'IN J A LEADING HOTELS : , KPreWttl It--Ster iiSMl5 ra5ffiS?C SSriSrfm i Mllwifl HOTEL PORTLAND. cost $t,aao,aaa. The Portland H. O. DO WCKS, Manager. Amorloa'n Plan, $3 Par Day and Upward HEADQUARTERS roit TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. Portland, Oregon Tolephotiu (h!I I', 0. lloxKl The Grand Pacific Hotel CIIAH. A. hCllHAOK, lToprlulor. Handsomely Appointed nnd First Cluss In Every Particular. Corner Railroad St. and Hlgglns Ave. MISSOULA, MONT. The Kenyon Don Porter Salt Lake City's NEW HOTEL Salt Lake City Utah The Grandon The only First-Class American Plan Ho tel in Helena. Rates from $3 to $5 BOLLINGER HOTEL European Plan - Lewiston Idaho Dest Hotel In Northern, Idaho The Northwest KI)V. O. PATTEUSON. I'ron. UIIA8. II. HATTJNUKlt, Mgr. Steam Heat in Every Room Private and Public Baths Electric Light RATES $2 PER DAY AND UP Bismarck, N. D. HOTEL PEDICORD T. J. I'FPICORD, froprletor ate 50c, 75c, $1, $1.50 Rnm tolth Private Batha Both American and European Private Telephone in Wo oil first-Class Grill in Connection 209-219 Riverside Ave, SPOKANE, WASH. ! LEADING HOTELS ? RICHARDS HOTEL AND RESTAURANT . I'liuno Exchanges 25 360-362 Alder St. Cor. Park PORTLAND, ORE. Best furnished house in Southern Oregon New Depot Hotel A. II. PUAC11T, Proprietor. All Trains stop 30 Minutes For Meals. ASHLAND, OREQON The New Bannock Hotel NOIIMAN A AltMuritONO, l'ros. Headquarters for Commercial Men American Plan. Rooms with Bath, Hot and Cold Running Water and Telephone in Each Room. RATES $2.00 to $1.00 PER DAY Pocutwllo Iduho The Spalding Leading Hotel of the LAKE SUPERIOR REGION Enlarged and Improved American Han, $2.f0 and Up European Plan f 1.00 und Up Finest Cafe in Northwest DULUTH, MINN HOTEL WHITMAN UKDEit NEW MANAGEMENT A Home for the Traveling Men Strictly First Class. American Plan Electric lighted. Bteam heated. Good Baniplo Rooms in Connection. J. C. BROWN, Manager. COlfAX, WASHINGTON THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON fMS I .. z-JWIJ S I SOMi I XL. V.XHT M i-nm&f i .. .' . . - :!T -hBf? k. trrVMT" "szmmm llnir to II ii tl t'f-iiclip. "For n budding knlfo take n com mon eniu knlfo n broken one will do cut hlndo off square, about one Inch from haft, slmrpen this end not very thin, but Hharp. Keep the normal edge n keen ns possible. Now, to use It. Set the end edpe wpinroly ncrost the branch, or needling, where you wIhIi to pet your bud, nnd with gentle presMirc cut through the bark to the wood. Next, sot tho s.ime edge vertically Jtmt below where you have innde the eros Incision nnd cut through the bnrk ns before, nnd before withdrawing the knife glvo It n slight twist, which will throw the bark open for the reception of the bud. Tim bud Is cut from the scion of tho variety desired by start ing the knife In the scion nbout one fourth of nn Inch below tho Intd, nnd cutting upward to the nnie distance above, Inking off the bud with n shield shaped piece of bark nnd a small shnv Ing of the wood of the scion. Insert thU In tho Incision already made In the stock and tie the bnrk to the stock down over It firmly, but not too tight ly. Tor tying, nnythlng nearly will do. I hnve used corn husks when other ma terial wns not handy." Mnklnir llrooilrr nt Home. Here nre the plans for n brooder that can be easily mnde by anyone: Make a box B feet i Inches by a feet 8 Inches nnd '2, feet high, using 2x2 Inch pieces for corner posts, and matched boards for siding. Inside nnll strips "hrbund 11 Inches from bottom to suport the floor, which should be innde of matched lumber nnd left so It could be taken out and cleaned. Make door In end level with floor, nlso glutei In upper half of each side for light. Top made to slant both ways und nbout half of each side hinged on so as to make feeding and cleaning ensy. Place large piece of sheet Iron on underside of floor with hnlMnch trlpB between floor and Iron. Cut door In lower part of, end ; place good metal bowl lamp under sheet Iron; bore sev eral holes In floor over lamp, putting tin enn punched full of holes over this to keep out dirt Place thermometer on Insldu nnd you will hnve brooder which will give the beat of satisfac tion. ICaTK Pointer. A stale egg will sink In wnter. Htnlu eggs uru ghiBsy and smooth of hell. A fresh egg has n llmcllke surface to Its shell. The boiled eggs which adhere to tho shell are fresh laid. i'ggs packed In brnu for n long time smell and taste musty. I Thin shells aro caused by n Inck of gravel und llmu among tho hens laying eggs. After nn egg tins liecn Inld n dny or more the shell comes off easily when boiled. A boiled egg which In done will dry quickly on tho shell when taken from the kettle. Kggs which hnve been packed In lime look stained and show the action of tho llmu on the surface. If an egg Is clcr.n and golden In ap-. penrnuee when held to the light It Is good ; If dark or spotted, It Is bad. Now Meat Law Working Wall. Ii) addressing the convention of the New York Ktuto IJreedors' Association ujvon tho new meat Inspection law and Its bearing upon the production and handling of meats, tieorgo P, McCabe, fcollcltor of the department of agricul ture nt Washington, snld tho law ap peared to be working well nnd was serving as n guarantee of the he.alth fulness, purity nnd wholesomeness of our live stock and meats In tho mar kets of the world. lie declared that, to secure the best results, breeders of every state should take up vigorously the question of the extension of mar kets nnd should back the department of agrlculturo In nn Insistent demand for an absolute efficient, vigilant, fair and square meat Inspection. Homemade Saw florae. The Illustration shows the best con trivance for holding slabs or other "v-wrSs-."' I1ANDV SAW IIOUSC refuse wood while sawing It for kin dling or fuel. Sure War With Iloll Weevil. The best way to circumvent the boll weevil Is to raise more corn and hogs, more alfalfu and mule colts, more hay and calves, more oats and chickens, more wheat and turkeys, and build more factories. With full crops of all these things, the boll weevil would have little terror for Texas. Bonham (Tex.) News. Farm Notes. Farmers who make money by skin ning the farm are like companies who pay dividends by watering their stock. The all around food for ipllk cows lP grass, 'juererore iook wen to me pas hires and see that their quality Is Im 7L "Sia-'rsw J aroTed. J'Js' sBg5 It Is useless to nltempt, to keep win ter squashes that have been Injured by frott. Tuoe that are uninjured are best kept on shelves In layers In a loca tion where the temperature does not fall below lo degrees, lie careful that they nre not kept too warm. , Drlnl 11,.,-t iiuil MoIiikkci l'tilp. Brief notes nre given on the produc tion of two feeding stuffs and feeding experiments with cows are reported by the Wisconsin station. The ration used for comparison consisted of live IKJiinds of hay, thirty-live to forty pounds of silage, and nbout eight pounds of a grnln mlxtiite consisting of wheat bran, distillers' grains, nnd cottonseed meal In the proportion of 2:2:1. Dried-beet pulp or molasses beet pulp was substituted for tho wheat bran In the ratio of 3:2 by weight. Two tebts were made, the brat Including fifteen cows und the second six. When wheat brnn wns replaced by dried-beet pulp In the projsirtlon Indl en ted there was no uppreclable differ ence In the effect of the two rations. Molases-Uet pulp substituted In the same manner produced, however, nbout 12 per cent more milk nnd 8 per cent more butter fat. lleet pulp showed a tendency to decrease the fat content of the milk. The results, therefore, Indicate that when wheat bran Is val ued at $18 a ton, dried-beet pulp Is not worth over $12 nnd molasses-beet pulp over $13 a ton. AnplmrliiK l-'eiire I'oxt, Here Is n handy way of nnehorlng fence posts In draws or low places : In stead of hnnglng u stone to tho post, take a double wire and uo It In the form of a truss, as Indicated In cut. The plan Is so simple that little descrip tion In necessary. If the cut Is vory deep, ono can use a longer post, or spike n 2x4 onto the iost, and so put tho truss wire yet higher, and hence that much more effective. War Vonnit Treea Are Beat. These are the advantages of planting young trees: They can bo (mined to the desired form better thnu older trees, saya Farming. A 2 or 3-year-old treo Is branched mid has had Its head alrendy formed by tho nurseryman; n yearling treo of tho apple, pear and sweet cherry, Is. usually unbrnnched. Sometimes tho nurseryman has headed tho treo too high or has not been care ful enough nbout starting out the scaf fold limbs, nnd It Is dllllcult to cor rect the form of the head after It has been started, There Is an unmistak able preference for low-headed trees, due chlelly to the need of economy nnd efficiency In spraying and harvesting. The single disadvantage of low-heading Is greater Inconvenlenco In tillage. This Is much more than offset by the advantages, In the Judgment of most growers. Within ten years the helglU recommended for heading npple trees' In the Knst has been reduced nt least two feet. The bearing of this on the matter of yearling trees Is that the grower can head a yearling treo where he please. Cavpea for Una;. Those living where they can success, fully grow the eovixn should utilize this valuable crop as a cheap ration for pigs. The pen Is rich In protein nnd furnishes the needed growth, and does nway with the necessity of nilllstuff, Drill three or four pecks of seed per acre tho latter part of May or the first part of June, and glvo tho needed culti vation till the vines cover tho ground enough to check weed growth. Turn the pigs Into tho field when the pods liegln to ripen, and they will do the harvesting. If the old hogs are pas tured on pens, they need corn or some other carbonaceous feed to glvo proper balance, for they cannot utilize so much protein as pigs. Try a patch of cow pea pasture this year, and get your hogs In fine ahapo for the corn when It cornea Hard Montbeil lloraea, Here Is something of practical value to anyone driving u horse that pulli on the bit : Fasten a small ring to each side of the bridle and as near the brow band as possible. Pass the lines through tho bit rings nnd snap them Into the rings nt the brow band. This, with n common Jointed bit, will enable a child to hold a puller or hard mouth ed horse with ease under almost all circumstances. It can bo used on a fast horse In double team or on both, as desired. It Is cheap and easily ap plied, and It won't make tho SioutL sore. It Is better than any patent bit Farm Pres. Water (or Batter WaeblnsT. Bulletin No. 188, on the "Kffects of Bncterla Wash Water of Butter," de scribes a series of experiments show ing the Importance of pure water for washing butter, Sterilized water Is shown to 1)0 practical, cheap and profit able. The bulletin may bo obtained free by addressing tho experiment sta tion, Manhattan, Knit. Jt ttt mmuc?A rmwi' ai iJfVDP'XJir f fUj i w nun ,iwm fe1?? aaaaavasamiBjj ANCllOItl.NO 1-OSTH IN. DIIAWH. LEADING HOTELS j THE ESMOND HOTEL. OSCAR ANDEHSON Manager listen: Furoicsn flan WO, 76c, ft 00, 11.60, fi.00 ror Any free Hun lo anil from all Trains front and Morrhon Streets rOUTI.ANI OIIEOON : DULUTH MINN, j HENRY FOLZ Lending proeory and mar ket. Wo servo tho traveling public at reasonable prices. 114 nnd lit) West Superior street. ' DULUTH, MINN. I GREAT FALLS : ClntliB Man, Woman, Hoy In Modern Up-to-l)ato Fashionable Clothing at 1'opulur Prices. Visit Often the Popular Priced Store for Men and Women. a rent Palls, Alontann. E. A.ltKlClir.f,, freMcnt. V. K. bKMIHUHCII, Vice l'reMont. ,11. W. UUU.N WAI.lr, buo. .ii Treat THE AMERICAN BREWING & MALTING COMPANY ' Drawers nnd Holders of extra ' quality lager beer. "American Family" bottled beer a specialty. Oflko: 109 Central Avenue. V. O. ISox U. Great Falls, - - - Montana, IDAHO ADVERTISING: Tho. Jllyth, fro I.) man Fa-go, Vice fret The Blyth & Fargo Co. T'ocalello, Itlaho acncrnl Merchandise 81 OK KB AT Cvanston, Wyo. I'ocntcllo, Idaho BANKOFNAMPA,Ltd. CAPITAL STOCK 550,000.00 FitaMlitied If9. Dewer 1'alace Hotel lltd's. HII'HO. MOCK, I'resMent F. J. CONItOY, Vlie-I'reilitent C. It. IIICKKY, ('Ashler ntANK JKNK1NHO.V, Ass't Cashier NAMPA, IDAHO J. A. Murray, I'rnUeiit, U. V. ht.nlroj. Vice ('resident Wm. A. Anthes, Cashier I, N. Anthes, Assl, Cashier FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Puuntullu, lUultu. POCATELLO, IDAHO TUTTLE MERGANTILE CO., LTD. Wholesale Grocers (JOODWIN AtlNINd CANDLES Judson Powder, Fuse and Caps A0KNT8 FOK TUB CELGBRATOD OLYMFJA BEER Nampiti Idaho V. W, Church Korle C. White C, C. Cbllson CHURCH & WHITE CO: Real Estate And Insurance Pocutello Iduho OArx Phone Main 2318 CON HILGEKS 331 N. 17th St. Portland, Oregon I'll lino Hood fi77 THE OLD HOME K.l', M1.K1IAN, l'roji. Choice Wines, Liquors nnd Cigars Cor. K' unit tilth mid Nortlittip Ft. Foitland, Oregon A. CORRIGAN Barton, Or., Clackamas River Best Fishing and Hunting Grounds in the Northwest LOUIS SCHUMACHERS FURRIER Furs llenim'elul into J niret Ryle. J-oi b, 8 t i s, I ie.-, fi r k'.-s than at mi) oilier id ee. ICG Madlcon Stroot W. It. Williams AlCIcyelaml FASHION STABLES Hacks, Livery, Boarding Twentieth and Wnshlnpton Sta. Went Und Exposition tilde. . flume Main ll FORTLAND, OREGON ctm work is hut one cnADt-Tiic ntsr W( tnakt a it.'Clillr of 1 unlcrlnt Uct CutlilnJ CKLSCr.NT LAUNDRY CO. SI!) Mnirltm Strrrl. Wc mi I'lv II u llnti Imr tntile ullli nice, derm npioiir. U h) lm mr iipinti mill tlien i)' lo IniM) tlii'in Inniiik'ii'il wlit'ti wo will supply llii'lil for Jlifl tthnl It louts on now to lato ilium tumiiluu'tl. Our wiiKtiii will cull. M. ;. (Inrdncr. !"oiio Mnln 1W0 M. (lardnor GARDNER BROS. .Miiufinliirerriof tliu Silk Tie Cigars UNION MADE 209,Sj Madison Sired PORTLAND, OREGON WEEKS GRANITE CO. ror First Class Work and LOWEST PRICES in Portland Cor. rou rlh and Columbia Streets One lilotk South of City Hal DRUGS, STATIONERY IMPORTED & DOMESTIC PERFUMES l'reinr'itiiiiH, l'ninlly HcoIich. Phone your (uiIuih KiiHlulut). W.C. CHURCH, Pharmacist C77 Mlllurus Ave., Cor. Cargo NATIONAL WINE CO. Pare Wine & Liquors. WO SELL DIRECT TO THE FAMILIES ' rifth and Stark Streets Phone Main 6499 PORTLAND, ORE. Rupert's Pharmacy I'HONt MAIN G42I r.verytlilnit New, Frenh and U-To-Ditte, Wo sol n t yuur trade. Purity pre-eminent. Pure DrueH nu important natter. iTrecrlptloiiH prei luetv prepared. We never uh atlltite, l'orfiniH'M of tlin hlhent ehuraeter. U u Mitiit your eoiifldeucu 460 Jcffrrson SI. Cm.ut Ihlrtrrnth SI. Pnrllrinrl Hr- Opp. UuilWunl's Grocery UrllUnU, tr. Pcrlland Fluff Rug Co. Transforming of Worn Brussels and Ingrain Carpets Into Rugs Prompt Attention and Good Service Guaranteed Phone 3052 700 Washington St., Portland, Orc( on Furniture Quality We sell Quality goods Fur niture that is made from Natural Wood, that will give satisfaction under hard wear. The same will hold good of our carpets and stoves. That's tho kind we 1 wit COVELL FURNITURE GO, 184-186 FIRST All the Credit You Want 'J fc. Hf-. s&tfOfi&uj JVjf 4 .- &J?i- r J- . t.-