nijuHMWWWWtl'ltlgyMWWIHWBJtflliW THE HCRW A6KE, POBTLAND, OBJCGOK $& - lit : or V ' "k ' ; L 3 w L . Vs t JgL r-v . V" r i YECEN BROS. . SAVIINCIS BAINK UlLLItNCJS. MONTANA Branch Dnnka at Butte, Anaconda and Qardlnr Trnniinot a Qetieral DnnklnR UustnuMjt Tny Interest on Savings Accounts nnd Time Cortlllcates of Deposit. Wo tart Savings Accounts with a deposit of ono dollar or nioro. SWIFT & COMPANY So. Omaha, Nebraska PREMIUM HAMS, BACON And All Fresh Cuts for Hotels MAIL ORDERS Til hid amd Columbia- '1'uoMB Main IS BONNY & WATSON CO ( nuccrwoM TO ) BONNY & STEWART rVKBRAL DIRKCTORS AND RMnALMIM Lady At alutant Al- CafH. Wah wave In Attendance. dCluc TVASO flAT HOOPS-IKON ORAW-LUOS 1 Miccnm a iwawt : inlj,jiuL.ri iiiviis : II. K. CIIANKY, 1'roprlotor. A. A. HOWARD, Manager, Florence Steam Laundry THE GOOD ONC KatablUhed 1890. Telephone 115 Work Done On Short Notice 1?-114 West Tront S. MISSOULA, MONTANA THE GRAND PACIFIC SALOON Mlsaouln, Montana. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Draught Beer, Fine, 5c. Bottled Beer, 25c- a Quart. All trains Stop 15 Minutes. Opp. N. P. Depot. mH""WS'eywWejWy bLfiX wSlflaHrfSiaissssiilaH Baar Bavsmaaaaaal aaaaaaW -aaA. aaa BaaaaLaM 1 ar aarVaW mf FREIGHT RATESj mtm HOUSEHOLD GOODS vILbBBBBBBBBBbW aJMBaMesBBBBBBBBBBBlajaJ B satwr J aa m-iW MISSOULA MERCANTILE CO. MISSOULA, MONTANA '"PHIS modern establishment with its immense and varied 1 stocks merits the patronage ol all. Whether it be something to wear, to eat, to furnish your house, or any thing else, you can get it here. We want every reader of The New Age within our territory to joia the mighty ranks of pleajfi and prosper ous customers already dealing with us. REMEMBER OUR MOTTO "4We Sell Everything and Everything the Very Best' PROMPT ATTENTION I SEATTLE WASH ! When in Seattle vlalt HA1NSOIN & COS Billiard Parlor The Finest in the Nortkwett 621-23 First Avenue SEATTLE WASHINGTON WATER TANKS fir Spruom mini OaMai Lumbmr BoxShookm Cmdar Shlnglmm Grays Harbor Commercial Go Smmttl; Wmmh. Just a Word About Rolls Utile Itolli ami big Hollas plain Jtolli and finer ltoll: Kolli (or breakfait; llulli (or lunch: Mnlle for auppt-r all good aorta ot Holt, prow to irfii't proportion! at the reliable bakery meat people In MhaouU know about TEVIS & CRAWSHAW GROCERS AND BAKERS Hay, Grain, Flour, Fruits, Vegetable Confectionery, Etc., Etc. 131 Higgins Ave. Missoula, Montana eyeyyejeyjeyyeyey ISM)! zi Marvelous, j j Quaint and Curious. $444444944ftfttfift Kxwk-wa William 1'enn'a Ten Service. Articles of ordlnnry use, however smnll niny bo their Intrinsic vnlue, which hnve onco been tho property of men who lmvo been good nnd great how rnro tho conjunction 1 nro nlwnys fnvestcd with n peculiar Interest. They often afford a cluo to tho tastes of thoso who onco iwsscBsod tlicni. On this account wojiavo pleasuro In laying beforo our readers a representation of tho silver tea scrvlco which belonged to tho celebrated William Pcnn, tho founder and legislator of Pennsylvania, FINN'S SII.VEB TEA SERVICE. whom Montesquieu denominates tho modern Lycurgus. Ho was tho son of Admiral Pcnn, was born at ( London in 1(144, and was educated at Christ church, Oxford. At col lego ho Imbibed tho principles of Quakerism, and hav ing endeavored to dlsscmlnato th'em by preaching In public, ho wan thrlco thrown Into prison. It was during his first Imprisonment that ho wroto "No Cross, No Crown." In March, 1080-81, ho obtained from Charles II. tho grant of that territory which now bears tho namo of Pennsylvania. In 1082 ho em barked for his new colony; nnd In tho following year ho founded Philadel phia. Ho returned to Kngland In 1034, and died In July 1718. lie was n phil osopher, n legislator, an author, tho friend of man, and, abovo all, a pious Christian. In addition to tho reasons above given, tho sketch of tho ten sor vlco Is an objoct of curiosity, as show ing tho state- of silversmith's work In England, at tho closo of tho seventeenth century, for articles of domestic use. PERSIA'S NEW SHAH. fie Trill Carry Ont the Political Re forma of III Father. Tho political reforms recently grant ed In Pcrsln by Muznffar-cl-Dlu, tho wRp present Slinh, who Is now critically 'of truC0i ,Iu fouml tll0 MrtlBl ,lcct u( sick, will bo continued by his son anditho lnonth ot tho i.otomne. successor, Mohammed All Mlrzn, who Is nctlug as regent during tho Indispo sition of his father. This young man Is li8 years old nnd Is liberal In his views. Ills education was received In Prussln, Frenchmen and Englishmen being his tutors. Ho Is liberally In clined nnd Is regarded by those who know hlin us a young man of great promise. It Is dllllcult to Imnglno popular suf frage In Perslu, which has so long been v .1 u j tut i.iu iiiiitibiiiib tftuiui ilium iu under autocratic away. Nevertheless, toll Whether tho fort had surrendered during tho yenr tho Shah Issued a do-lor wi0tlicr tho British had found the cree providing for n Parliament which bombardment In vain. They strained will frame a constitution for the klng.'thoP 0,.W waiting for morning to dls doin nnd will meet annually hereafter iCi0BO whether or not tho star-spangled for tho purpose of revising old laws Dnnnor wnil Ht!1 tlontliix on tho rani nnd edicts nnd enacting new ones ns ' imrtB 0f Fort McIIenry. they may bo required. Under this do-1 Wiion tho blessed morning light dls creo all Persluns of tho ninlo sex ablo' dosed tho flag still erect, Key, In an to rend and write, between tho nges of outburst of enthusiasm, dashed off hit 0 and 70, who nro not In tho scrvlco ' poem, writing it on tho back of an en- or mo mute nna wno navo never been convicted of a crime, nro entitled to voto for members of tho Chamber of Deputies. This new Persian Parllment met In October and tho work of draft- Ing n constitution Is now under way. Popular sentiment la In favor of a lib. era! constitution and It may be ex pected that before long Persia will take tier place among tho liberally governed countries of the world. The Shah to whom Persia owes this great reform ascended the thrnno In 1890 and up to the time of granting the right' of a new constitution to his Ieop!e had been a most absolute ruler, He was master of the lives and prop erties of his people. The entire reve nues of the country were at bis dis posal and bis wish was law In even the most distant province. The change to constitutionalism Is Indeed revolution ary and It la a matter of satisfaction that the reforms projected by the fath er will) In the event of his death, be continued and confirmed by the son. Elderly people make almost ns many breaks as younger people, but excel la their ability to smooth them over. No doctor can cure what alls you W yoa hare a mean disposition. stfiaHmllBBaa':',5aVt i- iti, wM w jwffsgyspjp V taMaataMaaaT M ? vaal t?! a&...jQj. BBaHnHriiiiV ? - y 4j? aaaal wBjRsiivSKntr SaBBaavr -kbT 4aWt -isliti iaaBBaa s.'0rJbiiSt SaaaaAfk aaiBaaV 3p" BaaV 4fi'& ' LTaBBaaaBBBBBr $ i 7 "" 4Lssaa MP' - JbBBBBBBBBBBBW-:- '' X? HbsD V vi aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaL- aH IKatbw KxttBiBaaaaiBaBaaaaBBaBaaBBBBaJ UOIIAUUEU AU UIOZA. FORT M'HENRY 8AFE. Abandoned br Pedernl Army, Mnrr Inntl I'reaervea It. Ever slnco It wns announced that Fort McIIenry, In Chesapeake Hay Is to bo abandoned by tho United States Army much re gret tins been ex pressed that a place with which Is associated ono of the Inspiring events of our his tory nnd which gavo birth to our national anthem should fall Into 'vk -' JaV ruln ""ppiiy. such a fato Is spared tho old Baltimore fort nuNcia Bcorr key. Tho National Guard of Maryland will tako possession when Undo Sam's sol diers step out and will uso tho fort as a drill ground and storehouse. The old guns nnd relics will remain. Tho Stars nnd Stripes will continue to float from tho old rnmpnrts ns they did on that nicmorablo September morning In 1H14 when the rising sun, piercing the snioko of bnttlo during tho bombnrdmdut of the fort by tho British, disclosed them to tho delighted view of Key, Impris oned on ono of tho British warships, and Inspired him to wrlto Tho Star Spangled Banner. Tho second war of America against tho mother country wns In progress. An English army had Invaded nnd oc cupied Washington, and had burned tho national capltol, Tho British were massing their land and sen forces for other conquests, and ns tho fleet sailed down tho Potomnc, Dr. Wllllnm Bcnncs, a prominent citizen of Maryland, who had been arrested In his homo In Upper 1118T0HI0 FORT M'lIENIlV. Marlboro, charged with some petty of fense, was carried off a prisoner. It wns to secure tho liberation of hi, friend nnd neighbor that Francis Scott Key obtained lenvo of tho President to en to tho British nilnilrnl. under n lias After considerable parleying, It wna finally determined that Dr. Bcanes should bo released, but as an advance on Bnltltuoro was about to bo inado, It was required that tho Americana should remain under guard on board their own vessel until morning. That night, Sept. 14, 1814, Key witnessed the bombardment of Fort McIIenry. For long hours tho cannonading con tinued. Suddenly It censed; there wan no way for tho Impatient Americans to . velono Thin era We net from the Hoar. Tho hog Is a wonderful nnlmnl when you como to sum him up nnd Is one of the fixed Institutions of this country. Somoono onco wittily described him ns a manufacturer of limns, Inrd, hair brushes, head cheese, toothbrushes, gluo, buttons, fertilizer, fats, bacon, knife handles, whlstleo, soaps, sauce, sausage and satisfaction. As n con denser, ho beats tho finest steam ma chinery. Ho will put ten bushels of corn Into less spneo than a bushel measure. Corn loaned to n hog Is cash at a good Investment, snfo and nt a largo Interest. Ho does what the an cient alchemists never succeeded In do ing by converting corn Into coin, nnd thus discovers tho philosopher's stone. Cane of Deceptive Appearance. "Well," said tho now reporter nt the creditors' mooting, "It's ensy enough to pick out tho bankrupt." "Think so?" replied tho older ono. "Yes; sco how shabby and careworn ho looks." That's tho principal creditor. The bankrupt Is that man with tho fur over coat and diamonds." Philadelphia Press. Vplirilnar the I'ubllo. Tim There goes a man who has done much to arouse the people. IUm Great labor agitator, I sup pose? Tim Naw; alarm clock manufac turer. New York Times. How Mlcktjr Mlad Il.ata. Let us pour a libation to croquet a port of young and old, Innocent, sim ple, accessible llko playing with the cat, and, like that exercise, an escape Into a world of revelry that is calm. Collier's Weekly. J The average woman can get an awfully big headache In having an .awfully little good time. Nothing Interests a woman more than 's'maa who refuse to explain things. Wfc-Mb w fflaaaSferolEfl KUlWX DEM EIFaU'l VaaaaaVv KnOHrlnl ' iBalaMaaaaavaMaaaaaaaaaaaaBBBsaaBaBBBBvBavaaBBaBBasi ) ! TACOMA : mllE PACIFIC MQUOH AND WINE HOUSE. N. llHUTKIt, Proprietor. The beat of Wlnca, Liquor and Cigar. Family Trado a Specialty. Tel. Ked 1731. m Pacific Ave. 1606 Commerce St. Tacoma, Washington M ONTY'8 TltlllBT BTOItB Ilerlln Building. lUBouth tlth St. Tolophono, Mala ll. TACOMA, WA8IUNOTON Tlte Best is None Too Good for You. Get It at The Trail Saloon 8c Cafe RUSSELL ORMSBY, Proprietor 113 S. 12th St., Tacoma, Wash, Ivory Wood Fibre Plaster Ivory Cement Plaster F. T. CROWE & GO. 1105 A Street TACOMA, WASHINGTON STYLES RIGHT PRICES RIGHT Mcnzics & Stevens Latest Styles in HATS, MEN'S FURNISHINGS AND CLOTHING SPECIALTIES 913 Pacific Avenue Provident Bkfg. TACOMA, WASH. Puget Sound Electric Railway Interurban Leave Tacomn 1:00, 7:10, 8:10, 0:15 (Ltd., no stops) 10:10. 11 :10 a in, 12:10, 1:10, 2:10, 3:10, 4:15 (Ltd., no stops), 5:10, (1:10, 7:10, 8:10. 0:10, 11 :15 p in. Leave Seattle l:K0, 8:00, 0:00 (Ltd., no stops), 10:00, 11 :00 a in, l'J in, 1 :00, lf:00, :i:00, 4:00 (Ltd., no stops). 5:00, 0 :00, 7 ;00, 8 :00, 0 :0S), 10 :00, 1 1 : 15 p in. PUYALLUP DIVISION LwivoPiiynlliip 6 :.M), 7 :00,8 :00, 0:00, 11:00 n m, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 6:00, 0:15,7:15,8:16,0:15 pm. iA'nvoWlh nnd Commurco Sts. 5:10, 7:00,8:00,10:00,12:00ain, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00,4:00,5:00,0:15, 7:15, 8:16, 11:15 p in. (5:30 a in omitted Sundays) Tacoma Trunk Factory A good Trunk Is always u good bargain. You can't judge from mere appearances. Wo sell Trunks that not only look well but wurtr well. Suit Cases and . Bugs of all sizes, styles and prices ' Repairing done. Phono Itud 2772 031 O Street TACOMA, WASH L,. U. A1ANNINQ, PruM. U. R. MAINlNllNa & CO., Inc. Real Eatate Loans and Inveatmenta. City and Farm Properly. Timber and Coal Landa. Firat-Claaa Mortgagea and Inveatnient Securitiea. EQUITABLE BUII-DINQ THE SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN BANK Commercial Banking Savings Department Capital 15,000,000 Surplus f35O,000 Total Avuilablo AsxetH $7,500,000 A. CII1LBKKO, Prcsidont GKO. II. TAKIIKLL, Munugur ' A. V. HAYDKN, Cashier Tacoma Office No. (155 Commorce Ht., N. K. Cor. South 11th St. A Delightful BREAKFAST Dish WHEAT.HEARTS Vakea udelUhtnil bruakfait dlih: with fruit added, a lnvily da rt. Itfqulrra lltllt time to cook. A I In ht ex. ixiikx tor fuel. Ia.iiaraiileid abaolulely pure and coula lei lb a any oilier cereal Hold by all grucera. rive , IxmiikI nap 'ate, A'i rent". THE PU6ET SOUND FL0URIN6 MILLS CO,, TACOMA, WASH, : TACOMA I ? THE ABBEY F. J. MOONKY. 1'roprletor Tolephuno Jamei 2121 Wines, Liquors & Cigars Room In Connection TACOMA WASHINGTON THE A1N1NBX MAKTIN ANOKL, Prop. House of Fine Liquors" Phone Main 446. Cor. Eleventh and Pacific Avenue the Mcdonald cigar co. Bella tho lllghcit Orndoa ol ...CIGARS... Manufactured y tho licat lactorln ot New York nnd Tampa. Alio a compluto lino ot Imported Cigars, Cigarettes and Smokers' Articles Tel. Main 765. 956 Pacific Avenue THE DAMFINO 1'. T. McQLOIN, 1'roprletor Telophono Main 1M BSTADLISHBO UEPORQ TUB WAR Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars l.'iOi JcfTeraon Avonuo, Cornor 1'aclflo TACOMA . WASHINGTON L L R0BERS0. PrtJ. and Trai. C H. R0BER50N. Stc'r. EAT T. B. C. BREAD MhiIo liy TACOMA BAKING COMPANY Wlwlenvlo Mnnnfacturcri of Dread, Cakra, KIp. W nlm tnako a apvclnlly u( (1UOH 1IHUA1). Tl.Jnmca2(U. 943 Tacoma Ave, Tacoma, Wuh. Phone Main 748 raving I'lant, ISth and Dock The Barber Asphalt Pavine Go, ; ASPHALT For Roofing,' Street Paving and Reser voir Lining CONTRACTORS Street Paving, Drlvewaya, Floors and Sidewalk 203-4-5 Providence Bldg. TACOMA WASH. We make a Ppvclnltv of FINE POULTRY I'rlrato Car Trado Hollcllod Commercial Market HARRY HASH, Prop. Retail Dealer in Fresh and Salt Meats , 1114 C Street Telephone Main 292 TACOMA J, n. TEUNKri, I'rtK and Mgr. Tacoma Carriage and Baggage Transfer Company OFFICE 101 TENTH ST. Cirrliges and Baggazi Wagons at ill Hqih Private Ambulance Perfect In Every Detail FIRST CLASS LIVERY Hand your C'hccka for IUkkhuh tc our Mea en iff r , who will uiuut you uu all Incoming tralna. TACOMA, WAR". A. T. MOSMI2U. Hooy' TAC MA, WASH.