I il THEW AGE, POBTLAOT), ' OBBOOlf k .', 1 W. t S ,' 2 iPimiur. HftTFIC tl HOTEL coir $i,ooojioo. The Portland. H. O. MOWCM, Mtmmf. Ammrloan Plan, S3 Pmr Oay and Upward HEADQUARTERS rOH TOURISTS AMD OOMMEROIAl TRAVELERS. Portland, Oregon Telephone MII i. 0. Hoi Ml The Grand Pacific Hotel CIIAB. A. SCHKAOK, 1'roprUtor. Handsomely Appointed and First Class In Every Particular. Corner Railroad St. and Hlggins Ave. MISSOULA, MONT. The Kenyon Don Porter Salt Lake City's NEW HOTEL Salt Lake City Utah The Grandon The only First-Class American Plan Ho tel in Helena. Rates from $3 to $5 BOLLINGER HOTEL 1 European Plan Lewiston Idaho Best Hotel in j Northern Idaho The Northwest KDW. O. PATTERSON, Prop. CHA8. II, HATTINOEIt, Mgr. Steam Heat in Every Room Private and Public Baths Electric Light RATES $2 PER DAY AND UP Bismarck, N. D. HOTEL PEDICORD T. J. PEDICORD, ProprUtor Rates 50c, 75c,'$1,$1. 50 mm with Private Baths Beth Aacricaa aaa raratwaa Private Teleshet U ReeaM First-Class Grill in Connection 209-21 9 Riverside Ave., SPOKANE, WASH. ?, aaTl BjMijBjMyll saaMMIflilTiWiilr jWsByj-irfsaaatJSMBMJHM jrJ LEADING HOTELS i PORTLAND. RICHARDS HOTEL .AND RESTAURANT I'hone Kxchange 25 360-362 Aider St. Cor. Park PORTLAND, ORE. Best furnished houao in Southern Oregon New Depot Hotel A. H. rHAOIIT, I'ropriotor. All Trains stop 30 Minutes For Meals. ASHLAND, OREdON The New Bannock Hotel NOIIMAN & AHMSTitONQ, Vrops. Headquarters for Commercial Men American Plan. Rooms with Bath, Hot and Cold Running Water and Telephone in Each Room. RATES $2.00 to $400 PER DAY Pocotvllo Idaho The Spalding Leading Hotel of the LAKE SUPERIOR REGION Enlarged and Improved American Plan, 12.60 and Up European Plan 11.00 and Up Finest Cafe in Northwest DULUTH, MINN HOTEL WHITMAN UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT A Home for the Traveling Men Strictly first Class. American Plan Electric lighted. Steam heated. Oood Sample Rooms in Connection. J. C. BROWN, Manager. COLFAX. WASHINGTON a JsallaraittrrfrHBaaaaaaaaB 4 iSmwmWWm auTsiaaaaaaaaaa. aaSS at I PrtfRsiaaaaaaaaW saaaasisKun EiRJIaaaaaaaaaaal IsaaaaaaaaaJT"BlBsamaJ MssaasaaaaaVjf ' ' JP VaaaaaaaaaHHLVKaaaalGBaaaBaBaaaaaaaaaaaMaaBaMy if VSsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiaaWl v V'.i '..', ,v saaaaaaaaaaaaSt P'" mmaaaam a 'M"vi- , HH vl, Jr 'j-3wy Hailing Seed Corn. Tho best way of raising corn for seed, ns followed In tho West, says C. W. Morrill In Trl-Stnto Fanner, Is to prepare a scetl bed or testing ground of from ono to two acres far removed from other fields. To begin with, no ear should bo used which Is Imperfect from which to select grains for tho seed crop, selecting such type of corn that you wish to grow, the work of selection should bo followed year after year, selecting tho best cars that show an Improvement over previous years. Any plant that Is deficient In any re quirement should not be allowed to de velop a tassol, nud especially a barren stalk. As to corn feeding, tho seed plots should not suffer for want of plant food. From field experiments with fer tilizers on corn In tho West last year, on noils of average fertility, a higher per cent of potash than ordinary fer tilizer contains gave remnrkablo re sults and would undoubtedly give sim ilar results on tho nverngo lands of Georgia. In Georgia last year wcro used more fertilizers with corn thnn wns over used In years before, and with proper fertilizers and more nttontlon to the selection of seed, and Intensive culture, there Is no doubt or reason why tho Average yield of well-bred corn should not bo Increased In tho South, and especially Georgia. Storlaar Winter. Apple. Many growers must bo reminded of tho Importance of getting fruit to stor ago ns promptly as possible after pick ing. Tho United States Department of Agriculture has demonstrated that fruit deteriorates more in a few days between the time of leaving tho trees and the time It reaches storago than It does In as many mouths of storage at a low temperature. It was formerly thought necessary to put apples In piles In the orchard, to "sweat," but this has been shown to have been a mistake. Don't do this: but, on the contrary, send your apples to storage at once, In refrigerator cars, If tha weather Is warm and the dis tance Is great Many of the best ap plo handlers want their fruit In storage before night of the day It la picked. If at all possible, and there Is no doubt that they are right In regard to this. Western Fruit Grower. Influence of Deaoralnar. Fourteen cows wero subjected to tho tuberculin test by the Wisconsin Sta tion and then dehorned. The milk of these cows, as regards yield and com position, was compared with the milk of cows dehorned but not tuberculin tested, of cows tuberculin tested but not dehorned, and of cows neither do horned nor tuberculin tested. Tho re sult showed on an average a decreaso of about 8 per cent In the yield of milk for the first few days after de horning, but a loss of only about 2 per cent In the yield of butter fat. De horning, therefore. Increased the fat content of the milk .027 per cent These results are noted as being in accord with the results of Investigations at other experiment stations which nro cited. The tuberculin test was appar ently without effect upon milk secre tion. Caavemlcat aad Cheap,. This feed trough, recently Illustrated In Reliable Poultry Journal, !s substan- FOWL JTUCD TBOUOII, tlal, cheap and easy to construct. The length Is forty Inches and It Is sufficient for twenty bens. Keeping- Apple. Burying them in the ground proves successful when other methods fall, provided every upplo Is sound und free from blemish when harvested. Tho reason Is that temperature In tho ground or mound In which the apples are kept varies but little, anl they are always cool. The same results will be obtained If a cold and even tempera ture can be secured In a cellar. Wisterias Sheep. It Is true of all poor stock that It Is never profitable, and It Is especially true of sheep. Weed out closely. Tho most Important point In successful win ter management of the flock Is to begin with strong and healthy animals. Sheep need not be cared for In a different manner from most other farm stock, but there Is more wisdom than luck In keeping them In good condition through the winter. ' JCTXjOOkJjJfaBcai SBBaBKLsVaTaSBBBa " Record Prlee for Lama. Tho following from Orange Judd Fanner shows what profits some men undertake to make farming: Ten acres of farm land in Christian County, Illinois, sold for $5,000 n few days ago, or $500 an acre. True, the land lies just outside the city limits of tlio county seat, but It Is not to bo cut Into city lots. It will bo used for raising fruit and vegetables. In other words, tho purchaser, W. O. Simpson, expects to mako tho Interest on his ?500 lnnd, nnd considerable profit be side. This shows what careful, intelligent farming and gardening will do. If Mr. Simpson can make money on his high priced lnnd, need his neighbors on farms equally productive feel discour aged? Wo In this country must prac tice Intensive agriculture. Thcro Is abundant ovldcnce thnt this will pay. Sheep-Shearlng Machine. Shocp-slicarIng machines arc a great Improvement over hand work both In cleanliness of clipping and In the time required for each animal. It requires somo skill to keep clippers sharp. Upon this much of tho success and ease with which these machines are handled de pends. It Is necessary to know how to handle a sheep while clipping It A man who has had considerable ex perience In shearing sheep by hand will understand this part of the work and can usually handle a machlno clip per with grcnt ease. One man and a boy with n machine can hnndlc about twice as many sheep In a day as Is cus tomary when they are hand-sheared. Every purchaser of a sheep-shearing machine should get a good sharpener with It Hand? Hoot Waaher. A handy root washer can bo had by making a slatted cylinder with hinged top and hanging In trough. Cylinder OOOD BOOT WABIIKB. can bo made any size, but one that holds one and one-half bushels Is bet ter than one made larger. Fill with parsnips or other roots, hook down cover and turn slowly a mlnuto or two. Lift from the water and empty. Car for Hoar Cholera. After many years of experimenting for the cure of hog cholera the De partment of Agriculture has worked out a method which gives promise of being an offoctlvo remedy. Tho meth od consists In tho injection of scrum from the blood of an Immune hog, after tho Immune has been treated similarly with tho serum from hogs affected with tho disease. Dr. Marlon Dorset, of the Huronu of Animal Industry, who tins worked out tho process, bus had It patented In thu mime of the department and given tho Invention without price to tho coun try. In this way tho possibility of any ono monopolizing the new treatment will be avoided. It Is estimated that the money loss from hog cholera reaches 115,000,000 annually. Reat Crop for Pisa. In the spring aud summer, rye and clover are used for pastures until tho pigs weigh about elghty-tlve to 100 pounds. Then barley Is added until somo early variety of flint or sweet corn Is ready. Only a small field of this last Is necessary, or an amount sufficient to carry the pigs until the field corn Is denting. Then the pigs are turned in small areas of the field corn at a time, until they nro fat IJy fencing In and using these crops In this order the cost of growing pigs Is re duced to n very low figure. We know of several farmers who are following this practice and are highly pleased with It afr Corn Shredder. As the corn shredder has killed snd maimed a great many people, the 1k low suggestion for reducing the danger of using them will be welcomed, A man who runs one of them says: "To unchoke shredders with safety to the feeder, take a croquet ball and saw It in halves. Then bore a bole In the cen ter of the flat side of one of these parts, through to the center of the oval side. Then Insert the end of a broom bundle In the bole, beginning at the flat sldo. Fasten this with a wedge or nail. Keep this tool In a convenient place, nnd when the machine clogt stir up the fodder with the ball end and all Is right again. Try It." Feeding; Value of Grain, The fattening value of grain depend largely utwn the free oil or fat con tained lu them, with their sugar, Htnrch, etc. Ono per cent of all Is con sidered equal to more than If per cent of sugar and starch. At theso esti mates (J!) pounds of corn equals 78 pounds of barley, but the barley Is richer In albuminoids, and Is, therefore, inoro valuable than com for the devel opment of flesh. Fixed Wiici ea Farm. Fixed wages for a "day's work" Is not the proper mode of contracting. There Is ss much difference In a day's work between individuals as In the value of the products of the farm. Nor can any method be devised for deter mining the value of a day's work on a farm until the labor has been perform ed. Wherever work can be done by the piece It should be the rule, though this cannot well be the case on a fans. fffBwr T"' ,"T i ft T" LEADING HOTELS THE ESMOND HOTEL OSCAIl ANDERSON Manager Ra)ei: Eurotan Plan 60c, 75c, $1.00, 11.50, $4.00 per da Free Dm to and Irom all Tralni Front and Morrison Btretti PORTLAND OREGON r DULUTH MINN. HENRY FOLZ Leading grocery and mar ket. Wo servo tho travoling public at rcasonnblo prices. 114 and 110 West Superior street. DULUTH, MINN. P GREAT FALLS Cloths Man, Woman, lJoy in Modern Up-to-Dato Fashionable Clothing at Popular Prices. Visit Often the Popular Priced Store for Men and Women. Great Palls, Montana. K. A.RKIt'llEt, Prculdent. W, I-. HKNOIIUHCII. Vic Treildent. II. W. UKUNWALDT, (fee. A Trial THE AMERICAN BREWING & MALTING COMPANY lrevrrs and Bottlers of extra minllly lager beer. "American Family" bottled beer a specialty. Office: 109 Central Avenue. V. 0. 15ir 80. Q reat Falls, Montana. r .IDAHO ADVERTISING ! Thoi. lllytb, Pre l.jrman Karso, Vlre Pre The Blyth & Fargo Co. ' T'oatllo, Idaho General Merchandise BTOItKH AT Evanston, Wyo. Pocatello, Idaho BANKOFNAMPA,Ltd. CAPITAL STOCK $50,000.00 rilatltihed lfcW. Dcwcjr Palaos Hotel Md'g. ntKD O. MOCK. Prcildont P. J. CON HOY, Vlea-Preildent C. It. IIICKKV, Cannier PKANK JENK1NBON, Au't Caihlar NAMPA, IDAHO J. A. Murray, I'retUcnt. O. W. StinJrod, Vice Proliant Wm. A. Anthei, Caihltr I.N. Anthti, AiM.Caihlti THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of T'ocMtvllo, IdMho. POCATGLLO, IDAHO TUTTLE MERCANTILE CO., LTD. Wholesale Grocers OOODWIN MININO CANDLES Judson Powder, Fuse and Caps AOKNTB YOU TIIK CELBBRATED OLYMPIA BEER Nnmpo, Idaho V, W, Church Karle C. Whit ,C. C. ChlUon CHURCH & WHITE CO. Real Estate And Insurance Pocatello ' Idaho CATE Phone Main 2311 CON H1LGERS 381 rr. 17th st Portland, Oregon Phono Hood 677 THE OLDHOME V. P. HKK1IAN, Prop. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars Cor. Fcentcenih and Nortlmi BU. Portland, Oregon A. CORRIGAN Barton, Or., Clackamas River Best Fishing and Hunting' Grounds in the Northwest LOUIS SCHUMACHER FURRIER Furs Itemorieli'rt Into 'l.atrft Hlc. Uoris, S oIch, 1 lft, for lus tlmn nt any other plnrc. 185 Madison Street W. R. William At Cleveland FASHION STABLES Hacks, Livery, Boarding Twentieth and Washington Sts. "West End Exposition Bide Phone Main 4.'. PORTLAND, OREGON OUR WORK IS BUT ONt GRADC-THE BEST Wi mik a tptclillr of Unndolnf Lace Corttlat CRESCENT LAUNDRY CO. S49 Morrison Street. Wo aiipidy the llntchcr tmdo with nlrc.rlcan npron. liy tiny ymir nnronii and then ay to limn tln-iit lautiiluri'd wlicli u will mimily Ihcin for Jimt what II rimln joti now tu have mom innnnoivii, unr naion win rnu. V. J. (lardncr. Phone Main luoo f. (lardner GARDNER BROS. Manufacturers of tho , Silk Tie Cigars UNION MADE 20 Hidlton Street PORTLAND, OREGON WEEKS GRANITE CO. For First Class Work and LOWEST PRICES in Portland " ' Cor. fourth and Columbia Streets One Block South of City Hal DRUGS, STATIONERY IMPORTED & DOMESTIC PERFUMES Pit'srrlpllonH, Family IlurltcH. Phono your ordoiH Fast 5100. W. C. CHURCH, Pharmacist ' . 677 WUUams Ave., Cor. Fargo NATIONAL WINE CO: Pure Wine & Liquors WE SELL DIRECT TO THE FAMILIES Fifth and SUrk Streets Phone Main 6499 PORTLAND,, ORE. Rupert's Pharmacy PHONC MAIN 6421 Svcrythiug Now, FroHh 'and Up t To-Dato, Wh Holielt your trade. 1'urity pru-ominent. I'liin Drugs' an Important matter. PteKcriptionn'1 preclsoly prepared. Wejnevor nub stltuto. Perfumes of llio highest character. Wo want your confidence 460 Jefferson St. Corner Thirteenth Si, Pnrllnnrl fir Opp. Uulllvant'a Grocery i OrUunu, Ur. i Portland Fluff Rug Go. Transforming ol Worn Brussels andlngraln Carpets Into Rugs Pronpt Attention and Good Service 6uarant.ee. Phone 3052 780 Washington St., Portland, Oregon Furniture tQualily We sell Quality goods Fur niture that is made from Natural Wood, that will give satisfaction under hard wear. The same will hold good of our carpets and stoves. That's theikind we Jkll .eeeeeeee COVEN FURNITURE GO. . 184-186 FIRST All thellCredit You Want J i t '