THE UTEW AGE, POItTLA:NT, OIIEGOK A. D. ORIWIN. Mnnnsor 0(11 re , Hnom 317, C'ummonwcalth HnlMIng Knttrcd at the pfl'tntTIc at Portland, Ortton, MecoudclMt matter. SUBSCRIPTION. On Year, payable In advance $2.00 doing pretty well, or would bo If who work along possible, practical company Is In no hurry, and It has a Incident that led to a further lnvestlga SANDSTROM BAKERY all they could get cars enough; they then lines, and gain ground Inch by Inch. would bo exceedingly prosperous with i existing rates; why then nntagonlzo and hoatllcly hamper the railroads when we need them, and more of them, 8EE8 WITH CLEAR VI8I0N. In his book entitled " Tho Futuro of America," II. 0. Wells, tho British monopoly. It Is rather poor, and is tlon of Mr. Bristol's record soon after making only a few hundred -thousands his first appointment was thoroughly a year off tho peoplo, so can't afford Inquired Into by tho president and at to hire a great many men or to pay torncy general and found to bo no them decent wages. Some day the good reason for rovoktng his appoint peoplo will take tho property, pay ment, which was urged by Mr. P. J. these high and mighty personages Heney, who knew Mr. Bristol well. No. 776 Williams Avenue Fresh Bread and Cakes Daily PIES AND CANNED GOODS TELEPHONE EAST 93. BU IIIUUI1I I What Oregon wants Is development, ("""or. who mado a study of tho and this It can havo only by a liberal United States and Its Institutions last what It is really worth, and run tho Since then ho has had a great deal of treatment of tho railroads, and all poa- ycar' ,ns n chnptor on the negro quob- business themselves, rather than bo important business for tho government Our Candidate for Prciident 'slblo encouragement for moro railroad tion, In which occurs tho following , building. Unless they can mnnago striking passage: ' their lines without too much Interfer Whatever America has to show in I . ii... ii i. linrnln llvltirr inilnv. I ilnnlit If nhi run encu nnu bo iiiui muy can nuinu u JOSEPH BENSON FORAKER pnjflt nnd BQmQ BurpluB for Hhow nIiyt,llng flncr thnn tho qimMty Of Ohio Imposed upon In this way. MULKEY FOR BRI8T0L. Senator Mulkey has begun his brief of tho resolve, tho steadfast effort ,torm ln tho United States senate, nnd tho Bristol enso be taken up nnd ills d of. Mr. Mulkey was asked upon his ar rival at Washington nbout his nttl to handle, nnd no fault has been found with him in any quarter. .He is en tirely satisfactory to tho department, to the president, nnd to tho people of Oregon, and there Is therefore no good reason why ho should not bo con firmed. Senator Fulton has his own reasons, but. It seems unlikely that (thoy can be such as tho people would concur in, or ns would add to the Sen ator's political strength and prestige . T. J. COPER & SONS Grocery & Meat Market 735 WiHiams Avenue Phone Woodiawn 149 new rnniis. tno rniircind nrcsiiicnts nnd " ,,v- . --i -" ....... ..,. uun. " lnthnr rnnllnllllt. nr nnf In In. hundreds Of black and Colored WCn,"1" flrSt 0ttlcM nCt WR8 t0 aB t MOroironMraMOMacM . railroads ln Orc'o .making today to llvo blamelessly, I EDITORIAL 1 gon. So It would bo very Injurious to' honornbly nnd patiently getting for . -,03CtI of' ! Wl tho state to hnvo any radlcnl IcKlaln-,tllclnS(;lvcs wlltlt ocraps of refinement tlon at thin time. It will bo bettor to 'corning and beauty they mny, keep bear soma of tho Ills wo hnvo than to ng their hold on a civilization, they nnt- Probable course ln regard to n 0rOBOn u , not trcnt Mf Br,B A good dcnl of tho newspaper and . .. ., ..... .. nro crutlccd nnd denied. Thov do it " Bristol ense. Ho said that ho was fn1 ,,.. , ,.,,, ,. ,,, Mnnrmnl,nn IlllUUI VVUinU IHO UJ lUUlaOll aUaJaVUIUD I " " ' " w a-0.. -. ..v.ia -.. wmiiimviu Tho peoplo will bo disappointed If " or tlioniBclvoB only, but for all tt l,cr80,,nl fr,ent Mr. Bristol, and thlB wJth a pro8poct thnt hc mny bc there Is no legislation at all on tho l'e'r 'race. Each educated colored ,10l,c'1 to Bec hlm confirmed. Bui, be. turncd out next wlntcr for no namn Bubjoct of rnllroada. and what can In mnn ' nn nmlmBuatlor to civilization. tIoro inK,n' an act'on- ll -" "ccn his cxccpt tho 8onator'8 porsonal nnd un rcnoon and moderation and with n8-T,,0' luuw tny --vo a handicap, thnt Intention to nsk tho judiciary commit- cxpinncu opposition. Both his high Btirnnco of success bo dono to better t,lcy nr not exceptionally brilliant00 to 8now hlm records In tho character ns a lawyer and his cfllclent conditions should bo dono, but hasty r cIovcr People. Yct vory such(casi'- 80 that " mlS-t know exactly nnd vnuab1o 8crvicc8 as district at nnd radical measures should bo avoid- mn" 8,nm,B on0 llkcs th,n,. nwarow,,nl la ll0,d "Bainst tho district at- torncy cntltlo him to confirmation cil, nnd members of tho legislature ,ot ls representative and vicarious torncy. From his knowledgo of the this winter or to spoclflc reasons why Hhould bo careful not to glvo too con-' character, lighting against foul lm- fnclB wns convinced that thero was 10 ,8 not connrmcd. nglnntlonB, misrepresentations, Injus- nouiing or Bumcient importance paper representations that are being tlc. ho t've "nspcaka P confirmation mado. MILLER, BUCK & CO. GROCERS Phone Woodlawn 406 'Williams Ave. & Fargo O.J. Krclncr K. ItochuUi ERDNER & HOCHULI Chicago Market Pcftlorii III Kro-h ami Cured Meat-. All Kinds, of SauxRKdi. 1W Third Street, near latnhlll. 1'flone Main 413. Portland, Oregon. to ho diluted and discounted n good deal by tho legislature. SOmo legisla tion Is demanded nnd desired, nnd may bo In order, but It ought to" ho very carefully drawn and well considered, nnd not enacted out of any spirit of hostility to tho rnllroads, or cIho It will I,,. Iiitiiml I.. tl ttwtrst 1inttii Itnn rrnti jHontlng an ear to sotno of tho nows Tho main cnuso of complnlnt bh Mr. I . .... .... . ,,.... Cotton says, hns been the Inckbf cars, to D. C. BURNS THE OROCER- TI2UGPHONI3 GIG 210 Third St., Portland, Oregon. P. A. TAYLOR Staple and Fancy Groceries nnd If It Jiad not been for this thero would have been but llttlo If any agi tation among tho peoplo for railroad regulation. Possibly n now trial do-limn-ago law might provo a good thing, 8AL00N REGULATION. bio juonnncss of base antagonists. Every ono of thorn who keeps decent nnd honorablo docs a little to beat that opposition down. "But tho patience tho negro needs! Senator Bailey's bill prohibiting v,,,t,.. cmfpniim.. I'laar. Tobacco and Fan When told of tho compromise thnt street railway comnanloB from nmnlnv. Coffee., Tea. and H-.lce. at Lowest l'rico had been arranged botweon Mr. Ful- ing any carmen who havo not had nt U"ln Ave. Frco Delivery 1'h'ono East 410- ton nnd tho President, Mr. Mulkey least 7 days' practical instruction ought Bald: to pass unanimously. If tho tlmo were It scorns to ho quite generally agreed that liquor Ilconscs should bo raised n0 may not oVon 00 COntomnt Ko lo tno ' r08,cnt, I seo no objection to though It Is pointed out thnt It might to 800, as tho council will probably ,miBt n,-,t superiority ln those whoso ',l w,intovcr- ' should, of course, Mice "If thnt compromise Is satisfactory made longer tho bill would bo better. Surely tho govornor must admit that greatly restrict shipments' out of tho do soon, but tho measures proposed by dnlly conduct to him Is tho clearest t0 H0 Mr I,rl8ll confirmed, unless o peoplo who used Buch good dls Htate. If n law can bo dovlflod that .tho Inltlntlvo Ono Hundred to bo bmIj- avldunco of moral Inferiority. Wo tnurt' ,B 8"-nothlng ngalnst him of criminating Judgmont as to elect him will Indtico or compel tho railroads to mlttcd to tho peoplo at tho election sympatlilc whites indeed, mny claim wlllcl1 "vo no knowledge, but, would not mnko nny serious mistake I. In electing railroad commissioners. Multnomah county surely ought to furnish moro enrs and locomotives, next Juno, nro ontlroly too radical, nnd, honor for him; If ho Is wlso ho will ,n vlow ot tno 'not8 a8 carn t,lcm Hiilllclent to enrry away lumber nnd should bo nnd probably will bo voted iV sllont. under our advocacy. Ho now' am vory m"cb inclined to be other products promptly, without over .down. Tho proposed $1,000 llconso ,mi8 B0 i0 nn,i fro Solf.controlln,i lin.!-'cvo thnt this compromlso Is tho best balancing ovll rosultB, It would bo a might not bo vory objectionable,1 rort 0f nll tho qualities that tho groat solution of tho matter. I should vory lmvo had a rocmoor ot commlttoo good tiling. But It Is pretty certain though If tho council fixes tho llconso nag of America proclaims thnt flag'n,ucl1 (ll8llko t0 80 Mr- Bristol reject- on tlxnln nd tho Bpenkcr will not that after tholr oxperlcnco of tho past nt $800 that will do very woll for a ' for w1080 .intC(l ompro h8 pCoplo'C( ' tho Senate, for I think IHb con- bo ,lkcly to -ct that P8't'on again by yenr tho railroads scarcely need any yenr or two at least;, but some of tho 'fought and, giving place nnd prece,'-''01 (It)-8 no warrant such harsh nc- Multnomah county voteB. law to Induco them to do nll thoy can J other propositions of tho Ono Hun J, ionco t0 tho strangers who pour In to! tlon' nni1, ''crmoro, his rejection shoulu not a certain Multnomah to supply tho Bhortngo In cars, for ltdred aro not practicable ln a town ot 8hnro Its bcneflconco, strnngors lgnor.(by ,l10 Scnnto would injuro his pro county sonator icg8t0 f0r tho pco is certainly lo their Intcrent to handle ( Portland's slzo and position. nnt 0vcn of his tongue. That ho miiBt foBHlonnl standing; for all futuro Jlme. pJo nihm Umn fQr ft )avJng c0n y nil tho tralllc posHlblo, and being now Tho liquor trnfllc Is gradually being do nnd wnlt. Tho Welsh, tho Irish, l B,inI1 Iook ,nto the caso ot the carll cjcnt7 fully advised of tho slttintlon they can .moro nnd moro regulated nnd restrict tho Poles, tho whlto South, tho Inde 08t opportunity and Bhnll consult with i -?. ho pretty Mnfoly dopeniled upon to ro-'d, nnd as long as this process Is car fatlgublo Jowb, may cherish grlov 8cnn,or Fu-.on about it. I do not Before whacking tho railroads blind llovo it as fast and ns soon ns pos- rled on gradually and modcrntoly, nnd nnces nnd rnll aloud. Ho must keop'wa"t to ,mvo friction with Senator ly remember that thoy nro the chief Hlblo. within reasonable bounds tho peoplo Htlll. They mny bo hyBterlcnl re- "Hon over this or any other mnttor, developers of Orogon. As to tho railroad commission, tho will help It along, but they will not vengoful, threatening and pcrvcrflo; nn(1 ' bollovo there will be nono. As legislature will do well to consider tho approvo of what scorns to thorn un- (heir wrongs oxcuso them. For him ' si-d bofore, I bellcvo tho compromlso question In nil Its phnscfl nnd probnblo rensonnblo measures. LawB concern- thero Ih no oxcuso. And of nil tho ,8 a PIy solution of this long-stand conseauonceB beforo being cnrrlod ing tho liquor trnfllc as well as others 'races on earth, which hnn mifrorod Ing controversy." nwny by popular clamor, which, nftor In order to bo cnforclblo must bo sup- such wrongs ns this negro blood thnt AUOUST STORZ- Dealer In Htnpl nnit nnnoy Orooorloa Vegetable., Fruit, and Dairy 1'roUnco 1'hono Kn-t CJ.S W) William. Ave. 1'OKTI.AND, OIlKaON; C. S. NELSON Dealer In Staple and Fancy Groceries and Provisions 154 N. Fourteenth St, Cor. Irvlnf -John'A Meat Market J. D. MK1U1KNS, Prop. rresh Meats, Beef, Pork, Mutton, Bacon , and Hams Corned lleef and l'lcklcsl I'ork a Specialty l'liono Main 10&4 4SJ( N. Hlxll. Blreet 1'OllTLAND, OnEQON. all, in not nearly ho laud or general ported by public opinion, nnd what tho s still Imputed to him ns n sin? Tho uh hoiuo nowHpnporfl mako it out to bo. .Ono Ifundrcd commlttoo proposes peoplo who disdain him, hnvo no sense The history of rnllroad commlBHlnnn In would not bo enforced If enacted, be 0f reparation toward him, hnvo sinned this country Is not such as to glvo cauao tho poplo would not elect men ngalnst him boyond all measure. I tho legislature n favorable impression who would enforco it. of thuiii, In Bomo states, for a llttlo Homo provisions of tho lnw regulat BROKE UP THE CLUB. BUILD GREAT BATTLESHIP. Naval Bill Allows for Second Dread naught and More Sailors. Washington, Jan. 20. An npproprl iitlou ot about $00,000,000 la provided for in tho naval appropriation bill l agreed upon today by tho house com tniiteo on navni nnuirs. tiio bill pro- The Union Meat Co.. All Dlnlnr Can and Flrit Cla.. Hotel and. Rc.taurant. buy the UNION MEAT COMPANY'S rRESH AND CURED MEATS The Ile.t ln tha UarkeU I'atronlie Home In lu-lry. PORTLAND, OREGONi "No, I can't help Idealizing tho dark .submlsslvo flguro of the negro In tliln tlmo they havo been bonofU'lnl, but as Ing nnd restricting liquor Belling aro spectaclo of America. Ho, too, socms a rule thoy havo been worse thnn now protty woll enforced, nnd most to mo to sit waiting nnd waiting with worthless ub ono wns In Orogon. Thoy snloon ;non comply with thorn volun n mnrvolous and simple-minded pa hnvo been a heavy oxpeiiHo mid bur- tnrlly. It is so with roforenco to the tlcnco for flncr understandings nnd n don upon tho InxpayerB, mid havo ac. "o'clock closing ordlnnnco and selling .nobler time." conipllHhed but llttlo. Commissions In -'auor to minors, nnd allowing women stntoB on both sides of ub, In Callfor,!" Baloons and this 1b n good deal to nla and Washington, aro examples thntbavo accomplished. Tho Sundny clos ure 'warnings to tho leglslnturo. In l"K law la not enforced against an- Pit II rnrn In f lut nritniitlaulnti lu nntnr. I i loiiBly u mcro pretonHo, ho far nfl iIoIiik Pblc Bontlmont, or If It would bo tho sufforca by citizens who desired to ride i AS WAS EXPECTED. Of courso tho sleet storm accounted loons because It Is not sustained by for some of tho delays and discomforts President Roosovolt nearly broko up tho Gridiron Club In Washington, D. C tho other ovonlng, nnd turned what ' v! r " mltlltlonul battleship of . , ,..,,...!,. . 'mo iypo ngroett upon in tno naval np Is always intended by thnt club to o 1)ropltlo; bm !of in8tyear. it also an ovonlng of merrimont nnd Jokes makes provision for two torpedo boat nt prominent public mon's oxponso in destroyers and npproprintes $2,000,000 , . , , I for submarines. This $2,000,000 Is nd- to ono of oppressive gloom. Doing iimom,, to tll0 $ i, 000,000 for sulmm- Joked about his Imperialistic methods rluetj provided in tho bill of Inst year, nnd temperament. Instead of respond w,-lch J,nfl no- yet bc'on ej-Pen)f' Kr,0,' . . . . .L , ,. .. vision is mado for ubotit 3,000 addl ing In harmony with tho spirit of tho Uonnl enllora nd 000 nmrlnw. plnco and occasion, ho delivered him Tho now Utttlcshlp provided for in self of a'vlgorous nnd serious do,tho lm Ib to bo n sister ship of the monster tiutliorlzed by congros last foiiflo of hla actions, and an assault on'VM, uhtoii. tl. r,.nniri Di.nui.i Ihoso who had criticised him, which ' bo a "first-class battleship carrying us ... ..m. ... in ,o. o- I heavy annor and as powerful armament was as much out of place thero as an I M ' knQwn of Q owl in a cago of monoys or a rovlvallat hnvo tho highest practlcnblo epewl and GEO. HOCKENYOS Dealer lu Staple and Fancy Groceries. Cljir aod Tobacepj, FratU and Confectionery PROMPT DELIVERY 95 RusaeU St. Phone Cast 4899 FINK & LEWIS Dealer. In Staple and Fancy Groceries. DRESSED POULTRY, ETC. at a danco. But slnco tho President took thla tone, Senator Foraker, who, was present, responded In kind, nnd gnvo tho president all ho wanted In icply to his attitude on tho Drowns vlllo affair. The discussion was en- anything for tho benefit of tho peoplo -w closing somo other plncca of bust- on tho street cars early this week, and Ih concerned. While In Washington, '-tess la not; nnd tho saloon mon, as so nro not chnrgeablo to tho monopoly tho governor, under pressure, has hud -l-oy would bo entirely Justified In do that scoka to control all tho "Julco" In to remove ono of tho commissioners, l"K would demand, If their plncea wero Oregon; but of course also tho delays nnd tho others nro under flro for'olosoil on Sunday, that nil others nnd discomforts wero twlco or thrice Hiiuanderliig a great deal of money should bo mado to oboy tho law also. 'what thoy should hnvo been and would with but llttlo If any good roaults to Sunday closing of saloons .may como, havo been If tho eomnnnv hail boon ' il i. a M 1 .a al a- 11 a II a l -a m .a a show for It. but tho tlmo Is not yet rlpo for It reasonably well prepared for any such re,y oui oi pmcu, ,m u ooru to ,u unuinut r. wevens, ino ciuoi eng i- - - .- club, which bad no Idea that the prea nr, uuiu o givuiiuio uixmumeiu, viuuibwii-. uuiius uiu; iiiituuii ui ... . uio unuuniuuKung ueuig mat no will Hut other features or tho proposed tho power ueeded at the beat of times U Peasantry niaintain a residence upon the itfthmus. ... ,, , ' . . , 4, . , ,, , without raising a tempest and starting Secretary Tnft today announced his pur- a row. But slnco ho had to ring In P080 of fl,nt,A0 f(,Ur fan?k8 exl?1 . . . . Ing upon tho Isthmian Canal commie tho Brownsville and Callfo.rnla affairs Blon b tfte appointment of somo Inl and discuss them In dead earnest and reau chiefs. greatest practicablo radius of action." Will Make Stevens Chairman. Washington, Jan. 25. Announce ment was mado today at tho War de partment that tho olllces of chairman nnd chief ongineor of tho Isthmian Canal commission would be combined, It In lino thnt Ihn Hni-rlmnn rnll. -10rti- road Hy at oni has not built extensions mid brunches nnd new lines Into ro- regulative ordtnauco aro moro Imprac and under tho most favorable clrcum Hourcoful and undeveloped sections of tlcablo and unreasonable, such as al stancos, although any quantity of tho stnto as It was and Is doslrablo lowing only one saloon on a block, power Is to bo obtained, It cannot bo that It Bhould, and tho peoplo hnvo There Is no good reason for any such expocted to be prepared to do much In somo Just cause of complaint on that law, for It would not deoreaso drinking tho way of service. when a little storm Hcoro, but will anybody who Is clam oring for a regulative appreciably. It would only decroaso comes along. In nn eastern city such Incident would havo disarranged commission the revenuo from saloons by a larga an i point out how It could forco Mr. liar amount and glvo a few saloon men a traffic for about three hours Instead of i rlmau to build moro rnllroada lu Ore- chance to mako a good deal of money, three days or maybe threo weeks. donounco everybody who didn't agree with him, after hla fashion, Senator Foraker could do no leas than to de- Modlfy School Land Rules. Washington, Jan. 2fl. An effort is being mado by the governor of Idaho gon unless ho choso to do so? Would and would crowd others out of bust Then the Portland monopoly of light ho not bo less Inclined to build exten- uess. It would Injure owners of build nnd power, not being willing to employ slons and new roads with n lnw em tugs to rent, throw a good many poo- enough men or pay them decent, liv powering n commission to fix rates at plo out of employment, and benefit no- Ing wages, is of courso never prepared its own will and regulnto the roads lu body. .to right things up promptly if thoy go whatever way it choso than If ho wero not thus handicapped? Hates havo been reduced n srood deal Just ns thoy. tho reformers, want thorn K.oncy. Even after It had announced within tho pas.t few years and doubt 'to act In every respect. Somo of these that certain lines were In operation less will bo reduced more, and ovon'peoplo, If they arlso at 5 o'clock every' tho 8arao 8 U8ua, hor we' peoplo If too high lu some Instances It la far morning, winter and summer, and ro- 'n n,any Instances who stood on wet moro Important to Oregon to hnvo 'tiro at 9, would like to compel every- comers In the rain along ten-minute more rnllroads and moro equipment body elso to do the same. The world or B-raJniite lines for 10, 20 or 30 mln for them and for thoso In oxlstcnco Isn't going to bo reformed very much utes waiting for cars. And as fen.l hla own attitude, and show that to secure the co-operation of Western . . . . .. . , ... penators and representatives in having ho was not cowed by the bullying chief tho lnterlor 4epartment m0(ll.v th executive. The affair was of courso regulations under which school land greatly regretted by the "Jolly good Is granted publio land states. The at- tntitinn nf I ViniTosunum .Tnnox ii'iin fellows" who compose tho club and 1-1 to the matter by Governor MhuI, their guests. Their fun for the rest nnd ho has taken tt up with tno eocre of the evening was Bpolled, part of tho tttry,t Vm!''r Prcaen iPlt.0M, ac- vurwuiK iu uutciiiui -uikuiii;, ii ip went away feeling sort o ashamed of that will meet approval. tho performance, even If It was tho president of the United Stats who was tho chief performer. m, . . m . 1 wronc or to trv to elv th i-Minio 8upt,or weut uneaton- and everybody tremelv dlctllult to mako'auy selection Tho trouble with somo roformors Is wrong, or to try to give tho peoplo m. ... . . ,,.., lh,lwm mPk.nniYM-i. ' thnt they want to make everybody act tho be8t servlco posstblo in an emor Central Russia 47 Below, St. Petersburg, Jan. 25, Reports of heavy loss of life and great suffering on account of the cold are arriving from Akmolinsk steppes, Central Russia, with which communication was inter- 1 ... . rupted. During tho recent blizzard the Tho opinion Is quite prevalent that temperature fell to 47 below zero. Fif- Senator Fulton is making a mistake teen bodies were reooveied In ono day . ..... . . . .. m 111H viitiiiiiv in iiiu iiiiiurta rw than to havo reduced rates. Tho lum In any ono year, or decade, or genera ' r street lights Oh w'H ty opposing tne connrmatlon of Mr, Alm Thnin,! -3.-,JT bormon and farmers and orehardlata tlon but only vory gradually, llttlo by B- them by next summer at least on W. C. Bristol for United States attor- The winter grain crop is killed in Mid' and manufacturers and merchants aro little, and tho true reformers aro.thoso moonlight nights. Don't kick. The ney for the District of Oregon. The -- Russia, the BnowflM)einB light DISTRICT ATTORNEY BRISTOL. Phone fait 582 314 Mlillppl Avcnua . PORTLAND, OHr. GEO. W. HOCHSTEDLER Dealer In Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits, Product CIGARS AND TOBACCO Phone East 374 4M42 L lurasldc Si. OLSEN BROTHERS GROCERS Free delivery Phone East 653 417 Union Ave. North Portland, Or R. C. WALWORTH Staple and Fancy Groceries Phona CAST 3407. 136 RuaseH St. PORTLAND, OR. JOHN E. MALLEY I.KAU.R IN Staple & Fancy Groceries Teas and Coffees a Specialty 492 WMMstitM, Near i5tli Pkac Mala 21C7 PNTLANI, MEMN RAINIER MARKET C. IiLUM, Proprietor Dtata ii Frisk. Cirid aid Siokid lltats, Nais, laM, Lard, Susans, Etc, Also Fish nd Ciais, FAMILY TRADE A SPECIALTY Cor. FeTentecnth and fearlerSu. Phona Main XV2 PaiatW. Orcgoaj H. R. LYNES Dealer in STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES NUms ui FraM. Free Delivery. U4 auatll Street f raoatBaattttt NITIAM, MECHI