THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON v fi.' y w YEGEN BROS. SAVIINOS BAINK DIUUINOS, MONTANA Brunch Banks at Butte, Anaconda and Oardlnei IVatiHaot a Ootiurul Dnnklnll Buslnoiw I'ny intorcflt on Savings Accounts ami Tltno Ccrtillcates of Deposit. Wo start Savings Accounts wltli a doposit of ono dollar or more. SWIFT & COMPANY PREMIUM HAMS, BACON And All Fresh Cuts for Hotels MAIL ORDERS Til I III) AMD COLUMMA 'I'll ON K Main 13 BONNY & WATSON CO ( ftUCCKWOM TO ) BONNY &-STEWART ruNKiuL Dinrcioiis and kmiulmkim Lady Assistant Al- Catff Wash way in Attendance. iJmIIIIw VTslalU flAT HOOPS-IRON ORAW-LUOS MISSOULA MONT : 11. II.CIIANKY. l'roprlotor. A. A. HOWAItl), Manager, Florence Steam Laundry THE GOOD ONE ' KstaMlshod 1690. Telephone 113 Work Done On Short Notice 112-114 West Front St. MISSOULA, MONTANA THE GRAND PACIFIC SALOON AiIumouIu, Montana. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Draught Beer,Fine, 5c. Bottled Beer, 25c. a Quart. All trains Stop 15 Minutes. Opp. N. P. Depot. jnt9faJSa T aJ lialtfc .BaVaBaaLal aw aLaBBBW .SX Bk BBBMSL si BT ' BBrVW Pt FREIGHT RArEsS WLWm HOUSEHOLD GOODS H J "D FROM B WRITE US JfW "aaaaa Ji -v . V 'PPli ' WHawaamaaWaL ziiSiSsltaP-j JPf JRisk hmlM2aaamMaWmi&8mm'Jv i S-Jm MaaamSamaammSm 1 JUaHil i&SfflHR aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamm,nnrrZifttr-: -' -riflPw UHH laHflsBaaHaKi' MISSOULA MERCANTILE CO. MISSOULA, MONTANA THIS modern establishment with its immense and varied stocks merits the patronage of all. Whether it be something to wear, to eat, to furnish your house, or any thing else, you can get it here. We want every reader of The New Age within our territory to join the mighty ranks of pleased and prosper ous customers already dealing with us. REMEMBER OUR MOTTO "We Sell Everything arid Everything the Very Best." So. Omaha, Nebraska PROMPT ATTENTION I SEATTLE WASH When in Seattle visit HAINSOIN & CO'S BHDord Parlors The Finett in the Northwest 621-23 First Avenue SEATTLE WASHINGTON WATER TANKS Fir Spruom and Cedar Lumbar BoxShookm Cedar Shingle Grays Harbor Commercial Go Seattle, Wmmh. Just a Word About Rolls Utile Itoll and big Holla; plain Nolls ami fancy Itoll; (tolls (or breakfast; Itolli (or lunch; Knlls for supperall good sort of Kolli it row to perfect proportions at the reliable bakery moil eople In MWsoula know about TEVIS & CRAWSHAW GROCERS AND BAKERS f Hay, Grain, Flour, Fruits, Vegetables Confectionery, Etc., Etc. 131 Higgins Ave. Missoula, Montana aaaaSVtfWa W4rVA laffaMlvlsVT 111'" IB ? S JJk: & "How do you like your now Job, Billy?" Inquired tho periodical nml to bacco vendor of tho young man with tho dinner pall who bad just purchased two "stockyards zephyrs." "Tho Job nln't so worse," replied tho young man, stowing tho cigars careful ly In his vest pocket "I nln't klckln' specially on tho Job." "Poor pay?" "Well, the pay's about as good ns n feller could expect." "Don't you like tho boi8? They say he's n good man to work for." "Ho may bo nil right for them ns likes to work for him." said tho young man, discontentedly. "I nln't struck on him myself." "Whnt'a tho troublo with him?" "He's n llsh, that's all," said tho young mnn with tho dinner pnjl. "I've been worklrt' there for n month now an ho nln't Bjwko two words to me, 'cept whnt ho hnH to nbout tho work." "That nln't right," snld tho tobacco man, sympathetically. "Itc ought to he floclnble. There nln't no need of n fel ler puttln' on nlrs. lie might tnko half an hour unco In a while to set down an' talk over tho baseball situation." "I don't know its I want him to bo sociable," snld tho young man. "'S' far'a that's concerned, I've got friends o' my own. Hut what I mean Is ho don't seem to tnko no notice o' me." "Oho him n poke In tho ribs nn' toll him to chew up as ho goes by," ad vised tho tobacco merchant. "Throw n chunk o' slag nt him or drop n pig o' During the nineteenth century fifty two, new Islands roso from tho sea by volcanic action and sixteen disap peared. According to an expert In phrenology tho nverngo adult head has a circum ference of fully twenty-two Inches. Tho nverngo adult lint Is fully 0 fllr.e. The sizes of men's hrtts tiro 0ni and 0, generally. Tho profesHors of Scottish colleges generally wear 1 to S sixes. A new variety of cigarette has boon put up for sale In thu French govern ment tobacco shops. It Is guaranteed freo from nicotine. Oplnloim vary as to tho merits of the new weed. Many Inveternto smokers declaro that It con sists merely of ordinary tobacco boiled to got rid or tho nicotine. They ndd that with tho iwlson tho nroain hint also vanished. Tho peddlers with carts who suirply tho occupants of villas In tho environs of Paris with cherries and other fruits frequently carry for salo n few small turtles. They tiro purchased by tho Inhabitants of tho villas to bo placed in tholr gardens, where they aro be lieved to serve as very effective aids to tho gardener by preventing tho rav ages of tho Insects mid other small creatures which nro accustomed to do much dnmago to tho flower beds and borders. An electric lamp Inclosed In a pretty llttlo cage formed of fine metallic chain almost touching each other, nnd held rigid by metallic rings above and be low, Is the very lutest thing In Icthnl chambers. Its destined lctlm Is the mosquito, liy this Indention recently shown to tho savants of tho Inrls acad emy by M. Chaulln the Insect Is pleas antly attracted to Its An unseen alternating electric current pnsslug through tho chains kills It ns It endeav ors to Investigate tho nttrnctlve lumi nous object Inside. According to the Investigations, of Monsieur Seurnt nmeig tho I'nclllc Isl ands, thoro Is a slow elevation going on there, which, by lifting tho reefs grad ually above the wnves, preserves them from erosion nt tho top, nnd enables vegetation and certain nnltual forms of a terrestrial character to exist there. This Is quite In opposition to Darwin's Idea that tho atolls were formed by tho gradual submergence o.f Mimll Islands, that tho conil-IUhects built up encircling reefs as tho Mauds Monsieur Scnrat shows that the elevation of tho Islands Is n general phenomenon, but variable In amount, some Islands, like Aukena In the Gambler nrchljwlngo, rising rapidly, nnd other? very blowly. Ilotli tho flora and the fauna of the? Inlands aro confined to very few species nlthough seen from a dUtanco somo o them apjKar very rich In vegetation. The Danish government has recently begun, under the direction of Mr. Pe tersen of the Iilologlcal Station at Co penhagen, an Interesting effort to aid the fishermen of the Hultlc by prevent ing the migration of eels from that sua Into tho ocean. Tho means employed Is n "barrier of light," formed .by placing fifty electric lamps along a submerged cablo between the Island of Kn no and tho coast of Kunen. The effectiveness of such a barrier depends upon the fat that the eels migrate only during the dark hours. Accordingly, as soon ,ts darkness begins, In tho season of mi gration, tho lamps are Illuminated, and thus wall of light Is Interposed from hv Science jMap&i-. ah". . ' 4 Iron on his toes. IIo'll notlco yon then." "Quit ycr klddln'," said tho young mnn. "That ain't It. I've been a-brcak-In' my neck over slnco I've took tho Job loln' work I ain't got no call to do. Honest, I never douo so much work In my Ufa ns I'vo dono In the last month. Most of tho fellers tako It easy nn' soldier when they get a chance, but I ain't never dono that. Thoro ain't been any let-up for' mo. I've been mlxln' up the sand an' wottln' It down nn' sortln' out tho Jnggers an' chlppln cnstln's and feedln' tho cupalocs an brenkln' scrap Just goln nil tho time, but It don't seem to mako no dlffercnco to him whether a guy work or loafs. I've been workln' myself. I guess he's got It In for mo for somo reason or another." "Most likely," agreed tho tobacco mnn. "He's probably afraid to flro you' for fear ho may not bo nblo to get any body to tako your place. If ho wasn't ho'd bo puttln you on tho back nn' glvln' you clgnrs every tltno ho camo near you. All tho snmo, the way It Is you won't get to Bufferln' with n swell ed head, which you might If ho petted you too much. You tako my tip: Just ns long as ho doesn't hit you over tho head with n tamping stick and pays you your wages you hang on. An keep right on workln'; It'll lw good exorclso for your muscles If It nln't noUiln' else. If he's a llsh don't you bo a clam." "That's all right," Bald tho young man, "but I hate to see a feller cold blooded." Chicago Dally News. which tho eels recoil. A similar prin ciple Is snld to. linvo been employed from tlmo Immemorial by fishermen on certain pnrts of uio coost of Italy. It Is no now principle that Debtor Fere of the Illcetre Hospital In Paris has ninde known In n recent article on "Work and Hepose," but It Is not tho less worth repeating. Ho has made ninny special experiments, nnd an nounces ns their general result that tho supposed value of various alcoliollc and other stimulants to Increase physi cal and mental energy, and postpone fatigue, or avoid tho effects of fatigue, Is Illusory. Thoro Is only ono form of effective, recreative repose sleep; and sleep, In order to exercise Its projwr power, must ho natural. The sleep pro duced by narcotics Ih "n toxic somno lence having tho appearance only of real reparative sleep." Hut sleep Itsolf Is a mystery concerning whoso nature wo jwsnesH merely u "hypothetical knowledge." Itecent studies by Prof. Penck In tho Alps, combined with those of Hugo Obermitler, a distinguished pupil of Penck, In tho Pyrcm-cs, have had tho effect of considerably shortening the estlmnto of tho length of tlmo that has elapsed slnco prehistoric man left tho marks of his presence In Kurope. It now apitcars that both In tho Alps nnd tho Pyrenees there exist contemporary geological records allowing four mic cosslvu perlodH of alternate advance nnd retreat of glnclntlon. Heretofore It tins been considered probable that prehistoric men dwelt In tho neighbor hood of theso mountains during tho last two Invasions of the Ice, but tho now ovldenco Is regarded as proving that It was only of tho last, or fourth, glacial advance that man was a living witness. Itnlnnil fur III Oliver. In a suit recently tried In a Virginia town n young lawyer of limited experi ence was otidresslng tho Jury on n Ilnt of law when good naturedly he turned to opimslug .counsel, a man of much moru experience than himself, and asked: "That'H right, I believe, Colonel Hop kins?" Whereupon Hopkins, with n smllo of conscious superiority, replied: "Sir, I have an olllco In Itlchmond wherein I shall lo delighted to en lighten you on any point of Inw for a consideration." Tho youthful attorney, not In the least abashed, took from his pockot a half-dollar niece, which ho offered Colonel Hopkins with this remark: "No tlmo like the present. Take this, sir. tell us what you know nnd glvo mo tho change." Ilnrper'H Week ly. To 'IV II I'iM.r Milk. "Here." said tho food lusiiectrtr. "Is an easy and reliable way to detect watered milk. "You tako a clean, well-polished knitting-needle, and you dip It down Into a wssel of milk. Then you draw It out upright, and watch It closely. "If the milk Is quite pure, some of It will hang to the needle. Hut If water hag been added, oven a llttlo water, the milk will not adhere to tho needlo at all." Look Like Kxairucrutlon. Clara That man Oraco married Is old enough to be her father. Myrtle Oh, I think his ago has been exaggerated; very few peoplo live to be that old I Puck. Every woman takes as much tlmo In getting off a street car as If she thought Iter destination was us far as tho cat expected to go. ' : TACOMA fi mllE I'ACIKIC UQUOIl AND WINE HOUSE. N. ItEUTKU, l'roprlotor. The best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Kntnlljr Trade a Specialty. Tel. Ked 1731. lttXS 1'aclflc Ave. 1S05 Commerce St. Tacortia, Washington M ONTY'S T111U8T 8TOUE Ilcrlln llulMlng. 113 South lllh Bt. Telephone Main lil. TACOMA, WASHINGTON The Best is None Too Good for You. Get It at The Trail Saloon & Cafe RUSSELL ORMSBY, Proprietor 113 S. 12th St., Tacoma, Wash. Ivory Wood Fibre Plaster Ivory Cement Plaster F, T. CROWE & CO, 1 105 A Street TACOMA, WASHINGTON STYLES RIGHT PRICES RIGHT Menzies & Stevens Latest Styles In HATS, MEN'S FURNISHINGS AND CLOTHING SPECIALTIES 913 Pacific Avenue Provident Bldg. TACOMA, WASH. Puget Sound Electric Railway Interurban Leavo Tncoma (1:00, 7:10, 8:10, 0:15 (Ltd., no stops) 10:10, 11 :10 n in, 12:10, 1:10,2:10, :i:I0, 4:15 (Ltd., no stops). 5:10, 0:10, 7:10, 8:10. 0:10, 11:15 p in. Umivo Seattle :!H), 8:00, 0:00 (Ltd., nn stops), 10:00, 11 :00 a m, 12 m, 1 :00, 2:00, ::(K), -1:00 (Ltd., no stops). 5:00, 0:00, 7 -,00, 8:00, 0:01), 10:00, 11 :15 p m. PUYALLUP DIVISION Leave lu vtillun fi :!), 7 :00, 8 :00, 1) :00, II :00 a in, 1 :00, 2:00, II :00, -1 :00, 5:00, (l:157:I5, 8:15, 0:15 pm. Leave IHli and Commerco fits. 5:10, 7:00,8:00, 10:00. 12 :(H) urn, 1:00, 2:00, .1:00,4:00, 6:00, (l;15, 7:15, 8:15, 11:15 p in. (5:!I0 a in omitted Sundays) Tacoma Trunk Factory A good Trunk Is always a good bargain. You can't judge from mete appearances. Wo sell Trunks that not only look voll hut wear well. Suit Cases and Hags of all sixes, styles and prices Itopairlngdouo, Phono Hed 2772 Dill C Streot TACOMA, WASH U. R. AlACSNINa, I'ruH. HHCJI ll ilLiO IB U. R. IVIAININIISa & CO,, Inc. Real Ettate Loam and Inveitmcntt. City and Farm Property. Timber and Coal Land. Pint-Clan Mortgage and Investment Securities, I2QUrrABl-,I3 UUILOINQ TAC MA, VAr1. THE SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN BANK Commercial Banking Savings Department Capital 15,000,000 BnrpliiB f:)50,000 Total Avitilalilo AHuntH t7,r00,000 A. CII1LHKUO, 1'rcHldont OHO. II. TAWIKI.L-, Munufe-or A. V. UAYDKN, Cushior Tucomii Olllco No. 055 Commorco 8t N. K. Cor. South lltli St. A Delightful BRE A KF AST Dish WHEAT-HEARTS Mule ailelUhtful brcatfait illah: with fruit adileil, a lovely lien rt. lle(iri Utile tlmu tu took. AlUliti'X t en lor fuel. 1 nunrttiittnl alaolul(.-Iy uru HliU toU let thn any other cureal Hold by all grocur. rlvo (nuiiil packHKO. tit conK. THE PUGET SOUND FLOURING MILLS GO,, TACOMA, WASH, ; TACOMA ! THE ABBEY K. J. MOONr.Y. Proprietor Tclcphono Jamci 2121 Wines, Liquors & Cigars Koomi In Connection TACOMA WASHINGTON THE ANNEX MAKTIK ANOKL, Trop. House of Fine Liquors Phone Main M6. Cor. Eleventh and Pacific Avenua the Mcdonald cigar go.: FclW tho llltthtft (Inulcs of ...CIGARS... Manufactured by tho teat factorlta of Now York nail Tamn. Alio a complttto lino of Imported Cigars, Cigarettes ond Smokers' Articles Tel. Main 765., 950 Pacific Avenue THE DAMFINO P.T.Mc(JI.01N, l'roprlotor Tclophono Main 1GI HSTAtlLISIIIil) imi'OKI! Till! WAK Imported nnd Domestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars i..W Jcll'orson Avoiitio, Corner 1'aclllo TACOA1A WASHINGTON L. L. ROBERSOrf. I'rtt. nJ Trtu. & II. ROBERSOrf, 5c'r. , EAT T. B. C. BREAD Mnclo jy TACOMA BAKING COMPANY Wluilonnlo Mnmifiu'turorn of llrcnd, OnVex, Kti Wo hUii mitke it npi'i'lnUr of UUU1) llltKAl). Tvl, Jamva Wl. 943 Tacoma Ave.. Tacoma, Wuh. Phono Main 718 l'avlng I'lant, 15th anil Dock The Barber Asphalt Paving Go. ASPHALT For Roofing, Street Paving and Reier voir Lining CONTRACTORS Street Paving, Drlvowaya, Floors and Sidewalk 203-4-5 Providence Bl'dg. TACOMA WASH. Wo main a Ppvclnllv of FINE POULTRY I'rivato Car Trailo Hollcltod Commercial Market HARRY HASH, Prop. Retail Dealer in Fresh and Salt Meats 1114 C Street Telephone Main 202 TACOMA J, II. TKUNKri, I'roa and lr. Tel.U Tacoma Carriage and Baggage Transfer Company OFFICE 101 TENTH ST. Carriages and Baggage Wagons at All Hours Private Ambulance Perfect In Every Detail FIRST CLASS LIVERY Hand jour Chucka for Hukkhk" to our Mo n'iKr, ho will uiuot you on all IiicoiiiIiik train. TACOMA, WAS". A. T. IIOMMUU, Hooy I VI 1 t. .' fr SSCSr l.llM. .w'-fci T -