THE NEW AGE, POBTLAXD, OREGON ftartlattii Sfattt Ag KstahlllSicd ISM A. D. Orlffln, Malinger Office, lloom 317, Commonwealth Building To tniure publication all local news mut reach ui nut later than Thuraday morning o( each week. Pubicrlptlon prlco, ono year, payable In ad vance, i.uu. Lor il News on thin Pago by A. RITTBR, City Editor 1 PORTLAND LOCALS ! Mrs. H. LeRoy left on tho 22nd Inst. for Tacoma. WaBh. Mrs. A. Rhoades Is confined to tho houso with lagrlppo. Mrs. K. Duffy is suffering with a so- vero attack of bronchial troubles. tr-. r. tt. p..llllnvo h.iB no far re- covered her health as to bo out again. Mrs. C. C. Turner of street Is Indisposed from of a sevcro cold. bo able to 474 Davis tho effects Mr. S. Washington received tho sad news this week of tho death of his sister In Kansas City. fa. f.1 f mimMtMN nninnmnnlml liV her ilaug'htor, Ulysess, and son, Fred, left for Loa Angeles, Cal., Tnursciny evening. Mrs. Thomns .makes tho trip in hopes that tho chango of cllmnto will benefit her daughter, who has been ill for sovcrnl months past After several years of single blessed ncss one of our pioneer citizens hns elegantly furnished a Iioubo in tho wm ,oavo for Hot springs, Ark. for ""' ft'ar of u 't-,wity of fowl from over solithorn part of tho city nnd rumor ft vj8jt noxt wcjCi ' . jKipulation, beontiHo tho rexult of the snys thnt cro long ono of tho gentler -,. L . . , ... , illscovery would bo n doubling of the sjlx will arrive from the far south to 8JonBa world's crop. Nitrate of doiIa, used fmro it with him. Wo wish them &. A. Masons of tho Stato of Illlno s . ,.' , Hn. ,1I1H , '.,, r.uiui;.i ju. Mr. UCO. SlnglCtOn ana ramliy, WnO havo lived at 244 Park street for scv- e(, t0 tho notorlous Black Diamond Do ernl years past will Bhortly removo to Volopment Company, that seams to be otner quarters as tno property wnero they now rosldo hns changed hands nnd tho now owners contemplate 1m- proving It bv tho erection of n large, modern building. Tho dally press says that nn effort is going to bo .mado by tho weather bureau to glvo what they call long dls- tnnco weather predictions. If It will cheapen tho cost to tho country lot them como at once as thoy cannot bo any more unrollnblo than tho prcdlo- tlons of tho local weather obscrvor for tho past month or so. Hnvo- you received a ticket for tho old fashioned cxporlenco social to bo given by tho members of tho Houso hold of Ruth nt their hall Tuesday, Fob. 12. Tho proceeds aro for the honoflt of their regalia fund, nnd as each member will, In an original pootl cal composition relnto how they made a dollar thoso who attend mny expect to bo amused, ontortnlncd nnd In. sirucieu. , ,. . ., . Howard Sproull for some tlmo past nsslBtnnt Janitor of tho U. S. postomco building hns resigned In ordor to nc- copt a moro lucrntlvo position. An- other oxnmple of tho fact that there nro bettor opportunities open to our young men than seeking positions under tho government, as ho only po- Rltlnns nnfn to thn polnrnil mnn w If ti , . ..w ... ., ,,.. a very row excopiions, aro menial ones with oss nay attached tlinn s m nr positions In prlvato llfo offer., n fwai..., i.. . .i.i it' At a meotlng of tho Occidental Club offlco First nnd Arthur streets, Port n 1Tuf81,,a 0Ivf1n,"B ? tho'r hall which was attended by a largo numbor land, Ore. Telephone 040. Second and Yamhill tlio Household of 0f persons Inst Thursday they votod uuui hu, oti u. u. j. ui v. r. in- W. P.; C. A. rtlttcr. W. Counsel; Mng gio stoxes, w. Cliamborlln: Mario Penny. W. Shennard: Anna Rhoades. W. Usher; Blanche Crnwford, R. S. 8.; Jtta Hitter, u. a. s.; Hattio Smith, h. J; S.; W. D. Rohinson, P. R.'S. S.J n. Crawford, p. i.. h. h u Rmith R. Crawford and W. B. Rohlnson were elected as trustees. After tho Install. ntlon, a very pleasant social time was enloved bv tlm offlcors nnd mmiir of the lodge. I Wo note that tho Oregonlan with Us usual effort at fairness contains In last Monday's Issue an artlclo montlnnlnir speclflc instances whero nocroes have attained to prominence In one dlrec- tlon or another. It was decidedly re- freshing after reading so much of lato that seemed to convey tho Impression thnt thrro was nothing good In the negro and that It was a waste of time and effort to glvo him a chance to compete with the other races of the earth. There is ono other thing that wo can think of that Is to ceaso to use sensational head lines and placing nn tho rrnnr . -rnnnrr.. committed and assumed to have been committed by negroes while in tho samo Issues very often there aro scv- eral similar accounts of like breaches of the law bv whlto men whloh rn L!2 'W- "T.u " .e," ?lc .?!? of th m- four iinn v .m.ii tyne. All tha neero aaka la that tha Bmn trtmont 1.0 .nvmiiui him h.t la accorded to other men. A negro " ---"- - criminal Is neither better'nor worse than one whose skin is white and no other agency can do more In moulding puuiic opinion in this matter than the public press. MMMMMMM 1 TACC MM TACOMA NOTES Mrs. Collins Is very low at her home. Master Edgar Hall Is on the sick 'it Mrs. D. W. Gibson, Jr.. has a severe Id. cold Mr. WU lam Ewlng of Alaska Is In our city Tlsltlng.. Miss Ruth Freeman Is quite sick with an attack of lagrlppe. , , Redmon P M N G L u F8ton M ?. m,nl8tcr ,ln Chlc"g0' "ov- J' tonbergcr, proprietor, cholco poultry, N Q RubY White R N O? Marion n J' Ptor of the Ebonezer fresh and salt meats, phono Main 13S5 Cumbv N G- Dora Newman w li" BnptUt church was tho recipient of tho 230 North Sixteenth street, Portland J-iiniuy. w. u., Horn Nowmnn. , , u., honor, ho having recolvod twice as or SlISlo Crawford, W. T.l Mnry FullllOVO. mnnv vnto na nnv nthor onlnrn.l m... . ' Mrs. Laura Tucker is suffering with a severe- attack of tonsllitls. t it t Aaw..., ,- u, ,Jfr;l wlll nvnrl,!Q last week with a severe cold. Mid. 1?11n flln.tfrn la fnnnrlnrl ntltfn "" -"-6 in ll.iyinu H""u sick with an attack of lagrlppo Miss D. Ruckcr returned home Thursday evening from Portland. Mrs. D. W. Gibson, Jr. has nccepted the position at tho Pcoplo's store as matron, Mr. W. L, nni.u.n.n..nk i- ..oi,io . Goldborough is unable Is work on account of a to rcsumo his sevcro attack of rheumatism. Miss Dlnncho Rucker loft Inst Titos- day night with Mrs. George Wilson to attend Mrs. Wilson's brother's funeral. w.. n i .i fnmit i,n Mr. E. Longrcss and family who nvo been living on Commorco street, imv uuugiu u ..un.u un oumu .., Btrcet Mrs. John Davis, her mother, Mrs. Clnrko and Mrs. Robertson gave a fountain social at church last Friday evening. Qco w,8on roturned homj Sunday evening from Portland whero fho wont to attend the funeral of hor brother. Geo. Turner. I Mr. Will Delaney of Ravondale. died nt his homo Friday and was burled In Tacoma Sunday. Ho leaves a wife nnd four children who will movo to the city in a few weeks. i ,i i,nir avmnnthv tut,o and bo unnpproclatlvo that they tl TH,SPfH i n inJt a n nvor havo yot shown 'their npprecla tho Turner fnmlly who lost n s'-n, ,, , ,,, ',...,., ,..,, ',' ,.,. uuun,u, iiihi. aueauuy. nn dioiii uiui S .. !t fTliij.a.litii TTIm nlniflti n m t brother-in-law of this city attended th flincrnl ttt Portland I OUR CHICAGO LETTER January ICth, 1007. Mrs. Clara Hording of 3G1 30th at, illl innl In nnnnlnl andsmn IM ff li 1 a ," ""- " . ,V . cuy, junuary iiu, ivvi. !, nnlilln'n ntrmtlmi In ni?nln rnll. of a muHnroom growth. This Is tho Bamo onc tnnt onc Uov, Ai j, Cnry B connected with. i .... . I Ofllccr John Anderson nnd Officer David Smith, and Ofllccr Harding nro regarded as among tho best pollco oftlcors in Chicago. They are colored men whp havo been on tho polio force 'or many years, M,r8 J H, johneon of 358 East 27th Btrcct, n Royal Matron of Qucon Es- tner chapter of tho Eastern Star con- ,iuctcd tho ceremonies In tho ndmls- slon of sovornl new members tn the chapter last Friday. Ranklns & White's drug store on State and 3Cth street Is owned and managed by theso two enterprising colored men They aro recognized as being among tho most experienced ui UK !i.i hi hub cuy. Mrs A nml In FnsK-r ihn mnnt wnrrhv Brand matron of Morning Light Court 0f Daughters of Sphinx conducted the coremles of tho Inlatlon of sovernl prominent mombors In tho order. Tho order of Daughters of Sphinx Is ono 0f tho popular and aecrct organizations among tho colored people. .. .. . , , Mrs. 8. Hopkins, tho Supremo Grand Matron i has , called the next session of 'hfteB.P"p"'"0nPf""dnnC'7t" EMtorn Star of t ho United States and Canada to meet In DllffalO, N. 1 .. On Xlf-,rt,, -- !..!. Irtll. iflA. '"" huiiihB, juij wm, iwi. ucn uruuu uiiu iter hi ino uniieu States Is requested to send dblcgatos. t, Rnn who wns Ihn mnnt nrnmlnrnt I Among tho leading and Influential colored men In Chicago aro Hon. E. H. Morris, Rov. J. F. Thomas, Walter M. Farmer, Esq., Hon. John O. Jones, Dr. ooorgo C. Hnll, Mr. E. A. Harper. Hon Theodoro W. Jones, Dr. Alexander lMno wr- Jomes a. acou, ur. w. k Mackey, Rev. Jesso Woods, Rev. II. W. ' Stewart, Mr. W. W. Johnson. Mr. T, D- McFarland, Mr. 8. II. Prathor and Mr. Emanuel Jackson. Tho peoplo of Chicago havo not for gotten that a short tlmo ago Tho Chi caco Dallv Tribune of this cltv undir took almost at every Issuo of their paper to kindle a flame of projudlce against tho colored peoplo of Chicago In their effort to have separate schools In tho city of Chicago. It was reported that this vicious and unfair movetnont had the sanction of such Insignificant Individuals among tho colored people as one, Richard E. Moore. Mrs, Al a.rr.AA Ua Al. berta M. Smith and Joseph W. Moore, , . ' . . ... Tho Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons for tho Stato of Illinois met ln annua' session last Monday with ten subordinate Royal Arch Chapters ' represented. Much Important busl- ne" w" ""acted- The following grand officers were elected: The Cora- oanlon John Q. Jones 33. Most Excel- lent Grand High Priest; 8. H. Prathor 33, Deputy Grand High Priest; F. A. .Campbell 33, Grand King; William Ller 32. Grand Scrlbo: w i on r ..m Oscar Camp- bell 33. Grand Royal Arch Captain; T. D - !cFarland i2' Gl?d Treasurer; B. Q,'lVo:Zu,: w," ;'"w '"' U"'"",B, er; 8. u. Jones 32, Grand Master of the First Veil; Henry Ragland 32, Grand Master of the Second Veil; A. A. Hodges, Grand Master of tho Third Veil; D. L. Nance, Grand Sentinel. The colored peoplo In Chicago are ungrateful and unappreclable to their leading colored men, for the splendid work that they have done for the bene fit and advancement and in the de fense of their race of people In the many years past, and what they are doing now to promote and defend the ,!,.. omh !,,.., nt .,fi- ,., peop,0f Edward H. Morris when a member of the legislature, placed a civil right's law on the statute books of Illinois giving to the colored people Istor In Chicago. of the Btata of Illinois nil tho same rights nnd privileges In all hotels, rail- roads, anil all public places of amuse- mcnt- thc Bamo ai l8 now cnJoy.fd by th(J whlto poopIo lnMg 8tnto John (1 Tnnna wlinn n mnmhnr nt tYlft 1pl?tR I. - n . ....w. . . lature of Illinois got a law passed mai jost uros. Saloon, 340 Williams ave otopped the insurance companies and nuo, fine wines, liquors and cigars, public Btato Institutions from dlscrlm- Family trado a specialty. inatlnc ngaiuBt the colored people, and . giving tho colored peoplo in tho stato of Illinois tho same rights and prlvi- legos that are enjoyed by tho whlto ones- He also nail a law enacicu ere- atn tho Elghth rcRmcnt of colored. men nnd mnklng thfm members of I tho Illinois stato mllltln. This Elglitn regiment of colored soldiers is tho only colored regiment in tho United States that is mnde- up completely of colored men and omccred by colored , . . .,.,, w,i,.i n Q w,)on ft mcmborof tho legls- alUfo pnsscd a mob ,nw ngnn8t Iynch. mg In this state Theodore W. Jones when a county commissioner of this city had three colored doctors ap- pointed on tho medical board of Cook county, besides having 47 colored men nnd women appointed to prominent positions In this city and county. Mr. ' Conacrvn'tor, Mr. JuHtlH P. Tny, D. R. Wilklns, tho editor of tliq CHI lor, editor of the Droad Ax have spent their time and money, time nfter time, In tho defense of tho rights of tho col- ored people of Chicago. Yet with all these things, tho colored peoplo of this city nro so lost to n sense of gratl' HUH 1 IIIU UIUUUUIU 1TU1IV Jk lll0 ,,ionf n,i illnl1 l1 ,cn liv ovnn . na .,., ,, ?..,, their thnnks I towards them for what they havo done. New Denatured Alcohol Bill. Now York, Jan. 25. Wlii'ti pclcn- list rend yestenlny tho iblcil ropott of Sir William Crooks' method of ex- trading nitric ncttl from the ntiiHV phere, tliuy said tliero wna no longer " .. ...... kwt v Hcnrco It Is exhausted. said that it will soon bo HUSINKSS LOCALS A good plnco to get your soft or stiff hats renovated is 240 V Aldor stroot, botweon Second and Third. M. J. Gill Co., wholcsalo and retail meat dealers, 612 Mississippi avenue, Portland, Oregon. Phono East CCS. J. Wallgrecn, denier In staplo and fancy groceries, G34 Thurman street Tolcphono Pacific 911. Always ask for the famous Qeneral Arthur cigar. Esberg-Ounst Cigar C., general agents, Portland, Or. Alblna Club (Georgo Ross), choice wines, liquors and clgnrs, 134 Russell street, Portland, Oro. Phono EaBt 43gQ I Tho AnhOUSer. Hoiiry M. Williams. proprietor, 234 Morrison street, corner Second, Portland, Oro. Tolcphono Main 2B17. Kyn John, dealers In cholco gro- corles, meat, nsh and poultry, phono .Main C22, 61 North Park street, cop ner Davis. ( R tt M fc t (E L p k p Cholco Meats and Poultry, 413 Everett gtrcet cornor Tcnth port,nnd Oro. ni '.! inn . liUliU PIU11I 1U1U, Try tho Pacific Laundry Co. for good work and prompt sorvlco. Main Royal Market, Iialr & Werth propri etors, fresh and cured moats, fish, poultry and game. 439 Union nvonue north, cornor Tillamook. 167. Phono East L. N. Nees, boot and shoopinker. Finn rnruilrlnir a sneclaltv. Give him a call when you need anything In this lino, 328 Williams av., Portland, Oregon. Martin MarkB Coffeo Co.. 252 Third Street. Telephone Main 1893, Monte Crista Java and Mocha Coffee always pleases. If you want a good, rich drinking coffeo. Insist on getting Monte Cristo Java and Mocha. Red Front Shoo Store J. F. John- r-.,,-i,t.. em ,'irn at,nr Ji,innnL. n,i w1 .hnio t fnn tt ro ti nn nnd k no nor nalr. Z. 7 '.. L -- ".. -;. .. Repairing neatly done. 85 North Sixth street, between Everett and Flanders, next door to tho Union House, Port land, Oregon. Phono Main 40C2. Vulcan Coal Company, wholesale and retail dealers In house, steam and blacksmith coal. Foundry and smelter coke. Puget Sound steam coal In car lots. 13.60 per ton and up. We handle all tho best grades of domestic and foreign house coals. Phone Main 2776. Office 329 Durnslde St., Portland, Ore- gon. THat PIONIMH PAINT COMPANY. Tha p I o . neer paint es tablish man! of Portland If that of r. E. Baach .1 Company, o: lit first it.. tha oldttt and most ra lfabla housa of 1U kind Is tha Northwast It carrlts as Immense JStSi-Sf !&r'5!ffcaJj b,ld,Df tV,,,t?,rtbeLl.w,th " nusual llt of peelaltlw. ThoM who ed Tthlnj la ties, linn no c ?'n'r Pit by go!B to F. K. Bead .(i0f"iUm,B,b,r U "UHlbr' tw aHi. North 16th Street Market. A. Wur- Our stock Is complete. Give us n trial. Gio. Hockenyos. Christmas candles to suit the most fnBtdIou8.-Gco. Hockenyos. --- 0. Anderson, Btaplo and fancy grc codes, Twcnly-flrst and Thurraan streets. 'Phono Hood 57. Fresh roasica conco a specially. John Sclmld. dealer In hnrdw'nre, tin- ware, sueet Iron work, guttering, spouting nml roofing. General Jobbing a specialty. HO Russell street. Tho Oak Cafe. Choicest lino of inpn. himn mi rimtm t. w. Plnlc. proprietor. Oregon Phone PnclAc 2118. corner Fourth and Oak strcots, Portland, Ore. Dyeing and cleaning of all kinds of ladles' nnd gents' clothing, crope shawls, silk, velvet nnd lnco dyed equal to new laco curtains and by a new process; bankets cleaned mourning garments dyed In 48 hours. All work done at very moderate prices. 104 North Third street. NOB HILL MARKET A SCIIOI.Z, Proprietor. Fresh, Cured and Smoked Meats Sauiage nnd Poultry . -r.l U.I. SIS Cor. 21st and Irving Streets i " """"'" McGUIRE & TAYLOR Staple and Fancy Groceries 35 Grand Avonuo Phone East 2G29 PORTLAND, OR. We Cater Specially to the Small Buyer UNIVERSAL SUPPLY HOUSE Delicatessen and Groceries Home Cooking a specialty. Try Our Homo Mado Plus Pho: Eril 5921 U9 E. Bumtldt $1., Nut Union Am. WILLIAMS & SWANK STAPLE & EANCY GROCERIES Frcth Trult and Vegetables, Teat and Coffers Telephone Knut lfioj Itl Urnbcc Btrevt 1'OIITI.ANI), OHKdON HALL PHARMACY CO. Telephone East 873 Union Avenue and Tillamook Street PORTLAND OREGON ROBERT A. PRESTON PRESCRIPTION DRUOOIST (,'or. 2M and Tlninnau Hit. J'hone MsInlOlO PORTLAND, OKGOON SCHWIND & BAUER Shoe Repairing Machine niul Hand. Only (imxhenr Machine In Our City. HhncK inaile (u Orlor. Klioea Culled fur ami IH'llereil. Telephone rarities. SWYamlitUHtrvct I'Oini.AND.OItKOON M. E. PUGH Fancy & Staple Groceries Phone East 440 447 Union Avenue, North PORTLAND OREGON C H. COBB lj.liuatc Olven on All ClaueH of Plumbing and Heating Work Plionv Knt U7 Iteilence KafWI0 247 Holiday Ave. PORTLAND, ORE SENN & NITSEHKE I'lIOKK KA8T:U7I SCULPTORS AND CARVERS In Marble, Stono, Grnnite and Wood. Architectural, Planter ami Flail' Ornu- HienlH. Monuments, Statuts, ISuitH. Tomlmtom-H. Postal orders ir promptly rk a spu- attended to. Hculpturo Work a allu I Itttpn fltifl Jn.lin ll.iinti clalty, Olllco and Studio. Union Ave., cor. Irving. PORTLAND, OREGON I'HONK MAIN im Martin-Marks Coffee Co. HIGH GRADE COFFEES TEAS, ETC. Tho excellence of Monte Crinto Java and Moclm CoItVo stuuds in high iuvur. 252 Third Street PORTLAND, OREGON Frederick A. Kribs Correipondence Solicited 328-330 CHAMIER OF COMMERCE VANCOUVER NATIONAL BANK Vancouver, Wash. Leading Financial Institution in Southwestern Washington CAPITAL, 950,000 SURPLUS, S50.O0O ASSETS, 91,000,000 LEVI ANKKNY, I'reililentj K. O. CICAWFOUH, Vku I'ruldent ; V. J', CONNAWAY, Caihler DIKKCTOKH Levi Ankeny, Harry LaJd Corlj.nt, V, 1. The Portland Hat Works Manufacturers of PINE SOFT AND STIFF HATS Ilftln Dyed, ('leaned nnd Mocked. Our spe cialty: l'atmmas Cleaned nud lllcnclied. 2IH Alder St., bet. Kceotid and Third, llraneh: VZX Washington St. Portland, Or. The Yale Market & Grocery KU. lt.STOCKLKN, Proprietor Staple and Fancy Groceries TEAS AND COFFEES A SPECIALTY I'hone Knt 508 2MOrandAe., South l'OHTI.AND, OHKflOK ARTHUR LAW rurnlthcr and Itattcr "HE MAKES SHIRTS" ISO Washington St., Opposite llclllg's Theater PORTLAND, OREGON J. A. EASTES Staple & Fancy Groceries Choice Teas, Coffees & Spices Dry Goods and Notions ALL THE LEADING BRANDS OF FLOUR GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY 432, 434, 436, Union Avenue North Corner of Tillamook St. Phorie East (560 E. B. COLWELL Wholesale and retail GROCER PHONIC MAIN 403 281, 283 and 285 Third St. CORNCR JCrrtRSON PORTLAND, OREGON PICTURES FRAMED FURNITURE REPAIRED PHONE EAST J54 RES. PHONE EAST 3312 H. C. SCHR0EDER The Alblna HOUSE FURNISHER HOUSES FURNISHED COMPLETE CASH OR INSTALLMENTS UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING 244, 246, 248 Russell St., PORTLAND THE AVENUE CLUB AND The Avenue Oyster House I'. K. HA I.I,, Prop. Hwdi Oj uteri" open dally. limn. Delivered any plate. I'lnts iiiart,Kl- Thc Uctt of WInci, Liquor and Cigar Tho let of Mcaln, rUli,())lurii bikI (lame, Open Day and Night uUW'IIIUm Au'iuiu Ml WIIIIhiiih Avenue Phone Ka.i tCI'J I'Oltlf.ANI) OHKdON rTAIII.IriIIi:i) M Multnomah Trunk & Bag COMPANY. Manufacturer" of TRUNKS SUIT CASES STRAPS TELESCOPES ACS Mail Orders Promptly Attended To Telephone Cast 24 121-131 E. Water St. PORTLAND, ORE THE HOUSE THAT GIVES YOU A SQUARE DEAL A. II. ZKI.I.AU N. h. MUKI.I.KK Zellar & Mueller FURNITURE A Full Line of Stoves & Ranges SEC US, WE HAVE WHAT VOU WANT Phone East 4457 535 Williams Ave., Portland, Ore Centennial Market & Grocery J. J. BLUM IIi'iiihiuartorM for " 6000 THINGS TO EAT " Groceries. Meats. Fish Poultry ALWAYS THE BEST School Supplies, Shoes, Gloves, Notions l'linno Main 2791 522-524 N. Twenty-fourth Street Dealer In WaShintOn, IfJahO & 0011 TIMBER & MINERAL LANDS Portland, Oregon C'rauunl, K. . Crawford, W. W. McCrcdlo 'SANDSTROM BAKERY No. 776 Will ami Avenue Fresh Bread and Cakes Daily PIES AND CANNED GOODS TtltPHONC CAST 95 T. J. COFER & SONS Grocery & Meat Market 735 Williams Avenue Phone Woudlmvn 149 MILLER, BUCK & CO. GROCERS Phono Woodlawn 406 Williams Ave. & Fargo Q. J, Erdncr It. lloclnill ERDNER & HOCHUO Chicago Market Dralvra In rwlt anil Cnrcil Mcaln. All Klmla of HnnpiiKC. 17 Tlilnl Hired, Jiear Yamlilll. l'linno Main 41.1. l'nrllaml, Oregon, D. C. BURNS THE a R O C ER TCl-UPIIONU OIO 210 Th'rd St., Portland, Oregon. P. A. TAYLOR Staple and Fancy Groceries fruit, Contcdlnnn, ClKurn, Tulmociw nnd Fan V) Coffee, lea Hiul Hpleea at I-owejit 1'rlcoa 117 Union Avo. Krco Dclhcrjr I'hono KasHW AUGUST STOR25 Dealer In Stnnlo mid I'finoy Grouorleia VckoIkIiIoh, Krulti ami Dairy 1'nxluca I'liolia Kiwt CM ICJ William Ave. l'OHTI.AND, OIIKOON C. S. NELSON Dealer In Staple and Fancy Groceries and Provisions 154 N. Fourteenth St., Cor. Irving John's Mat Market J. D. MKKOKNH, Prop. fresh MeaU, Beef, Pork, Mutton, Bmmi and Horns rorneil Heel ami I'lekleil Pork a Hpcelalty Phono Main IDM , 4 N. hlxth Hired POUTI.AND, OKMOM The Union Meat Co. All lllnliiK Car ami Flrt Clau lloUliand Itfuiiiuniuti buy the UNION MCAT COMTANV'S THtSII AND CUKtD MEATS 1 ha Hot In Die Market. PatronUe Horn In dtintry. PORTIAND. ORCCONJ I nil I I I I CEO. HOCKENYOS Dealer In Staple and Fancy Groceries Cln and Toticcw, Fiulb and Conftdlaotri, PROMPT DELIVERT 9S nusaell St. Phono Eiwt 489 FINK & LcTWIS Dealer In Staple and fancy Groceries DRESSED POULTRY, ETC. Phone rait 3A2 314 MltilMlpt.1 Avenue PORTIAND, OMT. GEO. W. IIOCIISTEDLER Dealer In Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits, PrsdiM OIGAKS AND TOHACCO Phont East 374 4(0-462 E. lamside St. OLSEN BROTHERS GROCERS Tree delivery 417 Union Ave. North Phone Eaat 653 Portland, Oro R. C. WALWORTH Ctaple and Fancy Groceries Phone tAST 3 407. 136 Russell St. PORTLAND, OR. JOHN E. MALLEY DKAI.KIt IN Staple & Fancy Groceries Teas and Coffees a Specialty 492 Washington, Near 15th Phont Main 2167 PORTLAND, 0BEC9M RAINIER MARKET . lil.UM, I'roprlctor Dealer in Fresh. Cured and Smoked Meats, Hans, Bacon, Lard, Sausages, Etc. Also Fish and Clams. FAMILY TUADK A HI'KCIAl.TY Cor. fjovcnlcciith and Pavltr Hti. I'liuiiv Main IC'fi Portfawl. OVcgoa) H. R. LYNES Dealer In V STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Notions and Fruit. Free Delivery. S4 Russell Strict J'hone att UU) rORTUN. OBECDM