THE' NITW AGB, PORTLAND, ORBGON ASMaUllBUCU 4VW viiu """"B1" Offlcc, noom 317, Commonwealth Building To Insure .publication all local newi rauit raach ui not lam than ThUMdajr. morning ol Mb WMk.'' Rubicriptlon price, one yar, payable In ad Tenee, IH)0. PORTLAND LOCALS I Mrs. J. N. Fullllovo Is slightly lndls posed. Tho baby son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E Hill Is qulto 111. Mrs. Dora Newman has been Buffer ing for tho paBt week with Bevero throat troubles. Mrs. K. King who has been Buffer ing from a Bpralncd anklo Is ablo to bo around tho house. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. Waters lately of Red Bluff, Cal., are stopping with Mrs. Hattlo Smith of Ankcny street. Tho mombors of Mt. Olivet Bnntlst will glvo an entertainment nnd bazaar nt their church beginning next Tucs- evening. Do not forget tho old fashioned ex perience meeting given by H. of It No. 844 Tuesday, Fob. 12. Bo Buro and secure a ticket and be there. Tho ncwB has been received of "' mnrrlarco In Tacomn, Wash., of Mra. Ida Stanton of North Yakima nnd Mr. Chas. Robinson formerly of this cltr An onloynblo whlBt party was given nt tho resldonco of Mr. Mnnloy, 393 Front street. Stops were- taken to form a whist club by tho dovotcos of tho gamo. TIs strange how llttlo of thin sort of weather wo havo been having tho nasr wnok Is needed to convert Btrnng- ors Into genulno webfect and set them to praying for tho gontio uows 10 ngain descend. Mf fiirnnr vhn him honn In tho fTTl- nlnv nf thn Warren Construction Co., as foreman for sovcral years lost lilr oldest son on Wednesday morning art cr a brief Illness. Tho funeral took placo Friday at 2 p. m. from tho Hap tlst church. Intorment at Lono Fir. Wo havo no prcjudlco to (he local lodge and havo not a knowledge of It mifllclpnt to pass upon It ono way or tho other. Wo will say with all frank no8s that thcro aro among the mem bership somo very respectablo gentle men and so far as wo know descrvo tho support of all. Tho Now Ago has expressed no opinion pro or con rolatlvo to tho col ored Iodgo of Elks recently organized !U IOUKO OI IMKO rucvillljr UlftUUIlV-.l . in rurwiuiu. imru iiiiuiiruu, uuni-vm a news Item from our Chicago corrc pondent last wook, which sot forth I tho fact that a commltteo of prominent citizens of Chicago had looked Into n.-i1- I mi. . ... a. .1 .. am tho legal status of tho order and had reported advorsely. SENATOR FORAKER. Eye of Country Are Now Upon Ohio Leader. Life of the M.n Who I. Flflhtlnfl for Justice for 8oldlers. JoRcph Dcnson Forakor. republican, of Cincinnati, was born July 5, 1846, against Mrs. Alberta M. Smith, who on a farm near Ralnsboro, Highland In a Probation Officer In tho Juvenllo county, Ohio; enlisted July 14. 18C2, as Court of Chicago. Charges will soon a prlvato In Company A. 89th regl- be niod against hor beforo tho civil ment. Ohio Volunteer Infantry, with servlco commission asking her Immed which organization ho sorvrd until tho Into discharge for sho Is regarded as closo of tho war, at which tlmo ho held wholly Incompetent and unfit for tho tho rank of first lieutenant and brevet position. Moro will bo said about her cnptaln; was graduated from Cornoll In the future. University, Ithnca, N. Y July 1, 1869; I , w , , . .... . wns admitted to Iho bar and entered I, Mr. and Mrs. McFarland of 46C2 Dut upon tho practlco of law at Cincinnati. Jor street gavo a Now Years dinner O.. October 14, 1869; was elected to a number of their friends. Among Judge of tho Superior Court of Clncln- V.10?0 who wore present was Mr. T. D. natl In April 1879; resigned on account Mc.F,ar' Mr .Jn ? Jones, Mrs. of 111 health May 1, 1882; was tho re- IUlo McFarland, Mr. Adam M, , Deck publican candidate for governor of y Miss LuclleMcFarland, Mrs. F. Ohio In 1883, but was defeated; was Long. Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Alexander 'elected to that offlco In 1885, and re- Tnylor. Ms Madallno McFarland, Mr. elected In 1888; was again nominated Frank Lonar. w. ohrv, !5d.hiCJlt.fhiinl.n- l?2ti 0ver thlrtynvo men who aro mem- . 'vJh. f n! rZ'bifiCBn it "ers of tho Masonic Fraternity that im eBni ?5m fnH hl A?Ln l A80' has for years been connected with trnl nhin ?dna0HnLCRi tnalnr ' tho lodges that Is under tho ont n nf m! s' irT loofi Jurisdiction of tho spurious Grand 3 ? I'qni. w.' n?;Jn t t& Igo of Illinois that Richard E. nhin SSJLtinA Ziul hi2L ? Mor " the Qrand Secretary, with. Ohio delegation In tho conventions of jM ,. . ,i,i,moi ,i. i88.l "d "?L niP.rv.efetll 1? Lh John" German noSnTtion for the of theno conventions the name of Hon. i-T imp :-Y-- -fc-V;.; V?f and 189C served as chairman of tho I'umiiuiii'u uii ruBuiuuuuo, nnu as duuu reported tho platform each time to the ronvrntlon; presented tho name of William McKlnley to tho conventions of 1896 and 1900 for nomination to tho presidency; was elected United States senator January 15. 1896. to succeed Calvin 8. Brlce. and took his seat March 4. 1897; was re-elected Jan- unrv 15 1902. tn succeed himself. His commltteo on resolutions, and as such term of service will expire March 3, 1909. Foraker on Disfranchisement. Neither la It a time to show Indiffer ence to tho wrong tho democratic is commit todays the party Southern rn states against the blnck man. whom It is robbing of his suffrage un der the forms of Constitutional amend ments and legal enactments that are In il1atf-tn 9 ihA pAnaHriiHnn rt li A United States. This Is worse. If pos- slble, than tho inhuman lyncblngs of which we read almost dally, because it is without provocation, and is a blow HIU1CU UUIU HI lilB WUU .MV Wf - ment of a nation. Constituted authority must And a way to suppress these wrongs or the government will deserve to lose the Ritnport of a race that has shed its VIaaJ . flaw In .v.rv war tinnn almost every field where it has waved. Rnvo nerni. irniianr mpn were thev who. side by side with their white ments. Monuments, Htatues, Busts, comrades, have borne our flag to vie- Tombstones. Postal orders promptly tory in all our wars. They helped us attended to. Fculptnre work spe to co"nuer our Independence, to form cialty, Office and Studio. Union Ave., our Union, to preserve our nationm life, to carry life, to carry liberty and 'freedom to Cuba, and to plant our ban ner In victory on the Islands of tho seas. They arc entitled to. the protec- . tlon of tho government for which they Jost Bros. Salon, 340 'Williams v so bravely fought. It is an Inexpreas- nue, fine wines, liquors and cigar, lblo shame that such protection Is do- Family trade a specialty nlrd. As they havo shared our labors . " and perils bo muBt they share our ro-' C. Anderson, staple and fancy gro wards. In what way their rights will cerles, Twenty-first and Thurman better bo secured Is an unsolved prob- streets. 'Phono Hood 67. Fresh lem, but until they aro fully protected roasted coffee a specialty. and democratic persecutions and de nials of constitutional rights havo ceased there will not bo any restora tion of tho democratic party- to power. I l TACOMA NOTES Tho ball that was given by tho K. of P; New Years eve, was a Buccess. Mrs. N. B. Simon entertained a few ladles at her homo last Monday at luncheon. Mrs. Estclla Olbson entertained New Years day Miss Myrtle Hall and Mrs. Virginia Shaw. Mr. John Davis of Portland, who has been In our city visiting for a few weeks expects to leavo soon for his Miss Virginia Wlnslow and Mr. H. Bhfw, both of this city, were quietly married at her homo 1010 North Stccio street, last Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Moody and their niece Blanche Taylor and Miss Pratt of this city loft Monday for California on their way to Dayton, Ohio. Mrs. RoBctta Robertson of this city died nt her rcBldenco Saturday night. Sho was burled from MIHIngcr's Chapel. She loaves a daughter, Mrs. Dora Johnson. Miss Worthn Ooldsburg, Dasslo Law horn and Lucllo Anderson gavo a ,..., i ' i ... ..,,, , ,nvitiUi nn,, f,'v Bnn, - joyful cvonlng. Tho Emancipation Proclamation which was given Now Year's night nt Parker's hall was a success, tho col ored nnd whlto people turned out nlco- ly, Th program was at 7:30 o'clock, after which tho young folks took the .nan ror mo real or mo ovoning. J 1 OUR CHICAGO I.FTTFB I I Chicago, Jan. 2, 1007. Mr. William Pflky of 4038 State St., Is very sick and not expected to' ltvo Tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hockloy Smiley died at their residence Friday ovcnlng. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Aloxandcr gave a luncheon to & number of their friends last week. Lawyer W. W. Johnson has return ed from & visit to his father and mother at New Haven, Pa. Tho colored pcoplo In Chicago aro ,bi , ,, fPhnv nnw um "!& VtU ui Vfkft ve aw mw tt w 3 fjOO 000 worth of DTODOrty 3'000'000 wortn or vrowny. Chicago has now forty-thrco colored lawyers, and forty-six colored doctors and thlrty-flvo colored churches. Mrs. William Emanuol wnn at homo to her .many friends Now Year's day botwocn tho hours of 2 and 10 p. m. Thoso present had a delightful tlmo. Mr. Kouston, of Washington, D. C, and Grand Master of tho Grand United Order of Odd Fellows of tho United tntna nina In t li a siltaa Inai ttfAll ntlll Vho Ruest of" tho llbnorabk I K..H. Morris, 2712 Dearborn street. Much complaint is bolng mado tho subordinate lodges that aro under JSfSr K mTo of Illinois, of wl.ti John G. Jones la .-' Master. ... ., . ,. , I, Christmas candles to ault the most fastldlous.-Oeo. Hockenyos. .... I Bed Front Shoo Store, J. P. John, son. Proprietor. Fine dress shoes; worklngmen's and loggers' shoes at 13.00. 13.50, $4.00 and $5.00 per pair, RenalrlnK neatly done. 85 North Sixth street, between Everett and Flanders, next aoor to mo union nouo, run land, Oregon. Phone Main 4062. Dvelne and cleaning of all kinds of Udfe ?A. !2L. tt? bu" . iV-o -iirininB and ctuai iu Aien, .www w. -- . bankets Clfnea uy uewr prutcooj i .o AoA In ill hnnrH. UlUUIIllllfi siwsuin uvu ... .- ..-...-.. All work done at very moderate prices. 104 North Third street : reaiai n K.IITCCUIC Sr Qt jLIIKL rilONE EA8T 3073 SCULPTORS AND CARVERS In Marble, Stone, Granite and Wood Architectural. Plaster and Staff Orna cor. Irving, Portland, Oregon Our stock 1b complete trial. Geo. Hockenyos. Olvc us a WILLIAMS & SWANK STAPLE & PANCY GROCERIES frcth fruit and Vctatablci, Teat and Coffees I Tctcpliono Eaat lGOi 231 Larabeo Street l'OKTLANI), OUEGON HALL PHARMACY CO. Telephone East 873 Union Avenue and Tillamook Street PORTLAND ' OREGON ROBERT A. PRESTON PRESCRIPTION DRUOaiST Cor. 23d and Thurman 8U. 1'fcone Main 1010 Portland; orbqon SCHWIND & BAUER Shoe Repairing Machine and I Intnl. Only (loodvcar Machine In Our City. Bhoea made to Order. Blioen Called for nnd Delivered. Telephone raclflCKM. 209 Yamhill Street roitTI.ANI). OHEOON The Portland Hat Works Manufacturer of PINE SOFT AND STIPF HATS Halt rtjrcd, Cleaned and Mocked. Our spe cialty: Panama Cleaned anil illuachcd. 349U Alder HI., bet. Hceond and Third, llranch: 4 WathliiKloti 8t. Portland. Or. The Yale Market & Grocery XU..K.8TOCKI.KK, Proprietor Staple and Fancy Groceries . TEAS AND COFfEES A SPECIALTY 1'hone Kait MM WJOrand Avc.Bouth I'OItTLAND.OHKOON M. E. PUGH Fancy & Staple Groceries Phone East 440 447 Union Avenue, North PORTLAND OREGON C H. COBB Kitlmatci Olven on All Clainei of Plumbing and Heating Work l'hono Rait 3337 Heildcneo Katt SptO 247 HoMey Ave. PORTLAND, ORE ARTHUR UVY rtrUhcr and Hatter "HB MAKB8 SHIRTS" 4M Waahlnfton St., Oppoilte Helllg'i Theater PORTLAND, OREGON 1'HO.VK MAIN 1893 Martin-Marks Coffee Co. HIGH GRADE COFFEES TEAS, ETC. The excellence of Monte Crlsto Java and Mocha CollVo stands in high favor. 252 Third Street PORTLAND, OREGON Frederick A. Kribs Correspondence Solicited 328-330 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE VANCOUVER NATIONAL BANK Vancouver, Wash. Leading Financial Institution in Southwestern Washington CAPITAL, 950,000 SURPLUS, S50.000 ASSETS, $1,000,000 LEVI ANKENY, J'reMdentj K. G. CKAWPOHI), Vlcu I'reildent; W. l CONN AWAY, Caahler . , . . DIKKCTOIIH Levi Ankeny, Harry Laild Corttctt, W. 1'. Crawford. K. O. Crawford, W. W. McCrodlo THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD Office, TORONTO, CANADA Statement at Close of Business, 30th November, 1906 (Condensed) Wlllon. nea, ,en,er... '"k ' " '' auiiehiie of other .Mi.wii.uviii, .uuiiii:iji, ruifHMx Him mnvr uonu ;-c'" """K'ni.-riiiuciii nerurny iiircirciimiiou '"" "X neiu-nw Due by aKcnek' In the United Klnjolnm and elicit Call and khurt loan on utocka and boiidn Loani and dlnrounti ., Mortgage! and real eitate.... Kank premUe.,, , uiner aeu .....,..,,. .................... MAMMTIES Capital paid up. Rest ttfft ; Undivided profit Denoiltf Notes In rlrcuUtlon UIIIMtllMMII Due to other baukt and agencies (ft unpaiu uivjueiHU : , ,. Dividend No. 79, payable December 1st a t B. Portland Branch, Cor. Second and J. A. EASTES Staple & Fancy Groceries Choice Teas, Coffees & Spices Dry Goods and Notions ALL THE LEADING BRANDS OF FLOUR GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY 432, 434, 436, Union Avenue North Corner or Tillamook St. Phone East 660 E. B. COLWELL Whotcsalo and retail GROCER PHONE MAIN 403 281, 283 and 285 Third St. CORNER JCrrtRSON PORTLAND, OREGON PICTURES FKAHED niRitrruRE repaired PHONE EAST 354 RES. PHONE EAST 2312 H. C. SCHR0EDER The Alblna HOUSE FURNISHER HOUSES FURNISHED COMPLETE CASH OR INSTALLMENTS UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING 244, 246, 248 Russell St., PORTLAND THE AVENUE CLUB AND The Avenue Oyster House 1'. V. UAM., l'roi. Fresh OyMcru open dally. Tint), quart, gal loin. Delivered any place. Tht Dot of Wine, Liquors and Cliara Tho best of Meals, Pith, Oysters and dame. Open Day and Night 663 Williams Avonuo Ml Wllllami Avcmio l'hono Katt 4019 rOKTLANI) OHKQON K8TAI1MH1IED MM Multnomah Trunk & Bag COMPANY Manufacturer ol TRUNKS MIT CUES STRAPS TELESCOPES UCS Mail Orders Promptly Meidd To , Telephone East 24 121.131 E. Water St. PORTLAND, ORE THE HOUSE THAT GIVES TOU A SQUARE DEAL A.ll. ZKI.LAU N. I.. MUKM.KIl Zellar & Mueller FURNITURE A FuH Line of Stoves & Ranges SEE US, WE HAVE WHAT VOU WANT Phone East 4457 535 Williams Ave, Portland, Ore Centennial Market & Grocery J. J. BLUM Ileadqunrtors for " 600D THINGS TO EAT " Groceriis, Meats, Fish, Poultry ALWAYS THE BEST School Supplies, Shoes, Gloves, Notions l'hono Main 2791 522-524 N. Twenty-fourth Street Dealer in WishlngtoH, Idaho & Oregon TIMBER & MINERAL LANDS Portland. Oregon f 9,07fl,IM01 4!l,Wt07 .. .. CJULVjCjJ ifl.l'MM) .. .. 2,VMfM.VJ Jfil&a.UH banki ani iiucaa,,, ,,,,,,,. here. .. $ .. I 3.',l07,lvJ.10 ... I 79.123.0l0.fj2 1W.W).77 UA1f MM. MUU.OO ii,virti s;,'j,'jh).'a "Wv .. 10,000,00,00 ... 5,0(fl .000.01) ...I n,va,Wtia . ,1WJ0I.M . i,cto,i.v;oi .VKJ.OI i , 4.V),OlJ0.OU tll315,jii)?Ji tlF'tMH E. WALKER, General Manager Stark Streets PORTLAND FUEL, COMPANY Succcasor to PIONEER, C. R. DAVIS and PHOENIX TUEL CO. PHONE EAST 26 , 287 E. MORRISON ST. COAL Rock Springs, Diamond, Richmond, Rotlyn, New Cas tle, New Cattle Nut, Franklin, Carbon Hill, Coke. WOOD 4-Foot Fir, 4-Foot Oak, 4-Foot Ash, Sawed Oak, Sawed Fir, Sawed Ask, Sawed Knots. Jiimnltiff Jark Manhattan Mltilnir Co. Strnv Doe Mnnhattnn Mlnlne Co. judinn inmp .mbiiiihurii .Mining in. As-YoU'Lllc-It Manhattan linliiK Furnace Creek South V.. ...". C. A. STOCKTON, Broker Nevada Gold and Copper Mines Phone Main 6144 Weekly Market Letter or Dally Market Quotations Fnrnlshcd on Application Frco of Cliargo fffBsBBWsMrTRWsWriiiin iffMffiy?iy BBBBBBBBBJpBBSMBcCjUil'v UjVM,aVKSa"H.SjLM ' fi C. 0. PICK TRANSFER & STORAGE COMPANY. Safes, Pianos, Furniture moved, stored or packed for shipping. Com nodlous brick warehouse, with separate iron rooms, Front and Clay. Express and Baggage hauled. Office Phone, 596; Stable, Black LOOK Before investing in Farms, Acreage, or any class of Real Estate, calland examine our list WE MAKE LOANS ON Portland Realty and Trust Company 106 Second Street Portland, kaaiLaAAAAAAi Conuriahted George J.Schaefer ink .SjiPamBjramBjramBjramBjramBjramBSjPJr i .bsssssssssssssssssVbIbsssssssssVL .BBSSSSSSSSSSTl WAKZa lU'" o" Jg BSSSSSSSSjT J Xr" ' 'l-- L jy ' assssssssWiMJsy mMk i-WJJ ez&Uw" k. J B Jim Mf Jfia H is J HHI 1 1 irmWiMwrtfi f- ws BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBFBBSr 'Mwtm 1 1 VSBT T If I li iTilTTTrMlt JSlBBBialSASHl pHflT wJ sf for f ISlrHnlMflli rEvwlB iim STRANGERS! TOURISTS! HOMESEEKERS! (Jo there, wberewlien tho tldn li out. "tho table li act," aud where the wealth ol a rlchea hai not j U-eu touched, OREGON'S COAST CITY Lott Ill Bcbaefci'a Addition, "CKNTIIAL," 1100 and upwards. GEO. J. SCHAEfER, Owner and Real Estate Agent 317 Chamber f Commerce Lou Dillon Goldflod Mining Co. Kaitle'a Nint Kslrvlow llnlne Co. '. ....iV ruirvicw iiaimionc .Mining in, Co. Hllvrr I'lrk Kxtennlon Mining Co. Kxtemlon Coier Co, 328 Lumber Exchange Portland, Oregon 1972 PORTLAND, OREGON APPROVED SECURITIES Oregon PORTLAND, OREGON a