j:. TILE HCEW AGE, PORTLAITC), OREGON" m it h i All Humors Aro tnipuro mntlcra which tbo skin, liver, kidneys mid other organs cannot take caro of without help. l'lmples, bolls, eczema and other crup tlons, loss of appetite, that tired feeling, bilious turns, fits of Indigestion, dull head (iches and many other troubles aro duo to ,(hcm. They aro removed by Hood's Sarsaparilla In usual liquid form or In chocolated tablets known us Gnroatabo. 100 doses I Vet lip .Mcnnl Writ. William Henry Ifnrrlson had Jus, won the battle of Tlppccnnoe. "I felt Hint It wan up to me," ho ex tilnlnod, "to rIvp Hie fnturo novelNlB nf Indiana a sort of historical ImrkRroiitul." For, with the simple mlndednesi of prent men, It illil not occur to lilm Hint Iiidlnna'H coming nutliorn would chooip to lotnte the hcmum of their liMt solllns 'utorlcH In P.ilootlup, Mexico, (Jrnustnrk, franco anil othtr forotan coiinlrleH. Tho Evils of Constipation arc tunny; In fact nlinot every mmIoiih II neiM has it- origin in contliiitio'i and xoniu itii'illcltii'-, Instead uf pruven Inj? riiiiMlpu (loii add loll. This Is triioof tenst ca hart Icm, which, ulicn llrst uoil luivua hculllcial fillcct, Im tu'iliiM) lias t'l liu cout'tiuiilly JticmiMcl mid liefuri'loiiK thuri'tuedy ccacs In lutvo thu rl Ktitcst ellrc , Tliuiu N mi') j in pai' timi, hiiwcvur, that can ho relied iipiiii (oprodiKo thu saiuu rmiltHwifli thu fiiiuu (I m, even niter llllv yinrs' dully um1, ninl this In Hr ndri'th's I'll s, which liai a record of over 100 vcars iih tlio Htiiiulrnl iriii .'ly for ennttipntion and all troubles arising Iroiiian Initiu i Mnto of thu blood, Ilrandictli's IMli aro the muiiu lino laxa- Ivo tonic pi I your raiidpari'iits used and can bu found in otury ovciy ilrtiniiiiil iticill cinu f tore, cither plain or Miar-coali'd. TIlP IillNl lltltl. There wttM it viii'imcy In tho ministry of n West Highland purlsli, for which tlircc candldntcH prcnclied In tin1 church on three hiiccchsIvo SiiiiilayH. Tho llrt win dliultititlru In Htatttro, tho hccoiiiI fiiniillcr htlll, mid tho third tho miinlliMt Of nil. A lady In tho conRrcgntlon uttolto wllli n iiii'inhcr of tho church commit- tec, ninl iliuiiniulcd to know why such Ft mil 1 1 caudldittcH had been Hclcctcd. 'J'ho oxplnniitlon, hm it writer In tho London Ti'lejjnipli kIvm It, was thin: ' "Wcol, iiiiiin, yo hco tho Htcopcnds line hccouio very hiiiiiII, mid they're no lirliiKltiK not such big inliilsk-ra ua they UHod to do." To Drcok In New Shoe AlvrnyiMinku In Allen's ront-ljuo, n powder. It 'iiru4 liol.nwrntliiir, neliliiic. kwdIIuii (vet, (.'iiri'MCiirim, liiKrowliiK nitlliiniiil hanlmm. At nil ilnmxMH unit nlinuHturcit '.''.(. Don't iirrept uny Miliilllnlc. Hiuiiil(iiiiilli'l ntl'.i:. Aililrvoi Allen 8. Dliiuted, l.u Hoy, N. V, ' f2 nm Hi if n IWvniln Cliy. Loss than two yearn ago a prospector lost his way In thu desert near tho Cali fornia line, In Nyo County, Nevada, mid died of thirst. On tho sK)t where that niau'H liody was found Is now tho town of ilullfrog. A water works plant costing friO.OOO supplies an iiliuiiduiico of water. There aro hotels with baths In many mourn uud residences equip ped with nil thu modern paraphernalia that make for comfort. Klcctrlc lights Illumine the utrccls where only tho ntnrs of heaven looked down on tho death of tho lonely miner and within the radius of a very few miles there aro now about 15,000 people. ! Tim i;vr1wiltnir Cumiirllllnn. , Tlio eminent HliiphiilliliT vim ciplnln Ihk tint pl.uia uud upvchlcatljii.t for tho new vi'mH. "In nilillt Ion to bring the. InrccKt and most foriuliliiblo baltlcsldp nllont," ha aiihl, "and tho superior of all other, both from an ofYt'iudui ami ili'foiMivo point of view, having thu mint powerful armament nnd being priu'llenlly luvuluer.ible, It will be tint fastest, beyond nil comparison. It will be nbh) to ateam tweuty-l;ht miles mii hour." "Hut If It N to l ho much belter than nny other," asked onu of tho members of the committee, "what Is tho iiho of devot ing ko much attention to mere NpcedV" "Why er It might be neeexH.irj fioiun day. Yon can't tell wlun ono of tho other great powers may build a bljrser nnd heavier bnltlpHhlii " CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON NO LIMIT TO ITS P0WRS FOR EVIL Cotitn,'iotiH Hloatl Poison lias brought moresufTcrlnp;, misery nml lutmlln lon into the world than till other diseases combined ; there is hardly any limit to iti powers for evil. It is tho blackest nnd vilest of nil disorders, wrecking tho lives of those uufoitnnnto enough to contract it nnd often being transmitted to innocent offspring, n blighting legacy of eufTerlng mid shame. to highly ciinta,;Ioii is thu troublo that innocent persons may contract it ly. lining the s.mio table ware, tuilet nrticks or clotliing of one in whose blood the trencln tons vitus has taken root. Not only is it n powerful poison but tt very deceptive one. Only those who have learned by bitter experience know by tho little sore or ulcer, which usually makes its appearance first, of the fluitcring which is to follow. It conies in the form of ulcerated mouth tmu throat, unsightly copper colored spots, .swollen glands in the groin, lulling hair, offensive tiotes and ulcers on the body, and in severe cases the linjjcr nails dtop oil, tho bones become diseased, the nervous system is shat tered nnd the .sufferer becomes an object of uitv to his fellow man. KsnccN itlly is the treacherous nature of Contagious Jllood Poison, shown when the nitectca pctsoii endeavors to combat the poison with mercury nml potash. These minerals will drive away all outward symptoms of the tioubles for u while, nnd the victim is deceived into the belief thnt he is cured. When, liowever.the treatment is left off ho finds that the poison has only been driven deeper into the blood nnd the disease reappears, and usually in worse form liccause these strong minerals have not only failed to remove the virus from the blood but have weakened the entire system because of their destructive action. S. S. S. is she only real nnd certain cure for Contagious Wood Poi son. It is made of a combination of healing blood-mirifvintr roots, hetbs nnd barks, the best in Nature's great offer a tewanl of Ji.ooo for proof that S, 5 S. PURELY VEGETABLE , .. , , ever seen ngntn, nnd offspring is protected, rt'nte for our special book on Contagious Jllood Poison, which fully ex plains the different stapes of the trouble, nnd outlines a complete home treat incut for all sufferersof this trouble. No charge is made for this book, nnd if you wish special medical advice nbout case or any of its symptoms, our physiciaua will be glad to furnish that, too, without harge, TH SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATIANTA. 9A POWER OF THE NAVY. Nonprofraalnnnl Mlnil Find It Hard to llenllac SlrniKtli. j Figures Eooni essential to convoy to tho nonprofessional mind nn ndeiiiat" conception f tho stupendous power for tiggre.sslon or for rcslstanco concen trated In twelve bnttlo ships, four nr tnorcd cruisers, four protnt.ted critt ers, four monitors nnd n dozen torpedo bonts nnd torpedo-boat destroyers, be sides submarines nnd auxiliary craft, sny Harper's Weekly. It must hero Hitlilco to say that the twelve bnttlo ldps nlono which wero ninsscd off Oys ter Hay represented n combined dis placement of nearly 101,000 tons; tho armored cruisers, nlmost Im.OOO tons; tho monitors and protected cruisers, ..... ... i- i i. ...i. .t inoro Ulan o-,uuv iuiui, aim uie ....- lighting licet, Including tho torpedo DoaiH aim sumiiariiics, um uaviiiiui ituxilinriwi, nn ngKregme tiiximii-uiui-ui of upward of 1! 1 1,000. Itelatlvcly powerless nnd Insignificant as the torpedo boats may have looked, the truth Is thnt If one of them, the Wilkes, cculd set near enough to mich a iloatlng fc-t as the battle ship est Vlrisluln nnd spit n torpedo out of her tube, In the right direction, $0,000,000 would go up in hip air una cuu ..km. would be food for tlslies. We may add, In order to refute H'vnu groundless nc cuatlotiH, that tho cost of the naval n view, Imposing as tho pageant lookod, was negligible. The cost was cotnput ed by Hear Admiral Hvans at $.'!00 all told; ror, us no poiiucti oui, so. long as n ship Is lit coinmltwlon, It Is Just as eheap for her to bo nt anchor off Oystar Uay us to Im) Htcamlng ncross thu ocean. . ,,. ,...., i iiim a--iN tiriiiii i Among tnu prominent men or now I.tigland there was none, perhaps, who i woru a larger couar man loin iiccu. One hot day In the Hummer of 1001 Itccd was In Portsmouth, and, having to wnlt over for a train, ho decided to mnko an Impromptu toilet, changing his collar, etc. Ho he hied himself to the nearest hahcrdnHhcr'x nnd began n gen eral survey of tho collar display In tho store. "Waited on, sir?" queried ono of tho clerks. "Not yet," responded Itced, nnd then ndded, "I would like n collar." "What MzuV" piped tho clerk. ".Hlzo 1!0," nnswered Heed. "Wo don't keep collars so large, lint I think you may bu accommodated three stores nbovo." Heed went nnd found the third storo nbove. It was a harness shop. It Hounded I'tiKi-nicfiii. A frugal and Industrious shoemaker Ihih two daughter of whom ho Is very proud. Ho provides n good homo for them, dresses them well, and Is giving them a good education. Not long ago ho drew on his modest hank account for n Hum Hulllclent to purchase n new piano for them. Whnt followed may bo described In his own words. "Oh, yes," ho confided to n neighbor, "they wero grateful enough for It, of course, nnd Ifn n great comfort to hear em play and wing, but what do you HiipposcwnH thu llrst thing tho glrla Icartied on ItV" I in sure I don't know," snld tha wlKhlwr. "'Everybody Works but Father.' " OniUaliiim of lllalorr. Socrates was busily engaged In writ ing. "Why do you keep on grinding out that atulTV" shrilly nuked Xautlppc. "It doesn't sell. Nino-tenths of it comes back from the publishers I" It," ho nald. "I nm writing for tho hencut of posterity, In tho belief thatx " "l'osterltyl" snapped Xantlpne. "What has posterity ever dono for you, I'd lllco to know I" Illl.. .1 .-It.. .... 1 at fiat a I i -usierny, my near," miiiuy rejoined Socrntcs, "bus nlwn been polite enough not to interrupt tne In tho middle ot a Bonteneo." Which crushing retort silenced the good dnmo for tho spuco of nearly thirty eec onda. laboratory of forest nnd field. We S. S, contains n particle of mineral r m any lonu. a. S. S. goes uowtt to the A cry bottom of the trouble nnd by cleansing the blood of every particle of the virus nnd nddingvich, healthful rmalitics to this vital fluid, forever cures this powerful disorder. So thoroughly does S. S. S. cleanse tho circulation that no signs of the disease nre "How do you like your now Jib, Mlly?" Inquired tho perlodlcnl nnd to bacco vender of tho young mnti with tho dinner pall who had Just purchased two "stockyards zephyrs." "Plwi lull nlll'f n wnfflA.1' rmilln.1 flu. v ' i.,.. ...v. .., mm gtlMVi1R tho cKnrs cnn,fll. ,y ,,, U 1)od((,t ..j nn,t klck1, 8jC(.njy on tho Job." "Poor pay?" "Well, the pay's nbout ns good ns a ..,,,. ......, I1V ' . ..fJo,t yo ,.0 t,( 1)()(,8? Th gn ,,, tf) worc for ..,, my ,)e rl(,ht fjp thon) ais 0 work f(jr ,,,, ,,, tho younu discontentedly. "I nln't struck on ,,,, rnysi,f. ..u-hat's tho troublo with hlml" "He's a flh. lltnt'is alU" Mnld tho young until with tho dinner pall. "I've been workln' thcro for n month now an' ho ain't spoko two words to mo, Vept what he has to nbout the work," "That ain't right," Bald tho tobneo mnn Hyin,mthetlcally. "Ho ought to bo H0C,e. There nln't no need of n fel- ,or I)llttn jM ,io tnlglit take half 1()Ur lcu , (, .,. to Het (,ow1 .nti' tnlk over tho bnselmll nltuntlon." "I don't know as I want hlni to be soclnble," said thu young num. S' fur's that's concerned, I've got friends o' my own. Hut what I mean Is he don't seem to take no notice o' tne." "Oho him n poke In tho ribs nn' toll 111 tn to cheer up iih lie goes by," ad vised the tobacco inerclmiii. "Throw a chunk o' slag at hlni or drop n pig o' During the nineteenth century fifty two, .new Islands roso from tho sen by volcanic action nnd sixteen disap peared. According to an expert In phrenology tho average adult head has n clrcum- ferenco of fully twenty-two Inches, Tho average ndult lint Is fully )" size. The sizes of ineti'd hntH nre i and OTh generally. Tho professors of Hcottlsli colleges generally wear 7 to 8 sizes. ww variety of clgnrettu hns been !put ,, for Hiu In tho French govern- ,unt tobacco shops. It Is guaranteed rm from nicotine. Opinions vary as to tll0 lwriH ot tl0 lww W,.,M. Many nvitornto smokers declnro thnt It con- NlHtrt lllL.ruy r ordinary tolmn-n boiled tl Bet rl)l of tllt) ncoUm,. ThejP fldd that with the poison tho nrouia has also I ,.,. ) lllliniivil. Tho peddlers with enrts who supply thu occupnntH of villas In tho environs of Paris with cherries, nnd other fruits ' frequently carry for snlo n few small turtles. They nro purehnsed by tho Inhabitants of thu villus to be placed t In their g.trdens, whero they are bo- Moved to servo iih very effective nhlH to the gardener by preventing the rnv- I ages of tho Insects uud other smnll creatures which nro accustomed to do much dainago to tho tlowcr beds nnd Ixmlers. An electric Inmp Inclosed In n pretty little cngo formed of line metallic chains nlmost touching each other, and held rigid by metnlllc rings nlwvo and be low, Is tho very latest thing In lethnl chambers. Its destined lctlm Is the mosquito. My this Indention recently Hhown to tho snvnntH of tho Paris acad emy by M. Chnulln tho Insect Is pleas antly attracted to Its loo.ni, An unseen alternating electric current passing through the chains kills It ns It endeav or to liivestlgatn tho attractive lumi nous object Inside. According to tho Investigations of Monsieur Senrat niun,iig the Macule Isl ands, there Is a slow elevation going on there, which, by lifting the reefs grad ually above the waves, preserves them from- erosion nt tho top, and enables vegetatle.ii and certain aiilmnl forms of n terrestrial character to elst there. This Is unite In opposition to Darwin's Idea that tho atolls were formed by the gradual subiuergeiico of miall Ulnnds, that tho coral-Insects built up encircling reefs iih the Islands panic. Monsieur Seurat shows that the elevation of tho Islands Is a general phenomenon, hut variable In amount, somo Islands, like Atikena In the Gambler .archipelago, rising rapidly, and others very blowly. Moth tho tlora and the faiitin of these Islands are confined to very few species, although seen from a distance some af them apioar very rich In vegetation. Tho Danish government has recently begun, under tho direction of Mr. I'e terfcn of the Mlologlcal Station at Co penhagen, nn Interesting effort to nld tho fishermen of tho Maltle by prevent ing tho migration of eels from that sea Into tho ocean, Tho means employed la a "barrier of light," fcymed by placing fifty electric lamps nlong a submerged cable between tho Island of Fntio and tho coast of Kuiieii, Tho effectiveness of Mich a barrier depends upon the fact that the eels mlgrato only during tho dark hours. Accordingly, ns soon as darkness begins, In tho season of mi gration, the lamps nre lliinlnnte), and thus u wull yf light Is luterjosed from Sfeycntion i s Mf r-iQ Iron on his toes. IIo'll notice you then." I "Quit ycr klddln'," said tho young . tunu. "That nln't It. I'vo been n-brenk-In my neck over bIiico I've took tho Job iloln work I nln't got no call to do. Honest, I never dono so much work In my Ilfo ns I've dono In tho last month. Most of the fellers tnko it ensy nn' Holdler when they get n chance, ' but I nln't never dono thnt. There nln't been nny let-up for me. I've been tnlxln' up the snnd nn' wettln' It down an' sortln' out tho Jnggcrs nn chlppln' cnstln's and feedln' the cupalocs nn hreakln' scrap Just goln nil tho time, I... a- la. .t..(a. A- .- UM to h.m whether n guy works or loafs. I'vo been workln' myself. I guess he's , I...- got It In for mo for somo renson or another." "Most likely," ngrecd tho tobacco inan. "He's probably nfrntd to flru you for fenr ho tuny not bo nble to get any body to tnko your plnce. If ho wasn't hc'tl bo pattlu' you on tho back nn' glvln' you cigars every tlmo ho enmo near you. All the same, tho wny It Is you won't get to flufforln' with n swell- ed lionil, which you might If ho petted you too much. You tnke my tip: Just ns long ns ho doesn't hit you over tho head with a tamping stick nnd pays you your wnges you hang on. An' keep right on workln' j It'll bo good exercise for your muscles If It nln't nothln' else. If bo's n llsh don't you bo n clam." "Thnt's nil right," said tho young man, "but I hate to Fee n feller cold blooded." Chicago Dally Nows. which tho eels recoil. A similar prin ciple Is Httld to, havo been employed from time Immemorial by fishermen on certain parts of tho const of Italy. It Is no new principle that Do.ctor Fero of the Mlcetie Hospital In Paris hits made known In n recent article on "Work nnd Kepose," hut It la not tho less worth repenting. Ho hns made many special experiments, nnd an nounces ns their general result that tho supposed vnluo of various alcoholic nnd other stimulants to Increase physi cal nnd mental energy, and postpone fatigue, or nvold tho effects of fatigue, Is Illusory. Thcro Is only ono form of effective, recreative repose sleep; and sleep, In order to exercise Its projier power, must bo natural. Tho sleep pro duced by narcotics Is "a toxic somno lence having tho appearance only of real reparative sleep." Hut sleep Itself Is a mystery concerning whoso nature wo MssesH merely a "hypothetical knowledge." ltcccnt studies by Prof. Pcnck In tho Alps, combined with those of Hugo Obcrmnlcr, a distinguished pupil of Pcnck, In tho Pyrenees, havo had tho effect of considerably shortening tho estimate of tho length of tlmo thnt has elapsed since prehistoric man left thu marks of his presence In Ihtrope. It now npiR'ars thnt both In tho Alps and tho Pyrenees thero exlbt contemporary geological records Hhowlng four fine coshIvo periods of alternate advance nnd retreat of glnclatlon. Heretofore It hns been considered probable that prehistoric men dwelt In tho neighbor hood of theso mountains during tho laHt two Invasloim of tho Ice, but tho now evidence Ih regarded aH proving tlmt It woh only of tho last, or fourth, glacial advance that man was a living witness. ltoliiud for Ilia Oliver. In a suit recently tried lu a Virginia town n youiiR lawyer of limited experi ence was inldrcssliiK tho Jury on a point of lnw when (,-ood iiaturedly ho turned to opposing couiihcI, n man of much more experience than himself, nnd asked: "Thnt's right, I hcllove, Colonel Hop kins?" Wlierenjion Hopkins, with n smile of conscious Kiiperlorlty, replletl: "Sir, I havo nn ofllco In Itlctunond wherein I shall ho delighted to en lighten you on any point of law for a consideration." Tho youthful attorney, not In the least ahashed, took from his pocket a half-dollar piece, which ho offered Colonel Hopkins with this remark; "Xo tlmo like tho present. Take this, sir, tell us what you know nnd give mo tho change." Harper's Week ly. To Tell Poor 5111k. "Here," said tho food Inspectcy, "Is nn easy nnd reliable way to detect wntered milk. "You tako n cleau, well-polished knitting-needle, and you dip It down Into n vessel of milk. Then you draw It out upright, and watch It closely. "If tho milk Is quite pure, somo of It will hang to tho needle. Hut If water has been added, even a llttlo water, tho milk will not adhere to tho needle at all." I.aoka Like Kxairirerntton. Clara- That man Grace married Is old enough to bo her father. Myrtle Oh, I think his ago hns been exaggerated ; very few people llvo to bo that old ! Puck. Kvery woman takes as much tlmo In getting off a street ear as If she thought her destination was as far as tho car expected to go, Why Refer to Doctors Because we. make medicines for them. Wc give them the formula for Aycr's Cherry Pectoral, and they prescribe it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption. They trust it. Then you can afford to trust it. Sold for over 60 years. Artit't Chorry Pectoral li h rcmntf that lioufil be In ever? Iiotnx. I Imve unl a Rriftt deal ot It for Imril cmittln nnd colds, nd I know wlut a tplondlil medicine It la. I run lint recommeml It too lilgUlr." MAIU4 K. Coiisn, Hydo I'mk, Mutt. miE2& JSVSSRZ -- w- RUBBER STAMPS Best In America We make them i Wn tin tint tulcn nrttprtt ami tuulrllA ntir TtntilM Bumps, Bcais, Ktc V manufacture our own roods, uur cquirnnciu u 1110 iiumosi find bent money can buy. Wrlto today lor our "Itubborbtamp Catalogue." THE IRWIN-HODSON CO Portland, Oregon l'nnrnl Him go. TTIiftt Tlin lilon of Kllkkni xlnlmlnt. in bo n mrd working man Is tho richest thing I'vo heard of lately. Konmann Well, ho Is, by George I lie's tho hardest man I ever tried to work. Mothers will find Mrt. Winnow! floothlng Byrup tha beat romedy toutoforthetrchtldrou durtag tho tcoUilng period. X-Itn for Prnrl rinlii-ra. Pearl fishers on tho const of Ceylon find X-pnys of great service. Ily their application It Ih possihlo to distinguish without opening tho shells tho valua ble oysters from those contnlnlng no pearls. Tho Intter nro thrown back Into tho sen. StrnltH Mudcet tteware of Ointments tor Catarrh that Contain Mercury BJimorcurjr will auroly rtoatroy tho aonio ot moll and eomnlotolyilaraniru tho wholu ira- l torn when ontorliiR It tnruiiRli tho mucous turiavca. micu aruciciaiiouiii never do ued except on pruacrlptloni from reputable pliy Klnni,aa ihodatnaRii they will Uo la tenfold to tr.oKood you can ponilbly derive front thoin. Ilall'a Catarrh Cure, manufactured Lv 1'. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, ., contain noincrcury, and la tivkun liitornnlly, acting directly ujion tho blood ninl mucouaturfaccRot tho ayatein. lit buy I iii? Ilall'a Catarrh Curo bo nuro you got tho genuine. It la taken Internally, and made In 'fuluilo, Ohio, by K. i. Chouey tt Co. loitl tunnlali frco. Hold by PruRRlitt, prlco tie. per bottle. UtUl'a Family l'llli are tho belt. I Looked Thnt Wny. "Come, Willie," said his mother, "don't bo so Hellish. Let your llttlo brother play with your marble a llttlo while." I "Mut," protested Willie, "ho means to havo them always." "Oh, I guess not." l "I guess yes, 'cnuso he'd swallowed cm." St. Louis Post-Dispatch. CITO " Vitus' Dance nnd all Nerroue Ola'asea lllo pcrmunanUy curnl hy Dr. Kllna'a flrml .Sirvi Uraiorer. Miml for KllKK 3lrll boltl- and treatise, Dr. 1L ILKIIar, U1..BJ1 Arch UL, l-Ullo.,!1. I'oroe of Ilnblt. Tho modern Sherlock chuckled. "I'll'stako a silk hat against n stoglo that man Is a New York policeman," ho whispered. "How can you tell?" nkcd tho mys tified friend. "Ho Is not In uniform." "No, but I shouted 'Sldo door to tho right!' and you should have seen him duclc" PIICS CURED IN C TO 14 DAYS. PA 7.0 01NTMKNT is Kiiarenteeil to euro any casoot felling, bllml, blecillnn or protruding piles In 6 to It days or mono refuinled.&Qc. ' Ubvloua UxiilauatloB. "I find It dlfllcult to grasp aome of your Idiom," mM tho scholarly looking man with the spectacles nnd tho sllshtly foreign accetit. "For example, I tender ed to a cab driver this morning a coin which I s.ipposcd was the legal fee. Ho I looked nt It nnd snld It was shy about otie-tmir. What did be mean by 'shy'?" "Ho meant that you had offered him too. modest a sum," said the native. "0, I see." Tlio lvintl You Havo Ahvnrs U A HadabrJ.O.AyerOo., IrfweU,Uasi. yi Alio manufaotarir of fl xl f B0VC phRSAPARIA KA JLCwtfO HAMVIOOR. BHMMtMaaMBnBaaBMlaBBaHHMHMi turo ot Clms. II. Fletcher, nnd hns been mmlo unilcr hit iiursounl Kiipervisiuu for over 0 years. Allow no ono to ilceelvo you in tills. Cotinterl'oit.s, Imitations and " JiLst-as-jjoixl" aro lmtEviierhueiits, antl ciiilanurer tho liealth of Children Kxperlenco against Uxiuiriiiient. What is CASTORIA Castorin is a, ltariuless substltuto for Castor Oil, Pare i;orie, Drops and Snothuitr Syrups. It is Plcasnnt. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio htihstance. Its npro is its guarantee. It destroys AVorma and allays Feverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea uud "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Trouhlcs, cures Constlpatioa nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the Stomach and iJowels, glviug healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought lioari tne Cda&&4&&4 In Use For Over 30 Years. THl CINT.ua COHMHT, TT UU1 eTBCCT, MCWTOaa CITT. All the best breed (n and Individuality. Young stock on hand at nil timet, (,'orri'v pondeiK'O solicited. f-otlKfiii Hon Kiiiirnn teed. Addrem D. L. KtYT Pcrrydalc, Orcion BIG MONEY For you In NEVADA ftS MINES A For Ittindrcit C A. STOCKTON, Droker Illftlitly Invested i ..i.., , WrltoToilay. PORTLAND, OREGON h. .r.TJ M-lif-IM Tl i Important to Timber Owners We aro purchasing aircnt for largo timber bin era from all pari ot tlio rounlry. Thco men aro lincstlni? In Oregon and Washington limber. lands, Oregon It will I pay Ira nay you to write nslmmuillately. giving legal descriptions and net prices on your timber Inml lu tlicio status. Address Timber Department, Northwestern Guarantee & Trust Go, lomfcer Exchange Bldg, Second floor S. L Cor. 2nd and Stark Stt, PORTLAND. OREGON HO PLATES ILY DENTAL CO. TBS Li Wo rrmoTO your bad teeth and broke PAINLESS broken off old roots absolutely vlthout pain. Examln atlon and estimates Tree estimates I rcc. oric ino nesi. iriccs t. Bolld cold crown. Ill lirlilROWorlc, o Host, l'r tho Lowest, bol II.W tier tooth: tlolcl and Knamel rilllnir. tl anil tip Jlest llubbcr Plates, 1M per let! Rood tut, t Painless Extraction, &3e, third and Couch StrccU. Portland, Oregon. There is no satisfaction keener than beano dry and comfortable when out in the hardest storm. YOUARE5UIEOPTBI5 If YOU WEA1 tOWED WATERPROOF .OILED CLOTHING LUACK OR YELLOW w cNwutvwrwHtat. A.J.TOWtl :o,MJTOH.HASS.U.iA. TOWtR UNADIAH CQ.ltetti.TOI0NIO. CAR DR, G. GEE WO Wonderful Horns Treatment This wonderful Chi. neio Doctor Is called Knat btcnuia ha cuira ix-oplo without opt ra tion that art. a veil un to die. 11a cures wl h throe wonderful Chi nrsa berb, loots, hints, barka and vrcelablra Hint are entlnljr un known io mcuir&i aci- enco la Ill's coun:ry through thu um of those harmlt-M rvmrdlea. This tnuwui doctor knows thoarilonororrraOOilinrrvnl retuedlrn, wlilclt he uses sticcf nfu'ly In different diseases. Jla i;tiaran,rtoc'irecatanli,aithma,lunr,Uiroaa rhcuiuatUm, nerrout'irss, atomacfi, liver, kid neys, etc i has bumtrets of testimonials. Cliarees moderate, fall and aeo him. l'a'lonta out or the cliy write for blank and ctrcolara. Band ataiop. CONHUI.TAT10N a'Klili. Address The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. 1 62i rirst St.. S. C. Cor. Marrbon Ment'ju paper Portland, Oregon P.N. IX No. 52-08 WIIBN wrlttnir to advertisers uiKiillon this iiiir, pleaaol Dnusrht 1ms borno th slsrua Signature of LARGE . ENGLISH GERKSHIRES "'"ULWK v X cv vW WW AflB yETHNs BaCEagek laaaaaaao1afaaU f t