Portland new age. (Portland, Or.) 1905-1907, January 12, 1907, Image 4

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    n srtttoiKWWat
T fjr$1tmam: j
piirtlatth Nw &$t
A. D. ORIRPIN. Mananer
facts about the alleged raco riot In aro nearly all on tho other side.
that city somo months ago. At least
this was their ostensible object, but
wo may bo Buro that while some of
theso men were Intent on ascertaining
mEZ?ttnmumaomm the exact and full truth, the colored
Office, Hooin 317, Commonwealth HulMIng
and extortionate rates not only on wat
ered stock but to help flU up his Wall
street coffers besides.
The people demand that this lcgls
One Year, payable In advance 92.00
Our Candidate for President
Of Ohio
That thcro was riotous conduct on'inturo shall tako some position and
the part of some men In Brownsville,' drastic action to bring tho Harrlman
people involved In that affair did not fT.' " Crta,n U Mt ,lncS Wlthln th'9 Btat Undcr Cnlro1'
uumuu. uno nmn was kiuku, anomer nnd to protect tho people from a coi
was wounded, houses wero fired Into, J tlnuatlon of this outrageous treatment,
nnd a portion of tho town was "shot 'as stated, tho railroad attorneys,
uij. rujiuit hub nuut in iuni mis agents and lobbyists will uso every
was done by soldiers of tho 25th In-'artlflco posslblo to prevent such lcgls
fontry, all colored men. Various wlt-jintlon or to spoil It In tho making, nnd
nesses substantiated this report nnd It Is posslblo that they may Buccecd,
tho president and his Investigating' for there nro always some "weak sis
subordinates accepted this testimony ters" In a legislature and some who
as true and conclusive, nnd because are praying that they may bo tempted
Complaints multiply about tho ser
vice of the street railway In Port
land, and tho people generally are
pretty well disgusted with It. Not
only aro thcro not cars enough but
frequently thcro Is not power enough
nnd pcoplo have to wait nn Indoflnlto
time on tho motionless cars or get out
nnd walk. It Is tho samo Inck of
power, wo Btipposc that onuses tho arc
lights and sometimes other lights to
go out frequently. Tho city pnys a big
prlco for lights, and somotlmes gets
them nnd sometimes doesn't. Tho
other evening when a man was mur
dered on tho Ford strcot bridge, tho
lights wero out a long tlmo nnd thugs
hail things their own way. It would
not bo surprising If tho holrs-nt-law
of tho murdered man could recover
damages from tho light compnny or
tho city. Tho pcoplo aro not to blamo
If tho company can't or won't get
powor to run their cars and light up
tho city. The company holds Itsolf
out as able to accommodate tho pub
lic nnd takes their money for protend
ing to do so, and then pleads that Its
powor Is short. This Is nn old excuso
nnd hns bocome too thin. Tho com
pnny has had plenty of tlmo to got
moro powor, but perhaps it doesn't
want to spond any money In that di
rection, acting on tho same policy that
causes It to pay Its carmen starvation
wages, that no good, responsible mnn
fit for Btich n position enn afford to
work for. While, tho Now Ago Baw
that tho Into abortive nttompt of tho
men to strlko wns englncored by n
few busybodles nnd mischief makers
nnd was doomed from tho start to fall
tiro, It believes thoro ought to bo n
real, united strike, If It could bo made
to succeed, thnt would stop every cnT
In tho city and kcop It from moving
until tho men woro paid decont, liv
ing wages, and a full complement of
capable in on woro omployod. As It Is,
tho compnny has discharged a lot of
Its men for venturing to Intlmato thnt
they would llko to got money enough
out of their long hours of hard work
to llvo on, nnd ho Ih short of mon, or
has put on somo Incompetent or enro
leas men, and In fact If ono gets n
chanco to rldo nnywhero near tho
tlmo ho wants to It Is scarcely safe to
do BO,
Tho servlco Is so regulnrly Irrcgu
lar that In ninny cases no dependence
whnt over can be plnccd on It. If a
man goes to a corner whoro a ear ho
wants Is duo In ono mlnuto he Is like
ly to hnvo to wait llvo, ten or fifteen
minutes, and this Is pretty sure to hn-
get any tho best of It In tho findings,
At the tlmo of tho occurrence, It will
bo remembered, It was said that
wicked, wanton, wretched nnd crimi
nal negroes wero solely or principally
to blamo or that the attacks upon
thorn wore justifiable or excusable be
causo of several alleged crimes that
had been perpetrated, or attempted to
bo perpetrated, by unknown parties,
therefore presumably negroes. One,
we believe, had looked through a win
dow Into a room In which was a young
white woman, a bad act, very likely,
but hardly sufficient to help set a mob
of supposedly civilized white men to
tho work of Indiscriminate murder and
arson, the victims being wholly Inno
cent people.
Tho result of this Inquiry, however,
Is a report from theso white business
men of Atlanta stating that tho rioting
nnd killing wore, due to tho acts of the
"tough element" among tho whites,
for In tho south, ns well ns In tho
north, there aro hoodlums nnd mali
cious, depraved follows among the
whites as well as among tho blacks,
and It Is almost Invariably tho whites
who, to avengo some single crime, or
roportcd crime, of a negro, start the
trouble and do most of tho mischief.
Tho Atlanta Investigation revealed
tho fact also that tho twclvo negroes
who woro klllod and tho 70 or moro
who wero wounded woro without ex
ception honest, Industrious, decent
pcoplo and good members of Boclety.
Thoro was not a slnglo vngrant, hood
lum, drunkard or desperado In tho
wholo lot. They woro humblo, useful,
Industrious, peaccablo citizen's, mind
ing their own business and doing no
wrong In that community. Tho men
or other adults supporting the fam
ilies, paying their debts and taxes, be
lieving In tho samo God as the whites
and thoorotlcally protected In equal
rights by tho same groat government.
Yet a dozon of theso inoffenslvo,
peaccablo citizens wero murderod by
a mob, somo 70 others woro wounded,
some of their homes and belongings
woro burned, nnd thoy nnd others llko
thorn wero obliged or felt Impollcd to
movo nwny from that city and seek
Homo other placo whoro tho right of
llfo, liberty nnd tho pursuit of happi
ness would perhaps not bo so awfully
outraged. j
Portland's most prominent business
men and Is universally esteemed by
Its citlzenB.
'Of course the courts decided against
Harrlman. ' Ho nover had any caso
against Kill, but ho couldn't resist the
temptation to bo as mean as possible.
No. 776 Williams Avenue
Fresh Bread and Cakes Daily
What a candidate for speaker or
president of the senate needs Is moro
chairmanships of important commit
tees to promise to his supporters.
none of tho colored soldiers would con
fess to tho crlmo or implicate others
ho discharged tho wholo battalion
from tho servlco "without honor." Tho
soldiers nnd their friends deny that
thoy aro tho guilty parties but say
that persons who wanted to rid
Drownsvlllo of the colored troops, and
who hated negroes In any capacity, se
cured some of tho soldiers' castoff uni
forms and committed tho crimes with
Intent to hnve tho very result that It
did, This may or may not bo bo. Tho
president says tho ovldonco wns sum
dent against tho troops, but ho may
bo mistaken. Any number of men
down south could be procured to
swear anything against a negro, whom
thoy regard as of no moro conse
quence and having no moro rights
thnn a lower animal. Evldenco could
hnvo bocn manufactured, and of
courso would hnvo been, if tho alleged
plot was formed.
Senator Forakcr bases his chief
argument in behalf of tho troops on
tho ground that tho president exceed
ed his authority in discharging these
men, but ho also donlcs that thcro
was ovldonco enough to convict them,
and other sonators and prominent men
agrco with htm in this. Dcsldos, if
theso men were guilty of several
crimes, Including murder, what wero
tho authorities of Drownsvlllo and tho
county doing? Why did thoy not ar
rest tho riotors, or mako strenuous of-
to their profit. Tho public Is so awak
ened on this subject, however, and the
demand for radical railroad legisla
tion Is so strong, Insistent and univer
sal, that the member who goes over
to the railroad will bo a hardy scoun
drel, requiring moro nerve than most
of the mombers possess.
It Is a high duty of this legislature,
besides attending to other business, to
limit the power, check the Insatiable
greed and rcgulato tho railroads with
in Oregon of this Wall street gour-
mond, who has bottled up this state
for his own uso nnd robbed its people
quite long enough.
In goes a domocrntlc governor for
four years more. Dut this was what
a great .many republicans wanted.
Grocery & Meat Market.
735 Williams Avenue
Phone Woodlawn 149 -
If thcro is anybody who Is satisfied
with the street car servlco In this
town ho hasn't mentioned It.
Nobody has been killed yet
week by a street car, but thoro
bo other victims beforo long.
Attorney General Crawford can al
ways bo relied upon for a sound, safe
It looks as if the larger tho police
forco the greater tho number of
Apparently no republican who would
llko to bo mayor wants to speak up
Phone Woodlawn 406 -
Williams Ave. & Fargo
Q.J. Kroner R. Hochull.
Chicago Market
Dealers In Frouli and Cured Meats. All Kinds
of Bauraires. 17 Third Street, near Yamhill.
I'hone Main 413, I'ortland, Oregon,
210 Third St., Portland, Oregon.
There are no signs of thoso worso
than worthless fenders being chnngod.
Looks llko a man running for speak
er would bo a good deal out of pocket.
Certainly a committee to considor
At tho recent city election at Snlcm tho Bcnntorshlp problem will be in or
Mr, ledgers, n very popular and nf- ,jeri
fablo gentleman wns elected mayor.
Mr. Ilodgors had previously at tho
election boon chosen as a member of
the state legislature and will servo in
tho dunl capacity this winter both as
mnyor and ropresontatlve. It Is sel
dom that It falls tb tho lot of any In
dividual to bo thus honored, and Mr.
Rodgors can well fcol proud of tho
high testimonial of hla worth, ability
nnd character given him by his follow
Salem Is taking on now llfo and tho
need of a wideawake, progressive and
intelligent man to lead in this work
Moore will bo treasurer no moro,
nnd nobody will steal from Steel,
Tho mayor appears to use no din-
crimination in his vetoes
Now tho old atato printing plant will
bo Dunlway with.
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Fruits, Confections, Cigars, Tobaccos and Fan
cy Coffees, Teas and Hplccs at Lowest Trices
417 Union Are. Freo Dcllrorr l'tiono East 440-
Dealer In
Stnpla nnd Pnnoy Grocer-lass
Vegetables, Fruits and Dairy Produce
Phone East 6M
U1 Williams Are. 1'OIITLAND, 0HK0.0K.
Dealer In
Staple and Fancy Groceries
and Provisions
184 N. FMtrtatk St, Cor. Utlmg
Is apparent. Mr. Rodgors as mayor,
forta to capturo them? This It BoomB js tho right man In tho right placo
was not dono, and tho inferenco island wo predict for him a highly sue
that tho authorities had attained their ccssful administration. In his Initial
object in tho dlschargo of tho soldiers, measago ho rccomtnonds many mens-
As Scnntor Forakor says, thoy woro u res and Improvements, chief among
charged with crimes that entitled which nro tho following: Tho creation
them to trial. In this country mon of a charter board to rovlso tho city
ovon In military circles nro not pun-charter and submit it to tho vote of
ished on mere accusations or expert the, pcoplo at an early dato; lowering
Tho now Btato officers will get busy
nozt week.
fond themselves.
It also Appears clear from the nr-
gumonta advanced by Senator Forakor
nnd othors that tho president exceeded
What would havo happened if tho n)B constitutional authority, especially
caso had boon rovorsed If a mob of jn tmo of poaco iIo discharged theso
ovldonco, and without a chanco to do- tho tax limit from 10 mills, as at pres
ent, to 3 Mi mills, nnd tho road tax from
116 to about G-10 mills, to cquallzo tho
rato of levy under tho now system of
full rate of assessment; economy in
hundreds or thousands of negroos hnd
thus murdered, wounded nnd driven
from tholr homes a lot of Inoffenslvo
whlto people? What a terrific howl
would havo gono up for not only Jus
tlco but vengennco throughout tho
south, Dut becauso thoBo dead,
wounucd ana homeless pooplo wero
only "niggers," tho nffnlr wns passed
ovor with but brief comments, the
mnttor was hushed up as much as pos
slblo, nobody was punished, and tho
bravo and puissant president, who
could dlschargo wholo companies of
colored troops for not answorlng to
suit him said not n word and did not
do n thing to uphold tho constitution
and laws and tho rights of these cltl-
Hon If ho Is In a hurry or tho rnln Is.0"8'
pouring down. Tho nolso of tho np
paratua used Is enough to wrock a
strong mnn'B uorves, nnd while tho
car muy go Jerking along llko n frog
Jumping, It mny tnko a spurt nnd run
a wnys at about 40 miles an hour, re
gardless of nnybody thut wants to get
nbonrd or nnybody thnt may bo In the mennor of a
way on tho street. And of course, among whlto
Tho recent affair In Mississippi was
of a good deal tho snmo chnrnctor, as
mentioned Inst week, nnd so nro
others characterized as "rnco riots"
engendored by negroes. Tho fact Is
that advantago Is taken on frequent
opportunities of somo crlmo or mlsdo-
black man to organize
mon "without honor" as Individuals,
nnd without trial, and everyone of
them, though but fow If any had any
part In tho crlmo, Is branded as being
n participant In It or ah accessory to
it. It Is no wonder that colored citi
zens gonernlly for thoy are citizens
nnd very many prominent whlto pco
plo too, regnrd this arbitrary act of
tho president ns a great injustice to
theso soldiers and to tho raco.
Evidently Mr. Davoy should kcop In
Next week they go at It.
tho construction of city bridges and
for Btreot Improvement; crcntlon of a
sinking fund; harmony and efficiency
In tho pollco department; making tho
office of chief of pollco appolntivo, In
stead of electlvo, nnl leaving tho
cholco of that officer's assistants to
himself; uniformed pollco forco and a
better system of accounting for tho
offices of recorder and treasurer.
A good placo to get your soft or stiff
hats renovated Is 249 Hi Alder street,
between Second and Third.
M. J. QUI Co., wholesnlo and retail
meat dealers, C12 Mississippi avenue,
Portland,- Oregon, Phono East C6G.
J. Wallgroon, dealer in staple and
fancy groceries. 634 Thurman streeL
Tolophono Pacific '911.
Always aak for lh feaaeua ftatra)
Arthur eifar. EaeerrOuMt CifM
, gtweral agenta. Portland, Or.
Alblna Club (Qcorgo Ross), choice
wines, liquors and cigars, 134 RusbcII
atreot, Portland, Oro. Phono East
The Anheuser, Henry M. Williams,
John's Mcnt JVIarlcert
J. I). MEnUKNB, Prop.
rreah Meats, Beef, Park, Mutton, Bcer
ana nam
Cerntd Deaf and PIckted Fork a Specialty
I'houe Main IfM
4IKX. tilth Street I'ORTLAND, OHEQ OH
T h U n I o n Most Co..
AllIMnlm Cars and First Class Hotels and
Restaurants buy the
Th Best In th Market. 1'atronlia Home In-t'7-
Dealer In
Staple and' .Fancy Groceries-
Cif an and Tobaccos, rrolu and Conicctlostry
as RusaeU SL Phone) East 4S
Dealers In
Staple and Fancy Groceries-
Phana East 982
SI 4 Mississippi Averwa
Pealer In
proprietor, 234 Morrison treot. corner. Staple 80. Fancy 6rOC6iiSt FfsltS, PfOdllCI'
Tho legislature will moct Monday,
and n session of moro Importance, per
haps, than any ono for many yenrs,
will begin. A great deal of important i
legislation will be proposed, nearly nil cret morales tried to throw him down
Mr. Frank Davoy seems pretty sure
to win tho speakership In splto of his
disappearance from vlow of tho poli
ticians for a few days, and tho unrea
sonable rumors created over It. IIo
ought to win, partly because a lot of
lukowarm friends or more or less sc-
hoodluins, miscreants,
tho protended or
n person Is run down, nro of no uso rascals, aided
of which will bo necessarily very
largo. Tho ono most Important mat
ter will bo laws regulating railroads,
or In somo manner scoklng to control
them so that they will not bo ablo to
treat tho pcoplo with impudent Inso
lence and oppress them in whatever
way thoy please, and theso measures
merely becauso ho chose to get out of
tho hubbub and rest up for two or
three days. Mr. Davey Is In all re
spects woll qualified for this position,
In fact he is cxceptlontlly woll quail
fled, and ho Is a man In
people havo confidence that ho will
give them a squaro deal. Ho has mado
a clean, open .manly fight for tho posl-
Second, Portland,
wain 2617.
Oro. Tolephont
will bo foneht bv the railroads In
alleged fenders, If hobos, thieves and various kinds of overy way that thoy can possibly de-i1,on' a"d tho New Aro hop8 aml be
llOVca JitJ will wiu li iiuxk cuuutiuy.
nnd nbctted by moro vise and when they go nftor a legls-
whatever, rather renders tho person's respectable negro-phoblsts, a mob bent lnturo thoy genornlly got it, and what
tlenth doubly certain. upon wholesale slaughter and wldo-. ever thoy want out of It.
Whnt enn bo dono by tho authori
ties, If anythllg, to coin pel tho com-
spread Intimidation of perfectly Inno- Fortunately whatever laws ore pro
cent nnd hnrmless colored people. And .posed or passed will only affect, ex-
pnny to establish ami mnlntnln n do-( this fact must bo taken Into constdera-.copt in a slight degree, tho Harrlman
cent, proper and sufficient sorvlco wo tlon before anyono can impartially and lines, for there is not much of other
do not know, but If anything It should Intelligently discuss "tho rnco prob-, lines In tho state and it Is tho Harrl
bo dono. Meanwhile all tho people lem" In tho south. If tho colored poo- man roads and not any other's that
-who aro not absolutely obliged to rldo plo were accorded their simple, plain. tho people are after. They havo no
-would better walk. It Is safer, pleas- rights under the law, and in tho mat- grievance, rather the friendliest sort
nnter, and in a great many cases tor of punishment of crlmo woro given of feeling for tho Hill linos In or near
tho samo treatment as a whlto man Oregon, and they havo nothing In par
proven guilty beforo being punished tlcular against tho A. & C. or C. & E.
nnd then punished legally there but, they havo a big account against
would bo no race war in tho south Harrlman, who has been bleeding th
A samplo of tho reports sent out
from Drownsvlllo and El Rono was tho
dispatch that there was a plot among
tho discharged soldiers of tho 25th In
fantry to kill all tho whlto officers.
Ryan ft John, dealers In choice gro
ceries, meat, fish and poultry, phone
Main 622, 61 North Park atreet, cop
ner Davis.
Everett Market, (E. L. Peck, Prop.),
Cholco Meats and Poultry, 413 Everett
Street, corner Tenth, Portland, Ore.
Phono Main 1540.
Try the Pacific Laundry Co. for
good work and oromnt service. Main
pfflco First and Arthur streets, Port-
ibuu, urc, icicpnone 049, '
John Schald, dealer In hardware, tin-
ware, sheet iron work, guttering,
spouting and roofing. General tannine
a specialty. 149 Russell atreet.
North 16th Street Market, A. Wur
tenberger, proprietor, choice poultry,
fresh and salt meats, nhone Ualn is&s
whom tho l30 North Sixteenth atreet, Portland,
Royal Market, Bair ft Werth propri
etors, fresh and cured meats, fish,
poultry and game. 439 Union avenue
north, corner Tillamook. Phone East
L. N. Nees, boot and shoemaker.
Fine repairing a specialty. Give him
a call whrn you need anything in
this line, 322V4 Williams av Portland,
Pkoac East 374 4M-4U E. lanuldc St..
Free delivary Phosa East 653
417 Union Ave. North Portland, Ore
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Phona tAST 3407.
proprietor. Oregon Phone
OIIO Mvnn- rVr...-l- .! J-l.
There was no basis for tho report, piand, Ore.
but It was originated to fit in with the
Staple h Fancy Groceries
Teas and Coffees a Specialty
492 WasMaiteR, Near 15th
The Oak Cafe. fihnlat tin nf' '
wines liquors and cigars P. W. Pick, Dfllir il Frll. ClTf, i SlOkld MUtS,
nronrlntnr. Oropnn Phnnn Pi., .. . ... -- ,
Hs, Bacon, Lara, savsagts, Etc.
Martin Marks Coffee Co.. 252 Third
.'testimony" against the soldiers .'Bt.St:T.top
Also Fish aii Class.
to create prejudice against them Crlsto Java and Mocha Coffee always "one Main l&a
nlAaoaa 14? vmi ma m .aJ .I.L i i .
throughout the country, Probably co, -jT'on getting Mont
"Teddy" believed It, however, and per- Crlsto Java and Mocha.
haps regretted that he had not hanged J Vu,can Coal "company, wholesale
or shot tho 300 soldiers. and retail dealers In house, steam and
BeTenteenth andSav!er8ts.
PaetlasW, Oregaet
I blacksmith coal. Foundry and smelter STAPLE AND FANCY
ni, mnv frtnn,i nf w o. MrPhor. 'coM. I'ugcl bound steam coal In car
w ....,, ... . ... -..- . ..
An Investigating committee of tho There are bad colored people there, of stato theso many years out of millions son werooverjoyed to learn that ho ar
business men of Atlanta has boon at course, but In nearly all these affrays of dollars and refusing to do anything rived safo and sound at Maratlan, Sera
work to discover, if possible, the real tho fault, the vlolonce, and tho crime to develop It, and charging excessive Madra. Mr. McPherson is one of goa
lots. $3.50 per ton and up. We handle
all tho best grades of domestic and
Dealer la
Ntttas aid FnH Free Delivery.
IS4 staMtll Street
Phone Ernst MM PHTUNI. ME&I