Portland new age. (Portland, Or.) 1905-1907, January 26, 1907, Image 8

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"ir -)iywliwWii)aiiuwn
Pe-rw ad
Iiim ;f
CW NWItVW, ' -aj
Poriinu Ih u luiiifcliold friend In mnru
tlmn u million Iioiiich. This number Ih
increasing every day. I'uriiim Iiiih be
come, ii lioiteehold word all ovur tlio
Hngllidi Hpeaklng world. It is nn old
tried remedy for all nilurrlml (llseitHcs
of tlin head, Ihront, lungs, stomach,
kidneys, bladtlur ami fi'inalu organs.
Ask Your Druggist for Tree I'crunn Alma
nnc for 1907
Uncertainty of 1,1 fr,
"Young iiiiiii," said tlio clerical-look-trig
passenger, addressing tlio beardless
liiillililiinl neroHH the uUle, "do you over
consider when you Ho down at night
tlmt ou in ii y never see tbo nun rise
"No," replied tlu pnrty at whom the
query hiul lieen tired, "can't any tlmt
I do ; but every morning when I wako
up I reallro tlmt I mny not live to sea
another minset."
"You do'" queried tho surprised
e. I. p.
"I do," answered tho young ninn.
"You Me, I'm n baseball umplro."
Cincinnati Diipilrcr.
Five Wfdki In Ded With Intemely
Painful Kidney Trouble,
Mm. Mary Wngnor, of KH17 Kossuth
Avu., llrldgcport, Conn., hujhi "I was.
ho weakened and
generally run down
with kidney din
en ho tlmt for a long
tlmo I could not do
my work and mih
II vo weukH in bod.
Theru wiih tout Inn-
.fa ill bearing down
v puin, lurrinio iac,K-
lU'liert, hciidaelios
and nt tiuioH dirzy
Hpollii when ovory
thing wiw a blur
bwforo iiio, Tlio passages of tlio kidney
wrctloim wero irregular niul painful,
and (hero wiih coiislduinbhi Hedlniont
and odor. I don't know what I would
lm doiio hut for Doiiii'h Kidney IMIIh.
I could Heo nn linproveinent from tho
llrt box, and llo hoxei brought u Ihml
Hold by nil dealer. oO cents u lox,
FtiHter-Mllburn Co., lluffulo, N. Y.
Tho Unit ol Urn golden grnlii, Hero U aanar
or lavi'Mura. tililiu'roa, Improwd.n uillea froir,
lliii griming limn nt MacIhuI, i: per acre. In
tun )ctK Irtini now ttila Uml Mill bo worlli
ai kt crt'. A il in null to
G. F. BECRE, Maclrod. Alberta
livfuiviuu; 1'lllon Hunk (il CniU.
Klmlly rouii itilxir tliut wo buy wild mill all
MihIhoi Mlnliii! Ultti La Hint lloiuU tlmtHiooii
tin' nmtli't blioiiUl Jim nttiil tu buyurkoll
wrllour wlro
r.l.CAlTtRUN & CO.
125 AMrgton llulldlng Portland, Oregon
MiMiibor ot I'nrtUinl Hlook Kxi'lmiiRO
In lm lltir Hnitkti Vwlli'i'. fititlui, wlu'f
J,u Jklluiiiili Wy In iiiMrvktra r alfulif
ia 4lnL xi,uOarr uiuluirlui il, IriUnli Uml
Mill hI ill iMUrr liUli t J U'l rril
vtJUy In lliv uuilil, Unfi v Inmlvi cliucuifrulil
iiiniiriiirv xof rHlii, ullnir ku r litii, HAVU,.
tt' ln ralnl III migir fitoiurtra N(n 11, II. utor
it a to luw liiii mrW uii lm counlc) of Ml rr
fiunv. Aalitoii turml J I, IvvM, a rvvunl
iiiatar. rlii tor i-atlntiUri.
I. V. MOO It K l( K A I. r.s rA"'K COMPANY
Nt, Aiilliouy Mini .Valilun, lUnUu,
With !0 iiko lllutlrtlt'J booklet, Kiting 1,00
utv lor lUi(s lu tlio Home, 'arin and 1U
ml a Souvenir Picture. 7xH In., 10 color.
Ire lor 6 ana our doalct natno, Aildw
'oUe Ci lUtrtx Co., Oakiaad. Cai.
i -S&TAORfl
I toretw i n v?: ,
I ''gall.
BBwS. Jk. . - .' V K
Vll 'r ('.m
$1 -vif
fopulcrfeienco I
Is Switzerland to lu.ie us Klnclors?
The Hiibjuct benrn u close resemblance
to that as to thu exhaustion of tho
HrltlHh coul beds. It will Hcarcely be
come acute In our tlmo; but noiiethu
les Hcletitlllc observations of the uioe
inent of the glaciers durliiK 1 0U5 shows,
no slmllnr obseryatlons In preilotw
yearH lime hIiowii, a HhrlukiiKe In thu
surface. Soino of the Klaelers have
shrunk n much as WM yards slnco
I i00. In no lustantu bus growth been
repot ted
The city of Vienna has undertaken
the Installation of what Is (lerliaps tho
most remarkable electric, or electrical
ly IlKhted, fountain In existence. It Is
'(Minted In thu .Schwartzeiibergiilatz.
I'uderneatli the fountain, In a huso
emeiited chamber, are placed twenty
H'leii rellectlng lamps, capable of pro
ducliiK seienty dlfTeient luinlnoiis and
colored t'JTects. Thu light Is transmit
ted through thu waters of the fountain.
The light power of the plant Is esti
mated as witiiil to 1)00.000,000 candles.
According to the results of recent ex
periments the Hume of nceljlono Is per
haps the hottest known except that of
the eleclrle arc. The following figures
have been given by .Mr. Mnlll; Ituiisen
burner, 1,871 degrees; ucetjlcno Hume,
-',518 degrees; alcohol (lame, 1,70." de
grees; Deiiayniue burner half alco
hol, half petroleum !i,0.";j degiees; hy
Irogeu lliuiic, In lilr, 1.000 degrees; gas
jet flame, with oygen, l!.li00 degrees;
oxygen llaine, U.IL'O degrees. 'J'hese aro
all Centlgrad" degrees. One degree
L'eiitlgrado eipials one degreo ami eight
tenths Fahrenheit.
Tho lowest teiiiMirature yet recorded,
Hii.H a medical Journal, Is th.it reached
recently by IC, Olszewski In an attempt
to llipilfy helium. Ity the aid of solid
hydrogen he cooled the gas to minus
'.'."II degrees S. Under ISO atmospheres'
presiiro; then, suddenly releasing tho
pressure to that of the atmosphere, n
degreo of cold was created which, by
calculation from l.aphice and Itolsson's
formula, amounted to minus 1271..'! de
grees C. Helium, however, did not
llipilfy, and ho 'accordingly assumes
that Its (silling point must bo below
minus 1!71, nnd that there Is hut llttlo
prospect of reducing It to n liquid.
A French scleiitllle writer points out
that a mere gain In weight should not
In Itself he taken as an Indication of
Improved liodlly condition. It Is, ac
cording to him, rather a question of tho
density t tut ti tho quantity of tlssuo
which covers tho bones. When In
creased weight resultfl from Increased
density, then thu health Is really lm
proud. In order that this principle
may bo practically applied, ho suggest
thu use of baths containing n known
quantity of water ami supplied with
appliances for measurement whereby
thu density of tho Immersed body may
lm calculated, In the manner In which
Archimedes ascertained tho density of
King I Hero's crown of adulterated gold.
So rapidly has thu utilization of
water power for generating electricity
advanced that already a tendency may
be seen to classify rlcrs and streams
according to their peculiar qualifica
tions as furnishers of raw power. For
Instance, a French engineer has point
ed out that tho glacial (reams of
Franco and Italy, which have been so
largely availed of for electric purM)ses,
are not well suited to supply power for
lighting stations, because their How Is
at n maximum lu summer, when tho
mountain snows are melting, whereas
the greatest demand for light Is in win
ter. On tho other hand, the slower
ntnlgiiblo rivers of Franco aru better
adapted to furnish light, since their
How reaches a maximum lu the winter
It was tlio sweet scent of tho lilies
hi tho eonserMitory, or tho beauty of
the jouug girl's hair, that led to his
proposing to tho debutante In white,
as they rested lu tho shadow beneath
u palm.
"It cannot be," she said. "1 am un
worthy of you "
"Oh, rubbish," wild he.
"It is trim; It Is true." And she
"You aro nn tingol," ho said, ardent
ly. "No, no; jou aro wrong," said tho
j tiling girl. "I inn vain. Idle, silly, ut
terl.v unlit to be jour helpmeet through
He laughed lightly, then said, In a
smithing olco:
"Why, this Is sheer madness. What
sort of a wife do you think I ought to
"A ery wis', deliberate, practical
woman," she replied; "one ablo to Hvo
on your small salary." Titbits.
Minim I'tarnta In Sledllrrrunenii.
Several biKiugo farms, all of which
nro pit lug eoneeriis, are to bo found
lu tho Mediterranean. Until recently
siHinges liiwo been simply collected
from the sen floor, where they ti.no
flourished In a wild state, but of Into
j ears they lme, like ojbters, been cul
tivated. Having broken the women of the
Imblt of keeping their hats on In tho
theater, tho reformers should go after
the jotiug girls who wear such big
bows of such wide ribbons on their
bends that the man behind feels as If
hu U peering oer the ribbon counter
nt a dry goods store.
Occasionally a man puts his best
foot forward for the puriObO ot regis
tering a kick.
For that
There is one thing that will
cure it Aycr's Hair Vigor.
It is a regular scalp-medicine.
It quickly destroys the germs
which cause this disease.
The unhealthy scalp becomes
healthy. The dandruff disap
pears, had to disappear. A
healthyscalp means a great deal
to you healthy hair, no dan
druiTtnopimplcs,no eruptions.
Tho boat hind of a teitimontal
"Said for ovor alxty years."
Mad br J. O, Ayr Co , Lowtll, ilui,
Alao manufacturer! of
Morn (linn Likely.
John Kendrlck Hangs was discussing
In a New lork club a en so of plagiar
ism, says the New York Tribune.
"The man admitted that plagiarism
was suspected of him," said Mr. Hangs
smiling, "no almost admitted it was
proved. Hu reminded mo of n Yonkers
boy I used to know.
"This boy said to his chum one morn
ing: "'I hid under the parlor sofa last
night to hear what young Softlclgu
would say to my sister.'
'"Well, what did ho stiy?' the other
boy asked.
" 'Hu only talked religion nnd poli
tics, and ho kicked mo about thirty
times on the head.'
"'Ho knew you wero there, I gues,'
said the second boy.
"'I'm afraid he suspoctcd It"
Dellrnry nf frenchmen
Undoubtedly Frenchmen hare the
most delicate way of expressing them
selves," said a New York young woman
to n group of friends nt ten, "I hive
Just had the oddest little encounter
with u mail who looked ns If he had
Just arrived' here, his clashes wero so
unmistakably Parisian. I was walk
ing; In Itroadway when I hw him com
ing. To my surprise, ns he was a stran
ger to me, he stopped, put his heels to
gether and, taking off his bat, mnilo a
low bow. 'Pardon, mademoiselle,' said
he, 'your beneath skirt descends.' Mak
ing again the same elaborate bow, he
passed on. I looked dc,wn and saw
thnt my silk petticoat wns showing Just
n little below the outside skirt. Ilnd
nn American man noticed It, lie would
have felt embarrassment about men
tioning It; or, if he hud the courage,
h never would have been nblo to
think of such a dcllcnte way of mak
ing that bit cf n misfit known to me."
New York Press, ,
ftt. Vltroi' Panra and all Ncrrooo DlaMa
wrmamnlly rurrri ttr Dr. Ktlna'a (irral
l;- ft,inrr. Hn,l Air KHKIl lltrlal boltU and
A Patient Snnkr.
One does not often ntirlbiito tho vlr
tin. it TinMniimt tn n nimWo "Letters
from a Surgeon." however, contains nn
anecdote lu which Its exUteneo l evl
lent. Doctor Perry, surgeon of the
Twentieth Massachusetts, wakened In
camp ono morning to find himself tight
ly held In tho clutch of Doctor liny
ward, his senior olllcur.
"Don't move, John, till I say tbreo l"
ordered tbo senior, shnrply. "Then
seize uxy hands and sprlug to your feet.
Oue, two, three I"
At the word Doctor Perry Jumped,
and never mado a cleaner leap. He
was Just In time to seo n moccasin dive
under the coat which ho bad been us
ing for n pillow. Armed with sticks,
they dragged tho coat away, but aaw
only the hole Into which the snake had
glided. Tho surgeon had accidentally
blocked the entranco to the rcptlle'a
abode, and It had lain nil colled under
the back of his neck, waiting patiently
for him to move so It could enter.
Druggists refund money If It falti to cure. E. W
OKOYK'd signature (son each box. Sic.
. ,, .... w, . I
1 be Imperial Hoard of Health In i tier.
aTZe ," Km'.trtm . W .? Kg!
rlous to aealth,"
The bed. ot pes. In Colorado sometime.
. . ' .., . .. I
Include as many as 2,000 acre, and there
is one bed exceeding In ilzo '.',500 acre,
The leopard
Is the most cowardly ot
Only Teat.
"la there any known test for true
lover" nsked tbo ery young man.
"Nothing except marriage," answer
ed tho home-grown philosopher. "If
that doesn't evaporate It you hare got
the real thing."
A Literary Trlae.
The Inmost amount ever offered ae.
a prize for a literary contribution Is
1,500.000 rubles, which Is still open for
competition and w III bo awarded at St
Petersburg on Dec. 1, 1025, to the writ-
fortune of 60.000 gold rubles to pro-
viio tur mm uuiijuu iuii-. ii i'ii
gl vlug day Is tho centenary or uw cir
Alexander's death, by w hlch time tue
money will, it is estimated, nave in
creased to '.000.000 rubles. One-fourth
of It will be used to defray the cost of
publishing the work which win the
cr or me ucai uimorj ot Aiexauuor .. y SQrc bejna to heai neW flcsh is formed, all pain and InuammaUoa
of Uussla. Araktchelef, founder of the jeave3 the piace 6cab3 over, and when S. S. S. has purified the blood th
military colonies of Novgorod, left a ia nerman-ntiv cured. S. S. S. is for sale at all first class drusr a tore.
HI Object.
"Do you enjoy staying out until 2
and 3 o'clock every morning?"
"No, Indeed; but I can't nfford to let
my wife get Into tho Imblt of expecting
mo home early." Houston Post.
PAZO OINTMENT In giiBrentceit to euro nr
cfto ot Iclifng, blind, bleeding or protruding
plica In 0 to 14 dayi or money refuuded.50c.
Tho Eufaula (I. T.) Journal bonsti
that every copy of Its weekly Is fed Into
the press by a fullblnod Indian woman,
wlioBu husband turns the press.
Dick Your cheeks are beautiful to
night, my dear.
Katharine Yes. Jnck Frost kissed
Dick Ho did? Lucky Jnck.
Mothers wtlt And Mrs. Wlnnow's Boothlng
BtrUD tho beat rntni'ilv In tun far thnlr rlillHri
during- tho teething porlod.
0,nlle n IllrTerence,
"Whatl" exclaimed tho angry mo
diste. "You menn to say that Mrs. Do
Flasher used all tho samples we sent
up to make n fancy quilt? Why, she
Is nn old crank."
"Hut Mrs. Do Flasher Is worth a
hundred thousand, "
"Iteally? Well, In that caso I sup
pose "she Is eccentric."
"And she will Inherit half a million
by the llrst of the year."
"Half n million? Why, write the
lndy a noto nt once nnd tell her she
can have another bundle of samples
nnd compliment her ou being so de
lightfully bizarre."
Shake Into Your Shoes
Allen'i Koot-llmo. A noudor. It mnlin lltrlit
or nuur nliues foil easy. Ill a certain enroior
aiU'Atiiig, cnnoiis mid lint, tired, adilntf Icet.
Hold by nil DrncgUla, ITIco Mo. Trlaftmek.
into mulled pitKr!. Addrcii Allen 8. Olmitvd,
Lolloy, Now York.
Ilnrbera Aires Acjo,
The first barbers of whom there Is
any record piled their trndo In Qrccco
In thu fifth century It. C. In Homo the
first barbers operated In tho third cen
tury II. C. In olden times In Kngland
tho barber nnd tho physician wero Iden
tical. Thu?, a king's barber was also
his chief medical adviser.
In tho tlmo of Henry VIII. of En
gland, laws wero mndo concerning bar
bers, of which tlio following Is nn ex
tract: "No person occupying- a shav
ing or barbery In London shall nso any
surgery, letting of blood or other mat
ter, except the drawing of teeth."
Always to be Depended Upon.
When a person gets up In the morning
with a dull headache and n t red, stretchy
feeling, it is an almost curtain Indication
that tlio I ver, or bowels or both aru uecld
edlyiiut of order.
At such times Nntitre, the wisest and
bct of nil doctors, takes this mo ins to give
warning that she ntvdn the help nnd gen
tlo nriclstunca which rnn bct lie ob nined
from that o d family remedy, Ilrandruth's
Pills, which has been n use for ovir a cen
tury. They nro tho same lino laxative tonle p'H
your rand areuts UM'd, when doctors
were few ami far hetwten nnd when people
hud to Inn o n romo y that could absolutely
bo depended trpoii.
Ilramlreth'h Pills can bo depended upon
and are sold In every dang and medicine,
sturo, cither pluiu or suar-coutud.
Malt na a Dual Layer.
Unit Is the latest device for laying
dust on roads In tho country. Tho au
thor of tho new depnrturo Is M. Trlut
.Ins. city surveyor of Itoucn, who has
published It ns tho result of a long
'!" ' experiments The list of these.
whllo bringing out the wcuk sldo of
tho new system, possesses considerable
Interest as showing It to possess real
possibilities of utility. A long stretch of
road was llrst watered and then sprin
kled with salt. The next day the sur
fnco of the- rood was covered with n
thin glazed crust Italn removed this
In parts, but whero tho glaze remained
there was no dust for five days.
Whenever a sore refuses to Ileal it la because the blood is" not 'pure and
healthy, n3 it should be, but is infected with poisonous germs or some old
blood taint which lias corrupted and
usually afflicted with old sores arc persons who have reached or passed mid
die life. The vitality of the blood and strength, of the system have naturally
begun to decline, and the poisonous gcnu3 which have accumulated because
of a sluggish and inactive condition of the system, or some hereditary taint
which has hitherto been held in check, now force nn outlet on the face, arms,
legs or other part of the body. The place growa red and angry, festers and
eats into the surroundlnrr tissue until it becomes a chroma and stubborn
nicer, fed nnd kept open by the impurities with which the blood is saturated.
Notw j3 morQ t nad disa:jrceabic than a stubborn, non-healing sore.
A totlt resists ordinary remedies and treatments is good reason
or suspicion; the same germ-producing cancerous ulcers i3 back of every
old sore, nnd esneciallv is this true if the trouble is an inherited one.
Washes, salves, nor indeed anything else, applied directly to the sore, can
nnfltiv ncrmnnpnr ifti niittiri"vuill mnnv.
X was affltoted with a aore oa my . ,f,i 0. .ft; , ,.. i, at,
toe of four years' atandinir. Is ii? the sore With caustic plasters or the
was o, email pimpie at nrsj trnt it surgeon's knife make a lasting cure. If
fara2v.aryyteraiaterm2-cverV panicle of the diseased flesh were
alarmed about It and
rh?i in taken
several physicians. The
treated me but the aore con
continued, cause
to arrow worst. I saw S. O. 8. ad-
sndtRnor0ttnBMtft while I vras The
completely cured. My blood Is ncr 0
efftPof 8. sfs., aai tlfere toa. not n remedy for sores and ulcers of every kind.
beeu any aipa of the aore alnoe it is an unequalled blood purifier one that
0.8. 8. cured It. ., tf ., t i,t .i
'fau,uwcn i;"3
West "Onion,
write for our special book oa sores and
pouaesirc. wc maice no cnarge ior
jg SWmT
Caler saece seaMle awlajlstar aasj faetera cetera
One Tli I ii k at m Time.
"But don't you think," nuked the argu
mentntlre boarder, "that the street car
service ought to be Improved?" '
"Thnt Is n question for the future,"
s.ild the philosophical boarder. "Tlia
present duty is to nmcliorate It"
Timely AsaUlance.
"Your honor," pleaded Goodmnn Gon
rong, "I haven't nlways been like this.
I am descended from revolutionary fore
fathers." "You certainly seem to have reached
the bottom," said his honor. "I'll give
you a chance to rise. You will go up
for slxtr dnvs. Call the next easel"
Tlio Kind Yon llnvo Always
tui'o ol Gluts. II. Fletcher, nnd lias been mado under his
personal Hupcrrlsloii for over 0 years. Allow no ono
to deceive yon in tills. Counterfeits, Imitations mid
" Just-as-frood " nro but Experiments, and endanger tho
kculth of Children Hxperlenco against Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Cnstoriu is n harmless ntibstltuto for Castor Oil. lnro
ftorie, Drops nnd Sootliintr Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other .Narcotic
substance. Its npo is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
nnd allays Foveri.slmcss. It cures Diitrrluun mid "Wind
Colic. It r el loves Teething- Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Htomach and llowcls, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panucco Tho Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Use For
THetTun ooaaMNV, tt
Anelent Co Ulna.
Tho colllns of tho ancient Egyp
tians wero made of mnrblo and stone.
The Romans used similar receptacles
for their dead, nnd Alexander the Great
Is said to have been burled In n collln
of solid gold. In pnrts of England glass
colllns have been found.
Tho Athenian heroes wero burled In
colllns made of cedar, owing to Its nro
matlc nnd Incorruptible qualities, whllo
tho first record of wooden coffins In En
gland dates back to tho days of King
Arthur. This monarch wan supposed
to hart been burled In the hollowed
trunk of a gigantic oak. Patent colllns
were Invented In 1700, nnd metallic air
tight colllns wero advertised at Bir
mingham In 18(11.
Howa ThlaT
Wr efTar One Hundred Dollars Reward tat
any caio ol Catarrh that cannot be cured by
liaU'i Catarrh Cure.
r.j. biih.ti.x -".. rropa,, ioieop,o.
We, the undersigned, have known K. J.
Caenor lor tho lut years, and bollave him
M..I..I hnnn.aM. In all l.n.ln... fv.naaM.
lions and financially able to carry out any ob-1
ligation! niauo 01 weir nrra.
Wear & Trimx, Wholesale Drug ilats, Toledo, O.
Wal&ino, KinnaH & Miavin. Wholesale Drug
lata. 'loledo.O.
Uall'a Catarrh Core la taken Internally, act
ing directly upon tho blood and mucous sur
faces ot tho system. 1'rlce 74c. por botUa.
Hold by alt Druggists. Testimonials lrae.
ai-os ui mo ayaicui,
kld by alt Drugjttali.
fall's family flllt a
are lb beau
Brilliant Illaplay.
Asker Are you n bellover In tho oc
cult? Do ye.u believe It possible to go
In a dark room and see Mars)
Telllt Yes, and every other atar If
you happen to trip over a chair or a
polluted lue circulation, I hose most
away another sore would come, be
the trouble is in the blood, and
cure must come by a thorough clcans-
the blood.
In S. S. H. will De found
ucv;y uvv iuc muuimhuu
promptly cleanses it cf all poisons and
taints. It gets down to the very bottom of
the trouble and forces out every frrceot im
purity and makes a complete acd lasting
cure. S. S. S. changes the quality of the
blood so that instead of feeding the diseased
tarts with impurities, it nourishes the
rritated, inflamed flesh with healthy blood.
ulcers and any other medical d.vios
tue pook or nuvicc.
taaa m esaer sjye. Owe 19c aecaaaja
la 'a constitutional disease originating In
Impure blood nnd requiring constitution,
treatment acting through nnd purifying the
blood for Its radical and permanent cure.
The greatest constitutional remedy Is
Hood73 Sarsaparilla
In usual liquid form or In chocolated
tablets known as Sarsatabs. 100 doses $1.
Nasal and other local forms of catarrh
aro relieved by Cntarrlcts, which allay In
flammation and deodorize discharge. COo,
Uotitrlit has borno tlio sltrna-
Signaturo of
Over 30 Years.
MuaaaraTaciT, niwyomnoitt, .
Its the easiest and
only ww to get
inc oesx
Sold everywhere
Best In America
We make them
Wo do not tako ordcra and neddlaour Rubbar
fetampa, Heali, Ktc. We manufacture our
ovvn aroods. our ciulniueiii I tlio uoweat
' and belt money can buy. Wrlto today tor our
"JtubU'r btamp Catalogue."
I m
Portland, Oregon
Catalogue free. Tangent, Orcgea
have stood the test for orerso veara.
and are still In the lead. Their absolute
certainty of growth, thelruncommonly
large yields of delicious vegetables aud
Dcautitut nowera, make them the most
rename ana tne most popular every.
. wnere. noia oy an ucaiers. lgan A
aveeei Amaiuu tree on request.
0. M. FERItr 4 CO.,
Bttrslt. Mick.
Tola wonderful CM.
ne Doctor la called
crtatbtcauM "i curra
people without opera
tion that an. t van un
la dl. lie cerae wl h
those wondsrOtl Chi
nfsa htrba, roots, buds,
bark and vegetables
i bat are entirely un
known to mod leal abs
ence in ima connirr inrousnuieuMToi
harmless rtmcdUs. Thia luiuvias doctnr knows
the action of errr SOS dutersnt remtdlee, walea
be eaeaaDonaara'ly In dlferent duMasee, He
guaran'era to cure catarrh, athma. lane, three
rheumatism, asrrous lyaa, stomach, llrtr, kls
nera. eto. baa hUbArota of UeUmoalala,
Cuargea moderate. Call aad see htm. TaUsate
vh. y. tw mr wn. p,r PiamKS eaa OfroniaaV
vvfloui.iaiiua mmi
Tlst C Gsm W Oismm MsjdklM Caw
1UW nrst St. S. t. Car. IsVriaam
MeaUoa paper PertUsM. Carsaysm
f?-"??.0 ertlsers pUae
' aMflsj keif-e
sveaMi cettee) eesV weal asm la
Write fr Itm aeeMeT hew u
sM 1cta
ffxlH. M Xll '!
j'jrtm.rm i
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