Oregon Brass Works, was sovcroly injured by having" another employe fall on his back. Mr. J. E. Watson, who was severely injured by falling from a ladder whilst engaged In washing windows, Is again able to follow his usual avocaUon, Dowell, of St. Louis, will engage In tho practlco of medlclno In this city, Mny 1, 1907. Offlcoannouncomcnt will uo inter, ucsiurnce, jui uaiumei avenue, Chicago, III. Mrs. Laura Wrieht. of 4830 Wabash avenue, Is confined to her bed, but is I improving slowly. Tho next meeting of the National Dcfenso Lcnguo of Colored Peoplo of the United States hns been called tn meet at Ann Arbor, Mich., on July G, 1907. Wo Cater Specially to the Small Buyer UNIVERSAL SUPPLY HOUSE Delicatessen and Groceries Home Cooking a Specialty. Try Our Home Made Pics Phoae East 5921 U9 E. ButniMt SI., Weir Union Ave. WILLIAMS & SWANK STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES freih fruit ami Vegetables, Tea and Coffee Tclephono Knst Vfti ZH Larnbce Street l-OUTLANI), OHEQON Mr. George W. Gough, 33, a promi nent thlrtv-thlrd decree Mason of Ann i.i. ....... . ... . . ,, .lAruor, Mien., una ueon appointed uep i Mrs. L. C. FlUI) Was tho guest Of fn ,l,n nlnfn nf Mlohlirnn fnr nil ' Mrs. D. M. Nowmnn on Tuesday last tno branches and departments of Free- HALL PHARMACY CO. whl st on her way from Spokane, ,Bnnrv I ' f-1- rsirx. x.w. Wash., to her homo In San Diego, -Cal. I Trlmhonc Fast 873 Union Avenue and TiNamook Street OREGON Tho noxt session of the National Mr. Ellck WntcrB, lato of Red Bluff, 'Federation of Friendly Societies Cal., has accepted a position with tho nmong tho colored people In tho United Lewis Stongor Harbor Supply Co. In States linn been called to meet at their now quarters nt Tenth and Mor . Buffalo, N. Y., July 8, 1907. Each nn rlson streets. tlonnl organization Is entitled to flvn delegates and each stato organization Tho weekly socials hold by tho is entitled to three delegates and ladles of tho Mt. Olivet Baptist every local organization Is entitled to .church, will bo held on Wednesday ono delegato. evenings hereafter, Instead ot Tues days as heretofore Tho attention of tho public is again called to ono Mrs. S. J. Gray and ono Mr. II. Woods, of. Eloventh and Mill William Gray, of this city, who aro streets, was a victim of tho thugs that soliciting money, as they claim, for aro making a rolgn of terror' In our tho purposo of building a home a city, being held up and rclloved of Braldwood, III., for aged Baptist mln $19.75 on last Saturday evening. I Istcrs. It will bo remembered that I only a short tlmo ago that both ot 'Mis. C. O. Coffco recclvod tho sad theso Individuals had been expelled nowB of tho death of her sister In 'and put out of several societies for Knoxvllle, Tonn. Sho leaves a hus-. misappropriation of funds. band and throe children to mourn her loss. Mrs. Coffoo haB the sympathies of a host of friends In this hour of her bereavement. The Yale Market & Grocery M. lt.STOCKLEN', Proprietor Staple and Fancy Groceries TEAS AND COFFEES A SPECIALTY l'ioncKA.it 563 293 Clrnml Ave., Poulli 1'ORTLAN'ii, OKIXION ARTHUR LAW Turnlther and Matter' "ME MAKES SHIRTS" m Washington 6, Opposlto HolHg Theater PORTLAND, OREGON J. A. EASTES Staple & Fancy Groceries Choice Teas, Coffees & Spices Dry Goods and Notions ALL THE LEADING BRANDS OF FLOUR GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY 432, 434, 436, Union Avenue North Corner of Tillamook St. Phone East 660 PORTLAND ROBERT A. PRESTON PRESCRIPTION DRUQQIST Cor. 2M and Thurraau BU. rhona Main 1610 PORTLAND, ORBQON Your correspondent is well informed nnd very familiar with tho way and manner in which tho spurious order of Elks waB first started among the colored men In tho United States. In tho year 1898 Mr. TUrks, n colored SCHWIND & BAUER Shoe Repairing Machine and Hand. Only (loodicar Machine In Our City. Aline made to Order." Bhoci Called (or ami Delivered. Tclephono I'arHloittM. 2C0 Yamhill Btrcct PORTLAND. ORKdON Tho young; people's meeting held at thn 'Arm A. M V. nlmpnli Thlrlnnnlli and Main streets, under tho leadership lan. living In Cincinnati, O., was out . w t ..I.. , ' .. .. : nlnvn.l nn thn mllrnfiil nn n tiortn ntu ui iirn. ijuiu ruuaion, was won aiiontl ed on Inst Sunday evening nnd bids fair to hecomo ono of tho popular In- stltutlonB of the city. Tholr meetings nro held each Sunday evening from 7 to 8 P. M. ployod on tho railroad as a porto nnd was running on tno rniironu on inu Clnclnnntl nnd Ohio, the Order of Elks nmong tho whlto peoplo was holding and having a largo meeting nt Cincinnati, 0 nt that tlmo. Ono of tho whlto mombors of tho Order of Elks lost his secret ritual of tho order, M. E. PUGH Fancy & Staple Groceries Phone East 440 447 Union Avenue, North PORTLAND OREGON C H. COBB Entlinatct (liven on.AU Claxnca of I'hono Et 2127 Itcaldenro Kant 2OI0 Thi mnmlinm nf Ifnitnnhnlil nt TJnHi No. 844, Q. U. O. of O. P., aro sparing " Mr. Rlggs found It, and in a short no pains to make tno ontcrtnlnmcnt mni. '6h, - '"j to bo hold at tholr hnll Fohrnnrv 12 authority or power from anybody for tho benefit of their regnlla fund, M'novonri "T.wV ulntA or. Plumbing and Heating Work gram of having each onombor relate Kanlzod lodges among the colored men in verso their efforts to mnko (or get) In V10 Un totl 8ttc?' , ? tu ' 5U n iiniinr nrnminoa nn nimnii.. nf sottlcd and not denied hut that Mr. amusoment , and may reveal to tho nBB was tho first oolored man In tho 247 HoBday Ave. Alldlonnn annlhnp Pniil T.nurronnn n..n. United Stnte8 to llOVO tile WOrK and bar or n Phlllys Whcnlty, nomember commonco to confer degrees. It han ueeil iiliuui:il iiiuu uuvr iimu una Mr. Rlggs or no other colored man up to tho present tlmo ever hnd any power or authority to establish lodges of Elks nmong tho colored men in tho united States, and no honest, Intelll PORTLAND, ORE tho dato and, placo, Fpbruary 12 at Trades Union hall, southeast corner Second nnd Yamhill streets. Tho affairs of the Enterprise Invest- AMBLER & WAITERS The Real Estate Brokers CorvaNis, Oregon reaso of 13 M0 In les orl&in aDd that bolnB tru0' li ,nU8t b l Th?. ;?J tl ?n admlttod that the establishing of to tho .hiiin?i .i.v. l0(,B8 of ElkB amonB th0 co,orcd raen Ine JneSi of Mr J Ro "the United States Is clandestine, lufc unergy or r. J. u. .,iwti , onrin,, ment Co., the only institution of a tnStialnAeAminmao s any tl SrL J? colored men In tho United States can Fine Farms, Stock Ranches and ngate f .s, the' voTtheir' 8 T "VLZ XSrinSLTt ar V! origin, and that being true' it must be T--. . . w TW,VVV man nvo yfarB, largo part due ti mnnt anil nnHrlti an? th nVe.ft.nT V XS, unlawful and spurious. tion, and la another example of what The foi.owlng resolution was adopt- CFNM Rt NITFHlF can bo done if our peoplo would unite Cfi nt tho Masonic conference that iJl-llll 11 I JV.t IIAI nnd pool their interests. waa heUj , Chicago last week. Tho I resolution was offered by Mr. J. H. !r. Benjamin Pratt, for n numbkc Marshall, of Florida, which was unan- of years an employe of the Hotel Imously adopted:: Portland, died on last Sunday bight, i "Whereas, It has come to the knowl- after an illness of four days. Funeral edgo of this Masonic conference, composed of delegates from several of the statfs and territories, now sit ting in Chicago, that one John A. Dell, of Grand Rapids, Mich., who some time ago was expelled for unmasonlc services were held at Holman's under taking parlors, Tuesday, at 3 P. M., Rev. Geo. E. Jackson, of tho A. M. E. Zlon church, officiating. It was large ly attended by his friends and ac- City Property for Sale or Rent Independent Phone 225. Send for List 1'IIONE KABT 307a SCULPTORS AND CARVERS E. B. COLWELL Wholesale nml retail GROCER PHONK MAIN 403 281, 283 and 285 Third St. CORNtR JtrrCRSON PORTLAND, OREGON PORTLAND FUEL COMPANY Successor to PIONEtR, C. R. DAVIS and PHOENIX rUEL CO. PHONE EAST 26 287 E. MORRISON ST. COAL Rock Springs, Diamond, Richmond, Rotlyn, New Cas tle, New Castle Nut, Franklin, Carbon Hill, Coke. WOOD 4-Foot Fir, 4-Foot Oak, 4-Foot Ash, Sawed Oak, Sawed Fir, Sawed Ask, Sawed Knots. Jumping Jftck Mnnhatlnn Mining Co. Loll Dillon (Jollified Mining Co. Htrnv Dog Mnnliatlnu Mining Co. Knglc'n Nest Kitlrvicw Alining Co. Inillnn Cniiip MnnliMtnn Mining Co. Knirvlew llnlUlcinc Mining Co. As-You-1.lke.lt Manhattan Mining. Co. Hlhcr Tick Kxlctnlon Jllnlngo. Kurnnco Crick South Extension Copper Co. C. A. STOCKTON, Broker Nevada Gold and Copper Mines Phone Main 0144 228 Lumbor Exchango Weekly Market Letter or Rally Market Quotations Furnished on Application Free ol Chargo Portland, Oregon vl ? "t '5.i . x . -MC.t - -.-UWrCSr ' . Hoy-,s',i" ' . . .t &. tx ' - '"-.u f sr ti M 'mp -" tf Mi :, ' "a x MW-?tr?h o ffljiU n f PICTURES FKAMED FURfllTURE REPAIRED PH0SE EAST 1W RES. P1I0HE EAST 2112 H. C. SCHROEDER The AIHdi HOUSE FURNISHER HOUSES FURNISHED COMPLETE CASH OR INSTALLMENTS UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING 244, 246, 248 Russell St., PORTLAND THE AVENUE CLUB AMI The Avenue Oyster House' lr HAI.L.l'rop. Frenh Oyitor open ilally. lou. Delivered any place. rintn. qunrt,Rnl- The Bed of Wlnt, llquori and Clear Tho U't of Meat, Flah, Oyntcr and (lame. Open Day and Night M3 WIllUliu Avuuuo MlWIIllnmiAvenuo C. 0. PICK TRANSFER & STORAGE COMPANY. Safes, Pianos. Furniture moved, stored or packed for shipping. Com modious brick warehouse, with separate iron rooms, Front and Clay. Express and Baggage hauled. Office Phone, 596; Stable, Black 1972 PORTLAND, OREGON I'hono Kiut lfl! 1'OUTI.AND OltKOON KSTAIII.IHIIKII IN Multnomah Trunk & Bag SUIT CASES STRAPS COMPANY Manufacturer ol TRUNKS TELESCOPES BAGS Mail Orders Pnynplly Attended To Telephone Cast 24 121-131 C. Water SI. PORTLAND, ORE THE HOUSE THAT GIVES YOU A SQUARE DEAL A It.ZELLAH X. I.. MUKlil.KIl In Mnrble, Stono, Granite nnd Wood. Architectural, l'laater uii'l t8tuir Orna muntB. Monunienti, Klatuts, lltiiia, TombitoneB. Postal orders promptly attended to. Sculpture Work a spo- qualntancca. The remains were conduct from every branch and de- clalty, Ofllco and Studio. Union Are., unippeu 10 ma lormer nomo in inow- panment or tno Masonic iraiernuy, is cor. Irving. Duryport, u. u. Mr, fratt wbb uni now traveling over tne country pre versaily respected and admired by all tending to have some authority, of his acquaintances. Ke left an es- which, upon Investigation, has been tato valued at $2,000. Mr. Ed Ruther manufactured by himself and is now ford, who had. worked with him for attemntlng to set up lodges, and several years was appointed as ad mlni8trator. "WhereaB, He has associated with him one William Gray, H. W. Knight, of Chicago, 111., an one Daniel Brown, The of Alabama, who have each one ot few them been regularly and lawfully ex PORTLAND, OREGON 1'IIONE MAIN 1893 Again Oregon Is In the lead, climatic conditions of the- nast days have been such as even the "old- pelled from the Masonic Fraternity, est Inhabitant" has to admit ho Has anu inese inaiviauais are now auempi not seen, and few. If any, of those Ing to peddle out their bogus and shoddy commodities to tho unweary and uninformed people; "Therefore, be It resolved, That wo now take, tho opportunity of calling from other parts of the country even claim to have experienced similar con dltlons. The so-called "silver thaw," which covered tres. telegraph and telephone wires and poles with a gllst- tho attention of not only member', of ening coat of Ice. whilst at the same the Masonic Fraternity, but the public, time a fine driving rain was falling, of these Masonic Impostors, who havo had never been experienced. The loss he-" exn"ed out nf the Masonic Fra to our telegraph and telephone and taralty and save bo power or author electric light and power companies Ity whatever to organize any Masonic will run far up into the hundreds of lodges or branches or departments of thousands of dollar. Fortunately It Freemasonry in any part of the land, waa sot accompanied with a loss of and any and all Masonic work that 'life, and all are thankful that normal they attempt to do will never be recog SyX conditions again prevail, nixed by any Masonic body In the . whole world." Martin-Marks Coffee Co. HIGH GRADE COFFEES TEAS, ETC. The excellence of Monte Crieto Java and Mocha CoflVo stands in high -favor, 252 TUN Street PMTLAND. OREGON Zellar & Mueller FURNITURE A Full Line of Stoves & Ranges SEE US, WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT Phone Cast 4457 535 Williams Ave., Portland, Ore Centennial Market & Grocery J. J. BLUM Headquarters for " GOOD THIN6S TO EAT " Groceries, Miats, Fish, Poultry ALWAYS THE BEST School SippNis, Shoes, Glows, Motions I'hono Main 2791 522-524 N. Twenty-fourth Street LOOK Before investing in Farms, Acreage, or any class of Real Estate, calland examine our list. WE MAKE LOANS ON APPROVED SECURITIES Portland Realty and Trust Company 106. Second Street Portland, Oregon Frederick A. Kribs CorrMpondoncc Solicited 321-330 CMAMIER OF COMMERCE Dealer in WasWugtM, Idahi & Onjui TIMBER & MINERAL UNDS -. Portland, Oregon .BBBBBBBBBLTl " ' Ulv r 9KJ OiJ N' I fS9 I v m .if fw ! y rniTiilliaJ ifelrwtln On last Monday night at 11:30 Miss Mamie Lee, one of the waitresses em- North 16th Street Market, A. Wur nloveH n h Vontlhuin Tare. 389 tenberger. proprietor, choice poultry, Flanders streets, was severely cut fresh and salt meats, phone Mala 13S5, Levi ankknv I'teiideut; K. 0. ckawkohd, vice j'jeiJcnj w. i. conna WAV, chler across the face several times by some 230 North Sixteenth street, Portland, . dirkctohb unknown miscreant. She waa sum- Or, LerlAnkcny, JUrry Udd Corbett, W. Y. CrwlorU, K. Q. Cu-wford, W, W. McCa-die VANCOUVER NATIONAL BANK Vancouver, Wuh. Leading Financial Institution in Southwestern Washington CAPITAL, S50.000 SURPLUS, $50,000 ASSETS, $1,000,000 Cnnuriahted bu George J.Schaefer vol t STRANGERS t TOURISTS! HOMESEEKERS! Oo there, where, when the tldu ! out, "the table li tot," and where the wealth of rlche Iim not yet U-vu touched. OREGON'S COAST CITY Lou In Bchaefer'i Addition, "CKNTItAL," 100 and upwardi. GEO. J. SCHAEFER, Owner and Real Estate Agent 317 Chamber ofCemmercc PORTLAND, OREGON I i ft t 1 S'