BWWWWWW i.pWiiihjii.u,-uww W$ia30Wa,1 ioSPWfijw- THE UnCW AGE, POBTLAOT), OREGON" r?4ft?4r!S'&&$i5i t&iSiAAiftiftiVijj TOPICS OF THE TIMES Rnlflo n big fnnilly and uphold tl Presidents IiiuiiIh. There nro two sides to every tU'H tlon. Votir side and the wrong Ride. Numerous llniinelnl rubbernecks nro milking anxious IwpilrlrH ns to this pro liosed elastic currency. It Is extremely doubtful whether Count Itonl would prove a access as a head waiter If the Job calls for any head work. The London writers have started a movement to put a stop to the practice of tipping. Tlie fear of dying rich must bo spreading rapidly. Spain Is building n new nary. Ah Kpiiln has 110 mure colonies on her hnuds the chances are that thu new navy will prove a durable one. Mr. Kckels has hit tho mill fairly on tho head. What we all need Is a "re sponslve currency," one that will come when wo whistle or call It by name. A (.'ounce! lent Judge has decided tlmt n turtle Is not an animal. Tin Treas ury Department would probably rule, for purpoM'H of duty, that It Is canned HIlllllOII. The scramble among Oklahoma towns to become county scuts promises to equal the mad rush for claims when the territory was thrown open to set tlement. A woman's magazine asks: "What Implement can eipuil n hairpin In the deft hands of womauV" Well, In somo capes a Inilplu In tho deft IihihU of another woman. 'There are some things," notes the Richmond Times-Democrat, "tlmt you can't say even to a I'lttdiurger." For Insla mi', you can't nsk him to bo proud of his Idle millionaires. An Kugllsh astronomer, nfter yenrs of careful work, ventures the opinion that there are M,lSI,7fi7 stars. Homo people are suru they saw more than that the llrst time they put on roller ukates. Andrew Carnegie wishes to have It understood that Kklbo, thu mime of Ids place In .Scotland, Is pronounced Hkcchoo. If Andrew doesn't watch out now Irreverent peoplo may get to call ing It Hkldoo, At Dresden, (iermnuy, a public bath ing house for dogs has been opened. If Dresden Is one of the places where dogs are utilized In the sausage busi ness, it Is no more than right that they should be kept as clean as possi ble. The number of women who kill men unfortunate enough to have Incurred their displeasure and then Invoke tho unwritten law Is getting uncomfort ably large, l'erluips there may yet be necessity for going to the extreme of t-eelng If the other kind of law doesn't lit. In view of the trouble In Kurnjm the people of this country may well con grnttihito themselves that the fathers bet tied the relations of church and stuto at the very beginning of our existence us a nation, ami settled It for till time, for no one wishes to Interfere with the conclusion reached. Happily the horse has a faculty for upsetting the gloomy predictions that he Is fated to be put out of business by the automobile. The horse business has kept right on developing In spite of the fact tlmt the automobile Indus try has been engaged In a similar un dertaking. The demand for horses Is still great. The supply of some classes of them Is lumletpmte. The prices are high. The automobile may scare the horse Into the ditch, but It Isn't likely to crowd him to the wall. There will always be n Held for the horse, as there will always bo a Held for the au tomobile. Report- from places which used vot ing machines In the recent State elec tions show the superiority of the ma chine over the Icad-pciuil-iuuMmllot method. In no place where the ma chines were used were returns later than one-half hour after the closing of the polls, In most places where the old-fashioned way of voting prevailed there was holdom a complete mid accu rate return within twenty-four hours. Machines are now In use In more imm tUM) cities, towns and villages In the I'nlted States. Iluffalo, Syracuse, San rrauclscit, ludlaunpolls, Milwaukee, Cleveland and Omaha are among the larger cities where the; have been adopted. It U not HUlllcleutly recognized tlmt agriculture Is a scientific pursuit and tlmt In order to get the very best re turns out of It a man could to ad vantage utilize a special scientific edu cation as truly as does the doctor or lawyer or the engineer. It Is not mere ly liecauso of the Increased material return that such education for tho fanner Is of value. The Intellectual and moral dividends would by means of such tralnliin' bo equally Increased. It Is a great loss lu human Hwcr and happiness that thousands of men en gaged In one of the most scientific of pursuits should go about It without get- ttnrr tho Rnmo moral nnd Intollcdunl untlsfnctlon tlmt comes to men In other culling1- In which tho nrofcHHlonnl cle ment lins been more consciously recognized. Hcrculnncum, the rich and splendid city that was burled, along with Tom pell and Stnbhe, by tho eruption of Vesuvius In A. D. 71), Is to be dug from the mass of tufa which covered It, and Its buildings are to be disclosed to vow. Professor Wnldsteln of Cam bridge Cnlverslty hits Induced the Ital ian government to consent to the work, on condition that It be olllclally direct ed by Italians, ami that the assistance of foreigners, llnanclally anil otherwise, shall be uuolllelal. Should the enter prise be carried out, we shall soon have much light thrown on the manner of life of the Itonmim of tho first cen tury, llerculaneum, far more than I'otnpell, was the residence of wealthy and cultivated citizens. Their houses were filled with artistic objects and their libraries contained the best liter ature of the period. In a partial exca vation nearly two thousand manuscript rolls were found In one house. Pom pell was covered with small stones and Roft ashes from the volcano. llercu laneum was burled beneath n torrent of mud to the depth of from thirty to a hundred ami twenty feet. On top of It two large modern villages have been j built, (ieueral excavation has not been undertaken, lest the stability of the vil lages should be threatened. Plans now making provide for tearing down these villages, so far as necessary, to get at the city beneath. In the comparatively near future we may expect to hear re ports of the uncovering of Hue bronze ami marble statuary, of beautiful man sions, of libraries filled with ancient books, some of them for conturlcH known by tradition only. In short, It will be us If we were taken back more than eighteen hundred years, and were able to look upon thu city as Its Inhab itants suddenly left It when Vesuvius poured forth the Hood of mud, molten rock and scalding wnter upon the towns of Us seaward slope. Tho proHoiit period In dlHtlngulHlted for two things proHperlty and discon tent. Desnltn niiinv ihirliii Ineiiuall- tier) or lm-tptltles In the distribution of Uh reKiillH, great pronperlty him pre vailed In thu United StntOH for eight or nine yearn, and there are no visible nlgnn of Uh Interruption. Vet It l.s n matter of common remark that only In a few trying times of great Industrial depression, when millions of working people wero deprived of opportunities to earn a living, has there been no much discontent as Is Keen and heard nnd felt In theso times of ninnzlng prosper ity. Never before were attacks on tho Krent trusts made with such determina tion and effect. Never before wero tho people no united ami so zealous In war fare upon political graft In nil necllhiiH. The discontent of the period Is not mere grumbling. It Is enlightened do Hlro for better conditions. Such dis content In the parent of all progress. If the American people were more con tent with a full stomach they would be less energetic nnd progressive. To nil Individual, a tribe, or a people who nro contented, who have nil they do Hire, progress Is Impossible. Hut for those whose Ideals are higher than any present attainment, the longing Mr let ter things, who have shown up hero and there In nil the ages and who havo become more numerous mid more In sistent uh one after another their alms ami longings havo been gratllled, the progress of the human family would never have ndvnneed beyond naked bar barism. We are a discontented people there's no denying It, and no reason for trying to deny It. Recnuso we are discontented we hustle and "get there." Tho discontent I "t nt nil duo to the prosperity, but the prosperity Is very largely due to the discontent. Wo havo not reached -wrfeetlon yet, and the fact that we know It and kick about It Is the best osslblo assurance that affairs will .steadily grow letter. HUtorlo Shin Ho no .Sold. The historic Ship house and a part of tho Johnson homestead on German town avenue north of Washington lane have been sold to James J. Allen, a builder. Workmen will start to rar.u tho once famous hostelry, which has stood for more than a century. Mr. Allen will preserve the old stone carv ing of a ship which was built In the gable cud of the house nnd gave the place Its name. This will h presented to one of the historical societies. These properties bear marks of bul lets fired during the revolutionary wnr, the battle of (ierimuitown having leen fought there. The Johnson homestead has Ihh'U In the family possession since the time of William Penu, from whom they hold the original grant. The Ship iutnH. has seen many changes of own ership. One of the earliest owners was Captain Darlen, an old sklpier, who placed the carving of tho ship lu posl tlon. When Captain Darlen died tho heirs sold the place to Jacob Peters, who conducted a lino of stage coaches and made this a stopping place. When Peters died the place was sold to Jus, Ford, who opened a private school there. Mo died and the heirs content plated selling It for use ns an Insane asylum. The Uocklus family owned the adjoining property nnd objected, so were compelled to buy tho place. It was again turned Into a hotel nnd n mnlueil bo until tho elder Uocklus wns killed by a horse about sixty years ago. Mr. Allen will build sixty-eight houses on tho Bite. Philadelphia Led ger. Not oven ft professor of mathematics Is competent to solve the woman problem. PASTEURIZED DAIRY COMPANY, Inc. ranteurlteil Milk, Cream; flutter, , lottago C'licetc, Cheese, Hotter Milk, tJUAMTY ICE CKKAM Milk 4 per rent jcnnrnntcci! riioac i:-t torn S00 Street l-OHTLASIi, OHEOON rhoLt Ficlfle 7U9 Work Done On Snort Holier The Never Regret Cleaning and Pressing Parlor t'k'ftiilnp, Prexlni?, Dyeing aml'ltcpalrlnK, Rtcaiii nml Kii'iich Dry cleaning a Hiiecinlty, Hulls Pieneil While You nit. 132 N. Sixth Street, POtlUAND, OHCGON Michigan Company isiisa H. CHAW, Proprietor Phone East 2800 154 Grand Avenue Ericson Undertaking Co. Incorporated Funeral Directors and Embalmers LADY ASSISTANT 1'liono Main C133 409-411 Alder Street roim.AND oiti:aoN THE BUREAU SALOON 1'ItANK IIOFKMAN, Proprietor Choicest Imported nml Domcstlo Wines, Liquors and Cigars Teletiliono Main MOfl Houtlicatt Corner l'lrtt ami MorrUon 1'OllTI.A.ND OllKOON A. It Willett & Co. Wholesale ami It-tall GROCERS Special Prices to Restaurants Prompt Delivery Phone East 283 128 Grand Avenue B, Wn-liliiKton, Prop. T Wilkinson, Manager The Alpha Fine Wines, Liquors & Cigars NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS Headquarter for Railroad and All Pro fesnioual People. Phone Pacific 161 101 N. Turk St., PORTLAND, OREGON A. H. Griswold BuucuortoGIUbWOM) A I'HEuLEY TAILOR No Drnnoh Stor 131 Sixth St. 1 ORTLAND, ORKGON OUR BRAND Horse Collars Farmers, Tcamiiors a'it Horsemen, look In vimr Inlerrst, Wlivn In need ol llorio Collars, J lh lrt the SHARKEY COLLAR It has tOMl tho leM of near amt tear ami rlutislu for twenty jean, Ask jour drat r for Ihem and Insist ou ha-tiiif W. "Shar key " P. SHARKEY & SON Portland, Oregon "m.fin.pj. 1 3MvU LAND, OR3- OLYMPIC. A Flour Whose Best Endorsement I. the Fact that the Number of People Who Use It Multiplies Every Year fe 0 a nn pLOXjfi For Ins Wines and Liquors, call at THE 'WEST O. llUltlUa, Prop. Fine wines, Liquors and Cigars I'lione Pacific 1900 v, Si rnurtccntl. 8t. I'OHTi.ANI), OKK. NEW ALBINA CAFE PATTER10N k McDOUGAlL. Hrori- Fine Wines & Liquors Tho Old Corner Cor. Russell Av. & Albino St. Phone Cost 4306 Portland, Ore. LODELL'S PLACE A. K. J.OllK'.L, I'roplletor Pine Wines, Liquors and Cigars WEINHAHD'S DCCR Ti-lophnnu I'nclflc l'.ist 411 Nc.rtli Nineteenth St. PORTLAND, OR. ! Pioneer Soda Works ClUNDKfj HUUrt. A CIO. Mnmifnctiircrs of SODA WATER, EXTRACTS, SYRUPS, ETC. Knctorr, 410 Wnter Street Telephone, Main 23MI I-OUTI.ANI) OltEOON Crane Bottle Co. Wholesale Dealers In BOTTLES Carry tho lar( at i-tock of Uottlm on thu l'aultlc Coiifct. Mail Order Hhip tin ntM given prompt attention Office, 14th and Couch Sts. PORTUND, OREGON STAR BREWERY NORTHERN BREWERY CO. Btcwer ami Dottier of HOP GOLD PORTLAND OFFICE: Corner Fast ThlrJ and Buriulie Street The Judge Demands the Best" LA TOCO Ky Vest Clew EL PATERNO Ten-Cent Leader SIGHT DRAFT King of Five-Cent Clears W. S. Conrad .MhinoupollH St. 1'iiul Distributor i , 2& Vfcmw&,vwafc AKarmsmufr A Western Cracker Made for Western People Ahk your Grocer for Western Crackers and Cakes fako no othur kiml if you want tho beat I 29 Second St., Portland, Or. Tolophono main aja Solo Growers of the Cilibratid Toke Point Oysters An Kaatern Oyster Transplants and grown on our beds at TOKELAND, WASHINGTON 'UNKQUAI.KP IN KLAVOll AND KUKSnNhBS" Cannery at South Bend, Wash. Wholenalo Dealers In All Vurletiea of Nutive 0ters. O SPICES, 0 COFFEE,TEA, BAKING POWDER, FUlVOWNG EXTRACTS .UNlurtfwriry, Fincsf Flavor. Ororor Sr rtntyh. IXwowbltfrices.! CL0SSET&DEVER5 PORTLAND, OREGON. c-i- ifc---ri UE POINTER CO HJJraBRAU grotto KIUCKSO.V fc IinitO, Props. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars 54 Sixth Street MAIN 4(02 PORTLAND, ORE. WESTERN SODA WORKS JUCHK.MICH A- CllAMint, Props. Manufacture of Carbonated Never ngeg, Svrnp", Ixiruct-, Mineral Waters nnd (. liampngii" Cider. Sole dibtrlb utors of f-Vdaille M neral Water. Phono 1'ncillo 1703. Office and Fader)'. 204 Mill Street PORTUND, OREGON tu i ' , ,i ',i ir ",;.'..'ti'.:i'.v'"iTTrpr: f i i START 1507 RIGHT 9 Begin With Electric Light g IT is cheaper! Make 1907 an ELECTRIC year in your HOUSEHOLD as well as H In your Store, and enjoy the con veniences, the labor saving, the hcalthfulness, the' safety, the economy and the prosperity that attends the use of ELECTRICITY. FREE LAMP RENEWALS--The Company will henceforth furnish free of charge, to meter custom ers, new Edison base lamps of 4 8, 16, 32 and 50 candle power, in exchange for old lamps, here tofore furnished by the Company. Lamp renewals will be made at Nos. 14749 Seventh St. ONLY. FREE LAMP RENEWALS mean better light, and is EQUAL TO A SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTION IN THE COST OF LIGHTING. For Information call Main 6688 Portland Railway, Light & Power Company FIRST & ALDER STREETS fl The SAVINGS BANK of the Title Guarantee & Trust Company PAYS 4 Per Cent Yearly Interest On Savings Accounts Interest Compounded Semiannually We Also Pay 4 Per Cent Interest on Certificates of Deposit And 3 Per Cent on Daily Balances of Check Accounts Save a Dollar Today aid It Will Work for You Tonorrow A Hank Account Is the first step to ward hujipinees, prosperity ami comfort Banking llourn, D . m. to 4 p. m. ; SatunlujH. t a in. to I p. m. ; Saturday evenings, o. p. in. to 8 p. in, DIUKCTORS Win. M. Ladd, J. Thorburn Rfp, T. T. Rnrkhart, Frank M. Warren, George II. tl ill. OFFICKRS-J. Thorburn Ross, Pres ident; Georuo li. Hill, Vice President; T. T. llurkliart, Treasurer; John E. Aitchuon, bicretnry. 240 Washington Street Corner Second PORTLAND OREGON PORTUND COFFEE & SPICE CO. . Importers and Manufacturers Tea, Coffee, Spices, Extracts and Baking Powder 24 ann 26 front Street PORTLAND, OREGON Lewis & Clark Cigar Go. CIGAR MANUFACTURERS Ask ror tho Cclobrntctl Lewis & Clark Cigar - I2c Sacajawca 10c U.MON MADE Phone Pacific 2263 PORTLAND KING 8c GILMORE Tolvpliona UNION 4CK8 Real Estate Dealers Everything in the Best Properties Jersey Street ST. JOHNS, OREGON H. HENDERSON Real Estate 108J. Jersey Street, ST. JOHNS, OREGON I havo choice HuhIiicsh nnd Residence Tracts lu nil. parts of thu city, ' Corr Hpondeiico solicited from nou lusideut owners of property or thoso (-coking In vest ments litre. ABBETT Ml Kinds of Galvanized Iron and Tin Work a Specialty ALL WORK GUARANTEED NOT TO LEAK Agent for Quaker Mfg. Co.'s steel Furnaces 410 Union Ave. North Ehop Rhone Knst 0177 Residence Rhone Knst 1801 : JAMESTOWN, N. D. : :,: The Seiler Co. OSCAR J. SEILER, Attorney-t.Lw President Paid Up Capital and Surplus $35,000 Collections Investments Real Estate Jamestown, North Dakota 1IY KAII, AMI WATKIt Columbia River Scenery mum REGULATOR LINE Th excursion steamer " RAILKY GATZKRI" makes round trips to CAS CADE l.OCKh every Sunday, leaving PORTLAND at 0 a. m., returning ar rives G p. in. Pally cervico botween Portland and The Indies except Sunday, leaving Portland at 7 a. in., arriving about 5 p. m , carrying Ireight and passengers. Splend d accommodations for outfits and livestock. Dock foot of Alder street Portland ; foot of Court i-trent, Tho DallcB. Tele phone Main 014. Portland. A ST0RI& & C0LUMBI1 no Sill Possen ins in WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS KKTWIKX Portland, istorias Seaside Leftret union ciw, Arrlyei. or Mi;er, Kln- JHlly ler, i;iu tame WrMrorj, (Hilton, Anuria, Warren ton, FUt1, (iear liart farkaiidsea. Me. Pally. H:lo a. m. AMorla A- Seashore 7:00 p.m. Anorla Kxpreu Hally. 9:13 p.m. 3. A.STKWAUT. J, C. MAYO," Loiuiu'l Agl.,2W AlJerft U, F, Ji I', i Tvlephun Mala 906. t?rLdK!v aviicAc 5tr X V 'V i r i,ni v mn wamtmfmmatiii0iiHtiiM l tmttmi'mMtltft,i!Wim'' m,ltm mt " "in TrTtTiiir Li'irr7"17"11 titt- 'T-fy'TflliV ' J