Portland new age. (Portland, Or.) 1905-1907, January 19, 1907, Image 8

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    ?&"' LaS
Cold Affected Head and Throat
Attack Was Severe
CIiiih. W. Mow mini, Int. Lieut, and
Adjt. tli M. H. M. Cuv. VoIh., writer)
from Ijinlmm, Mil., n followm
'"Ilioiili Hoiiiiiwlitit memo to patent
incdtaineH, anil HtiU inoro acrto to lx
coining u profpHsiosml iillldiivll limn, II
ueuuiH only it plnlii duty in tlio present
imdiinco to mlil my oxporleneo to tliu
columns iilrcnily written eoniuriiliiK tlio
curat iu M)wrrs of IVriiriu.
"I have bt.cn patlUukrly hcnclillrd by
its use for cold in (he bend and thront.
I linvr able to fully cure myself of a most
severe, nttntk In forty-flglit hours by Its
use. according to directions. I use it as a
preventive whenever threatened with an
"MemliorH of my family alno tino It
for llko alliiii'iitH. Wu uru rocoiiimend
lug II to our frlumlH."
CIiiih. W. Ilowmnn.
Ask Your Druggist for free Pcruna Alnia
nocfor 1907
An Arriiut of Karape.
Itlvnl eouiuilttee were appealing for
"Ixit's nee," Maid tlio capitalist, mtis
Inicly. "If I kIvo 15.000 to oach com
mltteo one donation would nullify the
otlier, and, no far as I ran roc, lenvo
both rclntltely whoro they started."
Mucins a little more, ho decided that
110,000 would Just buy tlio sort of ntito
mobile ho hud lu wind. rhlliidvlphln
Vitality Sapped by Years or Suffering
With K'dney Trouble.
Ciipt. J. W. Iloguit, former postiniiH
tor of Indliiiiolii, now living at Austin,
'lexiis, wrltori: "I
wim iillllctcdforyfiiiH
With WlilMm.T(W1 tlio
loins and In the liiiw
it i KA a" (M iindrilioulderH. I Imd
le iaakfcViV'ii1' iiiiiirtili.lii Mu In.lii
.3 ' n J !
oyo,fruiii pain, was of
It llttlo uho to ma for
enrH. Tlio coiiHtunt
How of urluo kept
my RVHtoin depleted, causing nervous
chillx iiiul night HweatH, Alter trying
tuiwn different eliiiiulort and using nil
kinds of iiicdlciuo I Imd tlio good for
tttuti to licitr of Donu'ri Kidney rills.
This remedy lina curel mo. 1 tun w
well ttnlity us I was twenty yenra ago,
find my oypsight is (turfed."
Hold by all dealuiH. 50 eentrt it box.
Foitor-.Mllburii Co., lluffalo, N. Y.
ITn A V. VJlft
vSHmMmr' ii
Cntnrrli i.i not merely an Inflammation, of the tissues of thc'hcrul nml
thront, nathe aymptoma of ringing noisca in thceara, mucous dropping back
into the thront, continual hawking nml spitting, etc., would peeiu to indi
cate ; it is n blood disease in which the entire circulation nnd the greater
lart of the system are involved. Catarrh is due to the presence of nn execs'!
of uric ncld in the blood. The Liver, Kidneys and Bowels frequently be
come torpid nnd dull in their action ami instead of carrying off the refuse
nnd waste of the body, leave it to sour nml form uric acid in the system.
This is taken un by the blood nnd throurrh Its circulation distributed to all
iwrts of the system. These impurities in the blood irritate nnd inflame
the different membranes and tissues of the body, and the contracting
of a cold will start the secretions nnd other disgusting and disagreeable
symptoms of Catarrh. As the blood goes to all parts of the body the ca
tarrhal poison affects all parts of the system. The head has a tight, full
feeling, nose continually stopped up, pains above the eyes, slight fever
comes and goes, the stomach is upset and the entire system disordered and
rvi. u vt nltcctecl by tuts disease. It 13 a waste oi
.faWsdmaVoSufa!!::" tlttte to try to cure Catarrh with sprays,
S" ,Yir J !rl24 nrthlnsr washes, inhalations, etc. Such treatment
Jif.?? 5'A'-2fJj,UatnX at0-?-?,! does not reach the blood, nnd can. therefore.
o aula improvemant do itothltier more than temporarily relieve
Wta,-rh5rtb0,tifew2lJ,?S?i! the discomfort of the trouble. To cure
YA" V yor" uif ini Catarrh pcntmnently the blood must be
SltTrVh.blorff.a.oJSa thorouiihiypunttetlniuUhcBystemclcansctl
know thoro la
i lioiiiinir un aariii or nil tiolSO
ho blood than 8. 8. 8. ' H I'oiw,
luka mora of s. 8. a. strengthened
tmttor lor t
Noboity tit
than I do.
S. S.
X.Ioor, Xloh.
PURELY VEGETABLE bn bepfti to heal.th head Is loosened
and cleared, the hawking and spitting cease,
every symptom disappears, the constitution is built up nnd vigorous health
restored. S. 8, S. also tones up the stomach and digestion nnd acts as a
fine touic to the entire system. If you are suffering with Catarrh begin the
use of S, S. S. and write us n statement of your case and our physlclaus will
pend yon literature about Catarrh, and give you special medical advice
Without charge, 3. 3. S. is for sale at all first class drug stores.
Ifr Baalc Dlarr.
RtM held up the fat llttlo red tettfeec
book for her friend to see.
"No not a diary. I kept on once,
hut I burned It long ago. My father
gave me this when I was IS, and show
ed mo how to keep It
"It 1 my lint of books I hare read.
I call It my book of books. Here Is
the llrst entry: 'Westward Ho,' by
Charles Klngsley double-starred be
ciiiibu I have rend It three times; a
star means rercudliij:. Underlined, too,
because nlion I looked the list oter at
the end of the year It was one of my
fnrorltcH. A little circle after the title
tlrit'a because It was a work of Mo
tion that net me hunting fact, In his
tory and biography.
"Not all the marks In my codo wcro
marks of honor, though. Look nt tlio
cross after number nine; that means
trash. And there, nfter number eleven
the I'reilerlka llreiuer novel the
black dash; tlint menus simply that I
didn't like It. Father enjoined me to
be honest with my black marks. Ho
said I should And them an antidote
to literary pretentiousness." St. Louis
.Short King.
There Is hardly it king In Christen
dom whose wife docs not overtop hlm
by a hi'iiil.
The English king Is quite six Inches
shorter than Queen Alexandra.
The crnr, a little man, Is overtopped
it full head by the cznrlnn.
Kaiser Wllhclm Is of the medium
height, but the German empress Is tall,
.mil that N why the proud kaiser will
never consent to be photographed bo
sl.lo his wife unless she sits while he
The king of I Inly, short and squat,
, hardly comes up to the shoulders of the
I tall, athletic Qurcn Helena.
' The king of Portugal, though fatter,
J Is les tall than his queen.
Kvcn the 1'rlncu of Wales Is shorter
I a g'Kxl four Inches than the princess.
' Viiil the young king of Bpaln Is gov
1 crnl Inches shorter than his queen.
IIo had bought her n pot of real
Irish shamrock, crown on the oulil sod.
j for It was St. Patrick's day, and she,
too, had In her veins the blood of Krln.
"Oh," she cried, "how good of you 1
How perfect they nro J How fresh 1
Why, I believe thcro Is still a llttlo dew
on them."
"Yes," he answered, flushing, "I know
there Is, but It will all bo paid off to
morrow." Peculiar toe Itself
In selection, proportion and combination
of Ingredients.
In tlio process by which their remedial
values nro extracted and preserved,
In effectiveness, usefulness and economy,
Curing tlio widest range of diseases.
Doing tlio most good for tho money,
Having tho most medicinal merit,
And tho greatest record of cures,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
In usual liquid form or lit chocolated
tabids known as Sarsatabs. 100 doses $1.
I. una" War from Nowlirrr.
Tho most remote mission station In
the world Is on Hurschel Island, In the
far northwest corner of tho Dominion
of Canada. Tho nearest itostullleu Is
2,000 miles nway. Consequently the
packets nro few and fur between, hol
dout moro than twit In n year. Tho Isl
and Is n most uninviting place for n
residence. No sun for more than two
mouths In tho winter, nml not a tree
to be seen anywhere. Under tho teach
lug of tho missionaries ninny of the
Esquimaux arc becoming moro civil
Ued, ntul are greatly Improving In their
mnnnor and habits, and there Is a
growing desire for Instruction.
A count of the unocciiplfil houses In
London shows 40,H1!. Tlint la one houss
lu fifteen of the whole city.
ns, nnd nt the same time
nnd built up. Nothlntr equal3
S. for this purpose. It attacks the
disease at Us head, poes down to the xly
bottom of the trouble nttd makes a complete
and lasting cure, S. S. S. removes every
particle of the catarrhal poison from the
blood, making this vital stream pure, fresh
nnd healthy. Then the Inflamed mem-
grssgwa j" -nmi
rinh StrlnuT.
Hvcry fisherman, If he has been for
tunato to en tcli some Ush that nro
worth exhibiting, dislikes to hide them
in u banker. He
would rather pro
cute a piece of
cord or wire nnd
carry the tlsh that
way. What tho
tlshcrmnu needs In
such an emergency
Is the carrier
shown In the Illus
tration, the Inven
tion of n Wiscon
sin mnn. When
not In use It can
BTRtNnt.to fiHit. be slipped In the
trousers pocket, and when needed enn
be quickly brought forth. It is very
pimple lit construction, comprising a
handle, a length of cord and n needle
for slipping tho end of tho cord through
the gills of the ILsli. Tho cord Is ar
ranged so that It can he folded lu tho
middle and pnxsod through n hook In
the center of the hnudle. In this way
the string of tlsh, If very long, will
not trail upon tliu ground.
lint Ventilator.
The prevalence of so many bald
headed men has been attributed to tho
fact that the hnlr on the head Is not
given proper ven
tilation. No, one
will deny tlint
men's ImU afford
no means of sup
plying this much
needed ventilation.
In addition, men
never discard n
Ifljlt lnt whllo lu the
WjFiEB 0,U!n nlr mirm?
Bu hot weather as
AriumiH u:.tii.atio 0 t ventilating
men's hats have many times been sug
gested, but Fashion has nlwnys ta
booed tho Idea. Nevertheless, tho sug
gestion Is again brought forth In n re
cent patent f a Mississippi man. This
hat ventilator accomplishes tho pur-
Nearly M.OOO acres In one niitur.il Ramo prcHcrvol Such Is tho new enter
prise which tho national government In establishing In Oklahoma. As fur buck
a tribal tradition rium tho Wichita mountain region has been tho favorite
hunting grounds of tho Comaiicho and Klown Indians, drawn thither by
abundance of game nnd delightful clluute. Hut now game, llko tho Indians,
Is largely a thing of tho past.
It Is iroK)8cd to reproduce- In this splendid natural park all tho best spe
cle of gnmo aulninls nnd birds that once nindo tho great WeHt tho hunter's
paradise. Deer, nntoto'io, bear, tho otter and beaver, quail and doves, prairie
chickens and wild turkeys will be glcn protection nnd encouraged to liicreura
and multiply. Probably the moid Interesting feature of the undertaking will
ho an effort to have. In tho course of je-irs, lnrg h1'"1' of buffalo again roam
ing the plains within tho reservation as they did before tho pitiless warfare
UK)it them was carried so nearly to tho olnt of extermination. When tho
plans now tinder way mo carried out Oklahoma will bo able to boast, In this
Wichita inountitln same rescrte, ouo of the finest natural saino parks In
tho country.
Naturalists who havo visited tho region unite In saying that tho preserve
without question, can be mnde one of tho most successful lit tho United Stntes.
The 57,110 acres of land Mt apart l act of Congress for this purpose lies In
tho rugged embrace of mountains that attain an altitude of 2,700 feet 'ibovo
sea level, from whoso summits ono may behold the marvelous expanso of
plains rolling westwurd to tho Hooky mountains and southward to the Itlo
Grttntlo del Norte.
To the east the country Is broken by timbered streams, ninny of them
splendid water courses, between which nro fertile prairies and ever Increasing
hills that merge finally Into tho bastions of tbe beautiful Onrks In Arkansas
and Missouri. From tho north, ns far as tbe Dominion of Canada and stretch
ing southward to tho Oulf of Mexico, there sweeps past tho Wichita tho
mighty pathway of the plains, rich lit nutritious grasses, oer which grazed
In tho earlier days tbe migratory herds of buffalo and deer. Tho climate Is
mild and dry, although snow whitens tho tops of tbe mountains In winter. In
summer the peaks swim In h sea of purple base. The average rainfall la about
twenty-nine Inches and tho annual mean temperature closo to 00 degrees.
Seldom does tho temperature i below rcro.
rftvyyp'yrstft vwwwrwvrm
No moro loyal or devoted servant
could be found than Nora Sweeny. Tho
thought her mistress was tut angel In
very slight disguise, nnd that tho rest
of tho family were all far superior to
the ordinary rttti of mortals.
Her Indignation was beyond bounds
when sho found that Bridget Ilalloran,
attached to the Laphaitts on tho second
tloor of tho apartment house, consid
ered "hor family" far ahead of Nora's
lit every way, because of their stylo of
"She's always talking to me about
their clothes, Mrs, Harmon, dear,"
said Nora, with a hint of tears In her
volco as she set down the, heaped
basket of snowy garmeuts ono Monday
a Iter return from tbe roof, "but I've
pose thoroughly, as shown In the Illus
tration lu connection with the ordi
nary derby hat Between the brim nnd
crown of the lint, encircling the latter
xntlrely, Is n baud (nbout the size of n
regulation hat band) composed of nnr
ro.w openings extending from top to
bottom. The hand Is made of hard
nilil)or or celluloid, to give the neces
sary stiffness or elasticity. It would
undoubtedly nfford much comfort to the
wearer. It would bo Impossible to
make similar silts In the felt of the
lint, as the latter would not hnjd Its
Rlinpe. The Introduction of hard rub
ber keeps the hut In shnpe, nnd nt tho
same tlmo Is not unduly conspicuous.
Of course, the use of this ventilator Is
not confined to derby lints, but call bo
attached to any stylo of hat.
For Window IHnptnr.
1'vcry shopkeeper endenvors to In
troduce something among the goods In
his window tlint will Immediately at
tract attention.
I'assersby will at
once be Interested
In the novelty ex
hibited, nnd nat
urally will turn
their attention to
tho goods on dis
play. American
shopkeepers nro
far In advance of
the merchants of
Introducing theso
other countries In
"eye-en tellers." Still, one of tho most
Interesting seen recently coiihm front
(ieruiany. It Is shown lu the Illustra
tion. This apparatus Is a glass vessel,
nun Is nearly tilled with water or other
suitable transparent liquid. A llame,
produced by liquid combustibles (such
ns oil and compressed, nlr) burns be
low the surface of the water. Tho air
Is led In through the larger and tho
combustible by the smaller pipe. At
the left Is nn opening for admitting tho
liquid nnd on the opposite Hide nn over
flow pipe. When the apparatus Is
placed In n shop front or the llko the
tliiine, burning within the liquid np
pnriitus, can also bo used for produc
ing hot water for heating purposes.
t,' .
given her n comether to-tlny that she'll
not be forgetting In n hurry,"
"Why, what did you say, Nora?"
asked Mrs. Harmon, with an anxious
glance at tho pretty Hushed face of her
little maid of nil work.
"She said." nnd Nora caught her
breath, "she said, 'Tho dre'u your lady
wears to church la about tit to hang
out my lady's washing In!'"
"And you said?" prompted Mrs. Har
mon, as Nora paused.
"An" I said," Nora's head was proud
ly lifted. " There's not a thing my lady
wears, even If It's when she's all alone,
wld himself away, would be tit for
that I' I said to her, an she'd never
a word to give me back," Youth's
A candidate was feeling tough and
looking tough, this morning, and said:
"I'd like to tell the real truth about
ruaalug tor office"
i ii vv,-sejLT"r rrrsixttJdr'r
. V " .SSwyiaTaWtaggtr-i.lg -tffiry:!.
il 11 e, aVA m" AWW '..' ,PirMfi1
aTi?1. &AyfcJi'2j'mvi$li)rt
r-MBBli f IntrTacat.
"Edith," xdalmed her mother, "I'm
sorry I brought you to the shore at nit.
Here five days and you're engaged to
two young men. It'a disgraceful!"
Yes," admitted the summer girl,
"lt'a pretty alow work, but give tno
time, ma, give m time." Philadelphia
Mothers wtU find Mrs. Window's toothing
Syrup the twit remedy to uiefoi their chUUroa
during tbe teathlHg period. .
ItrMnre Lore.
"What Is that poem nbout the bridge
at midnight?" nsked Mrs. Flashlngton.
"I don't know," nn3wcrcd Mrs.
Dasher; "but the poet knew what he
was writing nbout. llrldge will keep
you up till midnight and nfter If you
happeu to be loser." Washington
Bt. VlttiV nance nnd nil Kerroae Dti'iwf
norminanllv curiM hr Dr. Kltnfle (IrfAt
rtvm Itpmorer. Hand for KltEK SI trial botUa and
treat He. Air. u. u.Klinr, IxL.WJ Arcn au, i-nu.,ra.
Rivers Can there be such a thing as
a "crying need?"
II rooks Why not? Everybody knows
there Is such a thing as a howling success.
I Jaf j i CllTV I
is mi i ra
Catalogue, free. Tangent, Oregon
Best in America
We. make laern
Wo do not tako orders and peddle our Rubber
humps, heels, lite, Ws manufacture our
own coods. Our diulpment Is the newcU
and bet moner can bur. Writ today for our
"llubbur stamp Catalogue."
Portland, dragon
On Ilia Scant.
Crimson Itnmbler Are you burning
gasolluo In tint automobile, mister?
Sparks No, my friend; I'm trying
alcohol Just for nn experiment
Crimson Itnmbler I thought so.
Would you mind mo htingln' on behind
fcr a mile or so, Jest fer de smell?
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
liall's Catarrh Cure.
r. J. C1IKNKY & CO., Prow., Toledo, a
We, tbe undersigned, have known P. J.
Cheuor (or tbe last 16 years, and bellere him
perfectly honorable In all business transac
tions and nuanclally able to carry out any ob
ligations made by their firm.
Wgir it Tliu ax, Wholesale Urugglsts.Toledo.O.
Waloinu, Kiunan&Makyin, Wholesale Urug
glats, Toledo, O. ......
llail'a Catarrh Cure ts taken Internally, act
ing directly upon tbe blood and mucous sur
taxes ot the system. 1'rlre 73c, per botUe.
Cold by all UruggUts. Testimonials tree.
Hall's fatally Tills are the best.
4 Ileal Monopoly.
The lone bandit was holding up a rail
way train.
"It's better than beins president of
the road," be chortled. "I don't hare to
divide any of the snag with influential
By the way of rebate, however, he re
turned the cheap watches to their own-
Safe, Sure and Speedy.
No external remedy ev ryet dovlsed
hits no fully and untpieMloiiably met tlit-xe
time prime conilltious a suctcxsfullv ai
AIIcocks 1'liutotn. They are fitfu In-entire
they contain no delete Iouh drugs nml tiro
innnulaa ureil upon udentlno principle of
medio ne. They are sure becnui-o nothing
govs into them except iugredients which
are exnctlv ad p ed to tlio pttrpo'es for
which u p'a tcrls required. Tho ate eneedy
in their notion !ocaue their iii'illclnul quid
Hit's go right to their v. nrk of relle lug pain
and restoring the natural and healthy per
lorninucoofthe functions of muscles, nerves
and skin.
AIIcocks Plasters are the original and
feiuiliie porous plasters nnd like moat mer
lorioii" articles tmve been extensively imi
tated, th refore always make bure and get
the genuine Allcock's.
Tha Laet Wore.
"Aw, gon, Mike," said tbe British
soldier, attempting to end tbe argu
ment; "you're a lobster."
"Ye flatter me," retorted Mike;
"abure, a lobster's a wise animal, fur
green Is tbe color fur hlm as long as
bo lives, an' he'll die before be puts
en a red coat." Tbe Catholic Standard
and Times
Tor Infants and Children,
Tli Kind You Hava Always Bought
Bears tbe
Bigntttars of
PruggUts refund money If It (alls to cure. K. W
OKOVKS signature ts on escb box. Sic.
A Muerjr.
That "Irtve Is blind" ono can't dispute.
, (lie's often deaf and dumb to boot !)
Hut if be sightless be, I pray,
How does he always "mid the way"
The Header.
It Quiets
the Cough
This is one reason why Ayer's
Cherrv Pectoral is 80 valua-
!B ble In consumption.. It stops
the wear and tear of useless
coughing. But it docs more
it controls the inflammation,
quiets the fever, soothes, and
heals. Sold for 60years.
Arer's Ctierrj Pectoral h boon a reirnUr
lite prcierrer to me. It lirounlit ma tlitoiiRh
a intere attack of pneumonia, and I fuel
that I nwemr life to lit wonderful curative
rropertlet." Vf ILLlAJt. Hi Thuitt, Wawa,
Had by J. O. Ajfir Co.. Lowell, Haas.
so manufacturers or
Hnston rocovery by kooplng tha
bowels resular with Ayer's Pills.
OWAHD K. nUnTON.-AMajrir a-J ChemlM..
Hilt i r,I.ad, f 1 1 (lold, Hllver.TVii ilof.l, toot Zlnaor
CniixT,l. 0anlilo truta, Mullln" "nvrlopoa andl
ianviiir. loiorauo. npniuiun priiru uuiim
rill pricoiiHinenion ppiiraiion. -vnroi aim vm
plrownrlcaollclted. lltlereucel Carbonate Na
tional liank.
Tlio laud of tbe golden Krnln. Hero Is a snap.
or Inventors. Otoecrci. Imprntol, ft miles from,
tho growing town ol Marliod, tli r aero. In.
two )cam from now this Uuil will bo wprth
120 per acre. Apply In a rush to
G. F. IEERE, Nacltod, Alberta
Reference: Union Hank of Canada,
In tlio lliiiirr Niinkn Valli-r. Iilnlm, wlirra
IS.rwj Ml!li'l Vullry In rm-nrt-ken or alraity
lOiatot. 400.IWJ rr" a uiKleirlup il, IrrUalin land
tlllnHallili. ettlrr. Itlch imd M-at Marriil
vail)' In the world, fill" o linaloi Clio con fruit (.
Iniiiirua croi.i f irrulu, allaldiau ur lil. H.OJV
luolnwalitl In niigir f0 orlr. Mv It. It. ixtrir
nlun to Ye lowMontt park oj ni country or aat rn
tourcn. Aaliton aiarlnl Jan. 1, IW4, a rrcunti
lirrakvr. U rllx lor I'urt rularj.
nt, Antliniijr nml Anliton, IiIhIiii.
Pernr Reeils
are not an cxperl-
'meat. but with proper cultl-'
ration, tliev assure success
from the start. Uaers have no
doubts at tilantlNff uor illtap-
polntmcnts at harrcst. Ret
for Diffgcst, surest, oesi crep
at allilcalcr. famous for orrr
jo years. 1UUT MM auuuil
ireeon rcijucn.
D. M. FERRY . CO.,
Detroit, Mich.
Le One-
Otifl.llilril off roiriilnr nrire tor nlinrt time.
lir It. A. Kinrdmaiit. formorlv of Tlio Oalles.
and Dr. It. Y. Ilutler. formerly of Arlliulon,
aro with us. They will bo glad to meet tbelr
old friends.
Third and Couch Streets, Portland, Oregon.
In the Laundry 'Will Sterilize the Cloth
In, Act m an Antiseptic and Prevent
Odor from PrcsplraUon.
All dealers. Sample Borax, Booklet and
Souvenir Picture In 10 colors, S ronta and your
dealer's name. Address PACIFIC COAST BO
RAX CO., Oakland, Cat.
no matter how
bad the weather
You cannot
afford to be
without &
j lowta co acaioa u
ita Chimin CO a rotOMTO CAM
No. 3-07
WHKN wrillaa; U advartlaara pltt
sbdIob this papar. I
awCsia, vk.
In Trti MmiiloiTlsE
" f yp M
aa 'it mHiS
9 ' Q