wwwHSJaaifcfflB- Bwa ierp"Wi'fra THE VTKW AGO, POOTIiAlfD, OREGON wicj?a',fc" 1 Topics of I the Times s Wonder If Mrs. HumoII Count Hoiil on bur list. Sago lias Tho "lone linndlt" InduHtry linn ex perienced Borurnl norloua rovorscn late ly. 3 Even tlio easy-going Frenchman makes n wry face when ho tries to wullow Count llonl. lirlgmids nre reported to ho nctlvo In Sicily. Perhaps Sicily Is trying to bo known nn the Wall street of Italy. A divorced couple named Cnrr have been reunited by their baby. Tula Is something unique In tho Hue of Cnrr couplers. Tho nvcrngc mnn thinks ho would linvo an excellent chnnco of occupying the presidential chair If tho ollleo sought tho man. A New York theater offers n frco neat to every man who never lied to his wife. This Is an absolutely costless bid for notoriety. Tim man who Insisted on tempting fate by going over Niagara Falls In a barrel has nulililcl, hut tho reckless balloonist Is always with us. A MnssiehUHotts club womnn wants n law prohibiting n man from marry ing more than once. Why not muko It to Include pretty widows, too? Miss Idn Tarbell Is now engaged In n Imnibto-haud combat with thu tnrlfT mention. Has hIio exhausted all tho toMhlllttc4 of the John I), Itockeroller question? The coal nupply of the Unlled States In said to be good for fi.lXH) years. Thnt Is, of course, If President liner, the representative of Providence, doesn't become wasteful. Countess de Castelbiuo had to con tent herself with a divorce, tho court, IKisslbly through an oversight, having failed to order llonl to bo taken out ud drowned In n bag. A New York church has secured n girl whlitler In nn attoinpt to Increnmi the number of ntleiidiintu nt nervier. Why not n renl whlHtler nn ollleo boy or n telegraph iiuMHengor? Notwithstanding the fnet tlmt n (lor mnn imvnnt Iiiih nlniwn tlmt the works of HlinkHieiiru were produced ly some body else, Hull Cnlno continues to look na inncli llku the Imniortnl bard an pos alblo. l'rof, llrnnder Mntthewn regards tho English language ns "violent, Illogical, chuotle nnd nbsiird." Still, If the pro fi'Msor doertn't like It, he Is nt lllH-rty to use nny of the other numerous kinds on the ninrliet. A New York Judge bus rendered the opinion thnt It Is no erlnie to bin; n girl on n doorHtei. Without touching U)on the legality of I be operation there nro men who will dim; to the opinion tlmt It Is exceedingly dangerous If tho girl's fnlber happens to be largo and husky. Thu INMlolllee Department wants bet tor roads for Its rural earrlers, hotter mall trauxportntlnu on American nhlps mid cafe steel earn for clerks In thu lallwny mall Kcnlee. It ought to have nil of these thing's. The work of tho department In preventing frauds has becoino Increasingly effective, mid It may well be carried Htlll farther. It Is one of tho most useful agencies on thu aide of wound public morals, Just as tho whole groat postal Hysteui of dissemi nating knowledge Is a prlceletu ntlniu Ins to national Intelligence. Tho fact that eight of the eleven members of tho new French eablnet nro or have been Journalists demonstrates nuow tho Importance of this profession In France. It Is tho avenue to dis tinction, ns the bar Is In Knghuid nnd the United States. The iwrsonnl ele ment In tho French journals Is of course tho reason. The leading nrtloles nre signed, mid a man may make n rep utation through them In n few weeks, whereas tho English or American Jour nalist mny write thousands of brilliant leaders and remain unknown. Which of the two systems is tho better Is a (llllleult question to decide, although many bold that the anonymous aytem la the more likely to secure a uolld, well-balanced nnd responsible press. Novelists, komo of whom may never have owned u dress mat, uses I to bo fond of drawing, In their tales, a sharp oclal distinction between person who "dressed for dinner" and those who did not. Now the editor of a Hrltlsh medical Journal has been discussing and commending from a hygienic point of view tho habit of dressing for din ner, livery one known that a change of clothing la often refreshing. The Hug llsh editor believes that tho effect la physical ns well as mental, or physical through tho mental stimulus, nnd ad vines thnt even tho hard-working clerk, tho shopkeeper nnd the laboring man cast off their workaday clothes and put on clean clothing for tho even ing meal, when tbo toll of the day Is over. Like- n good many other current dis coveries and gospels, tho IiIkIi-voUwI talk respecting the necessity for re stricting tho right of marrtago to phy. tcally Bound people It as old ns civil ization. Indeed, the theory goes back of civilization and extends to bnrbnr Ism, for many savage tribes summarily killed off the unlit. Bo far from per mitting them to mnrry, they would not permit them to live. In an ago when fighting wan tho chief end of man phy sical perfection was an Indispensable qunllllcatlon. Tho weaklings, male nnd female, had to go the males becauso they could not tight and tho females becauso they could not bear lighters. In this stage of tho earth's progress . tho war factor does not 'enter Into tho I mnttor wi strongly, but nil humnno nnd discriminating people must and do agree that the mating of physical or mental weaklings, and especially those affected with the so-called hereditary diseases, Is strongly to be deprecated on grounds of humanity nnd expedien cy. No rellectlng person desires the de generation of tho race. Hut tho con temporary clamor over the mutter by Ieople who put the question ujkjii n purely nnlmnl basis will lend to noth ing save tho disinclination of most per sons to discuss It nt all. There can bo no proper objection to necessary plain spenklng, but there enn be nnd there Is nu objection to continual harplnf on a subject which Is perfectly familiar to everybody already. Nobody defends tho mating of tho unlit. Tho mnrrlago of consumptives, for Instance. Is ob viously wrong and undesirable. Hut the evil results of such a marriage can not bo emphasized because everybody Is fully nwnro of them nlrendy. The whole thing, In n few words, Is tin re discovery by people who nro always making such discoveries that two and two make four. Tho world has known It all nlong nnd to vociferate It In the market plnce does not make It either now or Interesting. Noah Webster, who was somewhet of n ruformer In his dny, would be gratl lied, no doubt, were bo living, by tbo compliment of conlldence paid to ti tin by tho House committee on appropria tions, which has Inserted a paragraph In tho appropriation bill providing that tho government printing ollleo "shall follow tho rules of orthography estab lished by Webster or thu other general ly accepted dictionaries of the Kngllsh language." This bill, when patties by tho House nnd approved by tho I'resl- ilunt, will put nu end to the feel'ng of public unrest which has prevailed since tho dlfferenco of opinion expressed by Mr, Roosevelt nnd Congress In the mat ter of the JHX) words. Naturally It Is not believed that tho slight clash that has gently dlsturlied the delightful re lations between tbo President mid Con gress In this diversity of view will ex tend to more serious matters. It Is not feared thnt tho painful disagree ment which marred tho administration of President Andrew Johnson will be repented or that tho country will bo convulsed by another governmental wrangle. Tho ncorn of dissent which has been born of Ko-en!lod reform rtpoll lug will not be permitted to ilevolop Into a sturdy oak of distrust nun wrath. Mr. Roosevelt has done what ho could to mend or to mar spelling, mid ho still lias It In his power by lucrcafcd private corrcsMiidcnco to emphasize his convictions nnd repeat his conclu sions. It Is true that bis messages will be printed In tbo Congressional Record with the antiquated spe'llug, hut there is solace In tho thnugnt that, with tbo possible exception of tho proofreaders, nohixly will gloat over bis dliconitltiiro In the perusal of that medium of communication. It Is p'eas nut to contemplato tho settlement of this minor controversy accomplished In a manner so tactful, graceful mid considerate, for, of course, In this In stanco Mr. Roosevelt will courteously yield to the wishes of Congress, Just ns ho will exjHH't Congress will In re turn defer to him In other matter of public policy. Would Not Sail Ilia Anreatera. A plutocratic American of tho last century who umt seen the green acres nml stately castle of an Irish ttnte soiiKht out Its luiHcunlous owner with an offer to buy, Lonl Wank, csKor enough to transmute his profit less lands Into pregnant goUl, named a considerable, but reasonable, price as ono ho would be willing to tnke. "Very well," said the American, "I'll glre that If the pictures go with the house." After a Utile reflection bis lordship answered, "Yes, you can have the pict ures, except, of course, the family or trnlts." "It's the portraits I want," said the other. "I wouldn't give a cent for the rest of 'em." "My prop erty l not for sale under those con ditions," satd his lordship, turning on his heel and walking away, to tho as tonishment of the parrenu, who flung a "Stuck up beggar I" after the re treating figure. I Lore You. A Danish paper compares "I lore you" In many Inngunges. Hero nro some of them the Danish paper Is our only authority for their correctness. Tho Chlnnnutn says, "Uo ugat nl;" tho Armenian, "Go slrem ex hex ;" tho Ara bian, Tery shortly, "Nehabeeck;" tho Kgyptlan, similarly, "N'achkeb;" the Turk, "Slsl sevejorum," and the Hin doo, "Mnln tym ko pljar karyn." Hut overwhelming Is the declaration of love of an Eskimo, who tries to win tho cho sen one by the pleasing sound qt the dainty little word: "Unlvlflgssaerutd lulnalerfimnjungnarslgujak." Wo wonder that It nercr occur t to a drunkard thnt he could attract a lot of favornblo attention by rcninlnlug sober, Kvory umn In town would con gratulnte him, and apeak well of tilm, and help bUu In rry way posalbl& PASTEURIZED DAIRY COMPANY, Inc. l'AMcnrlterl Milk, Cream Butter, Kagt, Collago Cheese, Cheese, Iluttor Milk. QUALITY ICE CM2AM Milk 4 per cent guaranteed I'liono Kat KM2 800 nuiscll Street POMXAND, OltEOON Phot Pidflc 2iif Work Don On Sbott Rollc The Never Regret Cleaning and Pressing Parlor ClcnnlriR, rrcimltiK, Dyeing and ;itepatrlng. Blrnin nml Trench liry Cleaning a Bicolnlty Bulls 1'rcMcd While Yuii Walt. 132 N. Sixth Street, PORTLAND. ORCGON Michigan lQC"y Company It. CHAW, Proprietor Phone East 2800 154 Grand Avenue Ericson Undertaking Co. Incorporated Funeral Directors and Embalmers LADY ASSISTANT Phono Main C133 POUTLAND 409-411 Alder Street OIIEOON THE BUREAU SALOON PRANK HOFFMAN, Proprietor Cholccit Imported and Domcitlo Wines, Liquors and Ggars Telephono Main U04 Bouthcaat Corner Firit and Morrlion POUTLAND OltKOON A. H. Willctt & Co. Wholctalo and Retail GROCERS Special Prlcet to Rettaurantt Prompt Delivery Phone East 283 128 Grand Avenue B. WathltiKton, Prop. L. Wilkinson, Manager The Alpha Fine Wines, Liquors & Clears NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS Headquarters for Railroad and AU Pro fessional People. Phone Pacific 151 101 N. Park St., PORTLAND, OREGON A. H. Griswold Euixettor to GRISWOLD A PHKOLEY TAILOR No Urn no It 8torc 131 Sixth St. POUTLAND, OKKGON OUR BRAND Horse Collars Kanueri, Teaini'ri anil Horiemen, Innlc to virnr Inttreit. When In utetl ol llorao Collari, bur tba bcit the SHARKEY COLLAR It faai itooit the tail ot wear and tor and climate (or twenty jrart. Ailc jour trl r for them and Iniliton harliif the "Khar- P.' SHARKEY & SON Portland, Oregon fcTLAJNI. OB NUlta aBAt UMWI. OLYMPIC, - A Flour Whose Best Endorsement Is the Fact that the Number of People Who Use It Multiplies Every Year CSS rbonB For fine. Wines and Liquors, call al THE WEST O. HUKIUH, l'rop. Fine wines, Liquors and Cigars I'hone l'acMc 1B00 ' tt N. Fourteenth Bt. I'OHTLAND, OUK. NEW ALBINA CAFE PATTER10N Ic McDOUGALL. Pri. Fine "Wines & Liquors The Old Corner Cor. Russell Av. & Alblna St. ' Pnono East 4388 Portland, Ore. LODELL'S PLACE A. E. LODEMj, 1'ropilutnr Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars WEINMARD'S BEER Telephono I'nelflc1 1W1 41 1. North Nineteenth! Bt. PORTLAND, OR. Pioneer Soda Works OUNDF.I, J1KOH. A OO. Manufacturers ol SODA WATER, EXTRACTS, SYRUPS, ETC. Factory, 416 Wntcr Blrcct Telephone, Main 2306 PORTLAND ORi:aON Crane Bottle Co. Wholesale Dealers In BOTTLES Carry tbo lnrg st i-took of Rottles on the l'acillc Coast. Mnil Urder ship ments given prompt attention- Office, 14th and Couch Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON STAR BREWERY NORTHERN BREWERY CO. Brewers anJ Bottlers ot HOP GOLD PORTLAND OFFICE: Corner Fast Third and BurmlJe Streets "The Judge Demands the Best" LA TOCO Key Wot agar EL PATERNO Ten-Cent Leader SIGHT DRAFT King of Five-Cent Clgin W. S. Conrad AllmienpoIlM St. lentil Distributor A Western Cracker Made for Western People Auk your Grocer (or Western Crackers and Cakes Tnko no other kind if you want tho boat THEME PQIKTOYSTER CO. 29 Second St., Portland, Or. Toluphonu MAIN 693 Soli Growers ol thi Citibntid Toke PointOysters An KaitarnOyiter Transplanted and grown onour bli at TOKELAND, WASHINGTON "UNKQUAI.KM IN FLAVOR AND KKKSHNKSS" Cannery at South Bend, Wash. Wholeealo Peak In All Yurlotica of Nutive Oytttera. ttKVHft O SPICES, o COFFEE.TEA, AKING POWDER, FUVORiNO EXTRACTS AfrMhiretiftlry, FinesrFUvor, OrtirJt5trwith,Pc&5oW Prices CLOSSETftDEYERS PORTLAND, OREGON. & SfeSo" r - k-n. ELDERBR AU GROTTO EUICKBON BEIIO, I'rops. Fine Wine, Liquors and Cigars 54 Sixth Street MAIN 4103 PORTLAND, ORE. WESTERN SODA WORKS JUC1IEMICH it CHAMEIt, Props. Manufacturers of Carbonated Hevcr nges, Syrups Kxtrnet-, Minernl Waters nnil Clinnipngnci Cider. Sole distrib utors of bVdmHIe M-noral Water, l'lione Pacific 1703. Office and Factory, 204 Mill Street PORTLAND, OREGON 8 START 1907 RIGHT Begin With Electric Light IT IS CHEAPER Hake 1907 an ELECTRIC year in your HOUSEHOLD as well as in your Store, and enjoy the con veniences, the labor saving, the healthfulncss, the safety, the economy and the prosperity that attends the use of ELECTRICITY. FREE LAMP RENEWALS-The Company will henceforth furnish free of charge, to meter custom ers, new Edison base lamps of 4 8, 16, 32 and 50 candle power, in exchange for old lamps, here tofore furnished by the Company. Lamp renewals will be made at Nos. 147-49 Seventh St. ONLY. FREE LAMP RENEWALS mean better light, and is EQUAL TO A SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTION IN THE COST OF LIGHTING. For information call Main 6688 Portland Railway, Light & Power Company FIRST & ALDER STREETS The SAVINGS BANK of the Tifle Guarantee & Trust Company PAYS 4 Per Cent Yearly Interest On Savings Accounts Interest Compounded Semi-Annually 111 II n J n n i i i .1 We AISO Pay 4 Per Cent Interest on Certiticates of Oeposit And 3 Per Cent on Dally Balances of Check Accounts Save a Dollar Today aid It Will Work for YwTwwrw A flnnk Account is the first step to ward happinena, prosperity and comfort Banking Hours, 0 a. m. to 4 p. m. : SaturdayakU a in. to 1 p. m. ; Saturday evenings, 5. p. in. to 8 p. m. DIRECTORS Win. M. Ladd. J. Thorburn Roki, T. T. llnrkliart, Frank M. Warren, licorgo U. lllll. OFFICERS-J. Thorburn Ropa. Prea- ident; George II. Hill, Vice President; T. T. Uurkhart, Treasurer: John E. AitchiEou, Sicrctiiry, 240 Washington Street Corner Second PORTLAND OREGON Ml II ll , PORTLAND COFFEE & SPICE CO. Importers and Manufacturers Tea, Coffee. Spices, Extracts and Baking Powder 24 ann 26 Front Street PORTLAND, OREGON Lewis & Clark Cigar Co. CIGAR MANUFACTURERS Ask for tho Colebrnted Lewis & Clark Cigar - I2c Sacajawea 10c UNION MADE Phone Pacific 2263 PORTLAND KING & GILMORE Telephono UNION 4HC8 Real Estate Dealers Everything in the Best properties Jersey Street ST. JOHNS, OREGON H. HENDERSON Real Estate I08!i Jersey Street, ST. JOHNS, OREGON. I liavo choice Iluolncsa nnd Roaldcnco Tracts in nil tmrtn of tho city. Corr Hpondunco aolicltod from non ruaidunt ownorH of property or thoao- Fuuking liivcutinunta hero. ABBETT All Kinds of Galvanized Iron and Tin Work a Specialty ALL WORK GUARANTEED NOT TO LEAIC AKcnt for Quaker Mfg. Co.'s Steel Furnaces 441) Union Ave. North Shop Phono Kant 0177 KoHlduuco Phono Knot 1803. t lAAireTnuN M n The Seiler Co. OSCAR J. SEILER. Attorneyat-Law President Paid Up Capital and Surplus $35,000- Collections Investments Real Estate Jamestown, North Dakota 1IY It All. ANI WATKlt Columbia River Scenery REGULATOR LINE Tho excursion atenmer " BAILEY GATZKR I " makes round trips to CAS CADE LOCKS every Sumluv, lenvitu? PORTLAND ntO a. m., returninf ar- . riven (i p. in. I rnii.. n..t i.n TA.4iMn.i .i i'uiiv nvrvicu miinuni iuiuuiiu nuu Tho Dalles, except Sunday, bavins- i uriiiiiiti uv i a, in,, nrriviiiK nuuuv u i. m., carrying freight and pacsengcra. Splendid accommodations for outfits and livestock. Dock foot of Alder street Portland ; foot of Court ctreat, Tho Dalles. Tele phone Main 014. Portland. ASTQRIA&C0LUMBI1 A RIKER RAILROAD CO. iD siioi Mm Trains Daily riTii 1.HR0UGH PARLOR CARS BCTVKKX Portland, Astoria s Seaside (vES Lrei I exiox Diror Arriret. "" " Kor Mjriier, Kln Vtttj irr.UUtikanle Dallr. S:U)a.iu. WfUport, Clifton, UtU a. m. Aiiorla. Warren, tou, KUtcI, (icr. htt l'rkudaK ide. AitorU A Scasborv LxprcM Dsllj. 7:00 p.m. Anorl Ezptea 9:10 n, m. tUr. ;. A . STKWA KT. J. C. MAYO, Coiuiu'l Agt.. 2W AlderSt U. F. - f. 'Xelopuouo Main 90S. A s raatyrra.- -v v '"WirBWlBlwlnui