1,.. WBPf)lIWW A.?r -s- j, 22ESHSSSS3Wlr I !S!SA'l3-;!W! S3Hi flignijj wi THE iNTSW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON rj I! I" "I ! I ihibhj 1 r i c i t i : THE W. G. M'PHERSON COMPANY Heating, Ventilating and Drying Engineers WARM AIR FURNACES "NOTHING BUT THE BEST" 47 First Street PORTLAND, OREGON DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR "The Purest of Pure Foods" Tacoma Warehouse TACOMA, THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT BEST BY EVERY TEST For Streets, Driveways and Crosswalks. WARREN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 716 Oregonian Building, Portland, Oregon HENRY WEINHARD'S BREWERY Manufacturers and Bottlers of the Well Known Brandsf Lager Beer " EXPORT " "KAISERBLUME" "COLUMBIA" IN KEGS AND BOTTLES Trade and Families Supplied Breweryland Office BURNSIDE & 13th STS. ItA.VIJ) II. lll'.l'.HII'.lt, HIUNi:V CI, A UK, 1'risMunt. iHtlilur. Union National Bank Incorpornted 1890 CAPITAL $100,000 Pays Interest on Time Deposits THE OLD RANK CORNER Crand Fork i, NORTH DAKOTA O. C. HLINT7, Manager. Phone Cast 57 PACIFIC IRON WORKS. STRUCTURAL, STEEL AIND IROIN Steel Bridges, Upset Rods and Bolts, Cost Iron Coltims nnd all Architectural Iron. Sidewalk Doors and Lights. All Kinds of Castings. EAST END BURNSIDE STREET BRIDGE, PORTLAND, OR i" VnrwlwcM $ SPOKANE i , ... . " FUSt National Bank Of HOCk SpringS hock tU'lilMSH. myom'i.so CAPITAL and SURPLUS, $100,00!) liVUUV ATri'NTION VI!N TO IUJSINUSS liNlk'USIT.I) IO US ssr TToajI? Spokane The Model Dry Goods Store of the Model Western City VISIT SPOKANE. When you do, visit THE CRESCENT, its model store, and one of the most interesting show places in what Elbert Hubbard has called the model city of America. VUltort will find here Bureau of Information vrkar reliable information of all kind regarding the city may be obtained. Alio free Parcel Check Rooms, Public Telephones and comfortable waiting rooms with lava tories for women. . Spokane Agents for North Star Blankets, the kind used on all Pullman coaches. and Sperry U. S. A. KVu'aaaaBBBl llliiaaaH WJftTftgaWaWaaTaTaaaTaTaTaaTaaTal Watson Drug Co. Wholesale and Retail The most complete dock of Druei and Patent Medicines to te found In the Inland Empire. Prices Cuarnteed low lhc lowest. Our Prescription Department meri.i your confidence. 421 Riverside Ave. Mariio Block A "CORNER" IN HUGH SIIIl'MKNT A New York firm 1ms prnctlcnll formed n "corner" In wnter from the lllver Jordan. Lnrjto quantities of the wnter nre shipped to America for use nt hnptlsms nml revivals, and a Ken tucky colonel named Clifford B. NnuV and (mnrked with a cross), has been sent there to superintend tho shipment. On his left stands tho Governor of Jericho. Tho project was formed and carried out by Colonel C. K. Nndnml of Kentucky, who had a Krcat many ob stacles to overcome. Ilu had to con vey tho water seventy miles to the sea coast across tho mountnlns of Judca. Casks were not to bo had, and had to VETERAN TICKET PUNCHER. Conductor Who llrltevea lie Ilolda hr W.irld'a llecoril. Ilecauso he Iihh wen B8 years of eon tlnuoim Hervlce with one railroad com pany, diirliiK fiO of which he linn hoon a pnHMMiKer conductor, Albert Roath. of Voreenter, Mas'). hellcvcB he holdH 100 TIM U AHOUHB TMft CAJJTt tfotDovrroa Jtceat fcOAfH a world's record. Though over 78 years old Roath Is a marvel of KprlRhtllncHH ami rocs about his dally duty with the wuno cntliusliiHin as he did when ho was tlrst promoted to his present poHltlon. During that time he 1ms traveled over i.r00,000 miles, or upwards of 100 times around the world, measur ing nt tho initiator. The number of passengers whom ho has piloted over the road must tm well over the million mark. The veteran conductor served for eight years as a switchman, brake man und linKKiiKOinun, and the remain lug half century as a passenger con ductor. COW8 WEAR GLASSES. Itcmarknhle 1 1 runt of Myopia BIIIU rra Owned In Arknuaaa, 'If one wero Inclined to nrnko a pun he would say that tho cattle owned by Oeorgo llepro and kept by him on hU farm near hero are "spectacles." It would bo true of them In one sense of the word, and to a certain extent, In Iwth senses, says n Rig Sandy (Ark.) dispatch to the Raltlmore Hun. About twelvo years aso Mr. Ileprn was tho owner of a prize cow named Arrydlce, the best tnllch cow In this part of the country so excellent nn animal that ho was offered $1,100 for her by the stato agricultural college. He would not sell her, even at this high price, but not so long nfter ho had re fused the offer he wns sorry that hu hnil not done so, for tho anltunl became troubled with n bad case of short sight edness and feeble vision. Sho could not tee things well, i'Un when they wero within two Inches of her nose, and nearly starved to death In tho pasture before It was discovered that she could not see the grass well enough to eat It. Mr. Ilepro's wn. Montmorenclo, Iswui oculist In Little Rock, and, happening to ho borne on n visit at the time the cjw'h dllllculty was realized, he sug gnsttnl that he could make a pair of spectacles for her that would ennblo her to seo as well as ever. Ho 'was giv en the commission, with n promise of $100 If they worked, and lu a very Bbort time ho had tltted the high-priced bossy out with an excellent pair of bifocals that enabled her to graze and cnt as well os ever with her head down and to see distant objects ns clearly nnd distinctly as In the palmy days when her head was lifted. She be came as valuable as ever, and the col lege renewed Its offer, which was agalu refused by the farmer. It soon' devej oihh!, however, that the peculiarity of shortsightedness and feeble vision was beredltnry In her descendants to tb.e second and third generations, and lu ssinuch as her rvniarkablp milking qualities were hereditary also. Mr," Hep ro could not think of changing tho herd. He held onto It, und, while adding to his bank account by means of the as tonishing flow of milk that character ised all of the Arrydlce strain, he con lS5?3p8KIV II-.'riAfV3B"V. y trKj3sf.r?ai fii IN JORDAN WATER. OV JORDAN WATER. )o inndo of wood brought from Asia Minor. Heforo the water was put Into them they wero thoroughly washed and (Uninfected, and the water was boiled and filtered. Tho persons In tho photo graph arc, In the center, Colonel Nnd and ; on his left, tho long whito-bearded figure Is Father Maxlmos, of St. John's Convent, near tho Jordan, representing tho Patriarch of Jerusalem; to tho Colonel's right stands All Rlza, Gov ernor of Jericho and tho Jordan; and to his left, Mr. Gelnt, Interpreter of tho American Consulate of Jerusalem. Tho mounted men nre Turkish cavalry sol diers, sent to protect tho party. tinued to remedy their Inherent visual defects by tho use of tho same kind of glnnses that the noted ancestress of tho herd always wore. These aids to tho vision had to bo placed on tho calves nt an early ago and changed, both ns to size nnd degreo of refrnctlvo power, ns tho animals grew older, which latter change has also to be mndo occasionally even nfter the nnlmnls have reached maturity. He now has a herd of l!3 of thu won derful myopic milkers, and It Is n strnngo sight to see them roaming over his extenslvu pastures, all fitted out with large, strong, shining nnd expen sive bifocal glasses old cows, calves and nil as solemn nnd serious looking In nppenrnnco ns an nssemblngo of Ronton schoolmnrms. Mr. Hcpro claims that the wearing of the glasses has a sobering effect on tho animals, which Is iorfectly appar ent even In tho young ones, nnd that they never frisk nbout nnd piny as oth er calves do. Tho cattlo are very fond of wearing tho glasses and nro very cartful, scarcely ever breaking them. HINSHAW BACK TO PRI80N. I'nrule of Intllnnn'a Moat Noted X.lfe Termer la llevoked. Rev. Wm. 10. Illnshnw, most noted "life man" lu Indiana, has been re turned to tho penitentiary In Michigan City to remain there the balance of his life. Governor Hnnly revoked his parol because Illnshnw had broken up tho homo of George Freeinnn. "Sorry as I feel for you personally," said Governor Ilanly to the prisoner, "I am convinced that prison Is the best place for you." Ry Illnshaw's conduct on the wit ness stand, Governor Ilntily was moro convinced than ever that he murdered his wlfo nnd that ho had no conception of the wrong bo committed against Freeman. Officials fear that Hlnshaw will at tempt to take his life. It Is claimed ho begged poison from other prison ers. Itrflectlona of llachelor. It Is almost better to bo married than never to have been engaged. If a girl has the toothacho she'll try to account for It In some romantic way. A nlco thing nbout being conceited Is the more people think you nro a fool the moro you think they don't Thcro Is nothing that makes a really good woman so triumphantly virtuous ns to go out to dinner and have some tlilug wrong with her hostess' cooking. New York Tress. Good Match, "Gentlemen," shouted the defeated candidate, "I may hare lost this time, but I have a, white conscience." "Then you should be glad," piped a tough citizen lu tho first row. "Glad of what?" "That you have a liver to match your couscleuce." Chicago News. No Cause for Alarm. Youug Doctor Do you think the yls Iter Is really a patient? I am afraid that he Is a creditor. Servant Well, I heard him groan ing. If he Isn't 111 he must hare a very big bill to collect. Fllegends Bisetter. ST. PAUL MINN. Alfred J. Krank (Successor to eCIIN'nt.T, A KKANK.) UBALUttS IN ALU KINDS OP BARBERS' FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES FINE CUTLERY KAZOK WOKK A SPECIALTY. 142 B. Sixth St., Opp. Kyan Motel. St. Paul, Minnesota Aguilas and Seal of Minnesota Cigars ARE SOLD ON ALL TRAINS Kubles & Stock Co. MAKERS ST. PAUL - - MINNESOTA EL FIRMA and DUKE OF PARMA CIGARS You Will Like Them HART & MURPHY, Makers ST. PAUL Kitabllihcd 1SS2 Incorporated 1900 GRIGGS, COOPER & GO. Manufacturers, Importers and Wholesale Grocero 242-264 East Third Street ST. PAUL MINN. OMAHA NEBRASKA OMAHA NEBRASKaI :: wwwi "THE ONLY WAY" Have your Baggage checked from hotel and Residences over any railroad to any place in United States by Omaha Transfer Co. Office 208 So. 14th St. When Coming into'Omaha give your checks to our uniformed agents on trains or at depot and receive cheapest and best service New cabs to all parts of.city. l MINNEAPOLIS MINN, i NORTH STAR WOOLEN MILL CO. Manufacturers ot Blankets, Flannels and Blanketings Minneapolis, Minn. A. Backdahl C. A. Backoaul A. Backdahl & Co. DRUQQIHT8. Opposite Milwaukee Depot. Psescrlpttous re fully compounded. 113 Washington stb nue South. Allnnaapolla, Minnesota Wmar CYGNUS $3.50 SHOE Manufactured by North Star Shoe Co. MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA MINNEAPOLIS OMNIBUS AND CARRIAGE LINE 4. MATTISON & 237 Hennepin Ave. MINNEAPOLIS, : LIVINGSTON : S UNION MEAT MARKET, A. G.HASELER, Prop. CII01CK8T FRESH ft! IT ftlTS Dntno ami Klsh In Pcmon. Livingston, ----- Alontnna. F. B. TOLHURST Taxidermist for the Tourist OPF'OSITE DEPOT, Livingston, Montana. GEO. W. HUSTED Prescriptions, Drugs, Patent Alcdiclnca, Ci gars, Toilet Articles, Finest Soda Fountain on tho N. P. Railway. Opposite the Depot Thin rnnl entitle you to a trlt through tho National l'nrn, iruvlilliiK 5 on )alrjilio "THE SOLO" And can mnkp mtIfctory nrrstiRrmants with thu irsiiBjiortatlun companlM, Tlie only firttclnit place of the kind in Livingston. Bottle Goods a specialty FRANK BLISS, Proprietor x 117 W. Park SL LIVINGSTON, Mont. r : COUNCIL BLUFFS ..................;... S. T. McATEE Fancy Groceries, Bakery Goods and Meats ' Srnt! (nr Tl'mtnrr .ml T9!...t- Cars Given Special Attention j d jT 230-32 Main St. 229-31 Pearl St. Telephone J9I Council Bluffs Iowa For Medicinal Purposes Wo ruvoiumeml our Black Buffalo Pure Rye Whiskey Unexcelled in Quality and Excellence The Pcdcrson Mercantile Co. Wholesale Liquor Importers and Wliolenale Liquor Dealers Moorchead, Minnesota Northwestern Apem AnhoiiMMlurh Drew, lug Attoclatlun's Celebrated "Uudnelter" Deer SKELLY & LITTLEHALES Dealers lu Groceries, Flour, Feed,' Hay, Grain, Coal, Wood and Build ing Materials I0M03 Fwrteejitli St. North Ptac Pwifk (II Center Haadtrs Portland, Ofegen FOYE, Proprietors Nicollet House Block MINNESOTA 0 a -,