THE WEW AGE, POBTLAND; OREGMON V LEADING HOTELS : 04 i . ppaV'7A Ln Cafe Ax jcyiCRiC3L )" ?& irWrML rfl A yGOTfflfflkiaU fcrlM aKXSffLSl'lSaHsBBW r JM IIJJraaVaaV fy ll--3y. HOTEL PORTLAND. COST 91,000,000. The Portland M, O. BO WOtS, Mmnrngw American Plan, $3 P01 Day and Upward HEADQUARTERS nit TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. Portland, Oregon Telephone txMi l O. Box Ml The Grand Pacific Hotel C1IAH. A. HCHItAOE, 1'roprUtor. Handsomely Appointed and First Class In Every Particular. Corner Railroad St. and Hlgglns Ave. MISSOULA, MONT. The Kenyon Don Porter Salt Lake City's NEW HOTEL Salt Lake City Utah The Grandon The only First-Class American Plan Ho tel in Helena. Rates from $3 to $5 BOLLINGER HOTEL European Plan Lewiston Idaho Best Hotel In Northern Idaho The Northwest KDW. 0. PATTERSON, I'rop. CIIAS. II. KATT1NUKU, Mgr. Steam Heat in Every Room Private and Public Baths Electric Light RATES $2 PER DAY AND UP Bismarck, N. D. HOTEL PEDICORD T. J. PEDICORD, Proprietor Rates 50c, 75c, SI, )U0 R4MM with Private Batha Both America and furopcaa Private TeWpheacs im ReaaM First-Class GriH in Connection 209-219 Riverside Ave., SPOKANE, WASH. imammaaaaaaaaaaaaaam?- LEADING HOTELS i RICHARDS HOTEL AND RESTAURANT I'hone Exchange 25 360-362 Aider St. Cor. Park PORTLAND, ORE. Best furnished hoiiao in Southern Oregon New Depot Hotel A. II. riUOUT, Proprietor. All Trains stop 30 Minutes For Meals. ASHLAND, OREdON The New Bannock Hotel NOltMAN Si AltMbTH0.N0, l'rop.. Headquarters for Commercial Men American Plan. Room with Bath, Hot and Cold Running Water and Telephone in Each Room. RATES $2.00 to $4.00 PER DAY Pocatllo Idaho The Spalding Leading Hotel of the LAKE SUPERIOR REGION Enlarged and Improved American Plan, (2.60 and Up European Plan (1.00 and Up Finest Cafe in Northwest DULUTH, MINN HOTEL WHITMAN UNDKlt NEW MANAGEMENT A Home for the Traveling Men Strictly First Class. American Plan Electric lighted, Steam heated. Good Sample Rooms in Connection. J. C BROWN, Manager. COtrAX. WASHINGTON 'tmmTUKvi tJaaaamm. Hfff9B A HAPPY CITIZEN I happy in do springtime w'en d daya is gittln' long En do birds Is In do blossoms, des a uliakln' 'cm wld song; Wen do larks Is lookin' lively, kaw dey knows do fros' Is done, En do crow's do blackest shadder 'twlxt dc green worl' en do sun. Ilappy on do way, BliiRln' alt do day: "De raln'll make de roses, en do gross'll come ter hay 1" I happy in do summer des ci happy c kin be, Wen do cotton's des n-imowln', en do corn's ez tall ez mo, Itustlln' cr his green blades whar do wes' win' run a race, En shukin' cr his silky, shiny tassels In my face. Hcah mo what I say? I happy on de way, For a sunny rond is lend In' ter do happy harves' day. I happy In de falltlme, w'en do leaves is gittln' brown En do hlck'rynuts Is fallln' en do apples dent de groun', Wen you henh do hounds a-baylu', en do horns begin ter blow, En do fox is huntln' ktrcr, en de rabbit lay In' low. Ilappy on de way Dnt's de word you hcah mo say I Do fros' hez spiced do harves' ez It twin Isles ter dc day. En winter got his blesiln's, en ho mighty mighty sweet J Cabin flo' a-crackln' ter de dancln' er jo' feet; En I come ter de conclusion, w'en I heah do Chris'mus chime, Da worl' so full er sunshlno dat I happy all do timet Ilappy on do way Wintertime en May; All do worl' Is slugln' w'en de heart make holiday 1 Frank L. Stanton. THERE la an nppearnnco of sweet simplicity about Alicia, an Iniren uouwicxh of expression, an Inno cent, halMiKiulrliiB, haif-wondcrlng look In her bin blue eyes and an nrt Iobmiors In her observation on things In genernl thnt render her friends very anxious on her account. I nm anxious myself very anxious. I am nfrnld that ouo of these tlno days some designing youth with pndded Rhoulderri nnd pointed shoes will per amnio Alicia to a matrimonial cugago monk Thero are ninny such younjr lin potior diinglliiK' around her, nnd It Is rather remarkable that nothing of tho sort has happeiiiMl. Not that It Is any- "HAVE YOU MST ANYTIIINar' thing to mo personally, only I should hnto to ueo Alicia Imiwscd uion. Sometimes, though, 1 witch myself wondering If Alicia la rwilly as guile less as alio seems. I wondered when sho told mo about losing her purse ou n shopping oxjwdltlon yesterday. "I was dreadfully worried about It," alio aid. "It seemed so careless of mo. I don't suppose men ever do lose their purses, do they?" "Never," I replied, "or almost never." "I'upa never does," said Alicia. "I beard him tell mamma tnat he never did. That was when mamma lost hers. lie saya It la so foolish for women to carry their pockctbooks aiound In their bands; hut I'm suro I don't know how else they could carry tbem uulius they balanced them on their tmds. liesldes, when I have mlno In my hand I alwuys know It's there; It Isn't as If I bad It lu a pocket where I'd never bo auro that somebody hadn't picked It" "Of courso not," I agreed. "Hut If you carried yours In your hand bow did you iiapiKJii to lose It?" "I laid It down, of courso. I was looking at embroideries at Spoonder by' and you can't look at embroideries with one hand." "I can see that with half an eye," I aid. "I wanted the embroidery for a gulmpe," said Alicia. "For a what?" "Oh, never mind. Anyway, I must I have gone away aud left my purse ly ) Alicia's Purse ? If i'j&fESLaWBKSBi WamamSr" life rZPS I ing on me coumer. i Know mat l must have done so, but I didn't think of It at the time. It must have been an hour before I missed It I bad got through with my shopping at Spoonder by 'a and I was In Itaxtrell's. "Tou hadn't bought much, then." "What makes you think so?" "I Just guessed." , "I wanted a sample ot albatross and " "Did you say yon were In Baxtrell's or Lincoln Park. "Albatross Is a clotb, Illy," said Alicia. "I bad a sample of It in my purse that I wanted, to match and when I went to look for It I found, of course, that I hadn't got It" "You looked tor it In your hand, I suppose, nnd to your great irurprlsa your hand was empty?" "Yes," said Alicia, simply. "My Hrst thought was that 1 must nave dropped It somewhere on the lloor audl began to look around Tor It. Just then a voice at my elbow snld, I beg pardon, but have you lost anything?'" "Whnt kind of a voice?" i asked. "It was a very nunlcnl voice," re plied Alicia, "rich and deep and pene trating, with nn Indescribable quality In It, If you know what I mean." "A liquidity?" "Not cxnctly n liquidity. No. 'JUiero was a &ort of sympathetic timbre. Hut you don't know what I menu. You are Just laughing nt me." "I assure you I was not. Was It a mnn's voice or n woman's?" "Why, a mnn's, of courso," said Ali cia, widening her eyes. "How could a man speak lu n woman's voice? And ho was Just splendid. Tail nnd dark nnd with the loveliest little silky blnck nius tncho." "I wish I had been there," I snld. "I'm sure I don't know why you should, bccntiso ho was perfectly re spectful. I think ho saul, 'Have you lost anything, madam?'" "Oh, ono of the tloorwull'crs." "He was nothing of tho kind. Ho didn't look In the least llko a floor walker; most of them are lmld nnd middle-aged. They are at Itaxtrell's. There are sotno young ones nt Sjioon derby's. There Is onu In tho ribbon department who Is per " "Never mind. What did you do? Did you freeze him?" Of course I know that the Idea of Allcln's freezing anybody Is quite pre posterous. "You should liivo done so," I said. "I told him that I had lost my purso and hu was most polite and concerned. Ho didn't try to bo silly as soiuo people do." "Whnt people?" "Never mind. Ho nskeil me to de scrlbo the purso nnd looked all mound under the counter and stools and ev erywhere, but we cotildu t II ml It, nnd then I told him that I'd probably left it at tho embroidery counter In HKon derby's and hu offered to go back there with me." "Allcln," I said, severely, "I'm going to speak to your mother and ask her not to let you go shopping nlono The Idea of walking around die stores with a stranger a young mnn you know ab solutely nothing nbout and tnlklng with him and smiling nt btm mid " "lint 1 didn't walk nround with him," protested Allcln. "I told him that I wouldn't think of troubling him and 1 asked the clerk to show mo some al batross and ho bowed and walked awny Just as nicely as could dc. II- was perfectly lovely about It nnd I felt mean becauso I was afraid ho would think I was trying to snub him.'' "You did perfectly rltfht" I said. "Perfectly right" "I don't know," sighed Alicia. "I don't llko to he rude. Well, when I got through looking at tho nllmtross I went back to Kpoonderhy's and, what do you think? They told aie that soiuc liody hud Just called for the purso and descrllKHl It exactly and that they had given It to him, aud, do you know, It must havu been that same young mnn, The description tho young wom an gnvo of hliu iiinkes mo absolutely certain that It was he." "I nover keep my money In mv purse when I go shopping," snld Allcln, with a faint blush. "There were n lot or samples In It, though, and car fare, anil I tinted dreadfully to lose It. Hut pupa bought mo nnother mid I'd wnnted 'a new ono for ever so long. It's Just tho buiutlfulcst llttlu thing, but 1 never could have afforded It myself, nnd pnpa wouldn't gut It for mo us long us 1 had the old one. "Still, I'm sorry for that young man. I suppose he thought I'd be at Itaxtrell's for a long tluio and ho'd get the purse aud bring It buck to mo and surprise mo. I wonder If no Isn't walk ing up aud down State street now with that wretched little purso In his baud looking for mo?" "I wonder 1" 1 said. And, us I ro marked before, I am still wondering. Chicago Dully News. Without the Harluft- Grace. It was universally acknowledged that Mr. Gladstone's memory was prodig ious; hut thero was a certain Lord Chief Justice of Kngland who thought the statesman's memory of his feats of memory more prodigious still. On ono occasion, after listening to what seemed to him a "tall story" of some happening of the greut man's ear ly years, tho Ixu-d Chief Justlco deter mined to go him ono better. So he said that ho remembered when he was only six months old, lying In his cradle, be saw his nurse surreptitiously help herself to a gluns of brandy, and aid to himself: "As soon as I can speak, sha'n't I tell my mother I" 'The thing Is absolutely Impossible," was Mr. Gladstone's comment, In his gravest tone. Tho Chief Justice said after ward that he had been beaten IecauHo he had reckoned on Mr. Gladstone's having a gleam of humor. "I was mistaken I" ho said, sadly. Not the Name fur It. "I suppose," said the new reporter, "there Is a lot of Jealousy In the the atrical profession?" "Not a particle," replied the leading lady. "Why, my understudy Is dead anxious for an opportunity to take my part" Chicago News. A man may be ablo to fool all the women some of the time, but there are some women who fool a m-'Ji all of the time. J LEADING HOTELS j THE ESMOND MOTEL. OSCAlt AMDKtlSON Manager Ilatoa! Kuropean 1'Un fOc, lie, 11.00, $1.60, 12.00 per day Free l!ui to and from all Tratni Front and Morrlton HtrcetR rOllTLAND OUEGON : DULUTH MINN. : ? HENRY FOLZ Lending grocery nnd mar ket. Wo servo the traveling public at reasonable prices. 114 and 110 West Superior street. DULUTH, MINN. I GREAT FALLS : ClotliB Mnn, Woman, Hoy in Modern Up-to-Dnto Fnsliioiiublo Clothing at Popular Prices. Visit Often the Popular Priced Store for Men and Women. Q rent Falls, - - - Montana. E. A.KKlClircii. I'rcdtclont. W. V. HKNC1UU8UII. Vice I'renlilont. 11. W. UllUN WALDT, Uvo. Jt Treat THE AMERICAN BREWING S MALTING COMPANY Drawers nnd Bottlers of extra quality lager beer. "American Family " bottled beer a spcclulty. Ofllco: 109 Central Avonue. P. O. Box 80. t Qreat Falls, - - - Montana. I! IDAHO advertising! ! Thoi. Myth, I'ro Lyman Kargo, Vice Pre The Blyth & Fargo Co. I'ocatclW), Idaho General Alcrchandiso KTOltKB AT Cvanston, Wyo. I'ocatcllo, Idaho BANKOFNAMPA,Ltd. CAPITAL STOCK $50,000.00 EitaMtihed nn. Dewey I'alace Hotel llld'g. FIIKD a. MOCK, I'reildent F. J. C'ONltOV, Vlce-1'reatilent C. It. II1CKF.Y, CMhlor FRANK JUNKINHON, AM'tt'aehler NAMPA, IDAHO J, A. Murrey, Wm. A. Anthte, Caihltr I.N. Anthei, Aim. CeebUr , ITCHJCni. D. W. SUnJroit, vice rridtni THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Pocutello, Iduhoi POCATELLO, IDAHO TUTTLE MERCANTILE CO., LTD. Wholesale Grocers GOODWIN M1NINO CANDLES Judson Powder, Fuse and Caps AOKNTB FOIl TUB CELEBRATED OLYMPIA BEER Nnmpu, Idaho D.W.Cburcb Karle C. While C. C.t'hlUou CHURCH & WHITE CO. Real Estate And Insurance PocatwllO' Idaho ! CAFE Phone Main 2318 CON HJ.LGERS 381 N. 17th St. Portland, Oregon Tlinne Hood f77 THE OLD HOME F. 1. MmiAN, Prop. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars for. Ecu'tiU'umli nnd Nortlmip Sti. Portland, Oregon A. CORRIGAN Barton, Or., Clackamas River Best Fishing and Hunling Grounds in the Northwest LOUIS SCHUMACHERS FURRIER Furs tlcmmluled into l.titrst Ftyle. llor.s, S o en, Ties, for luhs ihan at itny other plnn. 125 Madison Stroct V. It. WJIIInitiN Al Clcvolnntt FASHION STABLES Hacks, Livery, Boarding; Twentieth nnd Washington Sts. Wcct ir.d Exposition Bide;. I'hone Main 15 PORTLAND, OREGON OUR WORK IS HUT ONE GRADE -.TMC DtST Wc mile x trcctally of hunzting lie CurUlal CRESCENT LAUNDRY CO. 5-19 Morrlton Street. Wo Mipiitv tlio llutt'lii-r limit) ullli nice, clean npmtix. Why tmy jmir npiun nml tlion pny to Iihm) tlii'in lniiiiilvrril ilion n lll nupply tln'in fin Jiift what It coMr )oii mm- to limo tlivin luuiiik'icil. Our unon s 111 mil, M. J. (Intihirr. l'linno Mntn 1900 M.Oanlncr GARDNER BROS. Miinnfnciurcrn of tho Silk Tie Cigars UNION MADE 20 Ma'lson Street PORTLAND, OREGON WEEKS GRANITE CO. For First Class Work and LOWEST PRICES in Portland Cor. Forrth and Columbia Streets One block South of City Had DRUGS, STATIONERY IMPORTED & DOMESTIC PERFUMES PrcmrliitiniiH, Family HrripoH. Phono yourorduiH Hunt Dllil). W. C. CHURCH, Pharmacist G77 Wllllunn Ave., Cor. Targo NATIONAL WINE CO. Pare Wine & Liquors WE SELL DIRECT TO THE FAMILIES Fifth and Stark Streets Phone Main 649") PORTLAND. ORE. Rupert's Pharmacy PHONE MAIN 6421 Kvi'rythlnjj Now, Fresh anil Up-To-I);ito. Wo mil o t your tuuln. Purity pro-omiiii'iit. Pino Drti'H nil Important mutter. 1'ren'rlptloiis pruiisoly prcparud, W nvvor hii) BtillltO. 1'orfllllll'H (if tilt) llljillt'Ht churuutor. Wow uut ) our conlliloncu 4G0 Jcffrrson SI. Corner Ihlrtcrnili St. Pnrtl.irwl Of Opp. Uulllvjnl's Grocery oniUIIU, Vfr. Portland Fluff Rug Go. Transforming of Worn Brussels and Ingrain Carpels Into Rugs Prompt Attention and Good Service Guaranteed - Phone 3052 700 Washington St., Portland, Ore(oa Furniture oiQuality We sell Quality goods Fur niture that ia made from Natural Wood, that will give satisfaction under hard wear. The same will hold good of our carpets and stoves. That's the kind we sell. : t COVELL FURNITURE CO, 184-186 FIRST All the Credit You Want 1 1 J