THE NEW AGE, POBTLAND, OREGON" K YECIEIV BROS. SAVIINCIS BAINK THE BABBIT SEASON. a I OILLINCJS. MONTANA Branch Banks at Butto, Anaconda and Onrdlner TrmiMnet n Oonurnl HnnkliiK I3uIiiom Pay interest on Savings Accounts and Time Cortillcutcs of Deposit. Wo etnrt Savings Accounts with n deposit of ono dollar or moro. TAPHMA ! I AIT1MA 4 J T HE PACIFIC LIQUOn AND WINK HOUSE. THE ABBEY K. J. MOONEY. Proprietor Telephone Jamca 2U1 Wines, Liquors & Cigars Kooma In Connection TACOMA WASHINQTON r N. HEUTEH, Proprietor. SWIFT & COMPANY So. Omaha, Nebraska The beat of Wine, Llquora and Cigar. Family Trade a Hpcclaltjr. Tel. lied 1731. VfX Pacino Ave. 1W6 Cummcrco St. Tacoraa, Washington PREMIUM HAMS, BACON And All Fresh Cuts for Hotels M ONTY'H TH1IIST HTOUK "r M k BBy JcSSSBSSv tl W JWi aaaaaiaaBBSisalaAbkaw ssss3sjihiiajaMsa, iaqpjljajKaaisjpBaj fj JPJF mt K ' - -W MAIL ORDERS Tlllltu and Colvmdu Tiionk Main 13 BONNY & WATSON CO ( rCCCKWUIW TO ) BONNY & STEWART ruMRRAL Dimco-ons and imbalmkm Lady Aiitttant At- Cpttfr Wae.fl way In Attendance. dCaiHC WaMl. ftAT HQOPS'inON DRAW-LU05 ! MISSOULA MONT : II. K. CIIANKV. l'ruprlolor. A.A.IIOWAHl), Manager, Florence Steam Laundry THE GOOD ONE KttablUhcd Ih'M. Telephone 115 Work Done On Short Notice 11P-114 West Tront St. MISSOULA, MONTANA THE GRAND PACIFIC SALOON Mlnsoula, Montana. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Draught Beer, Fine, Sc. Bottled Beer, 25c. a Quart. All trains Stop 15 Minutes. Opp. N. P. Depot. ""fal1 eMer MY FREIGHT ff4rS TA HOUSEHOLD GOODS HH t VaaaiaaW- aaamaaaaaaaaaaar HtoL-Haaaaaaaa llaaaaaamSaaaaTSnMla AaaaaaaaaaaBBMaaaaajaaaaaaiVMi? .-, 'liLjaa aaaaaaaaaaaaamaaaaaawawaaaaa s MISSOULA MERCANTILE CO. MISSOULA, MONTANA 'T'HIS modern establishment with its immense and varied stocks merits the patronage of all. Whether it be something to wear, to eat, to furnish your house, or any thing else, you can get it here. We want every reader of The New Age within our territory to join the mighty ranks of plea& i and prosper ous customers already dealing with us. REMEMBER OUR MOTTO "We Sell Everything and Everything; the Very Best." L PROMPT ATTENTION : SEATTLE WASH : When in Seattle vittt HAINSOIN & CO'S BUIlurd Parlors The Finest in the Nortkwett 62123 Firit Avenue SEATTLE WASHINGTON WATER TANKS Fir Spruoa and Oadar Lumbar BoxShookm Cedar Shingle m Grays Harbor Commercial Co Seattle, Wash. Just a Word About Rolls Little Holla and big Italia; plain Holla and fancy Itoll; Holla lor breakfait; Holla (or lunch: Itoll for tiipprr allgoodaorliof Holli urnw to jierfect proportion at the reliable bakery moat people In Jll.iouU know about TEV1S & CRAWSHAW GROCERS AND BAKERS Hay, Grain, Flour, Fruita, Vegetable Confectionery, Etc., Etc 131 Higgins Ave. Missoula, Montana Indianapolis Sun. MONARCH OF THE SEA. DattWaklp Vermont la Able to Whip Any Hhlp A (lout. Tlip standardisation trlnl of the bnt tlcslilp Vermont took plnco off Hock land over n tncnsnred mile. This was to the screw revolutions at varying speeds, that Is, to llnd out how many revolutions of tho screws per mlnuto were required to cover a ntllo In a given time. Incased In Ico from stent to stern, the new battleship canio Into Itoston harbor from her trial trip and droped anchor off tho navy yard. Sho looked llko a uuro specter as she came tip through the narrows, for with the ex ception of the funnels thero was no part of tho vessel that wasn't coated with Ico and tho bow nnd forward part of tho battleship wero burdened with tons of tho frozen wnter that had been thrown up as tho hugo war vessel plow ed through head seas at a 17.4-knot clip. Hut tho trial board Is satisfied that tho Vermont Is the queen of tho Ameri can navy, for they say that she behav ed beautifully through It nil. She was required to make eighteen knots hut without forcing her she made 18.33 UATTLKSIHP VKUMONT, easily over tho four-mllo course. The uont will soon be ready for active ser vice In the North Atlantic licet. Nnval Constructor linxter who has had charge of tho completion of tho Vermont, said: "Hero goes out a ship which demolishes nil records of tho world In nnval construction. Not even Great Ilrltaln, tho leading country In shipbuilding, has ever sent ono of It battleships to Ben wltuout pre'luil nary deep water trlnl. Hut 1 know enough about tho condition of tho ves sel to say that sho In ready to whip any other battleship In tho world, of course, giving Iter a tittle practice with her guns." I.onR-I.lvcd Malbera. At Jenklutown, Pa., Oct. 27, four members of ono family whoso nges ag gregate 850 years gathered at n re union, when Isaac Mather, the oldest of two brothers and two sisters, cele brated bis 100th birthday. There were also present two sons nnd one daughter of tho centenarian whose ag gregate ages totalled 200 years. It Is not believed that anywhere else In the United States will be found a family that can present a like showing. The four persons whose ages total led 350 years wero: Isaac Mather, 100 years old I Mrs. Rebecca Mlchener, his sister, 87 years old ; Mlsa Ann Ma ther, bts sister, 70 years old, and Charles Mather, a brother, 84 years old. The children whose ages totalled 200 years aro: Mlsa Martha Mather, daughter, 75 years old ; Israel Mather, son, 73 years old; Isaac Mather, son, 58 years old. Isaac Mather, the centenarian, lives on tlie oia nomesteaa. oui It on tuo 'original tract of land granted to Ills 'ancestors by William Penn. at Cheltcn . Hills. In this region he Is best known as the "Grand Old Man of Chelten iilllB." He Is a Quaker and ut tends services regularly on Sunday. He attributes bis long life to sim ple habits. Never In more than half a, century has he retired later than 8 o'clock at nlgbt, and be is up with the sun In the morning. His brother, Charles, at 84, Is still In active busi ness. Iterate Treatment. In these days, when child study Is t bobby, ridden long and bard, It Is Interesting to read of the nerve-training which fell to the lot of the Quaker authoress, Amelia Ople, In 1780 and after. The modern mother would shrink with horror from souio of the methods used on the sensitive child, but In this case It resulted In splendid stuff. Mrs. Oplo Is quoted In a book on "Quaker Worthies." I was a creature of fears, tears and screams. My first terror was of hlnck beetles, then of frogs, skeletons, black men and madmen. My mother mado mo take a beetle In my hand and hold It As her word was law, I obeyed, but with awful shrinking. I gradually became accus tomed to It, and wna frequently told to take one up nnd put It out of harm's way. I soon overcame that terror. I wns made to hold frogs In my hands, and was taught to nurso n skele ton as I would n doll. I acquired the love of the African raco by hearing of Its wrongs, and I becamo an eager advocato of emancipation. Mother compelled mo to listen to her kindly eonvorso with two poor old lunatics, and I grew to pity them Instead of fearing them. Why Opnla Are "Unlucky." The world Is full of superstition, nnd ono of the worst Is that tho opal Is "unlucky." TIiIh superstition arose when tho "black death" swept Europe. I'ltlDK 01' THIS NAVY. At that time the opal was very unpop ular, and some noticed that when a victim of tho dlseas' was dying tin opal on tho linger brightened and when he was dead It becamo dull. Of course, this took tho popular fancy and at once opals becamo "unlucky," nnd have remained so ctor since. Very likely they do not chaugo at all on the Augers of n dying iwrson, and tho whole mat ter Is like that question which once caused so much discussion In tho sci entific world, I. e., why Is It that when you put n fish In n bowl of water the weight of tho bowl Is not Increased? Many learned answers wero given, but finally one duffer weighed a bowl of water with and without tho Jlsh In It, and thus settled the matter. Kausas City Journal. Old Htory Itelolil, Charles Francis Adanw was escort ing an English gentleman about itos ton. They wero reviewing tho different object of attraction, and Dually came to Hunker Hill. They stood looking at the splendid monument, when Mr. Ad ams remarket!: "Tbla is tb place, sir, where War ren fell." "Ah!" replied tho Englishman, evl dently not very familiar with Ameri can history. "Was be seriously hurt by his fall?" Mr. Adams looked at his friend. "Hurt!" said he. ,"He was killed, sir." "Ah, Indeed I" tho Englishman re plied, still eyeing the monument and commencing- to compute Its height In his own mind. "Well, 1 should think he might have been falling mi far." Harper's Weekly. Ckanc for lllni. One afternoon the proprietor of an animal store said to his young clerk: "Tom, I'm going upstairs to work on the books. If anyone comes In for a live animal let me know. You can attend to selling the stuffed animals yourself." About half an hour later In came a gentleman with his son and asked Tom If he could show him a live monkey, To the customer's amazement the clerk ran to the foot of the stair and yelled: "Como down, come down, sir; you're wanted 1" Judge's Library. It Is s part of the lore disease for a girl to worry more If her young man gets splinter In his thumb than If father gets ft telegraph pole In bit arm. Berlin Hullcllng. 113 South 11th St. Telephone,, Main 1M. TACOMA WASHINQTON The Best is None Too Good for You. Get It at The Trail Saloon & Cafe RUSSELL ORMSBY. Proprietor 1 13 S. 12th St., Tacoma, Wash. Ivory Wood Fibre Plaster Ivory Cement Plaster F. T. CROWE & GO. 1 105 ASM TACOMA, WASHIN6T0N STYLES RIGHT PRICES RIGHT Menzies & Stevens Latest Styles in HATS, MEN'S FURNISHINGS XNO CLOTHING SPECIALTIES 913 Pacific Avenue Provident Bldg. TACOMA, WASH. Puget Sound Electric Railway Interuxban Loavo Tacoma 0:00,7:10, 8:10, 0:16 (Ltd., no stops) 10:10, 11 :10 a in, 12:10, 1:10, 2:10, !l:10, 4:15 (Ltd,, no utopn), 5:10, 0:10, 7:10, 8:10, 0:10, 11:15 p m. Leave rjeattle O'.IK), 8:00, 0:00 (Ltd., no stops), 10:00, 11 :00 a in, 12 in, 1 -.00, 2:00, :i:(K), 4:00 (Ltd,, no htopH). 5:1X1, 11:00, 7 ;00, 8:00, 1) :()'.), 10:00, 11 :15 p in. PUYALLUP DIVISION Lcnvo Ptiyallnp 5 ::!0, 7 :00, 8 :00, f) :00, 11 :00 a in, 1 :00, 2:00, !J:00, 4 :00, 5:00, 0:15, 7:15,8:15, 0:15 pui. Icaviiltli and Cmumorco fits. 5:10, 7:00, 8:00, 10:00, 12:00 a in, 1:00, 2:00, 4:00,4:00, 5:00, 0:15, 7:15, 8:15, 11:15 p in. (5:30 a in omitted Sundays) Tacoma Trunk Factory A good Trunk Is always a good bargain. You enn't judge from mere appearances. Wo wll Trunks that not only look well hut wear well. Suit Canes and Ilau'H of all hIl'h, ntyh'H and prices Repairing dono. Phono Hud 2772 031 O Street TACOMA, WASH U. R. MANNINQ, Prua. L. R. iVIAININIlNa & CO., Inc. Real Estate Loans and Investments. City and Farm Property, Timber and Coal Land. Firat-Claia Mortgages and investment Securities. EQUITABLE BUIUD1NQ THE SCANDINAVIAN Commercial Banking Savings Department Capital 15,000,000 Bnrnlus (360,000 Total Availablo Assets 17,500,000 A. OII1LUEUO, Pnsidont GEO. II. TAKHKLL, Manager A. V. IIAYPEN, Cashier Tacoma Office No. 055 Commerce St., N. K. Cor. South 11th Ht. A Delightful BREAKFAST WH EAT-H EARTS llakeaadellvhtlulbreakfa.l dish: with fruit added, lnvilyde. rt. lleUlre llltl time to cook. AlUhtrx. emu lor fuel. Iiuarauterd abioluiely pure and co.ts uti th. ii auy other curual Bold by all grocer, live pound fiacKaue, & rent. THE PU6ET SOUND FL0URIN6 MILLS CO,, TACOMA, WASH, THE ANNEX MARTIN ANOEL, Prop. House of Fine Liquors Phone Main 44G. Cor. Eleventh and Pacific Avenue the Mcdonald cigar go. Belli tho Highest (Irndca uf ...CIGARS... Manufactured ly tho bent fnctorl'i of New York and Tampa. Alao a complete lino of Imported Cigars, Cigarettes and Smokers' Articles Tel. Main 70S. 9S0 Pacific Avenue THE DAMFINO 1. T.Mc(ll.OIN, Proprietor Telephone Main K.I ESTAUMsmiD HliPOKIJ Til 11 WAK Imported nnd Domestic Wine's, Liquors and Cigars 1501 Jelfrraon Avenue, Camor I'arlila TACOMA WASHINGTON L. L ROBERSON. ri. nJ Trtii. C It. R0BERS0N, 5c'r. EAT T. B. C. BREAD Miulo by TACOMA BAKING COMPANY WlioUnivlo Mniiufiiolurcm of llrcari, rake., Etc, Wo aim iniiko n upvclnlly uf (IOOII IIIIEAD. 'IYI. JiuiH'MI, 943 Taconu Ave, Tacoma, Wuh. Phono Main 748 Paving Plant, lMh and Pock The Barber Asphalt Paving Go. ASPHALT For Roofing, Street Paving and Reser voir Lining CONTRACTORS Street Paving, Driveways, Floors and Sidewalks 203-4-5 Providence Bldg. TACOMA WASH. Wo mnlio ft r-'H'Clnltv of FINE POULTRY Prlvatu Car Trado Kollcltcil Commercial Market IIAIIHY MASH, Prop. Retail Dealer in Fresh and Salt Meats 1114 C Street Telephone Main 292 TACOMA , II. TKIINE8, 1'rca. and Wr. Tel. 4) Tacoma Carriage and Baggage Transfer Company OFFICE fOI TENTH ST. Carriages and Baggage Wagons at III Hours Private Ambulance Perfect In Every Detail FIRST CLASS LIVERY Hand Tour Check, (or Ilaeiraire tc our Mai. enf er, who will meet you un all Incoming M Kill.. TACOMA, WASH. A. T. HOHMUR, Huoy TAC MA, WASH. AMERICAN BANK -J v,