Portland new age. (Portland, Or.) 1905-1907, January 19, 1907, Image 4

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nnriiii m nHimmititumMtmm&wxsmzzsiixsaazz
So remarkable has The governor's .message was nearly
that It beggars do- as long as one of Roosevelt's annuals.
paid for the benefit of richer people, scrlptlon, yet tho people seem con
liosldes tho water consumers, and tent to endure for the sake of tradl- ot course the governor wants the
especially the householders, have been tlonal reminiscences for thoro can bo appointment of all tho commissions.
Wrt1tI Jttt WlMIt ?V rtl cnl",0l now to nn lnnlnB. nml to 8et ,aw Wfts framed.
UiriliUUl AAI FlU Jl$ V a robflto on tho monoy Umt thcy havo been tho cnang0
A. O. ORirrIN. MimiiKor
Office, Hootn .117, Commonwealth lltillillng
Entftcilitthoptofflcetl,orUD(l,Orfon, paying for laying mains and laterals no other reason tho great lnconven-
Mgecoti(clMi matter. . . .... .......
that added hundreds of thousands If lenco Incident to the old and outgrown
not millions of dollars of value to constitution,
lands of persons who paid no mora Tho question that demands tho at
for water than they did. A large per- tontlon of tho present session of the
ccntago of tho $1.50 a month that for .legislature and ono that should bo met
One Year, payable In advance., ,,.,.,.,,,$ 2.00
The change from Secretary of State
Dunbar to Benson will bo agreeable.
Our Candidate for Preddcnt
Of Ohio
many years the small consumer has Is tho relief of tho Supremo Court.
Next Tuesday It will bo Senator Mul
key but only for a llttlo while.
Can't tho nconln bo pntniHtnl
has gono to benefit owners of, How this Is to bo accomplished Is n ,cet ,. . romm,BnIonfrq?
land, In many cases largely vacant matter tnai will requiro much thought,
land, owned In most cases by rich or but surely somo way can bo found to
woll-tc-do people. This la a manifest meet this crying necessity.
Injustice, and nor tttno- oushtto bo Tho proposition to pass n Joint rfBO
lost In correcting It. It Is ttuo that lutlon submitting tho question of a
tho water board has reduced the rato constitutional amendment
to $1 u month, but this Is still doublo tho number of Judges from 3 to 5 Is u
what tho average houso ought lo lay, worthy ono, but In thnt case thero Is
Tho legislature need not think much
Mr. U'Ren Is at Salem.
Perhaps tho governor Is figuring on
Increasing beating Fulton In 1908.
crcaso In tho value of property they past experience shows, a great anti
own by tho water system In equity pathy to tinkering with tho cotiBtltu
owo these ' consumers a lot of back tlon and tho amendment Idea, however
pay. It might not bo best to tnnko goon, mignt rail to receive the nrces
water for domestic uno absolutely
free, but It ought to be reduced to CO
Bary votes to carry.
Many lawyers ndvocnte tho Supremo
and thrco times what It ought lo havo an element of doubt as to tho ultlmnte
Senator Tillman broke ou again this pa(I durJng ycarg pMtt Tho ,,uopi0 r0BiiIt, Blnco tho people to whom tho
week, after studying a good while how w,0 htW) be(jn ,)enoflttc(, by the nJ amendment Is to bo submitted have, as
be could uiiliiKonlzp tho president for
what ho has snld In behalf of the col
ored race nnd nt the snino tlmo vent
his own hatred of that race. He
concedes that the president was
wrong In discharging the colored
troops at Ilrownsvlllf, that It vnn
wrong to punish men without giving
lliom a cliniiro to defend (IiouihoIvch
mul that (lie president exeecdid his
coiiHtlliitlomil authority, but ho In
veighs agaliiHt tho policy or practice of
considering or treating colored peoplo
its citizens or persons having equal
rights with whites at all. The iiiIh
chief, he snyH, was begun In tho "rec
ognition" of tho negro peoplo by In
viting Hooker T. Washington to lunch
eon, nnd was augmented In tho presi
dent's deularatlons that colored men
wero entitled to the Name privileges
rights nnd treatment as white people.
This Is all wrong, says Tillman. Tho
negroes should bo treated as nothing
hut lower beastR and chattolH. They
tiro entitled to education, to opportun
cents a month. Then make tho nbut- Court Commissioner plan. This Is a
ting and adjoining property pny for way out of tho dllema nnd slnco It lias
r.ew mnliiR nnd laterals, make the dty,,,ccn '0Hn' ,0 worl woU ln California,
and county pny for whnt water they ! deserve b more thnn passing consldern.
use for all public purposes, nnd then t'on
ralso tho balance by gonernl taxation. Tho nmln argument henrd ngalnst
If the coiiBumors of wnter for domestic tll(-' commissioner Idea Is thnt lawyers
IHiriifiHon iinlv miinnt m wntnr fnr gOIlornlly WOlllll Wnnt to ImVP til
President Haines Is tho right man
In the right place.
It Is on tho wholo a capable and hon
est legislature.
Mr. Davoy
will mako a model
Tho New Ago congratulates Speaker
The legislature mado n good fttart.
ulium HO cents a month, then It Is In JK-' nenr tnoir cases, nnu nun
rwiiiuimniuiii i n wuiiki hiivo nuuiiUK '"
order for them to voto for Mr. Wag
nor's iironoBltlon to make water en-.l0 ""b rnw their salaries, while the
llroly freo to them. Tho wonder Is Judges would havo to do nil the work
pot that Biich n proposition Is niadw ns nmv'
nnd strongly supported now, but thnt
the peoplo havo stood tiio unjust
exactions of tho water board bo long.
At any rate relievo tho court
Mr. Justice Kakln tho new member
of the Supremo Court was sworn In
Succetsors to PIONEER, C. R. DAVIS and PHOENIX rUEL CO.
COAL Rock Springs, Diamond, Richmond, Roslyn, New Cat
tle, New Castle Nut, Franklin, Carbon Hill, Coke.
WOOD 4-Foot Fir, 4-Foot Oak, 4-Foot Ash, Sawed Oak,
Sawed Fir, Sawed Ask, Sawed Knots.
Jumping Jack Manhattan Mining Op.
Stray Dor Manhattan Mining Co.
Indian Camp Manhattan Mining Co.
As-Yuu-Llkc-lt Manhattan Minln
Lou Dillon (Intel (led Mining Co.
Eagle's Ned Fnlrvlow Mining Co.
Kalrvlcw llnllntnno .Ml nine Co.
Silver rlrk Kxtcmloii Mining Co.
a Co.
Furnace Creek South Extension Coiiir Co,
C. A. STOCKTON, Broker
Nevada Gold and Copper Mines
Phone Main 8144
Weekly Market Letter or Dally Market Quotation
Fnrnlshcil on Application Freo of Chargo
228 Lumber Exchange
Portland, Oregon
Tho tlmo will probably como when at Snlom ,,v chlof JllBtleo Mooro .....
Ity, to encournKoment, to any prlvl- Piibllo ownership of street enr lines MomInv nml immortlatoly took his
len'H, except such uh tho superior will obtain In most cities. Tho peoplo' j)lnc0 u,,on tno ucncn
raoo ehooso to accord them. As soon lon't Hko to take hold of so IIk n pro-1 jU(iK0 Knkln Is well equipped for tho
as they are In anywise "recognized" Joct, nnd fenr that resultB would not ngn 0lIjC0 to w.j,cn j10 imH ,Pon
iih worthy of or entitled to equal ho satisfactory and so will not take 'cjovnt0(1( nml tnH i,onornble court
rlKlitH, they become liiRolont, nnd uu- over the street enr systernii ns Ioiir ns tho pr(lo of orcKonlnns, will contlnuo
bearable, n nienueo to society, nnd tho service of prlvato corporations Is nt in tno conn,iCnco and veneration of
lesult will ho ninalKiunatlon of tho U tolerable, but such service In somo our ctzons so jong mt f aucj,
jaees and tho disappearance or deter- cities, notably In Portland, Is becom-' profound learning, meritorious worth
loratlon of tho Caucasian race. Tho llf simply Intolernhlo, and will not nl- nn(1 Hpon,j(i patriotism constltuto Ore-
old finest Ion Is nsked: "l)o you wnnt wnys be endured. Hesldes, the peoplo gon.fl cncf jU(cfti tribunal.
your daughter to marry u nlKKor?" ro workliiK up to tho subject of moro
Tillman nsks the president If ho wnnta uqtial taxation, and of tho taxation of
his children to marry negroes. And franchises of public service corporn-
nil this nonsense because It Is pro- Hens somewhere ln proportion to their ( streets of 131 Reno was a IMiI'mnn por
posed lo leKiilly recognlzo negroes ns privileges and onormous Incomes, but tcr, nnd thnt the "outrage" lay In tho
citizens entitled to oiiuul rights nnd It seonis Impossible) to dovlso nny fact of his momentarily touching ono Yakima reportH 7 degrees below, and in
It develops that tho "negro soldier"
who gnvo offonso to two Indies on tho
Icy Grip Holds Northwest Shortage
of .Fuel Incroasc.
rortland, Jan. 1C. With tho mer
cury Hteadily falling all day Sunday
nnd Monday nnd promising to continue
nt a low point todny, Portland is hIiIv
ering from tho effectB of tlio suverest
cold snap in many years. Iletwccn C
n. in. mul C p. m. Sunday tho teinnorn-
turo fell 7 degrees virtually without a
break. When tho weather bureau
closed Sunday night nt tho latter hour
tho thermometer registered 17 degrees
alwvo zoio and yesterday hovered near
that mark all tiny. With the fuel
shortage moro ncuto than evor before,
tho cold wave could linrdly luivo struck
Portland nt n moro ttnfortunnto time.
What is truo of Portland applies to
nearly every city in tho Pacific North
west, ns tho cold snap is gonornl. At
Vancouver tho Columbia river is frozen
over. Tho Wlllnmotte river is full of
running ice nnd may Iwcomu blocked nt
any tlmo. Navigation on tho Colum
bia is nt a standstill.
Many of tho lower river boats havo
been taken off their runs nnd from pres
ent indications nothing will move for
govern) dnys.
awS? aflW4alllBvmSPnBBBaff3(VK& . . 2" '&c2aaB
I jBVV9'lF99fevPVMPWBa?SMBaBKSkvw &?''
Inland Empire Icy.
Spokane, Jan. 15. Tho wholo Inland
Kmpiro is in tho grip of tho most sovero
cold weather known for a decade. At
Pullman tho mercury dropped to 18 de
grees below zoro; nt Pulouso, the mini
mum wuH 11 below zoro; Sand Point,
Idaho, reports 12 holow; Moscow, Ida
ho, witnessed 10 degrees IhjIow: North
privileges under tho law with othcrH. means to mako these companies pay of thorn with his hands to keep out of SlKikane tho lowest mark recorded Is 1
, . ....... ' . ... ... ibolow. In laklma vnlley equally cold
This cry of soelty equality and iimal- Just -proportion of their taxes, or tho mud. In view of this explanation I wenthvr -was experienced seven years
gamatlou Is mere nit. llecauso a col
ored man Is given tho rights of a clt
an; proper percentngo of their earn- It would nppcnr to bo unnecessary for
lugs, nnd If this cannot bo done tho nn excited populnco to shoot up the
Izen and protected as ono It does not peoplo will oventunlly tako n short barracks or to tako nny furthor notion
follow that ho expects to marry n cut to a solution of tho wholo matter oxcept possibly lo call on the Pullman
white society belle, nor nro white peo- by taking nnd running tho railroads compnny to disband Its Oklahoma om-
plo on this account going to rush Into themselves. Their value would bo as- ploycs without honor.
than Is reasonably coming to
matrimony with colored peoplo. cortnlned, and bonds would bo Issued
Tillman sayB It might havo boon for- for the necossnry amount, nnd tho' Tillman Is down on tho negro taco
seen what tho troops at llrownsvlllo enmlngs, oven nt reduced rates, would .uecauso Ood mado It black. God hod
would do bocauso colored troops had provldo for Interest on tho bonds and . somo Inscrutnblo purposo In view, nu
been criminally disorderly beforo, but n sinking fund, nnd also for Improve- doubt In making Tlllmnn a blackguard
theru Is no evidence thnt they havo monts nnd extensions. Whnt Is tho use, and blnthersklto.
been more so, If as inueli so, ns white' peoplo are asking, lu giving theso
tiuops, who aro frupiently In trouble InimenBoly valuablo privileges to thcoo stnto lr'nter Duntwny hns given
over similar arts of lawlessness, but corporations If wo cannot get taxes " ,roof t,mt l, n,pa8 t0 l0 U,
are never thus punished. Tillman out of their onormous earnings, nnd 8(lnro U,lnK' i0 w ,,ot nflk nny
iieUnowh'dges that ho hates u negro, ennnot havo decent service for tho
oxcept as an obsequious, subservient, public?
underpaid diudgo. In effect n slave and ' Tho stroet car monopoly In Portland
fo of (ourso ho Is not competent to evidently nets on tho principle, "Tho
discuss the subject of negroes' rights peoplo bo d d." Its service Is
nnd wrongs from nu Impartial point of nbomlnnble, It overworks and uniler
(: Such men nro doing what thoy pnys its mon and docs not employ
can to bring nbout the race wnr that men enough to do tho work; It em-
they predict nnd pretend to deprecate, ploys In some cases Incompotent men Thoro nro two sides or nrorc to
Hut l hey probably really doslro and becnuso It can get thorn cheap; It tho railroad commission law, ns pro
uro working to bring about a raeo war, doosn't supply ltsolf with sufficient posed by tho Portland Clumber of
with tho purpose of exterminating tho power or enough cars; It pays no nt- Commerce.
negroes, or so thinning them out and tentlon apparently to schedulo tlmo
Intimidating them thnt thoy will not nnd nobody knows when a car Is cam-
dare to attempt solMmprovement Ing nt any point; frequently ono mayj
again. wait 15 or 20 minutes for a car on a ,
(i-mlnute lino nnd then tho car may
rush past and not allow a waiting pas
songer to get on In brlof, It is dls
regardful of tho public's requirements
Four democratic senntors showed
good sense by voting for Mr. Haines
for president nnd so preventing delay
and n posslblo deadlock. Thoy nro
entitled to tho peoplo's commendation.
Senator Fornker still Insists that tho
alleged negro criminals were never
given an opportunity to defend them-selves.
From one point of view It does not
nppcnr right that consumers of water nnd indifferent to multitudes of pro
for household purposes should got It tests. Public ownership mny bo tho
absolutely free, and a proposition by only remedy, as n last resort.
Itself wo think they should not, but
Its cost, lu proportion to
coiiBumo. Hut thero nro
Voting for Bourne will be a bitter
pill for many to swnllow, but they
think they havo to do It.
It would tako 40 years instead of
days to study and digest all the bills
that will bo introduced.
should pay
what they
other considerations that should bo
taken In connection. As it Is now legislature springs up tho nggltatlon Borno for tno torM next Tuea-
these consumers. In tho majority of for Bomo meaauro to glvo rellof to
cuBes comparatively poor peoplo, and our worthy and overworked mombors j Tne loglsUtur"0 can ..g oa
renters, havo been paying not only in of tho supremo court. Attorney General Crawford's opinions,
proportion to what thoy uso but a The state has undorgono a wonder-1 .
good deal more, anil thoy are fairly ful chango since tho ancient organic Presldont Haines will be all rigbt;
Evidently Mr. Mulkoy will bo elected
With each recurring session of tho 80nator t0T tho short tfrm and Mr'
ago, but eIwhero tho present cold
simp is the most sovero In 1U years.
Tho unprecedented shortngo of fuel
throughout tho Spokauo country adds
to tho inconvenience of tho situation.
Coal is ecarro and soiling at abnormal
ly high prices. In eomo districts wood
is fairly plentiful, while in tho Big
Bend nnd Central Washington eoctlons
nil fuel is reduced almost to tho van
ishing point. General suffering Is cer
tain to ciibuo if the tomporaturo does
not rise speedily.
In various sections the railroad com
panies havo notified tho coal denlors
that coal ennnot be delivered for an In
definite period, and It is announced
that largo consignments of coal from
Canadian mines to tho Inlnnd Empire
points havo been diverted by tho Cana
dian Pncifio railroad to Alliorta and
Notthweat Territory points whoro tho
weather Is exceedingly sovero mul fuel
is domnnded by suffering settlors.
Throughout the Paloueo the frost
has damaged deciduous trees. In or
chards tho crackle of bursting fruit
trees is compared to tho report of shot
Stock hna not yet Buffered, bub all
nnitnnls nro being fed heavy ratioitB
and a speedy riee in tho price of forngo
is predicted. One foot of snow covors
tho ground and wheat crops will not bo
damaged by frost.
Montana Swept by Blizzard.
Butte, Mont., Jan. 15. Dispatches
from throughout tho stnto toll of a bllz
zartl which appears to havo generally
enveloped tho state, raging with great
severity In central portions of Mon
tana, tor tho past 30 hours Fergus
county lias been In tho throes of a bliz
zard, the thermometer dropping as low
as 25 below. In Western Montana the
blizzard has apparently subsided.
Eastern Montana sections appear thus
far to lutve fared better. On tho Hat
below Butto 28 degrees below zoro 1ms
been reported.
Montana Situation Serious.
Helena, Mont., Jan. 15. The worst
spell of winterVeather experienced in
Montana for many years now prevails.
Unusually heavy snow in the northern
part of the state and extremely cold
weather is stopping the opeiationa of
trains, endangering lives of cattle and
sheep, and even menacing human life
in remoto districts. Old stockmen say
the outlook is more serious for their
herds than at any time since the mem
orable wintre of 1887-88.
Safes, Pianos. Furniture moved, stored or packed for shipping. Com
modious brick warehouse, with separate Iron rooms, Front and Clay.
Express and Baggage hauled.
Office Phone, 596; Stable, Black 1972
Before investing in Farms, Acreage, or any class
of Real Estate, calland examine our list.
Portland Realty and
Trust Company
106 Second Street
Portland, Oregon
,B rtr Shfi Ala. sow .svt
BBBBBnyjK , Jfsrr -m 9rTtSi- (tFm i vi
BBBBBKBf mgf (9 , Sh rUmMi jBnll
Coauriahted bu
George J.Schaefer iwt
Qo there, where, when the tide li out. "the Uble U tet." and where the wealth of 1
rlche bu not yet been touched.
Lou In Bchtefer"! Addition, "CENTRAL," 1100 and upward.
GEO. J. SCHAEfER, Owner and Real Estate Agent