THE HCEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON tghsXhWsTiiffiitMh 4UMyMMMMk I TOPICS OF 1 THE TIMES Ilaro you quit trying to keep track ef the lnnd frauds? A woman CO year old In mid to be cutting her fourth net of natural teeth. Shouldn't It bo unnatural? It Id claimed that a bat hni lived In a denied vault for KHJ yearn. It tuiiHt have been of the brick variety. Mr. Fielding Iiiih put leinona on tho free llHt. Tho trade wan Buffering, and ho tamo to the rescue a case of lemon nld. tbmogh 'erainary "Wives do not Issue PASTEURIZED DAIRY -COMPANY, Inc. For fine wine ami Uquon, oil at bulletin .they do -nurse both husbands and children .through many Illnesses. Gen. Bhnfter'a death has recalled to the public memory llttlo but criticism, too Ruiacll street Tho man's real achievements h.ive been rtsteurltcd Milk, crenm; Butter, Ekm, Cottage Cheese, Cheese, Iluttor ill Ik. QUALITY ICE CRKAM Milk 4 per cent guaranteed I'houo Kast KKfl 1'OimVAKD, OREGON N rourtccnth ,, THE WEST O. UURH1S, Prop. Fine wines, Liquors and Cigars riionc i'aeifle two I'OKTlXVI), ORE. ELDERBRAU grotto PORTUND COFFEE & SPICE CO. KHICK80N & I1E110, I'ropa. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars i 54 Sixth Street PORTLAND, ORE. all but forgotten In tho resentment over nouPul0e2Ht what seemed, a needless loss of life In tho Spanish war. It Is truo tlint Shar tcr exhibited an unfortunate lack of experience and skill In tho protectlvo flldo of warfaro; but It may bo qucs Wotk Don On Snort ITotk The Never Regret Cleaning and Pressing Parlor Cleaning, Treeing, Dyeing and;llcpalrlng. filcnrn nml French Pry Cleaning a Hticelalty. CJnl. It. ....... I l I. It. ... tt'.l. ' ouhb i l.9i,v irniiu 1 uu Maid tloned whether any other American , 132 N. SUth street, PORTLAND, OREGON A man ban been arrested for trying to throw his mother-in-law Into the riv er. Evidently IiIm Idea was to drowu his sorrow. Senator HnnNbiotigh of North Dako ta thlnkH wo aro threatened with na tional nervous prostration. Pick your sanatorium early. Tho way to worry a man Is to say thcro Is probably no truth In tho charges agalust him and icecp right on digging Into them. Prof. J. 0. Adaml's assertion that man Is largely composed of pure soap Is likely to strengthen the avcrugo hobo's aversion to water. Thorn who believe In Spartan meth ods of "hardening" children might re flect that there Is no hardness like unto that which marks the absenco of life. Tho nnino of a woman was drawn from thu Jury wheel In Washington, but she was promptly excused. Resides being of tho wrong sex, sue was qulto Intelligent. commanding olllcer of that day would have dono bettor In coping, unprepared, with tho real enemies, cllmnt", food and fovcr, says Itldgway'9 weekly. And, In xplte of all, In I1L1 surly, tact less, patient fashion ho did what bo was sent to do tin Cuba. This habit of performing .tho allotedtask was tho keynote of flhaftcr's character In his many yearn of Invariably Bi.ccoisfiil and vnlunblo Indian campaigning, dur ing which tbe public never heard of him. It was his mlsfortuno tint hta brilliant successes should h:iv? been lie compllRhed In tho obscure pin cos of tho on rtb; his rrors committed In tho blnzo of tho limelight Whatever tho public, fickle and often ungrateful, may think of him, his fellows In the ricrvlco will remember him with honor us 1 brave, honest, sincere and gonurully elll clcnt public servant. Michigan ' ' Company It, CRAW, Proprlotor Phone East 2800 154 Grand Avenue NEW ALBINA CAFE PATTERSON k McDOUGALL, Propi. Fine Wines & Liquors The Old Corner Cor. Russell Av. St Albina' St. Phone East 4386 Portland, Ore. Ericson Undertaking Co. Incorporated Funeral Directors and Embalmers LADY ASSISTANT Owing to tho fact that Xing Leopold has bushy white whiskers It will bo hard to ever convince thu jeoplo of tho Congo country that Hauta Cluus Is a good man. Tho opponents of free congressional seeds aro making another strong light Can't make them believe that tho pros perity of tho country Is grown from free seeds. Now n Chicago man has offered Count Itonl n Job an chauffeur at 2r,000 fniucs a year, That ouht to suit htm down to tho ground, since ho Is used to living n fast life. Explorer Peary attributes tils fail ure to reach tho hi)m to tho wonther. Just as soon as they hitvo a tropical season up there we look for Peary lo put a cnbbage tear In his hat und push forward to victory. To obllgo a woman. a,'J70 wmtorn tmsliu'NH men signed n petition without reaillng It ami luivo mado IheniHelveH liable for a total stun of tj.HMVJOO. Cits slo Chitdwlek will find plenty of them left when alio gets out of tho pvnltcn-'tlary. Thcro aro still homo jwrsons who aro not anxious to have nil automobile. Two well-known residents of Madrid startetl from that city on a Journey to Paris last month 'mounted 011 asses, In protest against the reckless speed of tho automobile-drivers. I.'ach iikm was named after a noted auto-maker, anil tho riders carried banners Inscribed. "Donkeys nro better than automobiles." Tho percentage of pooplo fn a largo city who havo any knowledge nt llrst hand of government reports and bulle tins U exceedingly small, nut the gov ernment printing olllcc turns the docu ments out In great number, and they contain much useful Information. WJien tho President spoke In his message of tho help tho Agricultural Department Is to tho farmers ho might have refer red to some of this literature, which covers a great rango of subjects. Not only Is agrlctilturo proper dlsomsed, but hero Is "Modern Conveniences for the Farm Home," which Is significant both of a paternal Interest In the farm er and of the changes for tho belter that aro going on In farm life. First there Is n disquisition on tho water supply, with many sanitary sugges tions, and hints as to mechanical de vices for distributing tho waer through the house. Then there Is a discussion of tho location of tho house and of cel lar building, and an elaborate treatise on tho question of plumbing, taking In laundry and sink arrangements, heat ing apparatus and hot wator circula tion, tho bathroom, lavatory and closet, and giving careful Instructions for tho disposal of sewage. This li followed by directions for tho disposal of ashes, gartmgo and miscellaneous re'u-w, and by a dissertation on heating systems, after which examples aro gMcu of homes whero modern conveniences havo been Installed, and also hints on tho possibility of Introducing them Into houses already built. Such a bulletin must havo liitluciico In spreading tho desire for homo comforts, and thoughwnauy farmers may still 'ag bo hind, tho Installation of tho conven iences has really gone on rapidly, Thcro aro farm homes, genuine farm houses, built anil equipped nut of 'arm money, as well supplied with them in tho best city residence They would astonish those who after years of desertion ro member only the dWcomforts of farm life, and what with such .mprnvements and tho trolley and tho telephone tho movement "back to tho soil" may gather considerable lmjctus. Phono Main C133 PORTLAND 409-411 Alder 8treet OREO ON LO DELL'S PLACE A. E. LODELL, Proprietor Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars WEINHARD'S BEER Telephone: I'ncllle KWI 411 .North Nineteenth St. MAIN 4402 WESTERN SODA WORKS JUCIIEM1CH A CRAMER, Props. Manufacturers of Carbonated Cover ages, Svrtipo, Kxiraet-, Mineral Waters ami L limn pnpii'! uiuer. roie tiibtriu utorsof fcVdnillc M nernl Water. Phono Pacillc 17011. Office and Factory, 204 Mill Street PORTLAND, OREGON Importers and Manufacturers Tea, Coffee. Spices, Extracts and Baking Powder 24 ann 26 Front Street PORTLAND, OREGON PORTLAND, OR. Pioneer Soda Works OU.NDEL 1IROH. t CO. Manufacturers ot SODA WATER, EXTRACTS, SYRUPS, ETC. Factory, 416 Water Street Telephone, Main 2.W0 THE BUREAU SALOON FRANK HOFFMAN, Proprietor Choicest Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Ggars Telcphono Main MOO Fouthcut Corner First and Morrison PORTLAND ORKQON PORTLAND OHKOON Crane Bottle Co. Wholesalo Dealers In BOTTLES A. H. Willett & Co. Wholesalo and Retail OROCERS Special Prlcea to Restaurants Prompt Delivery Phone East 283 128 Grand Avenue B. Washington, Prop. L. Wilkinson, Manager The Alpha Fine Wines, Liquors & Clears NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS Headquarter! for Railroad and All Pro fesalonul People. Phone Pacific 151 101 N. Park St., PORTLAND, OREGON Carry tho largist stock of Bottles on the Pacillc Coast. Mail Order ship ments given prompt attention- Office, 14th and Couch Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON STAR BREWERY NORTHERN BREWERY CO. Brewers and Bottlers of HOP GOLD PORTLAND OFFICE: Corner East Third and Burnslde Streets A. H. Griswold Successor toOItlSWOLD A P1IE0I.EY TAILOR The Judge Demands the Best" LA TOCO Ky Wert Cigar" EL PATERNO Ten-Cent Leader SIGHT DRAFT King of Five-Cent Cigars MlnnonpoIlM ME. I'ltUI W. S. Conrad Distributor No Drnnoh Stors 131 Sixth St. PORTLAND, OREGON Thero la n good deal of talk nt tlmea about Urltlah conservatism In business matters, hut they aro not hair its hack ward In aomo matters as Americans, who pltiiuo themselves on tholr gonhoaib ItlveneBH, From present apiiearnncea tho agitation In England over the adop tion of tho metric system Is likely to bear fruit much sooner In that country than In tho United States. Tho old argument nitout tho dlllleulty of ad justing accepted stuiidarda to tho me tric system la found to ho less formid able than represented and many big firms have, its a matter of Individual enterprise, prepared tables which will penult the prompt translation into me tric terms of their products. A law amount of pioneer work still Invites tho explorer, for many of the unknown areas havo much territorial extent. In tho Amnion basin, for ex ample, three of these regions nro each much larger than all of our New Rug. laud States. Ouo unknown area In Northwest Alaska Is nearly as largo as New England und the Sahara has two areas In black that are each twlco as large and another three times as largo as New England. Asia still hits several of these vast mysterious spaces and the solid chunk of the unknown In New Ouluea, the largest Island In the world exceptlug Urvenland, would swal low up New Kughind and leave a black border all around It. Not every wife can Issue a bulletin to the press concerning the stato of her husband's health ami sign It "house physlclau and inmlltled nurse," as tho Queen of ltoumanla has dono. King Carol has been III for a year, and In recent mouths has been In extreme pain. The tpjeeu, In her bulletin, signed "Dr. Carmen Sylva," says, "I jealously In sist on sharing no part of his nursing with any one else, und I never lmd a better patient, it la a pity no one can glance tit the pence of this slck-clmm. ber," She has had previous experience ns a nurse, for In the Itusxo-Turklsh war of 1877-8 she devoted herself to the care of the wouuded soldiers. Al- MISSING TIDE LOCAL NEWS. X Miss Cumnock was a district visitor, who went about her work with tho Ha mo IndlHcrlmluatliiK enthusiasm which carried her through l.erotlir social and philanthropic enterprises, Sho found at the outset ouo of tho keenest old women It had ever boon her lot to meet, who unfortuuntoly had never learned to read or wrlto. "I shall go to that poor soul tlieo times a week," she announced to her family, "and I shall read her nil the news of thu day and some of tho best books. She will appreciate everything." At tho close of ouu of Miss Cum nock's long afternoons of reading the minister hnpcucU In to see Mrs. Hlg. gins. "I suposo you've been enjoying a de lightful hour together," said the min ister, and Mlsa Cumnock, clasping n pile of newspapers and a book with fervor, auswered him. "We've had a lovely afternoon I" she said, eagerly. "Lovely! And now you'vo come to put tho finishing touch to It Good-by, Mrs. lllgglusl" "Good-byl" said the old woman? and then aa the door closed she turned her bright eyes to the minister. 'Can't ye help a body out of a hole?" alio asked him. "Tli every day In tho week but 8undnya she cornea now. Sho means well, and I'm enduring It as best I can, but wltllo I'm being Informed what all the world'a doing, and following every nvoventent o them Koayfolt children, tho McCarthy twins and the rest o Pearson's place nre getting away from me, an' I never henrd o' the llallorau baby's teeth till thero was three o them In his mouth." OUR BRAND Horse Collars Farmers, Trams'xri attt Horsemen, look to jour interest, Wliun In need ol llorse Collars, buy the beat the SHARKEY COLLAR It has stood tho test ol near and tear and climate for twenty jears. Ask your dralt-r for them and Insist on having tho "Soar. key." P. SHARKEY & SON Portland, Oregon V 0 FlovB AuMotulral Corrvotnvaa, Mamma Why, what's tlw matter, wiuier Wllllo I r-klcked Georgle, an' be r-klckcd mo back. Georgle No. mamma, I didn't kick his back 1 kicked his legs. Clove land Plain Dealer. Glrla are fond of attention, married Multiplies Evfiiy YeW women are foud of couteutlou. ' Tl.AlMr. ob OLYMPIC. A Flour Whose Best Endorsement Is the Fact that the Number of People Who Use It x'V' ..& .-- - - "-k iW3sV?ku.tittk jMt&msm& PEERLESS SODA CRACKERS MAZAMA BISCUITS Ask your grocer for them and take no other kind it you want tho best. THE TGXE POINT OYSTER CO. 29 Second St., Portland, Or. Twluplionu MAIN e03 Soli Crowars of thi Cilihritid Toke Point Oysters An K astern Oyster Transplanted and grown on our Wit at TOKELAND, WASHINOTON "UNKQUA1.EP IN KLAVOK AND FllKSIlNKBa" Cannery at South Bend, Wash., Wholesale Dealers In All Varieties of Native Oybters. START 1907 RIGHT Begin Willi Electric Light IT IS CHEAPER Make 1907 an ELECTRIC year J in your HOUSEHOLD as well as in your Store, and enjoy the con veniences, the labor saving, the healthfulncss, the safety, the economy and the prosperity that attends the use of ELECTRICITY. FREE LAMP RENEWALS-The Company will henceforth furnish free of charge, to meter custom ers, new Edison base lamps of 4 8, 16, 32 and 50, candle power, in exchange for old lamps, here tofore furnished by the Company. Lanip renewals will be made at Nos. 147-49 Seventh St. ONLY. FREE LAMP RENEWALS mean better light, and is EQUAL TO A SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTION IN THE COST OF LIGHTING. For information call Main 6688 Portland Railway, Light & Power Company FIRST & ALDER STREETS Lewis & Clark Cigar Co. CIGAR MANUFACTURERS Ask for thu Celebrated Lewis & Clark Cigar - I2c Sacajawea 10c UNION MADE Phone Pacific 2263 PORTLAND KING & GILMORE Telcphono UNION 40C8 Real Estate Dealers Everything in the Best Properties Jersey Street ST. JOHNS. OREGON H. HENDERSON Real Estate H08M Jersey Street, ST. JOHNS, OREGON I havo cliolco IlnslncBS and Hcsltlenco Tracts in all parts o1 tho eity. Corr fiiomlcnco solicited from non tvnldcnt ONMiorn of property or tlioso recking investments hero. The SAVINGS BANK of the Title Guarantee & Trust Company PAYS 4 Per Cent Yearly Interest On Savings Accounts ABBETT Jill Kinds of Galvanized Iron and Tin Work a Specialty All WORK GUARANTEED NOT TO LEAK Agent for Quaker Mfg. Co.'s Sleel Furnaces 440 Union Ave. North Shop Phono Kust 0177 v ltoHidcnco Phono East 1809. : JAMESTOWN. N. D. i 'I The Seiler Cx OSCAR J. SEILER. AttorneyatiUw President Paid Up Capital and Surplus $35,000' Collections Investments Real Estate Jamestown, North Dakota ltV KAIL AM) Columbia River Scenery REGULATOR LINE (vES BEVFlft Tho excursion ateamer " BAILEY OATZKK I " makes round trips to CAS CADE LOCKS everv Sunday. lenvliiL- rnrirr t r ' Intaroct Onmnni.ndnd Onml Asimiillu ' '"" ' ." a w . roiuriling ar- iiiidisi uuiiiuuuiiugu ticiiirniiiiuaii rives u p, m. in si n-'jn nils ' Dally service between Portland and Wl AlSO PaV 4 Per Cent IMereSt Thu Palloc, except Sunday, leavlne n n.4!. .f n....ti I lmand 7 ". arriving about 5 p. uu uciiinuaico oi uspan And 3 Per Cent on Daily Balances of Check Accounts O SPICES, o COFFEE,TEA, AKINO POWDER, rUWWhO EXTRACTS AMuNNity, Fint5tFIvr, OmitH Stuniyll.ftt&MivUiefrkd CLOSSET&DEVERS PORTLAND. 0CCON. V I 1ZZJLZZ1 J Sare a Dollar Today and H Will Work for YovToiorrtw A Panic Account is the first step to ward happiness, prosperity and comfort Hanking Hours, 0 a. in. to 4 p. m. ; Saturdays, U a in. to 1 p. m. ; Saturday evenings, 6. p. m. to 8 p. in. DIRECTORS Win, M. Ladd, J. Thorburn Ron, T. T. llnrkhart, Frank M. Warren, George II. Hill. OFFICERS-J. thorburn Ross, Pres ident; Georiro II. Hill, Vice President; T. T. Burkh.irt, Treasurer; John E. Aitchteou, Stcrctary, 240 Washington Street Corner Second in,, carrying (relent nml napsenuers. Splendd accommodations tor outfits and livestock. Dock foot of Alder street Portland; foot of Court "treat, Tiio Dalles, Tele phone Main 014. Portland. PORTLAND OREGON A STORU & C6LUMBEI A RIVtFI RA1LR01D CO. ii sii Mm lie Dtt WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS CTWMN Ptrttaii. istfrii t Seaside Letvei cnion parov Arrirei. or iUTgers, Kiln- " Pslly lfr.CUtskr.nle Dallf. 8:00a.m. vtport,cii(ton, nut) . m. Astorik, Wnrren. ton, Klarel, Oer. bartfs.rkkud:ck side. Astoria A 8eashor Express Halljr. 7:00p.m. Astoria Express) 9: to p.m. Hllr. i !. A. BTKWART, J. a MAYO, Couu'l Agt., J4S Alder Bt U, F. A J'. A Ttslepaona MsJn SU4. 1 ..J- .rj A .!