THE HHSW AGE, PORTLAND, OBEGON VruTtAAfTu-ToiTii&ift !5i7TiS5hTTi5 4 TOPICS OF 3 THE TIMES "Dcbnitnllzcd" football hn become almost human. Tho year 1000 promises to bo nn tin usually prosperous one for tho big luw yern. If tho Independent nnd prosperous fnnner "gets the worst of It," what arc tho rest of us getting? Tho sonrch for tho best book In end less. There aro almost ns many best books as there aro renders. Hy tho court's decreo tho Countess Cnstcllano gets what sho wants and getH rid of what sue didn't want. Most of the objection to trlnl mar riages conio from men and women who huvu passed through marrlngo trials. It appenra that Uio "debrutallzed" class rush contents Itself with break ing a collnr bono Instead of u uecl:. Wo certainly are advancing. Hlchard Croker has been offered $100,000 for his nutoologrnphy, and from now on ho will ho receiving let ters beseeching him not to toll all ho known. Andrew Carnegie offers to donate 11,000,000 to the cause of universal pence. It lu hoped that thcro will bo uo unseemly quarreling among people who deslru to handle the money. Two Warsaw anarchist recently threw bombs at an nctretw. If her advance agent Isn't muklng Ute most of the Incident sho ought to fire him and employ a good, live American. In spite of nil the scientific .theories that hove been advanced It seems prob able that the matter of betrothnlM and marrlngcH will be rattled, ns heretofore, Jby the young iwrsons chlelly concerned, i Possibly the kaiser derarvea great credit for being an optimist, but one could pick out two or three person who really would luive mora excuse than the kulser for giving wuy to pw IiuIbiii. Mr. Uockefellcr say ho 'trusts Im plicitly In Providence." It has been the popular Impri'sslou for some time that Mr. Rockefeller's trust was In the Almighty. That In to say, tho Al mighty Dollar. According to Dr. Senn, of Chicago, more people- dlo from entlng food than from drinking Intoxicant. And yet It Is not easy to llml n satisfactory sub tltuto for food, oven If wo replace It with breakfast food. There Is a thoughtful lady In Phila delphia who wantH tho family phyHt clan to arrange. betrothnlM, no that there may In future lo less mlsmatlng. Tho question now arises, would tho doctor chnrgo for n house or an olllco call? Inconsistency, the paste Jwel of hu man nature, has never been better Il lustrated than by tho tmrbarouH con trast of bravery and cowardice which a medical Journal ioliits out In profos nlnual motor car drivers. They risk their live In icrllous runs for money, for excitement, for fnnio, from r.est for tho sport or whatever tho motive may bo. Vet fcome of them will not have the number thirteen ou their cars. Shrinking from the fictitious terrors of n medieval Huperatltloit thoy plunge boldly Into dangers that are so obvtoua that every spectator of a raco holds his breath. Curious llloglcul human nature t To help supply the demand In Amer ica for good servants and also to lielp Italian Immigrant to good places, an Italian banker of New York City pro poses to train Italian women lu model lieuses before they leave homo, lie plans to open In northern Italy practi cal schools of domestic service cu,ulpcd with American laundries, kitchens and dining rooms, where girls may learn free of charge the work that will be required of them, Then they will come to this country, where they will easily secure places on the strength of their practical education. It Is thought that persons of Intlucuco lu Iwth countries will bo ready to help this work, which Is philanthropic lu the best sense In that It promotes tho elllcleney of the worker and Insures good service to the employer. ltlgiutis Is said to bo a ininllty which npcnls especially to Americans. How ever that may bo, a purely Bclentlllc Interest Justltles the spreading of In formation contained lu a recent bulle tin of tho United States Geological Sur vey alwut tho slee of tho I'nlti'd States. Tho area of the United States proper, exclusive of Alaska, Island dependen cies and the Panama strip, Is given ns three million twenty-six thousand sev en hundred and cighty-nluo square miles. Tho absence hitherto of an otll clal standard resulted in a discrepancy between tho computations of the Cen sus llureau and the (lenoral Laud Olllce. A conference was called be tween these departments and the Geo logical Survey, nnd tho bulletin of the Geological Survey Is tho result. The sons of tho Count and the Count ss de Castellnno are tho real sufferers from tho mercenary marriage of which they are the Issue. While tho mother 1 glveu the custody of the children all of whom arc of tender years they aro to be given over to their father, n man of vile habits, two days lu the week, ono week at Now Year and Easter and a mouth In summer of each year. During these times they will bo with their grandmother, who Is n bit ter enemy of their mother nnd under tho Inllucnco of their father. If the countess succeeds lu making oven de cent frenchmen out of her boys under theso conditions both sho mid they will bo exceptionally fortunate. A mother must Indeed be of strong character and determined will to counteract the In fluences that will bo sot at work against her personality and teachings In such a case. Tho temporary ngrsement, or modus vlvendt, between the United States and Great Itrltnln regarding tho rights of American fishermen In Newfoundland wuters has stirred up considerable op xisltlon In sevcrnl parts of the llrltlsh Empire. The present Liberal govern ment In London has agreed that tho American llshcrmen may uso purse seines, and may employ Newfoundland crews, although both of these things nre forbidden by the local laws of the colony. Tho agreement Is to continue until an understanding can bo readied as to tho rights guaranteed to Ameri can fishermen by tho treaty of KSls and does not grant any right which that treaty does not appear to protect. The people of Newfoundland charge tho British government with betraying the Interests of the colony. In Natal thu arrangement Is regarded ns n blow at the system of colonial autonomy. It Is urged that the affairs of a self-govern I Ing colony should not bo discussed with a foreign state until the Imperial gov! eminent has the concurrence of tho colony Interested. In London the oppo sition condemns the government for what It calls "n complete surrender to A tnnnlnn " rffltw ltttm In 1 sitttiiPVftt Itlt1 """' '"" " '". . , .. . I consult mo .ircniics ueiuru lorinuiK mi opinion on these partisan charges. The ilshlng rights of Americans In Cana dian waters were recognized by tho llrltlsh at tho samo tlino that they recognized the ludciwndenco of tho Con tlncntal colonics. The revolutionists successfully contended that tho fisheries of tho whole Atlantic coast were n valuablo asset of the territory which had won Its Independence. After the war of 1812 tho llrltlsh claimed that tho previous trpnty was nullified by the hostilities, but tho American, commis sioners refused to admit that conten tion, nnd Insisted that tho recognition of our rights In tho fisheries was ns Irrovocahlo as tho recognition of tho Independence of tho colonies. Tho con ditions under which tho rights might bo enjoyed wero slightly modified In the trenty of 1818, still In force. Other nnd temporary agreements hnvo been made, but when they expired the old trenty again becamo active. Tho early rights, which were conceded lu tho first pencil treaty between tho mother country nnd tho colonies, have been mod I lied so many times that tho Now foundlanders nnd many llrltlsh nnd American have come to think that they are not rights nt nil, but privi leges. VALUE OF THE ARCHITECT. l'ulillo Not (irnrrnllr Informed na . Ilia True Worth. The real necessity for education in architecture, In our minds, Is not to teach tho public what Is good archi tecture so much ns to bring them to n closer appreciation of thu function tho architect plays lu public work. To many people he Is still n sort of upper craftsman, less buslucEslIko than a inn Kin, not as practical ns a carpenter, but one who Increases the cost of n building from some unknown reason nnd keeps tho builders all guessing. Any ono who looks bnck over tho progress of tho profession In this coun try for the last quarter of u century can readily appreciate how modern n thing the American architect U and how little he Is understood. The nation, the cities, the Individuals have thrown opportunities nt tho profession with both hands. Tho profession tins never t-eeu (julto equal to It, but tins mado n brave fight and Is lighting still. When we say that the public appre ciates nrchltecture wo do not mean that the appreciation Is n knowing or nn Intelligent onu It slmply'llkea a large, handsome piece of building con struction, and, generally bpesiklng, tho public tlint goes by ou the street will take kindly to the really good archi tectural monuments, Thero Is, however, beyond n question a great work to bo done, nnd the sug gestion to educate tho public by means of tho creation of museums of architec ture Is one which deserve careful con slderatlon and which If carried out very generally would undoubtedly do n gieat deal to bring about tho desired results. It Is snfe to say that tho collection of nrchttecturnl casts In the Metropoli tan museum at New York U studied nnd admired more than any other one feature of that magnltkvnt collection, nnd theivought to be similar collections In all of our largo cities. Whether the tlmn Is vet rliH for them to be Inde pendent collections Is n question. Kvon now nearly all of our muse ums have a mow or less general collec tion of architectural easts and If these could bo enlarged so as to bo more siKHJlIlc In their Illustrations to In elude models of complete buildings of the best typo, with examples of decora tions of furnished Interiors nnd with perhaps In connection therewith exhibi tions of architectural drawings they would become powerful educational agents. Itrlckbullder. A child's tlrst Impression Is usually made by the pateraul slipper. ELDERBRAU GROTTO KIUCKSON A 1IKIIO, I'rops. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars 54 Sixth Street MAIN 4102 PORTLAND, ORE. WESTERN SODA WORKS JUCIU.MIC1I A CItAMKIl, I'rops. Manufacturers of Carbonated Hover ages, Syrups, hxtract, Mineral Wntort null C'hnmpagno Cider. Sole distrib utors of Srdnvlllo Mineral Water. Phono Pacillc 1703. Omce and Factory, 204 Mill Strctt PORTLAND, OREGON Make Salesmen Of Your Windows After Dark A sloro may shut its doors nt sunset, but if its show windows aro Electric Lighted and attrac tively drevscrf they aro doing ns cllcctivo soliciting for tho next day's business as u corps of talcs people. Up-to-date stores nowadays con sider window lighting a necessity, whether they remain open alter dark or not. Competition forces modern methods. Is your store "SHUT UP" after sunset in the old stylo or in tho new? Thcro is no known llluminant which will light a shop window as effectively, handsomely nnd satisfactorily as Electric Light. Fabrics aro shown in their true colors and every littlo detail is brought out In true proportion to its Biirioundn . If your window Is not Electric ally lighted von nru throwing nwny cliunees for increasing your business only measured by the number of peoplotbat pass your store after dark. Dared on our new scale of Ito duced Itates lor current ou Meter basis, Electric Light is not nn ex penseit is an ECONOMY. For information call MAIN 6688 PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY FIRST AND ALDER STREETS J The SAVINGS BANK of the Title Guarantee & Trust Company PAYS 4 Per Cent Yearly Interest On Savings Accounts Interest Compounded Seml-Annually We Also Pay 4 Per Cent Interest on Certificates of Deposit And 3 Per Cent on Daily Balances of Check Accounts Save a Dollar Today and It WHI Work for You Tomorrow A Hank Account Is tho tlrst step to ward happiness, prosperity and comfort Hanking Hours, I) a. nt. to 4 p. m. ; Saturdays, 0 n. nt. to 1 p, in. ; Saturday evenings, 5. p. in. to 8 p. m. DlttKCTOUS Win. M. Lndd, J. Thorburn Kocs, T. T. Hurkhnrt, Frank M. Warren, George H. Hill. OFFICERS J. Thorburn Ross, Pres ident; George II. Hill, Vice President; T. T, Uurkhart, Treasurer; John E. Altchison, Secretary. 240 Washington Street Corner Second PORTLAND OREGON For Kino Wines nnd Liquors, call nt I THE WEST 1 O. ilUIUUH, Prop. fine wines, Liquors and Cigars Phone 1'nclflc 11)06 2.T5 N, Fourteenth Ht. PORTLAND, OIIK. NEW ALBINA CAFE 1 rATTERSON t McDOUGALL, Iio;i. Fine Wines & Liquors I The Old Corner I Cor. Russell Av. & Alblna St. Phone East 4386 Portland, Ore. LO DELL'S PLACE A. E. LODELL, Proprietor Fine Wines. Liquors and Cigars I WEINHARD'SIBEER Telephone I'ncllle HWI 411 North Nineteenth Ht. PORTLAND, OR. Pioneer Soda Works oundkIj ltitos. .! ro. MnnufnctnuTs of SODA WATER, EXTRACTS, SYRUPS, ETC. Factory, Itfi Water Htrcot Telephone, Mnln 2.W0 I'OKTI.ANI) OKKQON Crane Bottle Co. WlmlcMilo Dealers In BOTTLES Carry tho largest (took of Dottles on the Pacillc Coast. Mail Order ship ments given prompt attention- Office, 14th and Couch Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON STAR BREWERY NORTHERN BREWERY CO. Brewers and Bottlers of HOP GOLD 3 PORTLAND OFFICE: Corner East Third and BurnilJe Streets The Judge Demands the Best" LA TOCO Ky West Qgar EL PATERNO Ten-Cent Uader SIC.HT DRAFT King of Five-Cent Cigars W. S. Conrad AllnnoupollH St. Inul Distributor 'xn5 SA 'Aazr v - r jn iiMiiftVvWivuttk Amemmmmw A Western Cracker Made for Weitern People Ask your Grocer for Weitern Crackers and Cakes Take no othor kind if you want tho boat THETQKEPOINTQYSTERCO. 29 Second St., Portland, Or. Telephone MAIN eX Soli firowirs of thi Cilabntid Toke Point Oysters An Kutern OyiterTrnipUnted tmi grown ou our be Ji at TOKELAND, WASHINGTON "UNKQUALED IN FLAVOR AND KltKSllNKSa" Cannery at South Bend, Wash. Wholesale Pealcrn in All Varieties , of Nutlvo Oyetera. O SPICES, ' o COFFEE,TEA BAKING POWDER, FUIJ0WH0 EXTRACTS' Afcsstuttrvrtfy. FlrustrliYor, Orwrt tf Strtwtf h, flnsonibk fricesJ CL05SET&DEYER5 PORTLAND, ORECON. HL . "tk."- -1 S?4s IBSlmlfSi PASTEURIZED DAIRY COMPANY, Inc. I'nstcurlrcil Milk, Cream; Hatter, l-'p?" Cottago Cheese, Cheese, Utittdr Milk. QUALITY ICE CREAM Milk 4 per cent guaranteed , I'liono East RUB 800 Ruiicll Street PORTLAND, OREOON Phote PidUc lit) Work Done On Short Nolle The Never Regret Cleaning and Pressing Parlor Clcftiilni;, l'reMlng, Dicing nmtrjlcpnlrln-f. Steam anil French Dry Cleaning a Hpcclalty. Hulls l'rc-ieri While You Watt. 132 N. Sixth Street, PORTLAND, OtlEGON Michigan Company II. CIUW, Proprietor Phone Etut 2806 1S4 Grand Avenue Ericson Undertaking Co. Incorporated Funeral Directors and Embalmcrs LADY ASSISTANT I'liono Main C1J3 rOIlTLAND 409-411 Alder Street OKE0ON THE BUREAU SALOON FftA.NK HOITMAN, Proprietor Choicest Imported and Dorncstlo Wines, Liquors and Cigars Telcphono Main 6506 Boutlicaat Corner 1'lrit and Morrison rOIlTLAND OKEOON A. M. Willett & Co. Wholesale and Itetatl GROCERS Special Prices to Restaurants Prompt Dellrarjr Phone East 283 128 Grand Avenue 8. Washington, Prop. L. Wilkinson, Manager The Alpha Fine Wines, Liquors & Cigars NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS Headquarter for llnilrnitd and All Pro (chhIoiiuI IVoplo. I'liono Pacific 151 101 N. Park St., I'OItTI.AKD, OREGON A. H. Griswold Euiccuor to OltlKWOI.D ii 1'IIEQLEY TAILOR No Drnnpli Stor 131 Sixth St. PORTLAND, OREGON OUR BRAND Horse Collars Farmers, Teamsters and Horsemen, look to vour Interest. When in need o( Horse Collars, buy the best the SHARKEY COLLAR It has stood the test of wear and tear and climate (or twenty jears. Ask jour dealer tor them and insist on harluf the "Bhar- P.SHARKEY & SON Portland, Oregon V t -v i "- fc (SlXtf 3fun&t P hQW TLAIOU. OB - -rTms-iaei fn .nail IftTl f OLYMPIC. A Flour Whose Best Endorsement It the Fact that the Number of People Who Use It Multiplies Every Year rpra PORTLAND COFFEE & SPICE CO. Importers and Manufacturers Tea, Coffee, Spices, Extracts and Baking Powder 24 nnn 26 Front Street PORTLAND, OREGON' Lewis & Clark Cigar Co. CIGAR MANUFACTURERS Ask for tlio Celebrated Lewis & Clark Cigar - I2c Sacajawea 10c UNION MADE F hone Pacific 2263 PORTLAND' KING & GILMORE Telephone UNION 40C3 Real Estate Dealers Everything in the Best Properties Jersey Street ST. JOHNS, OREGON H. HENDERSON Real Estate I08 Jersey Street, ST. JOHNS, OREGON I bnvo cliolco litifllncss nnd Resldenco Tracta In nil parta of tho city. Correppondcnco solicited from non ruildent ownerrt of property or tlioao veoking invcRtmcnts liero. ABBETT All Kinds of Galvanized Iron and Tin Work a Specialty ALL WORK GUARANTEED NOT TO LEAK Agent for Quaker Mfg. Co.'s Steel Furnaces 110 Union Ave. North Shop rhono Knot 0177 KuHidencti i'liono Knst 1SU3- : JAMESTOWN, N. D. t The Seller Co OSCAR J. SEILER. Attorneyt-Uw President Paid Up Capital and Surplus $35,000 Collections Investments Real Estate Jamestown, North Dakota HY 11AII. AM) WATKK Columbia River Scenery tp4& R X TT7i-TTT ITAn KEUULiUUK LINE Tho excursion stonmer "NAII.KY GATZEltl" innkea round trips to CAS CADE LOCKH every Suiuluy, lenvinjc PORTLAND nt 0 n. m., returning ar rives G p. in. Daily service botween Portland nnd Tho Dulles, except Sunday, leuvinir Portland nt 7 n. hi., arriving about 5 p. in., carrying freight nnd pncseng-rs. Splendid accommodations tor outfits nnd livestock. Dock foot of Alder street Portland p foot of Court streot, The Dalles. Tele phono Main 014. Portland. A STORU & C0LUMBI1 A RlffLROlDCO. im siioi Passenger Trains Daily WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS BKTWKIM Portland. Astoria. Seaside Ltares UNION DirOT Arrires. for MtTgen, lUln-l ler, CUts lean te Pally. estport,Clllton,l J1UD a. u Astoria, Warren-1 Dtllr 8;00 -ru. ion, fiarei, uear.i hart rarkandba. Side. Astoria X Seashore fcxpreu Datljr. 7:00 p.m. Astoria Express I 9:10 p. in. v Dallr. I C. A. 8TEWAKT, J. C. MAYO, Comm'l Aft., 2 Alder St G. K.if.A. Tekpbone Main 906,