HSMyn - rf -. Ji- jt! '' Pflrtlattii Jforo A90 KnUbliihcil 1896 A. D. Orlflln, Manager Offlcc, Room 317, Commonwealth liullitlng To itiitire publication all local new inuit Ttach ui not later than Thurmlar inornltitf of each week. Pubtcrtntlonprloe.onejrear, payable in ad vanoe,ti.oo. I Local Ncwh on thin l'ago tiy C. A. RirreW. City Editor I iminnmiwiiimiMin I PORTLAND LOCALS MtMMMMMM Mrs. posed. M. E. Fullilove Is still India All local nows for this pago Is edited iby C. A. nittcr. Mr. nnd Mrs. Leo aro stopping with Mr. Hughes on Park street near Davis. Mrs. H. LeRoy expects to leave for 'Tacoma on tho 20th to reside permit mently. Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. Klscr are confined to their homes by sovcro pulmonary troubles. Mrs. A. D. Grlftln hns been confined to tho hotiBo with n severe cold for tho past .week. Mrs. Horn Newman tho celebrated soprano Is still suffering from serious throat troubles. Tho Boclnl dnnco given by Mr. A. Logan nt Union hnll Wednesday even ing was n success. Mr. Logan fully sustained his reputation ns n compe Hiwiumiii n ruiwiimuu . a u ""' i0"!01 ,a.ln"f iOC,n5-i,. r n tho long list of pleasant nffnlrs of n similar nature. Tho concert to ho given nt tho Zlon A. M. 13. church on Wednesday, Jan. 23rd for the benefit of tho faithful or gnnlst, MIbb Penrl Miller, deserves to bo well attended. Tho cotnmlttco hns spared no pains to secure tho host talent nvnllnhlo and all who nttond enn depend on recoiving a rnro treat. A delightful drive whist parly was glvon Thursday, Jan. 10th nt tho resi dence of Mr. nnd Mrs. Mnnloy of 3' Front street. Tho honors wero car ried nway by Mrs. h. II. Lojenne nnd O. A Rrlttor. whllo tho boohv prlzo roll to Mrs. Mnnlcy nnd Mr. Hlgglns. It wns tho Intention to organize n whist club, but It wns tho sentiment of thoso present thnt tho matter had hotter bo deferred unll nftor this tin srnsonablo spoil of cold wenthor. After tho prizes had ben nwnrdod tho com pany wero sontcd to a sumptuous re past prepared by tho hostess nnd It wns the wco hours of tho morn ero ndlrus woro said nnd tho merry com imny parted anxiously awaiting tho announcement of tho next .mooting. tiiinimiinnnniini OUR CHICAGO LETTER I tixixiaxtsoas MM Chicago, III., Janunry 8, 1007. Mr. D. L. Martin, 3238 Denrborn st., Is very sick. Mr. Thcodoro W. Jones has sold out his transfer business to Mr. Thomas O. Taylor. Rov. E. D. Wilson, a prenchor of tho Baptist church is now in Jnil for at tempting to bribo tho judge. The colored peoplo In Chicago will novcr be contented nnd sntisticd in putting out of ofllco ono, Mrs. Alhnrtn 1 M. Smith, a probation oincor in tno Mrs. Qco. Klscr, and If so an oppor Juvcnllo court. Ity may ho arranged to hnvo him do- Tho Appomattox Club has dono a ' r. mo' ndRsn "i grent deal toward ontortalnlng tho vis- People, or this state. Wo can nssuro ftors ircScnS this winter 'luring our renders that thoro are few race tho holiday season. Tho cotillion at champions more nolo and ready at all tho Douglas Club houso and the in- nios with cither tongue, or pen. In formnl dancing party wero successes .t 'Is day and time when It seems that of ihn nrnsnn I tho greatest question beforo tho world or mo season. Ia hQ aueatlon of race prejU(nC0 ana Mr. D. R. Wllklns, tho editor of tho JtB romedy, wo aro only too glad to jnicagi uonsorvaior wno is a mum- her of tho Charter commltteo of tho city of Chicago, has dono splendid work nnd rondorcd grcnt service for tho benefit of tho protection of tho colored peoplo of Chicago. A reception was given at tho rrsl tlenco of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Webb, C113 Morgan street Jnst wook. Among thoso nrosmt wero M.r. nnd Mrs. P. T) Thomas. Mr, nnd Mm. W. N. IIIU, Mr. nnd Mrs. Georgo Cobb, Mr. and Mrs'.ja Charles Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. Hnr. per. At n mooting of tho Western Star Club held In this city last week a ser Jes of resolutions wero adopted In dorsing Senator Foraker of Ohio for tho nomination United States. of president of tho hub toiciu oiai Club Is ono of tho powerful political organizations among tho colored peo plo In Chicago. Mr. James A. Scott prominent col ored lawyer of this city, has been em i".. ... . r, iij..i o . I "toUwMrZtaw.m ScoTK Dearborn1 streef, room I 732. Lawyer Scott Is one among tno leading colored men in Chicago and stands high In tho estimation of tho people In this city. Ho Is an excellent gentleman and a good lawyer. Mr. John C. John, sovereign grand commander of tho United Supremo vouncu tor me suuiueru unu wcmun Masonic jurisdiction has just returned from New York city where ho estab lished St. John's consistory of Scot tish Rite Masons and Palestine Tem ule of tho Mvstlc Shrlno In the city Hew York. The consistory and temple1 in New York city is composed or a anaiyBB la also impossible. Analyst large number of prominent colored ,g requisite; and yet analysis must Masons. The United Supreme Council eceB8ariiy be Incomplete and inado will meet In annual session In July, quate. 1908 at Staunton, Va. , Fraternallsm involves mutual re- Tho courts of Heroines of Jericho spect of class for class, raco for race, have now become connected and under church for church, Individual for indl- the authority and control or the Bu- -nrpmn flrand Court of Daughters of Snhynx and arrangements have been made that hereafter thjo courts of Heroines of Jericho will in every sec tlon of tho country be under the au- hnritir nnrt -nntml of the Supreme Grand Court of Daughters of Sphinx of tho United States nnd North nr South America. These arrangements scorn to bo worktag splendid and sat- lsractorlly and very helpful too, to tho country. oruer or Heroines or Jericho in this Tho last election In November hr' In Chicago throe colored men were nominated and were running on thr republican ticket. Dr. Alexander Lane a prominent colored physician was elected a member of tho legislature Of tho state of Illinois by over 20,000 majority. Tho ofllco Is for two years S? .AaJ"r?:,'i""chc-ffr J2 '5 ,ono thousand dollars. Oscar DePrtcst a colored man wns elected a county commissioner of Cook county for two years, salary $5,000. On account of Mr. DoPrlest being so unpopular, he ran far behind tho ticket, nnd wns knifed in nil parts of tho city, and especially by a largo number of col ored republicans. BOOKER T. WASHINGTON. Invites the Editor of the New Age to Ttukegee. We acknowledge receipt of tho fol lowing self explanatory communica tion nnil rnirrnt thnt nrnna nf hnnlnnnn enpngements prevents our accepting of tho same, as wo feel that it wouui be a great plcasuro to attend: Tuskcgco, Ala., Janunry 9, 1907. Mr. A. D. ariflln, Editor, Tho New Ago, Portlnnd, Ore. Dcnr Mr. Griffin: Tho enclosed cir culnr callB nttontlon to tho coming meeting of tho Tuskcgco Negro Con- ferenco, which Is to be held hero Wodnesdny nnd Thursday, Fcbrunry 20th nnd 21st, 1907. My cspeclnl ren- Htm for wrltlnir von nt this time is to ronlliillv Invito vou to hn nresont. Tho nnBt yenr has been ono of grcnt concern to us all, nnd I am suro thnt tho opportunity for confcrcnco will be Kenorniiy helpful. We aro nssurcd nf n RnthorlnB iw largo ns any In tho his- tory of thcoo conferences, nnd I nm confident thnt your prosenco nnd conn sel will bo n grcnt aid in accomplish ing good results. Hoping to hear, at your convenience, ns to whether you will be represented, nnd by whom, I nm, Yours truly, DOOKEIl T. WASHINGTON WHAT IS FRATERNAUSN ? Mr, Allison Sweeney, the Orator and Editor, Discusses Fraternalism, Fnlirnilitm Meint Mutual Respect ol Class for Class, Race for Race, Church tor Church and Individual for Individual. It has seldom fallen to our lot to read a more concluo statement of tho conditions of affairs In America that havo tended to created a raco problem and tho solution of tho same, than was presented In nn nrtlclo contributed by V. Allison Sweeney of Chicago form erly editor of tho Freeman ono of tho leading negro journals of this country. Wo pays his respects to Senator li. Tillman In no uncertain language and I sums tip tho matter with theso words which contnln tho gist of tho whole matter: "America will hnvo a raco problem until mo great intelligence, honrt and conscience of tho people Is awakened from its slumber nnd Is aroused to tho point whoro It will do maud for tho negro a fair chanco to earn a living." Thoro Is n probability that Mr. Swconoy may In tho near futuro como west to vUlt his nolce, uo noj0 tp roprlnt articles llko tho roi iowi touching as wo believe. th lowing, toucning as wo ooiievo, ino foundation of tho matter and lack of which Is what makes all tho trouble not only In America but all over tho world. Wo would that, this nrtlclo could be read by ovcry man nnd wo man whlto and black. "It Is difficult to answer this ques tion, which a correspondent line nak ed us, becauso It Is difficult to deflno spirit and fraternallsm Is not a method, It Is simply a spirit. In this respect It differs from socialism, which l nlon n mattirwl Qnf nlldm nrnnnana - n .., - in.i...irt.i vii. h. an. i...n ., !., ,i imni, ments of Industry. Fraternallsm nnlthor nrnnnsen nor nnnosnn thin In. dustrlal method. It differs also from flnmonracv becauso rlomocracv la a method as wen as a spirit Th oldPBt Ideal of democracy Is that furnished by tho Hebrew Commonwealth, as out. Z30 North Bixieentn street, rortiana, lined In tho Old Testament. Asthero.Ore. outlined, It Involves popular suffrage, unvnrnmxnl nrt-nnlTWl In thrnn tlonnrt. mnts-ieglslatlv eiecut ve and cla - no hereditary class, ,,o standing army, muusiry nuuureu mm prumuiuu, somo provision for popular education, 'a church dependent upon the unen forced contributions of the people, a priesthood forbidden to acquire wealth and the power which wealth confers. These and analogous provisions aro nJl methods for promoting tho general welfare. Tho New TesHiment neither proposes nor opposes theso and kin dred methods. It simply commends, urges, Inspires and illustrates a spirit of human brotherhood. To analyzo a spirit is Impossible). To dfBcrlbo lt witnout SQmo annroach to viauai. u involves mutual interest, re- gard for tho welfare of others. looklnv not upon one'B own things only, but on tho things of one's neighbor, a deslro for his prosperity, a regret for his ml- fortune. It Involves rejoicing with those who rejoice and weeping with those wno weep, u involves pity xor THE NETT AG-E, POKTLAJTB. OREGON their sorrows, mercy for their errors nnd their sins, sharing with, them their mlsfottuncs, bearing for them their burdens. It Involves helping the larao, the halt, and tho blind, and endeavor' lng to redeem and recover from their wrong-doing the criminal. Fraternal- Ism is co-operation, combination, fel lowshlp, uniting with one's fellows In government, In philanthropy, In Indus - try In order to promote, the common welfare. Fraternallsm Is tho parable of the Prodigal Son-for fraternallsm , iTi.Vrntoll In that nrWhlo untitle- J K? n.H aJf ? SJ!ffit or. Fraternallsm Is to do unto others ns wo would have others do unto us. It is to lovo one's neighbor ns ones self. It Is to glvo with simplicity, to rule with diligence, to show mercy with cheerfulness, to bo inspired with a lovo that Is without false pretense, to bo kindly affcctlonato ono to an other with brotherly love, In honor preferring one another. It is to bo of the sanio mind, ono toward another; to mind not high things, but to conde scend to men of low estate. Wo mny Illustrate tho spirit of trw tcrnallsm by Indicating both somo of Its tendencies and somo contrary tend- cnclcs. to bo scon In our American Ifo. The snlrlt nf frnternalism n the Anglo-Saxon sees in tho sunny cheer- fulness of tho negro, in tho lovo of tl beautiful In the Italian, In the patience of the Chinese, qualities to bo re spected, emulated, borrowed. Frat'" nallsm In America looks across tho ben iiinl shares tho sufferings of tin oppressed negro In the Congo and of mo persecuted jew in liussia, ami u shares sympathetically In the cngor- ncss, tho anxieties, tho hopes and tho fears of tho Russian peasantry strug- filing toward Justice nnd llborty. It looks across tho chasm which Bonn- I rates class from clnss, nnd under- stnndB, or sceltB to understand, tho rensonB which nnlmato tho working- man In his demand for better wages and shorter hours, tho tenement houso dweller In his demand for hotter con- unions or me, mo negro in nis tiomnnii for tho open door of opportunity for himself nnd for his children. r-rater- iinllHtn orgnn zfs the social settlement. nnd lives In the neighborhood nnd with tho companionship of tho poor, that It may understand their needs and join iiieiu id n larger iiiu. rniiuriiuuniu converts punishment from a procc of revenge to a process of reform, turns tho prison Into n penltcntlnrv tho county Jnll into a reform school, nnd mnlcoB tho judgo upon tho bench tho guardian of tho unhompt, untrnln- cd boys who aro brought boforo him. Frntornnllsm Joins the hand of labor I and of capital, of employer nnd em ployed, In n cordial grasp, and makes them partners In a common benefit. I Fraternallsm In tho church honors tho spirit of fnlth and hopo nnd love In other churches. It Is catholic In Its faith; It recognizes tho truth thnt no soct possesses all tho piety of nil the knowiodgo; and it honors the- piety nn Lh?,inw!cAK, "l?IS .. A IIU (Jll'lrty U& Mil (lUIIUIIIIIIUfclUIIU Cllll render no higher service to tho pres ent ngo than to lenrn by a study of tho Now Testament what is tho mean ing of frntcrnnllsm; to obtain by fel- i lowshlp with Christ tho spirit of frn tornnllsm; and to teach to their con gregations tho principles and to In splro In their congregations tho spirit expressed In tho words of Christ, "All yo aro brothron." Tho Spectntor. IIUSINK8S'I.OOAI.8 A g00(1 piaco to got your soft or Btlff hats renovatod is 249V4 Alder stroot, imtwonn Hrn,i nmi Thini. M. J. Gill Co., whnlcsnlo and retail meat dealers, 512 Mississippi avenue, Portland, Oregon. Phono East 6C5. J. Wnllgrcen, denier in staple nnd fancy grocorles, 034 Thurman street. Tolophono PaclHo 911. Alwftya Mk fr tho Umous Qtnerl Arthur cigar. Etoorg-Oumt Cigar 6., ftntnil agenU, Portland, Or. Alblna Club (Georgo Ross), choice wines, liquors nnd cigars, 134 Russell street, Portland, Ore. Phono East 4380. The Anhottser, Henry M. Wllllamt, nronrlntnr. 234 Morrison atrcot. corner second, Portland, Oro. Tclephont Main 2517. Ryan ft John, dealers In choice gro ceries, meat, fish and poultry, phono Main 522, 61 North Fark street, cop ner DavlB. Ev.erott Market, (E. L. Peck, Prop.), Cholco Meats and Poultry, 413 Kverott Street, cornor Tenth, Portland, Oro. Phono Main 1540. Try tho Pacific Laundry Co. for good work nnd prompt service Main ofllco First and Arthur streets, Port f i tn TTMsid nnil A aitliiiH nl (iint I land, Ore. Telephone 019, North 16th Street Market. A. Wur- tenbergor. proprietor, cholco poultry, 'resh and salt ments, phone Main 1355, KOyal Market. Balr & Werth prOprl- udl-'etors, fresh and cured meats, fish, 167. ""- - .. ----- U N. NeoB, boot and shoemaker. Flno repairing a specialty. Give h'lm a call whrn you need anything In this line, 322tt Williams av.. Portland, Oregon. THE PIONMR PAINT COMPANY. The plo. ncer paint ea tabllsh m e n t of Portland If that of F. K Baach Company. a Ill First WL. tk oldatf and most r Uabb botM of Its kind la lb North wtt It carries an Idbkbh ??. ' bMt 'f In palntn aad wiaiM aateruia, together with ai BaBaI Mat af aaaclaltlea. Thote wao 4 aajrtalaa; la tiieae lines eaa car- tAlaly arott ly gotaf to F. . Baael m Oaataaar. K aaataer Ue aaaiaar. iaa nm Q Our stock Is complete trial. Qco. Hockcnyos i ' Give us Christmas candles to suit tho most fastidious. Geo. Hockcnyos Jost Bros. Saloon; 340 Williams bt Family trade To Vlty! . v i, 0 Andor80n stn ,0 nnd f cerle. Twentv-nrRt nnrt Thiirm.n S' VTLrf0 M UX i . lPUonft Hood i rea8ted coffCo a . rotin ,,,, onIpr ,n ni.,Uirnp ,, , ... .. .., ,,t,.. ,,, iiiiiiiiii,i iiia ware sheet iron work, guttering, spouting nnd roofing. General Jobblnu a specialty. 149 RubscII street. Tho Oak Cnfo. Choicest lino of wlneB, liquors nnd cigars. P. W. Pick, proprietor. Oregon Phone Pacific 2118, corner Fourth and Oak streets, Portland, Ore. Mnrtln Marks Coffeo Co., 252 Third Street, Telephone Main 1893. Monto Crlsto Java and Mocha Coffeo nlwnys Pleases. If you want a good, rich drinking coffeo, Insist on getting Monte . unsto Java and Mocha Ited Front Shoo Store, J. F. John son, Proprietor. Flno dress shoes; worklngnien's nnd loggers' shoes nt $3.00. $3.50, $4.00 nnd $5.00 per pair. Repairing neatly done. 85 North Sixth street, between Everett nnd Flnndcrs, next door to tho Union Houso, Port land, Oregon. Phono Main 40C2. Dyeing nnd cleaning of nil kinds of Indies' nnd gents' clothing, crepo shuwls, silk, velvet nnd Inco dyed equnl to now; Inco curtains nnd Imnkntn denned liv a now nrocPKH! mourning garments dyed In 48 hours. All work done nt very modornto prices, lot North Third street. Vulcnn Coal Company, wholosnlc and rctnll dealers In house, steam nnd i,tnitBn,iti, .,! vnn.i n.,.i ,.i... )0 I,llgct Smln(, filonm coa, , cnr lf)tfl mo p0r ton nm, up Wo ,inn(,Io nlI tho i,CBt Krft(lc8 of (loniCBtC rid foro,Rn ,lolIR0 conl ,,hono Mn, 2770 0mco 329 llurnsldo St., Portlnnd, Oio- Ron. WILLIAMS & SWANK STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES Tresh Trull and Vetclablci, Tea and Coffees Tcloili(iiii! Kint iftU 2 UrsliooRtrvvt 1'OltTI.ANI), OIIKOON HALL PHARMACY CO. Telephone East 873 Union Avenue and TlHamook Street PORTLAND OREGON ROBERT A. PRESTON PRESCRIPTION DRUQQIST Tor. 23(1 nnd Thurniaii Hti. I'hono Mln 1610 PUKTI.ANU, OMIUION SCHW1ND & BAUER Shoe Repairing Mnrlilne Bud llnnd. Only (lomlii'iir Mndiliio In Our City. Hlioc iiimlii in Opler. Hhtii-M fiillnl for nmi Hi'lhoml, Teli'iliiiiiu rHi'lllc 'HV. 2f.3 YiiiiililllKtri'ft 1'Dltl LAND. OIIKOON M. E. PUGH Fancy & Staple Groceries Phone East 440 447 Union Avenue, North PORTLAND OREGON C H. COBB Ktlmtc Given nn All CUmch of Plumbing and Heating Work l'iioiio Kat &U7 HlNilriciico Kant SOI0 247 HoCday Ave. PORTLAND, ORE SENN & NITSEHKE l'JIO.NK KA8T !!i7.l SCULPTORS AND CARVERS In Mnrblo, Stono, Oranlto and Wood Arcliitecturul, I'litster mid Ktnll' Ornu inonts. MonuinuutH, HtatuiH, IliistM, ToinliHtoni-H, Postal ordcrx promptly uttomlud to, .Sculpture Work n spe cialty, Ofllco and Studio. Union Ave,, cor. Irving. PORTLAND, OREGON PHONE MAIN IWJ Martin-Marks Coffee Co. HIGH GRADE COFFEES TEAS, ETC. The excellence) of Monte Crifito Jnva nnd Moclia Cofh-e aturnU in liiuli fuvor. 252 Third Street PORTLAND. OREGON Frederick A. Kribs Correspondence Solicited 328-330 CHAMIER OF COMMERCE Dealer in VANCOUVER NATIONAL BANK Vancouver, Wash, Leading Financial Institution In Southwestern Washington CAPITAL, 840,000 SURPLUS, 150,000 ASSETS, 1,000,000 LEVI ANKK.VY, I'rt.ldent; E. O. CKAWFORI), Vlc rrel(liit W, I'. (JONNAWAV, Clilr w . . L .. . ,. . WMKCTOKH LeyfAnkeny, JUrry UdJ Corbtt, W. I', Crawford, E.G.Crawford, W. W, Mct'rcdlo The Portland Hat Works Manufacturer of FINE SOFT AND STIFF HATS HM Dyed, Cleaned and Mocked. Our spe cialty: I'aiuimaa Cleaned ami lllcached. !M9!$ AlUr St., It. Second ami Third, llranch: 122 Washington St. Porttoml. Or. The Yale Market & Grocery KD. H.8TOCKLKN, Proprietor Staple and Fancy Groceries TEAS AND COFFEES A SPECIALTY Phone Eait CAS SttUraml Ave, South I'OrtTMSD.OllKOON ARTHUR LAW furnisher and Hatter HB MAKES SHIRTS" 480 Washington St., Opposite Hclllu'g Theater PORTLAND, OREGON J. A. EASTES Staple & Fancy Groceries Choice Teas, Coffees & Spices Dry Goods and Notions ALL THE LEADING BRANDS OF FLOUR GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY 432, 434, 436, Union Avenue North Corntr of Tillamook SI. Phono East 660 E. B. COLWELL Vliolcnlo mid rctnll GROCER PilONK MAIN -103 281, 283 and 285 Third St. CORNtR JCrrtRSON PORTLAND, OREGON PICTURES FRAMED FURNITURE REPAIRED rilONE EAST 3549 RES. PHONE EAST 2112 H. C. SCHR0EDER The Alblna HOUSE FURNISHER HOUSES FURNISHED COMPLETE CASH OR INSTALLMENTS UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING 244, 246, 248 Russell St., PORTLAND THE AVENUE CLUB AND Tho Avenue Oystor Houso 1. 1". HAM,, I'rup. I'rmli (iiKtcm ooii dully. 1'liitn, iiiinrtii, kiI' Iiiiih, I'viivervu nny iihci. The licit of Winn, Llquon and Cigars Tlie Ik'I (if Mi'itU, 1'IkIi, Oyntor nnd (Iniuv, Open Day and Night Sftl WlllUmi Awiiiio Ml Wllllitnu Avcnuo l'iioiio Kant I'll'J 1'Oini.ANI) OltKdON KHTAIIMHIIKII 1M.1 Multnomah Trunk & Bag COMPANY Manufacturer of TRUNKS SUIT CASES STRAPS TELESCOPES IACS Mail Ortfen Promptly Mended To Telephone East 24 121-131 E. Water St. PORTLAND, ORE THE HOUSE THAT GIVES YOU A SQUARE DEAL A.II.KK!.!,AU N. I.. MUKM.KK Zellar & Mueller FURNITURE A Full Line of Stoves & Ranges SEE US, WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT Phone East 4457 535 Williams Ave., Portland, Ore Centennial Market & Grocery J. J. UMJM IleaiUjunrterri for " 6000 THINGS TO EAT " Groceries. Miats, Fish Poultry ALWAYS THE BEST School Supplies, Shots, llms, Notions I'hriiia Main 'TO I 522.524 N. Tweflty-rourth Street Washington, Idaho & Oregon TIMBER & MINERAL- LANDS Portland, Oregon SANDSTROM BAKERY No. 776 Williams Avenue Fresh Bread and Cakes Daily PIES AND CANNED GOODS ttUrilONt EAST 95 T. J. COFER & SONS Grocery & Meat Market 735 WiMiams Avenue Phone Woodlawn 149 MILLER, BUCK & CO. GROCERS Phono Woodlawn 406 Williams Ave. & Fargo 0. J. Krdncr 11. Hochull ERDNER etc HOCHULI Chicagro Market Donlcm In Kroli nnd Cured Mcntx. All Kind r( PnnnKKPn. W, Tliinl Htrvi't, iivnr Yamhill, l'iioiio Mntn 11.1. l'ortlnud, Orvguti. D. C. BURNS THE OROCBR TULBPHONU OIO 210 Third St., Portlnnd, Oregon. P. A. TAYLOR Staple and Fancy Groceries t'rulln, t'linfvctliiiin, ;iiu Tobitcroj nnd rati fy Coffees, Tun mid Hili'f nt I.mu'tt 1' rices 417 Union Ave. Tree Dclhcry I'hono Knst 110 ALJOUST STORZ Denier In Mlnplo nnil rniiu.v OrocorluN VoKutnlilui, l'niltii nmi Dairy l'rmlucu l'iioiio Knit f.'H 4C9 Wllllniiu AM', 1'OHTI.ANI), Oltl'.OON C. S. NELSON Denier In Staple and Fancy Groceries and Provisions 154 N. Fourteenth St., Cor. Irving JolinV Mont JVInrlcet J. 1). MKIKIKNH, Prop. fresh Meats, Beef, Pork, Mutton, Bacon and Mams Corned Href and Pickled I'nrk . Specially Phono Main 10M 41) N. filxth Hlreet 1'OIITI.AND, OHKOON The Union Meat Co. All HIiiIiik Cnrn and Flnt CUm HotcUand Hcitaurantn liuy the UNION MCAT COMPANY'S nttSII AND CURtt) MCATS The Huit In tho Markot. I'ntronlio Home In du"y- I'ORTLAND, OREGON GEO. HOCKENYOS Denier In Staple and Fancy Groceries Gran and Tobacco), r'rulti and Confectionery PROMPT DELIVERY 95 Russoll St. Phono East 4B99 FINK & LEWIS Denier In Staple and Fancy Groceries DRESSED POULTRY, ETC. Phonr Tatt 3B2 314 Mlllppl Avenue rORHANO, ORr. GEO. W. H0CHSTEDLER Dealur In Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits, Product GIGAKS AND TOIIACCO Phone East 374 460-462 E. lurntldc St. OLSEN BROTHERS GROCERS Free delivery Phone Eait 653 417 Union Ave. North Portland, Or R. C. WALWORTH Staple and Fancy Groceries Phone CAST 3107. 136 Rtmcll St. PORTLAND, OR. JOHN E. MALLEY DKAI.KIt IN Staple & Fancy Groceries Teas and Coffees a Specialty 492 Washington, Near ISth Phone Main 2167 PORTLAND, OREGON RAINIER MARKET C. 1II-UM, I'roprlctnr Dialer In Fresh, Cured and Smoked Meats, Hans, lacon, Lard, Sausages, Etc. Also Fish aid Clans. FAMILY TltADK A 81'KCIAI.TY Cor. BTententti nd Savler 8tt. l'iioiio Main ltui Cortland, Ortfoa H. R. LYNES Dealer In STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Notions and Fruit Free Delivery. 14 RiijkII Street NtTLANI, OliCOM fkoa Kut M40 t T, -.