THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OBEGON YEOEIN BROS. SAVIITaS BA1NK UILLINC1S. MONTANA Branch Buttles tit Butto, Anaconda arid Gardiner TranHiict n ClatiurnI I3nnklnsr UutsltsuHM Pay interest on Saving Accounts ntul Titno Ccrtlllrutea of Deposit. We start StwingH Accounts with n deposit of one dollar or more. KONUMENT TO COMMODORE PEIUIY. ! TACOMA TACOMA I a, mllK I'ACiriC 1.10.UOH AND wink house. ' N. KKUTKH, Proprietor. , Ihe best of Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Family 1rmle a Specialty. Tel. Hid 1731. IWfl Tncine Ave. iW CotmiK rci St. Tncotnn, WsuhltiRton THE ABBEY K. J. MOONKY. Proprietor Telephone. James 2141 Wines, Liquors & Cigars Kooms In Connection TACOMA WASHINGTON SWIFT &. COMPANY So. Omaha, Nebraska PREMIUM HAMS, BACON And All Fresh Cuts for Hotels M O.STY'S llllilST BTOIIK $3Bfl d l V "AMlF i W 'rsAfV rf''S I w.'y 1, th -liw u ulnr IXrV'' n tfjk If J W Ji &k MAIL ORDERS PROMPT ATTENTION llllltD AND COLUMIIU TllUNK Maltl 13 BONNY & WATSON CO ( StlCCK0m TO ) BONNY & STEWART rt'NKIML DIRKCTOtllt AND XMBALMKM Lady AsslMant AN C-attf, Wncfi ways In Attendance. OCdlUC, YYdbU. SEATTLE WASH When in Seattle visit HANSOINf & GO'S Billiard Parlors The Finest in the Northwest 621-23 First Avenue SEATTLE WASHINGTON riAT HOOPS'IRON 0RA.W-t.U04 WATER TANKS Fir Spruom nnd . Oodmi Lumbmi BoxShookm Cedar Shlnglcm Grays Harbor Commercial Go Scmttlo, Wash. ffJf FREIGHT RATES lj M household goods : MISSOULA MONT : II. K. CHANCY, 1'roiirlotnr. A. A. IIOWAIIP, .MRIKKOr. Florence Steam Laundry THE GOOD ONE Kstalillshcd 18W. Telephone 115 Work Done On Short Notice 117-114 West front St. MISSOULA, MONTANA Ailtssoulu, Montana. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Draught Beer, Fine, Sc. Bottled Beer, 25c. a Quart. All trains Stop 15 Minutes. Opp. N. P. Depot. Just a Word About Rolls Utile Holts an. I Mb llollsj plain Knits ana faney ltoll; l.olU lor hn skint: Hulls for lunch: Kolls for siip-r all Kood sorts of (tolls Crow to perfect iroortlons t the reliable alter? must jojlo In Ml.soula know about TEV1S & CRAWSHAW GROCERS AND BAKERS Hay, Grain, Flour, Fruits, Vegetables Confectionery, Etc., Etc. 131 Higgins Ave. Missoula, Montana VICTORY MONUMENT AT PUT-INMIAY. PuMn-Bay, nature' beauty spot, u til be made more beautiful nnd at tractive than ever by n monunirnt which Is being erected In recognition of Commodore Perry's great victory near the Island. The monument Is being put up at an expense of more than $2,000, most of which has already been raised by popular subscription. The statue Is of the Goddess of Victory and Is a reproduction of Alphonse Telzer's masterpiece. It will be made of copper bronze with tiio nntlquo oxldlred .finish. The stntue alone is ten feet high nnd Is mounted on a twelve foot pedestal of tlie beautiful and peculiar natural stone of the Island. Tho pedestal will bear Inscriptions telling of the victory. The wings of tho god dess are two feet high and have n spread of seven feet from tip to tip. Tho entire statuo Is mounted on a battlement wall foundation and para pet arrangement, the parapet being twenty-six and n half foet square. It Is enclosed by a stone balustrade with stone abutments or posts at regular In tervals. A grass line surrounds the pedestal In which will be planted tlowers and green sod. The approach to the monument Is In peristyle effect. It Is hedged with six plllors with tops surmounted by large glass globes with which to lllumlnuto the sjwt at night. The columns are graduated In height, the tallest being nlno feet and ranging from that down to the six-foot pedestals which will bo sur mounted with' stone Jardinieres for flowers. Theso are nil connected by tho balustrades. Tho approach la twenty feet deep and thirty feet across the front with concave sides nnd a convex front. A five-foot walk on tho parapet encircles the statue so that It may be viewed from all sides. BALLOONING ACROSS THE ALPS. rTt'"V-kny '4''' f" . ''imwKNBm ? "y' UsflBuSHBaY"t4 & aSBBBBBBBBBBBMSBftBBF SB f i H sLsHbMsVI ys 'ImBmumumc - -mi ' LswjEtsMasM Two Itallun aeronauts, Rlgnorl Usuelll and Crrspl, crossel the Alps In n balloon called "M llano." They started front Milan nnd descended at Alx-Ies-Jlulns, having pasKHl across Mont Iilanc. The photograph was reconstructed from materials supplied by the voyagers. Recently Mr. Leslie Httcknall left the Wandsworth gas works and In sixteen hours descended on tho Itlver Loop near the Lake of Geneva, n distance of over -J-0 miles. In tho dnrkness tho aeronaut located the proximity of the Alps by the echo. Had he had a reserve of gas he, would havo crossed the mountain. FIRE IN THE 8KY8CRAPER. MISSOULA MERCANTILE CO. MISSOULA, MONTANA 'T'HIS modern establishment with its immense and varied stocks merits the patronage of all. Whether it be something to wear, to eat, to furnish your house, or any thing else, you can get it here. We want every reader of The New Age within our territory to join the mighty ranks of p!easJ and prosper ous customers already dealing with us. REMEMBER OUR MOTTO "We Sell Everything and Everything: the Very Best." i. Chief Daagsr la (he Iflmrotil OHIca Furniture. The construction of tho new Singer building In New York, n lofty tower of forty-two stories, 012 feet high, leads tho Journal of Fire to speculate on the consequences of a flro In this structure or In ny very high steel frame build 'ing. It concludes that the averago skyscraper Is too high for adequate lire protection nnd that when such a building begins to burn tho ieoplo in tho upper stories will have to sit down with such calmness as they can mus- ter and wait for It to bo put out or for tho alternative. I "The danger Is not so much to prop erty ns It is to Ilfo and for this reason tho matter deserves careful considera tion," soys the paper mimed above. "Tho modern olllco building contains a small army of occupants, both men and women, and the endangering of these is a great responsibility. "The skyscraper as a fire risk has not been sufficiently tested to Justify any conclusion ns to Its flro safety, but Judging by present knowledge and ex jerleuce It represents a serious Ore possibility. The question of safety for the occupant may be passed by In the belief In the 'fireproof capacity of the building, but tills belief Is a delusion and a dependence on It Is likely to re sult disastrously. Tho results of the Baltimore and Han Francisco conflagra tions were not heeded to demonstrate the falsity of the 'fireproof Idea, for New York's fire experience was amply sufficient for this. "The so-called fireproof building Is fire proof only as regards the structure Itself and this only to n limited extent The building, as such, does not assure the safety of the Inmates nor the se curity of tho contents and as regards Are danger to life It Is the part of prv denco to consider 'it from tho stand point of an ordinary building. It must bo conceded that In an olllco building It is posslblo for flro to start and tho smoke, heat and tinmen to spread throughout, making It Imposslblo to uso tho stairways and elevator ns exits. Under tho circumstances it Is to be ox pected that n number of persons will bo Imprisoned above the flro and tliolr snfety dejtendent uion circumstances. "Tho iWHslblllty of a serious flro In an olllco building Is generally discount, ed on tho ground that olllco buildings do not contain enough fuel for n onn. sldcrnblo Are, but whoever entertains this notion should look nhout nnd cstl mnto tho quantity of combustible mnto rials contained In an olllco In tho shnpo of desks, cabinets, rugs, papers, etc. It Is truo that .the tiHual olllco occupancy Is not such as results In frenunnr fl but there are the hazards due to the heat, light nnd power and In inunj Instances offices ore used for compara tively hazardous purposes. At tho snm time among thousands of offices It Is reasonable to exi)cct n certain propor tion of tires nnd among these some that will get headway nnd result In a con siderable fire." Translation In Liter ary Digest Poor Memorr toBtwktrs. Mother Tommy, what did I say I'd' do to you If you touched that Jam again? Tommy Why, It's funny, ma, that you should forget It, too. I'm blamed If I can remember I Philadelphia Tel egraph. Old I.siw far Hours of Work. Aa early as 1847 a law was passed In New Hampshire making ten hours a lag! dajr'a work. licrlln IlulUlltiR. llSPouth 11th St. Telephone, Main I'M. TACOMA WASIIINOTON The Best is None Too Gcod for You. Get It at The Trail Saloon & Cafe - RUSSELL ORMSBY, Proprietor 113 S. 12th St., Tacoma, Wash. Ivory Wood Fibre Plaster Ivory Cement Plaster F. T. CROWE & GO, 1105 A Street TACOMA, WASHINGTON STYLES RIGHT PRICES RIGHT Mcnzics & Stevens Latest Styles in HATS, MEN'S FURNISHINGS AND CLOTHING SPECIALTIES 913 Pacific Avenue Provident Bldg. TACOMA, WASH. Puget Sound Electric Railway Interurban THE AININBX MAllTIN ANOKL, l'rop. House of Fine Liquors Phone Main 446. Cor. Eleventh and Pacific Avenue the Mcdonald cigar co. Sells tho Highest (1 melon ol ...CIGARS... Mntuifocturcd liy tho host fartorl'i ot New York nnd lumps. Also a complete lino of Imported Cigort, Cigarettes and Smokers' Articles Tel. Main 765. 950 Pacific Avenue THE DAMFINO I'.T.McdliOIN, Proprietor Tclophono Main 1M USTAULISIIIU) HM'OKU Til II WAK Imported nnd Domestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars 1WJ Jellorson Atoiiuo, Cornor Pacific TACOMA WASIIINOTON L. u R0BERS0V. I'm. ini Truj. C. II. R0BERS0R, c'r. EAT T. B. C. BREAD Mnilu by UC0MA BAKING COMPANY Wluitonlo Mntnifni'liircrs of llrvnit, Cakes, Ktc Wo nlno tnnkn a spvclnlly of (lOOI) IIKKAI). Tel.Jnmcsttll. 943 Taconu Ave., Tacoma, Waih. U-avo Tacoma (1:00, 7:10, 8:10, 0:15 (Ltd., no stops) 10:10, 11 :t0it m, 12:10, 1:10, 2:10, :i:ll), 1:15 (Ltd., no xtop), 5:10, (1:10, 7:10, 8:10. 0:10, 11:15 p in. Li-iivo Seattle :!), 8:00, 0:00 (Ltd., no stopH), 10:00, 11 :00 it m, 12 in, 1 :00, J:tK), :I:IH), 4:tK) (Ltd., no htops). 5:00, 0:00, 7 ;00, 8:00, 0:00, 10:00, 11 :15 p m. PUYALLUP DIVISION Lea vn Ptiynllup 5 :., 7 :00, 8 :00, 0 :00, 1 1:00 a in, 1:00, 2:00, U:00, -1:00, 5:00, 0:15,7:15,8:15,0:15 pm. Lea vo IHh and Coiiunurro fitn. Ti;l0, 7:00, 8:00, 10:00. 12:00 r. in, 1 :00, 2:00, it:00,l:(K), 5:00, 0:15, 7:15, 8:15, 11:15 p in. (6 :30 a in omitted Sundays) w jmT.t aeSiilsl Tacoma Trunk Factory A good Trunk Is alwoyri n jjood Imrgnln. You can't Judija (roiu muro appuurtuu'UH, Vo sell TpinkH tliat not only look well hut wear well. Suit Ciim-h mid IlatiH of all alcH.i-tylcH mid prices ltopairiiiKdouo. Phono Hud 2772 Phone Main 713 Paving Plant, 15th anil Dock The Barber Asphalt Paving Go. ASPHALT For Roofing, Street Paving and Reter voir Lining CONTRACTORS Street Paving, Driveways, Floors and Sidewalks 203-4-5 Providence Bldg. TACOMA WASH. Wo innlto a feclHltv of RINE POULTRY Pilvnto Car Trailo Kollcllol Commercial Market HARRY HASH, Prop. Retail Dealer in Fresh and Salt Meats '1114 C Street Telephone Main 202 TACOMA J, li TFHNICH. Pres. and Mr. Tul.U 031 C Street TACOMA, WASH Tacoma Carriage anil Baggage Transfer Company OFFICE J0J TENTH ST. Carriages and Baggigs Wagons at All Hours Private Ambulance Perfect In Every Detail FIRST CLASS LIVERY llsnd your Checks for IUkkk to our Mes. senirer, who will uieut you uu all Incoming trains. TACOMA, WAS" U. U. MANNINQ, Proa. A. T. IIOHMUR, Huuy Lr. R. MAiNlNIINa & CO., Inc. Real Estate Loans and Investments. City and Farm Property. Timber and Coal 'Lands. First-Clais Mortgages and Investment Securities. EQUITABLY BUI1-.DINQ TAC MA, WASH. THE SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN BANK Commercial Banking Savings Department Capital 15,000,000 Surplus $360,000 Total Aailahlo AsrtH 17,500,000 A. CHILUEItO, Prtsident fiKO. II, TAItiillLL, Munuger A. V. IIAYDEN, Cashier Tacoma Office No. 056 Commerce St., N. K. Cor. Soutli Utii St. A Delightful BRE A KF AST Dish WHEAT-HEARTS alii HtlulUhtiul briakfast dish: with fruit ailiteit, a h.v lyile. rt ileijulrrs lllll time to cook. AlUhlei. pen." or furl. Isruarute(l absolutely mru and co.ts lcs lb nsny other corval Bold by all grocers, Hve THE PUGET SOUND FLOURING MILLS CO,, TACOMA, WASH, ilL