Portland new age. (Portland, Or.) 1905-1907, January 12, 1907, Image 8

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Is It a Catarrh Remedy, or a Tonic, or Is
It Both?
Bomo people call Fcruna a groat tonic. Others rofor to Pcrtina as a great
catarrh remedy.
Which of thcso pooplo aro right? la itmoro proper to call Pcrtina a catarrh
remedy tiian to call It a tonic?
Our reply 1b, that Peruna 1h loth a tonic and a catarrh remedy. Indcod,
thcro ain Ihj no effectual catarrh remedy that in not aleo a tonic.
In order to thoroughly roliovo any cuho of aitorrh, a remedy must not only
havo a specific action on the mucous membranes affected by the cutnrrh, but it
niUHt havo a general tonic action on the nervous syfltom.
Catarrh, oven in persons who aro otherwise strong, is a weakened condition
of Bomo tnucoiiM membrane Thcro tntint bo Homothlng to strengthen tho circu
lation, to give tone to tho arteries, and to mlso tho vital forces.
Pcrlmpi no vegclnbio remedy in iho world ban ntlructcd bo much attention
from medical writers as HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS. Tho wonderful oilicrfcy
of UiiH horb lias been rccouulzcd many years, and Is urowinfrin its hold tinon tho
medical profession. When Joined with CTIlKUS and COPAIHA a trio of medi."
cal agents Is formed In Peruna which constitutes a specific remedy for catarrh
that in tho present state of medical progress cannot bo improved upon. This
action, roin forced by such renowned tonltM as COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS,
COUYDALIS FOKMOSA and CKDKON SHIM), ought tomako this compound an
ideal remedy for catarrh In all iti stages and locations in tho Imdy.
I'rom a theoretical standpoint, therefore, Peruna is boyond criticism. Tho
uho of Peruna confirms this opinion. Numberless testimonials from every quart
er of tho earth furnish amplo ovldcnco that this judgment is not over enthusias
tic. When practical experience confirms a woll grounded theory tho rosult is a
truth that cannot bo shaken.
The Only DntiMfiil Clllten.
"Everybody Is telling exactly wlint
you will do If you are elected to of
fice." "Yes," answered the candidate.
"Well, what will you do?1
"I don't know
Mow's This?
Wo offer One Hundred Dollar Itotrard for
ny caaoof C'ainrrh that cannot bo cured by
nana t;atarni ;uro,
K. J. UIIK.SKY A CO., Prop., Toledo, 0.
We, tho uniloralgncd, havo known 1'. J,
Cheney fur tho last 16 yean, and hollers him
forfoctly honorable In all bualneia trauiao
lotii and llnanclnlly able to carry out auy ob
ligation inado by their linn.
Wkrt A Till) ax, Wholnnalo lirui iliti, Toledo, O,
Wuiinii, Rinnan A Makvin, Vtlioleaalo Drug
gll, Toledo, ().
lull's Caiarrh Curo la taken Internally, act
inic directly upon tho blood and mucoua anr
faiea ul thu oyatutn. 1'rlco 7 Jo. or bottle.
Hold by all ImituclNla. Icatlinonlali lice.
Hall's Kainlly Alls are the boat.
A Chiilrr of Kvlla,
Landlady Would you ntlrlso mo to
rend my diiuglitcr to a cooking bcIiooI
or to a imtslc school?
Iloiinlcr (reflectively) Well, I tlilnl:
I'd send her to a cooking school. It
tuny bo more fiitul In Its resulU), but It
Isn't nnytlilng llko so noisy.
Of Courae,
(limner I see whero a mnn In tho
southwest hud twenty-three children
and then disappeared. What do you
think of that?
(luyer Why, that wai nothing uu
usual. Ouniier Whnt?
Guyer Why, twenty-three sktdool
The nnit of Itnnka,
Wlint bring? about the end of books?
Ih It fire, water, worms? As every
ship launched Is bound to be wrecked,
every theater to bo burned, the finis of
the book is Its reduction to ashes.
jot." Washington ' What became of the Alexandrian II-
liritry? I)lu tlio Saracens burn It In
010? Thcro Is this question asked:
Was thcro any library at Alexandria
containing 700,000 books? (llbtion In
clines to tho opinion thnt there was no
such library. Canon Taylor Insists
that If there bad been n library It was
burned In tho time of Julius Caesitr.
Tradition Bceins to Indicate, however,
that thcro was a library In the sera-
peutn, by no means a large collection,
but whether destroyed by Theophllus
or Theodosltu Is not known. It looks
ns If the charge brought against tho
Arabs rested on no foundation. Explo
rations of Alexandria In lSWi-fW? show
no trnccs of the serapeum. Tho sen
port of Egypt was built on a damp
foundation, and granting that there
was a library, If not destroyed by tiro,
then tho papyri might havo suffered
from decay due fc water. Hooks of
to-day taken to India, to tho Southern
States and to thu West Indies perish
through mildew.
The Heart Was Badly Affected When
the Patient Began Uilng
Doan'a Kidney Pills.
Mm. Kllmbetli Maxwell, of -tlfi West
Fourth St., Olymplrt, Wash., wivh:
"ror over three
yours I suffered
with a drojwlml
. condition without
l' l.. In., ini'uni tli.il
... I'UMIK .,11(1,11 .,HV
VlCTii.M. t mill. I,. 'PI,,.
early rdagus were
principally back
ache and hearing
down pnln, hut I
went along with
out worrying much
until dropsy set In. My feet and nil
klet swelled up, my hands puffed mid
became ho tonio I could hardly close
them. I had great dilllculty in breath
ing, and my heart would Mutter with
thu least exertion. I could not walk
fur without stopping again nnd again
to rent. Since using four box tit of
Doau'ri Kidney Plllri the bloating has
gone down and tho feelings of distress
Inivo disuponred.M
Sold by all dealers. nO cents a box,
Foster Mllburn Co., Uuffalo, N. Y.
j ir s? m
VAY.O OINTMKNT la Kiiarentvod to cure any
cnool IcIiIiik, blind, blooding or protruding
plica In C to It ilaya or money refundod.&Oc.
nnnnna llrrnrl.
Ilrcnd made from banana flour Is
common enough In Europe nnd Eng
land. Ono pound Is suld to contain
nioro nourishment and cuergy produc
ing material than one pound of tho
lliiest beefsteak, Is much more digest
ible nnd less than one-sixth the price.
Sir Henry Stanley was a firm believer
In tho banana. He went so far us to
ndvlso that Its consumption would curo
rheumatism, gout nnd all liver affec
tions. When lying at the point of death
from gastritis a light grud'of bamimi
Hour mixed with milk was tho only
food ho could retain nnd digest. Tho
secret of the banana as a health and
strength producing food lies In Its high
percentage of protelds nnd tho great
number of Its calories, respectively HO
and S01.7I. It Is it perfectly bitlnnccd
ration If sliced for breakfast nnd serv
ed with milk and sugar. New York
"Why do you avoid making speeches
yourself?" asked thu friend.
"It's better to havo soma one cUe
attend to tho oratory," answered Sena
tor Sorghum. "In thnt way you can
ascertain which of your opinions are
unpopular and repudtato them."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
II d III Sfer Rsarie4 of
Eqnal Vain In "Benatr Parlor."
The London Dally Mall baa betu In
vestigating the entire toilet of "the
man beautiful," says the New York
i World. It has found that nearly 10
per cent or tne customers of the
"beauty parlors" of London are men.
Tho barber shops In England do not
oner tne Incidentals to be had In tho
ordinary American barber shop, nnd
men go to the "beauty parlors" to havo
their complexions cleared by tho appli
cation of hot towels, sklu food nnd
facial masrage, as well as to hnve their
nails manicured. One "specialist In
good looks" tells how hnnds are whit
ened by tho skillful use of powder, nnd
says "men lovo to bo manicured In this
Tho "beauty parlors" aid men to re
duce their weight, nnd there can bo
learned tho valuable secret of how not
to get bald. This recipe la delightful
ly simple : Do not Irritate tho rootii of
thu holr by unnecessarily disturbing
them harshly with combs, brushes and
tough towels.
According to tho "beauty specialist"
in the Mall:
"A woman has little tact and no crat
Itudo whero we are concerned. It Is
useless to point out her Improvements
to n woman. Shn always wants more.
Hut a mnn expects nothing and Is
Then tho woman who delights In re
storing the appearance of 'youth tells
with what heartfelt earnestness one
man, after viewing himself In a mirror,
said: "I look young again."
There seems to bo a world-wide epi
demic of fatty degeneration of the
waist, for the periodicals and newspa
pers of New York, Loudon, Paris and
Ilerlln contain nn Increasing number of
remedies for obesity, chief of which
Rectus to be tho corset, under such
aliases as waistband, eclnture, dress
belt nnd health brace. The fact that
these corsets for men aro advertised
shows that ninny men buy them.
The day seems to bo coming, If It
hnH not arrived, when of the male sex
ns well ns the female, It can be said
that "gracefulness Is deceit and beauty
Is vanity,"
Few are entirely free from it.
It may develop so slowly as to cause
little if any disturbance during the whole
period of childhood.
It may then produce dyspepsia, ca
tarrh, and marked tendency to con
sumption, before causing eruptions,
sores or swellings.
To get entirely rid of it take the great
Hood's Sarsaparilla
In usual liquid form or In chocolated tablets
known as Saraatabs. 100 doses $1.
A Deep filar.
Cholly Of course, I admit I talked
about myself, but they talked about
trade all tho time, and, of course, that
was worse.
Miss- Pcpprey You were perfectly
right It's better to talk about nothing
than talk about trade. Philadelphia
A farrow Kaeape.
The company had assembled In the
church, but the Bridegroom was no
where to be found. Finally a messen
ger announced that the young man bad
been run over and killed white on his
way to the church.
"And Just think," she said n month
afterward to a friend, "what a narrow
escape I had from becoming a widow 1"
Keep Your Blood Pure.
No one can 1m happy, light-hearted nnd
hcnlthy with a body full of blood thnt en"
n t do lt duty to every part be
cnuso of Its Impurity j therefore, tho first
nnd mot Important work in luind Is to" pur
ify tho blood so thnt every orunn will cot
tne inn iicncllt of n healthy circulation.
1 hero Is no remedy we know of so good ni
that old family remedy, IlrniidMlm rills,
bach pill contains one grain of tuo solid ox
tra t of snranpiirllln blended with two grains
of n combination of pure nnd mild vege
table products, mnk ng It a blood purltlcr
unexcelled in chninetcr. One or two taken
every night for awhile will produco sur
print k res Its.
llriinilretli's I'llls hnvc been In use for over
n century and nro s ld In eviry drop and
iiiMlnino store, either plain or sugar
coated. Upward of 200,000,000 gallons per an
num of nernted waters are drunk In the
United Kingdom.
tlTG Vitas' Dance and all Wervons Dla-asea
f0 txrmnnttr curM by Dr. Kline's Urrat
Nerve luatorer. Bend for FllWK J trial bottle and
IreaUee. Vt. H. ILKUnr, Ld., Ml Arch UU, PbUa,,la,
Hounded Uonrlnolna.
The editor was criticising tho poem
JuBt brought in by the literary contrib
utor. "You speak of the 'spirit of tho for
est,' " he said. "Do you think there Is
such a thing as a forest spirit, as dis
tinguished from any other kind?"
"Yes, sir!" fiercely responded the liter
ary contributor. "Didn't you ever hear
of such a thing as wood alcohol?"
Weak Lungs
Yen Can Get Allen's root-rate TREE.
Wrlto Allen 8. Olmitcd, I.o Hoy, N. Y for a
frcosamploof Allen's Foot-Kaao. ltciireasncat
Ins, hot swollen, aching feet. It make new or
tlRlit shoes eaay. A certain curo for corns. In
growing nails and tiuiilnti. AlldruglaUivlllt.
liio. Don't accept any aubatltute.
From the nacic Pence.
City Boarder That old cat made an
awful noise In the back yard last
Farmer Geelinw Yna; ever sence
he mado a meal off th' canary Ins' win
ter bo's got th' Idee In his head ns heow
he's a natur'l born singer, b'goshl
For over sixty yeara, doctors
have endorsed Ayer's Cherry
Sectoral for coughs, colds,
weak lungg, bronchitis, con
sumption. You can trust a
medicine the best doctors ap
prove. Then trust this the next
time you have a hard cough.
" I had an awful eotuh for o?er a year, and
I recommend It tn all bit frlenna whenever
nnthlnK aeemed to do me any gooi
ATtr'i unerr
1 tried
I'ecloral and waa noon cured.
they liar a cough.'
waeninifion, u.j,
Jiiaa M. UiYKiia,
SUd by 1, 0. A jer Co , Lowell, Maaa.
ao manureolurera or
AVer's Pills keop the bowels regular.
All vegetable and gently laxative).
Mothers will And Mrs. Window's fjoothlng
By ru p the best remedy to use fox their children
during- tho teething period.
Seamen on native river craft In China
get $.'( a month; on eca-jrolng Chinese
vcsxcU S3. They furnlih their own food.
rusts seven times as rapidly as
It la perfectly natural to nth the spot that hurts, nnd when the muscles,
nerves, joints nnd bones arc throbbing nml twitching1 with the pains of
Rheumatism the tmlTcrcr to npt to turn to the liniment bottle, or some other
external application, in nn effort to get relief from the disease, by producing
"ouutcr-lrritatiou on the flesh. Such treatment will quiet the pain tempo
rarily, but can have no direct curative effect on the real disease because It
docs not reach the blood, where the cause is located. Rheumatism is more
than shin deep it is rooted and grounded in the blood and can only be
i cached by constitutional treatment IT CANNOT 111? RUU11IU) AWAY,
r.hcuitiatism is due to an excess of uric acid in the Mood, brought about by
the accumulation in the system of refuse matter which the natural nvcuues
of bodily waste, tho Dowels and Kidneys, have failed to carry off. This
leftise matter, criuing in contact with the different acids of the body, forms
uric acid which is absorbed into the blood and distributed to all parts of the
body, nnd Rheumatism gets possession of the system. The aches and paina
nre only symptoms, and though they may be scattered or relieved for n time
by surface treatment, they will reappear at the first exposure to cold or
dampness, or after an attack of indigestion or other irregularity, Rheuma
tismcau never be permanently cured while the circulation remains saturated
with irritating, paiu-pioducfiig uric acid poison. The disease will shift
from muscle to muscle or joint to joint, settling on the nerves, causing
inflammation and swelling and such terrible pains that the nervous system
is often shattered, the health undermined, nnd perhaps the patient becomes
deformed and crippled for life. S. S. S. thoroughly cleanses the blood nud
ivnovates the circulation by neutralizing the nctds and expelling nil foreign
matter from the system, It warms and invigorates the blood so that instead
of n weak, pour stream, constantly deposit
ing acrid and corrosive matter in the mus
cles, nerves, joints and bones, thebody is fed ter.
neiil tiniirioltiul w t linnUlt.cndro f e.frw a
..... ...,.-. w; .., in..lii,i-oi..uimii(i After
A flrnernua Ilorao.
Tho following Incident, ulvon hr a
writer In the St. Louis Republic, Indi
cates that It Is poftHlblc for a borne to
be "a perfect gentleman." Two fliie
looklnjj horses nttnehed to single bug
glen were hitched near the entrance to
the St. fiOiils Merchants Exchange.
They were hitched several feet apart,
but tho hitching straps allowed them
sulllcleiit liberty of movement to get
their heads toegthor If they so de
Tho owner of one of them had taken
tho opportunity of a prolonged Mop to
give the horso n feed of oats, which
wna placed on tho edge of the side
walk In a bag.
Ho was contentedly munching his
onts when hl attention was attracted
by tho actions of tho other horso,
which was evidently very hungry. Ho
eyed tho plentiful supply of onts wist
fully nnd neighed In an Insinuating
Tho horso with the feed pricked up
his cars politely and replied with a
neigh, which inut have been. In horse
language, an Invitation to tho other
fellow to help himself.
Evidently ho accepted It, for he
moved along In tho direction of tho
bag ns far as tho hitching strap would
permit But tho strap was not long
enough, nnd his hungry mouth well
alwut n ynrd short of tho bag.
The host noticed and deemed to ap
preciate this difficulty. Fortunately
thoro wab souio leeway to his strup.
Bo he moved slowly along the curb,
pushing the bng with his noso until his
guest was abo to reach It. Then, after
a friendly nose-rub of salutation, the
two horses coutcutcdly thiUued
oats together.
The Mean TIiIiikI
Prnlso from a huHband'H lips s
witys pleasant to tho wife; but
praise may be too discriminating
sutt her.
"I thought It was nlco of you to toll
that carjieiiter, who seemed to think
women know nothing, that I could
'hammer nails like lightning,'" said
Mth. Morse to her husband. "Hut I'm
nfrald, dear, you are not an unpreju
diced Judge. I really don't think I'm
suqh a very good hnnunercr."
"Oh, he knew whnt I meant," said
Mr, Morse, cheerfully. "You know
lightning nover strikes twice In tho
samo place, they say."
Not ain Armlraa Vt'ium,
"Ahl Miss Strong you'ro a regular
Venus," said Jack Nervy as ho attempt
ed to kl8H her.
"That's what," sho replied as she
gave htm a right-arm Jolt on tho uo'se
and followed It up with a left-arm
swing to tho Jaw, "but, unfortunately,
I'm no Venus dl Mllo." Philadelphia
Old Kuuuvh to lleulu,
"Mi' boii, in order to give you more
money I should havo to borrow,' Seems
to me you are old enough now to thako
debts of your owu." Fllegendu Waet-
of both purifying and tonic properties- hna BUffc1 wU.h th? Vx U.w'
a woman has been uuder the
a man
purifyitur nnd tonic properties- nn8 un?M ". l"? ?" TJ w '"
!.,.-it.n la o.viu, ,..., nc. Af tm,.. never nnerwaru union uaving ine
mntism. It contains no potash, alkali or other mineral Ingredient, but i3 Faiuo condition of health they had bo
tuado entirely of nurifviinr. liealtnir extracts nnd lulces of roots, herbs nnd fore.
iinrks. If you are Buffering from Rheumatism do not waste valuable tltuo
trying to nib n blood disease away, but begin the use of S. S. S. and write
us about your case and our physicians will give you any information or
adYkttUcslrcd free of charge and will scud our special treatise on Rheumatism.
Some men nro so mean that they
eveu refuse to let their wives have tho
last word. I
m huj ',i .
j. j Uini iuhta ai r
.AVceelable PrepatationTorAs
slmilatlng ihcFoodandRcf' uni
ting the Stomachs andUowcb of
Promotes DigcslionXhecrful
nessandRest.Contalns neither
Opium.Morpltine norllincraL
Not Narc otic .
Apcrfccl Remedy forConstlpa
Oon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcnsh
ncss nnd Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature or
For Infanta and Childron.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Best In America
We make Ultra
Wo do not tako orders and peddle our Rubber
btamps, Scan, Etc. We manufacture our
own Koods. Our equipment la tlie ncwrst
and beat money ran buy. Write today lor our
"ltubber Btamp Catalogue."
Portland. Oregon
aU Ono-thlnl oft regular nrlre (or i
remilar nrlre (or abnrt tlrno.
in. ii. a. nil
and Dr. 1).
aro with tin.
old frlcnila.
Third and Couch Striata. Portland, Ortgcxt.
.A. Hlitrdcvnnt, fnrmurly o( Tho Dnllea,
F. miller, lormnrir oi Ariinxtnn,
Tliuy will to Kad to meet tliolr
M t
iv it f
ft i aV
For Over
Thirty Years
rwe eearfaMi eeaiMaiv. mm oaw em.
All the beat breed
ing and Individuality.
Young atock on hdnd
at all lime. Correa
pondenro aollcited,
hatlifaetlnn guaran
teed. Addrea
Perrydalc, Oregon
Catalogue free. Tangent, Oregon
Wonderful Horns
Thta wenderftit Chi
nese Doctor la called
treat lircauae lie cur-s
jieopla without opera
lion that art. g Ten up
Ii die. ,Ia corea wl h
thoM wonderful Chi
none herbs rtxiia, bu1,
harka and vecelabtea
that are entirely un
known to mcillrat eel-
enre la thia coyntrrlnmuaritlieUMorthote
barmtraarrmedlet. TTila lnmoua doctor knows
lit action of oyer too iiitten nt remlla, wtilcb
heaaeaanccraafu'ljrln different dlaeaaea. lie
rhi uruattam, neryoua teaa, itomacn, liver, ktU
nojre, etct Ii.ia hunrtreli of tratlmontala.
Charaea moderate. Call and aee lilrru l'u tenia
out of the city write forblanua and circulars.
The C. Gcc Wo ChlncM Medicine Co.
162H rirat St., S. C Cor. Morrison
Mention paper
Portlnnd. Oregon
vale, or who haa a berrjr (wtch or a vanlen, .huulil In
Interealrd In e.ltlnit the mux -jrullt frvin Ma orcn,
la the only nuurailne In Amfrifa tihlrh la derottd
k eitlu.ltrlr o th lntfir-1. of IhnMixho
Sx arrow fruit. Iland-omrly llliiXrali'diMli)
1aaaaaaaaaV'pi'e''"chiiiuth. Till. all olHiutfrull
Mapsaoiaiiiiiniit nd nothing tut nut now
Itoiiarft.how tn iiark. rulitvafa. .pray,
' prun., how o MAKE HOUR MONKY front
rrwitfc nnipin irrt iirpiiNr rric-1 l.w.
inn M,ll .ul.-ritir wta .ho.M nf finanf
our II ro, Jonathan I'rult llooke-llie Ul In eilittucaw
Three Months Free
Waereaoeonndent The rnilt Omwrr wHI pla,-e
wlllMndll tliirenionlhaaliMiliit.ly free to an Tonal n.
lemlnllnfrull.OMtnuaiiOtiilln Cuuin Ulow. We
offerCuh I'rlire for imw auUriller wrlta firpar
Ikularm. Wrlleyonrnanitaniladilre-'.lnlili.i fc.lluw.
Frull-CJ rower Co.. Ilox M, St. Jpaenh.'Mo.
lamplyour KltKKtlire inonlba Irialolfrr. At
end of three umntka I wlllellhor pay fora-'aar'aanlf
arrlpllon or notify too toeton far". In tlihrr event
there I a to he NO charge for the three noalhe UUi.
Route er f. O, Pox Number.
"When you buy
you want
and long
ThA&e and m&nv
other good points
we combined In
Tbu CAirt sJford '.
to buy onyothor
nt 1 ll'Jaf Aril
' I
i i
l" he lTiir Hiiakn Vnllcy, Idalin, where
:s,qMMIaiilulipl Vulley In meseekera ar- air arte
lo-attil. co,ooiacra umlewlop d, Irrl.-abe land
.till ttwaltih aettler. I. kit at a d I vm erwl
valley In Ibe world, tinea o linuifi ebocet fruit j
liiiinens croieof rain, alfalfa all arbe.ia, II.OJ),.
Out Inveated In augtr fee orlea Htw it, l, cxteif
Ion to Ye low.toiio park on na country of vast re-kouro-i.
A'litun atarlHl Jan I, Moti, a record
brvaner. Write fi.e carl ruUri.
HI. Autliony and Aelituu, liluho,
ii s l lapa
2! 9
With 33-paKe llluttrate.1 booklet, uhliip 1,000
ttaea (or llorax In the Home. Farm and lulry,
and a Souvenir Picture, 7xlt In., 10 colore
free (or &u and our denier a name. Addreaa
I'aelHo Coaat llorax Co., Oakland, Cal.
Banking by Mail
prove their worth at harvest
time. After over fifty years of
success, they arc pronounced
the best and surest by careful
Slanters everywhere. Your
ealcr sells them. 197 Sewi
AaMal free on request.
B. M. rSKHT CSV tVetreat, IttaaV
On savings deposits of a dollar
or more, compounded twice
every yar. It is just a t-nsy
to open a Savings Account with
us by Mail as if you lived nuxt
door. Send for our free book
let, "Bank.ng by Mail," and
learn lull particulars. Address
Oregon Trust &
Savings Bank
Portland, Oregon
Sixth and Washington Sts.
No. 2-07
I Vf7HKX wrtnV to advertisers plate 4
Tf anenllun thta papr. I
,iwc swmr FCinc co.. atiamta, sa
When you die the world will keep
right on going around. ' '
Cedor mot tedo beicMer awaal faster cotars Iku eury atker er. OaM 10c packaf
naarauatcad ae ilvei arfea rcaiaau. Aaa eMaMr. ef w H aeae pet HM ivc
itMCfc mmt mi teiew. MOraftOt MUG COw IWMnrUt. MlsMuri.
weeJ i
m4 cattaai equally
JW V W Vaaaaaa
e aaat Is
Imw to V
W Tsoeweas .
" M."witnr..,iiiaw,fti'j.. iwi nw a mii